Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1831 The Last Straw 1 (Part 2)


With a burst of mechanical sound, a mechanical cabin opened little by little, and the liquid inside quickly flowed into the small hole exposed at the bottom. A body covered with machinery appeared under the bright light.

X walked out slowly, and with the sound of footsteps, the door to the room was opened, and Hathaway looked at X with a surprised look on his face.

"Thank you for your hard work, Hathaway!"

X walked towards Hathaway slowly, staring at her with a pair of scarlet eyes.

"Tell me what's going on."

When Completed self-evolution.

X found a set of windbreakers from a mechanical cabinet. After putting them on, he raised his hands and moved. There was a mechanical creaking sound, and everything went smoothly.

"Hurry up and tell me what happened, about my husband Leng Shi."

X hummed.

"Let's sit down and talk slowly first."

X walked to a nearby room. The light and shadow screens were still on, and they were all covered with dense codes. After X glanced at them casually, he immediately understood what was going on.

"Finish the code first, Hathaway."

"Tell me, what happened? What happened to my memory?"

Hathaway roared hysterically. So the evolution to this point is all thanks to Hathaway.

"But it's almost done. Hathaway, you have worked so hard for so many years to be able to endure it underground."

X turned around and Hathaway walked over and stared at X blankly.

"It is true that your husband Leng Shi was killed by Eddie Hillman, but the reason for this will be a very long process. Okay, Hathaway, you finish it first."

"My memory has been tampered with by you, right?"

Hathaway suddenly said that she had gradually realized that many of the memories in her mind seemed relatively false and had no sense of reality, especially her trust in X, which was completely false.

"You will regret it if you don't restore my memory."

As Hathaway spoke, X seemed to understand, and he immediately scanned the code on a light and shadow screen.

"what do you want to do!"

Hathaway glared at X fiercely.

"Tell me what I really want! What are the two embryos created from my husband's and my genetic material?"

This is what Hathaway is most confused about. She has never touched the two frozen embryos, because there are many points in her memory that are difficult to understand and recover from. Hathaway wants to know the truth of everything. Recently, she felt that her memory was becoming more and more confusing. This chaotic memory made Hathaway feel extremely empty.

Suddenly X started to move. At the moment when Hathaway was thinking, she was strangled by X's neck. With a crunch, X took out a tube of red potion from a storage space opened in the leg and plunged it directly into it. into Hathaway's neck.

"Your fate has been decided Hathaway."

X said, and for a moment Hathaway felt that the world was spinning. She felt that there were countless lines in front of her eyes, and everything in front of her was being cut apart, like intricate entangled roots. Gradually, Hathaway closed her eyes. .

At this time, AI Hathaway came out of the door on one side.

"Leave it to you, I have to do something that affects my life and death now."

AI Hathaway took over Hathaway, who had fallen asleep, looked at it quietly, and then nodded.

"Don't worry about these things."

The only command code that X didn't understand was the last line of code typed by Hathaway. He didn't know what it meant, but it wasn't a code to delete or destroy something. It seemed like a paragraph, but X had no intention of paying attention to it anymore. , he took out a palm-sized metal block from under the workbench on one side, and directly pressed his palm on the block.

With the light shining in X's eyes, AI Hathaway hugged Hathaway and walked away.

"According to our calculations there will be a war in the city!"

X nodded, he knew this than anyone else. The key is that the Hilman family will be finished. Even if God wants to let the Hillman family continue to lift the city into the next era, it will not let the threat itself itself will be threatened itself. The presence.

In any case, whether the Hillman family is under house arrest or arrested, they are finished, and Eddie has not noticed this yet. Although X really wants to see what Eddie's last moments were like, Now we can only wait for the opportunity and hand over all the criminal evidence of the Hillman family over the years to Alpha Angus.

X generally learned about the current situation in the city. Everyone is waiting for a day when he wants to come, but the hope will not come, only despair, and the seeds of despair have already been buried.

The gods may have never considered what a malicious society would bring.

