Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1871 The Baby Birds 1 (Part 2) The Sun

6:09 am

The sun's rays have begun to cover most of the city, but many blocks on the ground floor are still shrouded in darkness. The light will not reach the bottom until at least 7 o'clock. At this time, the ground floor is still dark, and the ground in front of you is still dark. A vast area bathed in sunlight is completely different.

"Here, here's your overtime pay last night."

The owner of a shop smiled and handed over a bag containing money. A young man wearing glasses was sorting out the empty wine bottles that would be collected by the wine merchants in the back street. It was very detailed. I sorted out these empty wine bottles.

"thank you boss."

Ji Mo wiped his sweat, turned around and took last night's extra salary. After the boss came in, Ji Mo opened the bag and saw that there was only more than 100 yuan, a lot of it was scattered money, and there was a lot of old money. .

"It's really difficult."

Ji Mo said and continued to organize. He had been at the bottom for almost a whole year. Ji Mo had been to many bottom areas. When he came down, he was inspired to do something for the city.

In the past, I had only read about the current situation of the urban bottom and the lives of the people at the bottom through reports. At the end of the season, I felt that their lives were difficult because of unfair resources.

This unfairness is reflected in many places, but it all seems difficult to solve at the end of the season.

After sorting out the empty wine bottles, Ji Mo sat at the back door of the store and looked at the wages in his salary bag. He had been busy since noon yesterday, and Ji Mo sighed tiredly.

“People at the bottom work so hard every day that it’s difficult to survive, and they don’t have any time to think about some issues and things.”

After Ji Mo got up and started walking, he rented a house in the back street of this shop. It only took a few steps to go back to sleep. The neighbors here were all good, and there were also gang members, but everyone seemed to get along well. good.

Ji Mo often thinks about how to let the people at the bottom live. The answer has not been found yet, but Ji Mo believes that if he continues to work hard, he will definitely find it. How can things be improved? The living conditions of the lower class are not to forcefully drag the people at the bottom into the pace of the middle and upper classes, but to live according to the rhythm of the lower class.

The people at the bottom must be able to live like this. Ji Mo walked tiredly to the back street, a small street only five or six meters wide. In front of him was a large row of connected residential areas. Many people lived here. For a month The rent is 100 yuan.

It used to be a factory building, but it was later bought and converted into an independent rental apartment. The small apartment is only 30 square meters, enough to fit a bed, some tables, chairs and cabinets.

As soon as Ji Mo stepped into the corridor, he felt something on his forehead and something dripped on his head. Ji Mo immediately raised his head and saw a beautiful face illuminated by the light.

"Miss Zhang Ling, are you finished with your work?"

A beautiful woman with big curly hair was smiling and shaking off the water on her hand. Ji Mo blocked it with her hand while smiling and walked quickly upstairs. The woman smiled and handed Ji Mo a cigarette. Ji Mo shook his head and refused. , the woman clicked it comfortably and looked at the end of the season with a smile.

"Come and patronize my business sometime, honest man, I can give you a little advantage."

Ji Mo laughed awkwardly, took out the key and opened the room 219 next to him, and Zhang Ling followed.

"I've been working all day and want to take a break."

"How about I give you a massage? It's free."

Ji Mo just smiled and shook his head. After entering, he closed the door and bursts of laughter came from outside.

Zhang Ling works in the special service industry, and her workplace is next door. She is woken up every night by the noise next to her. Once she wakes up, she feels a little uncomfortable and cannot sleep well all night. But Zhang Ling was not blamed at the end of the season, because her life was indeed very hard. Zhang Ling looks like she is only about 30 years old, but is actually in her 40s, but she has a beautiful face and figure, and her fees are not expensive. 50 yuan a time, so her business is very good.

Ji Mo came here three months ago. At the beginning, Ji Mo said something to Zhang Ling, asking Zhang Ling to change her career, but she said that before she knew Zhang Ling's life at all. He also has a son who lives in a nearby orphanage. Zhang Ling visits him every week and always sends some money there. His son is living a pretty good life.

Zhang Ling not only has a son, but also parents to support. They live in other districts. Every day Zhang Ling goes to the street to solicit customers. When business is not good, Zhang Ling comes to Ji Mo every time, but Ji Mo He had never patronized her business once, but had lent her money many times, but Zhang Ling would return it quickly every time.

