Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 185 Angler (Part 2) 54 more updates please subscribe!


"Morning color."



"Professional address."

Chense weakly answered questions one after another. After people from Section 2 came over this morning, they started asking these questions. Chense didn’t know how many times he answered them, but every 15 minutes, someone would come and ask them. There were always four people around her, staring at her, and Chense felt like she was about to collapse.

"Are you bothered? I've made it clear what I should say."

Chen Se's voice had gone from roaring in the beginning to now that she really didn't have the strength to roar anymore. She only ate part of the food on the table and couldn't eat anymore.

The person in front of me still asked tirelessly.

"When did you start contacting the Creator organization?"

Chense's head was groggy, and he gradually fell asleep within a few seconds. The person next to him immediately carried a bucket of water and poured it on it. Chense woke up instantly, with sobs in his throat, but his tears could no longer flow out. .

This was a cell with only one door, but Chense knew that the situation inside could be seen from outside the four walls, but she could not see anything.

It was no longer clear whether it was day or night, and the morning light was no longer clear. She just wanted to lie on a soft bed and sleep, and her consciousness began to blur again.

At this time, outside the cell, there were 20 people sitting around. They were psychologists, lie experts, facial expression analysis experts, and intelligence information analysis experts.

This is a huge indoor space with only one door. There are many cells like this, all used for torture of prisoners.


The door to the room opened, and Lilian pushed Mo Xiaolan in. All the experts wearing Division 2 uniforms stood up and bowed.

"How's the situation?"

"Reporting to the section chief, the same question has been answered 35 times, with an accuracy rate of more than 80%. According to analysis, the true rate of facial expressions is only about 50%. This may be related to the fact that the prisoner is an original actor, is not mentally sound, and is eager to succeed. She is depressed, has a bit of an antisocial personality, and has a serious tendency to give up on herself. At the same time, her sexual orientation should be female. According to the eye test, she is indifferent to male staff and enthusiastic to female staff, which accounts for 80%. It should be confirmed. According to According to intelligence analysis, this woman only told 70% of the true content, and the remaining 30% was hidden content, which still needs to be dug in depth."

Mo Xiaolan nodded, and then looked at the woman in the cell. She was woken up by cold water again. After 10 o'clock, she would be forcibly replenished with nutrient solution. If she did not cooperate, she would be injected directly to ensure that she had enough energy. , and then continued the interrogation.

"Send 8 people with me. Another prisoner will start interrogation tonight. Although he has given an explanation, it cannot be trusted. In the fastest case, I will use telekinesis to conduct a mental investigation."

Mo Xiaolan asked as soon as he left the house.

"Where's that bastard Gene? The fish he caught didn't come over, so I couldn't rest peacefully again."

"Lord Jean has disappeared. I only know that he disappeared after appearing on the subway in District 108. I'm afraid he is at some lady's house now!"

Mo Xiaolan burst out laughing.

"It's indeed possible."

Tianhen stared at Mo Xiaolan quietly and glanced sideways at the woman in the cell.

"Your methods are still as perverted as ever. I can't stand it anymore. You use mental torture here and physical torture there."

Mo Xiaolan snorted coldly.

"Tianhen, have you forgotten? Jean should have told you why I don't have these legs? How did Lilian become disfigured? That's why I established the 2nd Division on my own. If I deal with the enemy mercilessly, I will be injured in the end. They are the innocent people, you should know this very well."

Tianhen snorted coldly.

"You don't need to teach me. I understood this when I just joined the 3rd class."

The group of people came to another small cell, which was used by the military department to house temporary prisoners. It was located to the west near the farm.

At this time, the big black tooth in the cell had changed beyond recognition, and everything he needed to explain was clearly explained. Mo Xiaolan let 8 experts enter the cell to conduct the next stage of questioning.

"Come to the lounge, I've prepared dinner for you two."

As Tian Hen said that, he led Mo Xiaolan and Lilian to the end of the long corridor, and opened a room. There was a scent of aroma coming from inside. After Mo Xiaolan went there, he started to eat, with a look in his eyes. Some excitement.

"That guy from Niya has sent out investigation elites from the 5th Section to keep track of Chense's house. Two hours after he caught Chense, with the help of the 6th Section, he had successfully integrated into the nearby residents and monitored The equipment has also covered a 5-kilometer range near Chense's home in all directions without blind spots. Once a suspicious person is found, he can immediately and quietly arrest him."

Mo Xiaolan smashed the chicken leg in front of him, put the bone into his mouth, and started chewing it.

"Once we find those bullshit creators, clean them all without leaving any one behind. There is no need to reason with the rioters. The day after tomorrow, I will hold a brief meeting of the 12 section chiefs to announce something. The location is right here. Come on, Tianhen."

Tianhen nodded helplessly.

As Mo Xiaolan said, Lilian wiped her mouth after she had finished eating, and then brought up a light and shadow screen with the Eastern Grain Base on it.

"The enemy's next step, according to our analysis, is likely to take action against the eastern food base. Once there is a problem in the food base, it will create greater chaos."

"Don't worry, I've removed 100 people from the air force at Section 3 Headquarters, and activated the defense mechanism of small light-kill missiles near the food base. Sections 1 and 8 have also implemented air control, even if it's private Lifts and landings need to be closely investigated. If the enemy dares to come from the air, they will be dismembered and separated in the air before they arrive. As for the several exchanges outside the farm, I have dispatched personnel from Section 3 to conduct strict inspections. The people from Section 12 are also here. I also informed Jewell and asked them to contribute from Section 11. We doubled the number of manpower on the Zhongjie Tower around the special food base and equipped them with 100-meter-range light-kill snipers. rifle."

Mo Xiaolan smiled and nodded.

"Very good Tianhen, let the rioters know that our attitude is tough. At the same time, we can start to spread the fishing net around Chense. After tonight, I will talk to her personally. The worst case scenario is to let the people from Section 10 Someone implanted a chip in her head.”

Tianhen nodded, then sighed and smiled.

"That's all."

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