Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1826 Honkai Impact: The Beginning (Part 1)

The wind and sand are raging on the cold and hard land, and the gravel in the air crackles on some exposed rocks from time to time. In the wind and sand, garbage is flying all over the sky, and everything you see is gray and black.

This land has no color or temperature. Occasionally, a glimmer of light comes from some dilapidated towns. During the day, people living in the barrier area usually do not come out for activities because the wind and sand are very strong. As the city As the temperature rises, the wind and sand here will become larger and larger. The biting and biting wind and sand will feel like being cut by a knife blade if the skin comes into contact.

There are always various pungent smells in the air, and even the air inhaled can be fatal at certain times. There was a sound, and a figure appeared in the wind and sand, followed by more and more figures. , looking at the way these people walked, they looked a little tired, but two of them looked very energetic.

"Go to the front and rest for a while."

Gene said, looking back at the team of 200 people behind him. A tightly wrapped woman with sharp eyes came close to him. Ling Hong took off her mask and coughed a few times.

Jean didn't have any protective equipment, just wearing the uniform of Section 13. As usual, or the same as in the city, even in such a strong wind, it had no effect on him.

The team began to move towards the town in front. Ling Hong kept staring at Jean who was walking in front. Just last month, Jean suddenly visited and hoped to establish a special inspection team in the barrier area to monitor the barrier area. Conduct a larger-scale surveillance and hope Ling Hong will participate.

Ling Hong was very reluctant to come over at first. Every time she saw the barrier area, she would feel extremely uncomfortable. The last large-scale marching plan in the barrier area always popped up in her mind.

In recent years, the place Ling Hong visited most often was the cemetery near Frye. Every time she went there, she would sit next to the cemetery in a daze for several hours.

"Come here if you want to know anything."

This is what Jean said after Ling Hong rejected Jean's proposal, so now Ling Hong has followed. Many staff members with Ling Hong behind are also very happy, because Ling Hong's strength is very Powerful, in the past three internal teaching trainings, Ling Hong, as the instructor of these people behind her, was respected by these members.

Most of the mutants behind him are A-level, a few B-level, and a small number S-level, but their actual combat abilities are particularly outstanding. This also includes those who were on the last inspection mission. After the members were attacked and killed, they were withdrawn and began more intensive training. However, Ling Hong suddenly left Section 3 and took indefinite leave.

Many team members are also very confused about Jean, because he doesn't look like a high-ranking official in the business department at all. During missions, he always tells stories or chats with them.


The crisp sound of the safety release sounded, followed by a series of sounds. Jean stood in front of the town and instantly locked the position of the gunman hidden in the ruined town. Ling Hong leaned forward slightly, looking like he was already planning to take action. , many inspectors behind him were also ready. Gene raised a hand to signal everyone not to be nervous, and he walked over slowly.

"We were just on a mission and passed by here and wanted to go in and rest for a while."

Jean continued to walk forward as he spoke. Ling Hong's expression was tense, her eyes showed a fierce light, and her expression became cold. Jean was still walking forward slowly, although Ling Hong knew clearly in her heart. , no one on this land can pose a threat to Jean, but there seems to be a switch that has been turned on in his heart. Once he sets foot on this land, his blood will surge.

"Sir, can you give me something to eat?"

At this time, a man came out with a gun and stood in front of Gene. Gene smiled and threw the backpack behind him. More and more people came out, and some kept saying thank you.

"Take a break for one hour."

As Gene said, Ling Hong led people into the town. Initially, there should not be many people in this dilapidated town. In less than a few minutes, more than two hundred people came out, including women, children, and the elderly. , Ling Hong felt a little strange, they were all begging for food from the people in the business department, but most of the department members didn't give it, and only a few gave a little.

At this time, several thickly wrapped children approached Ling Hong. One child stretched out his hand with cowardice in his eyes.

"Sister, can you give me something to eat?"

