Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1849 Tears of the Times 3 (Part 2)


In an alley, a woman fell to the ground. She raised her hands and watched as the bag of food she had just bought from the supermarket was snatched away. Some potatoes rolled to the ground, and the eggs were smashed to pieces.

The woman shouted in terror. There was some chaos on the street. She hurriedly got up and ran out. After several people from Section 3 heard the woman's description, one of them immediately went to find people from nearby Section 5, and several others from Section 3 people chased him.

A clerk on the street was being torn apart by a father and his daughter. He was still explaining to the woman that they had not received the notice from above and were not sure what was going on. The woman said , her child was sick and needed money to see a doctor, but now Hillman Financial had problems and the woman couldn't withdraw a penny.

The whole city is becoming more and more chaotic. The black smoke rising over the agricultural base in the east and the burning smell in the air make the already uneasy crowd become more and more irritable. stand up.

In the center of the street, next to two cars that collided, the two car owners were arguing fiercely. Both of them were blaming each other for the problem. The members of Section 5 who were trying to persuade them next to them had no clue. The scene of the car accident was identified. I don’t know how many years ago this kind of thing happened. A few people from Section 5 could only bite the bullet and check carefully on the street and listen to the testimonies of some witnesses who witnessed the car accident.

Since the AI ​​system was introduced, the traffic accident rate has been zero for 15 consecutive years, but today serious traffic accidents have occurred in many places.

At the entrance of a restaurant, the boss is selling food that has been made into boxes. Each piece of food is sold for 5 yuan. Many people queue up and wait to buy. This is a large restaurant. Today, a lot of food is purchased. , all of which have been made and processed since 3 o'clock in the morning last night, waiting for the customers who ordered today, but most of the customers who ordered food have canceled their reservations. In order to prevent losses, the boss can only rely on this method to promote promotion.

"I'll buy 100 copies."

A man smiled and handed over 500 yuan. The boss looked at him doubtfully. Soon the man called a mutant and started to put the food into the box. The man looked at the food excitedly. Today He can earn 500 yuan a day, and the man has decided to sell the food at the vegetable market in the next door district. At 10 yuan a portion, it is definitely a hot commodity.

The boss also saw what the man who suddenly bought 500 pieces of food wanted to do, but he didn't say it clearly. It was good to be able to handle the food without losing money. The streets were full of excited people.

Many people are looking for practical advice because they don't have half a dime, and there are already long queues at the entrance of the supermarket. This kind of situation was not seen in the past New Year season. Some of them have supermarket shopping cards. People are worried that there will be problems with the money they recharge their shopping cards.

No matter who looks at today's situation, it doesn't look right. Some people have already begun to buy a large amount of daily necessities because they all feel fear, especially the fire in the eastern agricultural base and the fact that Congress has not issued any statement on the situation so far.

Some congressmen have already taken to the streets. Under the protection of some bodyguards, they are persuading people on the streets to stay calm. Congress will announce the situation soon.



Ran Qiu pressed his forehead. He didn't know what happened. He had just been brought here from Section 2. He still had some injuries. Ran Qiu had been beaten in Section 2. He didn't know what would happen next. There would be something more cruel waiting for him, but Ran Qiu was extremely shocked when he came here.

Ran Qiu never thought that such a big event would happen to the Hillman family, and the sister in front of him became abnormal. No matter what Ran Qiu and his sister said, her sister seemed not to recognize him and just smiled stupidly.

At this time, two people from Department 2 came in and took Ran Qiu out directly. He stared blankly at Fry sitting by the door. Ran Qiu knew that Fry was the best psychiatrist in the city.

"Dr. Fry, my sister."

Before Ran Qiu finished speaking, he was escorted away by two people from Section 2. Fry stood up and walked over, signaling the two people from Section 2 to wait.

"I will try my best. If your matter is cleared up, you can come to Frye Mental Hospital to visit your sister at any time!"

Ran Qiu wiped the tears on his cheeks. His wife and children were gone. They died in the massacre last night, and his father was missing. His sister was the only one in the Hillman family who survived.

