Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1810 The Edge of Collapse: Blood and Sand 2 (Part 2)

"Go to Montenegro first, Jean!"

There was a popping sound, and beside Jean, two violent mutants fell to the ground with their bodies mutilated to varying degrees. There was a cyan particle floating slowly next to Jean's ear.

"What happened?"

Jean asked, and the two violent mutants fell to the ground, and their bodies began to shatter. Jean jumped directly to the roof, with cyan particles in his ears following him, and Tang Rao's voice sounded again.

"There is a group of mutant prisoners who have escaped. Please go and visit!"

Jean looked at the Black Mountain directly in front of him. Although he was a little confused, he still speeded up and moved quickly towards the Black Mountain in the distance.

I have just received news from Section 4. In the past data on mutant genome analysis extracted from the server of Section 6, some mutants who have already experienced initial violent transformation have become violent. Comparing the genome, it can be found that there are problems with 11 groups of genes recorded in past research.

These genes have been analyzed a long time ago and play an extremely important role in the growth and development of mutants. However, mutations are likely to occur, and the consequences of mutations are that violent genes will be born in mutants. Alienated cells come, and these cells gather in large numbers, which will cause mutants to go berserk.

Jean could already see the Black Mountain. Light blue light was floating around Jean's eyes. Soon Jean could see clearly that a large number of prisoners wearing gray prison uniforms were climbing up the Black Mountain.

Jean moved quickly, and soon he came directly to the bottom of Black Mountain, next to a huge mine. He took a look at this familiar and desolate mine, which was once the secret research base of Brilliant City. Jean transferred A light and shadow screen came out, Jean directly entered the permission code, and soon saw this group of prisoners being escorted over. They were escorted over because they were causing trouble in the prison. They would work in the mine, but soon Ji En The ease on En's face disappeared.

The more than 200 prisoners who were escorted over were all mutants. Gene already knew what the other guys were going to do, and the person in charge was Gill. This made Gene a little shocked. After Gene turned off the light and shadow screen, , looked up with a solemn expression, but the next second, Jean looked back behind him, and a black light soared into the sky in the far north.

"Get these guys first."

Jean hesitated for a moment. He turned around and looked back at the Black Mountain behind him, and then at the black light that had begun to dissipate. Jean turned around and jumped up, accompanied by waves of explosions exploding at Jean's feet. With a blue-white light group, Jean jumped towards the top of the Black Mountain very quickly.


In just one minute, Jean had landed on the top of the mountain.

"He's a professional."

A prisoner said, and at this time many prisoners who had just climbed up looked at Gene in surprise.

"Please put your hands on your head and lie on the ground, otherwise."

Before Jean could finish speaking, several mutants attacked in an instant. Jean dodged their attacks and his fists hit the two mutants unceremoniously in the abdomen, causing them to fall directly. On the ground, Jean immediately ejected, facing several mutants who were in a hurry, he directly waved his fist.

This time Jean did not directly kill them, but just knocked out these mutants. Many mutants had already reached the mountainside. Jean had issued an order, and the people from Section 3 were coming here.


There was a noise, and Jean looked back. A strong mutant climbed up. The moment Jean turned around, he had already ejected.


With a violent impact sound, Porter missed Jean's fist. After rolling a few times on the mountain, Porter felt his numb hands, and the man who landed was Jean from Section 13. This was Potter reacted immediately. He didn't think much and ejected directly. Now he could only escape.

Bang bang

After Gene dealt with the two mutants who jumped up, he turned around and ejected directly, landing in front of this S-class mutant in an instant.


Potter raised his arms and flew backwards. He rolled on the ground a few times and then got up, with a large amount of red particles spilling out of his body.

"Is what you are doing really good?"

Porter roared and rushed over. Gene dodged Porter's fist, jumped up slightly, and pressed Porter's wrist with one hand. Porter felt a powerful impact coming directly towards him. Gene's The knee hit Potter's cheek, and there was a cracking sound. The moment the scab shattered, Potter had already leaned down and jumped ahead desperately.

