Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1834 The Last Straw 2 (Part 2)

10 minutes ago, 7:35

"If you are willing to surrender, I can guarantee your lives!"

A tall and burly ghost-faced man stood up and said. Gris hugged the excited Niya tightly. At this time, Niya was like a crazy beast. She roared angrily and made an inhuman sound. Even with the use of telekinesis, Gris still didn't let go and suppressed Niya tightly.

Eric glanced back at the room behind him. Sock's body was still lying quietly inside. Niya and other people present at the original lightning construction knew that Sock was relatively stronger among them, but he was stronger than him. Xiong Dabiao and Olivia were weaker, but Suoke was dead and killed easily. There didn't seem to be any traces of a fierce fight in the house. Suoke was suffocated to death in the wooden barrel bath. .

The only one who can rely on now is this powerful bodyguard. The reaction of Gris just now surprised everyone. Holding Niya with one hand, he was able to avoid the attacks of two people and received the attack of the next person without a single hit. It fell to the ground without any injuries.

But the problem now is how to escape. Gris knows very well that if there are only a dozen or twenty mutants, they may be a little more difficult to deal with. If he finds an opportunity to defeat them one by one, Gris is confident, but there are so many mutants, and I don’t know if there are any more powerful mutants among them.

Including Niya, they have a total of 9 mutants. Among them, the only S-level mutant is Gris. The strongest Eric and Niya are only B-level mutants. They have no chance of winning.

"Miss, stop yelling. If I am to blame, I can only blame you on Nia Angus!"


The tall ghost-faced man on the opposite side instantly ejected over, very fast. Before Eric could react, he saw Gris holding Niya and avoiding the attack, and instantly ejected towards the outside.

"Gris, what are you going to do? Eric and the others are still here. Let me go!"

Niya roared heartbreakingly. Eric roared and rushed forward with the six people next to him. However, the ghost face who attacked first ignored them and suddenly turned his back to the six people. Niya's eyes widened. eyes.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and in the crunching air, red particles spread out in front of Gris like an ocean for a moment. Gris' plan to use the momentary opportunity to take Niya out failed.

Gris could only put Niya down first, and then crossed his hands. The red scabs condensed quickly, and there was a banging sound in an instant. One mutant after another rushed up, launching turns of attacks at Gris. After Niya fell to the ground, she rolled several times due to the strong impact. She felt something strange. The moment she stood up, she hit him directly with her fist.


A very quick and accurate punch directly scratched the ghost face that was trying to hug her body from top to bottom. The opponent flipped in the air and fell to the ground.

Andur pressed the scratched mask in surprise, his cheeks were also scratched, and he felt burning. At this time, a little further away, Gris was fighting with other mutants.

Andur smiled. Sure enough, this Gris was very strong. Several mutants had been injured, but Gris seemed to be able to cope with it easily.

"Hurry up, it's already been 10 minutes."

Andur shouted, and a heartbreaking roar came from the opposite side. The momentum was very strong. Andur felt that the little girl in front of him was very talented. The reaction speed of just a moment had already made Andur I noticed that this little girl's reflexes were different from ordinary people.


A touch of red particles floated by, and Niya was caught by telekinesis and fixed in the air. At this time, Eric and the other five people rushed over again.

"Stop resisting, or this is what will happen!"

Niya's eyes widened in shock.

"Don't come here Eric!"

With Niya's shout, it was already too late. Niya watched helplessly as a scarlet light flashed by.



Nia looked at the people who had stopped, and Eric looked at his friend Lily lying on the ground next to him in shock. A large gash was cut into her chest, and she fell into a pool of blood before she even had time to defend herself.

Niya screamed in horror, Andur grabbed Niya, and suddenly he felt a cold aura coming towards him. Andur reacted, and he immediately formed scabs on his arms. , there was a crunching sound, and a red light flashed across. Andur was a little surprised. There were very few mutants who could condense the alienated cells into sharp blades to attack. Andur only did this after a lot of practice. Barely.

