Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1819 Countdown to Collapse: Master (Part 2)

A soft sound of guitar sounded in an office. Werther was sitting on the sofa in the office of the section chief of Section 4, playing the guitar in his hand. Lolita was sitting behind the section chief's desk, looking at the light and shadow panel. Some information on the Internet is being processed.

Nowadays, Lolita's physical condition has stabilized, the smile has returned to her face, and she is living very happily every day. The deterioration of her body has been cured. With the help of mechanical technology, Lolita's body has recovered. It's normal.

All this is thanks to Werther, and Werther also believed that a good mood is an important means to cure many stubborn diseases. Scientific treatment can only solve physical ailments, but if the heart cannot be cheerful and bright, physical ailments will will also be affected to a certain extent.

The rhythm of the guitar became faster, and the sense of relief on Witte's face disappeared. One after another internal documents of Section 4 were retrieved. Many of the documents could not be seen in the light, although Witte was more or less aware of 4 What is the section chief Akimi doing now, as well as various problems within the 4th section.

When Jean contacted them a few hours ago, Witte knew the seriousness of the matter. The gods had already gone to the headquarters of the 12 operational departments. These internal matters must be concluded within today.

Many problems are the accumulation of small problems that have accumulated over a long period of time. The city is in a very special period. The current level of science and technology and material reserves are fully capable of taking mankind into the next era of mechanization.

In the past few years of strict birth control, the population problem has been greatly curbed. In just 20 years, the population of Bright City will drop to 16 million. This number is just right. By then, it will be comprehensive. the age of mechanization.

Most of the frequent problems will hinder the progress of the mechanization era. The implementation of AI networks is very successful. This is to allow humans to gradually adapt. Mechanical AI can fully serve humans, and humans only need to dominate and control, layer by layer. The upper control is an extremely important and necessary link in the mechanization era.

This is the best era for cities, but it is the worst era for mankind, and it is also an era that must be started.

No matter how advanced human medicine is, human environmental adaptability is still not much different from the past over the years. The future environment will become more and more dangerous, and if human beings cannot adapt to the cruel environment that is coming in the future, then human beings will will perish.

Not everyone wants to make such a decision. Witte has already thought very clearly. Instead of watching human beings go extinct, it is better to let the human species continue in another form. When we find a place with the same living environment as the human beings in the past, At home, humans can still return to the good old days.

In Witte's memory, the most beautiful era for mankind was an era when industry was not dominant, informatization was not very developed, and most people still maintained their innocence, coexisting peacefully with nature, and having a natural respect for nature.

If humans want to return to such an era, only Mr. Xian survives.

Certain things can no longer be suppressed and are fermenting little by little. The illegal drug incident in District 16 has led to the death of some people. These numbers have been concealed by hospitals everywhere, but the internal data of Department 4 is These things clearly exist.

The drug called happiness is actually a nanomedicine. This is the nanomedicine experiment that Archimi is conducting. Although a large number of human body values ​​and human brain wave values ​​have been collected, they also indirectly provide AI networks with It was a great help, but now things are about to be revealed.

Today Witte came here to talk to all the directors who are still working in Section 4. In the worst case scenario, someone must take the initiative to take responsibility for the fault.

The experiment should have been stopped last year when Alpha vigorously reorganized Area 16, but after a period of time, the experiment started again, and a large amount of nano-hallucinogens flowed to the market, because Archimi felt that his The medical experiment is about to succeed.

Many things that had been concealed could no longer be hidden. Lolita looked at the many internal files on the light and shadow screen with a solemn expression. There were also many hidden types of files that required Akimi to unlock in person.

The medical association has launched many application investigations, but there has been no result or conclusion on this matter because the harm is huge.

Jean should have handled the matter personally, but now he is simply too busy. The situation has reached an unimaginable level. Due to omissions in various departments, a large number of hidden crimes have occurred, and these crimes have actually harmed the people. City security.

The latest news is that a large number of weapons and ammunition have been inspected from the northern area and most other lower-level areas. This is the first time that large quantities of weapons and ammunition have appeared in the decades since ordinary people were prohibited from possessing weapons. Weapons trafficking case.

The intense rhythm of the guitar suddenly stopped. Werther put down the guitar and looked at Lolita.

"The worst case scenario requires you to take over the position of section chief Lolita."

Lolita turned her head and looked at Werther with a smile.

"It's a bit troublesome to manage these brats, but I think I can do it."

Witte hummed. People from Section 4 will be here soon. It's almost 3 o'clock. Akimi and Marcus should be thinking about countermeasures. Witte knows this. He summoned the section chief, secretary and director of Section 4. It has been almost half an hour since the officials arrived, but there is still no one there. Ten minutes ago, Akimi made a phone call and said that he was still dealing with some things.

"Is there really nothing wrong with your body, Lolita?"