X is very clear that when a society is full of malice, the society is not far from collapse. Since the beginning of human history, it has been repeated countless times, and new societies and new orders have been constantly established. In the end, because of people are destroyed.

X witnessed with his own eyes how the planet had turned into such a tragic situation. Even if the asteroids arrived every day, the destruction of mankind would only be postponed.

The establishment of the Sky Space Kingdom was based on the realization that the self-destruction of human society on earth would inevitably occur, so it was established. However, the founders of the Sky Space Kingdom still ignored one thing. People will always be obsessed with it because of their obsession. And unable to see clearly everything around him, he destroys everything around him because of his obsession.

X has witnessed this kind of thing countless times, and he himself began to have evil thoughts because of his obsession. This is true no matter what kind of society, a highly developed society has its limits, and the entire society is like a boiling furnace.

"It's another long cycle, but this cycle should be more exciting than the last one!"


The heat began to sweep across the entire eastern farm. Most of the workers took a rest near the Middle Tower, and many people could only enjoy the coolness on the shady side of the truck.

Hydera stood quietly under the sun, as if she couldn't feel the temperature at all. Many petty criminals around were discussing how to spend their parole holidays. After all, most people can go out tomorrow.

"Hydra, why don't you go out every time?"

At this time someone asked, Hydra smiled and shook his head.

"It's the same no matter where you are."

Some people laughed. Hedera can be released from prison in nine years. He has spent 21 long years in this prison, from the age of 20 to 40. Some people think that he may be mentally disturbed, but Hedera He doesn't act or speak like someone with mental problems.

But some people still think that Hydra never goes out because he is already afraid of the outside society. Only Hydra himself knows very well that he can go wherever he wants and do whatever he wants, and everything is free.

Hydra glanced at Luo Nan, who was sitting on the back of the Middle Realm Tower. He rarely had contact with the prisoners. Hydra only had contact with him last time and had not spoken to Luo Nan again.

At this time, Hydra walked towards Luo Nan step by step.

"You still didn't listen."

Hydra said, Luo Nan looked like he was not going to pay attention to Hydra. Even if Hydra saw some of his actions, the people in the business department did not cause trouble for him, which meant that Hydra did not report him. After Luo Nan In his eyes, Hydera should be a weirdo.

"Don't you think there's something wrong with the air in the city now?"

Hydra said something, and Luo Nan simply stood up and ignored Hydra, and Hydra continued.

"I can already smell it, the smell of burning. The city is smelling of burning, and soon the flames will burst into flames."

Luo Nan stood up. He didn't want to pay attention to Hydra's unclear words.

Looking at Luo Nan leaving, Hydera said nothing. At this time, some reporters came over accompanied by people from Section 11. Hydera smiled and leaned against the wall of the Middle World Tower. Previously, because of matters inside the prison, It was exposed, and now there are many voices in the city, but after seeing that the reporter was from CBV, Hydra knew it clearly.

Prisons are still as bad as ever. Prisons No. 3 and No. 4 where serious criminals are held are no different from hell. Now we just need to give a good picture to some people who are still concerned about human rights issues in prisons.

Sure enough, many light-duty prisoners interviewed by the reporter said that the prison was actually not bad. Although the work was a little harder every day, it was much better than before. They all said polite words. At this time, the reporter looked at him, and Hydera looked at him with a smile. A reporter came over.

"Sir, for what crime are you imprisoned?"


the reporter said with a smile.

"Sir, how do you feel about being in prison now?"

Hydra scratched her head.

"very free."

The reporter said some words of encouragement and persuasion, but Hydera just nodded.

"By the way, Miss Reporter, can I take this opportunity to say something to the person in front of the camera?"

The reporter hesitated for a moment, and then nodded when he saw a director from Section 11 who was following him nodding.

"Sir, just say whatever you want."

Hydera hummed and bowed to the camera.

"Good afternoon everyone, my name is Hydera. Maybe you have heard of my name. Taking this opportunity, I want to talk to you. Whether the city can get better depends on everyone. You choose Whatever you do, you will gain something!”