With a loud bang, Gris kicked Andur in the chest. With the sound of red scabs breaking, Gris hugged Nia before he could wait for Niya to say anything, and was instantly ejected. At the top of a house, he raised his left hand and made a gesture of moving forward.

In an instant, the two oncoming mutants were unable to dodge, and their bodies were cut open. Andur became anxious. A large number of red particles floated past, and the house beneath him collapsed instantly.

After Andur stood up, he looked over and saw that the remaining five Erics suddenly swarmed up. Andur ignored them and directly ejected in pursuit.

The ghost faces immediately moved in the direction of Gris. Gris clenched his fists angrily. The moment he landed on the ground and was about to be caught, he raised his left hand, crossed his body with his left arm in front of him, and made a gesture In a collision position, his legs squatted on the ground.


Along with a loud noise, red particles all over Gris's body completely enveloped his body. He created as many alienated cells as he could to the maximum limit. In an instant, along with the ghost faces being knocked away, Gris A hole was opened.


Niya was shocked to see that the entire left shoulder of Gris seemed to be crushed. The pieces of flesh and blood mixed with bones were flying in front of her eyes. A huge force threw Niya away.

"Run! Second Miss, run!"

Niya looked at the numerous ghost faces that were constantly moving away from her sight, swarming towards her. However, the moment they hit the house, Niya still condensed scabs, and with a bang, Niya broke through it. A house rolled several times and then stopped. When she was about to get up, Niya felt her legs become weak, and the roar of Gris came from not far away.

Niya stared blankly into the distance, but the next moment Niya felt despair. In front of her, dozens of ghost faces appeared, and one of them walked up. Niya looked numbly at everything in front of her.

"Miss Niya, that guy refused to agree to our request, so I killed him."

In an instant, Niya's body, which had lost its strength, became hot again. She stood up and roared, punching him, but her fist was pinched by the opponent.


Niya only felt a blow on her abdomen, and her world was spinning for a moment, but Niya held it back. She gritted her teeth and looked at the ghost face in front of her. A large number of brown particles were released from her body, but it had no effect. She looked like a little girl. He was picked up like a chicken by Ghost Face and then put on his shoulders.

There was no strength left in her whole body. Niya saw more and more ghost faces appearing in the dark. This formation was unimaginable to Niya. Gris was still fighting, but he had reached his limit. Under the attack of the ghost faces, After taking turns to attack, Gris could hardly hold on anymore.


With a violent sound, Gris was hit. He rolled on the ground several times and then stood up immediately.

"Quickly deal with them, what are you doing!"

The ghost face who was carrying Niya shouted, and for a moment the other ghost faces rushed towards Gris. Gris got up without any hesitation and started to jump away like a runaway.

More than a dozen mutants were still chasing after each other in turn. Gris' vision was getting more and more blurred. He had been fighting for almost 10 minutes, and his body and hands and feet were already a little out of control. But the only thing Gris knew was that , there are still a few minutes until half an hour. As long as half an hour passes and he doesn't send a report, there may be a slight chance.

Nia looked at Erwin who was sitting on the ground in a daze, and the four other friends who were still crying. All of them were powerless, and one of the friends was dead.

Niya struggled a little, but was immediately held down by telekinesis. At this time, the ghost who was holding Niya laughed.

"Noble second young lady of the Angus family, we will take you to a place soon, and we will entertain you well. You probably haven't tried the taste of a man yet!"

Niya's eyes widened and she struggled violently, unable to get up at all.

"Deal with them."

Niya's throat was so hot that she almost lost her voice. Blood spilled from the corner of Niya's mouth. She opened her mouth wide and screamed, but she could only watch blankly as several ghost faces approached Eric and the others. , Eric stood up and shook his fists angrily. The other four people seemed to have given up resistance. The next second, Niya looked at everything in front of her in confusion.

One after another, friends fell to the ground. The only one present was Eric, who continued to fight, but soon he was choked by a ghost face from behind. Eric was lifted up, and he was struggling Struggling.

"You are indeed very strong, Gris, but the time has come!"