Ran Qiu didn't know what happened. Just overnight, his family was destroyed. This morning he originally planned to go to the Hillman family to reunite with his wife and son, but now there is nothing. The sadness in his heart is difficult to express, and Xi Ran Qiu was more or less aware of everything about the Man family, but had never participated in it. As for what his father was doing, although Ran Qiu didn't know clearly, he had roughly guessed it.

When the people in Section 2 interrogated him, from their anger and few words, they could guess that the Hillman family's crimes had been discovered, and who exactly was slaughtered by the Hillman family, Ran Qiu also guessed.

"Please doctor!"

Ran Qiu said, wiping his tears, Fry smiled and nodded, watching him being taken out, Fry looked at the woman in the room again, feeling an indescribable helplessness in his heart.

The Hillman family was still being investigated outside. Frye walked out of a row of rooms temporarily created with light and shadow materials. He looked at the agricultural base to the east. Smoke and dust were billowing, and the entire sky was black.

No one knew what would happen today. Frye looked at the shadow screen and saw reports from various places. Chaos kept popping up. There were many robberies and crimes in the city.

Frye's heart was filled with what the clone Lolita once said, that human suffering has been extended due to excessive lifespan, and this suffering is still being infinitely magnified, because the class has been solidified, and no one can Even the gods were powerless to resist such a solidified system. Frye knew very well that he could see the helplessness in the expressions of the gods.

At this moment, what Frye said in his heart about the cloned Lolita became even more certain. Humanity will suffer greater hardships because of the success of the life-span vaccine.

"The times will end."

Frye said, with a bad feeling in his heart. This may be what most senior executives are worried about now, that this era will come to an end.


Gu Yi, Li Chu, and Deguna were sitting next to the Prometheus server that had stopped all functions, checking all the data. The light and shadow screens were all full of discarded data. There was no way to do anything about these data. It can solve the problem, but only from these abandoned data can it be possible to find a way to repair the current city's collapsed network system.

"These bastards."

Tang Rao said, looking at Eddie, who was lying on a workbench with his head completely smashed. He had already found a brain control chip implanted in Eddie's body. This chip was the same as the one implanted in other people's heads. Brain control chips are fundamentally different, both in terms of technology and capacity.

Although this brain control chip has been completely damaged, after the material and technology appraisal, it was found that the technology of this brain control chip does not belong to Bright City.

This made Tang Rao, Witte and Rose who were monitoring the situation feel strange. The current problem must be to restore the network first. Only when the network is restored can the situation be announced in front of the whole city, and most of the AI-controlled The system can also use the super computing power of AI to restore control of some systems.

At this time, Tang Rao walked up to a mechanical head that had been processed. He had already checked the NDA of the corrupted brain. He could not find this guy's DNA in the city, and it was certain that the brain was cloned. And the most important thing is that a lot of substances that do not belong to this planet were detected in this brain.

"What should I do next!"

At this time, Deguna said, Witte was still looking at the situation in the eastern agricultural base. In most of the farmland that caught fire, the fire had been temporarily contained and had been brought under control. However, there were still some areas where the fire had not been brought under control. Half of the agricultural base was affected.

The five guys present could all foresee what would happen in the future.

"Activate Citizen Level!"

Deguna said, and the other four people stopped what they were doing for a while. Tang Rao took out a cigarette, lit it and took a long puff.

"Are you sure? This is the most cruel system for human beings, but it is also a system that can spur human beings to move forward. It will further solidify the constitution and even determine everything about human beings."

Deguna shook her head.

"The only way to clean up the current chaos is this step. If the citizen level is introduced, it will take up to 30 years. The city will become much better than it is now, and the plans of our mechanized era will be easier to realize. Now There are still problems with AI today, and it can be interfered with by an AI with unknown origins, or even implanted with viruses."

Deguna looked at the host in front of her angrily, and then Witte spoke.

"What would Gene think?"

"No matter what he thinks, there are so many people in the city who need to be fed, and more people will be needed to support it in the future. Now the collapse of the Hillman family and everything they have done will destroy most things, but this It is also an opportunity for new life, we just need to firmly control everything."

Gu Yi nodded, and Li Chu laughed.

"Through external disputes to stimulate domestic demand, today's barrier areas have reached this point. Although such a big problem has arisen due to a small problem with the Hillman family, it does not pose a threat to the development of the city. "

Tang Rao's expression was still a little serious, and Deguna asked again.

