Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1910 Wings Niya Red Thunder 2 (Part 1)

Chapter 1910 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 2 (Part 1)


"I'm leaving now. Let's have a drink together when we have time!"

Niya walked out of the store, Jin and the girls in the store walked out one after another, watching Niya leave, Jin smiled and nodded.

"Sister, let's have a drink together when you have time."

Niya smiled and nodded and walked away. Jin was slightly relieved. The big man behind him who sat at the door of the store every day with fierce eyes relaxed slightly at this moment.

"Peace, relax. I feel like this clerk is different from other people in the business department. He's also easy to talk to."

Jin was a little caught off guard when this female clerk named Niya suddenly entered the store. He thought she was here to cause trouble, but he didn't expect that she just came to ask about the local situation and didn't check anything. Jin also took advantage of the situation and Niya The conversation started.

The story of this female clerk spread in the neighborhood in less than a day. This female clerk who was suddenly transferred here severely beat up the gang members on her first day at work, including All eight S-class mutant bodyguards hired by several local bosses for a long time were knocked down by her with ease.

This seemed a bit unbelievable to Jin. Jin could feel a different energy from ordinary people in Niya. Just now she just asked about the treatment of women in the shop, and Jin just said bluntly, he only takes 10%. The introduction fee, as well as the monthly rental fee, were kept by Pease at the door because in the past there would always be people who came to cause trouble, and they were members of other gangs.

These girls have been harassed by local gang members and some gangsters several times, so Jin asked Pease to watch at the door. Jin also told Niya that there are basically no officers patrolling this street. Usually the streets The gang members are also very sensible and will not cause big problems.

Everyone on the street is spreading the word about this new clerk, who beat more than 100 gang members into the hospital, and this time these gang members will be sentenced for attacking the clerk.

Jin now also has his own small gang, with less than 10 people, which relies on helping some women in the special service industry to find high-quality customers, and Jin himself will also receive some female customers.

"Seems like a relatable guy."

Jin muttered, and Pease next to him immediately said.

"Boss, it's better not to get too close to that woman. She has offended so many people. When the time comes."

"I just noticed that the woman is from the Lightning Skull. I saw a tattoo on her arm."

Pease understood immediately.

"But wasn't the person from that guild arrested?"

"I heard that Jean from Section 13 arrested them alone, but no matter what, let's take a look first."


Niya squatted quietly next to an electric pole, chewing a cigarette. This was a shady place behind the main street in the south. Niya was looked at like a rare animal by many people as she walked along. Some people looked at her like a rare animal. When the gang members saw him, they left in horror.

Niya smiled helplessly, thinking about the time when her sister was in power, the administrative department had never been in this situation. Now the members of the lower-level administrative department are criticized by ordinary people, and they even have to grovel in front of the gang members. This It was unimaginable in the past.

The administrative department has almost lost its control over the lower levels, and the lower levels are now basically controlled by gang members. The gang members and the members of the administrative department all get along relatively well, and only the people at the lower level suffer.

Although the bottom class has indeed gotten better in recent years due to the chaos in the middle and upper classes, from Niya's point of view, it still hasn't changed much from the past.

There was a sound of footsteps, and as soon as Niya turned her head, she saw a girl with a scar on her cheek running over.

"Sister, can you help me?"

Niya stood up.

"What happened? Did you get beaten?"

The girl choked and said that her bakery on this street did not pay a so-called cleaning fee to a nearby gang member because the business was not very good last month. Her father was also sick this month, and the shop It was always closed, and the group came to ask for it several times. At first, my father just said that he would give it back when business got better, but the group disagreed, and finally pointed the finger at himself.

This girl was severely beaten by the gang on her way back to restock the goods. Niya sighed, took a puff of cigarette, and exhaled the thick smoke.

"Sister, please help me, they said they will throw me into that kind of store next time."

"Take me there, somewhere!"

After a while, under the leadership of the girl, Niya checked the girl's identity information as she walked. There was no criminal record, and she also went to the girl's bakery to confirm it.

"By the way, you go out first while I watch from the dark. After all, there must be evidence first."

