Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1916 Wings Niya Red Thunder 4 (Part 1)

Chapter 1916 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 4 (Part 1)

November 24, 2242

9 a.m.

A helicopter landed on a street on the western edge. A cordon has been set up on the street. A large number of Section 5 personnel have blocked and surrounded the scene. The road has been controlled and many vehicles cannot pass through. The main road leading to the factory area.

In front of him was a small factory that had been sealed up because it was suspected of providing dangerous raw materials to criminals in previous bombings. The people watching outside the cordon were all talking because it seemed that something serious had happened. Some Reporters were eager to interview him.

There were many clerks standing outside to maintain order, and many reporters were interviewing them, but they expressed ignorance.

There are a total of 12 factories in District 105, surrounded by some residential buildings and shops. Except for the large number of people during the day, there are relatively few people at night. Some people living nearby are being questioned and investigated by Section 5.

The first discoverers of several cases are being questioned and investigated in a small cubicle temporarily created by light and shadow materials.

Although the factory was sealed off, inspectors visited it. The three inspectors were from third-party agencies. They would visit some of the sealed areas every 10 days to prevent damage or missing facilities.

Today happened to be the tenth day. They arrived here early in the morning, opened the door of this small factory, went in to check, and then discovered the murder scene.

As the investigation unfolded, people in the periphery still knew what had happened. A staff member who was transferred from the bottom to the mid-level Academy of Action as an instructor died. The specific details of the incident were not made public.

Seven council officers had already arrived, and nearby regional section officers had also gathered. Many people laughed out loud during the discussion.

"You deserve it. No matter how much you fish, it won't be the same after death. There will be nothing left."

"Yes, this is retribution."

Nowadays, the people at the bottom are not surprised by the death of members of the executive branch, and they always make fun of it, but most of them adopt an indifferent attitude.

"Step aside!"

A deep voice sounded, and many people moved out of the way for a while. Niya pushed aside the crowd and crossed the cordon directly. She had a serious expression, a cigarette in her mouth, and her eyes were angry and scary. Many people in Section 5 have turned their heads too far.

Niya strode into the factory and saw a group of people gathering at the collection site. She walked directly over, and several people who were still at the collection site immediately stopped Niya.

"You're going to ruin the scene, right now."

"Get away!"

In an instant, several members of the 4th Section Forensic Team were pushed away by Niya with telekinesis. The scene was in a mess. Several section officers also noticed Niya and did not stop them.

"If this thing worked, someone would have been caught long ago, right?"

Niya said viciously after stopping, and then spit out the cigarette butt. Sparks were flying from the cigarette butt that fell to the ground. Niya soon saw a place in the distance, where a group of people were discussing something, and on a platform on the left , with a corpse on display, Niya stopped.

He took out a cigarette again, lit it and took a puff. After exhaling the smoke, Niya laughed and walked over slowly.

"Stop discussing it. No matter how much we discuss it, there will be no results."

Niya suddenly walked up to a group of directors and section officers and said, and the discussion stopped for a while.

"Niya, you don't have permission to enter this kind of scene."

Looking at the female director in front of her, who often came to her home in the past and was also her sister's friend, Niya smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"The surveillance coverage rate at the bottom level is less than 50%, and the daily patrol service is difficult to reach even 10%. Many people who have completed patrol service basically do not go out on the streets."

Niya said as she turned around and walked towards the body placed on the workbench next to her. The female director who just said Niya came over and grabbed Niya.

"what do you want to do!"

Niya hummed and nodded.

"I just want to see her. She's my friend."

The female director let go of her hand, but she still noticed the anger and sadness in Niya's eyes, and then she patted Niya's shoulder comfortingly.

"Basically, the identity of the prisoner can be determined from the NDA residue at the scene, but it is currently impossible to determine where the prisoner is hiding. He may have escaped to the barrier area."

Niya didn't say anything. The moment she opened the body bag, Niya's hands trembled slightly. She lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. Under the smoke, Niya saw Li Li pale and pale. There were many scars on her face in pain. Niya didn’t want to know too much about how Li Li died in pain. Niya held the cigarette in her hand, closed her eyes and put her cheek to her, quietly He leaned his forehead against Li Li's forehead.

A cold feeling immediately spread all over the body. Niya took a deep breath. Her tear glands began to be a little uncontrollable, and a tear slipped out. Niya quickly stood up and looked at Li Li quietly.