After Ling Hong glanced at it, she took out some food and handed it over. Several children turned around and ran away in joy. Ling Hong stared at the children in front of her blankly.

"If you give it to them, the next task will be very difficult."

Jean said with a smile, Ling Hong glanced at Jean.

"I'm not like you, the principal. I don't have to eat or drink. It's totally fine."

Gene shook his head, always smiling relaxedly.

The people in this town still seem to be very alert, always observing these people who are doing business from time to time. This land has completely become a paradise for criminals in the city.

"Why not introduce the death penalty?"

Ling Hong asked at this time, and Gene shook his head.

"The reason why they are here is that most of them are here because of various unreasonable systems in the city, as well as class problems in the city, uneven distribution of resources, and problems with the conversion rate of resource distribution. These things Didn’t I teach you already in class?”

An image flashed through Ling Hong's mind. It was in such a small town during the march that Ling Hong wiped out everyone in such a town. No one was willing to surrender, no one was willing to lay down their weapons, Jirigele's The time was the same. At the last moment, what Ling Hong saw were the criminals who chose to take up arms.

There was only the criminal who rushed out at the last moment. His screams still make Ling Hong dream about it from time to time. Ling Hong has thought about this question countless times, but there is no answer. The two rescued children went to a school. After leaving the orphanage, Ling Hong only visited them once. She just watched them from a distance, and Ling Hong still couldn't face all this.

Obviously there is no need for this. As long as the criminals surrender and are willing to go to prison, they can survive.

"You all know these things clearly, why!"

Ling Hong asked, and Gene sighed, resting his head on his hands and lying on the ground.

“It’s precisely because we know it that we can’t do anything about it!”

Ling Hong did not ask any more questions. Everyone knew many things. Just as Jean said, it is precisely because of the knowledge that there is nothing you can do. People may package themselves to be very cruel and cold, but there will always be softness that touches the heart. Some things exist in this world.

"More and more people will gather here, and if we don't make plans early, it will threaten the city."

Ling Hong said, Gene closed his eyes, with a trace of exhaustion on his face.

"This kind of thing has been done countless times, but it will never end. No matter how profound your knowledge or how powerful you are, it will still happen again and again, and you will never find the exact answer."

Ling Hong didn't say anything else. She glanced at the peaceful inspectors who were resting. Ling Hong closed her eyes. In her memory, she was born in a wealthy family when she was a child. During the selection for the Academy of God, she participated in the selection. After answering the questions, my parents and relatives were very happy after being selected.

It is the same even now. Parents and relatives are proud of themselves and often ask Ling Hong to help with some things. Ling Hong's life has been relatively comfortable since she was a child. The most difficult years were only those years at the School of God, but Every day is full of hope and laughter.

Ling Hong opened her eyes again, raised her right hand, and looked at her five fingers. She originally thought that the future would be easier, but now she has fallen into a crazy world that she cannot accept.

At this time, the rumble of cars rang out, and both Jean and Ling Hong stood up. Some motorcades appeared outside the town, and the people in the town quickly got up and ran over.

"Don't fucking crowd, line up one by one."

A man with a gun shouted from a large truck outside. They also noticed the members of Section 3 resting in the town. After the truck opened wide, they could see some supplies, ranging from food to daily necessities. Yes, people in the town lined up in a long line, waiting to receive it.

During the last inspection mission, Section 3 had already noticed that this northern area was controlled by a huge armed force called the Crimson Tide. Everything seemed to be in order. No one jumped in line or looted, and they all followed the rules. Supplies being moved from trucks.

It is certain that the Alatan Ula Mountains near the middle part of the north has become the stronghold of this armed force. Ling Hong stared at everything in front of her with solemn eyes.

"Do it!"

Gene shook his head and patted her shoulder.

"Even if we go over today and break into the stronghold of this armed force and kill everyone, what about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? What about the future? There will still be many such armed forces."

