Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1913 Wings Niya Red Thunder 3 (Part 1)

Chapter 1913 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 3 (Part 1)

August 7, 2242

"Show me your ID!"

On the street, several people passing by were stopped by people from the Business Department and directly interrogated. People from the 5th Department could be seen everywhere on the streets. Many people didn't know what was going on. The only thing that was clear was, Since the beginning of the month, the number of people patrolling the streets has increased.

Especially at the bottom, it was difficult to see people from Section 5 patrolling in many places in the past, but now people from Section 5, Section 1, Section 4, Section 6, Section 7, and Section 8 can all be seen, often patrolling the streets. Inquiry.

It’s just that many people at the bottom have heard that there have been some vicious cases against Section 5 at the bottom. Among them, District 100 is the most rampant. There have been more than ten cases, and even people from Section 5 have died, and the way of death is very different. It was exactly the same, he was hung in one place, his hands and feet were broken, and there were cuts on his body, until he died from excessive blood loss.

Every day, gang members can be seen coming in and out of the management center of Section 5. They are summoned for questioning.

But one thing makes many people in the city feel uneasy, because they can always see a large number of takeoffs and landings flying overhead and landing at the guard station, and few people from Section 3 come out.

Many residents on the ground floor near the guard station realized that there was a problem in the barrier area, but no one knew what the problem was.

At this time, a little old man with a kind face and dark circles under his eyes was stopped.

"Sir, please show me your identification."

Soon the little old man showed his identity certificate, Zhang Sheng, and had all the resumes. After a simple check by the clerk, he immediately started to check others.

Ran Zhi looked at everything on the street with a smile, and his expression became serious. Although he had expected it, he didn't expect the action department to be so quick. They had already planned to take action against the criminal forces in the barrier area.

Ran Zhi still used the criminals in the barrier area as chess pieces, but this chess piece could only be discarded now. Xingke's approach of killing eight hundred enemies and losing one thousand to himself was too hasty.

The bottom layer is basically under control from several districts in the east to the edge of the factory area in the west. Most of the gang members who have been summoned to 5 Corey are just fringe guys. The core gang members have already In preparation, under Ran Zhi's suggestion.

Once the Xingke and Agata's Crimson Tide went to war, it would cause an irreversible situation. This was something Ran Zhi knew early on, but the Xingke had to do this.

Ran Zhi is well aware of everything in the barrier area. Over the years, too many people from Section 3 have been attacked while performing tasks in the barrier area. Presumably, the Executive Section must have found something about the red tide near the Alatan Ula Mountains. These things are enough to threaten the city, so they plan to carry out large-scale operations.

Now Xingke wants to control everything in the city, but Ran Zhi will not let them do so. The gang members have united and are very interested in the empire Ran Zhi mentioned.

Once a war breaks out, it will be easier to seize the bottom. The cost of the war will be passed on to the bottom. Congress should not use nuclear weapons. After all, this thing consumes too much energy. Ran Zhi has basically figured out some things now. , partly learned from the conversations between the AIs and themselves.

Ran Zhi has already guessed what the gods want to do. Although there is no substantial evidence yet, in a few years, he will be qualified enough to negotiate with the gods.

The current street patrols of the Executive Branch are not for the previous cases against District 100, but to stabilize everything at the bottom when the war breaks out.

Soon Ran Zhi returned to his home. As soon as he entered the house, he saw his son Ran Qiu studying with his grandson Ran Zhi, while his daughter Ran Yu was sitting on the swing, looking at the sky in the distance with dull eyes and a silly smile.

"How was your day today?"

Ran Zhi glanced at the time. It was just 11 o'clock in the morning. His son Ran Qiu hummed. His grandson Ran Zai still looked a little timid and huddled behind Ran Qiu.

Ran Zhi smiled and moved forward, squatting in front of his grandson.

"Xiaozai, what's wrong? Grandpa is scary!"

Ran Zai nodded silently, and Ran Zhi smiled and touched his grandson's head. He had not been back for nearly half a month.

Ran Zai has helped his son and daughter get new identity information. On the surface, they are husband and wife. To outsiders, what they see is an ordinary family where the middle-level business failed and finally fell to the bottom with the remaining spare money. The wife is suffering from He suffered from mental illness and finally had to return to his father's home.