"Ordinary methods won't work!"

As soon as Niya finished speaking, the female director realized what Niya wanted to do, and she immediately grabbed Niya.

"what are you planning to do?"

"I just wanted to investigate."

Niya smiled easily, zipped up the body bag, turned around and waved, looking slow and relaxed, but the female director behind her still caught up.

"You should go back and take a good vacation. It's not too late to relax for a few days before starting the investigation."

Niya hummed and walked out of the factory step by step. Along the way this morning, Niya saw that the people on the street had only one word of indifference towards this matter, and they were not even willing to assist the business department. People, talk to people in the business department more often.

Niya now understands more and more gradually that the people are a mirror. Why many things at the bottom are so difficult is because everything the managers do to the people is reflected.

After Niya left the factory, she quickly jumped to the top of a house. She sat on the edge of the house, hugging her left knee, her right leg hanging outside, and her chin resting quietly on her knee.

Under the sun, there were two crystal tears hanging on Niya's cheeks. Niya didn't say anything, just shedding tears silently. The cigarette on her lips had reached the end. The moment Niya stood up, she looked at him blankly. The sun in the distance is a crying face, helpless and sad, but still stubborn in its expression.

Who should be blamed and whose fault it was, these were the only two questions in Niya's mind, and she opened her mouth wide.

The same thing is always happening, and again and again, the shadows of many people appear in Niya's mind, those lives that have been lost in the past.

After a while, Niya's emotions finally calmed down. She kept wiping the tears on her cheeks, not wanting anyone to see them. She gradually calmed down, and she no longer thought about those complicated issues in her head. What exactly did the other party do? What do you want to do, where to hide.

As Jean once said, as long as there are things in this world, there are always traces to follow.

Niya stood up, looked at the block behind her, and closed her eyes silently. She knew very well that no matter how hard those guys hid, they still had to eat and drink, and there was always someone who could help them.

"Let's start with this group of people first!"

Niya looked at the group members on the list that Li Ang provided to her. They were active in Area 111. Niya turned around and jumped directly to the opposite roof quickly, heading towards Area 111 with sharp eyes. .

Niya clenched her fists. She no longer wanted to think about those complicated things. Fists could sometimes solve some problems, and even more often, they could solve most problems.

3:09 p.m.

There were rapid sounds of landing, and a back street in District 111 was filled with charred blackness. Many people were lying on the ground in pain. There were traces of cracks on the walls and floor. Doctors were helping the injured. People from the local Section 5 also came over, but no one dared to say anything.

"We have all said we don't know about that woman. Master Zhu, you can have her."

The local officer looked at the leader who had been beaten with a bruised nose and face. Although he was furious and frowned slightly, he could only turn around silently.

"Take them to the hospital first and lead people to cordon off the place."

The officers handling the scene looked at the shocking scene. The battle only lasted for more than 10 minutes. Almost all the gang members were lying on the ground with varying degrees of injuries. As these gang members lay down, some gang members What the elements had hidden was also exposed.

Several local officials were very panicked at this time, but they did not dare to say anything, let alone report anything to their superiors.

At this time, on the opposite side of the blocked back street, Ran Zhi stood quietly in the crowd, looking at everything in front of him with a serious expression. He felt uneasy because this was not in line with his plan. He didn't know what the girl was going to do, but The plan is very likely to be disrupted. People are very vulnerable when facing violence, especially gang members who are accustomed to being comfortable.

Didi didi

Ran Zhi turned around quickly, picked up the phone, turned and walked into an alley.

"A gang in District 112 was wiped out."

Ran Zhi hummed with a serious expression.

"We have to find someone to inform that crazy girl. Let's start the plan in advance."

Ran Zhi hung up the phone and planned to go to a stronghold. There was a group of people there who appeared to be doing some wholesale and reselling business, but in fact they were a gang that helped criminals hide.

Ran Zhi walked quickly, but just when he saw a small building in front of him, Ran Zhi stopped. He swallowed. He originally planned to come directly and let them run away, because he had just asked Mu told the group he was attacked that he had a good relationship with them.

"It's too late!"

There was a loud bang, and a red light burst through the door in an instant. Screams came from the house. For a while, many people on the street ran out and watched, not knowing what happened. What's up.

