Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1869 The chicks 1 (middle) two unlucky ones

3 o'clock in the morning

Located at the gate of a newly opened casino in District 58, many dejected people were sitting outside the casino, gathering and sighing.

"I'm not feeling lucky today, so I'll try to make up for it tomorrow."

A man said. At this time, in the distance, a service car stopped with a creak. After the door slowly opened, two handsome young men, one black and one white, got out of the car.

Jewell took out a cigarette, lit it and threw it to Li Ang, who was wearing a white suit next to him. After Li Ang took it, he took out a large lighter, lit it and blew out a puff of smoke, but immediately started coughing and wheezing. .

"I'm still a little uncomfortable with it."

Jewell smiled and put his hand on Li Ang's shoulder, then stretched out his hand, and the two of them held their hands tightly together. Then the two of them glanced at a box of money in the car. This was their last capital. , there is only 200,000 left. If they want to do business, 200,000 is not enough. The two of them have no choice but to take advantage of the beginning of this year, which may have better luck, to earn enough money in the casino and start planning tomorrow. new business.

"Little brother, I advise you to forget it. Many people lost their pants tonight."

A man who looked depressed and drunk came over and tried to persuade him. Jewell smiled and straightened his braids, and turned around with the money box. At this time, Li Ang took out a pile of colorful dust. He muttered some strange things, and then began to sprinkle dust on Jewell and himself.

"This is a method of transshipment taught to me by a grandma I used to know. We will definitely kill everyone tonight."

The two people's bodies were stained with some dust, and there was a strange fragrance. At this time, the two of them looked rosy. After being dressed up by Jewell, Li Ang also became handsome and attractive, and Jewell was even more so. He had a handsome and heartthrob face, and some women coming out of the casino couldn't help but look at him again and again.

Throughout last year, their investments basically failed. Even the house bought by Jewell has been mortgaged. If the money is not paid again, the house will be auctioned, and Li Ang's originally strong funds are now also gone. Bottomed out.

After the previous losses in the catering industry, the two planned to open a nightclub. The business was good at first, but gradually no one came because of the geographical restrictions of the nightclub, including Jewel, who would always go to the nightclub with some Female customers are entangled, and many of those women have families or boyfriends. Because of women's problems, people keep coming to trouble Jewell.

But Jewell is still stubborn, and he claims that most of the people who come to him are willing to do so, without using any means or force.

For this reason, Li Ang and Jewell had a big fight, and the two almost started fighting, but at the end of the night, the conflict between the two aroused, and finally the two started fighting, but after the two beat each other until their noses were bruised and swollen, , and just looked at each other and smiled.

"Idiot, if you are willing to open your mouth, I guarantee that those women will line up a street to give you money."

"You are the idiot. If you want money from a woman, why don't you let me die? The restaurant failed, the nightclub failed, and the small loan screwed us up, but now we still have the capital to get everything back, don't we? "

Jewell said, Li Ang nodded, and the two of them walked up the stairs slowly, each carrying a light box in one hand. The two of them walked very slowly. Recently, they were very worried because of debt and money issues. When they were desperate, the two saw hope in the newly opened casino in Area 58.

After observing it, the two felt that the casino would definitely be open, so they planned to give it a try on the first night of the new year. The casino would be open 24 hours a day, and it was opened by Chetamai's girlfriend, which was more formal. casino.

After the failure at the nightclub, Jewel mortgaged his house, and Li Ang took out the last 500,000. The two of them planned to open a small loan company. After successfully applying for the relevant qualifications, the business started smoothly. It went well, and they made a lot of money in the first three months.

But in the following months, problems began to arise, because the two thought that borrowing more money could be recovered. As a result, the debtor either committed a crime or was evicted, and the money lent was lost in an instant. , and after the capital chain was broken, the two men's practice of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall also made their lives begin to become dire.

The two of them stared at the casino sign in silence. The flashing neon sign seemed to them to be full of money. As long as they were lucky enough, they stepped into the casino with confidence.

