Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1905 Niya flutters and indulges (Part 2)

Chapter 1905: Wings fluttering. Niya. Indulging (Part 2)

3 a.m. on January 1, 2242


Screams rang out in the streets, the sirens of management vehicles were screaming, and broadcasts were everywhere on the streets. I hope the citizens would not panic and evacuate calmly. In the distance, in the night sky in the west of the city, the light of the flames was still there. It was expanding, and the sound of explosions came in the breeze.

"answer me!"

Peristan looked emotionally at Hydera standing on the edge of the rooftop. At this time, Hydera just smiled, raised her head without saying a word, and held a small ball in her hand.

The streets were full of people escaping. A helicopter had already approached. A large number of snipers on the helicopter had pointed their guns at Hydra. Peristan moved closer step by step.

"Do you want to die here? Peristan."

Peristan was choked with sobs in his throat. He didn't know what to do, how to persuade Hydera to disarm the explosion. Hydera quietly stared at the flames still burning in the east. He knew very well that the plan had failed. , the plan to directly use a train loaded with a huge amount of explosives to head to Section 10 has failed.

"Hydra, raise your hands and surrender immediately. Disarm the bomb. You have no way out."

On a landing plane, Tamai roared angrily. Hydera ignored them and just continued to look at Peristan with a smile.

"Quickly leave, Mr. Perestan, I'll be fine when I get here."

"This was originally supposed to be the second explosion, but the order was mistaken. But it doesn't matter anymore. I originally decided to end everything today."

Peristan raised his hands. He didn't know how to dissuade Hydera. He couldn't say a word at this moment.

"Listen to my Hydra, don't go on any further!"

Hydera laughed bitterly, and then shook her head.

"Continue? I don't want to continue anymore."

Peristan wanted to continue to say something. At this time, accompanied by the sound of landing, the mutants from the Mingming Special Operations team immediately picked up Peristan and took him directly back to a hovering aircraft. On the landing, this building used to be the Hillman family's building and is now the headquarters of the Medical Association.

Hydera quietly took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a puff. Everything in front of him was nothing worth remembering. His wife Yuan Cui also passed away from blight a year ago. There is only one person in this world. Left alone, Hydera did not regret everything she had done over the years.

No one knows all this, and no one cares about it. Hydera knows very well what purpose he is in. He has planned everything over the years, but everything is too long, but the moment is too short. I have already sat down to do what I have to do, and I still have to smile happily.

"Collapse again and let this rotten system go! This may be good, it doesn't matter what the future holds."

The surrounding cranes began to raise their height. He clenched his fists at the back of the crane. Tamai, who was furious, seemed to realize something and immediately ordered the cranes to stay away from the Medical Association Building.


Along with a violent explosion, flames spurted out from the entire bottom and middle floors of the building in an instant. Hydera only felt the ground sinking. He sat on the ground. The building was shaking violently. The explosion had already caused the building to collapse. It began to collapse, with constant explosions and screams and cries mixed in with the explosions.

"it's all over!"

3:21 am

Niya looked at the fire snakes rising into the sky in the distance and spreading out around. The streets were in chaos. There was a loud bang and a stone hit the street. In an instant, the people who were already panicking and scurrying around were even more confused. Get up, Niya shouted, asking everyone not to panic, but the result was still the same, confusion and fear had occupied most people's hearts.

Niya clenched her fists, she could only jump to the roof, clenched her fists feebly, and helplessly looked at the chaos in front of her.

Just half an hour ago, shortly after a factory explosion in the west, Niya and the people in the guild were rushing to the factory to help, but on the way Niya received a call from her mother, and she turned around and went to a hospital on the middle floor.

Niya looked at the chaos below. There were people in the field everywhere. They could no longer stop the people who were fleeing in panic. No one knew what was going on. Explosions were popping up one after another all over the city. Fear had completely taken over. the hearts of most people.

