Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1920 Wings Niya Red Thunder 5 (Part 2)

Chapter 1920 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 5 (Part 2)

Under the dim light, Andur stood up with difficulty. He held his abdomen and finally regained his breath. His eyes were still shaking from side to side. He shook his head, and the mask on his cheeks was peeling off little by little.

Andur immediately took off his mask, and a small area of ​​his abdomen was dented. A burning sensation immediately spread all over his body. Looking at Niya walking towards him step by step with a serious expression on his face, Andur realized that he was no longer this person. The little girl's opponent.

But Andur still stood up. He smiled coldly and looked at Niya opposite. For a moment Andur thought of death, but the next second Andur had already ejected.

Niya had no expression on her face, calmly looking at Andur who had jumped in front of her. The moment Andur's fist was about to hit her, Niya gritted her teeth and suddenly bowed down. With the red lightning, Niya Ya's fist hit directly, and there was a loud bang. Niya took a step forward, and Andur's arm bent back. There was a loud bang, and the ground was torn apart by streaks of red lightning.

Along with the violent airflow, Andur flew backwards again, and dents were instantly pressed out by the huge force on the ground. Niya snorted coldly and walked towards Andur step by step.

With a banging sound, Andur rolled and slid on the ground. After hitting a lot of things, he finally stopped. He raised his right hand that was already in severe pain. The punch just now made Andur feel it. The power that she was so proud of could no longer pose any substantial threat to Niya.

But Andur still got up, and he rushed towards Niya again angrily, swinging his fists in a chaotic and rapid succession. After Niya dodged and defended several times, she accurately grabbed Andur's hands. Just a moment of particle contact reaction allowed Niya to accurately find the trajectory of Andur's attack and react immediately.

Violent red particles were released from Andur's body, trying to clamp Niya with telekinesis. However, when the red particles just approached Niya's body, streaks of red appeared on the surface of Niya's body. Electricity, electric current is as if it is alive, like a coat, flowing evenly and regularly on the surface of Niya's body.

"Okay, it's time for you to be captured without restraint."

Niya looked at Andur with a smile. Andur was still roaring angrily and wanted to catch Niya, but Niya no longer planned to continue fighting with him. Competing with the weak was the most boring thing. , Niya understood all this a long time ago. Looking at this guy who was shouting in front of her, with a ferocious and twisted face, Niya couldn't help but laugh.

"It doesn't matter what you did in the past. No one can go back to the past, and no one can see the future, right?"

Andur was stunned. Suddenly, Niya let go of Andur's hand, leaned down, and hit Andur's abdomen with her fist. He flew out directly. There was nothing Andul could do with this punch. After enduring it, it seemed as if his body was about to be torn apart. There was a crackling sound, and Andur's body was scorched black. He fell heavily to the ground, and Niya yawned.

At this time, Niya noticed a lot of people coming in. Andur was lying on the ground dying, motionless. Niya yawned and looked at more and more people coming over, including many gang members. Mutants.

"What's wrong? What are you doing here?"

As soon as Niya glanced at them, everyone dispersed, and some of the gang members who had been beaten by Niya ran over immediately.

"Someone told us, Sister Niya, you are dueling with others here, so let us come over and join in the fun."

Niya grabbed a guy and he immediately raised his hands.

"We really just came here to see if we need help, Sister Niya."

Niya pushed the gang member away, and then pointed at Andur who fell on the ground.

"Help me carry him over."

Hundreds of gang members moved out of the way, and then started walking behind Niya. Niya noticed that the one-eyed fox was also coming, and walked over to say hello to him. The one-eyed fox smiled and hummed. .

"Did they tell you that I was lured here and would be defeated, so you could take the opportunity to help? They also told you that I am the daughter of the Angus family!"

For a moment, the gang members looked at each other and smiled awkwardly. Many of the gang members started talking in a garbled way. They were not fools. When they came over, they thought that no one could be Niya’s opponent. As expected, this was the result. The powerful mutants around the wise man are vulnerable to Niya.

