Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1882 The chicks (Part 2) are gentle

January 1, 2229

"Xiaoxuan, I'm really sorry for so many things."

Qin Xiaoxuan looked at Tamai next to her, standing aside with a solemn expression. Qin Xiaoxuan was still processing documents. It was just after 0 o'clock, and there were still a lot of backlogged cases on hand that had not been processed.

Tamai seemed a little tired, but more importantly, he failed to handle many things well, which led to the emergence of some problems. Now many things seem to be repairing leaks, although the city's economy improved at the end of last year. There has been an unprecedented improvement, but the price is cruel. The economy has been sacrificed at the expense of social security.

Today's social security is no longer comparable to that of the Alpha era. Everyone is powerless and very helpless, because there are double shackles of the civil hierarchy and the expulsion bill, which restrict some people, but at the same time liberate some people.

"You go to the banquet. After all, you are the section chief of Section 5. You will be required to continue to maintain a series of balances in the future."

After Tamai apologized again with an apologetic look, she walked towards the door. Qin Xiaoxuan looked helplessly at Tamai who was going out. She didn't know whether it was a good or bad thing for Alpha to let him inherit the 5th subject in the end, but now looking at the overall situation The situation is mixed.

Led by Tamai, he has very well reconciled and resolved some of the conflicts between the business department and the merchant families in the past, so that the merchants and families are willing to help and cooperate with the business department to carry out some commercial activities. Now the city as a whole The economy has recovered a lot.

Because of Tamai's relationship, the current situation among the parliamentarian factions is relatively stable. The relationship between the three parties is no longer as incompatible as it was in the past years.

In the past, it was very difficult for businessmen or family members to achieve certain goals through parliamentarians because the administrative department was watching, but it is different now. The relationship between the three parties has reached an unprecedented ease.

But voluntarily giving up some things that have been lost for the sake of the economy has now become a big trouble. Some things that have to be let go in order to make the economy improve have already made many people fall into this bad habit.

A bad habit may be formed in just one day, but it may take a lifetime to break it.

When she thought of this, Qin Xiaoxuan stretched her limbs comfortably, then put her hands on her chin and looked out the window at the vast swaths of flashing neon in the city in the distance, and sighed helplessly.

Now from top to bottom, bad habits have been formed that are difficult to eradicate. Whether it is people in the field, parliamentarians, or businessmen, power and money are once again closely combined.

But the only good thing now is that everyone has a little bottom line, which can't make ordinary people unable to live. Once anyone touches this bottom line, he will definitely be arrested by Section 13.

Qin Xiaoxuan looked at a button on the light and shadow panel. It came from District 54. Because the local district officers, councilors, and some businessmen colluded, some shops were forced to leave in the end, and they monopolized the area. In most cases, through coercion and inducement, many people have given up their original industries.

However, a few days ago, the evidence of these people's behind-the-scenes dealings was found by Gene, and he caused a big fuss in Area 54, giving many people something to talk about after dinner.

He destroyed some facilities, knocked down most of the people very violently, and found evidence of the crime. Many people in the city were talking about Jean's things, but Congress never made any comment on Jean's behavior. The explanation is that the existence of Section 13 is a mist-like existence for most ordinary people.

And as Jean's repeated excesses or behaviors that are difficult for ordinary people to understand, there are more and more rumors and rumors about him, and the most common are rumors about him and various women. .

There was even a case where a woman who had an affair with Jean came forward to speak out in person, but the woman was soon arrested for spreading rumors.

Qin Xiaoxuan couldn't help but laugh when she thought of this. She continued to deal with the case, because she had to go to a relative's house tonight, and she was asked by her parents to go there, and it was the introduction of her blind date as usual. Qin Xiaoxuan was no longer interested. Remember how many times this happened.

While she was thinking about it, Qin Xiaoxuan had already finished processing most of the things. It was already 0:31. She stood up, brought up a light and shadow screen, took out her makeup bag, and casually put on elegant makeup. Got up.

"By the way, why don't you change into a dress."

Qin Xiaoxuan was about to take off her uniform, but the next second, she smiled and shook her head. Now, no matter where she goes, Qin Xiaoxuan will wear this uniform. She has no ability to change the status quo, but only by wearing this uniform, can she Some occasions serve as a wake-up call.

For Qin Xiaoxuan, she cherishes this uniform now. The two most important people in her life have passed away one after another.

"This life is better than this!"

Qin Xiaoxuan walked out of the office with a smile. She just wanted to take a good look at the 5 subjects with her own eyes. No matter what it became, she would not retire until one day, when someone can truly shoulder the 5 subjects.

Qin Xiaoxuan did not use the lift, but shuttled and jumped directly from the roof of the building. It was only a straight line distance of more than ten kilometers from her relatives' home. It felt good to walk on the floors like this in the dark, and sometimes she would bump into Go to Principal Jean, and she will briefly chat with him.