While Andur was speaking, after a round of attacks by several ghost faces, he instantly found the opportunity, ejected and thrust forward, his fist turned into a hand knife, and accurately penetrated Gris's abdomen, directly penetrating.

Gris squeezed the ghost-faced hand in front of him hard, but the other person turned the hand that stabbed into his abdomen. Gris screamed in pain, and his hands instantly lost strength.


With the blood splattering, Gris knelt on the ground, his body losing strength little by little, and he fell to the ground.

"Hurry up, get ready to move!"

While Andur was talking, he was about to leave, but a hand grabbed his foot. Andur's eyes widened and he kicked it, but he couldn't pull out the foot. Big tears fell from Niya's eyes to the ground.

"Hurry up, clear the battlefield, and go to the designated location!"

Gris was dead, and Eric was left alone in the end. He was holding on to the opponent's arm desperately, and his legs were still struggling. Niya's head began to become dizzy. She didn't know what was happening in front of her. Is everything reality or a dream? Everything around me becomes very slow, very slow.

Looking at the ghost face who was still kicking at Gris, Niya was slightly stunned. At this time, Niya saw a fierce red light spot on the horizon coming towards this side.

Niya blinked and watched as the ghostly face cut off Gris's hand. She raised her head and watched the extremely intense red light becoming bigger and bigger in an instant.

Some ghost faces also noticed it and raised their heads one after another. The moment the ghost face carrying Niya raised his head, he saw a fierce cyan light falling down.



Accompanied by a loud noise, a piece of ground sank in an instant, accompanied by flying gravel and raised sand. Andur looked over. For a moment, his eyes were extremely frightened. The next moment, Andur had unconsciously turned toward the ground. took a step back.

Alpha closed his eyes and held the opponent's fist with one hand. Niya looked at Alpha in front of her tiredly and sadly.

"elder sister."

Bar chi

The ghost face who was carrying Niya widened his eyes. His fists were like crushed tomatoes. Instantly, pain began to spread all over his body. He screamed fiercely. Alpha opened his eyes and left Niya in an instant. The ghost-faced head that was strangling Eric's neck a few meters away blossomed, and the strangled Eric fell to the ground.

Alpha put one hand on the head of the man carrying his sister, who looked horrified.


Everyone present watched in disbelief as the red scabs that were still gathering were condensing, and the back of the head that was holding Niya's face exploded, with blood flying everywhere.

Alpha caught Nia with one hand and turned around slowly. After Nia landed, she stared blankly at her sister's expression. Nia had never seen such an expression before, and a chill rose up her spine.

Alpha took out two cigarettes, lit them, put one in his mouth, and put one in Niya's mouth. He helped Niya walk over step by step. Andur, who was standing next to Gris's body, did not Dare to move. At this time, all the ghost faces around are waiting for Andur's next instructions, and they are ready to fight.

Niya knelt on the ground, her tears rolling down like broken beads. Alpha half-crouched in front of Gris, stretched out his hand and asked Gris to close his eyes.

"I only give you 5 seconds!"

The terrifying feeling made everyone present couldn't help but turn around, because everyone felt the killing intent coming from Alpha, the suffocating and cold killing intent, like a sharp blade piercing the skin.

"Retreat, everyone retreats!"

Andur shouted, and he himself turned around and ejected.


Niya whimpered and looked at Alpha who stood up little by little. At this time, Alpha showed a ferocious expression like a bloodthirsty beast.


Alpha blew out a puff of smoke.


Alpha bowed slightly.


Alpha leaned forward, and large black particles overflowed from the surface of his body.



Along with a violent roar, Niya only saw a violent black light that had gone away. The ground behind her sank in an instant, and the floor tiles were crushed to pieces and turned into dust.

"0! Time's up."

The ghost faces who were fleeing towards the city looked at Alpha who was already beside them in horror. At this time, Alpha was facing up, her hands were slightly open, and she looked at the ghost faces around her with relaxed eyes.

Some ghost faces have begun to react, because everyone is aware of the fear that penetrates people's hearts. Black particles as big as a fist appear densely around Alpha's body. Each ghost face begins to defend itself. Scabs formed on the surface of the body.