A group of people started walking noisily.

"I will leave here tomorrow. I am in a good mood tonight, so I will treat you to a drink. You go find a place, and I will have a drink with you tonight."

Niya said that many gang members cheered. At this time, Ran Zhi, who was watching everything on the screen in a dilapidated small building on the outskirts of the stinking area, had a solemn expression. Tom next to him had a very solemn expression.

"The plan failed. Andur didn't even have the chance to threaten Niya with a bomb."

When Niya and Andur started fighting, Tom felt something was wrong, including the person who had been monitoring and tracking Niya before. Tom also vaguely felt that this girl had an extremely surprising change.

Looking at the silent wise man in front of him, the wise man laughed.

"Everything is temporary, nothing is permanent!"

Tom looked at the wise man with slightly crazy eyes, his expression a bit ferocious.

"Do you want to continue?"

"Of course, remember? The new generation who were marginalized by the gangs! This is an opportunity, isn't it?"

Ran Zhi said, turned off the screen, then turned around and walked slowly.

"Take me out of here, Tom. It looks like I need to rest for a while. I will have to work hard for you next."

Thom felt bad, Andur had been captured. The scenes over the years kept echoing in Thom's mind. He knew very well that he would never have the chance to see Andur again, and Andur then In the years to come, he will also undergo countless tortures and tortures.

On a street in District 113 close to the stench area, Niya was sitting outside a shop, with Andur lying motionless at her feet. The gang members were communicating with each other and asking their subordinates to bring some food and drink. , Niya also plans to have a good drink here tonight.

Then leave here. Everything you have done during this period will eventually be exposed. Niya is very clear about this. Soon a takeoff and landing plane quickly glided towards this side.

Niya took out the phone and pressed the number 0013.

"The matter has been resolved. Andur has been caught by my mother. Come here quickly and have a drink with me."

"Sorry, there's something going on here. No matter what time it is, I will definitely come over."

Gene said, Niya hummed and wanted to hang up the phone, but hesitated.


A burst of hearty laughter came from the other side of the phone, and she hung up. Niya curled her lips angrily.

"Idiot guy!"

9:09 pm

Gene put away the phone with a smile. Huashen, who was wearing the uniform of Section 3 next to him, stared at Gene quietly, his expression a little solemn.

"What's wrong, principal? Are you happy?"

Gene shook his head, and the two of them sat at Hawke's house. Tian'ai was baking something with a smile. Today, Tian'ai is getting more and more beautiful, with a beautiful face and a well-proportioned figure. She is very good in everything she says and does. Gentle, like a well-behaved kitten, Hawke followed Tianai every day to participate in activities in some local music-related places.

"Come on and eat it while it's hot, doctor, Gene."

Tian Ai wiped the sweat from his forehead and placed a plate of barbecue in front of Jean and Huashen. Jean smiled softly, while Tian Ai held his hands in front of him reservedly and stood in front of Jean with a red face.

"Jean, you haven't been back for a long time. We love you but we miss you so much."

Hawke's weird voice came. Gene nodded towards Tianai, and then stroked Tianai's head. Tianai obediently sat next to Gene. Hawke brought her a glass of sparkling drink. Basically, the bar It has ceased operations, but some former patrons would bring their own wine here to have a drink from time to time, and Hawke would also provide some food.

Hawke is very satisfied with his current life, especially watching Tianai grow up day by day. He is very happy. Although the boy Tianhen basically never comes back now, Hawke is also very happy every time he comes back.

"What happened to Jean just now? Did that idiot Niya do something again?"

Gene said with a smile.

"She got Andur."

For a moment, both Huashen and Hawke were a little surprised, especially Huashen. After being surprised, the corners of his mouth raised and he nodded affirmatively.

"That little girl is getting stronger and stronger now. If you don't work harder, you may not even be able to beat her in a few years."

Gene looked at Huashen next to him, he laughed, and then said in a low voice.

