January 1, 2227

9:03 am

Niya woke up from her sleep with a burning tearing feeling. Sweat had made her hair tangled. Niya looked towards the window. Under the breeze, the white curtains were shaking, and dots of light were speckled on the ground. Shake on.

Niya then grabbed the water next to her, took a big sip, and shook her head with a dazed expression. This was originally Alpha's room, and Niya would go back to this room to sleep every time she went home.

Niya would be stunned every morning when she got up. She didn't know what she was expecting. Alpha had left and would not come back.

Niya lowered her head, sat on the bed, took out a cigarette from her pocket, lit it and took a puff, then took out a wine bottle, unscrewed the cap and took a big sip. The burning sensation made her The sadness in Niya's heart disappeared, and Niya chuckled. At this time, the door to the room was pushed open.

"I'm drinking so early in the morning, I'm afraid my stomach won't be able to bear it."

Niya looked at her mother, who was leaning against the door, and Micah, who was holding a bowl of hot meat porridge behind her. Micah walked in with a smile.

"Second Miss, have some porridge."

"Just leave it here, I'll drink it when it gets cold!"

Violet walked to the table and sat down, stroking the wooden table that already had an elbow mark with one hand. This was one of the places where Alpha worked over the years.

"Where are you going to play today?"

Violet asked, Niya scratched her head, stood up, took off her clothes, walked to the bathroom nearby, and turned on the shower directly.

“Go anywhere for fun.”

"Do you still have enough money to spend?"

Violet said, taking out a wallet from her arms and placing it on the table.

After Niya quickly finished rinsing, she put away her wallet politely.

"I might go to the casino tonight, and I might lose everything in one night."

Violet didn't say anything, and she didn't intend to stop Nia.

"Anyway, the money at home now is enough for you to spend a lifetime."

Niya casually put on a gray jacket and a pair of loose black trousers, and then went out directly. The bodyguards were all inquiring about them all the way out, but Niya just greeted them casually.

After jumping out of the Angus family lawn, Niya did not leave immediately. Instead, she took out the wine and planned to enjoy the sunshine here, and got drunk before going out.

The bottle of wine was quickly finished, and there were many cigarette butts on the edge of the bench. At around 11 o'clock, Niya was just about to leave when she saw a person in the distance wearing a black student uniform and a short skirt. The little girl came over, her long hair was tied up in a pattern, she seemed to be walking vigorously and leisurely, and she was carrying a brown bag.

"Hey! Michelle, school is out!"

Michelle, who was walking on the First Avenue, had a stern look on her face. She stopped and bowed slightly and was about to leave, when Niya jumped over and stood in front of Michelle, saying with a smile.

"Would you like me to take you to a fun place?"

Michelle bowed again and shook her head. Her petite, cute, delicate face had a temperament that was incompatible with her age, and her eyes were serious.

"No need, Miss Niya, I still have a lot of things to deal with, and I don't have time to have fun!"

Just as Michelle was about to leave, Niya held her shoulders. Niya lowered her head and brought it to Michelle's cheek. Michelle did not avoid it out of politeness, but wrinkled her nose slightly. She was a little I can't stand the smell of alcohol and cigarettes on Niya.

Suddenly, Niya suddenly put Michelle on her shoulders, and was about to leave, but at this time, with bursts of red light flashing, the bodyguards of the Abron family surrounded Niya.

"Want to play?"

Niya put down Michelle, who was frightened but not making any fuss. Niya took out a cigarette and lit it before exhaling a puff of smoke.

"Please forgive me, Miss Niya, if you want to take the eldest lady out to play, you must at least get Madam's permission."

"Okay, okay, I won't embarrass you, just relax."

Niya said, patting Michelle's head gently, and started running with a smile. Looking at this lonely and sad back, Michelle knew something about Niya's situation, because she heard it from many people's mouths. heard about it.

She caused trouble everywhere in the city, but no one dared to punish her. Even the senior management of the business department allowed her to do whatever she wanted, and she was suppressed every time.

"No matter what happens, we must never become like her."

Michelle turned around and started walking. She would soon enter Shengde, and she would be the youngest student ever admitted to Shengde.

After Michelle returned home, she went directly to the second floor. At the door of her mother's small living room, Michelle stood aside. There were people in the living room who seemed to be discussing something with her mother. Michelle listened carefully. With.

Finally the guests came out, Michelle bowed slightly seriously, and several passing guests smiled and greeted Michelle before leaving.


