Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1908 Wings Niya Red Thunder 1 (Part 2)

Chapter 1908 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 1 (Part 2)

May 1, 2242

9:03 am

Niya lay quietly on the wall of the 5th Section Headquarters, using a hat to block the dazzling sunlight. The courtyard of the 5th Section Headquarters below was full of people. The results of this period have been announced, and there are only less than 1,000 passing people. .

Only one of them got full marks, Michelle Aibelen, who got the first place in this exam with an excellent score of 100 points. The written test score was full marks. In addition to the combat score, which was only 10 points, the weapon usage score and the practical score were full marks. Add 20 points for a total of 110 points, but only full points will be displayed at most.

Niya sighed helplessly and exhaled a puff of smoke. The media was already reporting on this incident. Niya felt a little depressed. Now the trend of reports in the market began to move towards Angus's family. This made her feel a little depressed. Niya was a little angry.

The written test score of the three subjects was only a pitiful 15 points. Although the two subjects of combat and weapon use had a perfect score of 40, plus an additional 11 points of practical bonus points, the score was only 66 points, not even 80 points. At this time, he was accompanied by a light body. The shape fell, and there was a sound of kicking. Gene walked to Niya's side, sat down, and pulled off the hat covering his cheeks with a smile.

"I don't think I can pass the exam in this life."

Nia said and Gene smiled.

"Let's try again next year. Have you decided which district to go to?"

Niya scratched her head.

"Area 100."

After Niya finished speaking, she stood up, scratched her head, looked at Gene with a smirk on his face, and turned his elbow angrily. Gene held Niya's elbow with one hand.

"No matter how you do it, if you can't handle something, let me know in advance."

Niya hummed and spit out the cigarette butt in her mouth. Gene quickly caught it and put it into the cigarette butt box he carried with him, and then smiled helplessly.

"Go report today and have a good relationship with your colleagues."

Niya hummed, she stood up, picked up the uniform on the floor, put it on and casually buttoned a button in the middle.

"If you dress like this, you won't be afraid of being reported. Then your salary will be deducted."

Nya glanced at Jean, who had his uniform hanging on his wrist.

"It's not your bastard's turn to talk to me."

The reason why Niya chose to go to Area 100 was because she was relatively familiar with Area 100 in the past and stayed in Area 100 for a longer time on the ground floor.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

Niya stood on the edge of the wall and looked back at Jean.

"Just do whatever you want."

Gene said, and Niya smiled and hummed. She looked a little embarrassed and seemed to want to say something. Finally, Niya turned around and bowed deeply to Gene.

"Thank you for all these years, Uncle Gene!"

Gene waved his hand and saw a blush on Niya's cheeks, but Niya had already turned around and jumped directly into the distance. Gene sighed and took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

"It's true, that girl!"

Jean turned his head with a smile and looked at the building of Section 5 headquarters against the wind. In the yard below, Michelle was surrounded by reporters, and those who had passed the exam were already standing at the door of the headquarters, listening. Some directors said that once they are assigned to the corresponding subjects, only subjects 3 and 5 do not need to undergo three months of study and can directly take up their posts.

All other subjects need to be studied. If you are not adaptable during the learning process, you will usually be assigned to subject 3 or 5. These two subjects do not require too much professional knowledge.

Every time this happens, most people feel uneasy because they don't want to be assigned to Section 3. After all, Section 3 is dangerous and they need to go to the dark barrier area.

Jean sat on the edge of the city wall and looked at the newcomers quietly. Jean would come to take a look every time. At this time, Jean noticed a girl carrying a small cloth bag next to a guard box. She felt very embarrassed and seemed to be still negotiating with the people in the booth. Her every move showed uneasiness and embarrassment.

Jean watched with interest. This child looked very nervous. Unlike other candidates who failed the exam, her eyes showed despair. Jean fell directly from the city wall and fell into a state of invisibility. Soon he watched the girl leave, and Gene followed.

Sure enough, this tall girl who was a little thin ran to an alley opposite the headquarters of Section 5, curled up weakly on the ground and started crying. She was just sobbing quietly, looking at her calloused hands, and... From the strangle marks on his shoulders, Gene probably knew that this child was not living a very good life and was a worker who often traveled to and from some construction sites.

"Miss! Here it is."

The sudden appearance of Jean caught the girl off guard. She tried her best to wipe away her tears, but she still took the handkerchief that Jean handed over and wiped her cheeks. Jean smiled and nodded.