Gene was a little surprised, but his eyes were fixed on one of Potter's legs.


Along with a burst of screams, Porter fell heavily to the edge of the mountain. He looked at his left leg that was already bloody and bloody. His fingers were clasped on the rock. After standing up, he endured the severe pain and jumped directly. The red Scabs condensed on the surface of Porter's body, and he rolled directly down the rugged mountain wall. The only thought in his heart now was to escape.

Jean did not continue to pursue, but directly knocked down several mutants. Most of the mutant prisoners had already run down the mountain. Jean stood on the edge of the mountain, overlooking the criminals below who had descended the mountain and set foot on the land of the barrier area. Dear friends, at this time, the takeoff and landing aircraft of Section 3 are coming this way.


A flash of red light fell, and the moment Ling Hong landed on the ground, her body was like a bowstring, but her arms were held down by Jean.


"Bring these prisoners back first. Things in the city are more important. Even if we chase them out now, it won't help."

Jean said as he turned around and jumped towards the city. He jumped directly from the top of the mountain. Ling Hong began to order the members of Section 3 who came down from the lift to cuff the dozens of mutants who fell on the ground. Get up, put on a collar, and be taken directly back to prison for trial.


"You know what you're doing Jill!"

Alpha asked, and a house next to him was instantly turned into fragments under the impact of black particles. There was a loud bang, dust rose, and the powerful black telekinesis instantly bounced Alpha away. She slid after landing. After some distance, he looked at Gill jumping towards him again.

Alpha couldn't even clench her fists at this moment. She couldn't swing her fists. Her body was cold and her mood was sad. Huashen was already heading here.

"Jill, wake up!"

Alpha roared, but such a shout was powerless. With a loud bang, Alpha grinned and dodged Gil's fist. The black telekinesis instantly crossed Alpha's abdomen. With a squeaking sound, Alpha's abdominal clothes were torn off. A cut was made, and instantly the skin was dripping with blood, as if it had been strangled.

Alpha clutched her abdomen. She had thought about countless ways to fight back, but Alpha knew very well that he couldn't do this. If he attacked Jill, his life would be violently consumed by the violently mutated cells, and his time would be reduced a lot.

There was a loud bang, and the moment Gil was ejected, his knees hit Alpha directly. Alpha could only roll to avoid Gil's attack, and the ground collapsed as if it had been hit by a cannonball. Gil just managed to hit it. The unfinished subway.

Alpha jumped back quickly. She only informed Huashen, but did not tell the gods. At this moment, Alpha's mood was extremely complicated.

what to do!

A roar came from the underground, and Jill jumped out again. Alpha's clenched fists were loosened again. She could only get out of the way, but every time she got out of the way, there was the risk of being hit by black telekinesis. .

There were no intact buildings around. Jill stood on the top of a raised boulder and watched as Jill was destroying everything crazily. Alpha was still unable to attack. She couldn't do it, and it was even less possible for her to watch Jill die. Lose.

"Jill, please wake up."

Alpha said, and Gil turned his head instantly, roaring angrily and ferociously at Alpha. Looking at Gil who was attacking again, Alpha closed his eyes in despair, and clenched his loose right fingers instantly.


Along with a violent impact, Alpha opened his eyes, and his right fist that was about to impact was tightly clasped by a hand. In front of Alpha, there was a large hexagonal green barrier.

The violent black telekinesis instantly shattered the barrier, and two black rays of light flashed across both sides in an instant, tearing up the ground and shredding the houses on both sides of the street.

Huashen stared at Gil quietly in front of him. He released the medical bag and raised his hands. Green particles were floating in the air, like ice cubes that had condensed instantly. Gil furiously raised his hands and punched again. As the green barrier shattered, walls erected around Jill. Veins popped up on Huashen's forehead. Green particles began to condense, like pieces of crystal clear crystals. began to appear around Jill.

There were bursts of rumbling sounds, and black particles continued to overflow from the gaps, destroying everything nearby.

"President, find a way! Stop Jill."

