Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1880 The Nestlings 5 ​​(Part 1) Tranquility

In the darkness, a flash of light appeared, and then the warm yellow light turned on. Gu Lin climbed up from the bed sideways. She grabbed the handle next to her with some difficulty. Her belly was getting bigger and bigger, and Feite had recently... He only came back every few days, and Gu Lin didn't know what he was doing, but every time he asked, Feite would just smile and make a hissing gesture.

Gu Lin asked again later, and Feite excused herself with a simple reason. There was no need to worry about life here for the time being, because not only was there a reserve of supplies, but there was also a lot of money.

Fit was still conducting some kind of research, and Gu Lin had no idea what he was doing. Recently, Fit was becoming more and more restless and spoke to him less and less.

Gu Lin had only mentioned the matter of surrendering three times in the past two years, but every time Feite would lose his temper. Although she had realized that her husband had completely changed, Gu Lin still didn't know what to do now. Which is the best place to go? I have been following Fit for 20 years. All the changes in the past 20 years have only been seen on the screen.

When she finally walked out of the facility, in order to adapt to everything outside, Gu Lin could only start shopping with Feite a little bit every day. This kind of thing, which was extremely common in the past, for Gu Lin every time, They are all full of ritual.

After living with Feite in that facility with only private rooms and corridors for more than 20 years, Gu Lin didn't know what gave her the courage to spend more than 20 years with Feite. But at this moment, Gu Lin Lin felt that the old feeling of courage filling her heart came back.

Gu Lin looked at her bulging belly quietly. She originally thought she would never have a child in her life, but she didn't expect that she would be pregnant with this child at the end of December last year.

Recently, Gu Lin has always felt that the child in her belly is always kicking herself, as if she wants to be born quickly. The smile on Gu Lin's face that had not been there for a long time has shown up again because of the child who is about to be born. .

"Ning Ning, you kicked mom again."

Gu Lin smiled and stroked her belly. She had prepared food in advance when she was in good condition, because Feite didn't know what he was doing recently. Feite hadn't been back for three days. Gu Lin wanted to be with Feite very much. I’m talking about it because the baby is about to be born.

Gu Lin looked around the relatively large basement, and then glanced at her belly. If it hadn't been for this child, Gu Lin might have made a decision to live her whole life with her husband Feite, because Gu Lin It is clear that the two of them are now helpless, and the only thing they can rely on is each other.

So Gu Lin doesn't plan to leave, but she can send the child away. This is the only way. Gu Lin doesn't plan for the child to live here as soon as he is born. This is extremely unfair to the child who is about to be born. .

Gu Lin was in a trance for a moment. She didn't know what to say or what to do. Feite was already a little abnormal. Gu Lin wanted to leave with the child, but when she thought of the scene over the past twenty years, At the end of the world, Feite was fighting every day to stay alive.

"Ning Ning, I'm sorry, mom can't leave dad behind!"

Gu Lin stroked her belly quietly. She knew that there was not much time left to get along with this child. She had to send the child away. Gu Lin had also thought about the choice. She planned to give the child to Wu Qun.

Although this matter is very uncomfortable for Gu Lin, it can only be done. Wu Qun once promised Gu Lin in the past that if any extremely difficult problems arise in Gu Lin's life one day, he can Go to him for help.

Gu Lin had already made up her mind. She had met Wu Qun at Jill's funeral a few years ago. Although he looked much changed and smoother than before, his eyes had never changed.

After getting up with difficulty and eating, Gu Lin took a look at the time. It was already 11:13. Today is October 11th. She planned to go back to bed and sleep for a while, but at this moment, there was already The passage lights, which had not been on for several days, came on.


With an unpleasant smell wafting in, Gu Lin happily moved out of bed.

"You're back."

Just like the first day after the two got married more than 20 years ago, Gu Lin would welcome Fit home every time.

"Ah! Don't move around if you have nothing to do. Get more rest. I will be here these days. After all, our child is about to be born."

Gu Lin lowered her head and hummed, and Feite hugged Gu Lin. At this time, Gu Lin wanted to talk to Feite about the child.

"After this child is born, I will teach him everything about medicine seriously."

Gu Lin was a little happy. She saw the laboratory not far away in a trance, and a picture of a family of three talking and laughing in the laboratory appeared in her mind. However, soon such a picture appeared on Feite's face. The madness that came out interrupted.

"Everyone except us is the enemy."