Gradually Ji Mo lay on the bed and fell asleep soon.

In a daze, Ji Mo heard knocks on the door. After he got up tiredly, he saw that it was already past 12 o'clock and he had to go to the pub to work at 8 pm. The knock on the door was a bit urgent. Ji Mo got up and walked over to open the door.


Ji Mo smiled awkwardly. He was only wearing a pair of big shorts. Zhang Ling was at the door holding a bowl of noodles, but her dress was a little different from her usual appearance. She was less enchanting and more solemn than usual.

Ji Mo understood that she planned to visit her son, and then smiled and took over Zhang Ling's face.

"Thank you. How much is it? I'll give it to you later."

Zhang Ling shook her head and walked in.

"Can I ask you a favor?"

Ji Mo nodded without thinking. After putting it down, he felt really hungry and started to eat. Zhang Ling changed her usual behavior and looked very serious.

"My son is going to school for an admissions interview today. Can you please pretend to be his father? I will thank you very much after the interview is over."

After Ji Mo hesitated for a few seconds, he nodded and agreed. Zhang Ling could only rely on this kind of work to save money. She had no special skills. She only went to school for a few years before and knew some basic writing and arithmetic. She didn't know anything else. Won't.

Zhang Ling looked at the end of the season eating noodles with a smile. The crowd here was very fond of this man who had only been here for three months. He was honest, kind, warm-hearted, and always spoke and acted appropriately.

It's just that many people are talking about the origin of this man, because at the end of the season, many things will be said from time to time. These things may only be known to people with higher education, as well as many things at the top.

"By the way, I've always found it a bit strange. Did you come down to the lower level because your upper-level business failed?"

Zhang Ling asked, Ji Mo shook his head.

"That's not true. I have my own reasons. This aspect is considered personal privacy."

Zhang Ling laughed, looking at this handsome, innocent and kind man, she actually liked him very much.

"By the way, whoever marries you in the future will probably be very happy. With such a good man, I wonder which girl will have good luck in the future."

Ji Mo shook his head. After a while, Ji Mo found a suit, put it on and followed Zhang Ling out. As soon as he came to the street, Zhang Ling took the opportunity to hold Ji Mo's arm, which made Ji Mo feel a little embarrassed.

"Practice a little, or you'll be betrayed later."

Ji Mo said yes. He knew that the school was very strict about the family status of the students who entered the school. Although it was said to be admission, the Education Association now has a regulation that schools in the area need to make a preliminary assessment of the family status of the students. Assessment, when students enroll, they will be assigned to different schools based on this assessment.

The purpose of this is to allow students with poorer economic foundations to gather together, which can reduce some discrimination and other unnecessary troubles. Students from these poor families will receive a good education subsidy.

I just learned a little bit at the end of the quarter that the quality of education in the schools where these poor students gather is not very good, because many teachers are unwilling to teach in such places because the salary is very poor, and there is basically no future.

Ji Mo also knew that there had been a lot of troubles in the past because some poor students could not afford tuition fees. Zhang Ling also knew what Zhang Ling thought. Ji Mo also knew that she did not want her son to go to a school for poor students, but planned to send her son to a school for poor students. Send to a good school.

"I work in a mid-level company. What do you think?"

Zhang Ling said, Ji Mo felt embarrassed, but still nodded.

The two soon arrived at the orphanage. Zhang Ling planned to send her son to a school in the district next door because her son lived next door. Zhang Ling's parents were in poor health and it was difficult to take care of themselves. In the end, Zhang Ling had no choice but to send her son to an orphanage.

She never mentioned Zhang Ling's husband, and she never asked about it at the end of the season.


A cute little boy ran over. He was dressed differently from the other children in the orphanage. As soon as Ji Mo entered, many children came over.

"I'm sorry, I didn't bring any gifts today. I won't forget your gifts tomorrow."

Ji Mo often visits the orphanage when he has free time. The children like him very much, and Zhang Ling's son also knows Ji Mo.

"Uncle Ji Mo, are you going on a date with your mother today?"

