Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1851 Tears of the Age 4 (Part 2)

What else can I do!

Jean looked at the messy streets. The members of the acting department who had been reinforced were putting newly made collars on the mutants lying on the ground, and were still confirming the identities of these mutants.

Gene took out a cigarette, and several team captains came closer.

"Lord Jean!"

Jean nodded, and after explaining the situation to several team leaders, he jumped directly to a roof. Black smoke began to rise from the upper floor in the distance, and Jean ran over quickly.

A large number of mutants have been arrested, and it is unknown how many people have been knocked down, but Jean only remembers that everyone's face was filled with unwillingness and anger. It is meaningless to pursue anything now. The only way is Let this riot subside.

At this moment, Jean seemed to have returned to the past. In the land known as the Arena, wars were happening all the time. Obviously, it is no longer the era of fighting for food and water, but now But the scene from that year is still being played out.

After this riot, the city will suffer a very serious impact. No one wants to see this scene happen, but words can't solve anything now. Serious riots have been reported from the bottom in some areas, and some armed people have People took to the streets, and there have been a large number of casualties, as well as some ordinary people.

The city is a mirror, and everything nowadays ruthlessly reflects the true side of the city. It does not need anyone to lead or explain. The real anger and despair are bottomless.

At this time, bursts of brilliant light came from the distance. Jean stopped. He looked helplessly at the situation on the upper level. Several other guys had already taken action.

Jean turned to look at a building not far away from him. He quickly shuttled between the floors, and soon broke the glass of the building and jumped in. More than a dozen mutants were brazenly attacking While committing a crime, a mutant noticed Jean, and several other mutants immediately came over.

Jean didn't say anything and knocked down all of them directly. Jean looked at several women who were still crying. He didn't know what to say to them, as well as the dead people around him and those who had been beaten. Men covered in abuse.

"Sorry! The people from the business department will be here soon, don't worry!"

Gene said as he turned around and jumped out directly. He could only continue to where the mutant thugs were destroying.

Who should be blamed? Whose fault is it? Why did this happen? Jean no longer intends to think about it. Killing cannot solve any problems. If simple killing can solve some problems, Jean is willing to be an executioner. However, what is before him makes Jean powerless. reality.

Everything that had been accumulated for a long time burst out. After knocking down a thug, Jean stopped. Several students could be seen in the distance, quickly dealing with the mutant thugs.

Deguna has already given orders to arrest as many people as possible instead of directly killing them. This is probably to prepare for the large labor shortage that will arise after the huge turmoil in the city.

Didi didi

Gene answered the phone.

"Come here and get off Jean!"

It was Deguna who called, and Gene was a little surprised.

"What happened?"

"The mutant thugs who invaded the upper level have been basically controlled. There is just a small problem. Come over here. It's at Hawke's house."

Gene turned around and ran towards the upper level with a solemn expression. At this moment, Gene's heart was cold, and a bad premonition was lingering in Gene's mind.

As he crossed the tops of the houses, Jean saw that the Xingke Branch had begun to counterattack, and a large number of thugs were under control. The riots in the north would soon subside, but what would happen after they subsided!

Jean sped up, and blue particles quickly overflowed around his body. He could already see many destroyed buildings in front of him, as well as corpses on the streets. A large number of members of the administrative department were checking for the dead and rescuing those who had been killed. Victims of mob attacks.

Jean entered the residential area in District 10, and he could see that all the originally beautiful courtyards were out of shape. Soon Jean came to a street near the edge of the middle floor, where Hawke's home was.

Outside the broken courtyard, Gene saw Locke with his head lowered and his hands on his pants. Deguna was standing beside him. At the door, several corpses of members of the administrative department had been covered with white cloths and lined up. They formed a row, and a wall of the courtyard was directly smashed open.

Jean took out a cigarette tremblingly, lit it and walked over slowly. Locke raised his head, tears falling from his eyes. Deguna looked at Jean with a serious expression.

When he just stepped into this area, Gene heard a lot of crying. Gene walked to Locke and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly. As soon as he turned around, he saw Hawke lowering his head. With her head bowed, Kailin was held in her arms. Her white skirt was stained with blood. The blood flowing on the stairs had not dried up yet. On one side of the yard, there were more than ten corpses lying on it.