Talking about recent work and some things he had seen and heard, Gene would just listen quietly every time, then pat his arm and tell himself to just keep working hard.

Almost all the students in the business department have changed. Everyone has grown up, has his own circle and his own life, and does what he can do within his own role. When contacting, they will interact with each other. Cooperation and relations have become relatively gentle.

Unknowingly, Qin Xiaoxuan had arrived near her relatives' mansion. She was walking slowly on the street. This was a wealthy residential area in Area 51. She could see people from Section 5 in the distance. patrol.

"Lord Qin Xiaoxuan."

A bunch of people from Section 5 quickly ran over from everywhere, nearly forty people. Several team leaders hurried over to say hello, while other section members saluted.

"Sorry, I came here suddenly. I just went to a relative's house. Continue your work!"

At 0:58, Qin Xiaoxuan arrived at her relative's house. The yard was already full of people, including many children.

"Xiaoxuan, why are you here?"

Qin Xiaoxuan walked in with a smile, and more than ten beautifully dressed women came over. One of them was Qin Xiaoxuan's cousin, Qin Ke. This is Qin Ke's home.

"Cousin, don't bother me. I'm just here for a drink. I have things to do when I get back later."

Many women advised Qin Xiaoxuan to change her clothes, but Qin Xiaoxuan refused.

Qin Ke pulled Qin Xiaoxuan upstairs. Qin Xiaoxuan greeted some relatives along the way. After seeing her parents, she quickened her pace.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Your place of work is only more than ten kilometers away from our home. I asked you to come and stay with my cousin when you have time."

Qin Xiaoxuan smiled helplessly.

After arriving in Qin Ke's room, Qin Ke immediately pulled Qin Xiaoxuan to sit at the table, and then started to adjust a light and shadow screen with photos of men on it.

Qin Xiaoxuan smiled awkwardly. Her cousin Qin Ke and her cousin Qin Li were distant relatives, but they still got married. They didn't know they were relatives until they got married, but they were not close relatives. Both families He is related to his parents.

Many years ago, he often played with his cousin, so he had a good relationship with her. As for his cousin Qin Li, he had only met her a few times and was not too familiar with her.

"You are not young Xiaoxuan, my son Dongdong is almost 6 years old."

Qin Xiaoxuan shook her head. The men in the photos were all handsome and successful men, ranging from part-time workers to company managers. Her cousin Qin Ke ran a wedding company, including blind date projects. It has a lot of resources.

"Don't think about the past."

Qin Ke didn't want to mention it, but when the subject of blind dates was mentioned, Qin Xiaoxuan would show sad eyes, and Qin Xiaoxuan immediately laughed.

"What else can I think about? I'm just busy at work."

"I think it's just an excuse because you're busy at work."


The door to the room was pushed open and Qin Ke looked over. It was his son Qin Dong who came in carrying some food and drink.

"Auntie, hurry up and eat it while it's hot."

Qin Xiaoxuan looked at this cute and handsome little boy and liked it very much. He had been well-behaved and sensible since he was a child, but he had a very gentle personality. As soon as he came in, Qin Xiaoxuan noticed that this child named Qin Dong was busy with the servants. Serve guests who come to your home like a little grown-up.

"Dongdong, come here."

Qin Ke laughed and stopped his son who was about to go back.

"You pick one for Auntie. At least you need a companion for the activities tonight."


Qin Xiaoxuan shouted awkwardly, and Qin Dong ran over with a smile, looking at the men on the light and shadow panel, thinking like an adult.

"Mom, I think if aunt doesn't want to, don't force her. I can see that everyone in the family wants aunt to get married soon, but doesn't aunt have a very important job?"

Qin Xiaoxuan smiled and nodded.

"You really know everything. Do you know what Auntie is doing?"

"Maintain peace in the city."

Qin Xiaoxuan laughed happily, Qin Ke could only shake his head helplessly, and then Qin Dong ran out.

"Let me tell you, Xiaoxuan, what do you think of this child?"

"Very good, cousin. She is well-behaved, sensible, and very smart. I heard that she did very well in the entrance exam at the end of last year."

Qin Ke pressed his forehead in annoyance.

"This kid is too gentle with many things. I'm worried that he will suffer a disadvantage in the future, especially a girl who is so honest."

"Honest men are good. Why do you think my cousin only talks about these things when her child is so young?"

Qin Xiaoxuan looked under the window. Qin Dong was already downstairs, helping some guests who were chatting with food or drinks. He was a very diligent child, and he always smiled and looked very enthusiastic.

"That's what I'm worried about. His father was too honest when he had business problems before. You said that this child's character will be difficult to survive in the future society. When he is older and has time, you can How about taking him with you often?"