"Then do you have any better ideas? If you have any, bring it up to Tang Rao, including that bastard Jean. If there is a better idea, we will listen to it and help find a solution together. , human society is like this, and it goes round and round. If humans want to live, they need society, and if society wants to survive, it must rely on ordinary people, businessmen, and technology leaders."

Tang Rao shook his head.

"Didn't the result go back to the past?"

"It's even worse than before, or half the same."

Witte said, and the five people started working again.


Locke Jiahui returned to the General Affairs Department, still looking at some documents. He had already changed into his uniform, and his wife Yu Wanrou looked at him worriedly.

"There's a smell."

Yu Wanrou said, and Locke Jiahui snorted. Yu Wanrou knew what Locke Jiahui had done, but she didn't name him. The current situation was very confusing.

Outside the General Affairs Department, there are still a large number of people who don't know the truth. They all want to get the news as soon as possible, and they are still waiting outside the General Affairs Department, including a large number of reporters in the lobby on the first floor, who are still waiting for the General Affairs Department. The news was announced, but the network is currently unavailable.

"What do you think will happen this time?"

Locke shook his head.

"No one knows what to do! All we can do is try to calm down as much as possible the impact that the next announcement of the Hillman family will have on the city."

10:14 am

In the Eastern Prison, there was chaos. Jean stood quietly on the wall of the Eastern Prison. Some of the troops from Section 3 were helping the people from Section 11, gathering some prisoners into the exercise yard for guarding, and had already brought some heavy equipment. Weapons, once the prisoners wake up and try to resist, they will be shot directly.

Jean knew very well that he had done what he could do, and it would be up to him to see what would happen to the city next.

The city used to be very simple. Although it was full of violence and crime, the problems in the city at that time were much simpler than they are now. With the advent of the information age, cities have changed from small towns connected by roads in the past to Incomparably close, the problems are becoming more and more complex and numerous.

Now many people in the city are wondering what happened, and Jean also wants to ask what happened. Exhaustion fills Jean's body, and his mind is extremely tired.

Seeing such a tragedy again, Gene couldn't help but recall that he was the same in the past, growing up in a neighborhood with an economically collapsed economy.

Gene knows what economic collapse means, because this is a social norm set by mankind a long time ago. A society with a good economy will have a low crime rate and people's happiness index will be higher, while a society with a bad economy will have a low crime rate and a higher happiness index. In society, the crime rate is very high, and people always feel unlucky.

Jean still remembered that his mother was a dancer. Jean didn't know who his father was. Although he asked his mother, she didn't know either. From the day he was born, Jean only saw violence and crime. , and social malice.

When Jean was very young, he witnessed someone being beaten to death in the street in front of his home. Jean still remembers the shock of that incident very clearly.

Because Jean knew very well that if he continued to live here, he would one day die in a smelly ditch like the man who was beaten to death.

One day, Gene returned home and found his mother lying in a pool of blood. From then on, Gene began to be alone, and he also began to commit crimes. He began to be like everyone else in the neighborhood. At the age of 14, he was already a frequent visitor to prison. However, Jean, who had escaped from the juvenile detention center many times, was finally unwilling to take over any charity organization.

But one day, when Jean robbed a store owner, he made a mistake. Jean thought he was going to die, but the owner of the restaurant did not shoot him. Instead, he called him to the kitchen and gave him a meal. With enough to eat, Jean worked in that restaurant from then on.

Gene still turned his inner anger and dissatisfaction into violence every day. Every time, he would be severely beaten by this boss. He never reasoned with himself.

"Jean, do you know why I don't reason with you? Because you never reason with others, you just put all your dissatisfaction into violence."

Thinking of this, Jean laughed helplessly and looked at the criminals below. Maybe one of them was the same as himself in the past.

Later, when Jean grew up, he gradually became less violent. However, the boss who was very kind to Jean fell seriously ill and passed away. Jean felt alone again. The boss called him countless times before he left. Warned Jean.

“A truly strong person is one who is willing to lend a helping hand to those in adversity, rather than one who resorts to violence.”

