Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1890 Winged Niya’s bad roots (Part 2)

Chapter 1890 Wings fluttering. Niya. Bad roots (Part 2)

The light of the artificial sun began to extinguish, and the flaming red color instantly covered the entire city, as if the city was plunged into a sea of ​​blood.

After a few short seconds, the lights came on one after another. In the outermost circle, the four guard stations had already turned on their lights early in the morning. A lift slowly landed on the wall of the southern guard station. .

"I'm finally back. I can take a good rest for a month."

A member of Section 3 walked out of the lift first, followed by the disgraced members of Section 3, including Ling Hong.

"Instructor, do you want to go have a drink?"

Ling Hong shook her head.

"Sorry, I have something important to do when I get back."

Looking at the staff members who he had led for three months in the barrier area, compared with three months ago, the childishness on their faces had disappeared. They all looked like they had gone through many vicissitudes of life, but they seemed to have Quite sophisticated.

Most of them rush to their dormitories as soon as possible, ready to take a shower and sleep, and then invite them to have a drink in the bar run below.

Ling Hong smoked silently, planning to take a look at Niya. She hadn't seen her for three months, especially to see how strong Niya was. Ling Hong would seriously teach Niya how to fight every time she came back. s things.

When she thought of Niya, Ling Hong smiled helplessly. Niya was very tenacious and never complained. Every time she taught Ling Hong, she would be a little bit more serious. But as long as she was really serious, Niya would lie down. on the ground.

Today is May 19th. Ling Hong was the last one to get off the lift. She planned to go to the dormitory to freshen up, take a shower and then drive the lift to find Niya.

"Are you there?"


A lazy voice came from the phone.

"I've just come back. I'll go over to your place later and do a little exercise before I eat."

"Coming again."

Ling Hong laughed.

"Aren't you happy? Niya."

"It's up to you. I'll go there in advance at the same place."

Ling Hong smiled and hung up the phone. After she returned to the dormitory, she took off her clothes and pants directly and stepped into the bathroom. As the hot water fell, Ling Hong covered her cheeks happily. She had not enjoyed such comfort in a long time. It's time.

The next time she enters the barrier area, Ling Hong doesn't know when she will be able to come back. Nowadays, the situation in the barrier area is becoming more and more unstable, because the armed forces near the Alatan Ula Mountains have become quite dangerous and extreme. It was the result of the investigation. When they were receiving food last month, they almost had a conflict with the members of the administrative department who distributed the food.

During the three months of investigation, Ling Hong has led a team to lurk near the northern mountains of Alatan Ula, and has investigated too many things. The investigation report has been submitted, and the next step depends on the decision of Congress.

The worst case scenario may turn into a war. This is something Ling Hong doesn't want to see, but at the same time there is nothing she can do about it. As soon as she came back, Ling Hong saw that some people were expelled again. From the beginning of this year to now, nearly 2,000 people were deported, of which only more than 300 were criminals.

The water flowed continuously down Ling Hong's cheeks. Although it could wash away the dust on his body, it could not wash away the fatigue in his heart.

After a while, Ling Hong sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and looked at the table quietly with a dazed look in her eyes. Every time she returned to the city, Ling Hong felt something strange, and it might be the same this time.

Soon Ling Hong put on a combat tights and loose clothes on top, then returned directly to the roof of the building and drove the helicopter towards the Angus family. That was Niya Talking about the same old place.


Niya was sitting quietly at the door of her home. She had just returned a few minutes when Violet walked over with a smile, took off the apron she was wearing and squatted behind her daughter.

"Look at your skin, it looks like old tree bark, so prickly."

Niya let her mother's hand press her cheek. She smiled helplessly, reached out to her mouth with one hand, and took out the cigarette from Niya's mouth. Violet coughed.

"Stop smoking, wash your hands quickly and eat."

Niya shook her head.

"Ling Hong said she is coming over and needs to exercise before eating."