Werther asked, and Lolita shook her head.

"I know my own body well, don't worry about it, Teacher Witte."

Werther is still a little worried about Lolita's physical condition. Although her health is much better now, her health will get worse as she gets older, and the workload of the administrative department is very heavy.

Finally, there were footsteps outside the door. Lolita turned off the light and shadow screen. Werther also stood up and entered the conference room next door directly from the door next to the section chief's office.

As soon as they entered, the students who passed by came over to say hello. Lolita went directly to talk to them. Werther went to the top stage and sat down.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

As Werther spoke, his voice gradually faded away. Marcus leaned against the wall next to his seat with a solemn look on his face. Akimi still had the same kind look on his face as before, but Werther could see the cowardice in his eyes. .

The problem has to be put on the table. Many hospitals have conducted physical tests on patients who have consumed hallucinogens. A large number of metal objects have been detected in the bodies of these patients, and they have jointly launched a request. Statement of Congressional Investigation.

Although Alpha has not investigated this matter, she already knows that if anyone has the courage to create and provide such yellow chickens, the ultimate source must be in Section 4.

"Mr. Witte, what exactly are you here for today? We have a lot more here."

"There's no need to be secretive anymore, Archimi, Marcus, I came here today just to talk things out. If we continue to be so unclear, Section 4 will be ruined."

Werther's tone was a little serious, and the students present stopped saying anything. Marcus laughed.

"Are you going to accuse us of what we did now? Teacher Witte."

Werther looked at Marcus.

"Many of the artificial meat protein multiplication agents stored in Section 4 are missing, and part of the culture fluid is also missing."

"I did use it."

Marcus did not avoid it. For a moment, Akimi and the other directors all looked at Marcus, his expression was a little ferocious.

"Didn't you teach us to be cruel? What should we do now, two teachers!"

Lolita's expression became serious, and Werther's originally somewhat angry expression also faded away. He knew very well that the overall situation of the students in Section 4 was very bad, because they participated in the very cruel future cloning plan.

"What should we do? This won't work, and that won't work either? Then what should we do to make you satisfied."

"Shut up, Marcus."

Akimi looked over angrily, and Marcus laughed wildly.

"I have indeed done a lot of human experiments, using prisoners in the prison to conduct research on cloned gene fusion, and Archimi has indeed used nanomedicines to conduct research on nanomedicine. I think this approach is completely fine. , after all, what does it have to do with our past cloning future plans? If humans want to become more powerful, genetic research is necessary, and the nanomedicine studied by Archimi is the same, and it is all for this city, isn't it!"

Werther didn't answer, maybe he didn't know how to answer at all. At this time, Lolita looked at everyone with a sad expression.

"Once humans turn into beasts, do you think it's possible for us to turn back into humans again?"

Marcus said, turning around and walking away.

"Where are you going Marcus?"

Werther shouted, and Marcus turned around and laughed.

"No matter how we are punished, it doesn't matter anymore. I've had enough of everything, including myself!"


The door of the conference room was smashed open. As soon as Marcus left, he pressed his head and leaned against the wall, then squatted down little by little. He knew why Werther and Lolita were here today.

"We are not props! We are not your props."

Marcus chuckled, with a sad expression and forlorn eyes. He used to often wonder why he wanted to conduct such research. He knew it was wrong and how cruel it was, but Marcus didn't stop. Come down and continue your research as usual.

According to Marcus, everyone has a switch called an out-of-control switch in their body. Once this switch is turned on, it can never be turned off.

A switch that cannot be turned off will make people worse little by little. Just because they are human, there is still a part of humanity left, so they will become more and more uncomfortable. Marcus cannot tell this feeling, and he cannot tell anyone. Most of them People in Section 4 may feel the same as me, but not as much as I think.

"It doesn't matter what happens."

Marcus stood up with a smile and walked slowly. Recently, Marcus felt more and more tired. It seemed to be caused by the synthetic beast gene existing in his body. Marcus would sometimes lose his memory. Marcus couldn't remember what he had done after losing his memory.

But sometimes, when he wakes up, Marcus will smell the smell of blood. This smell is very special, and Marcus is extremely sensitive to this smell.

Silence fell in the conference room, and Werther stopped talking. Lolita looked at the content on the light and shadow screen bitterly, and Akimi stood there dumbfounded.

Now, some of the directors of Section 4 have participated in the research on mutants' violent genes led by Tang Rao, and these students are still responsible for the cruelty.

Many former students of Section 4 have had their behaviors and lives affected in various ways by this past plan.

"Everyone raise their heads."

Then Werther spoke.

Everyone looked at Werther.


Werther stood up, and the students were a little surprised for a moment, watching Werther bow slightly.

"Teacher Witte!"

Akimi choked and shouted.