The girl looked at Jean carefully. At this time, she noticed the uniform on Jean's wrist and Jean's handsome cheek. The girl lowered her head and Jean squatted next to the girl.

"How about we try it next time!"

The girl shook her head.

"I have spent all my savings to buy textbooks and study, but I only got a score of 73, which is hopeless."

Gene laughed, then shook his head.

"At least it's much taller than a girl I know. You can try it again. Here you go."

Gene said and handed over a notebook, and the girl was a little surprised.

"This is the examination experience summarized by a certain department member in the past. You can take a look at it when you have time."

Gene said and turned around to leave, when the girl got up from the ground.

"Sir, my name is Yincai, and what about you!"

Gene smiled and waved.

"Jean from Section 13!"

After leaving the alley, Jean quickly returned to the heights. Looking at the girl named Yincai who had been chased out, he smiled and nodded. The reason why Jean went over to take a look was because he noticed the look in the girl's eyes. , showing a light, even if deep in despair, his eyes are still determined.

“Let’s try it next time!”

10:38 am

Niya stepped into the gate of District 100 Public Security Management Office. As soon as she entered, Niya saw the local section officer and several team captains already standing at the door. As soon as Niya walked over, the section officer immediately came over.

"Oh, Miss Niya, you are finally here. I have asked the cafeteria to prepare lunch."

"No need to bother you, no need to treat you differently. I'll just go patrol the streets later."

Several team captains around also came over and said some flattering words. Niya knew their purpose very well, but she could only respond casually. Until 11 o'clock, Niya still couldn't resist and could only wait to eat. It’s lunch, and Niya really doesn’t like this, but she can only accept it for the time being.

It was past 1 o'clock when Niya finally finished the meal. Just as she had thought, Niya was assigned to the criminal team and was responsible for investigating some crimes. The local officer was also very happy because Niya He is a super powerful S-class mutant.

"Captain, which area is our team responsible for patrolling?"

Niya asked, and the slightly fat captain in front of her said with a smile.

"Miss Niya, there is no need to be so serious. Our 10021 team is responsible for patrolling the streets in the south. Do you want me to find someone to replace you?"

"No need, I'd better do it myself."

Niya said as she looked at the team members in the department. They were all talking about some fun and novel things. Not everyone wanted to flatter her. Some people were cold and contemptuous. After Niya later learned about the patrol area, she I plan to go directly to patrol along the street.

"It's really not necessary, Miss Niya, you see it's only your first day here."

"I already told you that I will go out on patrol."

Niya's volume increased a little, and the team leader behind her stopped saying anything, but became a little embarrassed, and one of the staff in the department laughed and mocked.

"Don't get too tired. After all, you are a rich lady."

Niya glanced sideways. Several men and women in the team looked at her strangely. Niya ignored them. The team leader walked over with a solemn expression. Niya left the team department without waiting for them to continue talking.

"Is this the workplace!"

Niya smiled helplessly as soon as she went out, and then left the Public Security Office directly, heading towards her area to the south on the map just now. As soon as Niya stepped onto the street, she noticed some chaos on the street.

It's still the same as what I saw in the past. Basically, there is no change. The streets are always congested because there are too many people walking through them. The horns are always blaring. The streets are full of hawkers. The owners of some shops are always busy. I would get into arguments with these vendors, the sidewalks were always very crowded, and it was basically like this on the main street.

Niya walked in from an alley, and at this time she noticed a few people quickly following in. Niya sneered and continued walking along the alley, and at this time several people quickly followed.

"Hey, new face, miss."

Several men walked over quickly and surrounded Niya, who stared at them coldly.

"Miss, we are from around here, how about having a meal together later?"

"No time!"

As soon as Niya finished speaking, a short man came over.

"Oh, she's a pretty girl. She just wants to have a meal, so don't be shameless."


Niya's fist hit the wall directly, and instantly the wall cracked, leaving a fist mark.

"Now I am arresting you for harassment. All of you lie down and put your heads in your hands."

Although Niya didn't remember the specific provisions of the law, she met this kind of guy on the first day she went out. Several people turned around and wanted to run away. Niya instantly released a large number of red particles, throwing several people away. Lifted in the air.

"As I said, lie on the ground with your head in your hands."