"Michelle, you are back."

Michelle asked, looking at her mother's tired look.

"What happened, mother!"

Freya shook her head.

"Michelle, why does it smell like alcohol!"

As soon as Freya squatted in front of her daughter, she smelled the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. Michelle explained immediately. Freya breathed a sigh of relief, but soon smiled helplessly.

"Mom, you and Miss Alpha had a very good relationship before. Why don't you do something?"

Freya shook her head.

"Michelle, it's not my turn to intervene in this matter, someone is keeping an eye on her!"


Niya sat on a subway heading to Area 56, the middle floor, and sat quietly on the chair. The subway was very empty. Basically, people in the family area rarely took the subway. Instead, they directly took the elevator or took the bus at home. Car.

Niya leaned on the seat quietly, looking at the light yellow indicator light flashing outside the window with some blurred eyes. She just wanted to find a place to sit down quickly and eat something while drinking. She just drank in the morning. A bowl of meat porridge, and now I'm hungry again.

Perhaps only alcohol can anesthetize the nerves that cause pain every day. Niya doesn't know what she has been doing all these years. If she had been stronger, she might not have ended up like that at all.

The clenched fists were weakly loosened. Anger and sadness oppressed Niya's nerves every day. She didn't know what to do. Gris, her five friends, and her sister, these things happened every day. It appears in my mind and I often have nightmares at night.

Niya knew that she was stupid, and her sister had guided her for a long time, but basically Niya was still as weak as ever. Although Ling Hong often came over now, Niya refused Ling Hong's proposal.

Niya couldn't face herself. When she thought of this, Niya's thoughts became confused again. She squinted her eyes and fell asleep quickly.

It was almost 2 o'clock when I woke up again.

Niya got up from her seat with a smile. There were many people waiting for the subway outside. At this time, because of Niya, the subway had been overdue for a long time, but no money was collected. Niya took the subway. It's free to go anywhere.

"Have a nice day, Miss Nia Angus!"

A cold mechanical beep appeared. Niya stood up and walked out softly. Many people in the subway station recognized Niya and whispered from time to time. Niya walked up the stairs. As soon as she went up, On a busy street, Niya raised her head, took out a cigarette and lit it, walked to a shop on the street, took a few bottles of her usual wine, stuffed it into her jacket, took out a bottle and opened it, He drank it in one gulp and then threw the bottle into the alley.

Within a few minutes, Niya was a little drunk. She walked to the entrance of an alley, pressed against the wall, giggled, walked slowly along the alley, came to another street, and took out another bottle of wine. , unscrewed it, took a big gulp, and stumbled to a restaurant.

"Bring out all the delicious food to me."

Niya said that the chef, manager and waiters who were chatting at the bar hurried over and waved Niya to her seat. A bunch of people recognized Niya and flattered her very excitedly. Niya ordered a lot of dishes, and then He leaned on a sofa and continued drinking.

Nothing is static, and Niya knows it very well, but now she just wants to drink, and she just wants to indulge herself in everything.

Soon one exquisite dish after another was brought out, and Niya picked up the chopsticks shakingly and ate it like a gulp.

In less than half an hour, most of the dishes were left. With the crisp sound of glass bottles falling to the ground, Niya fell asleep. Many team captains from Section 5 had appeared outside the store, and they were all guarding outside. With.

When she woke up again, it was already past 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Niya looked at the table of dishes in front of her angrily, and then kicked it with a furious kick. With a bang, the dishes on the table fell to the ground. It was shattered on the floor, and several waiters hurriedly came over to clean it. Then Niya stood up unsteadily, drank some water, paid and left.

There was still the last bottle of wine left in her pocket. Niya unscrewed it and poured it into her mouth hurriedly. Then she went to the street and bought a bunch of wine. After stuffing the pockets of her jacket, she started staggering down the street. , drink while walking, and throw away the empty bottle immediately after drinking one bottle.

Until the lights came on, Niya pressed against the wall and vomited in an alley, with tears streaming down her face. After vomiting, Niya seemed to feel much better. She walked to a drink shop on the street and ordered a drink. After drinking the lemon juice, she felt much better and her stomach started to feel empty again. Niya planned to continue eating and drinking, and then find a place to sleep.

This is Niya’s life every day. She has been soaked in alcohol every day for several months, and she has been drinking more and more. Each time she is drunk to the point of unconsciousness, and is sent to the local hospital by people from Section 5. In the Public Security Management Office.