The girl nodded in understanding.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Sister Lu Qi. I am 16 years old this year."

Niya hummed.

"I'm going to university next year, and my parents didn't move out just so I could go to school. This place is really bad."

Niya patted Lu Qi on the back, smiled and followed Lu Qi into an alley. Soon Niya saw a place on the back street that looked like a warehouse. A group of people were sitting there playing cards. A group of men and women, with some empty wine bottles placed next to them, a few women with dyed hair and strange clothes laughing, all wearing heavy makeup.

Niya took out the recorder, opened it directly, and then her body disappeared into the air little by little. Lu Qi walked over boldly.

"Why, little girl, have you sent money?"

Lu Qi said with a stubborn look.

"I went to the business department to find out the cleaning fee. Who is included in the cleaning fee every month? Why do I still need to pay you?"

Suddenly a tall and strong-looking man stood up at the card table and scratched his head with a smile.

"Little girl, haven't you been taught enough?"

Several women who were cuddling with men came over immediately, surrounded Lu Qi and began to tear her apart. Several men came over with smiles.

"This little girl just needs to be taught a lesson. Bring her in."

Lu Qi panicked for a moment. She looked around, but Niya didn't come out. She immediately resisted, but was slapped in the face by a woman. She was directly carried by the leader roughly. On his shoulder, Lu Qi shouted desperately, and a bunch of people laughed.

"Okay, that's enough!"

Niya suddenly appeared, leaning at the door of the store. Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment. The tall man carrying Lu Qi recognized Niya at a glance and immediately put down Lu Qi. Lu Qi sobbed and cried. Running to Niya's side, Niya stretched out her hand to caress Lu Qi's red cheeks.

"I probably know how difficult everyone's life is. If no one takes care of it, I will take care of it!"

Niya took out a cigarette angrily, jumped over in an instant, pressed the leader's head, and hit the leader's face directly with a bang. He whimpered and bled. Niya looked at several people thinking Those who wanted to run took action without saying a word.

"Bullying people feels good, right?"

Niya pulled a woman's hair. She looked at Niya crying and pleading. Niya was not polite and slapped her with a few slaps.

The leader was holding his sunken nose in pain, and many teeth had been lost. There were some people lying on the ground. At this time, many people came around, including members of other gangs.

"I want to check now. If I find a controlled substance, you will be charged with one more crime."

Niya directly and roughly kicked the door of the store open. There was a loud bang and bursts of shattering sounds. Niya walked in step by step. There were several people inside. The man with the knife.

"Okay, you've violated the Knife Control Act, now lie on the ground with your head in your hands."

As soon as Niya finished speaking, several people in the shop put down their knives and turned around to run away. Niya jumped over directly, without being polite to them, and beat up whoever they caught.

"Listen clearly, there are you too!"

After a while, Niya came out, carrying the leader who was already in pain, and looked at the serious-looking gang members around her.

"If I know who is causing trouble for this little girl's family in the future, I don't care who caused the trouble, and I don't care which gang it is. I will come here one by one and beat whoever I catch to death. Don't worry. I’ll just beat him until he’s three-quarters dead.”

Niya said with a smile, and threw the gang member she was carrying out, slamming it into the store. In the store, Niya found some controlled raw materials, as well as some dangerous knives, crossbows, etc. And a gun.

"What's the difference between this woman and us!"

At this time, several gang members in the crowd began to murmur. They also felt that this female clerk looked like a gangster and did not look like someone from the administrative department at all.

After a while, the ambulance and the management vehicle from Section 5 came over. Niya's boss, the team leader, saw this miserable situation as soon as he came over. He pulled Niya aside angrily.

"Miss Niya, are you here to cause trouble?"

"What did I do wrong? There is video evidence that they violently threatened and threatened this 16-year-old girl? Cause trouble, I ask you."

Niya directly pulled the team leader into the air. He looked at the furious Niya in horror. After Niya put him down, she pressed the back of his head and pushed him directly into the store.

"Are you blind? Or are you deaf? I ask you, what are these? What are they? Come back to me."