"Do you have something to tell me?"

Ran Zhi looked at his son and shook his head.

"Dad, did you plan that thing? Kill the people from Section 5 in District 100."

"Yes! Is something wrong?"

Ran Qiu looked at his father in shock. He said nothing more. Ran Zhi walked into the house with a smile.

"Teach this child well, teach him how to read and count, and then I will teach him even better."

Ran Qiu looked at his father who entered the room. Recently, he felt that his father was getting more and more crazy. Every time his father did something, Ran Qiu felt frightened.

"When exactly will it be!"

Ran Qiu said, scratching his head in pain, but soon he opened a light and shadow screen, intending to watch "Special War Heroes" to relieve his stress. At this time, his nephew Ran Zai also came over. He liked this movie very much. The tokusatsu drama, like myself, the uncle and nephew watched with gusto.


Niya lay on the ground panting. Ling Hong and Gene looked at her quietly. Ling Hong came over and pulled Niya up. This is a special underground training under Ling Hong's house on the middle floor. room.

"You are still the same, but it seems that you have fully mastered this power. Rather than using your brain to master it, it is better to say that your body has mastered it."

Niya blocked Ling Hong's hand and stared at Jean angrily.

"Will you die if you come to help me for a while?"

Gene scratched his head.

"Sorry, I have to head to the barrier area now."

Ling Hong's expression was stiff and she winked at Jean. Jean turned around and picked up the uniform on the ground to leave. Niya looked at the two of them seriously.

"What exactly happened?"

Niya asked, Ling Hong lit a cigarette, shook her head and said.

"Children don't need to know this kind of thing. One day you can take charge of it on your own, you will naturally know it."

Watching the two people leaving slowly, Niya followed, but immediately Ling Hong suddenly reached back and pressed Niya's forehead.

"You are on vacation now. In the past few days, you should practice the places I made your body feel before, including some things when Jean and you were sparring. Use your stone head to think about how to fight. , this is very important, Niya, it is more straightforward to feel it with your body than to say it with your mouth. This is how the speed of progress comes, and this method is only suitable for you."

Niya froze on the spot, Ling Hong smiled and sighed, and Jean started laughing as soon as he arrived in the living room on the first floor.

"How's it going? Do you feel a little bit happy about being a teacher now?"

Ling Hong shook her head.

"This girl is completely different from her sister. If anything, she has no talent in fighting. Compared with her sister, there is only one thing. This girl's reaction ability is the strongest I have ever seen. people."

Gene smiled and nodded. Niya had just been tested for the number of alienated genes. A few months ago, it was still around 2,000, but now it is as high as 5,000. This is a very incredible change.

"By the way, is that boy Tianhen also involved in this plan?"

Jean asked and Ling Hong nodded.

"He signed up voluntarily. As for the other guys you are paying attention to, they did not participate."

Gene laughed.


Red lightning flashed in the palm of Ling Hong's hand, and a huge roar came from behind. Ling Hong laughed. This was a cell resonance phenomenon that could only occur with the power of a common god.

"She should be able to evolve this power to a higher place."

Gene nodded, and the two quickly left the house, entered the lift parked in the yard, and left.

In the training room, Niya was panting and dripping with sweat. The entire underground space was full of scorched marks and a large number of fine cracks. Niya raised her trembling right hand. Under her feet, there were A sunken pit with a dense number of cracks.

"Idiot, if you had told me earlier, I would never have lost to that kind of garbage."

Niya was so angry that she suddenly squatted down and ejected. The moment she flipped around in the air and the red lightning flashed on the surface of her body, she suddenly fell down and punched the ground.

With the burst of red lightning, the metal ground was torn apart and dissolved in an instant. The soil of the foundation was exposed, and black smoke was rising all around. Niya coughed and gasped, and quickly ran to the entrance. , sat down and took out a cigarette.

Niya became furious when she thought about Area 100. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. Then Niya got up. She planned to rest until the afternoon and continue training after dinner. Niya went directly to a guest room on the second floor. , after taking a shower, I took some food from the refrigerator to heat up, and went out directly after eating.