As soon as they entered the door, they heard bursts of eager noises. Near the chip counter, many customers who had won money were exchanging money. The two of them immediately walked over. Several female waiters at the counter who were exchanging chips looked on with joy. Jewel.

"Jewell, why are you here?"

Li Ang was a little surprised to see that the cute and cute woman in front of him actually knew Jewell.

"Juanjuan, long time no see."

The woman put her hands on her chin and looked at Jewell, smiling.

"I thought you wouldn't remember me."

"How could it be? I remember every woman's name clearly."

The woman in front of him looked at Jewell with a smile.

"Jewell, I get off work at 6 o'clock. Would you like to have a drink at my place later?"

"Really? Do you remember how many women you dated?"

Li Ang's muttering interrupted the atmosphere between the two of them, Jewel stepped on Li Ang's foot, and the woman in front of him looked at Jewel with disdain.

"Okay, go ahead, I'll be alone this year."

Jewell hummed.

"It depends on my luck today. If I'm not lucky, I'm not in the mood for a drink."

Juanjuan stretched out her head and secretly whispered something into Jewell's ear. Li Ang looked at Jewell's happy face and seemed to understand something.

After exchanging 200,000 chips, the two of them each took 100,000 chips. At this time, Jewell made an excuse to go to the bathroom and pulled Li Ang to the bathroom.

"I think you will die in a woman's bed sooner or later."

"Let's talk serious business with you."

Jewel said, looking around to make sure no one was around, and then spoke immediately.

"Juanjuan just told me which tables will have better luck tonight."

"You believe this?"

Li Ang looked at Jewell in disbelief.

"Believe it or not, I do believe in Juanjuan's words."

As Jewell and Li Ang returned to the casino on the first floor, Jewell leaned towards the table that Juanjuan had mentioned, and then sat on the table as if nothing had happened.

Li Ang sighed and looked around, intending to play the dice he was best at. After all, he often played with others in prison. At that time, there was a master in the prison who taught Li Ang some dice skills.

Liu Ang looked at the dice seriously, and then started to listen. According to what the expert said, when the dice are flipped in the sieve cup, it is usually in such a confined space, and during the collision and flipping process of three dice, You can know how many times it flips in a few seconds. As long as you remember the starting point, you can clearly know the size and other probabilities.

Li Ang silently counted the seconds in his mind. After the sifting cup finished shaking, Li Ang already knew roughly whether it was big or small. He first bet 1,000 yuan on small.

After opening the sieve cup, Li Ang breathed a sigh of relief. He had tried many times before, but from time to time it would not work. He had to judge it in just one or two seconds. The second time Li Ang planned to bet more, But at this time, there was a burst of laughter, and Li Ang hesitated for a second. He immediately looked at the sieve cup that had been put down in annoyance. Under the urging of the dealer, Li Ang thought about it and still bet 2,000 yuan.

However, Li Ang was dumbfounded in the next second. It was not big or small, but three threes. He smiled helplessly. Although this kind of gambling method can win some by relying on probability calculation, the scene is so noisy and noisy. The environment will interfere with Li Ang.

The only way is to concentrate, and Li Ang plans to bet more in the next hand. After all, he wants to make money as soon as possible, and then stop and leave. Gambling cannot be explained. Luck may be good or bad, and it may happen along the way. Decline to the end.

Li Ang began to concentrate. This kind of probability gambling method was bigger on the head. As long as the calculation was accurate, he could make a large bet. Li Ang closed his eyes and counted silently in his heart.

When the sieve cup fell, Li Ang immediately took out 10,000 and directly bet big. This time Li Ang smiled. However, the next second when the sieve cup was opened, a drop of sweat overflowed from his forehead around Li Ang's face. A fat woman looked at Li Ang with disdain.

"I thought you were a master!"

After the fat woman noticed Li Ang closing his eyes, she thought Li Ang was listening to the dice in the sieve cup, so she followed Li Ang and placed a bet. After seeing Li Ang's large bet, the fat woman followed suit and lost.