"What on earth is that!"

Andur did not immediately flee towards the city, but moved towards a block on the right with a more complex terrain. As soon as he looked back, he saw black matter spreading out in all directions in an instant.

Just for a moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet, Andur's heart trembled, and the ghost faces with mutilated bodies fell to the ground like stones falling from the sky.

All the black spheres collided with the ghost face. In an instant, his body seemed to be eaten away. Waves of wailing sounds sounded. Alpha's figure had disappeared. Andur immediately looked towards the edge of the town, just in the blink of an eye. After a while, the dozens of ghost faces in the air came to a standstill, and their bodies shot out streaks of cyan light from the inside out.

Blood was like rain, spraying heavily to the ground. Andur's body seemed to be petrified. He no longer had the courage to escape. Even if he went back now, everything would be over. He knew clearly what Alpha would do next. Come.


The sound became smaller and smaller, and many places in the street seemed to have been eaten away. There were corpses of ghost faces everywhere. Alpha quietly looked at the few ghost faces in front of him and dozens of people. They had been blocked by Alpha.


Alpha sat on the top of a house and blew out a puff of smoke.

"I don't know if you can hear it! Blood for blood!"

Alpha flicked the ashes of his cigarette, took the last puff of the cigarette and threw away the cigarette butt in his hand. The ghost faces in front of him rushed over, and a large number of red particles came towards him.

Alpha closed his eyes. The moment he stood up, the purple particles instantly dispersed the red particles. Corpses like twisted linen cloth stood in the air, and blood spurted out as if a water pipe burst.

Alpha looked around and could no longer see any ghost faces. She jumped gently to where her sister was. At this time, a large number of lifts came towards this direction. Alpha opened a light and shadow screen. 20 minutes .

It took Section 3 20 minutes to arrive. Even if they could find these ghost faces, their sister might have been taken away.

A large take-off and landing aircraft slowly landed on the edge of the town. In an instant, a large number of elite mutant personnel from Section 3 rushed out with guns and ammunition, and lights began to light up all around.

District 113 was originally on a busy street, but suddenly a large number of Section 5 members flooded in and began to conduct identity checks and interrogations on everyone along the street.

With a buzzing sound, an elevator landed in this town. Osman ran to the side of a vegetable market. He looked around with a solemn face. There were corpses everywhere, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air. Disgusting.


"Miss, miss, I know I was wrong. I don't dare anymore. Please forgive me, please forgive me."

Osman looked in shock at Alpha, who was standing on the ground not far away, holding an old man with one hand. Although he didn't quite understand what was going on at the scene, Osman saw that the chief bodyguard of the Angus family was dead. After a while, in addition to these corpses wearing ghost masks, there were several ordinary corpses on the ground.


Osman jumped over instantly, but before he could remember and stop him, the old man in front of him had his neck broken by Alpha. Osman held down Alpha's hand with one hand.

"Alpha you."

In a pair of shocking eyes, what Osman saw was as if something had awakened. The aura emanating from Alpha's body was terrifying. Osman noticed it when he came over. These ghost faces were all instantly killed and died immediately. .

"Alfa, calm down first. If there is any problem, wait until I inform everyone. I think."

Alpha turned his head to look at Osman and shook his head.

"I have uploaded the specific things to the database of Section 5. You can unlock it with permissions and view it. The scene will be left to you. My sister is the same. I still have some things to deal with."

Alpha said and walked step by step towards Niya, who was lying on the ground and still crying. Niya's throat could no longer make a sound. After Alpha checked, he knew that Niya's body was fine, but her vocal cords were ruptured.

A large number of people from Section 3 and Section 5 began to enter the town. Alpha squatted next to Niya and hugged Niya.

"Take care of yourself Nya!"

For a moment, Nia stopped crying. Alpha stood up, took off his uniform, put it on Nia's body, and then walked towards a lift.

"Where are you going Alpha."