There was a loud bang, and a wall was instantly smashed. A mutant flew out with vomiting blood and hit a car on the street. Niya was ejected directly from the broken wall and landed on it. In front of the mutant who was whimpering in pain, he pinched his neck and grabbed him.

"Where are the people?"

"I don't know, I really don't know."

With a loud bang, Niya threw the mutant into the house. There were screams for a while. Ran Zhi on the street swallowed, and he felt that things were getting worse and worse.

The house was in a mess, and the floorboards were cracked. Many people were squatting on the ground with their hands on their heads in fear, and some were lying on the ground. Niya pressed the mutant's head.

"Tell me, you should have traded with them half a year ago. Tell me what you know."

Niya said, the mutant leader was about to shake his head when he screamed. His body was held up in the air by red telekinesis, his arms began to bend, and he kept shaking his head.

"Sister, I really don't know. Really, believe me. Maybe Smil and the others know, but I really don't."


Niya directly broke the mutant's hands, and he fell to the ground in pain. Niya walked over and stepped on his head.

"I'll give you one last chance. If you don't say anything, I will step on your head."

The leader looked at Niya in horror, sweat mixed with blood flowing on the ground.

"There might be someone down there in the basement who knows."

Niya kicked him directly in the face, then turned around, raised her fist and struck the ground roughly with a hammer. There was a loud boom, and the ground seemed to be torn apart in an instant. A big pit was exposed, and Niya jumped directly into it.

After just a few minutes, Niya came up. There were bursts of wailing sounds from below. Niya glanced at the guys in the room.

"If you let me know that you are doing this kind of business again in the future, I will beat you every time I see you!"

For a moment, everyone in the room nodded unconsciously. At this time, several management vehicles on the street approached, but Niya had already jumped to the roof.

Ran Zhi is still thinking about how to solve this problem. Now the group is in the stinking area on the edge of Area 113 where the signal cannot be reached, and Andur is dealing with some things in the middle level and cannot be contacted for the time being. Tom still needs Continuing to observe the trends, Ran Zhi thought about contacting the group in person, but finally gave up. Such an approach was too dangerous and could easily expose himself.

Soon, a large number of personnel from Section 5 entered the small building and found many wanted criminals in the basement, many of whom were already dying.

"Send someone immediately to guard the place and never let any reporters come."

A squad leader ordered with sweat dripping down his face. The staff under him were also panicked at this time. They could only follow the instructions and went around the facility to disperse some of the onlookers.

"Give me some hot dogs!"

Niya landed in front of a hot dog shop in District 114. The clerk looked at the dust on Niya's body strangely, as well as some visible dark red on her uniform, and there was a fishy smell that hit her nostrils. Niya bought it. After grabbing a bag of hot dogs and a large cup of tea, she jumped directly to the roof. After quickly eating something, she drank the ice-cold tea and stared quietly at a casino in the distance.

After resting for a few minutes, Niya jumped directly towards the casino. This was a regular casino, but this casino had a lot of economic flows from unknown sources. These things can be found in 7 Cores. , but because of the help of 7 core directors, the casino can operate normally.

Niya landed directly on the rooftop of the casino. Just as she reached the entrance, the rooftop door opened, and several mutant bodyguards came up directly, including people who knew Niya.

"Niya, what do you want to do? If you want to investigate something, you have to get a search warrant first, and"

"I only say this once, get out of the way!"

Niya stared at the several bodyguards with sharp eyes. For a moment, they were in a fighting posture, and the corners of Niya's mouth opened slightly.

"Then there's no way."

Niya rushed over in an instant, and in just three minutes, the six mutant bodyguards fell to the ground.

"You bastard, Nia, you."

Niya walked up to the bodyguard who was clutching his abdomen and curled up in pain.

"Tell me, you should know what is hidden here."

The bodyguard shook his head laboriously, and there was a crackling sound. Niya held the bodyguard's shoulder, and he realized something.

"you dare."

There was a snap, and the bodyguard's shoulders were instantly blackened, black smoke rose, and his eyes widened in pain.

"It won't be so easy next time."

"The boss is on the third floor. He just wants to transfer money today."

Niya laughed, and soon went directly to the third floor. When she came to the boss's door, the corridor was already scorched black, the walls were cracked, and a person was lying in the corridor. Niya kicked the door open.