Olivia nodded understandingly and signaled Micah to wait for a while before eating again. Niya looked back at her mother and her father who came down the stairs. The two of them were living happily every day now, in the plantation. I’ll be busy here for a while, wandering around the manor, and when I have free time, I’ll walk around the streets in the evening.

It seems that her parents have completely moved on from their sister's love and they live happily every day. Niya can feel it every time she comes back. However, her parents have moved away from that circle of power. Nowadays, the Angus family is still the most powerful family in the city. Wealthy family.

Although there is still a lot of debt owed, these debts are being reduced at a slow and rapid rate.

"Daughter, is there anything you want to do?"

Niya shook her head.

"I'm fine just the way I am."

As soon as Niya finished speaking, she stood up, took off her coat, and ran over quickly. She took out a cigarette, lit it in her mouth, and then ejected with a whoosh, right before taking off and landing. Where the machine fell.

After the lift landed, Ling Hong walked out of the lift.

"It's been a while, you seem to have gotten stronger Niya."

Niya bit her cigarette butt and laughed.

"Exercise before meals! You have to be careful this time."

Ling Hong smiled and suddenly leaned down, and shot out to the side with a whoosh, and Niya immediately pursued her.


The moment Niya fell, she kicked her sideways as fast as lightning. Ling Hong easily dodged it and rushed forward. Niya grinned as the red particles flew out. In an instant, Niya stepped back. However, Sure enough, Ling Hong had jumped up high, avoiding the range of Niya's telekinesis. Niya crossed her hands with a cry, and light red scabs were evenly spread on her arms.


With a loud noise, Ling Hong's fist was knocked down unceremoniously, and Niya slid on the lawn. She knew exactly what would happen next.

With a whoosh, Ling Hong had already ejected, and her fists fell like raindrops. Niya had no room to dodge at all. Her actions seemed to have been seen through by Ling Hong, and she could only rely on a large number of scabs to defend herself. , Niya knew very well that Ling Hong was not serious, but even if she was not serious, such an attack was extremely powerful.

Now it is impossible to avoid it. Niya can only defend and look for opportunities. Suddenly, Niya notices that Ling Hong's figure is a little unstable. She releases her hands and grabs Ling Hong to hit her. With his right fist, he used the force to jump up and hit Ling Hong's jaw with an upward knee strike.

Ling Hong tilted her head back to avoid Niya's attack, but her hand was still tightly held by Niya. Ling Hong smiled slightly. The moment Niya's knee hit upwards, her body suddenly fell. Ya felt a sudden huge force, and the next second she was lying on the ground, and Ling Hong's left fist was right in front of the tip of her nose.

"What are you doing during this time? You are always absent-minded. Your reaction is too slow. It is not as fast as three months ago."

Niya got up from the ground in annoyance, and Ling Hong walked towards the house. After all, if she moved a little now, she was really hungry. Niya sat on the lawn, looked at Ling Hong helplessly, then got up and followed her. .

The meal ended happily, and at 7:49, Ling Hong and Niya returned to the lawn again.

"What happened to you?"

Niya pressed her cheek, then scratched her head, smiled bitterly, and headed towards the path to the planting shed behind with Ling Hong.

"I should have taught you that the most important thing in fighting is momentum, and you were so soft in the fight with me just now. Tell me what happened?"

Niya hummed and stopped. The two of them sat on the edge of a wheat field on the side of the road. The wind kept blowing on their faces, and Niya looked a little sad.

"I remember you never showed such an expression when you were a child."

Niya smiled and nodded.

"I've grown up."

Ling Hong could tell that Niya must be holding something back in her heart, and this matter had affected everything about Niya. When she just fought against Niya, Ling Hong discovered that Niya had become very easy to be shaken. Just now At the last moment when she subdued Niya, Ling Hong deliberately exposed her flaw. Niya did see it and took action, but it was too late. The hesitation of less than 1 second allowed Ling Hong to easily avoid it. Niya's attack, and then subdued Niya.

"It's not a big deal."

Ling Hong laughed and patted Niya on the shoulder.

"Tell me, I won't tell anyone else."