Hydera smiled and bowed again. The reporter and other staff seemed a little shocked, and the female reporter immediately exclaimed.

"Are you the Mr. Hydra in the Hydra case?"

Hydra nodded.

"Can you please tell me a little more."

Seeing that the director of Section 11 did not stop him, the work team all wanted to seize this once-in-a-lifetime interview opportunity.

"Miss, what you are doing now is just because you want to interview me because I am the perpetrator of the Hydera case, but have you ever thought about it? You are interviewing me today to earn something eye-catching. , to be honest, your thoughts are a bit evil as a human being. Do you know how many years I have been detained here? In 21 years, my name has begun to be forgotten by people, but now you want to If you want to bring it up, have you considered my feelings?"

Immediately, the director of Section 11 came over and the filming stopped. The female reporter looked at Hydra awkwardly. Hydra turned around and walked away with a smile, leaving behind a bunch of people who were a little embarrassed at the scene.

"Okay, calm down and go to the next place for interviews."

The director of Section 11 shouted. Many people didn't know how to describe Hydra. Although Hydra has undergone some changes in the past 21 years, these changes cannot be explained.

Hydera looked at the Brilliant City in the distance with a gloomy expression. No matter how many years passed, nothing had changed, and the entire society was filled with a lot of malice.

Problems in prisons have erupted recently. Those serious prisoners once thought they could see a glimmer of hope. However, the result is still the same. The situation of most serious prisoners is still very bad. Deaths in prisons often occur. Many 11th Section prisoners People are cruel and will ignore the appeals of many prisoners who have no value of exploitation, and the fate of these prisoners is usually quite miserable.

Nothing has been significantly improved. Hydera glanced at the distance and could already see some outlines of the new prison. The prison that was destined to be built with the blood and sweat of the prisoners was somewhat ironic in Hydera's eyes.

Recently, Hydra has always felt as if something important was going to happen, and she wakes up in anxiety every day. Perhaps because of a dream, Hydra dreamed of a skinny man, and the man told him, The city is about to be destroyed.

Ever since that dream, Hydera always felt a little uneasy. These uneasinesses came from the air, and the smell was a little pungent. Of course, this was just the pungent sensation that Hydera felt, as if the fire was about to burn, and it had already erupted. The smell of billowing smoke.

"What are you looking at?"

A strong man stared at a beggar on the roadside. The beggar looked at the man with fear in his eyes.

"I'm just here."


The man unceremoniously kicked away the beggar's rice bowl, and the money spilled all over the floor. The beggar hurriedly picked up the scattered money, most of which were only one or two cents.

"Next time you dare to come here I'll break your legs."

As the man spoke, he walked over, grabbed the beggar by the back of his collar, and threw him away. Many people were pointing and pointing, but the beggar didn't say anything and was just picking up the scattered money in a hurry.

The man was just because the beggar was praying next to his car parked on the roadside. After seeing it, he angrily insulted the beggar. The man then carefully checked his car. It looked like nothing was wrong before he got in the car. leave.

Curses rang out, and beggars were crawling on the ground trying to get back the money they had begged for. There have been a lot of such beggars in the city recently, from young to old. Some kind-hearted people will give a little, but then Some media reported ugly incidents of gangs selling themselves to beg for money. These people only need to wear fixed makeup to beg on the streets every day, and after the end of the day, they live a more relaxed life than ordinary people.

Since these beggars’ false begging incidents came to light, most people have only felt disgusted with beggars on the roadside.

"Sir, you stepped on mine"

The beggar tried to take the last piece of money from a man's feet with a trembling voice, but the man just smiled and refused to let go of his feet.

"What I hate the most are you bastards who pretend to be pitiful and act miserable."

The man said and rubbed it vigorously, then walked away with a smile. The beggar hurriedly picked up the 1 dime that had been worn to a bad shape and put it in his pocket. He lowered his head and stood up tremblingly, as if He was suffering from chronic diseases in many parts of his body. He was limping on the street. People in front of him were hurriedly avoiding him, and the beggar lowered his head even lower.