For a moment, several people in the room woke up from a dream, and they all looked at Niya.

"Bodyguard, why did you let her in?"

A person in charge stood up and walked to the door disdainfully. Just as he was about to shout, he saw people lying in various directions in the corridor. His heart dropped. Niya behind him grabbed her by the collar and threw her directly over. Bang! With a sound, the person in charge bumped into the coffee table in the middle.

"We're going to sue you for..."


Before a person in charge could finish speaking, he was punched and his cheek was sunken. He screamed in horror, covered his nose, and rolled on the ground.

"You know these people, right? Before anything happened to them, they had very large business dealings with you. Where are they?"

For a moment, all the people in charge present shook their heads. Niya picked up a person in charge at random. He screamed in horror, and there was a crackling sound. The phones in the hands of several people in charge who were holding mobile phones and planning to report the crime were directly hit by red. The lightning struck and instantly turned black.

"I'm asking you questions. If you know anything, tell me quickly who picked up these guys and hid them after they happened."

The several persons in charge kept shaking their heads, indicating that they had no idea what Niya was talking about. Niya directly used telekinesis to lift the several persons in charge into the air. Amidst the horrified shouts of several people, Niya directly He led them to the underground floor. At this time, there were many waiters cleaning the casino. They were surprised to see several bosses being taken down, and they didn't know what happened.

"What's underground?"

"it's nothing."

A person in charge said hurriedly. Niya found the entrance to the basement, kicked it open and threw several people in charge down. She walked down and closed the door.

In less than a few minutes, Niya left the basement directly. With a satisfied smile, she kicked open the door of the casino and walked away in the eyes of many people on the street in shock.

"What are you going to do?"

A person in charge, whose nose had been broken, looked at the waiters who were about to report the crime and scolded them angrily.

"Close the door, there's no need for you to report it."

At this time, in the basement, several people in charge looked at the room doors being kicked open and the gang members falling to the ground one by one with horrified faces.

6:03 pm

Niya was sitting quietly in a pub in District 96, waiting. Sure enough, a group of young people came in after a while, more than ten men and women. As soon as they came in, they started shouting and ordering food and drinks. People look very happy.

After Niya drank the wine in the glass, she took out her new mobile phone, turned on the light and shadow screen and walked in front of the group.

"Do you know these people above?"

After taking a look at the leader who was holding a woman in his arms, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, but he immediately laughed.

"I don't know, miss, if you want to investigate the case."


Niya was not polite and directly knocked the leader's head hard on the table. For a moment, everyone around was stunned. Several people who had just stood up and planned to attack were killed by Niya in less than 5 seconds.

"If you say you don't know me, you don't know me."

Niya pulled the leader's head, and he looked at Niya with a smile. Niya pulled his hair and smoked silently.


"Kill me if you dare."

Niya grunted and pulled the leader up, raising her fists, but at this moment a dumbfounded woman cried and shouted.

"I know them. I know they were here last month."

Niya didn't wait for the leader to speak, she knocked him unconscious, threw him aside, and walked to the woman's side.


The woman trembled and began to talk. They were indeed contacted by them after the accident and hid in a place in Area 113. They also sent some food and drink there recently, but this was only within a month. They didn't pay before and after, so they didn't send anything over.

Niya laughed when she knew the place, then lit a cigarette and patted the woman on the shoulder.

"Leave this kind of man as soon as possible, otherwise you will regret it."

After saying that, Niya started walking. She did not plan to go there directly, but also planned to continue to find some gang members. These gangs were on the list provided by Li Ang. They were all hugely profitable gangs, and these gangs all involved violence. In the case of the attack on the business department, the only people who were caught were the people in the gang who took the blame.

"Let's clean up the garbage one by one first. Since you like to play, I will play with you."

Niya sneered and jumped onto the roof.

9:08 pm

Several men were sitting in a room, looking at Zhang Sheng sitting in front of them with serious and frightened expressions.

"Mr. Zhang, did the wise man say anything?"

Ran Zhi smiled and hummed.

"It's okay, don't panic."

However, as soon as Ran Zhi finished speaking, a boss's phone rang.

"That crazy woman attacked one of our factories."

The leader who spoke stood up angrily. The leaders all knew that this was Niya's crazy revenge, and they didn't know why they were targeted by Niya. Ran Zhi already knew the reason, but now they still have to stabilize these leaders first. Only they can.