Niya hummed and began to talk about the incident in the 111th area on the ground floor in January. Ling Hong listened carefully. She seemed to understand what Niya was hesitating about. Anyone who encounters such a thing would be hesitant and uncomfortable.

"Indeed, they begged you for help. In the end, you took the risk to help them, but what you got was lies and slander. You may not care about such a thing next time."

Niya didn't know how to answer, but after encountering several injustices, Niya still chose to take action.

"The current administrative department is rotten."

Ling Hong hummed. When she came to Niya's house, she also read some news. There is only one possibility for some big and small things that happened in recent months. The control ability of the business department has been greatly improved. Not as good as before.

Many people are criticizing the current soft policy of the Municipal Affairs Bureau. The effect of doing so can indeed win over many people, businessmen, citizens, and even some gang members, but doing so is harmful. Although it can make all aspects of the city better in the short term, It's getting better, but in the long run, it will cause a lot of problems.

"Are you old enough to think about such things? What a surprise."

"Don't make me sound like an idiot."

Niya muttered dissatisfiedly, Ling Hong raised her head, took out a cigarette from her pocket, and handed one to Niya.

"What are you thinking about now?"

Niya shook her head. She didn't quite understand it, but a sense of powerlessness filled her body. No matter what she did recently, she felt powerless.

"I don't think you are suitable to think about these things. It would be much better to go on the rampage as before."

"I told you, I've grown up, and you still mention it!"

Ling Hong stood up and blew out a puff of smoke.

"This has nothing to do with whether you grow up or not, but your own bad nature!"

Niya made a strange sound in her tone, and Ling Hong looked at her.

"I have been in the barrier zone all year round and have seen countless people and things. Human beings have their own bad qualities, and many people like to magnify their bad qualities because they are already deeply ingrained. Just like what you experienced in January Do you think those people were wrong about those things?"

Niya thought for a few seconds and then shook her head.

"They just don't want to continue to live a hard life. No one will ignore the good life in front of them, right? The newly built houses will be returned to them according to the area on their land deeds, so that they can do business, and only It seems that the gang members got a huge advantage by charging the contract fees, but what about the residents? On their own, they want to demolish the houses and build new ones. In a place like that, It’s quite difficult, and there’s a whole block of new construction.”

Niya scratched her head. She felt as if she was holding a breath in her heart. Perhaps it was this suffocating thing that made her feel weak.

"Many people can only look at the immediate benefits and not the long-term benefits. They only care about the immediate gains and losses and will not let themselves suffer, because most people just want to live a good life tomorrow. Who can You won’t think about whether your future will be good or not, just take it one step at a time, and you don’t need to blame the residents.”

Niya hummed, flicked the ashes of her cigarette, and then exhaled a puff of smoke, still looking dull.

"I'll just take it one step at a time."

Niya stood up as she spoke. Ling Hong looked at Niya who was walking towards the front of the manor. She knew that Niya probably didn't want to practice with her anymore, and she couldn't explain anything because Ling Hong herself was the same. I also have my own bad qualities.

Ling Hong has always been escaping from something. Ling Hong knows this. There is a reason why she doesn't want to be in the city and prefers the loneliness in the barrier zone. For a while, Ling Hong couldn't figure it out, so she simply didn't want to be in the city. To think about these issues, just seriously teach the young people the fighting skills and everything that needs to be paid attention to in the barrier area.


Ling Hong chased after him and shouted, but Niya stopped.

"What's wrong? I'm not in the mood to practice with you right now."

Ling Hong said with a smile.

"I still think it's better for you to do it first than to use your brain first. This way you will have a lot less troubles. In fact, you are not stupid, you just don't want to think about complicated problems. In fact, many times, the more people know, the more painful they are. But if you want to move forward, you must know more, but you don’t need to think about those complicated things at this stage, so I will go back first.”

Ling Hong said as she passed by Niya, who smiled and waved.

Watching Ling Hong leave, Niya felt a little relieved. She planned to stay at home for a few days before returning to the guild.