Hawke silently hugged his dead wife and looked at the ground in a daze. Gene did not walk over, but just stood there and smoked silently.

The sun's rays were a little dazzling at this time, and Gene closed his eyes.

"I'll leave this to you."

Deguna said, Gene nodded slightly, and then Deguna turned around and disappeared. Locke at the door seemed to be petrified, still sobbing.

"Kaylin just got pregnant, Gene!"

After a long time, Hawke raised his head and looked at Jean sadly. Jean nodded and walked over. He didn't know what to say or how to comfort Hawke.

Over the years, although Hawke retired, he often helped Gene investigate or handle some matters. Every time Gene came to ask Hawke to ask for help, although Hawke said he was unwilling, he still did it in the end.

As soon as the fire broke out on the farm today, Hawke received the order and rushed to the farm as soon as possible.

"You were fine before you went out in the morning, weren't you!"

Gene hummed.

"Who do I blame? Who do I blame Gene!"

"Feel sorry!"

Gene said and walked to Hawke's side. After sitting down, he put out the cigarette butt and lit another one.

"Originally we decided to have a child this year, but it's a pity that the child will never be born again. I should leave everything behind and stay with her."

Gene lowered his head.

"I don't blame you Gene!"

Hawke said as he stood up slowly, turned around and walked towards the room while holding Kailin's body.

"It's just that I will never have anything to do with Congress in the future. Everything I owe you should have been paid back! Right."

Gene spoke without nodding or shaking his head.

"You don't owe me anything Hawk! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"


The door to the room was closed, and Gene silently looked at the blood staining the stairs, as Locke walked over step by step.

"What the hell am I doing, right?"

Gene pressed his forehead in annoyance, Locke squatted in front of Gene.

"We all relied on you in the past because you were a friend worth relying on and an enlightened teacher, but who can be your support? Gene."

Gene smiled sadly and stood up.

"Sorry, Fatty, I have to go downstairs now."

Gene said as he looked back at the mansion behind him, and a small cry came from the house.

"It would be nice to do it again!"

Gene said and walked slowly, Locke looked at him.

"Little Fatty, please stay with Hawke!"

Locke nodded.

"You should be used to this! This kind of thing."

Gene hummed and walked slowly.

"But no matter how many times I see it, I still can't get used to it!"

11 in the morning takes you 28 minutes


A uniform belonging to the chief of Section 12 fell on the ground. Clark looked quietly at the almost burned-out building in front of him. He was trembling slightly. There were still bodies being counted.

Most of the dead staff members were choked to death by the thick smoke, and the door to the underground research facility could not be opened. The programs destroyed by the virus were still being repaired when the fire broke out.

The entire research room was swept away, because many flammable materials were used inside, and the flames engulfed everything here in an instant.

"I'm done!"

Clark said and looked at Ye Chunwang next to him. He turned around and walked quickly. Ye Chunwang did not stop him. The situation caused by the fire was far more serious than it actually was. The flames blocked many roads. Some people were engulfed in flames before they could escape, and the thick smoke made it difficult to see the road.

Workers, members of Section 12, and some criminals who escaped from prison, the AI ​​system that was once considered absolutely safe lost its function in an instant, rendering many equipment unusable.

Ye Chunwang didn't know how to tell the students. The basement door had been broken open, and the situation in the research room was the same. Most of the research data had been damaged by the virus.

At this time, Natasha ran over from a distance, and Ye Chunwang looked over.

"How is it going?"

Natasha shook her head.

"It's almost impossible to recover."

Ye Chunwang hummed, looking at the scorched land in the distance and the lost members of the department around him. He glanced at the uniforms of the 12th Section Chief on the ground, walked over and picked them up. Although some were a size too big, some were not. It fit so well that Ye Chunwang put on the section chief's uniform.

Natasha looked at Ye Chunwang in shock, he smiled and shook his head.

"Although it doesn't fit a little, I'm still young. I can still do it for a few more decades. That boy, go and see him when you have time."

Natasha knew that Ye Chunwang was talking about Clark. Section 12 had been fully integrated into the AI ​​system. In the past, Ye Chunwang had persuaded Clark that it would be better to add some manually operated mechanisms to prevent emergencies, but Clark did not listen and said Ye Chunwang is already old and can't even use the latest light and shadow phone.