After Niya paid the bill at the drink shop, she took out another bottle of wine. After opening it, she was about to drink it when a hand stretched out and grabbed Niya's wrist.

"How long do you want to drink?"

Niya looked over with red eyes, and then laughed.

"You can't control it."

Niya still wanted to drink the bottle of wine. Olivia who was next to her grabbed Niya's bottle. Niya reached out to grab it, but she stumbled and fell to the ground. Olivia fell to the ground. He held Niya in his arms.

"Come home with me, my home is nearby."

Olivia was still carrying some food for dinner that she had just bought. Niya stumbled and turned around to buy wine. Olivia let go of her, but still followed her. She had already persuaded Niya several times. , but it doesn't work every time.

Niya bought wine and was about to leave. Olivia quickly chased after her and grabbed Niya.

"Come to my house."

"No, let go, otherwise I won't blame you for being rude!"

Nia said angrily, Olivia ignored her and dragged Nia away. No matter how Nia struggled, Olivia always dragged Nia.

When it was close to 7 o'clock, Olivia was panting and looked at Nia who finally fell asleep. Olivia didn't care about her image on the street, so she could only continue to mess around with Nia, and it took a lot of effort to get her to sleep. Niya dragged over.

Olivia only rented a small apartment of less than 50 square meters. Opposite the narrow living room was the cooking area. She took out the food and started preparing dinner. Niya's thunderous snoring sounded as she lay on the sofa.

"If I were you, I would have committed suicide long ago. It's a pity that I don't have such strong nerves as you."

Olivia smiled and said, she knew very well that Nia was not knocked down by this incident, she was blaming herself and could never forgive herself.

It turns out that no one at Lightning Construction blamed Niya, because everyone knew that this was not something they could control or solve. The situation that night was extremely dangerous. If Niya's sister had not been present, Niya would have been Got kidnapped.

The deaths of Sok and others, as well as the incident with Nia's sister Alpha, have made Nia now fall into deep self-blame.

In recent months, everyone has tried to find Nia, but to no avail.

Looking at Nia's current situation, Olivia planned to cook some nutritious and light dishes for Nia to eat, so that she could stay at her home for a few days. Olivia would not have to go to work until the 6th.

Now Olivia works in a transportation company and her income is pretty good, but it is still completely different from before.

"How about calling Da Biao over."

After thinking for a while, Olivia gave up.

At around 8 o'clock in the evening, a pot of delicious fresh fish soup had been cooked, as well as some light and refreshing side dishes. Olivia put the dishes and walked over. At this time, Niya seemed to smell the aroma, Sober up.

"Go take a shower and then eat."

After half pushing, Niya entered the bathroom. After a while, Olivia put some cold beer on the table, and Niya sat over. She still looked a little reluctant, but her stomach growled, and Niya started Start eating.

"Think carefully about what else you have!"

Olivia said, Niya ate in silence, the hops disappeared little by little on the table, Niya poked the hops with her fingers, shook her head with a sad expression, she picked up the beer and took a big sip.

"it's all my fault!"

"Yes! Of course it's your fault."

Niya wanted to say something, but her head quickly dropped.

"If you continue, you will only continue to make mistakes! Think carefully about what is most important to you now. If your head is still as hard as a rock, just pretend I didn't say it!"

Nia looked at Olivia angrily, she smiled, took a sip of wine, and lit a cigarette.

"Follow me to a place tonight!"

Olivia said, Nia was about to refuse, but Olivia immediately interrupted her.

"Let's go and talk later."

Niya did not refuse, she just continued to drink wine. The table of light and delicious dishes was quickly finished. Niya was also full. Olivia stood up and put away the food casually.

"Remember! What you used to say when you were drunk."

Niya blew out a puff of smoke and smiled sadly.

"I forgot about it a long time ago."

"Don't you hope to surpass your sister one day?"

Niya laughed loudly and loosened her clenched fists.

"You know it's impossible, right?"

Olivia shook her head.

"Nothing is impossible if you let it."

Niya put out the cigarette butt, exhaled the last puff of smoke, stood up and put on the clothes that had been processed, turned around and planned to leave.

"How long do you want to escape?"

Olivia asked, and Nia turned around.

"never mind."

"Then I'll just treat what you said when you were drunk as bullshit."