Huashen shouted. Alpha had already bowed down and squatted on the broken ground. Purple particles were floating around Alpha's eyes, mixed with black and red particles. Huashen turned around worriedly. .

"I can control it!"


The moment the green spar was shattered by Gil, Huashen jumped to the left. Alpha rushed over instantly. Facing the furious Gil, Alpha held down Gil's fist with both hands as he approached Gil. Using the force of his body, he jumped up and climbed over Jill's head. Alpha's legs directly clamped Jill's neck, and his hands accurately crossed and clasped Jill's arms. Purple particles surged crazily in an instant, and Jill was stunned. The black particles overflowing from the surface of the body were wrapped around it.


With a loud noise, Alpha grabbed Jill's hands tightly and clamped Jill's body. The two fell to the sunken ground. Jill was struggling violently, and the black particles crushed the stones on the ground into pieces. It was dusty and still colliding with the purple particles.

Huashen has already taken out the surgical tools from the surgical bag. He knows that there is only one way now, which is to directly cut off Jill's nerves and inject a large dose of anesthetic. This is the most effective method to temporarily calm Jill down, although it will be difficult for Jill in the future. It may seem cruel, but he can survive.

"The president will find a way to expose the back of Jill's head."

Huashen said, Alpha grabbed Jill's arm and leaned back with gritted teeth. The moment he saw the back of Jill's head exposed, Huashen had already cut it directly with two scalpels.


A black scab appeared instantly, and the scalpel materialized by light and shadow was broken directly. In the next second, Huashen had raised his fist and smashed it directly, and the black scab did not move at all.

Alpha instantly let go of his hand. The moment Gil jumped up furiously, Alpha hugged Huashen, and a large number of cyan particles gathered behind Alpha.

There was a loud boom, and the black particles were like exploding bombs, sweeping everything around them instantly. The black light continued to expand, swallowing up Alpha and Huashen in an instant.

There was a sizzling sound, and black thunder and lightning appeared in the air. After the light gradually faded, everything hundreds of meters around Jill turned into dust.

Alpha grinned slightly, and a large piece of her back was burned. She wanted to get up in pain, but Hua Shen supported Alpha. After getting up, he immediately took out a tube of potion and stabbed Alpha in the neck.

"It can help relieve your pain, President, I want it now."

Before Hua Shinhwa finished speaking, he saw a violent black air rushing towards them. The moment Alpha turned around, a violent sound broke through the air, and a blue light instantly fell on the two sides. In front of the person, Gene leaned down and instantly jumped up with a kick, kicking away Gil's fist.


Alpha shouted. The next second Alpha and Huashen were covered by a sticky substance. They only heard a violent roar. The next second they saw the obstruction in front of them dissolve. Rose Just stood next to the two of them.

There was a loud boom, and in the area more than 30 meters in front of the two people that had turned into dust, Jean was dodging Gill's attack.

"It's hopeless!"

As Rose said, Huashen stood up and angrily wanted to pass by, but was stopped by a flash of beauty falling in front of him, and a white left hand blocked Huashen's way.

"If you work harder, you should be able to find a solution, Teacher Tang Rao!"

Huashen said, Tang Rao smiled bitterly, took out a cigarette and lit it, then shook his head. She walked up step by step, and for a moment, a memory appeared in Tang Rao's mind.

Tang Rao held a pistol in his hand, and opposite him was a man dripping with blood. He looked at him sadly and bitterly, and seemed to be saying something. The next second the gun went off.

"Is it like this again! My life is really shit, this shit-like life!"

Rose smiled.

"It's okay if I take your place! You all get out of here."

After Gene was hit, he flew over directly. Tang Rao grabbed Gene's collar and pulled him back. In an instant, Tang Rao had already ejected, and Gil's fist hit him without hesitation.


With a loud noise, everyone saw Jill's fist penetrate directly into Tang Rao's chest, accompanied by flying blood and black particles already flying in the air.

