Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1863 Young Generation (Part 2)


Frye quietly watched the group of young people in front of him leave. They came to pay homage to the cemetery, where their six friends were buried forever.

This is the second time these young people have come here. Each time they come in groups, bringing flowers and some gifts for the mental hospital, most of which are food and supplies. There are 36 people in total, and they bring things. The place next to the main entrance of the hospital has been piled up.

"Thank you Dean!"

Xiong Dabiao said that they had been here for two hours, but Niya still didn't come in the end. Everyone planned to find a place to get together and have a drink until dawn, and then disperse.

Frye smiled and looked at this group of warm-hearted young people. They had all served in this hospital, sometimes voluntarily, and sometimes they were punished for committing crimes, including in some orphanages. Frye also saw pass them.

The city is in great need of such a group of enthusiastic young people. Frye saw a different brilliance in this group of young people who seemed to be carefree.

People should rely on each other to survive. Today's city is too cold. What Fry has seen over the years is the same scene, and today's city is as if the sun has disappeared. It became even colder.

Since Alpha was imprisoned, urban chaos has occurred frequently. This hospital has been attacked no less than 10 times, all by criminals who wandered back from the barrier area. However, once they step into this place, they will sleep forever. Rai wouldn't go easy on anyone who committed a crime.

Looking at her friends who were already planning to leave, Olivia looked at them with a solemn expression and finally spoke.

"hold on."

"Wait a minute, that idiot won't come."

As Eric spoke, he clenched his fists angrily and banged on the wall. He almost died that time and only recovered after being hospitalized for a month. Eric's heart was not as relaxed as Niya's, because among the few friends who died, , one of whom is her girlfriend.

What made Eric angry was Nia's current attitude, which made him feel even more uncomfortable, because Eric at the scene was the same. He did nothing and could only watch everything happen.

"You guys go find a place first, Violet and I will stay for a while."

Xiong Dabiao said, and the others were about to leave, but at this time, a woman who had just planned to leave stood at the open small door, seeming to see something shocking.


The woman ran over and hugged Niya, who was holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Sorry. I went to look for a flower shop. I searched many places before I found it."

Niya hesitated and tilted her head. At this time, many people came out. Eric snorted, and then Niya walked in. Niya looked at everyone, and she lowered her head in embarrassment. .


"Please don't say this kind of thing again Niya. You don't have to apologize to anyone. This matter was not caused by you."

Eric said, walked up to Nia, put his hand on her shoulder, Nia hummed in a low voice, and she looked at Frye who was sitting on the steps at the entrance of the hospital.

"A lot of things are actually fine as long as there is a good resolution channel. It's okay, Niya!"

Niya nodded and walked to the cemetery in the backyard accompanied by Olivia and Xiong Dabiao.

"it's here."

Soon, Olivia found a place with colored ropes as dividing lines under the illumination of the lighting that Fry turned on. There were six black long cylindrical urns neatly placed on it, with a There were a lot of flowers. Niya put down the bouquet, sat cross-legged on the ground, and looked at it quietly.

"Feel sorry!"

After a long time, Niya uttered two words.

"Have you ever thought about what to do next?"

Niya asked, Xiong Dabiao shook his head, and Olivia turned around.

"I called everyone here tonight just to have a good talk with you."

Niya actually had an idea to ask her mother to spend some money to open a company, and then let everyone come together, because to be honest, everyone's life is not easy now.

After a while, Niya and the others returned to the front yard. A group of people greeted Fry and left. Everyone walked on the avenue outside the hospital and headed towards the lively area. Everyone remained silent along the way.

"Tell me Olivia, what exactly do you want to do by gathering everyone!"

Xiong Dabiao spoke first, and everyone stopped. This was a neighborhood with almost no lights. It was a bit dark and was only illuminated by the lights on the lively streets not far away and a street lamp not far away.

Olivia nodded. She had actually conceived the idea a long time ago, to gather everyone together and do something together, because in the past few years, the life of mutants has not been easy, but now the policy has changed, and in addition to the previous The mutant rampage that occurred also made everyone feel worried, because they were like a bomb of uncertain time, and problems would occur at any time.