Niya gritted her teeth and walked to the door and opened it directly.

"Don't block it!"

Niya stood up and looked at Xiong Dabiao in front of her. At this time, Niya noticed that there were people standing on both sides of the corridor. They were all friends from Lightning Construction Company, and everyone came over.

Olivia finally informed everyone, and she held Nia here, and now everyone is here.

Niya lowered her head, her expression was solemn, and there was a hint of pain in her eyes.

"A while ago, their ashes were buried at Frye Mental Hospital. Tonight is the New Year. I want to bring some flowers there. Let's go together!"

Niya suddenly pushed Xiong Dabiao away and started running. No one stopped Niya. Everyone watched Niya jump directly from the window. Xiong Dabiao patted his forehead.

"It seems to have had the opposite effect!"

"Just go ahead with that idiot, we'll go there ourselves."

Tears slid down Niya's cheeks. Niya jumped to the top of the building and landed on a rooftop. She cried silently and took out a cigarette with trembling hands. She didn't know how to face it.

"I remember you were very thick-skinned before! Niya."

A touch of light blue particles floated by, and Niya's cigarette was lit. She hurriedly wiped away her tears. Gene had just landed next to her.

"You don't have to worry about it!"

Jean walked to Niya's side and didn't say anything, just looked at Niya silently.

Niya was still crying sadly. She didn't need anyone's comfort, nor anyone's preaching, nor anyone's concern, because many things didn't matter to Niya.

After a while, Gene handed over a handkerchief, and Niya stood up after wiping her tears and nose.

"How about going to the cemetery? Didn't all your friends go there?"

Niya shook her head.

"I'm going to keep drinking."

Niya said as she turned around and was about to leave, but Jean said.

"If you are really uncomfortable, there is a new type of medicine that you can forget about after you take it. How about it?"

Niya just took a step and was about to take off, but stopped. She looked at the ground in front of her in shock.

"As long as you forget the past, everything will fall into place. You don't need to remember anything, and you don't need to carry anything on your shoulders."

Gene said as he took out a small box, and then pressed the switch of the small box in a serious manner. There was a blue thumb-sized pill inside.

"Eat it and you can forget the sad things. You can forget everything. It's very simple, isn't it!"

Niya swallowed and unknowingly reached out her hand. Without waiting for Niya to hesitate, Gene used telekinesis to take out the pill and put it into Niya's hand.

"Don't worry, the success rate is 100%. This is a drug developed to allow some mentally depressed people to forget their past grief."

Niya looked at the blue pill in her hand tremblingly, her palms already sweating.

After Gene took out a cigarette and lit it, he looked at Niya who was still hesitating and looked towards the horizon.

"Eat it and get some sleep. Tomorrow you will be able to welcome a new era that belongs to you. You will be the only daughter of the Angus family and the only eldest lady of the Angus family."

Niya's expression and body language were full of vulnerability, as if she would break with the slightest touch and fall with the slightest push. Gene knew very well that she could no longer bear such pressure.

"Aren't you in pain?"

Niya swallowed, her throat was burning, and the bad memories in her mind began to pop up again like wild weeds.

Then Gene took out another red pill.

"This is a memory recovery drug. If you want to recover your memory one day, just take it."

Niya looked at Jean in shock.

"How about letting yourself relax for a while and then remembering the past?"

Niya seemed to agree. She opened her mouth and put the blue pill in. However, the next second Niya jumped up angrily and punched Gene on the cheek. Gene did not avoid it.

"You're a big liar."

A sweet, comforting, and familiar taste melted in Niya's mouth. It was candy. This was a high-quality candy produced by L.K. Company that Niya often ate when she was a child.

"Is it sweet?"

Niya once again shed tears. In her memory, the first time her sister took her to the street was to buy herself this kind of candy. Then Jean put the red candy in Niya's hand.

"If humans could forget even the most important things, then the world would not be so chaotic! Unfortunately, there is no such drug that can make people forget everything in the real world, because the hippocampus is very special Yes, even with this kind of medicine, I will still have the sense of dissonance that I have remembered for a long time! Go and find your friends, no matter what you do in the future, this era belongs to you!"

Jean said as Niya put the red candy in her mouth and chewed it into pieces.

"Go create your own era, little girl!"

Looking at Niya who turned around, jumped out, and started running wildly between the rooftops, Gene smiled reassuringly.

"The new era! After all, it is an era that belongs to young people."

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