Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1828 Honkai Impact: The Beginning (Part 2)

October 23, 2225

Just after 0 o'clock

Alpha is sitting in the section chief's office, still working. Tamai standing next to him is talking about some of the recent investigation results. During the long-term investigation, some problems within the department have been solved bit by bit. Is there anything wrong? The regional officers and director officers who were less involved in the case have been investigated, but Alpha does not plan to deal with them now, but plans to wait until everything is investigated.

"How are you doing lately! Getting along with Section Chief Jean."

Alpha asked and Tamai hummed.

"Master Jean is a very good person, and I am very grateful to him. Master Alpha, you have not had a rest for a long time, do you want to rest for a few days starting tomorrow?"

Tamai asked and Alpha shook his head.

"Can you do it? The work I have now?"

Tamai lowered his head in shame, and Alpha smiled easily and patted him on the back.

"If the administrative department wants to take a step further and get out of the current quagmire, it must let more people come forward. Those who have talents should do a good job!"

Tamai bowed respectfully. In the past six months, Tamai has promoted many grassroots members. Many of the current directors of Section 4 were promoted under Tamai's suggestions. Some They were promoted from the grassroots level of 4 subjects, and some were removed from other subjects.

Lolita was very satisfied. At first, Lolita didn't quite believe what Alpha said, but after Alpha's strong persuasion, Lolita let Tamai get involved in the personnel transfer of Section 4.

After last year's rectification, coupled with the current changes in the city's situation, the situation in the business affairs department has been much better. Few senior officials attend the businessmen's banquets. Now the relationship between the businessmen and the business affairs department, as well as with the councillors, is not very good. .

"By the way Tamai, I remember you said that before, my sister!"

Tamai hummed.

"Do you think she is suitable? Business Department."

Tamai thought for a while and then nodded.

"I think Miss Nia has talents that you don't have, Master Alpha."

Alpha smiled and nodded. She also decided that instead of letting Niya go on doing nothing like this, it would be better to let her do the business. As long as she is taught well, there should be no problem in the exam.

"Remember to let them pay more attention to Tamai in this case."

Alpha pointed to a vicious murder case, Tamai took one look at it and nodded.

"Lord Alpha, is there anything special about this case?"

"The case itself is not complicated, but what is the source of the case? Investigating some of the perpetrator's financial records in the past 10 years should yield results."

Tamai nodded, opened a light and shadow screen, and carefully marked the case. Tamai listened carefully to every word Alpha said. Tamai felt very honored and very honored to be able to work beside Alpha. of luck.

Even now Tamai still can't handle some things well, but Alpha will still patiently teach Tamai some ways to deal with things.

"Go back and rest, Tamai. Go back and spend more time with your girlfriend."

Tamai was a little surprised. Alpha smiled and nodded. Tamai was no longer reserved. He bowed slightly and walked away. Now he has less time every day than before. Tamai is very grateful to Alpha for being a reasonable boss. In many cases, Tamai is very grateful. It seems that Alphas are extremely strict and rigid in their profession, but after being in contact with them for so long, Tamai found that this is not the case at all.

Watching Tamai leave, Alpha continued to work. Alpha had asked Tamai about her marriage before, but Tamai never said anything, because now that she is a secretary, her daily workload is very heavy. Ma Yi has very little time. Although the outside world has much less harsh words about Tamai's girlfriend Baleka, but contacting Tamai every day, Alpha clearly understands that his personal emotional life is not going well.

Such failure will lead to many problems. Recently, Tamai seems to be a little out of his depth.

"We can only take one step at a time."

Alpha said and took out a cigarette. At this moment, an image flashed through his mind. After Alpha lit the cigarette, he smiled and stared sideways at the window that had opened automatically behind him.

"Why do you have time to come here Uncle Gene!"

Gene jumped in from the window with a smile, holding a delicately wrapped gift in his hand, and placed it in Alpha's hand. Alpha was a little surprised, but he quickly went over to open it.

After unpacking, Alpha looked at the contents inside with some surprise. It was a light blue carefully polished crystal pendant, which looked like a snowflake. It looked crystal clear, and there was a faint air on it. Power, Alpha realized something.