But after the criminal cases of the Hillman family were announced by the criminal justice department, most people were relieved, because those mutants who suddenly went berserk were caused by taking drugs developed by the Hillman family that would cause mutants to go berserk. As a result, there were some rumors in the society at first. They felt that this was deliberately using the Hillman family's huge crimes to blame everything on the Hillman family.

However, throughout last year, not a single case of mutants going berserk occurred, the voices of doubt disappeared, and those rumors were self-defeating.

"How about we set up a mutant guild? The guild will be responsible for taking orders, doing things within our capabilities, and then taking 20% ​​of the fees to maintain the guild's expenses in all aspects, and the rest will be divided according to the number of people. Welfare guarantee.”

Olivia said, and many people nodded, but some people still objected, because this is equivalent to asking everyone to give up their current work and start over, but it is no longer the past, when everyone has been separated for so long.

"I don't force you to do anything. If you are willing, you can contact me at any time. Dabiao and I have found a place with a monthly rent of 5,000 yuan. It is an underground warehouse. If it is renovated, it can be used for business purposes. The bar and other places can be divided and transformed into separate rooms for everyone. The space is enough to accommodate at least 100 people. I just hope everyone will consider it."

"Forget it Olivia, at this time."

Before Eric finished speaking, Olivia spoke.

"It is precisely because at this time, we can freely choose everything, the city needs a different mutant guild."

As soon as Olivia finished speaking, many people understood.

Most of the mutant guilds now work with money. Many mutant guilds have become thugs of some gangs, and the supervision of the business department is no longer as strong as before.

"Don't you think it's cool? We are free to do everything according to our own will. We may not be able to do anything big, but there are too many people in this city who need help. Didn't we just help each other in the past? With help, did you become friends in the end?”

Olivia said, and many people's faces were moved. In the past, when they were still building lightning, a group of people would often take action against some injustices, or help some people in difficulty.

"This is the reason why we gathered in the past. Because everyone upheld kindness, we were able to gather together and take a good look at what this city is like now! It has become the same as before."

"We are not the protagonists in the comics!"

Someone murmured something, and many people laughed for a while. Everyone really liked reading Parastan's comic "Special War Zero". This is not a simple funny comic.

"When the city needs some people to stand up, if no one does anything and no one is willing to stand up, the city will be finished!"

Olivia said, and Nia looked at her blankly.

"The sun in this city has sunk into darkness!"

Olivia said and looked at Nia.

"I have actually always admired your sister, Niya. After she left, what has the city become in just one year? Although we can't change anything, we can at least gather together and do something, just like that As said in the cartoon, there is no such thing as a hero, there are only ordinary people, but it is precisely because of ordinary people who stand up that there are so-called heroes."

Niya choked up and everyone was silent. Xiong Dabiao laughed and patted his forehead.

"I think this is our original intention to do what we can, and to do something different from other mutant guilds is our future goal."

Olivia said, when someone raised their hands.

"Count me in."

More and more people raised their hands. Eric was still hesitating, and Niya didn't raise her hand either. She looked at her feet blankly, and her breathing began to become rapid.

"Of course, in order to be able to do all this, what we need is power, the power to transcend the past. Only when we use this power correctly will we be able to do what we are capable of."

Olivia said and glanced at everyone. She had received help from everyone here, especially during her painful years. It was because of everyone's laughter and help that she was able to cross the border. Came here.

Finally, Eric also raised his hand, and finally everyone looked at Nia, who seemed to be still struggling with something.

"Do something your sister has never done before, Nia. This may be the only way you can surpass your sister Alpha. Do you want to try it?"

Niya's eyes widened, her limp body regained strength unconsciously, and there was a fire in her heart.

"What on earth can I do?"

"Just like Zero in the comics, when managers are doing nothing, it's time for us to take action."

Nia raised her head, raised her clenched fists little by little, and Olivia grabbed Nia's wrist.