Ji Mo smiled awkwardly. After picking up Zhang Ling's son, Zhang Ling began to talk. If anyone asked later, she would tell others that Ji Mo was his father.

Although Ji Mo was embarrassed, he nodded in agreement. The little guy was very smart. After practicing it several times, he was able to say it smoothly.

"Uncle Ji Mo, why don't you be my father? My mother is very beautiful."

The three of them were walking down the street talking and laughing, really like a happy family of three.

Ji Mo also bought some snacks for the child. The child was very happy running around the two of them. At around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Ji Mo and Zhang Ling took the child to the best restaurant in District 117. In a school.

Many parents around seemed to be well-dressed, and some of the children were also well-dressed. This school was attended by many children from well-off families in District 117, including some children of gang members.

At the end of the season, I saw a somewhat fierce-looking man walking among the parents with his daughter, looking very uncomfortable.

As soon as we entered, there were teachers at the reception. The teachers were explaining the school environment and everything else. Parents were walking around with their children. Some parents had already taken their children for interviews, and Zhang Ling looked a little... nervous.

Looking carefully for some people in the crowd, as if he was afraid of meeting an acquaintance, Ji Mo pushed Zhang Ling's arm.

"Calm down, it's okay."

When it was close to 2 o'clock, it was finally Zhang Ling's turn. The two of them walked in with their children. The principal sat directly opposite, and many teachers sat around them.

"Please fill out the form first."

The two of them looked at the light and shadow screen in front of them. Zhang Ling looked at it with some fear because she didn't recognize many things. She looked at Ji Mo next to her. Ji Mo had already begun to fill in the information skillfully. At Zhang Ling's work, One column, beauty salon, was filled in at the end of the quarter.

"Mr. Ji Mo, do you work in a middle-level company?"

A teacher asked, and Ji Mo could only smile awkwardly and nod.

"This Yunneng Chemical Company is a big company, with a monthly salary of 6,000?"

"Any questions, teacher?"

Zhang Ling's unnatural expression and her son's timid demeanor made many teachers suspicious.

"Although it's rude to ask this, the tuition of our school is not cheap, and many of the universities it is connected to are also famous schools, and the teaching team also has very rich educational experience, but according to your salary, Mr. Ji Mo, , shouldn’t your children go to higher education? How many years have you been employed?”

Ji Mo thought for a moment and then said.

"For five years, my father-in-law and mother-in-law have been in poor health. My wife can only take care of them here. The elderly don't want to leave here, so there is no other way."

This company is a company owned by his family. Ji Mo has worked there for a while, so he knows it well, so he filled it in without hesitation.

Zhang Ling next to her was still a little uneasy. After watching for a while, several teachers began to discuss quietly.

"The monthly tuition is 300 yuan, including lunch fees, and the annual management fee is 1,000 yuan, which may also include some tuition and miscellaneous fees. However, it is not a burden for your work, Mr. Ji Mo. It is no problem at all. Next, you only need to let Children can just go to the classroom next door and try it out.”

Zhang Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and the two bowed with their children before turning and leaving the interview classroom, because the confidence and demeanor displayed at the end of the season were different from many people at the bottom.

"Did you really work for this company?"

Ji Yun asked as soon as she went out. Ji Mo smiled and shook his head, but didn't answer anything.

"It's better to confirm just in case. If they can't pay the tuition, they will be in trouble again."

A doubtful teacher in the interview classroom said, the principal looked at the name and felt a little strange, because the principal of that company also knew people, one of his students was there, and he also knew a director of the company, and at the end of the quarter His surname is a bit strange. After all, the Yunneng Chemical Company belongs to the Ji family.

The principal stood up, walked out of the classroom, and then called his students.

"Xiao Liu, please help me confirm if there is an employee named Ji Mo in your company."

"Season finale?"

The other party's voice sounded a little confused.

"Why do you know him?"

"If you don't know me, Ji Mo is the son of our parent company, Jijia Group Company. He has worked for us before."

The principal was a little confused for a moment, and then explained to the former student that the person who had just brought the child to the entrance interview called himself Ji Mo and worked in their company.

"It must be a fake. I think principal, you should report it to the police."