Li Ang watched awkwardly, and his psychological pressure suddenly increased. After all, this was his first official gambling occasion. However, at this time, there were bursts of exclamations from the poker table next to him. As soon as Li Ang looked over, he saw There was a large pile of chips placed in front of Jewell, and many women were surrounding him, including some female waiters.

Li Ang left his seat under the fat woman's disdainful eyes. He walked over and saw that Jewell was in good luck now. He won tens of thousands in just a few games.

Jewell glanced at Li Ang, who looked downcast, and then gestured, and Li Ang came closer.

"You should have good luck with the table over there."

"Do you really believe that?"

Li Ang confirmed again, and Jewel proudly pointed to the chips in front of him.

"I believe what women say! And women have always brought me good luck."

Li Ang could only bite the bullet and sit down at the table that Jewell had just told him. This was a roulette wheel, and this thing required even more computing power. Li Ang looked at the small ball spinning rapidly in the roulette wheel, and the people around him The bet has been placed, but Li Ang is still looking at the rolling ball. Most people have lost. This kind of thing has extremely high odds and requires luck. Li Ang thinks about it and forgets it.

But when he thought of what Jewell said, Li Ang took out 1,000 yuan and randomly pressed a number with 50 times the odds. The ball began to rotate, making a clicking sound, and Li Ang smiled helplessly. Laughing, but just when Li Ang was about to get up, his eyes were staring directly at the grid where the ball fell, which was the 50 times the odds he had bet on. In an instant, Li Ang started dancing with excitement.

After earning 49,000 yuan at once, Li Ang felt a little dizzy, but thinking that he had just won the first game, Li Ang gave up and did not intend to continue playing. However, when he thought of the sudden profit just now, Li Ang still took two Thousands, betting on one with 35 times odds.

However, an accident happened, and Li Ang's eyes almost popped out of his head, and he couldn't help but murmur to himself.

"Women are so nice."

Some of the guests who looked a little tired and sleepy next to him became excited. Li Ang looked at the odds of each number. Maybe it was because the casino was cheating, but just when he was planning to place a bet. At that moment, Jewell came over and held Li Ang's hand. Many people around were watching Li Ang place bets.


Jewell shook his head.

"Again, two, no more, that's what luck is. Let's go to the next stage."

Li Ang thought about it, and now he really believed what Jewell said. It seemed that the little girl at the chip exchange didn't lie to them. The two of them looked around casually.


Li Ang took a look and saw that it was a machine betting table. The last thing he wanted to do was play because the programs could be tampered with. Seeing Jewell walking over with confidence, he quickly started betting after walking down. He was just watching from behind, but within a few minutes, accompanied by festive music, Li Ang burst into laughter. Sure enough, this machine was lucky, and Jewel won the bet after playing several games.

"It seems like your transfer ceremony was quite good."

"Of course, my grandma calculated it for me back then, and it was very accurate. She also calculated it for the general manager, and it was also very accurate."

Jewell burst out laughing. Because he won again, Li Ang felt that it was almost time to stop. The two began to move around some stages, and they could always be seen laughing.

As time passed, the two people had more and more chips in their hands. A waiter could only exchange large amounts of chips for the two of them. It was much easier for the two of them to pick up the small amount of chips. They have retained some, and the two of them are very cautious no matter what they play, because they already have millions on them.

It was just 4:30 in the morning, and the two of them were a little tired, so they went to the rest area next to them and ordered some food and drinks. It was free to eat and drink here, and you could choose a certain number of food and drink combinations.

"I think it's almost enough. If it's more than 1 million, it's enough for us to do something. Even if we don't do anything, we can be free for a while."

As Li Ang said, Jewell looked at him.

"Why are you so timid? We are gaining momentum now, so of course we have to continue. Think about it, we will go out with millions in our hands tomorrow morning."

Li Ang said yes. This was indeed the case in the past. He was too careful in doing things, so he missed a lot of opportunities. This may be related to the fact that he was in prison as a child. This matter has always affected Li Ang himself. Li Ang has been like this for several years.