Osman ran over in a hurry. Niya whimpered and stretched out her hands to grab her sister, but as soon as she grabbed Alpha's clothes, he fell to the ground weakly. Niya felt groggy and her consciousness began to blur. Getting up, she knew what her sister was going to do, but soon Niya's vision went dark and she lost consciousness.

"I just have to go back to Section 5 to deal with some things. I'll leave this to you Osman for the time being."

Osman saw that several military doctors from Section 3 had come over and lifted Niya. The situation at the scene was indeed chaotic and the network could not cover it. Osman had ordered people to set up a network signal station within 5 minutes.

Looking at Alpha who was exhausted, Osman took another look at the corpses at the scene. Alpha just killed these guys and he shouldn't be that tired. Osman was a little worried, but he didn't know what to say at this moment. He didn't know that Alpha After uploading something to Section 5's server, Osman had already turned on the light and shadow screen and was still waiting for the network to be connected.

Suddenly Alpha turned his head and shouted.

"Don't connect to the network in this place, otherwise things will be exposed."

Osman was stunned at first. He didn't know what Alpha was talking about, but he immediately used a short-range communicator to contact the nearby staff who were setting up the network, stopped setting up the network, and blocked the scene.

"Who is behind this?"

Osman asked. Although he had guessed something, he was still not sure.

"You'll know after seeing it."

Alpha climbed onto a lift, then slowly took off and left. Osman didn't think much and started asking people from Section 3 to count the bodies, and asked people from Section 5 to seal off Area 113.

It's already 8:13

Osman continued to issue instructions to some of the officials who came over, and had already begun to conduct DNA checks on these dead bodies. The results of the verification surprised Osman, because many of the deceased did not have any identity information records.

Osman was uneasy in his heart. He had never seen Alpha's expression like this before. He didn't know what Alpha had to deal with. Osman just wanted to finish the inventory as soon as possible and go to a place with a network outside to see what Alpha had uploaded.

At this time, Alpha, who was in the lift, took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Sister C, what are you doing!"

"Alfa, what's wrong? I'm preparing for the New Year's Eve party of Section 2. It's really unexpected. You gave me your phone number. Do you want to come over and have a drink?"

C's voice sounded very happy, and Alpha hummed.

"Forget it if you have a drink. Can I get rid of you for one thing?"

"Did something happen? It's really rare for you to say something like this. After all, you are a genius."

Alpha laughed bitterly.

"Ask R and K to come together and come to the headquarters of Section 5. I have something very important to tell you. Come here as soon as possible."

After Alpha finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for C to ask questions.

Someone had to do the thing. Alpha had already thought about it when he came over and knew what the outcome would be, because this matter could no longer be solved with words or laws.

At this point Alpha dialed Fry's number.

"President, what's wrong?"

Frye's voice sounded tired.

"The murderer has found Fry, the murderer who killed Dr. Kuhl and Nabe."

There was silence on the other side of the phone.


"I'm just telling you this. You will know when you arrive at the headquarters of Section 5 in a few days. Fry, I want to ask you something. If my sister needs mental counseling in the future, I hope you can help. she."

Alpha hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Frye, who was lying on the bed, had already sat up. He immediately got up and changed his clothes. When he dialed the 0005 number again, a permission prompt appeared, and then asked Frye to leave a message.

"What's wrong Fry?"

Frye immediately started walking.

"I'm leaving it up to you to watch over Lolita Hospital. I have to stop the president."

Frye said and walked out of the director's office quickly. What he heard in Alpha's tone just now was determination and anger. Although Frye didn't know what happened, he thought of coming to the hospital tonight to arrest someone. The only person Fry could think of to capture him was the Hillman family, because they had done this many times in the past.

However, under the protection of immunity and insufficient evidence, the Hillman family's crimes were never exposed, and nothing could be done against them.

"Don't do anything stupid, President!"

Fry jumped out of the window, quickly jumped over the courtyard wall, and ran on the street. Fry quickly dialed Huashen's phone number.

"I just went to bed, what's wrong Fry, do you need help?"

"Go to Section 5 and go to Huashen and find a way to stop Alpha. Big problems will happen in the city."

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