There were only three explosions tonight, a chemical factory in the factory district in the west, and a district in the east. Although I don’t know what the situation was like there, when the explosion happened, what Niya saw was a sky-high Pillars of fire rose from the ground, and just now the third bombing occurred in the former Hillman Family Medical Enterprise building located in the south of the mid-rise.

Looking at the building that was already wrapped in flames and still collapsing in the distance, Niya hesitated and moved towards the middle area. She had to go, and she had to go.

"It would be great if nothing happened!"

Niya wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and quickly moved on the rooftop. The city was in complete chaos, with takeoffs and landings flying across the sky everywhere, and members of the acting department everywhere.

"Why are you lazy!"

Gradually, Niya saw the hospital in District 45. Several areas near the upper floors were peaceful. The upper floors had been under martial law after receiving the contact from the bomb criminals a few days ago. The most serious areas now are the middle and bottom floors. The entire building The city is in complete chaos due to three explosions that occurred tonight.


Niya jumped directly to a balcony on the fifth floor of the hospital, and soon went directly to the operating room on the 9th floor. As soon as she turned the corner, Niya saw that the corridor was full of people on both sides. Niya gasped and looked at Standing at the door of the operating room, Jean was smoking silently. His mother sat aside, holding Mo Ying who was still sobbing quietly.

R, the section chief of Section 2, stood quietly behind Gene, with his head lowered. On both sides of him were many senior executives from the administrative department, and to the left of Niya, there was a grey-faced woman with all the marks on her cheeks. It was the dust after the explosion, and it was also on the black uniform. She sat dumbfounded, and a large piece of the four-pointed star hat had been damaged, and she put it aside.

Niya panted. Many people saw Niya. Everyone looked a little tired. Niya walked to Leona step by step and squatted in front of Leona.

"are you alright"

Niya was about to say something, but stopped. A pair of arms covered with dust hugged Niya, and then along with Leona's cry, Niya patted Leona's back.

Last year, Leona began to investigate the explosion case with Mo Xiaolan. Her excellent computing power helped Mo Xiaolan find a lot of useful things. During this period, Niya also reminded them, especially Jean. , Niya hopes that Jean will follow Mo Xiaolan to investigate.

"I should have stopped her, I should have stopped her Niya, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, if I"

"Why didn't you report such a big thing!"

Ke Ying, who was sitting in the middle, stood up angrily, but was immediately pushed back to the chair by Jin Mn next to him. Jin Mn shook his head.

Leona was still crying, and Niya looked at Jean dullly. When she received the call from her mother, she already knew that it was Jean who rushed into the burning factory and hugged Mo Xiaolan. Came out and was immediately taken to the hospital.


The lights above the operating room turned green, and everyone stared at the door that opened slightly, and Tang Rao and Rose walked out.

"The first stage of surgery is over, and the survival rate is only 5%."

As soon as Tang Rao finished speaking, Mo Xiaolan's mother Mo Ying stood up, crying and holding Tang Rao's hand, begging Tang Rao to save Mo Xiaolan. Gene looked at the operating room with a tired look on his face. Huashen, he looked at Mo Xiaolan with a fearful expression, his whole body was charred and there was no good piece of meat left on his body.

"It's my responsibility!"

R bowed deeply. After the door of the operating room was closed, Tang Rao lit a cigarette and sat aside. Violet was still comforting Mo Ying.

"Why didn't you go then?"

Niya walked up to Jean and asked what Rose was about to say, but Jean told her to shut up with his eyes.

"I'm investigating another hallucinogen case."

Niya grabbed Gene's collar angrily.

"I've already told you about Jean, why."


Violet stopped drinking, Niya gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, and finally let go, and Gene snorted.


Didi didi

Gene picked up the phone. It was Locke. After a while, Gene hung up the phone.

"Hydra, the mastermind of the case, died in the collapse of the Medical Association Building after the explosion."

Everyone present just stared at Jean quietly. It seemed that everyone wanted to continue to listen to what Jean had to say. However, Jean was silent again. Niya sat next to her mother and listened to Mo Ying's crying beside her. .

