Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1847 Tears of the Era 3 (Part 1)

"We demand the truth!"

9:24 am

A large number of pedestrians took to the streets and gathered into a flow of people. They were slowly rushing towards the General Affairs Department. The traffic on the streets was chaotic. In just one hour, many car accidents had occurred. Although the General Affairs Department had issued a warning early in the morning. The notice stated that because there was a problem with the system, most people traveling took the subway, but some people still chose manual driving.

Although most people who have become accustomed to AI autonomous driving can still drive cars, they are a lot unfamiliar with it. Coupled with the chaos on the streets, traffic accidents will occur if the car is not careful.

In the square of the General Affairs Department, there was a row of General Affairs Department clerks. Yin Xianglin held up a loudspeaker and kept calling for the people who gathered to protest to calm down. Because there are some problems in the city, he will not give a televised speech for the time being. I hope everyone can exercise restraint.

However, Yin Xianglin's words obviously could not calm down the angry crowd, because everyone saw the billowing black smoke floating in the eastern sky, and there was already news that a riot had occurred in the prison.

As well as guard stations located in four directions of the city, black smoke was rising at the same time. Some nearby residents had already released the news that criminals in the barrier area were attacking the guard stations.

Chaos continued throughout the city. Everyone expected that something had happened to the Hillman family, causing chaos in the city. At this time, many people discovered that the phone network was also down, and no one knew what happened. Even the members of the administrative department on the street who were trying to persuade pedestrians to go home were the same. The grassroots officers had no idea what the chaos in front of them was all about, so they could only follow the orders from above to persuade pedestrians to go home.

The city began to get out of control. As every minute passed, some problems occurred in various parts of the city. Problems occurred in water supply and power supply, telephone network, urban network, transportation service indicator network, financial system, and all walks of life. These problems prompted Vietnam to More and more people took to the streets because everyone wanted to know what was going on.

"If you don't want to die, get back here!"

Accompanied by a burst of angry roars, at 9:28, in just 4 minutes, Locke had already cleaned up some of the criminals entrenched in the Black Mountain. The blood had stained his white uniform. Locke could not remember the last time he killed them. How many years ago it was for others, but every time it was clear that it felt terrible.

Outside the northern guard station, there are still a large number of criminal armed forces attacking, and the gate is about to be lost.

At this time, many criminals on the Black Mountain began to evacuate, heading down the mountain in despair. Locke did not pursue him. He glanced at the time, turned around and started running on the Black Mountain. He had to rush to the north to be on guard. Stand up, directly open the door and rush out together with the other three directors. This is currently the best way to effectively reduce casualties.

R, C and K have already gone to the southern security station. Ling Hong has just completed the mission of raiding Hillman Liangye's underground facilities and got on the elevator to the western security station. The eastern security station has been breached, but Gene has already rushed over.

The six gods were still underground in Hillman Manor, and the city's AI collapsed. Last night, the hidden virus in the city's AI program was activated, and the city's AI was stopped directly.

All the programs in the city that rely on AI to operate have failed. This is the reason why there is such a large-scale chaos today. In particular, most of the systems in the business department have been tampered with by the Hillman family's AI. This makes Locke Jiahui It is unimaginable that the Hillman family has been planning everything since more than 30 years ago.

Especially the current problem of criminals in the barrier area. In the past, criminals did go to that land, but it would be good if they could survive. It was the Hillman family that continued to provide these criminals with materials and technology, so they They were able to survive until now, and with the decision-making of Section 3, they completely survived. The current situation has become very serious.

Locke returned to the city wall and clenched his fists. The gods clearly knew these things. If they were willing to take action, the gods were fully capable of eliminating all the criminals in the barrier area in just a week or two. Yes, but the gods did not choose to do this. Everything was done to stimulate domestic demand.

The medical industry, the food industry, and the weapons manufacturing industry, because of the demand for these three subjects, can continuously produce the needed items, and most people in the city will have jobs, continuing to boost this society.

Locke stopped for a moment, and a trace of fear appeared in his mind.

"I just hope I'm overthinking it!"

Over the years, although Locke was the general manager of the business department, in fact Locke was unable to decide many issues and could only coordinate the relationship between various departments.