Niya planned to go see Mo Xiaolan. She hadn't seen Mo Xiaolan for a while. By the way, she planned to ask Mo Xiaolan if he had any good ideas about the recent cases in District 100.

At 1:03 in the afternoon, Niya landed on the balcony of Mo Xiaolan's ward. As soon as she landed on the balcony, Niya saw Mo Xiaolan sitting on the hospital bed, reviewing something. In Xiaolan's ward, there were more than 20 directors from Section 2, who were dealing with something.

On a chair, there is a uniform hanging and a hat, the hat of the chief of Section 2.

Now the section chief of Section 2 has been replaced. Just a month ago, Congress announced that the former section chief had retired and Mo Xiaolan was appointed as the section chief. This incident still caused quite a stir in the city. , but many people are convinced, because Mo Xiaolan has solved many major cases in the city in the past, and Mo Xiaolan has also solved the past bombings, otherwise the casualties will be more.

There were many unfamiliar faces among the directors inside, and Niya was sitting on the balcony, waiting quietly.

"Arrest immediately!"

While Mo Xiaolan was talking, a director came over and she tapped something on the light and shadow screen.

"I don't care if he hires a lawyer or not, I don't care if he is guilty or not, just arrest him!"

For a moment, the director's expression became serious.

"But he."

"Use your pig brain. It's easy to arrest a person, isn't it? From various indications, he has a direct relationship with the nine gang members at the bottom. With such an obvious relationship, I will not say the same thing twice."

As Mo Xiaolan said, the director was obviously very reluctant. Mo Xiaolan ignored him and continued to look at other cases.

"Regarding this construction company, I will ask King Xue to suspend their qualifications later, and they will not be allowed to participate in any construction-related work in the future!"

One of the governing officers swallowed.

"This is inappropriate. It's just a small problem. As long as they can solve it properly, I think."

"Are you the section chief or am I the section chief? Small problem? The apartments that have been built are less than a year old, but there are frequent problems. There are many places that do not meet the standard qualifications. Convict them of their crimes, and then blast them away Apartments that don’t know when they’re going to collapse.”

The director nodded, and then the next director came over.

"Is the businessman's son in this case really irrelevant? Is it really just stupid and naive, as simple as trusting a friend? Investigate it for me, and arrest those guys who confessed to 2 Core, I don't care Whatever method you use, if they don't confess, they will never get out of Section 2."

The female director in front of her seemed a little embarrassed. Mo Xiaolan angrily grabbed the water glass on the side and poured the water over. For a moment, the female director looked at Mo Xiaolan in horror.

"You don't have to do it from tomorrow on, go back home and breastfeed!"

For a moment, the female director looked at Mo Xiaolan angrily.

"You lazy bastard, you"

"I'm not the bastard, but you are the idiot. Do you really think I don't know about your relationship with those businessmen? I did it for the sake of my classmates, otherwise I would have arrested you long ago!"

Mo Xiaolan slapped the table, and the atmosphere at the scene was very solemn for a moment. Mo Xiaolan glanced at the governing officers around him.

"If you don't want to do this, you can submit your resignation, and I will give you a pension based on your employment status. No wonder Section 2 is often the butt of jokes. No wonder you are all so weak. Are you in your 70s or 80s? Many things are obvious and easy to understand. I understand the question, what are your ink marks? Have you eaten shit? I'm telling you, after the second department, it will deteriorate and transform into a real crisis response analysis department! Next one."

Mo Xiaolan's words hurt the female clerk in front of her. She covered her mouth and looked very uncomfortable. Her cheeks were flushed and she sat aside in annoyance, wiping her tears.

"If you want to cry, go out and cry."

Mo Xiaolan said mercilessly. The female director turned around, opened the door, and ran out. Niya quickly chased after her. In the past, this female director often came to her home. She had a good relationship with her sister and had a good relationship with Mo. So is Xiao Lazy.

"It's not like you don't know what happened to her, and her personality has been like this before."

Niya said and hurriedly held a handkerchief. The female director wiped her tears. She leaned against the wall, took off her hat and untied her hair.

"Perhaps we are really not suitable for subject 2, only lazy people are suitable. Many problems are obvious to us, but"

Niya smiled and shook her head.

"Obsession is really scary sometimes!"

