Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1918 Wings Niya Red Thunder 4 (Part 2)

Chapter 1918 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 4 (Part 2)

"Will she really come alone?"

December 16, 2 a.m.

Andur looked at the wise man worriedly, and Tom beside him had a serious expression. During this time, both he and Andur were exhausted. They obviously wanted to lead the girl by the nose, but instead they The girl led her away by the nose.

In the past two months, in order to help the gang members deal with some financial problems, the two of them could only keep running around on the upper, middle and lower floors, because Niya had completely disrupted the entire bottom-level gang member ecosystem. The blow was fatal and devastating at the same time.

All black industries are now basically broken, and it is extremely difficult to repair them, because most gang members have either surrendered or been arrested, or have directly changed careers under the threat of Niya. Nowadays, the bottom gang members Already scared of being beaten by Niya, everyone is in danger.

The gang members who killed Li Li last night were captured in just half an hour. Ran Zhi did not expect this. Now Ran Zhi is a little panicked, and the plan is likely to collapse because of this.

In the past, many basic industries at the bottom were controlled by gang members, but now it is different. Many ordinary people have got the cake of some industries, because the gang members in the past no longer dare to work for the tiger.

The collapse of the entire ecosystem caused the network of relationships that Ran Zhi had established in the past to quickly collapse. He could only continue to solve the connection problems at the upper, middle and lower levels. These disconnected connections exposed many black market problems. came out, and money laundering at the upper levels has been constantly unearthed, especially in the medical industry. Now the entire medical industry is under investigation.

"It's okay, the plan will definitely succeed."

Ran Zhi said, and at this moment he noticed Andur's somewhat dazed look in his eyes.

"Don't have confidence? Action at night."

Andur smiled, with a hint of imperceptible bitterness on his expression. The most nervous point for Andur at this time was whether he could successfully capture Niya tomorrow night, because in the past two months, Andur had noticed that Niya It is completely different from the past, whether it is action or the ability to fight for a long time.

All of this makes Andur feel uneasy. For this plan, Ran Zhi has asked the two of them to arrange some bombs in advance. All this is just a cover. It is still unclear whether Niya will I will come alone to Area 113, where Niya was kidnapped in the past, the place where the entire Hillman family was exposed and completely destroyed.

Ran Zhi wanted to weaken and disintegrate Niya bit by bit through mental torture, but things went counterproductive. He didn't know what happened to Niya. In the past few years, due to bombings one after another and many problems , in the end the girl couldn't bear it anymore and fell together with the entire Lightning Skeleton people.

The incident in the past was also planned by Ran Zhi. He passed several points and caused the entire Lightning Skeleton Guild to begin to fall. In the end, all members fell, but they were arrested later.

This is also prepared to put them in jail, because in the past few years, there have always been lightning skeletons in the plan, and they have repeatedly destroyed Ran Zhi's plans.

The reason why Niya was not kidnapped when she was destroyed for the first time was for the follow-up plan. The follow-up plan was very successful, but against all odds, it was lost to Mo Xiaolan in the end, who was deduced by Mo Xiaolan. their main purpose.

Ran Zhi became very angry when he thought of this. He gritted his teeth and stared at the table. The plan specially prepared for Hydera. Once successful, the door to Section 10 will be opened, and the bottom layer is likely to be completely separated from the city.

On that critical night, under Ran Zhi's plan, the people of the Lightning Skeleton Guild jumped into the pit as usual, but the mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole behind them, and Mo Xiaolan hid until the last moment before finally taking action. The result was the plan of collapse.

Even the Lightning Skeleton group became the targets of Mo Xiaolan's use. Mo Xiaolan successfully made Ran Zhi mistakenly think that it was because of his own plan that caused the Lightning Skeleton group to move. As a result, he lost the final step. Lost.

It's just that the soil at the bottom, which has long been fertile and mature, will not collapse because of a failed plan. Coupled with the power of the barrier area, the bottom layer is much stronger than Xing Ke thought.

Sure enough, as Ran Zhi thought, in just a few months after the failure of the bombing on January 1 last year, not only did nothing happen to the lower-level people because of the bombing, but they got a lot of opportunities and a lot of people because of the bombing. Gang members took advantage of this major event and sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

In an instant, the gang members firmly controlled the situation at the bottom, and Ran Zhi also took the opportunity to send blood from the middle and upper levels, making the soil at the bottom become more and more fertile.