"Isn't this the God's Crystal?"

Gene nodded.

"Happy birthday Alpha!"

Alpha was a little surprised. He was very excited when he saw snowflakes for the first time in his memory, but the snowflakes melted after the sun came out. Alpha cried a lot at that time.

Alpha looked carefully at the thin light blue crystal snowflake in his hand. The word 38 could be seen on the back of the snowflake.


Alpha hung the pendant directly around his neck. Gene smiled and nodded, and climbed to the window sill again.

"We are going to start the sixth barrier construction today. We may not come back for a long time, so I came over just after 0 o'clock."

Alpha hummed. She originally wanted to take Jean for a drink, but she held back in the end because the seven gods would continue to work in the barrier area for half a year before returning to the city. That is to say, from the next city From the beginning of the meeting, it was all dominated by people from Brilliant City.

"Six months, work hard!"

Alpha bowed slightly, smiled happily and nodded.

"Did you polish it?"

Alpha asked, Jean nodded, and jumped down. Alpha walked to the window, watched the light blue light go away, closed the window, sat back on the chair, raised her head, and lit the light again. A cigarette.

Looking at the rising smoke, Alpha smiled bitterly. He was already 38 years old. Before the establishment of the administrative department, they participated in the management of the city as special management officers. Alpha still remembered when he started working. When I was 16 years old, 22 years had passed in the blink of an eye.

"I did something!"

Alpha raised her right hand and spread her fingers. A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, then she clenched her fist into a fist and stared at her fist firmly.

The cold feeling on her chest made Alpha pick up the pendant and examine it again. She was very surprised to receive such a gift from Jean, and this was the first time Jean gave herself a birthday gift.

"Just go home later!"

Alpha said as he put the pendant back and continued working.


Seven lifts loaded with materials slowly stopped on the eastern barrier. Just now, the lift from Section 3 had picked up everyone in the monitoring station.

The breeze blew gently, and Tang Rao was the first to step out of the lift. The wind and sand were now very light, so they planned to transport the first batch of materials.

"The ground is cracked."

Tang Rao glanced at the ground next to the observation station. It had been eroded by strong winds for a long time, and a large number of cracks had appeared. The repair work would last for a long time.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and move the materials down first."

Li Chu had returned to the back of his lift and used telekinesis to move boxes of materials from it. All the materials were piled behind the 50-meter-long observation station in front of him.

In less than 10 minutes, all the materials on the seven large lifts were moved down. Gene clapped his hands and prepared to take out some tools to be used.

"The ugly words are ahead of the curve, Gene."

Deguna folded her hands and stared at Jean sharply.

"I know."

"Let's see what results they can achieve in half a year. If they don't achieve anything in half a year, they must do what we want."

Li Chu said, and Witte nodded in agreement. The gods left the city firstly to repair the barriers, and secondly to briefly return their rights to human hands. From now on, the last place where things in the city go will be the general affairs office. After handling the matter, Locke will submit these incidents to the Congressional database.

The gods will not be involved in handling some events and making some decisions for the time being. For half a year, the gods will work on the barrier day and night. This is Gene's proposal.

After the gods started to interfere with the internal affairs of various departments in the Acting Department last time, the current problems in the Acting Department are still very serious, but they have improved slightly. That's why Jean proposed that they don't have to look at them temporarily and let go in the true sense. Let the students do it.

"Gu Yi, come inside and help me."

Rose said, opening the door of the observation station, Gu Yi moved a box of things in, and then Gu Yi stopped at the door and said.

"You guys go clean up the things outside the barrier. Rose and I can finish the work here for the time being."

Jean took the lead and jumped to the top of the observation station. At a glance, he could see things in the distance to the east, with shaking black shadows.

"Jean, you can go clean up by yourself. We'll get to work."

As Tang Rao said, Deguna immediately dragged her away.

"Five people, hurry up and clean up. We have to start repairing the barrier quickly. The barrier on the east side has been partially hollowed out by plant-like plants. If it continues like this, it will collapse."