Qin Xiaoxuan laughed and shook her head.

"I probably don't have much time."

The first thing Qin Xiaoxuan thought of was Gene, but Qin Xiaoxuan soon gave up on this idea.

"You actually have a very strong personality, Xiaoxuan. I think you should be able to have a little influence on that child."

"Cousin, that child looks like you. You have been gentle since you were a child and treat everything the same. This is your advantage."

Qin Ke smiled helplessly.

"Come on, let's go down and have a drink, and we'll have a nice chat later."

Qin Xiaoxuan followed Qin Ke downstairs. As soon as she went down, many people she knew and didn't know came over to her. Many people flattered her. Qin Xiaoxuan could only deal with it. She was really not good at such communication, and Still very tired.

Qin Xiaoxuan had been talking to some people she knew or didn't know. Qin Ke only stayed with her for a while and then left. Soon Qin Xiaoxuan returned to the room. Her parents had already gone back in advance. Regarding her marriage, her parents had already From the nagging in the past, it has become the silence now.

Qin Xiaoxuan came to the balcony on the third floor. There was no one here. She clearly remembered that it was here that she said something to Jill. She lay on the edge of the guardrail, holding a glass of wine, and unknowingly the sadness in her heart returned again. Climbing up, tears began to flow down again.

There was a soft sound of footsteps, and Qin Xiaoxuan panicked. In the panic, she almost dropped the wine glass, but soon followed by red particles, Qin Xiaoxuan used telekinesis to stabilize the glass.

"Auntie, are you crying?"

Qin Xiaoxuan immediately adjusted her mood and was about to turn around when a small hand came over with a handkerchief. Qin Xiaoxuan took it with a smile and wiped her eyes.

"It's just too spicy. Auntie ate something spicy just now."

"It's not good to eat too much spicy food. My mother often tells me, aunt, you'd better not eat it."

Qin Xiaoxuan hummed and looked at the little nephew next to him who was carrying drinks and food.

"You are quite attentive. How did you know that your aunt is on the balcony?"

"I just saw you coming up, aunt. This is my home, and I know every place."

The little nephew seemed a little tired, but he smiled happily and sat behind the guardrail, leaning against the guardrail. He looked at Qin Xiaoxuan with interest and asked.

"Auntie, what about your telekinesis just now? It seems cool to become a mutant. How can I become one?"

An image flashed through Qin Xiaoxuan's mind, and her face became embarrassed, but she soon said with a smile.

"As long as you work hard and exercise, you'll be fine."

"Really? Auntie, if I become a mutant in the future, can you teach me? Auntie, you must be very powerful. I heard people say that the chief and secretary of the business department are very strong."

Qin Xiaoxuan smiled and nodded, and then said with a serious expression.

"This is a necessary condition. This is a prerequisite for becoming a secretary or section chief. Dongdong, do you want to enter the executive section in the future?"

Qin Dong smiled and nodded.

"I think maintaining peace in the city is a great job, just like being a hero."

Qin Xiaoxuan looked at this innocent and cute child with some surprise, smiled and closed her eyes.

"Then you have to work harder."

Qin Dong stood up with a smile, filled Qin Xiaoxuan's wine glass, and started running quickly.


Qin Xiaoxuan felt a little emotional. The child's words touched the softest part of her heart. This was the first time she heard such words from a child. No one has ever thought that Xingke is a hero, because in most people's eyes, In the eyes, all departments are strict managers and cold machines.

For some reason, another child from the past appeared in Qin Xiaoxuan's mind at this time, the irritable Niya, who was completely opposite to this child.

Qin Xiaoxuan felt a little heartache when she thought of Niya. She silently dug out some photos from the past and started flipping through them quickly. Every time she saw these photos, she felt heartbroken.

We can obviously do better, but why have we become like this? This is a question that many people who came out of the Academy of God want to ask in the past, but there has never been a standard answer to this question.

But today Qin Xiaoxuan seemed to have found the answer. From the mouth of a child, it was too late to understand such an answer.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, the lively banquet began to end. Only some close relatives were still there. Everyone wanted to continue drinking and chatting all night long.

The wine in Qin Xiaoxuan's glass was empty. She should have left a long time ago, but she did not leave. She looked at the gentle child behind who was clearing the dishes and talking and laughing with the servants. She was still very energetic.

"Xiaoxuan, why are you here?"

Looking at Qin Ke who was slightly drunk, Qin Xiaoxuan smiled and walked over to help her. She was already drunk and started talking nonsense. Some words were embarrassing in Qin Xiaoxuan's ears. She could only put them out as soon as possible. Qin Ke helped her back to the room and came out of the room after letting her sleep.