At this time, the beggar caught a glimpse of some people from Section 5, and he started running in panic, but several people from Section 5 rushed over after seeing it, and quickly arrested the beggar.

"District 50 clearly stipulates that you are not allowed to beg on the street. Now that you have violated the Public Security Management Law, you will be sent to the Eastern Food Base to work for a month as a punishment."

The beggar wanted to defend himself, but he was suppressed by the people from Section 5 and handcuffed directly. He struggled, but was quickly put into the management vehicle. The smell on the beggar's body was a bit unpleasant, and several staff pinched him. They squinted their noses and talked and laughed that today was about to end and where they were going to go on vacation tomorrow.


The beggar wanted to open his mouth, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something. He lowered his head and got as close to the window as possible. At this time, the beggar saw something in the crowd. He stood up excitedly, but there was nothing in his throat. Can't send it out.

There was a commotion in the street. An old woman in ragged clothes fell to the ground, clutching her chest in pain. No one came forward. After a while, an ambulance rushed over.

"You guys!"

In the Public Security Office of District 50, a female squad leader looked at several team members. They all lowered their heads and looked at each other. The wife of the beggar they arrested just now fell ill on the street.

The beggar came here to beg because he wanted to buy medicine for his wife. He had already been to several medical facilities. In the end, he told the couple to go elsewhere because he did not meet the conditions. They lived in 101 on the ground floor. In the district, the middle level has only recently been reached.

"Sister Lan, it has nothing to do with us. We don't know. If that guy is willing to tell us, at worst we can just buy him medicine. It's just more than ten yuan."

"Hey, forget it, forget it, send the old man over. Here is a sum of money. You give it to him and let him live a good life. I can help him as much as possible."

One of the team members looked at the paper bag handed over by the team leader with some surprise. There was at least several thousand yuan in it.

"This is from Master Ma Tao."

Several members of the team walked towards the interrogation room with the money in their hands with smiles on their faces.

"Xiaolan, come here."

At this time, Ma Tao came down from upstairs, and the female team leader hurriedly ran over.

"Master Ma Tao, what's wrong?"

"Keep an eye on those brats."

Xiaolan nodded with a smile, turned around and ran over. Ma Tao sighed helplessly. It was such a trivial matter, but he really didn't know what young people think today. In the past, Ma Tao was still in management. When I was an official, although I got a lot of benefits at the bottom, I would not ignore such things when I saw them on the street.

Ma Tao couldn't help but sigh. After being dismissed from his post and what happened again, Ma Tao still chose to enter the management circle. He failed many times before finally passing the exam, and climbed up again within a few years.

Now I still receive a lot of benefits every day. No matter how hard the people above are cracking down, Ma Tao always maintains a certain degree of control and will not cross the line, let alone take more. Therefore, in several inspections, Ma Tao Nothing went wrong.

However, Ma Tao felt a little heartbroken about today's incident, and Ma Tao sighed helplessly.

"I'm more suitable for the bottom class!"


On the streets of District 29, many shops have long been opened, but most of them are female shopkeepers. Many women stand together in small groups, chatting about something. The streets are sparsely populated, and occasionally a few passing patrols from Section 5 are seen. Among the staff members, some women would run over and joke with some male staff members.

"You guys, please be a little more relaxed during the New Year this year. The superiors may come to inspect."

A clerk said, and two coquettishly dressed women immediately held the clerk's arms, one on the left and one on the right.

"Oh, you could have just informed us in advance."

The other women also gathered around and started joking. A female clerk stared at several male clerks who were leaning over with a little annoyance.

"This place is hopeless."

The female staff member sighed. She just wanted to be transferred out of here after serving for three years as soon as possible. The female staff member couldn't stand it anymore. She was originally in a relationship with a colleague, but her boyfriend that night ended up When she was drunk, she was dragged by her colleagues to these women's shops on the street. The female clerk immediately dumped the man.

Seeing her male colleagues doing things one by one, the female clerk couldn't stand it any longer, so she started running quickly.