Li Chu was floating in the air, and Werther had already jumped down first.

"Go ahead, those things make me uncomfortable every time I see them."

Tang Rao struggled to get rid of Deguna, but Deguna hugged him from behind and forced him to accelerate and push him down the city wall. The two fell together, and Deguna laughed loudly.

"I'm only going to tell you this once, Gene. If nothing can be done in the 3 subjects, I will personally lead them. The barrier zone is already an existence that cannot be ignored."

Gene nodded, and Li Chu slowly floated up.

"What about you Gene, what are you going to do? Go back to take care of the kids again?"

Li Chu's tone was slightly teasing, but his eyes were serious.

"Although the job of being a nanny is somewhat mundane, I have been doing it for so many years. If I don't continue, what will the next generation do?"

The two looked at each other and smiled before jumping off the barrier.

At this time, Rose and Gu Yi, who were in the observation room, were checking some of the observation values ​​in the barrier area during this period. The speed of the plant-like plants has obviously accelerated a lot. If this thing did not have the absolute weakness of being afraid of light, it would be very dangerous. Terrible stuff.

Both of them were quietly doing their work. Rose lit a cigarette, took a puff and suddenly spoke.

"What are you going to do about the problem in Section 2? Didn't you teach those three people?"

Gu Yi scratched his head.

"Why are you saying this all of a sudden? Is it because you have been teaching the two people in your shop recently?"

Rose frowned slightly.

"That bastard Jean told you!"

Gu Yi nodded happily. He turned around and took out a debugging equipment, intending to debug the values ​​of the observation equipment in order to be more accurate.

"I'm tired Gu Yi!"

Gu Yi hummed.

"I think we have done enough, and there is nothing wrong with leaving it to humans, don't you think so?"


A picture emerged in Gu Yi's mind. On the surface of the blue earth, dense and shocking red dots appeared. It was the last resort of mankind. When the asteroid was about to hit, most people did what they did. A decision was made.

The number of nuclear weapons launched from the earth exceeds everyone's imagination. In order to prevent the earth from being destroyed by a direct impact, human beings make a split-second decision that makes people feel frightened. In fact, most of the population on the earth is not because of Deaths from viruses, impacts, famine, or the chaotic society after disasters.

What ultimately led to the extinction of nearly 80% of the population was the countless nuclear bombs that instantly destroyed the asteroid. Humans could have been a little more tenacious, but in the face of the weapons they created, there was no possibility of survival.

Under the double blow of nuclear disaster and asteroid impact, only 10% of the population on the earth was left. These 10% remaining humans could only linger in despair, waiting for death to come.

Gu Yi and the other seven people witnessed all this with their own eyes in the universe. The moment the nuclear bomb was launched, the future of mankind was decided. Although the impact still occurred, the disaster of the impact was minimized.

Many people may still be sleeping, or perhaps still looking forward to the excitement and joy of tomorrow, when the disaster occurs without any warning. This is the last resort for mankind to deal with threats in space.

"The decisions people sometimes make are crazy and cruel. In fact, there may be another way to solve it at that time, ignorance and ignorance, and concealment in order to overwhelm competitors."

Gu Yi said and Rose laughed.

"That pig-headed country clearly knew the true identity of this asteroid, but was unwilling to announce it at all. It was supposed to be an opportunity to contact alien civilization, but due to the closure of the information, this ridiculous incident disaster."

Rose laughed.

"I think it's better if you don't talk about pigs. Deguna is not here now."

They laughed deliberately and relaxedly. The pig they were talking about was Deguna. At that time, Deguna's country had already detected the interior of the asteroid and knew most of the top-secret things. However, the fuse lit by Li Chu at that time caused The fragile relationship between countries that already distrusted each other deteriorated, and the top brass on Earth did not know what was going on.

The only thing they knew was that the asteroid would hit the earth, and they had to take final measures. After seeing countless dense nuclear bombs being launched, Deguna revealed the situation. The asteroid was not going to hit, but to land.

Everyone who witnessed this disaster was stunned and could not say a word at all. The root of the disaster had been laid long ago when various countries began to cooperate, because everyone entered the aerospace academy with orders from various countries.