Time passed by, and just 10 minutes had passed. A leader's phone rang. One of his establishments was attacked by Niya. Almost all the people in charge of that establishment were wiped out, and only a few people ran out.

"Everyone, please be patient for the time being and wait here for the time being. The Business Department will definitely take action."

Ran Zhi didn't feel confident when he said this, because although he had arranged for someone to lure Niya into Area 113, it seemed that things were not that simple.

10:01 pm

Niya sat quietly at the door of a shop with a pile of food in front of her. She had rested for an hour and now planned to eat something and continue to the next shop.

At this time, a group of people ran over in panic across the street.

"Miss Niya, right? We know where the person you are looking for is now?"

Niya stared sideways at these ten people and continued eating. Just as one of them was about to sit down, Niya stared at him.

"Did I tell you to sit down?"

The visitor immediately smiled awkwardly and asked where the group was. Niya ate leisurely and sneered.

"It's too late. I have been investigating for the past few months. You all know it, but no one has come forward to tell me that I don't want to catch that group of people now. As long as they are still alive in this world, I want to catch them." It’s just a matter of time, I really want to make trouble for you, one after another.”

妮雅话音刚落的瞬间,突然间起身一拳揍了过去,这个来的人直接飞到了街道的对面,躺在了地上一动不动了,其他人惊恐的看着妮雅,妮雅舔了舔Sauce on your fingers.

"Please tell me, I will come to you as soon as I'm full, and I'll come to you when I wake up, so get out!"

November 25

6:23 am

Niya yawned and sat in a courtyard. Many of the courtyard walls had collapsed, and many people were lying on the ground.

"We didn't mess with you, it's none of our business, I."

"I just want to exercise a little in the morning. If I want to blame you, I blame you for being a gang member."

Niya stood up, and the leader who was lying on the ground watched in horror as his body was pulled up bit by bit by Niya.

"You crazy person, you"

The leader did not dare to say anything more. Niya's fist had stopped at the tip of his nose, and he kept shaking his head.

Because at this time, the local officer outside ran over with an embarrassed expression. Niya carried the leader to her, suddenly punched the leader's teeth and threw him aside.

"Leave it to you to handle it properly."

Niya looked at a bunch of people from Section 5, all of them looked solemn, and no one dared to say a word.

"Okay, who should we go to play with next? Which gang do you think is more fierce?"

Niya asked, but no one answered. Niya turned on the light and shadow screen and immediately laughed.

"There's a gang next door, so just go over and have some fun."

"What exactly are you going to do?"

The female section officer roared, and Niya jumped onto the roof, ignored her, quickly crossed several streets, and kicked open the door of a company in an instant.

For a moment, Niya saw a group of people standing in front of her tremblingly, and the leader came over with a light and shadow phone while swallowing.

"Sister Niya, we have nothing to do with this matter, look at how much it costs, we"

Niya lit a cigarette, sat leisurely on a chair, and looked at the more than 40 people in front of her.

"Let's play a game. If any of you can beat me, I will let you go today!"

For a moment, everyone looked at Niya in horror, and Niya pointed to the sieve on the table opposite.

Then he walked over, picked up the sieve, found a cup, and started shaking it vigorously, which made a group of people tremble with fear.

"Big or small?"

The leader swallowed and hesitated for a long time before speaking.


Niya opened the cup, and everyone's eyes widened for a moment. The sieve inside had turned into black powder.

"Sorry, it's Zero!"

Niya roared angrily, and in an instant her fist had knocked the leader away. A bunch of people scattered in fear and wanted to run away. You are a well-known fraud gang. How many families and elderly people have you allowed to buy your things?

Niya laughed loudly and kept knocking people away. The entire company office was in a mess in just 10 minutes.

"Niya you"

The female section officer from before ran in panting.

"Don't you like talking about evidence with me? Last time I came here, you released these people because of insufficient evidence. Well, it was indeed me who beat these people. You can call the forensic team to come over and conduct on-site investigation. , and then just sue my mother. It’s okay. Our family is quite rich, so compensation is no problem. Then we can call the reporters over and report it well.”

More than a dozen team captains at the door looked solemnly at the laughing Niya leaving. Niya walked leisurely on the street and left under the surprised eyes of many people.

"Okay, who should we play with next?"

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