But the principal hesitated, because the handsome man's conversation was indeed different from that of many people at the bottom. He was very confident and cheerful.

"I'll take a photo and you can confirm it."

The principal said as he walked over and found Ji Mo and Zhang Ling.

"Mr. Ji Mo, can you two come over and take a photo? You need to save your parents' information."

"Principal, I remember that although the school can ask for parents' information, it cannot directly verify it. This violates the principle of fairness in education law."

The principal said with a smile.

"It's just for record keeping. It has no other meaning. I won't investigate or anything."

Seeing Zhang Ling beside her a little anxious, Ji Mo agreed.

After the principal took a photo of Ji Mo, he smiled and talked to Ji Mo for a while before leaving. He felt that this young man was indeed not a low-class person.

Didi didi

"Principal, are you sure it's really the person in the photo?"

"Yeah, what's wrong, Xiao Liu?"

The person on the phone panicked and then spoke.

"He is really the son of the Ji family. Why did he come to your school to take his child for an interview? Is he an illegitimate child? That's not right. He is only in his 20s, how could he have such a big child."

The principal was also a little confused, but he quickly ran over and leaned over with a smile.

"Mr. Ji Mo, your child looks very big, why are you so young?"

Zhang Ling panicked for a moment, and Ji Mo said without thinking.

"My wife and I are remarried, and this is her ex-husband's child."

The principal nodded understandingly and didn't ask any more questions. He had already begun to make calculations in his mind. Although he didn't know why he came to the bottom at the end of this season, it would be good for his future to build relationships, especially for himself. The children are about to graduate.

When it was approaching 5 o'clock, Zhang Ling breathed a sigh of relief that her son could go to school.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

Zhang Ling laughed happily as she looked at the various aspects of admission and information sheets, including courses, that Guangying got on her phone.

"Is the tuition no problem?"

Zhang Ling thought for a moment and then said.

"It's no problem at all. I'll just make a few more orders every month. I'll treat you to dinner tonight at my house. Let's go buy something delicious now. You go to work at 8 o'clock, so you have to cook quickly." ."

Seeing the happy mother and son, Ji Mo felt a lot more at ease. He followed the mother and son to the supermarket and bought a lot of things. Although Ji Mo took out the money at the checkout, Zhang Ling did not let Ji Mo pay. .

"It seems a little embarrassing if we have parent-teacher conferences in the future."

Ji Mo said, Zhang Ling said with a smile.

"I just said that the child's father is busy with work. If I can't hide it anymore, you have to come over and help me."

Ji Mo snorted.

Instead of asking too much of these people in trouble, it is better to help each other as much as possible. This is the most practical thing I learned at the bottom at the end of the season.

Ji Mo was carrying a bag of things, and Zhang Ling was holding her son in front of her. The mother and son were talking happily. The sun's light was a little dim, and many parents with their children could be seen on the street. Ji Mo felt very comfortable. It is like this every day. Different from the glitz at the top, there is a strange feeling at the bottom. Ji Mo also noticed that at the bottom, where information technology is not very developed, there is a little bit more warmth in the society.

6:03 pm

Ji Yun waited impatiently. She stood in the yard of her home and looked at the passing vehicles on First Avenue. But in the next second, a light blue light fell, and Ji En landed at Ji Yun's house. 's yard.

"What's wrong, Xiaoyun?"

Ji Yun looked at Jean with a bitter look on her face, and the angry man at the table in the courtyard stood up.

"Mr. Jean, you have to help me. Something seems wrong at the end of my season."

Gene snorted, and the couple looked a little anxious. Ji Yun started talking about a situation from the bottom 117th district. Ji Mo, the son who ran away in anger because of a big fight with his parents, is now with a man who has a child. In the life of a woman, I heard that I was married before, but after the couple checked, they did not see the marriage registration.

"That child must have been deceived by that woman, so he ended up hanging out with that woman, and became the father of that woman's son. Really, if this kind of thing spreads, it will be a disgrace to our family."

Ji Mo's father did not continue speaking under his wife's angry gaze.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jean. We are not afraid of being embarrassed, but we are worried about the child because he has very little social experience and has gone to the bottom of the family alone."

"I'll take a look, but I don't know if it's of any use. That's another story."