"We're going to a place now that I've always wanted to see together. That place, the place where you lost your friends and your sister, the place where we lost our friends."

Nia stared at Olivia seriously.

"What on earth can I do!"

"As always, that's fine. In the past, didn't you move first and then your mouth?"

There were bursts of laughter from all around, Niya looked at everyone awkwardly, Xiong Dabiao nodded.

"This is also to change ourselves. Okay, let's go, everyone buy some wine and have a nice drink after we pass by."

A bunch of people cheered, and everyone looked very good at this time, when Olivia spoke.

"In order to prevent us from starving to death, I think we should start with our major, construction, save a few months of money, and then officially start."

Eric sighed.

"But first, starting from the morning after tomorrow, we have to keep exercising every morning. We must have a strong body. The next time we encounter any situation, we will not be powerless!"

bang bang bang

At this time, a burst of clapping came from an alley.

"This is our special coach. Her name is Rose. She is a very strong person."

Niya looked at Rose walking out of the alley in shock.

"Why you."

Rose winked at Nia, and Nia closed her mouth.

"Isn't this the manly boss of the store where you work?"

As soon as Eric said something, he was already lying on his back on the ground, and Rose was standing next to Eric.

"Boy, if you dare to say this word again in the future, it won't be as simple as lying on the ground next time."

Eric looked at Rose in surprise, and everyone around him felt incredible, because at that moment, this woman's explosive power and speed were something they had never seen before.

"Let's go, boys, I'll have a drink with you tonight and see what your quality is like!"

Niya was a little shocked, because although her sister and parents had mentioned this god, they only talked about it in a few words, and she had never heard anything about this god.

A bunch of people behind them were chatting, which seemed a bit noisy. Rose was walking in front. She didn't know why she came to guide these little devils, but Gene's previous words gave Rose no reason to refuse.

"Why would you."

Niya asked in a low voice, Rose smiled, took out a cigarette, lit it and handed one to Niya.

"Maybe it's because I feel a little bit ashamed of your sister, or maybe it's something else!"

Rose did not continue. She did feel a little guilty towards Alpha. This was shared by all six of them except Jean, as well as some apologies to the Angus family. Perhaps this contributed to Rose's willingness to teach these young people. s reason.

"If you have time, let Ling Hong teach you, little girl. She should be the same type of combat mutant as you. Compared to your sister who is not very good at teaching, she has a lot of experience in teaching."

Niya was silent, not knowing what to say, and then she asked.

"If one day, I mean one day, you solve most of the problems, can you let my sister..."

Rose shook her head.

"You have to ask your kind Uncle Gene about this!"

Rose knew very well that she could not answer this question. What Alpha had done was now known to the whole city, just like the Hydra case in the past. If she had come out in advance, it would be a violation of the laws of Brilliant City. deadly.

Because everything Alpha did was absolutely not allowed by law. This was not what a person in a civilized era should do.

When pages and pages of the Hillman family's criminal resume were placed in front of Rose, not only Rose, but also several other gods were shocked, because many were found underground in the Hillman family property. According to the research data of high-energy photons, if the Hillman family is allowed to develop for another two or three years, they will be able to develop optical nuclear weapons. By then, the threat to the city will be very huge, and their family's AI Prometheus will be a threat to the entire city. The damage caused to the city was huge.

The current chaotic economy has a lot to do with what Prometheus did after Eddie's death.

The times have begun to change violently and unstoppably. Rose knows very well that the city will continue to fall and will only fall to the lowest point before it can stop.

A new generation of young people will step on the stage and start their own era in the future. Rose just wants to do something for the next era.

0 o'clock sharp

January 3

A new day has come again, and the streets in various parts of the city are still very lively. From the first 0 o'clock in the new year to 0 o'clock on the 5th, it is the busiest time. Although many people have experienced a sharp economic decline in the past year, I spent a whole year in pessimism, but I found some hope in the bustling and lively scenes I saw during the Chinese New Year.

Everyone just wants to forget those unpleasant things and welcome the new year.