For a moment, Gu Lin held back what she was going to say. She didn't dare to tell Feite about sending the child out.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

Feite spoke in a cold voice, stroking his wife's hair with one hand, then leaned over and pressed her cheek very close to her. Gu Lin shook her head.

Fit smiled and kissed his wife on the cheek, then took off his hoodie and walked to the laboratory. Gu Lin looked at her husband worriedly. Although she wanted to try to talk to her husband about the future of her child, her husband now The mental state is unstable.

"Blame me!"

Gu Lin lowered her head, turned around and walked away. She lay back on the bed and continued to look at her swollen belly quietly. At this moment, Gu Lin made up her mind again, because she had already thought about it clearly, although she didn't know Fit has experienced many cruel things in the past, but this cruelty has completely destroyed everything about Fit. The originally kind-hearted Fit has died.

Although Gu Lin doesn't know what Feit is doing now, she is certain that Feit is selling some kind of medicine now, some basic medical things. Gu Lin has been influenced by Feit over the years, and she understands it more or less, and can even call it Half a doctor.

Gu Lin didn't want her daughter to be tainted by the cruelty from her parents. Gu Lin knew very well what the outside world was like, and what her and Feite's world was like.

Now that the Hillman family worth resenting is finished, these resentments and unwillingness exist in the hearts of Feite and his group of researchers. Gu Lin has read the reports, and most of the researchers who have given some explanations have chosen suicide.

At this time, Gu Lin noticed that Feite looked unusually cold and terrifying under the light. She looked at her belly. She only hoped that the day this child would become wise, she would see flowers and bathe in the warm sunshine. Not in this cold, wall-only basement.

Gu Lin had already memorized the route to where Wu Qun lived and how to avoid the business department. All of this was thanks to the news. Gu Lin had sorted out some of Wu Qun's news reports and learned about Wu Qun. Gu Lin probably knew where Wu Qun lived, and the fact that Wu Qun never brought bodyguards gave Gu Lin confidence to find Wu Qun.

Gu Lin said with a smile as her abdomen began to move strangely again.

"Ning Ning, why are you so noisy today? Mom is hurt by your kick."

As Gu Lin spoke, she felt her stomach hurt more and more. After realizing that her water had broken, Gu Lin shouted anxiously.

Feite ran over quickly, and when he picked up his wife, a brief smile appeared on his face, but it soon turned gloomy again.

"Remember the method I taught you, breathing. If it doesn't work, I will perform surgery on you."

Feite said that he had prepared medical equipment. He operated everything skillfully. Gu Lin's inner uneasiness and worry gradually relaxed. She looked at her husband quietly. He was still working as before. He was very serious, but now things have changed.

Gu Lin thought of the restaurant owned by Wu Qun, whom she met her husband in the past. The lights became stronger. Gu Lin was still struggling. She just closed her eyes and saw nothing but darkness. Not even the surrounding light. Gu Lin didn't feel the slightest glare, but instead felt cold.

Gu Lin could hardly feel the pain anymore. She was still exerting herself. Feite's voice sounded loudly in her ears. Scenes from the past kept emerging one after another. How many times had they had a chance, but the old The sky played tricks on them again and again, and finally they returned to the ground, but they were no longer the same people they used to be.

Gu Lin didn't know what Feit had done to help the Hillman family to gain the right to live in the sun again, even if it was someone else's identity, but for Gu Lin, it was a rare two years.


When her body seemed to be completely torn, Gu Lin suddenly felt relaxed, as if she had returned to the light from the darkness. Feite had skillfully cut the umbilical cord and began to pat the child. The child was crying, surrounded by The light slowly became fainter.

"It's a girl, just like you thought, her name is Ning Ning."

Fit smiled, but at this moment Gu Lin hummed. After a while, Fit put the child and Gu Lin into a warm room.

"You should know how to take care of children. I have an important experiment that must be completed within the next few days."

Gu Lin was tired. She looked at her daughter in her arms and felt completely uncomfortable for a moment. At this time, strong hope emerged in her heart. Gu Lin no longer planned to talk to Feite. She would follow the instructions It was planned before to send my daughter out.

After making up her mind, Gu Lin closed her eyes and fell asleep. Everything had been prepared one after another when she was pregnant with the child.

Sometimes at night, Gu Lin always had trouble sleeping because she could always hear Feite making some crazy laughter and some nonsense with unknown meaning.