Niya saw that Mo Xiaolan now had only one word: obsession, a crazy obsession with crime, and a desire to send all criminals to hell.

Finally, at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Mo Xiaolan took care of things and all the directors left.

"You should at least soften your words."

Niya sat next to Mo Xiaolan's hospital bed, looking at the grooved skin exposed under her quilt and the traces of countless surgeries on her hands.

"Easing down? The day I arrest them personally, it will no longer be the word "elevating". By the way, why are you looking for me? You idiot, you have done so many things recently, including threats of violence, beatings, and trampling on human rights. , illegal investigation, contradicting superiors, disobeying orders.”

Mo Xiaolan did not continue counting, but looked at Niya helplessly.

"Any one of them could get you fired and send you to jail."

"It doesn't matter. I'll punch anyone who messes with me. If I see something that makes me unhappy, I'll just punch him."

Mo Xiaolan opened a light and shadow screen. She naturally knew what Niya wanted to do with her. She directly used the authority of the section chief to report 19 assault cases against members of Section 5 that occurred in District 100, 8 of which resulted in 21 A staff member died.

"Check it yourself."

Mo Xiaolan said directly, and Niya looked at Mo Xiaolan unhappily.

"There's no point in glaring at me. I'll just say one thing. Someone is planning this against you. The purpose is unknown. The only thing I can tell you is to catch them before they take action."

Mo Xiaolan said and opened the map directly. There were many points on it, where the cases occurred, ranging from District 97 to District 102. Those who were attacked were all members of Section 5 of District 100.

"They have figured out your movement patterns, and the people inside will leak your information. Have you never thought about not carrying a mobile phone?"

Niya figured it out immediately, Mo Xiaolan pointed to an area in District 100 and said.

"If the enemy doesn't plan to show up, you have to find a way to make them show up. The simplest way is to let a few gang members in this area who have been beaten into obedience by you cause trouble, and Section 5 Naturally, people have to go and deal with it, not twice once, not twice, not three times, there will always be a person caught once, and once you catch the person, you will naturally find the source."

Niya looked at Mo Xiaolan with sudden enlightenment.

"But isn't it a violation of the internal regulations of the department? What if?"

"So you are an idiot. How many gang members are you holding on to?"

Niya hummed and stood up. Mo Xiaolan stretched out her hands. Niya put her cell phone and the surveillance recorder beside Mo Xiaolan's bed.

"Then I'll go over there."

Mo Xiaolan snorted.

"Remember, you can also find the guys who betrayed you. You have to confirm how much. Even if you break up, there is nothing you can do. After all, if you continue to talk about love, you can talk about relationships. If you continue to talk about money, the problem will only be There are more and more and we can never finish it, it’s already rotten enough, right?”

Niya said yes and jumped directly from the balcony. Mo Xiaolan smiled helplessly. Every era has its own practices. It seems that Niya has already figured this out.

At ten o'clock in the evening, when it was approaching 6 o'clock, Li Li and several team captains left the section officer's office. Each of the team captains was smiling, while Li Li's expression looked a little dull.

"What's wrong? You're not happy after your salary is paid. Why don't we have a drink together tonight?"

Li Li shook her head. She saw that she had received many messages on her phone from her subordinates asking them to have a drink together, but Li Li refused them all. As she walked, she began to transfer money to the team members one by one. After returning to the dormitory, Li Li Li completed the transfer and lay down tiredly, but the next second the bathroom door opened.


Li Li's eyes widened and she looked at Niya in disbelief.

"Aren't you on vacation? Why are you back?"

"Take a fucking vacation. I can't eat or sleep because of this case, and everyone is looking at me coldly. Of course, I have to solve the case. I will go to District 101 next door to investigate later."

Li Li asked with twinkling eyes.


Niya told the place.

"By the way, where's your cell phone? There's also a surveillance camera."

"I broke it. I'm going to report it for repair after the holiday."

Niya said and invited Li Li to have dinner together, but she said that she was very tired today and needed to go to bed early.

"Let's have a drink when I get back."

After Niya left, Li Li panicked. She hurriedly took out an old-fashioned black mobile phone under the bed and pressed a set of numbers.

"I want 100,000 this time."

As soon as Li Li opened her mouth, a man's angry voice came from the opposite side.