Originally, Li Ang planned to continue to pursue the girl who worked in the winery in the past, but after several attempts, he stopped making invitations. Later, Li Ang learned that the girl had a seriously ill brother. In addition to working here, After work, I have to go to work elsewhere, and I will be very busy every day.

By the time Li Ang knew these things, the girl was already married. He heard about it when Li Ang was hospitalized. Li Ang had seen this girl several times after he was discharged from the hospital. She was still very busy every day, and her husband was also a migrant worker. , but the two of them look very sweet.

One time when Li Ang went back, he met her unexpectedly. The two chatted for a while, and Li Ang realized that although he was a little busy at that time, he actually thought about going on a date with him when he was free, but Li Ang didn't invite her again. she.

"Thinking about women?"

Jewell bit a pipe and asked with a smile, and Li Ang immediately became embarrassed.

"No matter what, I can't be as straightforward as you."

Jewell shook his hair, wiped his cheeks with a wet handkerchief, and prepared to continue playing after dinner.

The night in the casino is crazy. Some people are disappointed and some are happy, but the former are the majority and the latter are only a handful.

"Those two guys got really lucky tonight."

A man sitting in the rest area muttered, and at this time many gamblers no longer planned to play, because everyone was very interested in these two young people with enviable luck, and more and more people I was watching two people gambling, basically killing everyone without any opponents. I saw that the chips in their hands were already as high as 5 million.

"What, don't you dare to open the cards?"

Li Ang looked at the guy opposite him with a smile. The other person looked very anxious, and then Jewell directly took out the largest amount of chips in front of Li Ang.

The opponent folded, and when the cards were revealed, everyone took a deep breath. This luck was really too good. After the two high-fived each other, they planned to start the next one.

At this time, on a protruding platform opposite the casino hall, Baleka walked out sleepily, followed by several managers and bodyguards. Baleka quietly stared at the situation below.

"Boss, those two boys are really lucky. They have won more than 5 million. What should I do? Boss, why don't you take action yourself?"

Baleka said after thinking for a few seconds.

"I don't want to play today. If I play, I will definitely lose."

Baleka knew very well that the two young men were gaining momentum now, and if he went to play with them now, he would definitely lose. Luck is something that cannot be compensated for by technology.

Baleka planned to continue watching for a while. She looked at the two young people gambling on the light and shadow screen with interest. One of them was very handsome. Baleka couldn't help but look at it a few more times, but soon Baleka... Recognized him, he was Jewell, who used to be from the Chen family.

Seeing that some gamblers in the casino were defeated, Baleka could be sure that these two guys were very lucky tonight and she would not end the game rashly.

"Let the gamblers stop giving away money. If they like to play, let them play with the guests."

As soon as Baleka finished speaking, there were bursts of exclamations below. The two had won again. The manager next to him looked at Baleka in confusion.

"Boss, this year has just begun. Our casino has just opened. If we suffer heavy losses just at the beginning of the year, it will not be good for the future. I think it is okay to use some special means. There are a few gamblers who are good at it. ."

Baleka thought for a moment and then laughed.

"If we use other methods, wouldn't it lose the meaning of gambling? This is a regular casino, listen up, if any of you dare to do this, once I find out, I will send you to Section 5."

For a moment, the people behind him stopped saying anything. Baleka also knew that the managers behind him were anxious because they were all responsible persons. They were the ones who negotiated the deal with the financial backers behind the scenes. If there was a huge loss, If so, the sponsor would only cause trouble for them, not Baleka.

"Don't worry, they have tasted the sweetness tonight, and they will definitely continue to come tomorrow night."

Baleka has lived in an area where gambling has been rampant since he was a child. His mother is also a complete gambler. Gambling has happened to Baleka a lot. Except for cheating, no matter how good your skills are or how lucky you are, you will always lose. You have to gamble to win.

6 a.m.

The light of the artificial sun instantly dyed the city blood red. In just a few seconds, the red began to fade, and the sunlight gradually returned to normal.

"It's so dazzling!"