For three days in a row, Gu Lin just took care of the child, and would hold the child over from time to time. Feite just smiled and never touched the child, because the skin of newborns is very fragile.

"Take a good sleep when you are tired."

At Gu Lin's suggestion, Feite returned to the bedside. A cup of hot water had been prepared by the bedside, and Feite drank it without hesitation.


Suddenly Feite broke the cup. He stood up and looked at Gu Lin unsteadily.

"Do you want to betray me? Do you want to betray me?"

With hysterical roars, Feite fell unwillingly on the bed, and a tear fell from Gu Lin's eyes. After hurriedly wiping it away, she began to get ready.

Soon, Bian put the child in her arms, so that the child could just feed the milk. Gu Lin put on the secretly modified protective clothing, picked up some things, and came to this underground facility for the first time. 's gate.

However, Gu Lin hesitated when she reached out to the mechanism. Some images of a family of three in this underground facility once again appeared in her mind, but Gu Lin shook her head.


Accompanied by a mechanical sound, the door opened and a stinky smell hit her face. Gu Lin could only walk quickly. This abandoned sewer was also connected to other sewers in use.

Finally coming outside, Gu Lin quickly put away the protective clothing, took out a set of clothes that had been prepared a long time ago, put them on, and immediately walked to the ground with her child in her arms. This was a relatively deserted street.

Gu Lin walked along the street and found the correct direction among some signs on the street. Now Wu Qun had moved to the upper floor. Gu Lin knew where it was because Wu Qun had told her about it before. Gu Lin always remembered that Wu Qun had talked about some details about him growing up in the upper class.

But after a while, Gu Lin realized that it was obviously impossible to walk because Wu Qun lived at least fifty or sixty kilometers away from the district where she was.

Some vehicles and motorcycles could be seen everywhere along the street, and Gu Lin found an opportunity.

"Sir, can you take me to the upper level?"

After discussing the price with the other party, the other party let Gu Lin get in the car, and the car started to drive slowly.

It's just that the person who was willing to give Gu Lin a ride was a bit strange. Looking at the clothes Gu Lin was wearing, he should be from the upper class, but the baby in his arms was a bit eye-catching.

The car slowly arrived at a single-family residential complex in District 11. Gu Lin asked the driver to wait for her here for a while.

After getting off the car, Gu Lin started to look at the house number while walking, because Wu Qun had mentioned in the past that many businessmen had made bids for the place where she grew up as a child, but Wu Qun never sold it and would not sell it now. Neither will the future.

Sure enough, among the brand-new streets and beautiful new houses, Gu Lin saw a three-story duplex building, and she ran over quickly.

Only the lights were on on the second floor. Everything in the yard was well taken care of. Gu Lin pressed the doorbell directly.

thump thump thump

Gu Lin heard a sound coming downstairs, but she was a little surprised by the person who came to open the door. Yin Xianglin, the secretary of the General Affairs Department.

"Aren't you from the original Hillman family?"

Gu Lin panicked for a moment, but the door to the courtyard had been opened. Yin Xianglin on the opposite side quickly moved sideways and cut over. Just when she was about to twist Gu Lin's arm, she heard a faint cry. He didn't take action for a while.

"what happened?"

Wu Qun walked out with a drunken look, but their eyes met for a moment, and Wu Qun looked at Gu Lin doubtfully.

"It's me, Lao Wu, I'm Gu Lin, do you remember?"

Wu Qun looked at Gu Lin in shock, then nodded after a while.

"Xiang Rin, don't tell anyone, let's go inside and talk."

"Tell us where the place is and we will send someone there immediately. Your husband will not be punished. On the contrary, we will give him leniency and let him receive treatment."

Gu Lin shook her head.

"I can't say that, Lao Wu!"

Wu Qun seemed to realize something. With a plop, Gu Lin knelt on the ground, sobbing and looking at Wu Qun.

"Can this child be entrusted to you? Lao Wu, I really don't want this child to be in the future and become like us."

Yin Xianglin was firmly opposed, but Wu Qun signaled her to calm down. At this moment, Wu Qun had already understood something. He was no longer the ignorant boy he used to be. He could tell that Gu Lin would come over. With the determination to die.

"What happens if he's taken out?"

Wu Qun asked, and Gu Lin shook her head.

"Old Wu is going to die, he is going to die."

In Wu Qun's memory, Feite met Gu Lin in his restaurant. Wu Qun was very happy at that time because Gu Lin had found the person of his dreams. When the two got married, Wu Qun, as a witness, was serious on the stage. have spoken.