"Principal, it's useless to persuade me. I don't want to go back to medical school, that place."

Gene hummed. He knew why Hua Shen left Section 4 and why he volunteered to serve as a medical instructor in Section 3. All of this was the root cause of the fall of the Hillman family.

Section 10 has obtained the Hillman family's technology to mechanically transform humans. Now this technology has gone a step further. This is what Huashen is opposed to. In his philosophy and cognition, medicine exists for human beings. , to alleviate the pain of human beings, cure diseases and save lives, but the project currently being carried out in medical schools is to transform human beings.

Using the power of medicine and machinery to transform humans into robots is something Huashen cannot tolerate the most. In the past, when it came to the research on life-span vaccines, Huashen was the first to firmly oppose it and did not participate because he might have seen it. I have foreseen that many problems will arise in the future due to the extension of life span, and now everything has come true.

Human beings have gained nearly twice the life span of the past, and human suffering has been extended. However, this is not twice as long as it can be explained clearly. The solidification of classes is the biggest problem. The process of human birth, aging, sickness and death is twice as long as in the past. In this double In the process, all the sufferings that humans need to experience have been infinitely magnified.

In recent years, Frye has published some social psychology survey reports. Most people in society now generally have a lot of psychological problems from childhood to old age. The whole society is very depressed and painful. In addition, some big people in society Due to the incident, the entire human race in Brilliant City has reached an era of extreme pain and depression.

In such an era of extreme suffering, there will always be various things happening, and when these things are added up, larger social events will appear.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the bar, and Hawke looked over suspiciously. The moment he walked over and opened the door, Hawke was stunned.

"Good evening, Mr. Hawke!"

King Xue at the door took off his hat, bowed slightly, and smiled gracefully, while Lolita next to him said with a cheerful smile.

"Good evening, Miss Hawke!"

Hawke smiled and lowered his right hand.

"You can go in, little Lolita. As for you, get out!"

King Xue smiled awkwardly, Lolita walked in with a playful smile, Hawke crossed his hands, and King Xue bowed deeply again.

"Sorry, Miss Hawke!"

Huashen looked quietly at Lolita sitting on his left and King Xue on his right. Gene had already gone over to bake food with Tianai.

"Don't try to persuade me, I won't go back."

Lolita sighed helplessly.

"You don't need to worry about the medical school for the time being. It's just that I have a proposal. We want to build a specialized research hospital for blight."

Huashen was a little surprised for a moment, and King Xue next to him agreed.

"Ms. Freya also died of blight, as did many people. Now that blight has started again, one in 100 people in society may get blight. This is the primary problem to be solved at the moment. , as for the research work on human mechanical medical treatment in the medical school, it has been temporarily slowed down, or you don’t need to worry about it for the time being."

Hua Shen was a little excited for a moment, but he soon realized that King Xue should have thought of all this. He should go back to medical school first, and then talk about it later.

"You are still the same as before, King Xue!"

Lolita sighed helplessly, poured two glasses of wine from the cup, and handed one to King Xue.

"You are good at everything, but only in certain concepts."

"Have the Marcus people been found?"

King Xue and Lolita both shook their heads. Hua Shen looked a little solemn at this time. Marcus has been missing for 7 years. Because of a past case within Section 4, Marcus was the main person responsible for the case. But he ran away, and the night Huashen saw him for the last time, Marcus just told Huashen that a new human race was about to be born.

Only Lolita knew the specific incident, but she said nothing. Huashen also asked Gene once, but Gene didn't say anything.

"We can't delay it any longer, otherwise the blight will eventually bring down Brilliant City. You have to find a way to shoulder this responsibility as the number one doctor in the city."

Lolita said as King Xue added.

"Including light and shadow medical technology, now that you, as the initiator of this technology, have left, the testing of this technology must continue."

Huashen took a sip from the cup, but quickly put it down again. He looked a little melancholy, but more helpless.

"I see."