Jewell smiled and covered his eyes with his hands. Next to him, Li Ang smiled breathlessly. He sat exhausted on the steps of the casino gate. There were cheers and claps all around. Many people looked at the two people and carried their hands. With six money boxes filled with banknotes, the two of them won nearly 10 million in just a few hours.

In order to plan this gamble, the two of them studied carefully for a month, conducted various probability calculations, and practiced in various aspects. Now the efforts of the past month have finally been in vain.

The money here is enough for them to continue squandering for a while and continue to develop new industries.

"Wait for me, Jewel."

Juanjuan has already changed her clothes. She just got off work today and can rest starting tomorrow. Jewell watched Juanjuan come over, then turned around and handed a box over. Juanjuan was a little surprised.

"Here are 2 million, it's yours."

For a moment, Juanjuan leaned into Jewel's arms with joy, and Li Ang smiled helplessly. It was indeed as the girl said. Those platforms she mentioned were indeed very lucky, and so was the money she got. It should.

"Let's go have a nice drink now and then have a good night's sleep."

Jewell excitedly carried the box and walked away. Li Ang looked at the two people talking and laughing, and smiled helplessly. At this moment, a woman took the initiative to come over, and Li Ang became embarrassed.

"Forget it, it's good for everyone to see you. I'll buy you a drink."

After the brief excitement, all that was left was exhaustion. At 7 o'clock in the evening, Li Ang felt a splitting headache and his throat seemed to be spitting fire. He got up from among several women. The women were still sleeping soundly. Jewell next to him Also there.

Li Ang felt embarrassed for a moment. He had never done anything so crazy before, and there were only some fragments of what he did during the day.

The girl named Juanjuan had left, and Jewel woke up at this time. There were some banknotes scattered in the room. After a dull look, Jewel yawned and picked up some banknotes at random. .

"Let's get something to eat first, then go to the casino."

Li Ang said, quickly put on his clothes, and the two of them came to the street. In the morning, they deposited most of the money in the management office of Section 7, and only took out a few hundred thousand to play, but they were beaten all day long. It's almost a splurge.

Those women are always working in the special service industry near the casino. They come here every night. When they see the male gamblers who have won money, they will come over and get a large amount of service fees easily.

"Did I say forget it?"

"Don't you think it's great? During the day, you drag several women along with you."

Li Ang slapped Jewell on the face.

"There are so many people here."

The two of them found a roadside restaurant and planned to rest until 10 o'clock after eating, and then continue to go to the casino. Although Li Ang thought about it, he decided not to gamble. After all, if he lost, it would be troublesome, but once I think they still have more than 7 million, so it would be good to spend one or two million to continue playing.

"Hey, isn't this Leona!"

Suddenly Jewell raised his hands and shouted, and a yawning woman in a beautiful windbreaker turned her head on the street.


Leona ran over with some secret joy. Leon smiled and stretched out his hand and shook Leona's hand. They were also old classmates. Although Leon dropped out of school and went back because of some things, they used to be together. The table passed, but they were members of the Niya Group at that time, and Leona always opposed Leon everywhere, but now everyone has grown up, and Leona's view of Niya has already changed.

"Let's have a meal together."

Leona glanced at Jewell. She had heard some things about Jewell. In Leona's opinion, he was a bad person.

"What's wrong, is there something on my face? It's been so long since we've seen each other, and you still remember the things I did to you before? Besides, that was the idea of ​​that idiot Niya."

"I didn't tell you this earlier, you bastard who treats women like human beings."

Jewell seemed to realize something.

"That's my private life, don't worry about it."

They quarreled as soon as they met, but Leona still sat down. After all, it had been a long time since she had seen these two classmates, and Jewell directly ordered a large table of dishes.

"Why do you call so much? It's a waste."

"Whatever, we have money now."

Leon smiled awkwardly and explained to Leona who looked confused.

After listening, Leona put her hands on her chin and looked at the two guys.

"I'll give you a piece of advice, don't go to the casino again. With your IQ levels, you will lose and lose your pants."

"Don't worry about Leona, we are gaining momentum now."

Leona sighed helplessly.

"It's hard to explain it to you with your IQ."