Trust does not exist in the world of adults, and in the face of power and money, they have witnessed the craziest feast in mankind.

"Don't mention the past. If it weren't for Ellie, we would all be dead! The first one to die was the sow."

Rose said with a smile, and Gu Yi nodded in agreement.


The door to the room was pushed open, Deguna ran in, and the two of them turned their heads in horror.

"Why are you back?"

"What are you two talking about?"

Deguna looked at the nervous two people angrily, then walked to a piece of equipment, debugged it, and then took away some equipment to hold the captured objects.

"There's something wrong!"

Deguna said something, slammed the door and left. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"You really got what you said!"

Gu Yi smiled and shook his head and continued to work.

"Actually, many of the things we did in the past were basically things humans would do."

Rose said, Gu Yi smiled and nodded.

"Get to work!"

1:03 am

Alpha set foot on First Avenue. She lit a cigarette and walked slowly on the street. She only needed 500 meters to see her family's manor. First Avenue was brightly lit, except for the place on the right. You can see the darkness, which is Angus Manor.

Alpha is very clear about the current situation of the Angus family. Along the way, you can see a lot of moving vehicles and vehicles parked on the roadside. Most of the people are going to other big families. The Angus family Basically, ties with most families and businessmen have been cut off.

Recently, there have been more and more comments about the bankruptcy of the Angus family. Alpha has also seen the Angus family's internal running accounts. Basically, the daily income was quickly transferred to Angus Construction, as well as some arrears in the past. Material costs, etc.

It is difficult to increase the service fees for underground passage facilities. It only needs to be raised by a few cents. This is good for the Angus family, but doing so will only make the situation worse.

Some people have launched a campaign to refuse to take the subway, and instead use a large number of car company service vehicles, or their own cars. Alpha is very clear that there are some people behind this, and is already investigating this matter. There should be results soon.

Alpha stopped and stood outside his home, looking at the dark family territory. Only the small building where he and his parents lived in the distance still had a little light.

"It really is!"

Alpha felt a little sad. She turned around and jumped into the Angus family's mansion. She walked on the lawn and walked towards her home. Today was obviously her birthday, but her parents should have gone to bed. Alpha also decided to have a good sleep after going back and get up to work again early tomorrow morning.

Seeing that only the second floor was dimly lit, Alpha planned to jump back to her bedroom. She didn't want to open the door for fear of waking her parents on the first floor.

When she arrived at the door of her home, Alpha had just leaned down to take off when she felt a large number of people nearby, but Alpha did not make a sound.

The lights came on.

"Happy birthday!"

Along with the shouts, Alpha looked at the students from the business department who kept appearing around him in surprise.

"President, happy birthday!"

Keying and Vivian each came up with a bouquet of flowers. At this time, after the door of the family mansion opened, the lights around them also turned on. Alpha looked at the banquet that had been prepared.

There was a giant birthday cake placed in the living room, and the corner of the room was filled with gifts. Students kept coming around.

"Thank you! Thank you everyone."

The joy made Alpha a little excited. Almost all the students came over. Even some students who didn't come over asked those who came over to bring birthday gifts and blessing cards.

"No business will be discussed tonight, is that clear?"

Whit emerged from the crowd and shouted with a loudspeaker. For a moment, the lights on the lawn lit up. Other members of the Angus family also came over, as well as Sully and the patriarchs of the Locke family. Also there.

Latis came over, took Alpha's arm, and let Alpha walk in. Everyone cheered, and candles were lit on the giant birthday cake that was nearly 2 meters in diameter.

The people behind him were cheering, asking Alpha to blow out the birthday candles and make a wish. Alpha walked to the stairs beside the 3-meter-high birthday cake and looked at the clusters of flames dancing in front of him.

Everyone lined up to wait for a piece of birthday cake.

"Everyone just stand outside!"

Alpha said something, and many people understood what Alpha meant. Alpha took a deep breath and blew it out instantly. A strong air flow blew past. What emerged in Alpha's mind was the dazzling city under the sun. , she smiled and closed her eyes.