On a street, a few men who had just had a drink and planned to go back were discussing something. However, the next second, a large number of people from the 5th department suddenly came out from both sides. Several people were panicked. They tried to escape, but within minutes they were caught.

"Sir, we did not commit any crime"

"Stop talking nonsense and show your identity information."

The five men who were caught were a little panicked for a while. These five men, all in their 20s, had not registered their personal information, so they were gangsters.

Several people were arrested and soon put into a management vehicle. The regional officer of Section 5 who was present breathed a sigh of relief.

"We have enough heads in our area this month. We are closely monitoring some gangsters. If there are orders from above, we will have to get the heads by then."

A bunch of team captains nodded immediately, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The business department had asked the gangsters to surrender and register their information six months ago, but most of the gangsters were still unwilling because no one wanted to pay taxes, and there were Citizenship level restrictions.

There are still close to 1 million illegal households in the city. The next step is to investigate these illegal households. The previous date set by the administrative division is December 31. If any illegal households are arrested in the future, they will be dealt with in accordance with the deportation law.

The deportation law has one of the most important criteria for conviction. People who are unwilling to contribute to society but enjoy social resources are not qualified to stay in a death sentence.

On the morning of the 8th, the first group of people expelled from the city will be gathered at the guard station. Among them are some criminals who voluntarily gave up their civil rights in Brilliant City, as well as gangsters and some vicious criminals.

These people will be sent to four security stations and then expelled from the city. However, many arrested gangsters do not know that the five gangsters sitting in the management car are still talking and laughing at this time, because they have also been arrested in the past. , the identity information they logged in were all fake. This time, they thought they would just be sent to the farm to do physical work for a few months. These people had already discussed how to deal with the business department, and they all had some fake names. and place of birth.

Most gangsters do not want to be controlled by regulators. In fact, many gangsters earn quite a high monthly income because they are gangsters and can help some gangs to work in gray areas, and the income is good.

Including being able to help some companies, allowing them to reasonably avoid taxes, avoid some qualification reviews by the legal department, etc.

The problem of illegal households has always existed. Nowadays, young people account for a relatively high proportion of the number of illegal households.

The Xingke Branch wants to use this expulsion to get some criminals to voluntarily surrender. This is the biggest purpose of the Xingke Branch.

"By the way, sir, what will happen to us?"

A black accountant said, took out some money from his pocket and handed it to the Section 5 member in front. He put it away and sighed.

"Bless yourselves, this time is no joke."


The man asked doubtfully, and several other people became nervous for a while. The member of Section 5 nodded.

"I didn't say anything, you just know."

For a moment, the five gangsters still didn't believe it, but their faces were filled with anxiety.

"Sir, please help us think of a way. We can pay for it."

One of the black households said.

"Help you find a way? Don't be ridiculous, I still have a wife and children."

The several staff members in front laughed. They all knew that the expulsion this time was serious, and it was not about pardoning some people because of the large number of people. The people above had already decided.

Most of the gangsters have criminal records, and they can always be seen in some surveillance, but they are just unwilling to log in their personal information.

"Sir, I really beg you, please think of a way. How about we pay for someone else to take over? I know a place where a gangster lives."

One person suggested, and at this time a team leader was a little moved.

"How much?"

"Do you think 1,000 yuan is okay?"

A black man said. The team leader thought for a while and then said.

"It's 2,000 per person. You need cash. I can help you make arrangements right away. After all, you are the last five people. The number required for each district is 100 people."

Several men nodded immediately, but one of them still thought that these guys might just want money and deliberately made it up, so he didn't agree on the spot.

"Then there's nothing you can do. Don't wait until the time comes."

The car slowly stopped in an alley. Soon the four people returned to the basement where they lived and took out the corresponding money. The team leader directly asked them to lead the way and went in to prepare to arrest the person.

The man who was still handcuffed in the car still refused to take out 2,000 because he always felt it was impossible.

"It shouldn't be possible, so many people are being deported."

I recommend a friend's book "The Heroic Brother". It's funny and humorous. I hope you all like it.

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