Ye Chunwang walked into the research base where there was a pungent smell everywhere, and directly began to command everyone. Just now, Ye Chunwang received a contact from Jean.

"Sorry Hawke, I'd like to do something again if I could!"


The situation in the north has calmed down. Hua Shen looked at the corpses quietly. He had just completed several operations. An extremely serious riot broke out in the lower 109 area. Some thugs with weapons suddenly appeared and were suppressing them. People in subjects 3 and 5 were hit hard.

Some thugs have been examined and brain control chips have been implanted in their heads. Most of the thugs are gangsters. From the mouths of some arrested thugs, we can know that the Hillman family has been supporting them for a long time. , and their crimes have been exposed, so they want to pass the blockade, escape to the north, and then head to the barrier area.

From many places in the city, some secret weapons arsenals of the Hillman family were found, which contained a large number of weapons, as well as some peripheral members of the Hillman family who were still wandering in the city. They encouraged many people to pick up arms.

The riots in various places began to gradually subside, but the whole city was already riddled with holes. Huashen didn't know what the future would be like. Usually Huashen didn't think about these things and only focused on medical care, but now everyone The citizens of Brilliant City have to passively think about the future.

Without warning, riots broke out everywhere, and they didn't even need anyone to lead them. Huashen knew very well that the entire city was already sick, but even if he had mastered very high-end medical technology, he couldn't do anything.

The chaotic city will calm down in a few hours, but this pain is permanent for people of this era.

Huashen stood up with a wry smile. The only thing he could do now was to provide treatment to some seriously injured people. Other than that, he couldn't do anything else.

"Doctor Huashen, please come over here."

A team leader from Section 5 ran over. Huashen, who had just rested for a few minutes, stood up, picked up the medical bag on the side, and started running after the team leader.


At the entrance of the subway station in District 78 in the north, Tian Hen was wrapped in a thick coat and carrying a box of things in his hands. He was mixed in with the crowd and walked out under the gaze of members of the three departments on both sides.

The people in Section 3 did not doubt Tianhen. He seemed to be struggling to carry things, but in fact the box in Tianhen's hand was empty. Tianhen escaped during the chaos and took the opportunity to get the box containing food. , and got mixed up with the team of mutant mountain workers heading to the north. Now the north needs a lot of food to cope with the next wave of famine.

Tianhen no longer wants to go back to that prison. During this prison riot, many prisoners fled after leaving. No one wants to go back. With such serious problems happening in the city, the prison will still be overcrowded in the future.

Tianhen couldn't stand such days anymore. Many prisoners took the opportunity to escape. Tianhen planned to go to his father and sister first. Tianhen was very worried about his father and sister. Tianhen followed the crowd to the place designated by the business department and put down the goods. Finally, he took the opportunity to go around a dilapidated alley.

Looking at the shocking streets and the corpses on display, Tian Hen became even more worried.

"Kid, what are you doing here?"

A Section 3 clerk on the roadside asked, and Tian Hen hurriedly explained that he ran back to take a look because he was worried about his parents living in the north. The clerk didn't say anything, but just told Tian Hen to pay attention to safety.

Tianhen is certain that the surveillance on the street has failed. He must take this opportunity to find his father and sister. His father has visited him several times and said that he lives here. Tianhen can only stay on the street. After walking and asking questions all the way, Tianhen soon came to an old neighborhood that had not been affected. There were also people from the business department in the neighborhood. Most of the aborigines here in the north, mostly elderly people, had not been targeted by thugs. .

After Tianhen avoided some clerks in the business department and after questioning, he happily entered the winding alley and soon stopped in front of an old two-story house. Tianhen knocked on the door. .

After a while, the door opened, and for a moment Tianming looked at Tianhen in shock.

"Why are you back?"


Tian Hen entered the room excitedly. After learning that his sister had just fallen asleep, Tian Hen's hanging heart was finally relieved.

"I don't want to go back, Dad!"

Tianhen sat on an old chair at the door and said with his hands clasped together. Tianming was a little worried, but finally nodded.

"If you don't go back, you won't go back. You should be fine living here."