"Has it been so long?"

Wu Qun clenched his fists and looked at Gu Lin with difficulty, while Yin Xianglin looked at Wu Qun angrily.

"I know, I promise you, I promise you, get up quickly."

Wu Qun wiped away the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes and squatted next to Gu Lin. At this time, Gu Lin was sobbing silently. Wu Qun knew that this matter was difficult to handle. Hillman was still being traced in the city. As for the whereabouts of the remaining members of the family, if the two of them were caught, even if they would not be severely sentenced, the future would be cruel to them. And if Gu Lin would do this, it was certain that something was wrong with Feite.

"I will take good care of this child."

Gu Lin whimpered and nodded.

"Thank you, thank you Lao Wu, thank you!"

"Take care of me? You are so busy working every day, why?"

Wu Qun waited for the child to continue sleeping, then took the child from Gu Lin's hands, and then handed it to Yin Xianglin.

"You take care of Xiang Rin."

"Stop joking, this kind of thing, I..."

At this time, Gu Lin had already stood up, and Wu Qun grabbed her.

"Don't go back, this child will be without a mother."

Gu Lin shook her head firmly.

"All this is because of my relationship. If it weren't for my relationship, Feite might not be like this. He wouldn't have to bear the lives of two people. He even has to consider what to do if one of them leaves and the other one is left. This kind of thing, because of this, he has spent these years in the research facility. I have never noticed his inner feelings before. I only realized it recently when I was pregnant with this child. It turns out that Fite has always been All very tired.”

"We can't let her go back, Wu Qun."

Yin Xianglin shouted again, and at this time Gu Lin had already reached the door and looked back at Wu Qun who was standing at the door with the baby in his arms.

"what is her name?"

"Ning Ning!"

One hand grabbed Yin Xianglin, who was about to follow, and Wu Qun shook his head.

"Don't follow me anymore."

"They can be saved, as long as they find the best doctor in the city, they can be saved."

Wu Qun smiled and shook his head.

"If it was really just like this, so many researchers who were rescued from the Hillman family would not commit suicide. If it was really just like this, Alpha would not go to jail!"

Yin Xianglin didn't say anything, but no longer planned to follow. Wu Qun looked at the child in his arms with a smile. He knew why Gu Lin came to him, just because of what he said to Gu Lin back then.

At that time, Wu Qun could not associate with anyone due to his own reasons and problems. He always had an unsolvable knot in his heart and always wanted to achieve something. Therefore, when Wu Qun rejected Gu Lin, he also At the same time, he said that no matter what Gu Lin asked for in the future, he would help her. This was actually just for comfort.

"I can't accept Lao Wu. If one day this child asks me who her parents are, how should I answer her?"

Wu Qun said with a smile.

"Just tell her that her parents are a very loving and kind couple!"

Wu Qun closed his eyes silently, and then spoke.

"Xiang Lin, hurry up and buy the child's milk powder, otherwise the child will be hungry later."


The mechanical door on the side of the sewer was opened. Gu Lin walked in slowly, took off some protective equipment on her body, then put the equipment into the cleaning room, and walked in slowly. As soon as she walked in, Gu Lin Lin saw Feite who had woken up and stared at her angrily.

"What are you doing back here?"

Gu Lin walked over with a smile.

"If I don't come back, you will be the only one left here."

Feite stared at Gu Lin coldly.

"Where's my daughter?"

Gu Lin shook her head.

"We don't have a daughter, have you forgotten? The medicine you prepared before made you hallucinate."

For a moment, Feite, who was originally angry, felt something strange. He looked over and saw that everything on the operating table was the same as before, without much change, but his wife Gu Lin was still the same.

"Really? Did I remember it wrong?"

"Really, dear!"

Gu Lin hugged Fitt tenderly, and couldn't help but shed tears. Fitt was laughing and talking about something, but gradually Fitt fell asleep, and the underground facility became quiet. , only the occasional sobs from Gu Lin.

Gradually the lights began to go out. Gu Lin quietly hugged her husband, leaned against the bedside, and slowly closed her eyes. For more than 20 years, she had been waking up in the dark every day, and then in the dark again. As she fell asleep, all this made Gu Lin feel at ease. The daughter in her mind who had only been with her for three days was disappearing little by little.

Gu Lin didn't even remember the child's face.

"It's okay, I won't leave you. Thank you for coming here and protecting me silently all these years! My dear."

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