Huashen said, and Lolita relaxed a little. King Xue smiled and raised his wine glass, and Huashen drank with him.

"Tomorrow I will transfer you back to Section 4 and give you the position of secretary."

Lolita said, and King Xue said immediately.

"With your qualifications and reputation outside, there won't be any problems. I have already prepared the specific things. You only need to give the speech at the inauguration ceremony. Do you want me to help you prepare the speech?"

Huashen shook his head.

"I really hate what you do."

King Xue said with a smile.

"Whether you hate it or you like it, someone has to do a lot of things, right principal!"

King Xue looked at Jean who was chatting with Tian Ai, and Jean looked at King Xue and the others.

"Good job!"

1:13 am

Niya laughed loudly and was drinking wine with several gang leaders. She was already a little drunk. Some officers and team leaders from the business department, as well as some department members, also came over. The whole street was lined with The seats were full, and Niya asked them to buy as much food and drink as they could, all on her own account.

Such an action attracted many people, and even some ordinary people on the street participated. Niya refused to accept anyone who came, and now everyone knows Niya's family status. Such a sense of shock shocked everyone. Don't even know what to say.

The most important thing is that Niya will leave tomorrow. The personnel transfer order from the headquarters has been issued long ago. Although many comments in society today have been suppressed, many people still know about Niya through word of mouth. Ya is doing mischief at the bottom.

Such things will definitely be exposed in the future, but Niya doesn't care anymore. What she wanted to do has been done, no matter what kind of punishment she needs to accept tomorrow.

Niya has not had this kind of heartfelt joy for a long time. For Niya, this kind of joy is really heartfelt. In the past few years, almost every day and every year has been terrible.

The people from Section 2 had already come over and took Andur away directly. Niya didn't know what was waiting for that man next, but the only thing she knew was that this man might not tell him even until he died.

At this time, a light blue shadow fell down. As soon as Niya looked over, she saw Gene walking over. Many gang members moved away in fear. Gene sat in front of Niya.


Niya placed a bottle of wine directly in front of Gene.

"Have a drink with me tonight, preferably until dawn."

Gene smiled and nodded, and the two began to drink.

Time passed by, and many people around were already drunk. Niya was also lying on the table. Gene was holding a glass of wine quietly, looking at the people still jubilating around. It was already 4 o'clock in the morning. 31 points.

Niya was still mumbling something, and Gene just watched silently, enjoying everything in front of him. He felt that everything was very relaxed now, especially when he was watching the growth of the new generation. Relaxation is different from the past. Jean, who has nurtured countless generations, has never felt as relaxed as he does now.

Jean had only felt this feeling in Ye Chunwang. Now that Jean thought about it carefully, many of the children he taught in the past were too rigid. When they grew up, they no longer saw this feeling. There was no childishness anymore, and Gene gradually understood something.

Niya still hasn't changed much from when she was a child. The only change is that in the past 9 months, she seems to have grown up suddenly, but she is still the same as before, and she still behaves like this.

Seeing the streets full of drunk people, Gene stood up, put Niya on his shoulders, and jumped directly to the roof. The whole street was so bright that you could see it all the way to the end of the street. People making a fuss.

"You'll have a hard time tomorrow!"


Niya opened her eyes and found herself in a strange dormitory. She pressed her head that was about to explode. She got up and ran to the bathroom. It took a while to calm down. After drinking some hot water, Niya opened the door. She looked out the window and saw the 5th Section Headquarters opposite. Then Niya saw some food in the heat preservation device on the table. After taking it out, she ate some and then left the dormitory at around 4 o'clock. Entered the headquarters of Section 5.

As soon as she walked in, Niya felt a lot of stares. Niya ignored them and took the elevator upstairs.

"I'm here."

Niya violently pushed open the section chief's office. As soon as she entered, she saw Dutamai discussing something with the secretary and a bunch of directors, so Niya walked over.

"What's wrong? Is there anything strange?"

Tamai put down what he was doing for a moment.

"How much did you drink last night and why did you come here?"