Tang Rao talked about Mo Xiaolan's current situation. The first operation was successful, but she needed to wait until her body met the standards for the second operation before the second operation could be performed. Otherwise, the second operation would be extremely dangerous. , and if Mo Xiaolan's physical condition becomes dangerous, he can only force a second operation, which has the highest risk.

"It's you who created this madman!"

Keying couldn't bear it anymore, so she walked directly in front of Tang Rao and Rose.

"Remember that night, the night before we graduated, the president said at that time that we must prevent such a trial driven by public opinion, but the result of the trial was established because of your intervention!"

"Well, there's no point in saying anything now."

Jin Mian walked over quickly and grabbed Keying. Everyone looked at Jean again, but Jean was always silent. In recent years, Jean rarely met with his former students. He just spent time in the city every day. Running around, Keying once met Jean once and planned to have a good chat with Jean, but after just one drink, Jean left.


Jean smiled bitterly.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do!"

Jean's words silenced everyone. Niya took a deep breath and did not intend to blame Jean, because she knew very well that Jean had seen it all these years since she was a child, and Jean had never escaped. He has never given up on anything and will definitely do what he says, but he is just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who fails time and time again.

Niya stood up and walked slowly.

"Where are you going?"

Niya shook her head.

"Isn't it a mess outside now? How about doing something?"

Violet looked at her daughter's lonely and sad back, then looked at Jean. Jean raised his head and took out a cigarette again. At this time, the door of the operating room opened.

"The situation is very dangerous and a second operation must be performed."

Hua Shen said eagerly, and immediately Tang Rao and Rose walked directly in. Gene saw that Mo Xiaolan on the hospital bed had opened his eyes and was looking at him.

The door of the operating room closed little by little, and Jean closed his eyes. Over the years, the two of them have almost become friends who talk about everything. Jean would reveal a little about the past to Mo Xiaolan from time to time, and Mo Xiaolan was also very fond of it. Interested, the two have investigated a large number of cases together over the years.

It was just that Mo Xiaolan and Gene had some differences on the issue of the explosion. But when everything came to light, everyone knew that Mo Xiaolan was right. At this time, Gene turned around and walked away quickly. In the past, when he saw Leona, he smiled and patted her arm, and then quickly chased after her.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know either."

Nia stared outside at the chaotic city.

"Everyone relied on you in the past, including my sister and my parents. Even I relied on you unconsciously. But all this has passed. Who can rely on you, Uncle Gene!"

Gene looked at Niya in a daze. Niya had already jumped out of the window. Gene walked to the window with a smile and exhaled a puff of smoke.

Jean never thought that one day he would be able to rely on someone. After all these years, he has walked alone. At this moment, Jean also realized what Ye Chunwang had mentioned to him several times.

Cultivate the next generation and find yourself a companion, even if it's just a spiritual one, but Jean doesn't know how to do it. The current chaos makes everyone helpless.

A silent war has long broken out in the city. Since Freya's death, the medical association has become uncontrolled. Coupled with the interference of businessmen from other associations, the city's medical market has been completely destroyed. Not under control.

What troubles everyone now is the problem of the barrier area. The guard station has been attacked several times, and criminals near the northern mountains of Alatan Ula are becoming more and more rampant.

Jean looked at the light and shadow screen. The chaotic situation on the street had begun to come under control. Jean was lying by the window, quietly enjoying the oncoming breeze. A fierce wind blew in his face, accompanied by a The figure fell slowly, and Li Chu landed at the window, and he climbed in directly.

"Ellie once said, you will reap what you bury, and it really came true."

Gene didn't say anything, and Li Chu walked over carrying a box.

"The artificial skin has been completed. We used the fastest speed, but I can't guarantee the result."

Li Chu carried the box and walked towards the corridor of the operating room. When he was about to walk around the corner, Li Chu stopped and looked back at Jean.