"It's getting more expensive every time. Besides, I just want you to let us know when to check."

"Niya will come over to your side."

The other party was panicked for a moment.

"100,000 is 100,000, what about time?"

"Money first."

Li Li said and took out another light and shadow phone, which belonged to a nearby businessman.

"The money has been transferred."

After Li Li confirmed it, she told the other party that Niya would be there today.

"Don't lie to us, Li Li."

"What's the point of lying to you?"

The corner of Li Li's mouth raised slightly. After hanging up the phone, Li Li lay down with a little peace of mind. She would soon be transferred to the middle level and completely leave the bottom level. The section officer had already taken care of it for her. Li Li would be transferred to the middle level. I work as an instructor in a professional training school. Except for being busy during exams, I am actually very free at other times. I have made enough money now to cover my expenses for the next few decades.

Li Li was still hesitant two months ago, but she doesn't think so now. Niya's chaos has created business opportunities for Li Li. As long as Niya wants to investigate the case, Li Li will directly give it to the other party. Li Li received a phone call from the gang leader, and the other party readily gave her money. Li Li planned to make hundreds of thousands more before leaving.

"It's not my fault, Niya! You can only blame yourself, it has nothing to do with me."

Li Li thought Niya was a nice person at first, but later she felt that if Niya continued to do this, everyone would have a hard time. She also discussed these things with the section officer and other team captains, and now everyone wants to deal with Niya. Ya this is big trouble.

I just don't know why Li Li always felt uneasy. She shrugged her head and looked at a lot of numbers in the account. Soon Li Li smiled and shook her head.

"We are not like you, we are rich ladies."

Niya sat quietly on the top of a tall building, holding up the phone. The person on the phone was reporting to Niya the situation at the scene and the video footage. There were several laughing gang members standing next to her.

"Sister Niya, is there anything else we need to do?"

"No more for now. Just don't cause trouble for me. I still allow you to survive at the minimum level, but don't go over the limit."

A bunch of people immediately nodded and bowed to show that they would cooperate with Niya's work.

The gang that Niya planned to investigate had indeed moved. There were a large number of people at the gang's station, and they were moving things. Some of the things were moved directly onto the management vehicle parked on the street. Niya could see it very clearly. .

"Okay, you can go back."

Niya returned the phone to the leader behind her. A group of people were about to leave. Niya warned them.

"If others find out about this."

"Don't worry, Sister Niya, we don't dare, no one will know."

Niya hummed and smiled bitterly.

It would be fine if it was someone else, but I didn't expect it to be Li Li.

"I treat you as a friend, but you treat me as an idiot!"

Niya knew to some extent that her whereabouts had been leaked to the gang members by people in the 100 District Public Security Office. Since the beginning of last month, the attacks had stopped. But every time Niya went to investigate, she always... It will be deflated.

"Why is it so difficult!"

Niya scratched her head, with a look of sadness in her eyes. She was in a very special situation. Even if she and Li Li broke up now, what would happen? Looking back on everything in the past few months, Niya just felt extremely sad. Heartache.

"Is it really to the point where you can't live any longer?"

Niya clenched her fists, took out a bottle of wine from her pocket, took a big sip, and looked at the dormitory of the Business Department not far away with sad eyes.

It wasn't until after 8 o'clock that Niya returned to the dormitory. She did not go back to the dormitory directly, but went to Li Li's dormitory.


Li Li looked at Niya with a pale face, and Niya laughed.

"Let's have a nice drink tonight."

Li Li looked at Niya awkwardly.

"You didn't go investigate, what happened?"

"I met an acquaintance on the road and had a drink. I'm not in the mood tonight, so I'll go tomorrow."

Li Li smiled and hummed.

"I'm treating you tonight. What do you want to eat?"

"Of course it's big fish and meat."

Li Li shook her head helplessly, hugged Niya and made her sit on the sofa in the living room.

"I'll just go down and order it."

“It’s so convenient to call via mobile phone.”

Li Li said immediately.

"No, that store is sometimes short of something, not once or twice, and the quality is sometimes good or bad, so I have to go and supervise it myself. I'll buy some good wine later. Just wait for me. A little while."

Li Li showed a panicked look when she left. None of this escaped Niya, who smiled helplessly.

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