Rose has been indifferent to them recently, as if she is tired of something. She has not been to the guild for a long time. Niya sat quietly on the lawn. She didn't know what was wrong with her, and her whole body was filled with blood. There was a sense of powerlessness.

"Would you like to go to the business department?"

Violet walked slowly to Nia's side, sat down and pressed her daughter's shoulders.

"Why do you all think I should go to the legal department?"

Violet said with a smile.

"That's where your sister used to work. If there's anything you want to achieve, go to the business department and change the status quo. Of course, you have to start by changing your own status quo."

"I'm fine this way."

Violet knows that her daughter is worried now, but she can't help with this kind of thing. She can only rely on Niya herself, and Niya seems to have become a different person in the past two years, although she still causes trouble. , but compared to before, it has converged too much.

Violet knows that this change is the only way for a person to go from childishness to maturity. He will always feel fear of the unknown, full of confusion, indifferent to the things around him, and always feel tired. Some people Perhaps at this point, you have chosen to go back instead of moving forward. If you want to move forward, you can only see a different light in the future by passing through the fog filled with thorns.

"Your sister never backed down, do you know why?"

Niya frowned slightly and her eyes dimmed.

"Because she is much more fragile than you, she knows very well that once she stops and is bound by some people and things, it will be difficult to move forward, so your sister has never stopped."

Niya hummed and lay back, looking at the dark sky like a curtain. Uneasiness and uneasiness filled Niya's heart. This was the first time since childhood that this had happened.

"How about asking Mr. Jean?"

Violet suggested and Nia shook her head.

"Even if I ask him now, I still can't understand it. I can only take it one step at a time!"

10pm sharp

The slightly drunk Tamai looked at the ceiling relaxedly, enjoying the service of the woman in front of him comfortably. The current day was the best for Tamai.

After a while, Tamai stood up comfortably, and the woman smiled charmingly.

"Lord Tamai, do you want to come to my house later?"

Tamai smiled and shook his head.

"Just wait until you have time."

After saying that, Tamai walked out of the room. In the corridor, Ada smiled excitedly. Tamai walked over, and Ada immediately came over.

"You are satisfied, Lord Tamai."

Tamai hugged the voluptuous and beautiful Ada, and then started groping with a smile, and Ada giggled.

"It's just so so, I want you more."

Ada leaned gently into Tamai's arms and looked at Tamai charmingly and emotionally.

"Of course, you can do whatever you want, including me, but there's just one thing, Lord Tamai, you have to promise me."

Tamai smiled and hugged Ada and started walking, the hot feeling that had cooled down in her body rushed to her head again.

"Didn't I have a problem before? The shop was closed and I was not allowed to practice for five years. But I still have many girls to support, Lord Tamai."

"Look at your attitude tonight!"

The two hugged each other intimately and walked in the corridor talking and laughing. However, at this moment, a purple phantom appeared at the end of the corridor. Tamai quickly pushed away the person next to him. Ada.

"Balaika, why are you here?"

Ada seemed to be fine, giggling, and then walked towards Baleka.

"Oh, isn't this the owner of the casino? My name is Ada!"

Baleka nodded slightly. Although Tamai was a little embarrassed, she still walked over slowly. Baleka looked at Tamai dumbfounded. At this time, an enchanting woman came out of a room behind and walked quickly. Running towards Tamai, but the woman seemed to see the momentum, she just gave Tamai a wink.

"Lord Tamai, I will go back first."

Tamai hummed, and Baleka just looked at Tamai quietly.

"I said I was just talking to those two ladies about something, do you believe it?"

Baleka didn't move. She didn't say a word, but her expression looked extremely sad. Only tears did not fall. She knew that this man had changed. In just a few years, he had become almost unrecognizable to her. .

Someone contacted him tonight and told him something, so Baleka came over. However, what the person who sent him the message came true, even though he felt that Tamai had completely changed, But there is still a glimmer of hope in Baleka's heart.

But now the last glimmer of hope in my heart and the last bit of illusion about Tamai have been shattered.