In an instant, the fireworks that had been placed outside the house were launched into the sky. Confetti was flying around the living room, cheers were everywhere, the lights were on, and purple and red particles were floating in Alpha's eyes.

In an instant, Alpha used telekinesis to cut the giant cake into small pieces that could be put on a plate. Many non-professional people standing outside exclaimed.

Pieces of cake were accurately placed on everyone's plate outside with the support of purple and red telekinesis. Until everyone got the cake, Alpha turned around and bowed deeply to everyone. .

The Angus family had held Alpha's birthday party in the past, but Alpha was not very happy at every party. After that, Violet canceled Alpha's birthday party every year, but held it every year for Nia's birthday party.

"Happy birthday, sister!"

Niya shouted excitedly in the crowd. Alpha looked at his sister, who had already changed into a party dress. At this time, with a burst of dazzling light, everyone present raised their hands of light and shadow. Ring, accompanied by beams of light covering everyone's body, the entire color screen was filled with light, and melodious and sweet music sounded.

Beams of light intertwined together, and soon a small stage was completed. Alpha looked at the classmates who had all changed into party clothes, as well as the celebrities waiting to perform on the edge of the stage. Many people came.

"Mom, this costs too much"

Before Alpha finished speaking, Su Li walked out of the crowd.

"You don't need to pay a penny. This is my birthday gift to you Alpha. Happy birthday!"

Su Li said, taking a glass of wine from the plate held by the waiter next to her, and raised it high. Alpha smiled and bowed.

"Come down quickly, I have prepared a dress for you daughter."

Violet said, Alpha hummed and was about to turn around and go upstairs. At this time, Nia ran over with a smile and followed Alpha all the way to the room.

As soon as he opened the room, Alpha saw a bright light blue princess dress, which looked very beautiful.

"Sister, hurry up and put it on. This is my birthday gift to you."

Niya said with a smile, reached out and took a gift box from the table nearby, and Alpha was a little surprised.

"I didn't know what to give you, so I gave you a bottle of wine. This is a good wine that has been stored in my classmate's house for more than 20 years. You can try it."

After Alpha opened the package, he found an old glass bottle. The wine in this bottle had been seen and drunk by Alpha before. It tasted pretty good. Alpha looked at his laughing sister and closed the door.

"Sister, please hurry up!"

In a daze, Alpha felt that her eyes were getting wet. She turned around quickly and sighed, looking at most of the noisy students below. Alpha glanced at her phone. All of them were sent by students who had something to do and were not here for the time being. Yes, everyone said they would definitely come tonight.

Alpha touched his wet eyes and was about to change into a skirt, when Niya put her head in front of Alpha.

"Sister, you are crying!"

Alpha looked at Niya in a daze, tears falling down his face unconsciously. The last time he cried was who knows how many years ago. Niya took out the light blue hand from Alpha's arms. The snowflake pendant looks a bit strange.

"Who gave this to me? It's so beautiful."

"It's Uncle Gene!"

Niya pouted, every time Gene would always give her some weird things, but most of them were quite casual.

Alpha looked at everything outside the window quietly. She might have been wrong in the past. The deterioration of her relationship with many of her classmates started when she abided by some rules. She thought that her classmates would blame her, even for Jill's funeral. , I also passed by last.

Gene told Alpha a long time ago that the problem was not as serious as Alpha thought. Alpha knew it very well, but even though he knew it in his heart, there would always be some doubts and a part of anxiety.


Alpha wiped away his tears. Just as Niya was about to go out, Alpha pulled her back and pressed her down on the bed. Looking at her sister's serious look, Niya put away her smile.

"Niya, go to the Business Department. The Business Department has a special regulation for recruiting mutants. You can go to the Business Department."

Niya looked at her sister in shock, but Niya immediately refused.

"I won't go. It's a bit annoying anyway. It's the business department and stuff like that. And I...I can't pass the exam at all."

Alpha smiled and squatted in front of his sister.

"If you can't do it once, try it twice, and if you don't do it twice, you can pass it three times. You will always pass. You are not stupider than others, just be patient. I will ask Uncle Gene to guide you when I have time. He is very good at teaching others."