"This tragic experience may have really affected all of you. I don't know what to do now, because the only thing I can do is"

Witte did not continue talking. The answer to the matter was actually found when he came over. The six people had already discussed it in advance.

"I will take over as the chief of Section 4!"

Lolita stood up, and everyone looked at Lolita in shock. The expression on Akimi's face relaxed completely, and he hummed.

"I'm sorry! I have to change everything I have said to you in the past!"

3:19 p.m.

Located on the city wall of the eastern guard station, Li Chu quietly looked at some information with a sinister smile on his face.

"You are still the same naive Osman as ever."

There were a lot of directors standing next to them. Last year, the special inspection team plan for the barrier area led by Jean should have come to fruition. But after someone died in the end, Osman urgently recalled these people. Let the plan continue.

The circulation of weapons into the barrier area could have been investigated if the inspection team continued to act, but in the end Osman chose to give up.

Even though Jean has wiped out the armed forces that killed the three inspectors, in Osman's view, talent is important. Osman plans to continue to hone the strength of the inspection team members until they have enough strength to deal with all crises before continuing. plan.

"If your wife Zijuan is leading this mission, we should be more relaxed now. Think carefully about Osman and what is the right approach. I came here today just to say this. I will be there later. Go to the prison department."

As Li Chu said, many directors looked at Osman with serious expressions.

"I don't care how much money you have made privately with people from pharmaceutical companies, what is the purpose of the existence of the 3rd Division? Isn't this proof of the existence of the 3rd Division? The threat has already appeared, and the barrier zone is the meaning of the existence of your 3rd Division. In this way Isn’t it great!”

"Teacher Li Chu!"

Osman stared at Li Chu angrily. Li Chu walked to the edge of the city wall and overlooked the barrier area in the distance.

"There is a more important job that needs to be undertaken by your three departments. Be prepared in advance. We will continue to build the barrier and increase the number of observation stations on the barrier. You can start selecting personnel today and look forward to being able to work at the monitoring station. Personnel going down.”

Osman's eyes widened.

"This is who I am, this is how things are. I will only say this once. Let the special inspection team enter the barrier area for monitoring as soon as possible. Once any threats are found, they will be eliminated directly. This can easily stimulate domestic demand, and the 3 departments can also be justified. exist because the threat has been created.”

"Is it intentional?"

Osman asked, the problem in the barrier area has already begun. It would be very easy for the gods to clean up the area, but the gods did not give any orders and allowed the problem to arise and the criminals near Montenegro in the north to escape. Regarding the problem, the gods also chose to let it go.

"This is how human society is. If there is no threat, create a threat. Only threats can unify most people's cognition. No matter what you think is cruel, it doesn't matter. That's how things are. Osman, I will come back next month. Yes, if you can’t get any results by then, go home and take care of your children.”

Li Chu said, turning around and walking slowly, he floated directly into the air, still smiling sinisterly.

"If we don't do something, it won't work!"

The breeze blows on his face, and Li Chu will go to the prison next. Like several other guys, Li Chu originally didn't want to come directly to the students and force them to make a choice, but the reality can no longer delay Went down.

Recently, Li Chu has often been thinking about the matter of citizen level. If he wants to speed up the progress of the whole society, citizen level is necessary. This is also a very difficult decision to make.

These students were originally trained to prepare mankind to enter the next era, but now students have frequent problems, and divisions have also appeared within the business department.

Before Jean went to Section 1, Li Chu never thought that there would be so many problems. After hundreds of years, Li Chu had had enough. He didn't want to interfere with some things anymore, but now he had to step forward because None of the students acted decisively.

Of course, there may be some various problems in the city, but in Li Chu's view, these problems are not too big. The key to the problem is that these students have not fully stood from the perspective of managers. Go up and think about the problem.

"If you cannot consider the problem from your own position, it will only make the problem worse."

3:51 pm

Deguna sat quietly by the fountain in front of the main building of Section 2. R, C and K stood in front of Deguna. Deguna was looking at some information on Section 2.

"Let those arrested go free."

Deguna said and looked at the three of them, and C immediately started laughing.

"Shouldn't it be resolved?"

Deguna frowned slightly.

"Someone will soon take full responsibility for the problems in Section 4. What you are doing is just unnecessary."

R smiled and nodded. In order to help Section 4 conceal the matter, Section 2 arrested many people and temporarily detained them on various charges. They wanted to suppress the problem, but now it seems that the problem can no longer be suppressed. .

"No matter what method you use, resolve the matter. As for the Hillman family's problem, put it on hold and ask Mo Xiaolan to stop investigating. Do you understand me?"

K seemed to think of something for a moment.

"Is it immunity, Lord Deguna?"

Deguna nodded.

"We have some information about the Hillman family and other families. Now we have some evidence that they are cultivating private armed forces."