After a while, several people obeyed Niya's instructions and headed towards the Public Security Management Office. At 1:47, Niya stepped into the door of the Public Security Management Office. On the way, Niya looked at the law in detail. According to the law, unprovoked harassment on the street requires 15 days of detention.

Several people stared at Niya with angry faces, but several officers in the hall could only put handcuffs on them as Niya said. Niya directly provided video evidence, and then all five people were arrested and imprisoned. .

Niya turned around and left the Public Security Management Office, biting her cigarette angrily. She didn't arrive at the patrol location until around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. However, Niya didn't see any member of her team. She probably understood. Although I knew why the public security at the bottom was in such chaos before, now that I have started patrolling, it becomes even clearer.

Niya spent the whole day wandering around the southern area. This is a night street. It only gets hot at night. Most people here are resting during the day, especially because there are many secret special services. store, but Niya had been here before and recognized it at a glance.

Nowadays, people in the field of business turn a blind eye to this kind of thing. Basically, as long as it doesn’t cause any big trouble, they won’t care about it. Niya also knows very well that this kind of thing is very difficult to manage. At the door of a shop, Niya saw several women talking and laughing in the shop, and a man who looked powerful was sitting outside.

Most of these shops are controlled by gangs. Niya knows very well that the gangs are using these women to continuously squeeze them. Niya looks at the somewhat fierce man sitting at the door, who stares at him. On her own, Niya turned her head and walked away, squinting at the man behind her with a happy look on her face, looking at herself with contempt.

Along the way, Niya saw many gang members, who gathered together to play cards and chat. When they saw her, they would smile contemptuously and whisper from time to time.

Niya clenched her fists, and as she passed a corner, a burst of screams rang out. A man with a face covered in blood was pinned to the ground by several gang members. He kept begging for mercy.

"If you don't pay the damn money, you're going to die."

While talking, the gang member held the man's head and planned to knock him to the ground. Niya grabbed the other man's hand and started filming.

"Now that all of you have been arrested for violent injuries, you all hold your hands."


A wine bottle flew over, and Niya immediately dodged sideways. The bottle shattered with a bang. Niya looked at several laughing men and women, and the man next to her spat directly at Niya.


With a loud noise, the man crashed the door of the shop in an instant, frothing at the mouth and fainted. A group of people were still in shock. Niya had already jumped over and pulled over the man who had just thrown it at her. A member of the Liquor Bottle gang punched him in the cheek. With blood splattering, one of the man's teeth was shattered.

For a moment, the surrounding gang members picked up some sticks in the shop, and Niya rushed over angrily. There was a banging sound, accompanied by bursts of screams and the sound of things breaking. Within three minutes, the entire store was in a mess. More than 30 gang members fell to the ground, and no one could stand up.

Many onlookers around him kept swallowing. Niya wiped the blood on her cheek, and then directly reported the crime. She was attacked on the street to prevent violence.

At this time, many people in the crowd stared at Niya angrily. Niya looked over, and those people looked elsewhere.

After a while, people from Sections 4 and 5 came over, and the gang members were carried onto the management vehicle one by one. At this time, many section members looked at Niya in strange ways. Only a few people knew Niya's identity. The captain, as well as the members of the team, including the regional section officer.

"You'd better be careful."

A female clerk reminded, and then took advantage of the gap to pull Niya aside.

"You'd better not patrol the streets tonight. Do you want me to ask the captain of our team to intercede for you? You caused trouble today. Who are the people arrested?"

"No need."

Niya directly submitted the video evidence record. Several team leaders who came over seemed a little embarrassed at this time, so they could only arrest these people. Niya stared blankly at the people around her, clenched her fists, and thought about coming here today. Niya laughed as Gene told herself.

"Simple question, isn't it?"

After eating, Niya left under the strange looks of many people. Although many people knew that Niya was a mutant, they did not know her identity. The female staff member who had persuaded Niya today followed her again. .

"Why don't you listen to my advice? It was the same as you before, when a new person came here, but he was..."

"I'm sorry, I'm not born to listen to advice."

Niya walked up with a smile, and left the Public Security Management Office under the surprised eyes of all the officers. At this time, the local officer walked out quickly.

"Miss Niya, I will handle this matter today, you"

"What's wrong? I'm patrolling the streets. Is there anything wrong?"

The section officer blocked Niya awkwardly.

"Miss Niya, you have just arrived and you don't know much about the problems here. Some things are not like that."

"Step aside!"