"Mr. Jean, I hope you can take care of Xiaomo. I have discussed this issue with you before, but you seem to be very busy recently, so I didn't bother you."

Gene scratched his head.

"I'll do my best."

Looking at the anxious couple, Gene said.

"I'll tell you what's going on tonight at the latest."

Gene also knew that it was impossible for the couple to rush to the bottom floor rashly, because if the couple went to the bottom floor, if anyone knew about it, especially the Ji family's in-laws, now everyone is just looking forward to the end of the season and the end of the season. If word spread about Ivy's marriage, it would be a great shame for the two families.

Gene said and jumped out of the yard. He planned to go to the ground floor quickly. He already knew where Ji Mo lived. He had also come into contact with this child before and he was a very innocent child.

"Probably not."

Gene smiled and sped up.


Ji Mo is teaching Zhang Ling's son. The little boy is very interested in the teaching materials, but Zhang Ling does not have a light and shadow mobile phone. She will have to spend at least 1,500 yuan to buy one in the future.

"It'll be ready soon."

In the small room, Zhang Ling had simply prepared a lot of food on a simple stove that could be retracted at any time.

After a while, the three of them started eating and drinking. Zhang Ling was very happy today.

"Mom, can I sleep here tonight?"

Zhang Ling was about to refuse, but Ji Mo shook her head at her, and Zhang Ling hummed.

The time was approaching and Ji Mo got up to go to work, when Zhang Ling asked again.

"Where on earth did you come from?"

Ji Mo smiled helplessly.

"I did live on the upper floor for a while. Now I come to the lower floor mainly because I want to do something, or to achieve something!"

At around 8 o'clock, Ji Mo was already helping out in the tavern. There were many guests in the tavern. The boss said that only during this time of year, there were so many guests. On weekdays, there would be at most seven or eight tables of guests in one night.

The salary at the end of the season is only 350 yuan a month, and these days the boss will give them 100 yuan as overtime pay every day, because they are really busy, and they will be busy until closing time at the end of the season.

Just after 1 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Ling suddenly ran in and found Ji Mo.

"Can I borrow your home?"

Ji Mo was a little confused and Zhang Ling said awkwardly.

"An old customer came to the door. It will only be a short while. I will be responsible for cleaning up. My son just fell asleep."

Ji Mo smiled helplessly and took out the home key.

After Zhang Ling left, Ji Mo began to think about what Zhang Ling could do. After all, if this continues, I don’t know when it will be over. And the most important thing is that her son will go to school soon. What will Zhang Ling do then? It's best to do it best. It's impossible to let your son go back to the orphanage alone every day.

"Welcome guest."

At this time, a man walked into the tavern, and many people looked over, especially many women.

"Don't stand there, Ji Mo, hurry up and greet the guests."

Ji Mo came back to his senses, and as soon as he raised his head, he saw the man in front of him. Ji Mo looked at the man with short white hair in front of him in shock.

"Mr. Jean, how could you."

"I pass by occasionally and want to find a place to have a drink."

At this time, the tavern was boiling. Many people started talking when they heard that Ji Mo was called Gene, because everyone knew that he was Gene, the chief of Section 13, and no one knew what Section 13 did exactly. Know.

At the end of the season, I was a little panicked, because I didn't know why Jean would suddenly visit. Jean had become the center of the tavern. Many guests moved their chairs over and talked to Jean.

"Mr. Jean, don't you think the taxes on us at the bottom are too high?"

"Yes, that's right. Although the citizenship level is implemented, we should treat them differently."

Gene explained with a smile.

"This kind of thing is not something I can decide, but I will help everyone submit some opinions. By the way, today is a rare Chinese New Year. Everyone's drinking money tonight is mine. I'll treat you."

The tavern was boiling for a while. Jean smiled and toasted with many people. Ji Mo also smiled. He knew Jean's identity, but this god was different from the other six gods. Ji Mo still treated Jean What I like about him is that he is always approachable and has no arrogance at all.

Ji Mo has seen Jean on the street several times in the past, and every time he would see Jean mingling with ordinary people.

Things started to get busy again at the end of the season, and tonight the pub was unusually full of people. Everyone liked the free thing, and they drank freely even the drinks that they wouldn’t normally drink, but it didn’t take long. Everyone left drunk.