The team leader was so frightened that his eardrums seemed to be burst. The staff outside looked solemnly and lowered their heads.

"You losers, if you are unhappy, you can always complain to me. I don't care about you. You scumbags, listen up. Don't let me find you. If I find you, I will never be lenient."

Niya said and started walking. The team leader behind her looked embarrassed and could only signal the team members to act in accordance with the law.

"do not Cry."

Niya said and pulled Lu Qi, who was still sobbing, over and handed her a handkerchief comfortingly.

"Thank you, sister, thank you."

"Listen, don't be stubborn when you are unable to solve the problem. It will be you who will be injured. This time you are lucky, they just beat you."

Niya said, Lu Qi nodded understandingly.

"Sister, can you teach me how to defend myself?"

Niya smiled.

"You have time. You have to go to Section 5 later. I'm going to continue patrolling."


Niya sat quietly at the door of a shop, surrounded by a bunch of people. The boss looked at Niya gratefully.

"I had dinner and supper here today."

As soon as Niya finished speaking, a man wanted to get up, but was immediately held down by red particles, unable to get up or move at all.

"You like to sit, right? I will let you sit properly until tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or even next month."


A management vehicle drove over, and the female clerk who had reminded Niya before came over and looked at Niya awkwardly. Niya took the handcuffs and some restraint equipment directly from the vehicle and sat in the shop for a while. The more than 20 people inside were panicked, and Niya was not polite and directly fixed them to their seats.

"Sister, we don't dare anymore, really"

Niya sat on a high chair carelessly, spun around and laughed.

"You and I just talked about it. There is a video record. Didn't you say that you are here to eat and I can't care about it? Even if you sit here until next year, I can't care about it, right? You also said that you just want to sit here. Don't move, or are you talking about farts? What you said yourself was heard by many people at the scene. I have asked you before, do you really don't want to leave? If you don't leave, you won't die. Let’s go, okay now I’ll satisfy you.”

Niya said and roughly began to tie these people to the seats with handcuffs and ropes, while she comfortably let the boss get her a drink.

"Okay, I'm going to go on patrol. If you dare to run away, I will find you one by one and convict you of obstructing normal business operations."

The female clerk who had warned Niya before was panicked. She hurried over and grabbed Niya.

"Where is this in the law?"

Niya blinked and asked.

"There's none!"

With a puff, the female clerk laughed.

"Of course not, Miss Niya, you really love to joke, what if..."

"What are you afraid of? How do you know this pile of rubbish? I will take care of them. By the way, what is your name?"

The female clerk said helplessly.

"My name is Li Li, and I am also the squad leader. You have to know me, right?"

Niya scratched her head.

"My memory is not very good."

Bursts of laughter could be heard from time to time on the street. Looking at the more than 20 people tied up in the shop, many people were talking about Niya. Li Li looked at Niya who was on patrol and showed a knowing smile. Smiling, Niya's arrival was like a boulder falling into the calm water. In just over a day, there was already a splash of water in District 100.

Until 6 o'clock, Niya returned to the shop and asked the boss to get him some food and drinks. She looked at a bunch of people ordering food, but they looked very embarrassed.

At this time, a man ran over with a solemn expression and came to Niya's side.

"Sir, we are also true."

The man said and immediately took out his mobile phone.

"You take this little money and forget about it."

"You are now being arrested for openly bribing members of the executive branch. Lie on the ground with your head in your hands."


Niya put down the tableware, and the man's eyes widened. Niya looked at the man angrily. The man was so frightened that he took a few steps back, turned around and wanted to run away, but Niya quickly pressed the man's neck and pinned him down. on the ground and then handcuffed.

More and more people gathered around the store, and Li Li came over after hearing the news again. After hearing the charges Niya said, she felt speechless for a moment.

"Where is this law? And it's only 1,000 yuan. There is no way to convict him of the crime of illegal trading. This"

“Isn’t that how it’s done in movies?”

Li Li was completely speechless. After that, she could only find a reason to arrest the man who gave Niya money. At this time, the faces of the more than 20 people who were tied up had strange expressions. They wanted to go to the toilet.