There were not many guests in the courtyard anymore, many relatives had returned to their rooms, or were sitting on the corridor, chatting.

Qin Xiaoxuan looked at her little nephew who was still busy and sat in the corridor. After a while, the little nephew finished his work and came over yawning.

"Auntie, I'm tired and going to bed."

"Dongdong! What do you think a hero is?"

Qin Dong said with a smile for a while.

"It's someone who can protect something silently as always."

Qin Xiaoxuan hummed and looked at her little nephew leaving. She stood up. Now she was going to a place. She would go there at this time every year because it was a very important place and that person would be waiting for her there. Even if it's dawn, he will keep waiting. Every time Qin Xiaoxuan goes there, he will be drunk.

3:17 am

Qin Xiaoxuan stepped onto a somewhat deserted street. This street would be more lively during the day, selling things that had nothing to do with food, but it would be deserted at night.

Qin Xiaoxuan walked slowly towards a lighted room in the middle of the distance. She walked over step by step with a slight smile, and a nice scent of flowers floated in the wind.

Qin Xiaoxuan stopped at the door of a shop called Flower House. The lights on the first floor were still on at such a late hour and the door was still open. Qin Xiaoxuan opened the door and walked in.

The smell of cigarette smoke came towards her. Qin Xiaoxuan walked to the corridor facing the winding stairs going upstairs. She saw Tang Rao sitting on the stairs holding a wine bottle and smoking a cigarette. He looked drunk.

"Sorry, I'm late Mr. Tang Rao."

Tang Rao was only wearing a thin white gauze pajamas. Qin Xiaoxuan took off her uniform. After walking over, Tang Rao smiled and shook her head.

"I prepare my own food. The refrigerator is full of ingredients."

Qin Xiaoxuan shook her head.

"Let's have a nice drink."

After a while, the two of them went upstairs. Qin Xiaoxuan took out some wine, unscrewed a bottle and started drinking by herself. She drank the wine in the bottle in one breath, and Tang Rao laughed.

"How have you been working lately?"

Qin Xiaoxuan hummed.

"Still the same."

After extinguishing the cigarette butt, Tang Rao lit another one, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said with a chuckle.

"Just the same as usual, the city's economy is growing steadily, that's all that's needed."

Qin Xiaoxuan smiled and put her hand on her chin and said with a smile.

"Lord Tang Rao, do you still remember what I told you about Jill's working ability?"

Tang Rao hummed.

"That boy does have average work ability and can only help Alpha with some small favors."

Qin Xiaoxuan shook her head.

"It's incredible, Mr. Tang Rao. My thoughts now are completely different from those in the past. In fact, I don't need to perform any feats or reach the level of Alpha. Of course, I'm not saying that the past president didn't do well."

Tang Rao came to Qin Xiaoxuan's side and placed a bottle of wine in front of her. Qin Xiaoxuan opened it and took another sip.

"I think we're all missing something important."

"Have you found it? Your answer! I really want to hear it."

Qin Xiaoxuan wiped away the tears that overflowed from her eyes and sighed. She talked about her little nephew. Tang Rao listened carefully and smiled from time to time.

"What do you think? Master Tang Rao."

"If this is your answer, you can't do it in your current situation."

Qin Xiaoxuan hummed.

"In the past, Gil dealt with cases of mutants going berserk and supervising the personnel within Section 5, especially patrolling. Gil would carefully read the attendance sheets of the patrol officers every month. If any problems were found, he would immediately report them to the local authorities. I would call the department officer and ask them to deal with it. If there were still problems, I would go there and supervise them in person. I remember that Jill had dinner with the noisy Niya many times in different districts. I also had dinner with them several times. ."

Tang Rao hummed.

“Nothing stays the same.”

Qin Xiaoxuan said with a smile.

"I finally know why everyone misses the past five subjects now. I often hear it on the streets and in some banquet venues. Because there is Alpha, a just person who is not afraid of any money and power, and Jill, who can There are people who are silently acting as guardians as always, why do I just realize it now!"

Tang Rao patted Qin Xiaoxuan on the back.

"Whether you understand or not, everything is over. What you can't do can only be left to the people of the next generation. Just do your best now. This is our lowest requirement for all of you."

Qin Xiaoxuan picked up the wine bottle and took a big sip, and a scene appeared in her mind.

"You always care about these little details, Gil. I think it's better for you to focus on some major cases."

"Anything, the president will handle the big things anyway. I just need to do these minutiae things. I urge everyone to patrol the streets every day, be gentler towards the people, and be more attentive in the way they do things. In this way That’s enough, I think we should not be cold managers, but gentle guardians!”

Qin Xiaoxuan was already crying. Tang Rao could only hold her down and smile slightly, then closed his eyes, took a sip of wine, and held up the bottle in his hand.

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