However, everything is now disrupted by Niya. Ran Zhi's only miscalculation is that these gang members who have made a lot of money in the past few years and live in comfort are so vulnerable. Under Niya's control, In front of the fist, he is weak.

And Niya's approach of sparing some gang members also made the gang members betray her with gratitude. Now many gang members are looking for their whereabouts. Thinking of this, Ran Zhi knocked on the table angrily. He had already taken his son away. The daughter and grandson have been transferred to the underground facility of the Hillman family. The place is safe for the time being and no one knows about it.

Zhang Jin's identity as the wise man's microphone has also been investigated, but Ran Zhi will not be caught.

Ran Zhi knew very well that if he had to endure it, he would not lose to anyone. He could continue to be impressed for another 10 years. Even if tonight's plan failed, it didn't matter.

At this time Andur got up, took some bombs, and put them on his body.

"If you can't catch it, this thing is still very useful."

Ran Zhi said with a smile, and Andur nodded.

After Andul put the bomb on his body, he sat aside, took out a bottle of wine and drank it. In recent years, Andul found that he was getting younger and younger. It was not because of his mentality. At first I just think this is a psychological problem, but as time goes by, Andur finds that he is getting younger and younger. This phenomenon may be caused by this thing called the power of God.

Tom could see that Andur was very worried about whether he could successfully capture Niya tomorrow night. If he and Andur teamed up, there should be no problem and they could capture Niya.

The power of the purple god awakened by Andur has caused the number of alienated genes in his body to nearly exceed 2,000. Tom's alienated genes are only over 1,300, which is a relatively high value in the past research on S-class mutants. .

In the past, they had also stolen information from within the administrative department. The number of alienated genes of many section chiefs was maintained at around 1,200. Jill, who was killed by them together, had nearly 1,500 alienated genes. This was already the limit for mutants, and they also The number of Niya's alienated genes has been investigated and is a little over 1,000.

The number of alienated genes of the mutants in the Lightning Skull Guild is also around 1,100 on average. Except for their president, Xiong Dabiao, who has 1,400 alienated genes, and vice-president Olivia, who has 1,300 alienated genes, the others No S-class mutant is their match.

Each additional alienated gene makes a mutant more powerful. This has been known from the Hillman family's long-term research. However, there is no other way to increase the number of alienated genes except crazy exercise. .

At present, Tom has not found from some past information that mutants can awaken the power of Andur.

Thom walked to Andur's side, took the wine bottle and started pouring wine, intending to have a drink with him.

"I'm going to take a rest."

Ran Zhi stood up and turned around tiredly and walked into the room behind him. Tom smiled and nodded.

"It's okay. I will keep a close eye on the perimeter tomorrow night. Even if something happens, you can escape directly to the barrier area. All preparations have been made, plus the bombs placed to interfere with the perimeter."

Andur shook his head.

"I'm not worried about not being able to catch that little girl. I'm worried that if this continues, the plan may never be realized."

Andur said and looked at the tight door. Although the wise man's method of doing things can achieve a lot of results in a short period of time, there are always surprises.

Andur has become very tired over the years, and recently he feels increasingly empty in his body.

"Actually, I never thought that there would be such a day, or in other words, I have thought about it countless times, the day when we kidnap that girl, and then our plan succeeds, but I don't know why, recently I always feel like I can't see The end."

Thom hummed, and he didn't know how to comfort his friend. The two of them were cousins ​​in the past. They were also involved in the Hillman family's training program together. They were reused by the patriarch Eddie. They have been here for so many years. , did their best for the Hillman family, but now the family no longer exists.

When the two were hesitating, the wise man stood up and took them together for so many years. However, now the plan collapsed again due to some accidents.

The failure was a huge blow to the two of them, as it had been over the years. Even the most promising plan of Hydra failed, and the underlying plan that had been in operation for so long was now about to collapse.

"Even if we kidnap that little girl, can we really implement the follow-up plan stably?"

Andur asked, and Thom shook his head. He couldn't answer the question. Then Thom raised his wine glass and clinked it with Andur, and the two drank a toast.

In order for the plan to succeed tomorrow night, Andur has had a good rest for a few days. Now Andur's whole body is relaxed. He holds up a finger, and purple particles are swirling around the fingertips. Andur is very excited. It was clear that as long as he had this power, he would be able to capture Niya.

This kind of purple god's power has helped Andur do a lot of things over the years. Now it is basically certain that this kind of purple god's power can cause hallucinations in some people, although Andur doesn't know what they saw. What, but in the face of such power, the most vulnerable part of the human heart should be triggered.