Locke said and stood on the side of the city wall close to the gate. A fierce exchange of fire broke out below. The surface of the city wall was already riddled with holes. Locke clenched his fists. Too many things happened last night. Originally, yesterday The food and water that should have been distributed late in the day have not been distributed, and most people in the barrier area have been hungry for several days. Now they just want to break through the guard station and have a good meal.


Locke jumped down, and instantly with a heavy unlocking sound, the door of the northern guard station slowly opened.

With a loud bang, Locke fell to the ground. A large pit was instantly sunk into the ground in front of the door. Orange particles were flying on the surface of Locke's body. He was ejected instantly. A car that seemed to have been modified , the large truck used as a forward bunker stood in the middle of the bridge.

In an instant, intensive gunfire sounded. Locke had approached the truck. The criminals behind the truck's steel plate immediately panicked, and the orange particles gathered together one by one.

For a moment, an orange light flashed across the truck in front of him. In an instant, the entire truck was torn apart, as if it had been cut by countless densely packed blades. There was a loud boom, and as Locke continued to advance, orange particles flew on the bridge deck. On the bridge, everything around was bounced away. Many criminals who were still on the bridge turned around in panic, and some raised their hands.

"Leave immediately, otherwise we will kill without mercy!"

Locke roared, and the criminals began to retreat. Several council officers wanted to chase them.

"Everyone, stop right there."

Locke stopped them.

"Fat brother, chase them now and wipe them out in one fell swoop."

Locke shook his head.

"What's going on in the city is more important."

At this time, a large number of corpses were lying outside the southern guard station. C quietly looked at the criminals who began to retreat. He chuckled and leaned down, but was grabbed by K next to him.

"What do you want to do?"

"Now is not the time to do this kind of thing. We have to get back to the city quickly. Some areas on the ground floor have begun to become unstable."

R quietly stared at the criminals who were starting to disperse around him. Now a question was placed in front of everyone. If they did not continue to give them food and water, these criminals would die, and the research on some new drugs would It will stagnate, and if there are no living people in the barrier area, Section 3 may really have no meaning of existence.

R glanced back at the southern guard station behind him. If all the criminals in the barrier area perished, there would really be no need for Section 3 to continue to exist. And if these criminals were allowed to survive, it would cause damage to the city. threaten.

The most critical point is that after Section 3 started distributing food and water, not only did the employment rate in the city increase, but the economy of some lower-level areas near the guard station also improved, and the improved economy was slowly flowing in the lower levels and was nourishing. Some people at the bottom.

R can't judge whether Osman's decision was correct, because many things have two sides. Looking at the criminals who retreated is only temporary, because they have no escape route. Once they retreat, only death awaits them. , instead of dying, it is better to fight once, maybe there will be a full meal to eat.

"Go and give the order R, let the four security stations distribute food and water to the criminals!"

At this time, K came over, R looked solemn, and C laughed.

"Isn't there something wrong with your brains? The behavior of these scumbags this time has made them more than worthy of death. Do you want to continue to raise these bed bugs?"

R didn't speak, but K shook his head.

"It's not that we keep them, but that's all we can do now. The problems in the city are even more serious."

C grabbed K's collar.

"There may be remnants of the Hillman family on this land, and they must be wiped out. If you don't want to, I can just go there myself. Give me some water and food, and I will kill them all!"

K looked at C blankly. There was a trace of sadness in C's eyes at this time. She gritted her teeth and turned around, but K still hugged her.

"Are you planning to watch the city collapse? We don't have any extra energy to solve the problem in the barrier area right now. Are you planning to wait until Osman wakes up and see the guard station?"

"Stop talking, you two, I will issue the order directly. Give them food and water first."

R said, turning around and running towards the bridge.

9:29 am

There have been some small-scale exchanges of fire outside the Western Guard Station. Now all the staff have been withdrawn. However, criminals are still gathering outside the Western Guard Station. Zi Juan stared quietly. These criminals are still approaching little by little. If there is no problem with the weapon system of the guard station, Zijuan will not hesitate to order the use of large-scale heavy firepower weapons to directly destroy these criminals who dare to approach. them.

At this time, a helicopter quickly glided towards this side and landed behind Zijuan in an instant.

"Just go out and clean up!"

As soon as Ling Hong got off the elevator, Zi Juan spoke, looking at Ling Hong's serious face and looking a little tired.

"I will take action, but only when they officially attack here, not now."