Tang Rao smiled bitterly and looked at Gil who was also struck by another fist. Tang Rao did not avoid it, but opened his arms and suddenly hugged Gil.

"Remember what I taught you! Gil."

Tang Tao said with a laugh, and in an instant, Gil's fist hit the flying cyan particles. Tang Rao's body turned into cyan particles. These particles continued to gather, and cyan vines instantly entangled themselves. Lived Jill's body.

"Move quickly!"

Huashen had already ran over, and the black scab crystals on the surface of Jill's body began to crack and peel. After Huashen found the right opportunity, he instantly cut off Jill's nerves. Along with the splash of black blood, Jill's hands were still struggling. Stopping his movements, Huashen immediately injected a large dose of paralysis into Jill.

The green vines wrapped around Gil's body loosened little by little, and Tang Rao appeared in front of Gil again. At this time, Gil roared in his throat, and his body began to fall to the ground. Hua Shen squatted down after Gil reached the bottom. In front of Jill, he planned to check Jill's physical condition.

Gene took out a cigarette and handed it to Alpha who was standing aside. Rose was carefully helping Alpha treat the burns on his back.

"You may need a skin grafting surgery later, but your body's ability to recover shouldn't require it."

Everyone was expecting Huashen's method to work, but at this moment Jill stood up again and could move her hands and feet again.

"Can't you just stay honest, Jill?"

Tang Rao asked, already holding Huashen with one hand and leaving Gil's side. There was a banging sound. After Gil stood up, he became even more furious, beating the ground crazily. He was completely unconscious.

"how so!"

Huashen's eyes widened and he looked in disbelief at Gil, who was already rushing towards the distant street destroying the streets. The noise began to fade away, and now Gil couldn't distinguish anything clearly.

"It's the Hillmans."

Alpha said, Gene didn't say anything, but Rose brought up a light and shadow screen, which showed the latest analysis results of the 4 subjects. Some of the special alienated genes of mutants can lead to violent transformation, and these genes There is a cycle of violent transformation. If the mutant's body cannot bear more and more alienated genes, it will trigger violent transformation.

"These things are meaningless anymore."

Alpha said, and Gene walked slowly to Tang Rao's side, holding Tang Rao's arm with one hand. Tang Rao's body was trembling slightly.

"Just let me take your place."

As Jean spoke, Tang Rao looked sad but had no tears. She shook her head.

"Things have come to this!"

Jean said, Tang Rao rushed out instantly, Jean followed immediately, Alpha stood up, and Rose held her down.

"Don't go there, little girl."

But Alpha still stood up forcefully, her eyes filled with coldness.

"If this is really the end, I won't look away."

Huashen also stood up and followed him, and Rose smiled bitterly.


Huashen saw the anger on Alpha's face and the coldness in his eyes.

"If I find any evidence of the Hillman family's crimes"

Alpha did not continue. Huashen knew that there was nothing he could do now. He was still trying to research and find out the reason why mutants became violent. The hemiplegia was just a child who carried the alienated gene and became violent. He was still in Department 4. Huashen visits the headquarters regularly. Although there is still no way to find the reason, Huashen is certain that the problem of mutants going berserk can be solved, but not in the short term.

There was a loud bang, and in front of the two people, a violent black light shot into the sky, but both of them saw that Gil, who was less than 100 meters away from them, was about to reach the mutant level at this moment. At the end of his violent transformation, black liquid continued to flow out of Jill's cracked body.

Gil and Tang Rao were nearby, and before they took action, they were standing on top of a house not far from Gil.

"Speak! No matter what it is, say it clearly what you want to say to that child. Not a god, not a teacher, just an ordinary woman. Say everything you want to say."

Gene patted Tang Rao on the back, and Tang Rao shook his head, unable to say a word.

"What should I do Gene!"

Jean exhaled a puff of smoke and looked at the sun above his head.

"That kid really wanted to solve the problem of mutants, so he took the initiative to stand up. He wouldn't normally do such a thing. Or maybe it was because Jill and I had talked about the problem of mutants before. That kid Want to help me.”