"Sister, we really don't dare anymore."

More than 20 people were sobbing, but Niya ignored them. After finishing her meal quickly, she told the boss to leave them alone.

After eating, Niya went to patrol the streets. Since yesterday, Niya has been thinking about how to do something. But after thinking about it, Niya discovered a problem. Many gang members have legal advisors. Once a problem arises, lawyers will be called as soon as possible. Instead, the law becomes an obstacle to management, and in many cases even becomes a weapon for gang members.

Although Niya doesn't know why, these gang members are so smart and always find ways to evade some scrutiny of the business department, but Niya knows very well that it is not possible to negotiate with them in a formal way, she can only be more unnecessary than them. His face was even more ruthless than theirs, and he was able to contain their arrogance.

Niya has never had any other skills since she was a child, but when it comes to being thick-skinned, Niya can guarantee that she will not lose to anyone.

Patrolling along the street, Niya quickly finished patrolling the main street and went directly to the back streets. You can always see men and women talking and laughing in some small buildings with lights on the back streets. Niya tonight The patrol went much more smoothly, and many gang members on the street dispersed quickly when they saw that they seemed to have seen ghosts.

In just one day, Niya's story had spread in the streets and alleys. Niya continued patrolling until nearly 11 o'clock. When she returned to the store, as soon as she stepped in, Niya smelled a foul smell. As well as the stench, Niya looked at the more than 20 people tied to chairs, looking like they were dying, and begged for mercy as soon as she saw Niya.

In the end, Niya let them go, and a bunch of people left in pee. Some people had peed directly, or even pulled out. Looking at the embarrassment of these people who fled in a hurry, Niya burst out laughing. The owner of the shop At this time, the employees started cleaning.

"Bring me something to eat."

"I'll move a table for you, Lady Niya, go to the back and eat."

Niya pinched her nose and smiled happily. At this time, many people outside the store were talking and laughing. The gang members in District 100 seemed to be silent tonight. They rarely appeared on the streets. Many places are more lively than usual.

In a tavern located in the west of District 100, the leaders of 17 local gangs were sitting quietly in the tavern. 8 of them were still wearing bandages and plasters, and either had their hands or feet broken, and some The nose was bruised and the face was swollen. Last night, he was involved in Niya's beating of other leaders. A bunch of people were silent.

"Damn it, where did that crazy woman come from?"

Everyone was speechless for a while, and then a leader said that he had already inquired with several local officials. Basically, they all said nothing about what the crazy woman did, and 5 The department officials even said they had nothing to do and left them to their own devices.

"We can't stay in this place anymore. My boss has already said it. Let's not get excited. There will be plenty of opportunities to take care of her in the future."

Each of the leaders seems to be unable to swallow this breath, but most of them are helpless. They just know that this crazy woman is a mutant of the original Lightning Skull Guild. No wonder she is so strong. It’s just that the people in the Lightning Skull Mutant Guild are still She is in jail, but this woman was released early. She seems to be quite strong, and she got a special move from the acting department. Judging from the fact that she brought down the seven S-class mutants who were responsible for the security of the banquet last night, she is really not ordinary. Strong.

And the power that tore the entire restaurant apart at the end made everyone still feel fear.

"We can only avoid its sharp edge for the time being. I will leave with the rest of the people tomorrow. It's up to you."

One of the leaders stood up and walked away. At this time, the door of the tavern was opened, and a man ran in in a panic.

"Head, the woman is here."

For a moment, everyone in the room was frightened, and several leaders in wheelchairs hurriedly asked their subordinates to push them away.

Bang bang

Accompanied by two fierce breaking sounds, the two outside bodyguards smashed through the door of the tavern and flew in directly. They hit the ground and became motionless. The door of the tavern was shattered directly after a burst of violent red lightning. Niya was stunned. Stepping in, there was a smell in the air.

"Hey, are you discussing how to deal with me here?"

Niya said, and all the leaders inside shook their heads for a moment.

"Sister, we really didn't cause any trouble. I don't know where I offended you tonight. I will apologize to you."