"Good and evil exist in each of our bodies, but there is no absolute good and evil. Justice may sometimes be distorted due to position, but kindness may be people's most beautiful vision. Bar!"

"Vision! Why do we have to give up something? In this process, we can only sway according to our position. What exactly have we done!"

Li Chu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"The days ahead are still very long. The boy you recommended to me has already entered Section 3. He is very smart, much smarter than you think. I can help you only so far. I am not you. We are not like you Jean, we can't do the job of a nanny! I admit that you are a qualified nanny, but when will you be able to do so?"

Gene shook his head.

"Just do whatever you want, I'm tired Li Chu, very tired. Very tired!"

Li Chu hummed and turned the corner with a smile. Jean looked at the messy city in the distance with a sad expression, feeling extremely sad. I don't know how many times I have to witness this. Technology is always improving. , running at high speed without stopping, but nothing has changed.

There was no way to stop or go back. Gene knew exactly what he should do and where he should stand. It was precisely because of his clarity that he was powerless.

"No matter how many times!"

Jean took a deep breath and smiled with a relaxed expression.

"There will always be a bird willing to fly high, and the city will not always be cloudy, right Ellie!"

The era was coming to an end once again, and Gene knew very well that if he couldn't do something in the next few decades, there would be no chance.

"Give yourself another chance, and also give others a chance, give it 50 years!"

Gene said and jumped on the window sill. He must rush to Section 2 now.

4:39 am

Niya stood quietly on the roof of a food exchange, staring blankly at the dimly lit prison tower in the distance, wiping away tears.

"Sister! What should I do? What should I do?"

Congress has announced some information about the bombing. Now the situation has stabilized and all the criminals have been arrested. Some of the criminals resisted and were killed in the crossfire between the peace and security departments.

Things kept being announced, and everyone just listened quietly. No one whispered, everyone was silent. This was the worst New Year for the people of Bright City. The happy New Year atmosphere had already disappeared. Can't see it anymore.

in the dark

A glimmer of light lit up, and in a cold cave, Alpha opened her sour eyes. She pressed her forehead with a serious expression. There was a sudden movement, and Quasimodo woke up, staring at Alpha with worried eyes.

"I had a nightmare!"

Alpha said, taking out a cigarette from the cigarette case next to him, and shouted with a grin.

"Bring water and food."

After a while, several prisoners came in. They looked at Alpha in fear. After putting down the food and water, they planned to leave. Alpha stood up and suddenly grabbed a prisoner with injuries on his face.

"What's wrong? Am I scary?"

"Sister Alpha, me"

Quasimodo stretched out a hand, took Alpha's stiff arm, and shook his head.


Alpha suddenly punched him with a wicked smile on his face as he looked at the prisoner who fell to the ground, holding his nose in pain. The others did not dare to move and could only beg for mercy.

"I just had a nightmare and was in a bad mood."

Alpha calmed down after a while, but the wildness in his eyes was still there, and there was a rage in his body that seemed to tear everything apart. Quasimodo stood at the door of the cave.

"Get out of Quasimodo's way, or I'll kill you."

Quasimodo did not let go, and opened his arms. Suddenly Alpha suddenly moved forward and punched him. There was a loud bang, and the wind pressure like an explosion swept across the cave wall in an instant, and the rocks rattled. As the sound fell, Quasimodo held Alpha's fist with one hand, and his huge body had already smashed the rocks near the entrance of the cave.

"Alpha! Something big happened in the city."

A somewhat helpless voice came out, and Alpha squinted at the collar.

"What's wrong Latis, you're still up so late!"

Latis told Alpha little by little that the major events that happened in the city today were caused by Hydra, and soon Latis finished.

"Wouldn't that be great!"

Alpha laughed loudly, pressing his forehead with excitement in his eyes.

"Goodnight Alpha!"

After Latis finished speaking, the light spot on the collar disappeared. Alpha sat on the ground, ate something casually, drank some water, and then lit a cigarette.