At around 3 o'clock in the morning, the guests in the pub left. Gene was still drinking quietly and had already paid the bill. The boss happily gave Ji Mo 200 yuan in overtime pay, and then Ji Mo and other clerks After starting to pack up, Gene drank the last glass of wine, got up and left.

After Ji Mo finished cleaning up with others, he planned to go home, but when he thought that Zhang Ling was still using his room, he didn't know if it was okay or not.

When Ji Mo returned to his room, he immediately heard a fierce sound coming from the room. He smiled awkwardly. It seemed that he was not done yet. Ji Mo could only continue to wait, but he was upset here. Ji Mo planned to go downstairs, when a cigarette was handed over.

"Mr. Jean!"

Ji Mo was startled, but the next second Ji Mo became embarrassed because there were waves of women's voices coming from the room behind him.

"Go somewhere else."

Gene saw the awkwardness of the season finale and jumped right in.

After a while, the two came to a deserted open space outside the residential area. Ji Mo lit a cigarette. He would smoke it occasionally, only when he was upset.

"Did my mother ask you to come here, Mr. Jean?"

Ji Mo asked, Gene nodded, and Ji Mo smiled awkwardly.

"What's going on? Your family suddenly received news from you today."

Gene told Ji Mo what Ji Yun had said to him yesterday afternoon, and Ji Mo smiled helplessly.

"That's not what happened Mr. Jean."

Gene nodded and listened quietly to Ji Mo's story, and then Gene laughed.

Ji Mo looked at Gene with some embarrassment as he walked away and took out his phone.

Gene came over after a while.

"I've made it clear to your parents that your mother wants you to go back."

Ji Mo smiled and shook his head, adjusting his glasses.

"I don't want to go back to Mr. Jean in the short term, that's the truth."

Gene sat over.

"So what do you want on the ground floor?"

“Get to the root of the problem, and the solution.”

Gene looked at the end of the season with some surprise.

"Although I may be afraid of making you laugh when I say it, I think many problems can actually be solved. The only way to solve all problems is kindness."

Gene smiled and did not answer, but at this moment he felt extremely shocked in his heart, because what he said at the end of the season was exactly the same as what Ellie said in the past.

"Kindness? What is that? Tell me specifically."

"Perhaps you can't understand Mr. Jean. I think if this society wants to turn around, a strict system is essential, but relative kindness is also essential. Kindness is something that even a blind person can't understand. Being able to see and being deaf can also hear. I think this is the most essential thing for us humans to continue to this day."

Gene nodded and planned to continue listening to Ji Mo.

"When I first came here, I liked to preach to some people at the bottom. I thought that as long as they worked a little harder, they might be able to change their destiny. But then I found that I was wrong."

Ji Mo said and stood up, moving his hands as if giving a speech.

"It was Zhang Ling who made me discover all this. When I came here, it was still the same as before. At first, I hoped that Zhang Ling would change her job and at least be more decent. But, Mr. Jean, have you ever thought about it? She has nothing. Yes, it is impossible to learn something in a short time, and her parents need medical treatment for a long time, and her son now has to go to school. She can only rely on this kind of thing to support her family, but she has never felt that doing this kind of thing There's no shame in it because she knows that if she doesn't keep doing it, her parents and her son will die."

Gene hummed.

"It was only after I learned this that I finally understood that some of the methods used by the middle and upper classes are not applicable to the bottom class, because the city has not given the large numbers of people at the bottom class enough resources and the soil for survival. This is The biggest injustice, this is the essence of urban injustice.”

"go on."

Gene didn't refute the end of the season, nor did he give him any advice.

"You know, one time before, Zhang Ling cried for some reason next door. She cried for a long time. I couldn't listen anymore, so I knocked on the door of Zhang Ling's room. Later I found out that she was just crying because she had served guests. In the end, the guest not only failed to pay, but even said bad words to her, and finally walked away. She also had dignity, and she couldn't report the crime, and no one came to seek justice for her. I couldn't say a word at the time. She couldn't even say a word of comfort, and finally she got drunk and hugged me, and I didn't do anything until she fell asleep, and the next morning she was energetic again."