"Rest, rest until tomorrow afternoon, and then go there again, I will go there first."

Tom said, and Andur hummed. The two looked at each other and smiled, holding hands together. They were both the same. Everyone in the family had died that night.

5:09 am

"I disagree."

Niya scratched her head and yawned, looking at Mo Xiaolan with an angry face on the screen and Jean sitting next to her. The work of investigating the bomb had begun. It was still unclear where the enemy had placed the bomb. place, but Mo Xiaolan was basically 100% convinced that this was to create chaos. The purpose was to kidnap Niya and then coerce the Angus family, or to achieve some purpose through this matter.

"Whether you agree or not, I will go alone tomorrow night and don't need any help from any of you."

Niya smiled confidently and looked drunk. She had drunk a lot of wine and planned to sleep until tomorrow afternoon, then eat something and prepare to go to the place the wise man said in the evening.

Niya didn't tell Mo Xiaolan about the specific place, or even Jean, because Niya was completely confident now that there should be few people in this city who could be her rivals.

A week ago, Niya fought with Ling Hong, and she was gradually able to catch up with Ling Hong. She was even able to beat him away when fighting Jean. Such a change was extremely exciting for Niya. of.

"I'll catch them."

Niya said, planning to turn off her phone, when Mo Xiaolan slapped the table angrily.

"At least let Gene go with you."

Gene, who was sitting next to Mo Xiaolan, stood up and carried Mo Xiaolan to the bed. At this time, Niya laughed loudly, turned off the light and shadow screen, and lay down.

"Let go. If that crazy girl is kidnapped or killed by them, it will be a big problem."

Mo Xiaolan stared at Jean angrily, and Jean smiled easily.

"You don't need to worry about that girl's problem anymore. It's okay. She is already very strong. Although she is still not as good as Alpha, her strength now comes from her heart. She has completed her transformation. Although she often does things a lot It doesn’t go through the brain at all, but that’s how she is, and the other party won’t be stupid enough to let us pass.”

Mo Xiaolan nodded understandingly. If they intervened in this matter, the other party would not show up. Therefore, as for the bomb issue that Niya had mentioned, Mo Xiaolan left it to the people in Section 2 to deal with it and did not notify others. Science people.

"Are you really sure that little girl can solve it on her own?"

Gene nodded and said.

"I'm sure she can handle it on her own."

Gene knew very well that Niya was completely different from the past. In just one year, she had completed her own transformation. She had made a qualitative leap in terms of mentality, behavior, and strength.

All the things that have accumulated in my heart in the past have long been wiped out. Although there will be some troubles after this incident is over, Jean is very happy to see such troubles, and the business department will start to move again.

"If I have to take care of everything, what do you need to do? Right, little lazy one."

Mo Xiaolan curled his lips and nodded.

"I know, I've basically figured out that bastard's thinking, but there are still some parts that I'm not sure about and I need you to go there. I'll give you some locations now. These places are very likely to contain bombs, but Many bombs are probably fake, you will understand as long as you go there."

Mo Xiaolan chuckled, and Gene hummed. After watching her lie down, he covered her with a quilt with a smile, turned around, turned off the light, and jumped out of the window.

After lying down, Mo Xiaolan was still thinking about something. Nothing is static. In the past few years, Mo Xiaolan has watched the business department decline to this level step by step. However, now there is a force that is silently Upward, lift Xing Ketuo up, and he is also a part of this force.

The little girl named Leona who he had worked with before, and Michelle, the genius of the Abron family, are currently the objects of Jean's attention. Both of them are too good, and Leona is just calculating. field, and Michelle's excellence has covered many aspects. Like her mother Freya, there is a sense of arrogance in her bones, and her attitude towards things, Michelle is better than her mother.

Although Michelle is now just a team leader in the 4th Department, and there are rumors in the 4th Department about Michelle's various bad things, especially her unkindness, like a machine, this makes her Mo Xiaolan felt at ease, extremely at ease, just like when he saw Alpha standing in front of him.

However, now that Niya, a girl who likes to mess around, is added to the mix, Mo Xiaolan feels that some kind of changes are taking place in the business department. This change will be drastic in the future. Mo Xiaolan has already seen it, and such changes will definitely promote As the city completes its transformation.

When Whit came to visit her before, she also talked about these two outstanding students. Leona was the kind of person who was physically lazy but mentally never relaxed for a moment. She needed someone to whip her from behind. , she could move, but she had already thought about it before moving.