Ling Hong clenched her fists and said Gene.

"What is the purpose of monitoring? It is to be able to effectively know all the conditions on this frozen soil. The city currently does not have the ability to solve the problems here. This is a way to get the maximum results at the minimum cost. After identifying the threat , it’s time for your three divisions to attack, let’s go and continue to rest.”

Gene said and turned around. At this time, Ling Hong saw the woman standing in the truck with one hand covering her empty left arm. She stared sharply at this side. Ling Hong did not avoid the woman's gaze.


The woman opened the car door and walked out. The aura on her body disappeared, and she came over with a playful smile.

"Aren't these adults from the business department? Why do you have time to hang around our place?"

Ling Hong didn't intend to ignore the woman and turned around to leave, but the woman followed quickly.

"We didn't do anything bad, but please don't point the gun at us!"

Ling Hong stopped, the woman was full of provocation, she looked at the woman with a sneer.

"Don't cause trouble, especially to the city. If you become a threat to the city, I will kill you without hesitation."

As Ling Hong spoke, the smile on the face of the woman next to her disappeared. She looked at Ling Hong leaving and said coldly.

"I will remember it well."

Agata clenched her fists and felt a sharp pain in her chest as she looked at the members of the town's administrative department. Agata felt very unhappy when she saw them always looking aloof.

Now Agata has led the red tide people to clean up most of the northern areas and control most of the northern areas. In all places under Agata's management, all people only need to pay cans of liquid food to get the red tide. protection, and when Agata receives food every month, she will bring the recycled metal cans to the merchants who come to recycle them, exchange some materials from the merchants, and select some that are willing to earn more. Food and Water People mined the mines in the north and refined the ore to obtain raw materials.

But recently, black market transactions with the city are no longer feasible, because I heard that this part of the city has been completely sealed off. Some mutants who escaped have said that if they want to obtain weapons, they can only make them by themselves, but they The weapons produced are very poor in lethality and accuracy. If you want to create more powerful weapons, the barrier area currently does not have this ability, because Jizhigrad has been destroyed.

Agata once took people back, and those underground factories had been destroyed, all the equipment had been removed, and everything that could not be used was destroyed.

Looking at the operations department in the town, they have obviously noticed their organization, but the current situation in the city no longer allows them to carry out large-scale operations. Agata has already cooperated with Porter and provided After getting some manpower from Porter, Porter has now gone to the south. The red tide is divided into southern red tide and northern red tide.

Agata plans to consolidate everything in the north first. After Porter consolidates the south, everything will be easier to handle. He will control everything in the barrier area and establish a kingdom of night on this frozen land.

Seeing that the supplies were almost distributed, and most people had paid their empty cans of liquid food, Agata returned to the truck, and several of his confidants also came up.

"Boss, what should I do? Do you want it?"

"If you want to die, you can go and try it. Don't you see, the man over there is Gene from Section 13?"

Several people looked over and saw a man in uniform sitting on a broken roof, staring here.

"As long as we don't cause trouble, we can continue to develop quietly. Now is not the time! Let's go to the next place."

The convoy left in a mighty manner. Jean stood up, still hesitating in his head, but finally gave up. For a moment, Jean had the idea of ​​​​solving them here, but in the end Jean did not do that. During the small-scale survey march for nearly half a month, Gene found that the situation in the north was stable.

Different from the last march, we often see criminals in some barrier areas fighting each other, sometimes for food and water, sometimes for territory, and sometimes for women.

Jean planned to wait for the end of this mission, and then go to the barrier with the other six guys after returning. They would first clean up the creatures outside the barrier, and then start building the facilities on the barrier. The seven of them would have to work day and night. It will take at least half a year to complete this stage of barrier construction.

There are currently about 500 permanent residents on the barrier. Except for those in the western part of the Himalayas, where no one is needed, the other three locations are regularly monitored.