Niya sat on the sofa and leaned back casually. He noticed the complicated looks in the eyes of many council officers.

"If you want to fire me, hurry up. I have to go home later and ask my mother for money."

Tamai smiled awkwardly.

"What are you talking about? Niya, because of the case you solved and the Andur captured last night, I have decided to transfer you to District 29 as the local regional officer."

Niya scratched her head.

"Area 29?"

Tamai stood up, walked to Niya, and patted her shoulder.

"Work hard and you will be directly promoted to director next time."

Niya laughed.

"I'm irrelevant."

For a while, the directors were a little angry. During this period, a bunch of them had helped Niya deal with too many things. Many problems were not directly exposed because these directors were working day and night to deal with them. question.

"Whether you want to do it or not, the order has been issued. You can take three days' rest and go directly to your post."

Nya glanced at Tamai, who stood up with a playful smile.

"Why don't you just let me be the section chief from now on."

For a moment, the atmosphere in the section chief's office became solemn, and Tamai's expression was a little embarrassed. Niya stood up with a smile and patted Tamai's shoulder. The force was a bit strong, and Tamai felt a little. Strange.

"I don't know what you're doing Tamai."

"Niya, should you be polite to Tamai-sama and us?"

One of the directors couldn't hold it in any longer and spoke directly.

"Yeah, don't you think about how many things we have helped you handle, otherwise you would have been on the headlines by now."

"Niya, at least you should know how to be grateful."

All the directors started talking for a while, the smile on Niya's face disappeared, and Tamai immediately started to persuade her.

"Shut up, you bastards. Do you really think I'm an idiot if I don't speak up?"

Following Niya's roar, the section chief's office fell silent, and Tamai said immediately.

"Okay, okay, Niya, go and rest."

"What I've been doing these days are all problems caused by you bastards during my management period. I'm just solving these problems. You bastards, please go to the bottom and take a look. There are so many problems." , do you really think that everything can be solved by being aloof and sitting safely in this position? How can you handle it properly if you don’t do anything and let the people below handle it properly? Haha! Many problems cannot be handled properly at all. of."

For a moment, many people in the room were speechless. Niya pushed away Tamai who was blocking her, and glanced angrily at the council officers present.

"With your work attitude, if I become the section chief, you all will have to get out."

Niya turned around and left the section chief's office angrily. Tamai didn't know what to say for a moment, but it was obvious that although Niya's words were unpleasant, they were indeed the truth. The executive department had control over the bottom , almost already negligible.

"Okay, okay, let's move on to the next topic. There are a lot of things going on today."

Tamai said, feeling vaguely uneasy in his heart at this time, because he always felt that Niya's words about wanting to be the section chief were not a joke.

At this time, Niya went directly to the rooftop of Section 5 headquarters, overlooking the city under the sun in the distance. She took out a cigarette, lit it, bit it, and exhaled a puff of smoke easily.

"You are a bunch of idiots. If I become the section chief, I will tell you all to get out."

Niya said and sat down with a smile. She knew very well that if she really wanted to change something, she couldn't do it now. She could only rely on such rampage to change a little bit of things, but it wouldn't take long. Everything will be restored to its original state.

The transaction of power and money has become a habit. In these few months, Niya has seen all these things. Niya has also thought about whether the two can be separated, but the answer is no.

"Just take it one step at a time."

Niya turned on the light and shadow screen and immediately called up the map of District 29. She knew the kind of place in District 29. Niya also knew why she had to move herself to District 29, because the number of women there accounted for the entire district. 90% of the people, in an area where almost all women are women, Niya will still have concerns no matter how messy she is.

"You bastards, I'll let you take a good look at it."

Niya stood up and ejected directly towards the wall of the 5th Section Headquarters in the distance. After Niya got off the wall, she went directly towards Rose's shop. Now she had an idea, she just hoped that Rose would come back again. Please help. Although I don’t know if my plan will work, it may be of some help to the future management of District 29.

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