R opened his eyes wide.

"Isn't this bad? Lord Deguna."

Deguna chuckled.

"Stupid question!"

Soon C burst out laughing.

"Why did we let the family go for so many years? Think about it carefully."

K immediately said with a smile.

"After all, the family has been very fertile in recent years. As long as they are willing to help, the next era will come soon."

Deguna hummed.

"Don't get me wrong, everything in this city is decided by us!"

The three of them bowed, and Deguna stood up.

"If Mo Xiaolan still disobeys, she will be locked up. Do you hear me clearly?"

"I understand, Lord Deguna."

R squinted his eyes and said with a smile, immunity is the most important problem that needs to be solved at present. Now some families have listened to the Hillman family's instigation and have begun to cultivate the family's armed forces. They are bodyguards on the surface, but Deguna could see clearly what was going on behind the scenes.

"You are 100 years too early to play with these fancy things with me."

Deguna said as she slowly walked towards the house opposite.

"As long as the family shows a little bit of weakness, when the time is right, we can take back the immunity. The redistribution of resources will definitely bring the city into the next more glorious mechanized era."

Deguna turned around and said with a cold smile.

"You know, in the past, this was called pig farming. Unfortunately, I was born in a pig farm."

4 o'clock in the afternoon

Tang Rao was sitting in the section chief's office at the headquarters of Section 6, looking at some information. Section chief Keying and secretary Zhuo Yue stood aside. Many directors of Section 6 were also there. The atmosphere at the scene was a bit solemn.

"What do you mean Mr. Tang Rao!"

Keying asked, Tang Rao exhaled a puff of smoke and stared at Keying with a cold expression.

"literal meaning."

"If you do this"

Tang Rao stood up and walked slowly to Keying's side.

"Little girl, it's not your turn to teach me how to do things. Some of the data I just mentioned will be destroyed! Do you hear me clearly?"

Keying stared at Tang Rao angrily.

"Although this data is very important to the city, it does not need to exist for future human society. If you know it clearly, work quickly."

Tang Rao said, and suddenly Keying shouted.

"Don't even move."

The atmosphere in the room was extremely solemn, and Tang Rao held Keying's collar with one hand.

"You heard me clearly, little girl, I want you to start working right now, otherwise, you can go home now."

Ke Ying looked at Tang Rao blankly.

"Tell me exactly why!"

Tang Rao threw Keying away.

"You don't need to know, you just need to delete this part of the information. You don't need to think about unnecessary things. These things may be exposed in the future, but as long as you delete them now, it will be no problem at all. What's more?"

Tang Rao said and lit a cigarette.

"I will come here regularly and need you to delete some information. You just need to do it."

Looking at Keying who was still in a stalemate, Tang Rao grabbed Keying and dragged her out of the office.


Zhuo Yue started to lead the directors.


Tang Rao stared at Keying with cold eyes.

"If you want to continue the stalemate, I won't be polite, little girl. If an adult and a child fight, who do you think will win?"

Tang Rao walked away with cold eyes. Keying felt extremely heartbroken. She had more or less guessed what Tang Rao wanted to do.

"Is it because of Jill?"

Tang Rao smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"You don't need to ask the extra questions, little girl, either go back to work or announce your resignation tomorrow. I don't need disobedient students!"

Ke Ying clenched her fists and felt extremely uncomfortable watching Tang Rao leave.

The breeze caressed, Tang Rao sat quietly on the top floor of Section 6 headquarters. The mutant experiment had begun. There was no turning back now. Tang Rao had already arranged the matter, and several directors of Section 5 had secretly started it. action.

Some criminal mutants in the city are nominally sent to prison, but in fact they are sent to the laboratory. This requires the full assistance of Section 5, Section 6, and Section 11, and no mistakes are allowed.

Tang Rao had already called in the directors of these departments before the plan started. Now Li Chu should be over there in the prison, explaining something to Latis.

All this can only be done after the experiment is over and a drug that can solve the violent transformation of mutants is thoroughly developed. Tang Rao smiled helplessly, holding a cigarette in her mouth. She would go to Section 10 next, and she needed to give a portion of Section 10. People explained that they should develop some instruments for research.

Jean didn't interfere in this matter, and never asked about it. Jean came here several times just to drink with Tang Rao, and didn't ask anything about Montenegro's secret research.

The molds that were originally cast and the students produced had begun to lose shape, but Tang Rao did not expect that they would lose shape so quickly, but now it was time to take action.

Jean's plan to go to Mars failed. The unexplained failure made Tang Rao feel uneasy. Tang Rao's feelings were often very accurate, because his own power had already given Tang Rao a premonition that a major disaster would occur in the city. So Tang Rao had clearly told the other six people that his hunch was not wrong.

"We have to start, transition to the age of mechanization!"

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