But we are always in a hurry because of the plant-like plants that have climbed up the barrier. Some places even have no time to clean up. The plant-like plants not only climbed up the barrier, but also penetrated into the barrier, destroying and devouring the barrier. Now some places need to be repaired, and some places need to be repaired. Install some equipment to deal with these types of plants.

The situation in the city is considered stable for the time being, and only during this gap can Jean and the other six gods have time to repair and strengthen the barriers.

Gene looked at the time, it was just 3:19 noon.

"Let them rest a little longer."

The wind and sand gradually began to get stronger, and the three hours from 2 to 5 o'clock every day were the most violent times in the barrier area.


With a burst of explosions, a man holding a weapon in his hand turned around angrily, raised the weapon in his hand and started shooting.

"Die lame, go to hell!"


Porter dodged the fire and instantly jumped to the man's side. With a click, the man's neck was broken by the red telekinesis and he fell to the ground.

"Do you want to continue fighting? If you refuse to surrender, I will destroy you."

Porter shouted loudly. This is the ruins of a city, just to the south-east. Most of the walls of the city have been damaged. There are now nearly 30 armed forces entrenched here. Porter has already fought with these armed forces. The powerful people have been fighting for nearly three days, and they are not willing to listen to Potter at all.

At first, Porter just talked to them, but most of the leaders of the armed forces refused to accept it, and finally suddenly attacked Porter and the others. Porter also made up his mind that if he wanted to clean up this place, he would have to kill him. By that time, someone had already driven away from the outskirts of the city.

"Again, if you don't surrender, I won't be polite."

The gunfire continued, and Porter could only continue to move forward, leading his mutated people to continue the assault. The situation here was far more complicated than Porter thought. The weak criminals basically lived a very hard life. , and various parts of the city are still guarded. More than half of the food they receive every month must be handed over. People from different armed forces often collect the materials in their hands. Every time they receive materials, they will be collected by people from these armed forces. Watch.

With a loud bang, Potter roared angrily and used telekinesis to destroy the bottom of a building. There were screams from above. As the building collapsed, Potter immediately rushed towards a building. The firepower was intensive, and the whole body was covered with red scabs.

Accompanied by bursts of screams, Porter solved these criminals without any hesitation. Gradually, the shooting in the city calmed down. Porter brought nearly 300 people this time, more than half of whom were mutants. people.

"Gather everyone in the city together."

After everything calmed down, Potter ordered his men, and soon many people were brought over. The streets were full of people, and many people looked at Potter in fear.

Gradually, hundreds of people gathered. Porter stood on a huge building stone and shouted loudly.

"From now on, I am the boss here. Those of you who want to leave can leave, but those of you who want to stay are willing to follow me, and I will build a city! I promise to let everyone in the city One person is fed and clothed.”

No one cheered, and no one dared to move. In the end, more and more people dispersed. Many people chose to leave. Some of his subordinates were a little confused. Potter should control these people. After all, they Everyone could go and get supplies, but Porter didn't do that.

"Only when we really do it, there will be more and more people here."

Porter does not intend to adopt the methods of the armed forces that have been entrenched here in the past. What he wants to build is a city that belongs to criminals.

After discussing this issue in depth with Agata, Porter knew very well that he could never go back, so he could only build his own city, or a city for people in the barrier zone.

3:41 pm

"The wind is very strong, go back!"

Osman looked worriedly at his wife Zijuan, who was holding his daughter. The two stood on the wall of the southern guard station facing the barrier area. Zijuan smiled and shook her head.

"It's just a little breeze."

As she spoke, Zijuan took off the towel covering her daughter and raised her daughter with both hands. Osman reached out to take her daughter, but Zijuan suddenly backed away.

"Lord Osman, the news just came back that the conflict between the armed forces in the barrier area has ended."

A regional officer ran up. Osman immediately put away his smile and walked over. Zijuan put her daughter on her shoulders and pointed to the barrier area in the distance.