Gene nodded.

"Yes, that child has followed you since he was a child. Perhaps from the past to now, that child has treated you as a woman, not a mother, and certainly not a teacher. If there is a problem here, he will come over as soon as possible."

Tang Rao hummed and squatted down, with a bitter look on her face and sadness in her eyes. She jumped gently into the distance.

"Sorry! Sorry."

Jean said as he instantly fell down and stopped Alpha and Huashen who wanted to go. He shook his head at the two of them.

"No one should go there, no one needs to go there."

Alpha clenched his fists, and Jean noticed the murderous intent in Alpha's eyes, as well as the anger and unwillingness on his face.

There was a violent noise, and Gene ran over slowly. Huashen and Alpha behind him did not follow.


After Gene walked in, he only saw Tang Rao kneeling on the ground expressionlessly, holding Gil whose body was beginning to crack and dissipate. Gene walked over, picked up a small piece of Gil's body, and placed it on the In Tang Rao's hand.

After Tang Rao took hold of it, he stood up and walked away step by step. Jean looked around at everything around him. At this time, there was a beeping sound, and the situation had calmed down. He didn't know how many violent transformations there were. mutants died today, and the entire northern neighborhood suffered unprecedented heavy damage. Jean followed quickly.

Tang Rao walked slowly and sadly, unable to cry or speak.

"What on earth are we! Jean."

Jean shook his head and gently held Tang Rao's shoulders. Tang Rao leaned into Jean's arms, but the next second Tang Rao's expression became serious, and she pushed Jean away from her.

"Don't stop me Gene, I will use mutants for experiments."

Jean didn't say anything, Tang Rao jumped up and ran towards the distance.

"What did you and Jill say in the end!"

Gene smiled, with a hint of bitterness at the corner of his mouth.

Countless times of being powerless, this is what Jean has witnessed for more than two centuries. Many times Jean can only face everything numbly, but many times, he knows that numbness is useless, but he needs to face it.

"What on earth are gods and humans?"


Alpha put on his uniform, and Huashen had already helped Alpha take care of the burns on his back. Although it was a bit serious, Alpha's physique was different from others.

"Where are you going, President!"

"go home."

Alpha said and took out a cigarette and lit it and smiled. At this time, a figure passed by quickly. Alpha looked over. Qin Xiaoxuan, who was crying, ran away, and Huashen followed.

More and more directors, section chiefs and secretaries from the executive branch came over, and everyone ran over. Alpha did not look back, but ran quickly towards the Capitol Hill.

"Where do you want to go little girl?"

Li Chu suddenly fell in front of Alpha, and Alpha stopped.

"go home."

Li Chu smiled.

"It turns out this has nothing to do with the Hillman family, does it?"

"Well! I won't do anything. I just want to go home and see my parents."

Li Chu said nothing more. After watching Alpha leave, Deguna appeared beside him along with a touch of purple particles.

"The candidate for the secretary of Section 5 has been decided and I have sent it to that girl."

"It's really cruel, Jill just did it"

As Li Chu said, Deguna shook her head.

"The city will prosper again. The destroyed neighborhoods can provide a lot of jobs. That's fine. Only by quickly entering the mechanization era can we breathe a sigh of relief, right?"

Li Chu hummed.

Waves of crying surrounded Jean. Jean looked at the students surrounding him. Several female students were comforting Qin Xiaoxuan. Jean looked at the students without saying a word. Their expressions looked extremely sad.

"Sorry, I'm late, principal!"

King Xue walked out of the crowd, followed by Huite, whom he had not seen for a long time. The two of them looked at the black mark on the ground with sad expressions, which was disappearing.

Gene raised his head. He didn't know what to say, or what to say to the students.

"No matter how powerful you are, there will still be times like this. You must have seen this often, principal. I want to ask you a question, how should we face it?"

Whit stood up and Gene shook his head.

"Face it! I'm sorry, I don't know how to answer this question."

The cries were floating in the breeze, the dust was rising, and everything became quiet.

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