Tian Hen sighed, he had had enough, and Tian Ming also knew his son's inner worries. Such serious problems have occurred in the city. If he goes back to prison now, the situation will be very bad in the next few years, and the prison is a place where There are always bad things happening, and Tianming is always worried every day.

"Let's find a way, but don't go out for the time being."

Tianhen made a sound.

"Where's Tian Ai? I'll go up and see her."

Tianhen said and stood up. Tianming walked to the door. After opening the door, he looked around and closed the door after making sure there was no problem.


The riots in the city have basically subsided, and the streets are full of people from the administrative department. In some areas, people from the administrative department are arresting people on the periphery of the Hillman family according to the list.

Ran Zhi was sitting quietly in the living room of a mid-floor apartment, with a cup of tea in his hand and a bodyguard sitting opposite him.

"There won't be any problems here, wise man. What are you going to do next?"

Ran Zhi showed a cold smile.

"The chaos won't end, at least not anytime soon!"

Ran Zhi stood up as he spoke, walked to the balcony by the window, sat on the rocking chair in the sun, and leaned back comfortably.

"Some things can no longer be explained clearly with words. The bottom class should have the life that the bottom class should have. It's the same as when I was young, nothing has changed."

Ran Zhi laughed with a serious expression.

"Goodbye Eddie! Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Ran Zhi stood up as he spoke. The bodyguard behind him looked at Ran Zhi with a solemn expression. Although he was standing under the sun, he couldn't feel the slightest warmth from his body. He seemed to be together under the sun. Like melting ice, especially those bloodshot red eyes, they looked a bit scary.

1 o'clock

Su Li stood quietly in the courtyard behind her home. People in the family were gathered here. Everyone was discussing what would happen next. Most people were worried about whether the industry would be affected and why. Those guys at the bottom are going to cause so much trouble.

Su Li didn't want to continue listening, because some people felt that they were instigated by others, some felt that those who caused the riots were irrational, and some felt that they wanted to gain something from the riots. What.

The noise in her ears gradually faded away, and Su Li came to the front of a sea of ​​flowers. This was Su Li's favorite place to stay when she was a child. In the past, her uncle Su He often took her here for walks. During that time, her parents were at Su's house. During the years when he lost power, it was his uncle who guided him through the darkest years.

"Nothing will change, continue! The sun in the city has disappeared!"

What Suli feels at this moment is sadness, because Alpha is no longer there. Suli will always remember that her uncle once told her that no matter what happens, if the beginning is well-intentioned, then the result will also be well-intentioned, and if the beginning is only If you are cold and ruthless, the result will be the same, you will become cold and ruthless.

Su Li has watched the changes in management over the years. After so long, Su Li has never seen a decision-maker in the management who was a well-intentioned manager from the beginning, only Alpha, but her starting point is not as good as good. It is said that it is more about integrity, but this integrity also failed in the end and caused the current disaster in the city.

"There is no shortage of geniuses or elites in this world. What is always missing is only those people who are upright and kind."

Su Li said with emotion. She was alone in the sea of ​​flowers under the scorching sun. Every time she came here, she would always think of everything her uncle once said.

Some of the things her uncle said in the past were ridiculous when Su Li was growing up. But the older she gets, the more Su Li understands that everything her uncle once said is not a perfect system that can save everything. , let alone a genius of the world, nor a god with absolute power, but an upright and kind leader.

Su Li smiled helplessly. She knew very well that what her uncle said was too idealistic, and even unrealistic, because it is difficult to have such people in reality. People who show kindness inadvertently are not Yes, in this cold and ruthless society, many people will gradually lose everything as they grow up.

Su Li doesn't want to be such a person, because in the eyes of many people, such people are fools and idiots, but Su Li agrees with her uncle, and now she completely agrees with him. If the Su family didn't have his uncle, it might have fallen apart.

Even though his uncle was even expelled from the Su family in the end, he had no regrets at all. Even after leaving the Su family, his uncle still lived happily every day and never felt miserable.

"Uncle, I can't do it. When you're in a bad mood, just look at the sun, cry a little, and take a nap to make you feel better!"

Su Li smiled and sat on a bench beside the flowers, looking at the flowers swaying in the wind.

"I just hope there will be such a person in the future, a truly kind person!"

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