"You seem to be quite popular in this neighborhood."

Jean muttered something, but Ji Mo didn't hear it, and continued to talk about something. Although it sounded naive, and even looked very stupid to many people, Jean knew very well that he and Jean had known each other in the past. The couple are very similar, like a warm sun.

When Jean entered the tavern, he asked around about some things.

"Everyone has times of despair or difficulties. Such pain may seem normal to others, but at this time, these fragile people who have suffered setbacks, if they can get a kind heart Smiling, receiving kind tolerance, and a kind act are the best for these people. It is far more important than giving them help or money, because it can help them get through it. Many people may be depressed because of the temporary suffering in their hearts. I think society needs this kind of atmosphere, instead of indifference. Indifference will only push these people to the bottom, to the edge, and finally to the abyss. ."

After Ji Mo finished speaking, he wiped his sweat. He looked very tired, but being able to express his inner thoughts to Gene in such a simple way made Ji Mo feel much better. He had never talked about it with others so passionately. your own inner thoughts.

"Then work hard."

Gene said, Ji Mo was a little surprised, and then looked at Gene walking over, Ji Mo looked at Gene with a smile on his face seriously.

"I'm serious Mr. Jean."

Gene patted Ji Mo on the shoulder.

"Then work hard to prove that you are right. As long as most people know that you are right and there is nothing wrong with your approach, it will be fine, right?"

Ji Mo immediately laughed and said seriously.

"I will prove to you, Mr. Jean, what this society needs is the warm sun, not the neon lights at night."

Gene turned around and was about to leave. This child was completely fine and had a bright and kind heart.

"There's just one problem. Go home and talk to your parents seriously. They will understand you and even support you, because there is no parent in the world who doesn't believe in their children."

Gene said, waving his hand, jumping to the roof, and Ji Mo bowed seriously.

"Thank you for listening to me talk so much Mr. Jean."

Ji Mo felt much better, but he was already very tired. He had to go to work at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. Ji Mo quickly returned home. When he arrived at the door of the house, the door of the room was open and the lights were on. Ji Mo walked in. I saw Zhang Ling who was wiping the floor. She was wearing pajamas and looked a little tired. There was 80 yuan on the table.


Zhang Ling said, speeding up, Ji Mo walked over, leaned down and took the rag from Zhang Ling's hand.

"You should go back and rest. There is no need to be so clean."


Ji Mo said with a smile.

"Your son might cry if he wakes up and sees that his mother is not around. It's hard for him to stay with you for one night."

Zhang Ling stood up awkwardly, picked up the money from the table, and then took out 20 and handed it to Ji Mo.

"Just consider it the rental fee."

Although Ji Mo wanted to refuse, he still took it. After watching Zhang Ling leave, Ji Mo made up the bed and lay down.

At the end of the season, I still remember that Zhang Ling cried that night because her dignity was violated. The customer scolded her very unpleasantly. If she had not accepted Zhang Ling's money just now, it might have hurt her little remaining self-esteem again. , but at the end of the season, he has already thought about buying a set of good-looking clothes for his son.

It's just that Ji Mo can't sleep at this time, because he is always thinking about what he just said to Gene. Although some of what he said is not very accurate, those are the truest thoughts in Ji Mo's heart.

"It should be no problem, definitely."

Ji Mo smiled and closed his eyes.

There was a soft knock on the door, and Ji Mo opened his eyes. After opening the door, Zhang Lin's son was holding a box of food.

"Uncle Ji Mo, my mother asked me to send it here. She went out to buy something."

Ji Mo happily took it and watched the little guy carrying something.

"I'll take you back. After I finish eating, your friends will definitely hate me if I go there without a gift."

The little guy laughed happily. Ji Mo looked at the sunshine outside the house, walked under the sun, raised his head and glanced at the sun in the distance.

"We will find a way."

Then Ji Mo returned to the house, and the little guy kept asking questions about what Ji Mo had taught him.

"You are very studious."

"Because my mother said that I must study hard, so that at least in the future, life will not be too difficult."

Ji Mo snorted.

"But you are happy now, right?"

"Well, because my mother often comes to see me, compared to other friends, I am very happy!"

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