Zijuan nodded.

"Go back to Osman, just leave this place to me, Zijuan!"

Ling Hong had already heard that Osman's current situation was a bit dangerous. Zijuan shook her head.

"I won't leave."

Ling Hong smiled and sat on the edge of the city wall. She took out a cigarette and lit it. She quietly looked at the criminals approaching in the distance. She felt unusually calm in her heart. Under the Hillman Grain Industry, too Too tragic.

Many members of the special team vomited after entering, but Ling Hong behaved extremely calmly. A large number of researchers were killed in various cruel ways. This seemed to be the last madness of the Hillman family. Those who should be able to The bodyguards of the Hillman family gave up their resistance, but in the end chose to sacrifice their lives in return, not caring about their own lives.

Ling Hong is difficult to understand, or rather understandable. She grew up in a sinful family like the Hillman family for a long time, was trained, and became a dead soldier who only obeyed orders. Ling Hong personally ended the lives of most of the dead soldiers. , no one flinched.

In the entire underground research laboratory, less than 10 researchers survived. Some were brutally killed by the bodyguards of the Hillman family, some chose to commit suicide, and some chose to fight each other. Fighting, Ling Hong didn't know what was going on there, but the only thing she could think of was that once something like order collapsed, it would be very terrifying.

A large number of research bodies were found in the darkrooms on the upper floors of Hillman Food Industry that were originally Hillman Medical. Some are still alive, but most parts of their bodies have been completely transformed, and some are imprisoned. Feeding different study substances.

It was not just one or two researchers who chose to commit suicide, but a large number of researchers. Especially after Billy was rescued, more than 30 brain researchers in that facility all chose to commit suicide.

According to the criminal record information at hand, some people have been imprisoned for more than 30 years. Over the past 30 years, they have been like machines, constantly producing scientific research results for the Hillman family, and those who cannot produce results will be removed.

Fear of violence and the threat of death hound these researchers every day.

"I think it's better for you to attack now, otherwise."

Ling Hong looked at the anxious Zijuan. She stood up, walked to Zijuan's side, and patted her back comfortingly.

"Go back to your husband. Just leave this place to me. I won't let any criminal enter the city!"

Zijuan was still in a stalemate. She didn't intend to leave, but in the end, Zijuan turned around and entered the lift.

"Maybe I can only spend my whole life in the barrier zone!"

Zijuan stared blankly at Ling Hong, who was smiling. She threw away the cigarette butt and jumped directly.


Zijuan sat in the takeoff and the takeoff soon took off. Such a heavy burden could only be handed over to Ling Hong. This was inevitable because she was really strong and good at teaching people. Now Most of the powerful mutants in Core 3 were taught by Ling Hong.


Frye quietly looked at the woman in front of him who was in a trance and still talking crazy things. She was the only surviving woman in the Hillman family, and she was also the daughter of Ran Zhi, another wanted criminal. But now she has gone crazy.

After a simple on-site record investigation, it can be known that this woman's son and husband did not die normally, and the cause is now unknown.

Frye has already conducted a comprehensive psychiatric examination on this woman. This woman has become insane and it is impossible to get anything out of her, but she is still alive as a member of the Hillman family, a criminal family. Witness, so the gods hope that Frye can find a way to get her to stand in the Hall of the Law.

After searching through the criminal records in the 5-section database, we could not find what crime this woman had committed. Instead, she had been under house arrest in the Hillman family for a long time, and her father, Ran Zhi, had been involved in many cases. The main culprit is now missing.

Frye had just received the latest news. From a hidden darkroom in Hillman Grain, this woman's mother, whose body had been completely transformed, was found and is now dead.

"Do you have any clues, Fry?"

Gu Yi walked in and Frye shook his head.

"Teacher Gu Yi can't do it, so he can only treat it slowly."

Gu Yi looked solemn and immediately dialed a number.

"Bring this woman's brother Ranqiu up."

Frye looked at Gu Yi who walked out, and then at the woman in front of him who seemed to be still living in fantasy, his eyes still full of hope.

"Husband, Mani, come back quickly"

"Well, they will be back. They are just out for a while. They will be back soon, madam."

Frye said, Ran Yu showed a happy smile. Frye got closer and started chatting and laughing with the woman. This is the most effective way. Treat yourself as a psychopath and communicate with the patient on an equal footing. This is very effective. Lai has always been a subjective treatment method.