A leader in a wheelchair said condescendingly, and Niya directly called in more than a dozen people outside.

"You, get over here!"

Niya pointed at a tall and lanky looking leader, who looked around.

"Mom, come here, do you hear me?"

The leader got up in a hurry and walked over in fear. Niya took out a cigarette, lit it and bit it in her mouth. Suddenly she pulled the leader directly and hit his head hard. He reached the table, and even the table broke into pieces. The leader screamed, covered his head and rolled on the ground for a while.

Niya exhaled a long puff of smoke.

"You have owed these people wages for more than a year, and you have also beaten them violently. I have found evidence, witnesses and evidence that identified you."

Immediately, the man on the ground began to beg for mercy. Niya directly pulled him up, pressed him on a table, and dropped her fist unceremoniously, still laughing in the process.

It wasn't until the leader lost consciousness and his body was dripping with blood that Niya let go of him. People present kept wiping the sweat from their foreheads.

"Prick up your ears and listen carefully, don't bump into my fist, otherwise I will definitely let you know how hard my fist is."


As Niya spoke, she kicked the table away. The gang leaders were so frightened that they kept retreating. Some of them had already turned around and ran away.

"Also, this pub doesn't belong to you, does it?"

A leader in a wheelchair shook his head in horror.

"no no"

Seeing Niya walking towards him and the people around the leader running away, the leader immediately begged for mercy.

"If I see you and your men still occupying this tavern tomorrow,"

"Sister, we don't dare anymore. Really, please let me go. If you hit me again, I will die."


Niya punched the leader in the cheek, and he flew out. Just yesterday, Niya broke his leg and hit him behind the bar, motionless.

Then Niya pulled the leader on the ground up, and he hurriedly asked his men to return the wages owed to these more than ten workers with interest.

"Okay, that's it for tonight."

Niya threw away the cigarette butt, turned around and strode out of the tavern. There were bursts of clapping outside, and many people were watching.

"A bunch of scum, they usually dominate and bully these poor ordinary people. Think about it, you fucking grew up here too."

Niya roared, and all the bosses in the tavern were ashen-faced. Jin was also among the crowd. The person who brought Niya here was Sun Liu. He looked at Niya with a smile.

"Let's go and have a drink together. You can come too."

It was not until 2:38 in the morning that Niya returned to the dormitory. As soon as she opened the door, she found that the light was on and a bottle of wine was on the table.

"I'm so exhausted!"

Looking at Jean sitting in the living room of her dormitory, Niya walked over and sat down, taking a sip while Jean opened the wine.

"Can I still drink?"

Niya nodded, and Gene was still looking at several local case records today, smiling and nodding.

"It has only been less than two days and you have already reached this level. Why didn't you take the practical exam seriously before? You even went to sleep during the patrol."

Niya took two empty glasses, filled them and took a big sip.

"I've changed my mind a little bit. I wanted to do something before, but I couldn't do it because I didn't have the rights. Now, I'm a law enforcer."

Gene laughed, raised his glass and drank with Niya.

"Tianai won the group championship today."

Gene said, and Niya was a little surprised. Then Gene opened the video, and Niya watched it. Looking at the little girl, she laughed.

"Maybe he will become a big star in the future."

"As long as she likes it, no matter what kind of lifestyle is fine."

Nia patted Gene's arm.

"I met Old Man Ye before. He asked me to advise you to find a companion. I think Tianai is very good."

Jean walked to the window with a smile, stared at the lights in the distance, shook his head with a smile, and looked back at Niya. Jean showed a happy smile. This young bird, which was confused and helpless in the past, is now finally Having found her own path, Jean could see that Niya was relieved now, and her strength was growing day by day, with new changes appearing almost every day.

"How's it going? Do you still have energy?"

Gene asked, and Niya stood up. Gene was already squatting on the window sill. Niya's clenched fists crackled, and red lightning suddenly appeared.

"I am much stronger now than I was a month ago."

Gene laughed and pointed at the floor.

"You're still going to lick the floor tonight!"

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