"How long are you going to stop me?"

Alpha looked at Quasimodo's palm, which had a small dent and was covered with a lot of calluses.

"Until the day you see the light!"

The light of the artificial sun illuminated the city at 6 o'clock. Niya smoked silently. Today, the food trading station was sparsely populated. At this time, Niya looked back at the scorched place behind her, which was far away. You can see that a big crater has appeared. This is the location of the first explosion last night, an explosion that occurred in the subway.

The city seemed to be silent, and Niya still remembered that she would always wake up to the noise on the first morning of the New Year every year.

Niya didn't know where to go. She thought about a lot of things. What she thought of was what happened to Lan Lan the year before last. Lan Lan and she had only been together for less than a week, and what happened to Hydera that caused so many problems. , Niya has seen it countless times in textbooks since she was very young, and when her sister was imprisoned in Hydera, she ran to the Law Hall to stop it.

There was no obvious hatred in her heart, and helplessness and sadness occupied a large part. Niya thought of someone at this time, Su Li. Su Li had told her about her uncle Su He countless times. Thinking of this, Niya laughed.

"Such a person is incredible, like a warm shimmering person!"

Su Li has said countless times that her life was saved because of her uncle. Niya really wants to see such a person now, but it's a pity that she has searched the whole city, and maybe there is no such person. people.

"Let's go back!"

Niya turned around and looked back at the prison tower again, trying to smile, but there was only bitterness on the corner of her mouth.

Niya quickly moved towards the middle level. She wanted to call her mother, but she was afraid of hearing unacceptable news. When Mo Xiaolan was just a little more sensible, her sister would often drag her to her side. At home, she is a very good friend of her sister. Although sometimes the words that come out of her mouth are a bit unsatisfactory, she is really a nice person.

Niya didn't understand why it was her. People around her were having problems one after another. The same was true for the people in the Lightning Skull Guild. Everyone seemed to have lost their goals and just got by every day. Niya had been the same in the past two years. .

At this time, on a light and shadow screen on the street, a man was crying and cursing at the top of his lungs.

"It was Xingke who killed my wife and children. They killed my wife and children. It's all their fault. It's all their fault!"

Niya looked at the wailing man quietly. She turned on a light and shadow screen. The man's wife and son were the hostages in the explosion at a subway station in the eastern area last night. The media had already reported that this The man named Zhao Zhen, his wife and children did not die in the explosion, but in the crossfire between the operations department and the criminals. The people who carried out this operation were the elites of the 2nd Department.

Niya stared at this man in confusion. The anger, hatred and despair on his face were the same as those people Niya had seen over the years.

No one will care about this man. Niya knows very well that no matter how angry this man is, he can't find anyone to blame. Who is at fault? Who should be responsible? Why did this happen? This is A question that has puzzled Niya for many years.

Niya walked slowly through the street and looked at many people crying on the street. Some of them lost their relatives and friends in the accident last night, and some had lost their homes after escaping death. .

Niya has been running towards the upper level of the east. Now she just wants to go back home, sleep peacefully, and then call her mother.

The morning sun in the east is far more dazzling than in other places. Ye Chunwang stood quietly in an experimental field. The directors around him had solemn expressions and were all whispering about the big event last night. Ye Chunwang just quietly inspected some crops. , Bayek and Larry next to them were also busy in earnest.

"Okay, let's get to work. Other departments will handle these matters. The only thing we can do is to cultivate enough food for the city's needs."

The directors began to disperse. Ye Chunwang looked at the tender green crops, stood up with a smile, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

In Ye Chunwang's view, hope exists at all times. It depends on whether those who hope to grasp hope are willing to reach out.

"Larry, the school may be temporarily closed. You have time to go around and take a look."

Ye Chunwang said, and Larry hummed.

"I know the section chief, I will visit all the farmland."

Ye Chunwang smiled and nodded, looking at the green farmland in the distance with a bright smile.

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