"From now on, you have to help mom and dad clean up that land, got it?"

After a while Osman came over.

"It's better to go back!"

Zijuan shook her head.

"There's been some strange behavior in the barrier area lately."

Osman nodded.

"I mean, aren't you going to continue? The marching battle plan in the barrier area?"

Osman looked at Zijuan blankly, looking at his daughter's innocent eyes, Osman shook his head.

"If you don't continue, this burden will have to be placed on our daughter."

"I don't agree with Yu'er entering the business department."

Zijuan held her daughter in her arms.

"You must never develop a weak character like your father, Xiao Yu'er!"

Osman frowned slightly, and Zijuan chuckled.

"Why have the voices of criticism against our three departments in the city stopped now? Isn't it because there is a barrier zone that reflects the significance of our three departments' existence?"

Osman shook his head.

"This is not the purpose of our existence. The purpose of our existence is to protect the citizens!"

"Then why do you think those kind-hearted citizens gather together again and again to harm this city?"

Osman said nothing more because he did not know how to refute his wife's words.

Zijuan suddenly accelerated and ran with her daughter in her arms. Osman was startled. The next second he saw Zijuan put her daughter on her shoulders and jumped down. Osman ran over anxiously and jumped after her. Go down.


Zijuan fell to the ground, and the child on her shoulders seemed to be frightened. It was not until Osman fell that she started to cry loudly.

"Look, you always know it later! It won't work if it goes on like this."

Osman said angrily.

"How could you do this? You scared the child."

"why not?"

Zijuan looked at Osman who was holding his daughter and looking anxious.

"Are you always worried about this and that? When will it be over? Is it fun? Xiao Yu'er, do you want to do it again?"

As Zijuan said, her daughter stopped crying and started laughing.

Zijuan took her daughter and looked at the barrier area across the gully.

"If you are worried about the large-scale casualties that may occur in clearing missions in the future, just establish a small-scale special operations force that can complete the task efficiently."

Osman looked at his wife blankly. He walked over, put his arms around her shoulders, and leaned his head against her.

"We are not butchers, so I don't want my daughter to become a butcher!"

Zijuan stared at the barrier area with cold eyes. She knew very well that this place would definitely become a threat to the city in the future, but Osman beside her could not do it. He was deliberately avoiding this problem because he could not Be cruel and do cruel things.

"I understand, then let my daughter go to another department. That's okay!"

Osman hummed.

"By the way, Osman, do you think Ling Hong is suitable?"

Osman looked at Zijuan suspiciously.

"It's up to her to organize this special operations force."

Osman looked at Zijuan with a dull expression.

"Forget it, Ling Hong"

"You really don't understand women Osman. Women are often very decisive, at least much more decisive than you men."

The light of the artificial sun began to become fainter, the barrier area began to darken, and the wind and sand became much lighter. At 4:45, Jean and Ling Hong left the town with the inspectors.

The sound of motorcycles started up, and many people in the town went out on motorcycles. From this time to the early morning, people in the barrier area were most active.

Most of the women took their children to nearby places to scavenge for useable windblown rubbish.

"Take this opportunity to take a good look at the barrier area. It may be different from what you saw last time."

Jean said with a smile, and Ling Hong nodded. Indeed, he saw many different things along the way from what he had seen before.

"Principal, what do you think of the barrier zone?"

Ling Hong asked, and Gene took out a cigarette and handed it to Ling Hong, lit it and blew out a puff of smoke.

"The people living here are people! It's just that their living environment and lifestyle are different from ours."

Ling Hong put on the veil, and the inspectors behind her moved faster. Everyone had almost rested. In a few days, they will start to be divided into groups. All the inspectors will be divided into groups of 5 people. Scattered around in some places in the north.

Ling Hong often thought that maybe she would never be able to look away from the barrier area in her life, because on this piece of frozen soil, there was the most shocking scene Ling Hong had ever seen.

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