"Let's go back and talk first."

Tamai realized that guests were coming, and hurriedly took Baleka's hand. Baleka shook it off with all her strength, and then covered her mouth. She didn't know what to say, but when the guests passed by, Baleka turned her face Turning to the wall, tears fell down unsatisfactorily.

Tamai greeted the guests next to him, and there was nothing wrong with his expression. After greeting the guests, Tamai looked at Baleka who was crying silently against the wall, and tried to reach out and brush it away. Baleka's tears.

Baleka turned and glared at Tamai.

"you've changed!"

Tamai hummed.

"I have indeed changed, I am just an ordinary person."

Baleka smiled and turned around and walked away.

"where are you going?"

"That's it!"

Baleka doesn't want to listen to Tamai's explanation anymore. She has been quite tired over the past few years. This fatigue is mental. She is suffering all the time as her relationship with Tamai becomes more and more indifferent. Like fire.

How power and money can change a person, Baleka Qinchu saw it. These two things were constantly eating away at Tamayi, until now he should be eating him so quickly that even the bones are not left, only A cold exterior wrapped in money and power.

"Investors need to have a meeting in a few days. I hope you can attend on time and not get angry because our relationship has broken down, after all."

Baleka paused and wiped away tears, her expression becoming serious.

"I understand, Lord Tamai, I won't be late."

Tamai nodded.

"Go find a man who suits you better and marry Baleka, you have everything now."

The corners of Baleka's mouth raised slightly, but they quickly dropped. She walked silently until she reached the stairs of the banquet venue. After walking down the stairs, Baleka sat on the steps and looked at the car quietly. The streets were full of cars and flashing neon signs, and there were two traces of tears hanging on her cheeks.

Scenes from the past kept reappearing in his mind. Baleka knew very clearly that that was not what Tamai wanted to say, nor was it what Tamai wanted to do.

"You're still the same, you can't even lie. Goodbye!"

Baleka glanced back at the banquet hall behind her and walked down the stairs quickly.

On the second floor of the banquet hall, on a small balcony, Tamai squatted with a glass of wine in one hand and looked at Baleka who had entered the car with a sad expression.

"The next time we meet again, we must have grown up! I'm sorry, Baleka, I love you very much, and it's the same from the past to the present."

Tamai clenched his fists and stared quietly at the neon-shining building in the distance. He knew very well what was wrong with him. He could hardly bear the pressure.

Wandering in such a dirty circle every day, I feel extremely tired every day. All this is obviously not what I want. In Tamayi's heart, the back of Alpha will always appear at any time, that handsome and aloof person. The shadow of the princess in the shining city.

However, no matter what Tamai thinks or does, he can never be even one percent of Alpha. Tamai knows very well that continuing to stay in this circle of power will one day kill Baleka. He knew very well that his relationship with Baleka would never come to an end, because Baleka had always been looking forward to that kind of peaceful and stable life, but all this was something Tamai could not give Baleka.

From the past to the present, Tamai has been unable to give Baleka. Tamai knows that he is a weak person. This is his own bad nature, and it is also what most people have.

It's like Gene once warned himself, either carry it all and go into the future, or let it all go and return to a quiet life.

Tamai chose the former. Tamai doesn’t know what the future holds and cannot explain it, but what Tamai is sure of is that if the city wants to move toward the future, it must coordinate the relationship between the executive branch, councilors, and businessmen. Unanimity is the key. If this step cannot be achieved, this city will have no future.

The impact and impact of the Alpha incident is far more serious than many people thought. Everyone is very tired. Tamai knows very well that those former section chiefs and secretaries rarely attend some events now. .

The matter of coordinating with the businessmen and councilors was left in the hands of himself and King Xue, and he could never refuse because he owed Alpha a lot.

"Why do you want to entrust such a heavy burden to me, Alpha-sama!"

Tamai's eyes were a little moist. He drank the wine in the glass in one gulp and looked into the distance with blurred eyes. The bitter wine choked in his throat and he could not swallow it.

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