Although Jean clearly knew what his boss said, after the boss left, due to some things, Jean could only be the same as in the past, because the shadow of the past was like an undead, always following Jean, regardless of Jean No matter how you escape, no matter how you run, you can never escape.

It was at this time, when Jean was haunted by the undead from the past, that Jean met Ellie and his mentor, the Destroyer of Worlds.

Many students have asked Jean why there is no death penalty in Brilliant City. Jean just answered them because there is still value. If this person's future value is deprived of in advance, it will be damage to the city.

However, Gene knew very well why he tried his best to exclude the death penalty when he established Brilliant City. It was because his past, the gloomy life, could shine with light, and the same was true for these prisoners. They still have value, so they stay alive.

Gene knew very well that he could not do what he had done to save the three people of his own. He could not understand and could not do it, but the kindness of these three people did change his gloomy life.

"Leave the city to kind people! Ellie."

Jean smiled bitterly, looking at the black smoke rising from the eastern agricultural base. Jean's mood was extremely heavy. He was sad but had no tears, was helpless but had no support, and was angry but had nowhere to vent. Jean didn't know what to do next. What should I do if I go down?

Jean knows very well what will happen to the city tomorrow. At this moment, Jean really wants to talk to Ellie and ask her about the solution, but it is no longer possible.

Gene took out a cigarette and sat cross-legged on the ground. He looked up at the city in the distance. It was not easy to correct the past, let alone such a huge concept as a city.

There will only be more problems in the future. This era is collapsing and no one can stop it.

"Is there anyone? In the future, there may be people who can solve all problems, maybe there won't be!"

10:27 am

Lewen smiled and looked at the several water plant staff and local regional officers in front of him who were slightly relieved.

"Mr. Lewen, thank you very much for being able to help."

Lewen shook his head.

"I think you should prepare some food as soon as possible. After all, many people in our district don't have money to buy food now. Although I don't know what happened, this is a very serious problem."

Several regional officers nodded, and his wife Su Xin, who had been waiting next to her, came over with a smile.

"It's better for us to go back. After all, there are a lot of children in our area. Although we can't bring out anything to eat, we can still cook a New Year's meal for them."

Le Wen hummed, and a regional section officer walked over and took out a thick bag. Le Wen took out some money from it, and then said.

"Buy some food and send it to my home."

"Mr. Lewen, I think it's better to forget it. If you do this, they will just be like children who never have enough to eat, or even..."

Lewen shook his head.

"Not having enough to eat is the big problem here, and how to keep these underfed children alive is your responsibility and what you should do, isn't it?"

Looking at the two couples leaving the water plant, a group of people fell silent at this time, and Le Wen sighed helplessly.

“I just didn’t expect such a problem to happen in the city.”

"Yes, everyone is having a hard time now, and now it's just getting worse!"

The couple held each other's arms and did not feel anxious or sad because of what happened during the New Year today, because for them, instead of being anxious and sad, it is better to face the cloudy sky with a smile. This is the most important thing as a human being. thing.

At this time, many people on the street brought some food from home. Many people at the bottom did not feel sad or helpless because of the big problem that suddenly happened today. Many people still celebrated the New Year normally. For the people at the bottom For example, if you don’t have money in your pocket, just buy less things for the New Year, as long as you can eat enough.

Some places on the street are still filled with the New Year atmosphere, and some street clerks are also more relaxed. Most people at the bottom are still using old phones. The network of this phone is different from the AI-controlled phone network. It can still be used normally, and the New Year's entertainment activities for people at the bottom are actually very simple. Relatives and friends gather together, eat and drink happily, and talk about some things in the past year, and they can live a complete New Year.

At this time, some officers on the streets on the lower floors had already begun to rush to the middle floors. The middle and upper floors were now where the situation was the worst.

Many people only need food, and most of the food at the bottom can fully meet the needs of the people at the bottom. After the food, they just need a little entertainment. Many people don't have much feeling about the Internet. It's not that they can't live without the Internet. .

At this time, the flames in the last burning farmland in the eastern agricultural base were extinguished. Ye Chunwang looked at the large scorched farmland quietly, with black dirt on his face, but Ye Chunwang soon started to laugh.

"New crops will grow in the land, they will!"

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