Because if we blindly treat these mentally ill patients as mentally ill, it will only make their situation worse.

9:32 am


There was a sound of water flowing, and Feite stopped at a place connected to underground pipes near a construction site, with his wife Gu Lin standing behind him.

"Let's turn ourselves in, okay Feit? As long as we confess the crimes of the Hillman family, everything you have done in the past may be..."

Feite laughed loudly and dragged his wife down forcefully.

"Follow me, crime? I didn't commit a crime. I didn't do anything wrong. It was the rulers of this city who were wrong. And now that I have finally returned to the sun and can live a comfortable and comfortable life, they are again Want to take away all of this? Don’t you think this is too ridiculous?”

Gu Lin looked at her husband and said emotionally. Her hands were already painful from being squeezed by her husband. She still didn't want to go in. This was the underground refuge of the Hillman family. It was very secretive, but Feite knew about it because this place The underground facility where Fite will conduct other research was recently built.

"Don't go on any further."

Gu Lin pleaded, but Feit hugged his wife directly, picked her up and entered the dark underground tunnel. Feit soon found the entrance to the research room.

"I don't want to live like this anymore."

"listen to me!"

Fit's eyes widened and looked slightly crazy. He pressed his wife's shoulder and continued emotionally.

"We have no future. We have no future. Do you know? How many cruel experiments have I done? How many! Do you know? Even if we go to the executive branch, the result will still be the same. We will still be able to continue to serve Congress. The world is so crazy. I can already foresee that all the Hillman family’s research will be captured by Congress, and we researchers who have done countless cruel things have no future. Our future can only be dead people, unable to walk on the streets of the city, unable to live a normal life! Do you understand?"

Gu Lin cried, and was roughly pushed in by Feite. Feite immediately closed the door after walking in, and the lights in the facility came on. It was nearly 300 square meters, and there were a large number of research equipment and materials, as well as other items. With a separate bedroom and living room, Fit seemed to relax and he laughed.

Gu Lin sat slumped on the ground. She had had enough, but looking at her husband's appearance, Gu Lin felt that perhaps it was true as her husband said, that they had no future.

Before the business department arrested them, Feite had already run away with Gu Lin. They came to the middle level in the north, an area, and came to the unfinished construction site without attracting attention.

"As long as we are here, we can live freely. Don't worry, we can also live freely. It's okay, it's okay!"

Feit hugged his wife who was still trembling on the ground. He only saw darkness in his eyes, darkness without a trace of light. Although the days on the ground were somewhat unsatisfactory, Feit still felt happy, but now that it has passed The days were gone, and Fite didn't want to be controlled by others. He knew very well that as the leading researcher who developed the drug that turns mutants into berserk, he could not be pardoned.

Looking at his wife who was still crying in her arms, Fit said soothingly.

"It's okay. As long as the turmoil in the city has passed, we can take to the streets when we have time. I have a way."

Fitt took a look at the supplies placed in the corner. The supplies here were enough for the couple to live for more than a year. Then Fitt carried his wife into the bedroom and put her on the bed.

"Take a rest, it'll be fine, trust me!"

9:36 am

Ran Zhi knelt on the top of a building. He looked at the Hillman Grain Industry in front of him. Tears continued to flow from his eyes. Ran Zhi knew very well that the current situation was no longer something he could control. He didn't know what happened to his wife. What's wrong? The situation in the city now speaks volumes. The Hillman family's plan has failed.

The mutant bodyguard behind him stood quietly behind Ran Zhi and did not leave.

"Aren't you leaving?"

Ran Zhi wiped his tears and the bodyguard shook his head.

"There is only one order I received, to protect your life, wise man."

Ran Zhi laughed, smiled sadly, and shook his head.

"It's all over, over!"

Ran Zhi stared at the Hillman Grain Industry opposite with a heavy expression, which had been completely blocked. He really wanted to go over and see his wife for the last time. Then Ran Zhi stood up, but the next second he was held down by the bodyguards.


"If you go over now, you will be arrested, wise man. The order I received is to protect your safety, so I don't agree with your approach."

Ran Zhi became angry, and he stood up, but soon Ran Zhi's angry eyes softened, and he raised his head and looked into the distance.

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