Niya said, the section officer seemed a little difficult to deal with at this time. Before Niya came here, he received a call from Tamai. Naturally, he knew that he couldn't afford to offend him. In the end, the section officer had no choice but to get out of the way.

Niya started walking all the way, but as soon as she entered the street, she found some sneaky people following her, including some mutants. Niya could clearly see those invisible mutants. The control is uneven and some traces can be seen in the movement.

Niya patrolled the streets comfortably, chewing a cigarette. After arriving at the night street where Niya patrolled, Niya found that many shops were closed and there were very few people on the street. Niya looked at the street The monitors on some electric poles nearby were no longer on, and she laughed.

At this time, Niya noticed the people walking out of the alley around her. With a few whooshing sounds, several mutants jumped over, looking like they were gearing up.

"Little girl, you are here today."

Before the mutant in front of her could finish speaking, Niya's fist had already landed on the opponent's cheek. With a loud bang, Niya had already taken action. The five mutants around her flew out in an instant. Ya squatted on the ground and laughed happily.

"That's right. I still don't like to reason with others."

With a few whooshing sounds, Niya raised a hand, and scarlet particles spread out instantly. Arrows were hanging in the air beside Niya. In an instant, Niya found a few guys who were shooting crossbows and ejected them directly. In the past, with a few punches, several people were eliminated neatly, and Niya grabbed a frightened man by the collar.

"Who asked you to come?"

"I don't know, you bitch"


Niya punched the other person on the cheek, and the other person immediately began to whimper. Niya grabbed his hand and twisted the other person's fingers with a snap. Along with the bursts of screams, the four people at this time Many gang members who were watching around did not dare to approach.


Niya suddenly let go of the man in front of her and ducked down to avoid a kick. It was an S-class mutant. The scarlet telekinesis had already caught Niya. Niya smiled slightly and the opponent's fist fell. However, the next second, accompanied by crackling thunder and lightning, Niya broke free from the restraints, instantly blocked the opponent's fist, and hit the mutant's chest with a flying knee.

With a loud bang, the mutant smashed a car on the opposite street. He vomited blood and his eyes widened. Niya had already jumped in front of him.

"Go back and practice hard for a few more years. It's a hundred years too early for you to sneak up on me."

There was a banging sound, and in less than a few dozen seconds, Niya picked up the S-class mutant who had been beaten unconscious and threw him directly towards the gang members in a store.

"Tell me who asked you to attack me. If you don't tell me, I will ask them one by one."

Niya roared angrily, and instantly catapulted to the entrance of an alley, catching the gang members who were still watching. Each gang member screamed, and in less than a few minutes, Niya let go of a small boy. Tall, she knew the place.

Many residents on the street came out and looked at the gang members who fell unconscious on the street one by one. Hundreds of people were already lying on the ground. Niya quickly jumped to the roof and looked towards a house in the distance. She jumped over to the hot nightclub, and sure enough, she saw some people sitting on the table playing something on the large balcony on the second floor. Niya jumped over with a whoosh.


With a loud noise, the glass of the balcony shattered. For a moment, more than a dozen leaders in the room looked at Niya. Niya stepped in with a smile. In an instant, several mutant bodyguards behind the leader rushed in. come over.

However, in less than 5 minutes, the walls of the entire room had cracked, and the mutant bodyguards were lying on the ground one by one, making a sizzling sound. Niya clenched her fists and walked directly to the table. Several frightened leaders were stunned. Look at Niya.

"I was attacked while on patrol tonight, and your men have confessed."

"Sir, I don't know."


Niya punched the leader who was about to speak directly away with an unceremonious punch. The moment he raised his feet, everyone screamed in horror.

There was a loud bang, and the table and ceiling were instantly cut in half by Niya's kick.

"Come here."

Niya roared angrily, and each of the leaders hurriedly ran over crying.

"Sister, if you have something to say, please tell us."

"I'm just here to teach you a lesson. I've just come here to work. If you want to do anything else, I won't be polite."

While speaking, Niya directly dragged several of the leaders who had been confessed by her subordinates, lifted them up with telekinesis, and beat them severely. Many people at the scene looked at Niya in horror.

"Okay, if anyone wants to try it in the future, I will definitely tell him with my fists."

As she spoke, Niya turned around and jumped downstairs. Looking at the entire room on the second floor that had been destroyed, Niya held her forehead, took out the phone, and pressed the number 0013.

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