After saying that, Leona asked the boss to bring a deck of cards, and then prescribed a card game for the two of them to draw cards at will. After watching the two of them draw the cards first, Leona looked at the deck of cards and saw From the looks of the two of them, she must have drawn a good card. Leona stared at the playing cards quietly and quickly started to draw.

When the cards were spread out, both Leon and Jewell were dumbfounded. Their cards were already big enough, but Leona drew more cards than them.


Jewel said, trying three times in a row, and Leona got big cards every time.

"This is a mathematical problem. After excluding the two ghost cards, there are 52 cards in a deck of cards. Among the 52 cards, after the cards that are reduced first, there is a value range for the big cards in the remaining parts. When shuffling the cards, No matter how you shuffle, the cards are always counted like this. It is too simple a mathematical problem, but it is difficult to understand based on the IQ of the two of you, so I advise you not to play. If you rely on luck to gamble, you will lose everything. But I can know these things in a second, and my brain is much smarter than yours."

Jewell was still angry, but one after another, no matter what game he played, Leona always got the big cards.

"Damn it, you have such a talent. If you relied on gambling, wouldn't you have made a fortune long ago?"

Leona smiled awkwardly, and then said helplessly.

"I have been banned from the casino. The administrative department has strictly prohibited me from entering the casino and participating in any gambling activities. Do you think I don't want to?"

Li Ang suddenly remembered that there was news last year that a casino closed down overnight. Because of a highly skilled gambler, the casino closed down overnight.

"Didn't you let a casino go bankrupt before? Where's the money?"

Leona laughed.

"It's only six to seven million. It's a small casino. Of course I used it to buy a house, a car, clothes, and cosmetics. After that, the remaining money was used by my dad to pay off his debts, and it was gone all at once."

The two sighed helplessly, and the meal ended in a pleasant atmosphere. Before leaving, Leona once again persuaded the two not to gamble, and then briefly explained to them the probability intervals in various gambling games. If you want to master these probability intervals, you need to go through very complex mathematical variable calculations. In the end, this seemingly astronomical number of things is very easy to understand and very simple in the world of AI.

"I've made it clear to you that my own calculation method has an accuracy rate of up to 90%. As long as I improve it a little more, it will be no problem to reach 99% in the end. But this theory is unique to me. Even if I tell you, you won’t be able to understand it in a short time, so I’m going back to sleep.”

"You're still as lazy as ever, Leona, why don't you wipe your hands."

Watching Leona put her hand directly into her pocket and started rubbing it.

"It doesn't matter, I just need to go back and take a shower later, and if the clothes are put into the bracelet, the oil and dust on them will disappear."

At around 10 o'clock in the evening, Li Ang and Jewell stepped into the casino again carrying 1 million each.

"Welcome, two guests!"

Standing in front of her was a thinly dressed but charming, sexy and voluptuous beauty. Leona stared directly at her, and the other person was also looking at him.

"It turns out to be Baleka, the owner of the casino!"

Li Ang looked at her suspiciously. According to outside rumors, this woman was extremely powerful because her backer was Tamai, the chief of Section 5.

"If you two can continue to win tonight, I can play with you two, no matter how big it is!"

Jewell walked over with a smile.

"I'd rather date you."

Baleka frowned slightly, but soon chuckled.

"Of course, if you can beat me."

The two quickly went to the counter to exchange their chips, and then entered the casino with great momentum. Baleka looked back at the two of them with a smile.

"By the way, you two don't seem to be looking very good today."

Li Ang laughed. Anyway, if he really loses tonight, he won't play anymore. Jewell turned around and smiled.

"I'm on the right track now!"

January 3, 5 a.m.

There was a bit of coolness in the street. Jewell and Leon stepped out of the casino. They looked a little dazed. Baleka came out with some bodyguards.

"Both of you, please get the 10.37 million you owe within half a year, otherwise your credit will go bankrupt, and if your citizenship level drops, you will be expelled."

"Why don't we listen to Leona?"

Li Ang said blankly, Jewell tiredly handed over a cigarette, and then laughed bitterly.