"I'll think about it."

Niya stood up happily as she said that and ran quickly to the door.

"Sister, please put your skirt on quickly, everyone is waiting!"

Alpha looked at the skirt aside and hesitated. After all, the last time he wore a skirt was more than 20 years ago.


Niya, who had gone out, came back.

"Sister, you haven't worn a skirt for so long and you don't know how to put it on anymore. Do you want me to help you?"

Alpha looked over, Niya closed the door, Alpha picked up the skirt, quietly stared at the dazzling fireworks outside the window, and began to take off his uniform.

At this time, at the door of the Angus family, a large number of people holding gifts were waiting, and Gris stood at the door with people.

"I'm sorry, sir. It's our eldest daughter's birthday tonight. We only accept gifts from the guests on the invitation list."

Gris explained over and over again, but many family members and businessmen were saying that Alpha's birthday should be grander. The Angus family had not been lively for a long time, and they looked like they wanted to go in. .

Some families and businessmen have noticed the momentum. No matter how the Angus family declines, there will always be a daughter who is at the top of the business. As long as she is willing to speak, the Angus family will definitely survive many crises. In addition, today In the evening, almost all the senior management of the business department came over, and everyone wanted to get in.

Violet had already ordered Gris not to let anyone in without an invitation. Gris could only politely keep talking to those who wanted to come in over and over again.

The dinner party was still going on, and everyone was dancing to the cheerful singing of some singers invited by Su Li. Su Li was leaning quietly on the side of the living room door. She was still waiting for Alpha to come out. Many people were waiting, because in everyone's memory, Alpha almost never wore a skirt and basically only wore a uniform every day.

"Thank you Sully!"

Violet said something, and Suli shook her head.

"You don't need to thank me, it's just that I think your daughter is really a genius. These words are not derogatory to Mrs. Angus. They are from the bottom of my heart."

Su Li's memory went back to a few months ago, when she accidentally saw Alpha on a bench outside her manor and took Alpha to drink together. At that time, Su Li wanted to persuade Alpha, hoping that Alpha would not say that he was complicit, at least You have to change it a little bit.

As a result, the drinking that night turned into an argument. During the argument, Su Li kept putting forward some assumptions and many business matters, but in the end, Alpha refuted it, and it was a well-founded refutation, from various different From this perspective, all the questions finally returned to the answers that Su Li had noticed a long time ago.

"As long as the whole world is full of goodwill, many problems will be solved."

Su Li still clearly remembered that this was what her uncle Su He once said, and after the discussion that night, Su Li also understood that the reason why Alpha adheres to certain things so much is that even his own family will never show mercy. It's because she wants to use her own power to protect the goodwill in this world from being trampled upon by malice.

After the debate that night, Su Li clearly realized this. In the past, Su Li thought that Alpha was just a little girl who was not in harmony with the world, and just abide by some things for the sake of some boring justice. But after in-depth contact, Su Li My impression of Alpha has completely changed.

Su Li has witnessed countless times of good intentions being trampled on. As a result, the people or things that have done good deeds not only do not receive the fair evaluation they deserve, but are trampled on because of malice. This will only make people more indifferent and willing to practice. There will be fewer and fewer people or things doing some good deeds in the world.

Finally, Alpha came down from upstairs. Su Li smiled helplessly and hurried over.

"Aren't you going to put on makeup?"

Alpha felt a little embarrassed. She was wearing a light blue pleated princess dress that was very decent and elegant. Alpha gave people a completely different feeling than before.

"No need, I'm not."

"Why don't you use it? You are the star of tonight's banquet!"

Su Li took Alpha and hurried back, took out her cosmetic bag, and started to help Alpha take care of it.

"Alpha! Have fun tonight and don't think about the rest."

Alpha hummed.

2 o'clock in the morning

Eddie looked quietly at the many businessmen who were still whispering under the stage. From time to time, he looked at the current news reports on the Angus family on the light and shadow screen. A large number of reporters gathered around.

"How about it, have you decided?"

At this time, a businessman from a family stood up and said.