And Michelle Whitt only gave one sentence, she is an all-rounder, even better than Alpha in many ways, and she is still very young, less than 30 years old, which is very scary.

Locke Jiahui also mentioned Michelle from time to time and hoped that she would work in the General Affairs Department in the future, but Mo Xiaolan rejected Locke's proposal. Michelle was too young. Youth was her capital, but it was also hers. Restraint requires exercise.

Mo Xiaolan could see the final fate of the geniuses cultivated in the Academy of God. Although they had been trained by the previous management, they took over the city without any experience, which ultimately led to this. In fact, the gods' education method has failed, but the gods have never mentioned this.

Mo Xiaolan got up again. She couldn't sleep and her brain was still running fast. She planned to read some more cases and then sleep for a while after breakfast.

The liquidation operation of Section 3 a few months ago has been exposed, and the impact of the situation has not stopped. There were a lot of curses for the inhumane practices of Section 3. In the end, such criticism rose to the level of all actions. Co's scolding, and everything Niya did at the bottom will slowly be exposed after the incident is over.

The future will continue to be chaotic for some years, but such chaos is worth it. In Mo Xiaolan's view, Section 2 is higher than the law and the authority of Congress, and the reason why it has been unable to be passed is due to the current alternation of old and new in the city. caused by the chaos unique to the era.

Even though those in charge, including the council members, knew that God intended for this plan to be passed, the plan still failed to pass at every city meeting.

Mo Xiaolan chuckled and looked at a report. On it was the information of a team leader named Li Ang. He was 100% sure that he was the one who leaked the internal information of Section 7 to Niya. Based on this information, Niya accurately located many gang members at the bottom who were economically illegitimate, and then gave them a head-on blow.

This squad leader has been dismissed from his post and is under investigation. He has been held accountable for leaking internal information from Section 7. The results should be available soon. Now this information is in the hands of Section 2. It is 100% certain that he is most likely to be sentenced to prison for violating the confidentiality regulations within the agency and acting beyond his authority.

"Just for Niya's sake, I'll give you a little help."

Mo Xiaolan said, and then transferred the next personnel list information.

"This kid Tianhen is really seeking his own death."

Mo Xiaolan looked at this document and found out that Tianhen, who had a promising future, had been demoted because of an incident he had caused during his field mission in Section 3.

"Hey, it's true, everyone is looking for trouble, but this seems to be a good idea!"

Mo Xiaolan laughed happily.


Niya woke up from her deep sleep. After taking a shower, she ordered some food and drinks. After she was full, she went straight to the street. She planned to stroll slowly to District 113, and the time was just right.

As soon as she came to the street, Niya noticed many gang members. After they saw Niya, they came over respectfully and passed cigarettes to say hello, and wanted to treat Niya to a drink.

"No, I have something to do tonight, I'll do it another day."

As Niya walked over, there were many gang members approaching along the street.

Soon Niya left Area 100. She knew that after tonight, she might leave Section 5 tomorrow. After all, such a big thing had happened, and she could only bear the blame. Gene was still doing nothing as usual. Say, let yourself figure it out.

"You bastard, didn't you promise that you would take the blame for me?"

Niya muttered, looking at the uniform she was wearing, she felt a little reluctant to part with it. She didn’t know why. She used to hate this black uniform, but in the more than half a year since she put it on, , I felt something different.


Niya smiled and continued walking. She did not jump directly between floors, but strolled on the streets. She wanted to see everything on the bottom floor again. She had stayed in this place for many years. She had obviously stayed there for many years. But I have only recently seen everything here clearly.

In the past, Niya's understanding of the lower class was limited to the streets and the people living there, but now it is different.

When the sun went down, Niya came to the stinky area on the edge of Area 113. No one lived here for a long time, because no one wanted to live in this place because of such tragic events that had happened before.

Because there was no good place in the whole place, Niya quickly followed her memory and found the place where she was kidnapped. There was still no change in the surrounding area. Niya saw the door of the dilapidated house in front of her. A pole was inserted. This was a metal pole that everyone stood here when the Lightning Skeleton Guild was established. It was directly inserted into the ground by Xiong Dabiao.

Niya took out a bottle of wine from her pocket, took a sip, and then took out a bag of food.

"I came here alone, come out quickly. I'm going to find someone to drink with after finishing my work early! You scum, you can do whatever you want, I'm just standing here."

Niya roared angrily, but there was no figure, only the sound of the whistling wind.

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