"is that useful?"

Li Ang nodded with a bitter smile, lit the cigarette and took a puff, coughing and wheezing. Now, let alone winning money, the two of them owed the casino more than 5 million. Even if they took the more than 5 million they currently have in hand, It’s not enough to pay off the debt.

The gambling went smoothly at first, but gradually everything went wrong. Not to mention playing cards with Baleka, the two of them were defeated by almost every gambler they had won last night who looked embarrassed.

After that, their luck began to improve again, and the two of them planned to go back to get the money, but in the end they borrowed money from the casino, and they lost more and more. In the end, the two of them were thinking about getting back a little bit, and then left, but every time Each time they got some money back, both of them couldn't help it. They wanted to get more money back. Over time, the two of them owed so much money. If other gamblers in the casino hadn't reminded them, the two of them would have completely lost their money. I don’t know how much I lost.

If Jewell hadn't been connected to the Chen family, it would have been impossible for the casino to lend him so much money.

"Now that everything is over, what should I do?"

Li Ang pressed his forehead, but what he was thinking about at this time was that he still had a piece of land and an underground wine cellar, which contained a large amount of good wine. If he found a buyer from the upper level, he should be able to pay off the wine. Gambling debts.

Jewell was thinking of the Chen family at this time. If he went back and talked to his uncle, he could easily pay off his gambling debt.

"I'll go back and think of a solution first. Give me 20 yuan."

For a moment, both of them stretched out their hands and asked each other to speak in unison, and then they burst out laughing.

At this time, a 100 yuan bill was handed over. The two of them looked at a woman in surprise, and she said with a smile.

"Boss, thank you for your generosity yesterday."

The two of them were embarrassed for a while. This woman was the woman who went to the hotel together yesterday. At this time, several women came over and each of them took out 100 yuan and handed it over.


Jewell looked at them with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go back and think of a solution first. It should be fine. I was the one who dragged you here."

Jewell said, and Li Ang shook his head.

"It's also of my own free will, and I will find a way."

The two said, holding hands tightly together, and then left.

Jewell's first thought was to return to his family. Several million was a small amount for his uncle, but the prerequisite was that he didn't know how to ask for it.

Li Ang immediately wanted to go back and count how much wine there was. Each jar should be able to be sold at a good price.

5:49 am

Jewell set foot on the First Avenue and had not been back for nearly ten years. Jewell looked at the familiar First Avenue and it was still the same as before. Nothing had changed. But at this time, Jewell saw a figure who seemed to be there. Run, come towards yourself.

Jewell was a little surprised. When he thought that the person who would be exercising at this point might be Nia, Jewell immediately greeted him, but soon Jewell discovered that it was not, but a little girl.

This beautiful little girl was wearing a white sports vest, her hair tied up, and a pair of loose sports shorts. She looked sweaty, but when she passed by Jewell, she seemed not to see Jewell. , her eyes looked extremely sharp. At this time, Jewell saw the bodyguard who had been following him not far away. After seeing the coat of arms on the bodyguard, he scratched his head.

"It turns out to be the eldest lady of the Abron family!"

Jewell smiled and could only continue walking slowly. The little girl had already gone away, and the bodyguards also followed her. There were rumors in the society that she was the genius eldest daughter of the Ablon family.

Jewell looked at Angus's house on the right and started walking quickly.

Jewell was carrying something in his hand. He had already thought about how to enter Chen's house smoothly, so he told his uncle that he came specifically to see him. The things in his hand were all the things that his uncle liked to eat in the past.

Jewell arrived outside the Chen family's manor, and when it was nearly 8 o'clock, he pressed the doorbell, and soon a bodyguard came over.

"Is something wrong, sir?"

a bodyguard asked.

"I want to meet my uncle."

The bodyguard looked at Jewell with a confused look on his face, as if he was still reminiscing.

"My name is Jewell. Please inform my uncle. My uncle is Chen Qiao."

The bodyguard seemed to remember, then nodded, turned around and took out his cell phone.