"This is not good, Mr. Eddie. After all, the Angus family has helped us a lot before."

Eddie shook his head.

"Everyone still doesn't seem to understand that their family's current embarrassment is caused by themselves. If they wait for bankruptcy, everyone may not get their money back in their lifetime."

Eddie smiled and held the wine glass, but many businessmen present were still hesitant. Eddie needed them to give the Angus family a fatal blow. Currently, the Angus family still had a large amount of foreign debt, and as long as there was a class action lawsuit, To recover the money, even if the Angus family is currently unable to withdraw it, they can apply to the Law Hall to freeze the property of the Angus family.

This is done in accordance with normal legal procedures, but most businessmen are hesitant. After all, if they do this, it will affect many industries, and even if they anger the business department, their lives will not be easy. Yes, after all, Alpha is still the section chief of Section 5.

"Everyone, please think carefully. Don't blame me for not reminding you that if you don't seize this opportunity, when the Angus family naturally goes bankrupt, you won't be able to get back any of your money in the short term! "

Eddie continued. Someone already agreed, and a businessman stood up and said.

"I think Mr. Eddy is right. If we continue to remain silent, we may not be able to get back a penny of our debt, so I think we must join forces. If we do something now, we can get it back." It’s better to get some of it back than not getting a penny back at all.”

One after another, people agreed, and Eddie knew very well that the businessmen would definitely agree, because for businessmen who put their interests first, it was impossible to watch the Angus family go bankrupt, and in the end they could only wait for Congress to deal with it.

"The final grand occasion!"

Eddie said, holding the wine glass and taking a sip of enjoyment.

If the next plan is implemented, it will be the last straw for the Angus family. With just a slight push, the Angus family will fall completely.

Recently, there have been more and more boycotts against the Angus family in society. Businessmen pretend to be confused while ordinary people are blind and ignorant, so the Angus family does not defend everything. Although it is a good method, At some point, they still need to defend themselves. At least in Eddie's opinion, they have missed the best opportunity.

No one believed that Angus' family was already poor, and no one believed that Alpha would not favor his family.

Eddie saw that the businessmen had basically made a decision, then turned around and asked Erwin to continue discussing tomorrow's situation with the businessmen, while he left the banquet hall.


As soon as he walked out of the banquet hall, Eddie saw Lei Lou sitting in a wheelchair. Eddie walked over without even looking at him.

"What do you want to do! Let go."

Leo quickly let go of his hand.

"Cousin, can you please let us get out of here? Moore is getting older every day, and Ran Yu is not in a good mood recently, I"

"Take him back, who let him in?"

Eddie said something, and immediately the bodyguards came over in a hurry. Leo wanted to say something else, but Eddie spoke.

"If you want to leave the Hillman family, you will either be transported out as a corpse, or you will disappear silently within the family!"

Eddie started walking. Regarding Leo, Eddie could hardly remember anything outstanding about him. Only his son Moore had good grades. As for his wife Ran Yu, it was just because she was Ran Zhi's daughter. Otherwise Eddie would have thought We need to get rid of them. The family cannot tolerate anyone who makes no contribution to the family and is a free earner.

Ran Zhi is also planning something at the bottom level, and it has already achieved some results. Eddie knows very well that only after a two-pronged approach can his plan succeed in an instant. In Eddie's understanding, this is his plan, and other People are just stepping stones in their own plans.

Eddie returned to a room in the basement with a smile. After opening the door, there was a beautiful women's room. Sitting on the bed was a woman with dull eyes. She looked pale and weak. She looked tired. She was already very haggard, as if she was about to die. Like fallen dead leaves, his expression was in a trance.

"What's wrong, cousin!"

Eddie took off his coat and sat on the edge of the bed. As soon as he reached out and touched the woman's hand, the woman looked at Eddie in horror.

"I was wrong Eddie, I will listen to you in everything, please, I"

Eddie stood up, walked to the woman, and pushed her down.

"You are just my tool and everyone's tool. No one is right or wrong in this world. There are only strong and weak. My cousin still has a long time to come! Isn't it?"

For a moment, the woman screamed in horror.

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