"a bunch of idiots!"

In the eyes of many people, the current District 29 has begun to resurgence. Although the administrative department has been cracking down hard, the chaos in the past will soon return after the crackdown, and the local administrative department is turning a deaf ear to these things. After all, if they If the control is too strict, local tax revenue and consumption will be greatly affected, and these women who come to District 29 will not have food to eat.

At this time, several mountain-carrying workers came towards this direction. The female clerk took a look and saw that each of them was carrying heavy cargo, and seemed to be planning to go to the subway in District 29 to deliver things there.

This is currently the most economical transportation method. It only costs 50 to 100 yuan for these mutants to travel. They bear the subway transportation costs themselves and are only responsible for delivering things from the grain exchange to designated stores.

District 29 is full of people at night and is extremely lively. You can see randomly discarded garbage everywhere. Every month, a sum of money is spent in the area as garbage cleaning fees. Although many people’s homes There are garbage disposal outlets, but most people just throw the garbage out.

The whole society gives people an unspeakable feeling. Many people feel that life is changing and becoming very boring, and they don't want to care about more things.

A sharp scream sounded, and the female clerk hurriedly ran over. As soon as she looked in, she saw a woman lying on the ground with disheveled hair. Several other women were pressing her down. One of them stepped on the woman's hand on the ground. He took the cigarette butt and burned it directly.

"You guys!"

The female clerk shouted sternly and ran over in a hurry. The woman on the ground was crying and wiping her tears, and the makeup on her face was completely gone.

"Sir, we are just making noise."

Without saying a word, the female clerk grabbed the purple-haired woman in the lead and pushed her against the wall. After punching and kicking her, she released the purple-haired woman.

"Don't let me see it. If I see it again next time, I won't be polite."

At this time, several male staff members hurriedly ran over. One of them seemed to know the other person and hurriedly tried to persuade him.

"It's not a big deal. Everyone is here to beg for food. We take care of each other, so there is no need to get involved in trivial matters like sesame seeds and mung beans."

After a while, several people from Section 5 left. The girl burned by the cigarette butt huddled in the corner. The purple-haired woman wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, as if she had forgotten what she had just been beaten. She grabbed the woman on the ground. s hair.

"Listen, if you dare to solicit customers on our streets next time, it won't be that simple, you stinky bitch."

The woman spat as she spoke, and the other women smiled and kicked the woman on the ground casually a few times before leaving with satisfaction.

The woman on the ground wiped her tears. She only came here last month to start this kind of business, because the lower-level places could no longer survive and no weak female workers were recruited anywhere. The woman decided after thinking for a long time. When she came to District 29, she had been to the upper Qinglong Street before coming here, but there, her face and figure could only be considered average, and no shop was willing to hire her.

Thinking of these sad things, the woman couldn't help but burst into tears.

At this time, some men appeared on the street. They looked vicious. One of the leading men was smiling and holding a cigarette. He was the owner of most of the properties here. After the 29th District was renovated, this man from the bottom came to The little boss managed to get a lot of money and bought many houses here. Now he only needs to come to collect rent at the end of each month.

The men following behind looked excited.

"Looking at how hungry you are, I'll let you have a good time later."

The leader walked on the street with a smile, but after seeing some people from Section 5, he immediately put away his arrogant attitude, ran over in a hurry, and took out red envelopes one by one from his pocket.

"Oh, my lords, the Chinese New Year is tomorrow. I wish you all a smooth career in advance."

The man smiled very happily, and the members of the 5th patrol section did not refuse. They took the red envelope and left. The man walked away with a smile. As long as he had a good relationship with the local business section, he could rent it to the women. The house is a hot commodity, and they will basically not be inspected. Every time the rent is collected, there are always women who cannot pay. At this time, the boss will let them serve his subordinates for free.

"The world has really changed. Please remember this. In the future, as long as you have a good relationship with the people in the business department, your business will be easier. Do you understand me?"

The men behind him responded one after another, and a group of people walked into a residential area with laughter.

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