After a while the door officially opened.

Jewell walked in, and some bodyguards and servants came over. Many people were watching, looking at the messy place. It seemed that the banquet had just ended.

As soon as he stepped into the residential area, Jewell discovered that all the decorations had changed, and this place was no longer the place he was familiar with.

After a while, Jewell saw Chen Qiao in pajamas in a living room on the second floor. He yawned and walked over with an indifferent expression.

"What's wrong, Jewell, come here suddenly."

"Uncle, I was playing here on the upper floor last night and stopped by to see you. I heard that you have been in poor health recently."

Jewell said as he put down what he was holding, and Chen Qiao took a look.

"These things are too spicy. I have stopped eating them. The most important thing now is to take care of my health. By the way, Jewell, I have something to do now. You stay here and we will talk about anything later."

At this time, accompanied by a burst of laughter, two children ran in from the door, and Chen Qiao walked over happily.

"Grandpa, who is this?"

"Oh, this is one of grandpa's nephews, called uncle."

The two children glanced at Jewell and ran away reluctantly.

"Wait a minute, Jewell, I have to go for a walk in the garden with my grandchildren."

At this moment Jewell stood up.

"No, uncle, I came here today because I actually want to take my mother's things, is that okay?"

Chen Qiao hummed, turned around and walked away. Jewell smiled and was led by several bodyguards to his mother's room. It was still the same as before, nothing had changed. After Jewell walked in, four people After taking a quick look, he walked to the front of the dressing table and took out the frame containing his mother's photo from the drawer.

"That's it!"

After Jewel wrapped the photo frame with a silk scarf that his mother used to use in the past, he started walking. At this time, some people in the Chen family got up, and Jewel was noticed as soon as he passed by.

"Jewell, why are you back again? Are you short of money?"

A sinister voice sounded, and Jewell laughed.

"I am short of money every day, but I came back to take away my mother's photo."

Returning to the door of the Chen family manor again, Jewel held the photo in his arms and glanced back at the mansion behind him with some discomfort.

"Uncle already has his own life, it's better not to disturb him."

Jewell continued to walk. He was thinking about how to pay off the money. It was impossible for Li Ang to bear it alone. Moreover, it was Li Ang who took all his savings and sold his house to start a business with him. , the part I take out is actually very small.

"Just take it one step at a time."

But at this moment, Jewell thought of Nia, but he immediately laughed and started running quickly.

"I will never borrow money from that idiot Niya."

10:39 am


Li Ang opened the entrance to the wine cellar, and a faint aroma of wine wafted out. He sat at the door of the wine cellar, thinking quietly. These wines were left by his parents for his wedding, because this area originally had the surname Li. In this neighborhood, when it comes to getting married, everyone with the surname Li will come over, and of course they have to prepare so much wine.

Li Ang remembered that when he was a child, this street was the busiest place in the city during the festival every year. Neighbors were helping each other, everyone was united, and they were happy every day on this street. But now that he has grown up , Li Ang looked at the wine with some reluctance, but now he owed so much money.

"There is nothing we can do. Let's take inventory and find an upper-level wine merchant."

Li Ang walked down. Every time he returned to this wine cellar, Li Ang felt unusually at ease. Scenes of winemaking in the past appeared in his mind. Li Ang often had the idea of ​​starting up the wine business again, but with such thoughts, Li Ang I know it is impossible.

Didi didi

The phone rang and Li Ang answered the phone.

"What's wrong?"

"You don't have to worry about money. I will find a way. I have already taken more than 5 million and paid it back."

Li Ang was a little surprised.

"I'll pay back the rest, that'll be fine."

"That's it. I have to work temporarily for a while. I still have 100,000 left. Remember to get it. It will be in our accounts."

The phone was hung up. When Li Ang called again, he couldn't get through. He sighed helplessly and decided to go to the upper floor to contact the wine supplier. Judging from Jewell's voice, he probably didn't go home to ask for money. Li Ang could imagine that it was impossible for Jewel to go back to Chen's house to ask for money.

"Just leave more than ten altars!"

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