Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1807 The Edge of Collapse: Blood and Sand 1 (Part 2)

"What do you want to do?"

A mutant wearing a collar was taken out of the cell by two people from Section 11. He looked at the officers sandwiching him on both sides in horror. It was just after six o'clock. The mutant came out of the cell. He was suddenly taken out of the prison, and he was still struggling because he had caused trouble in the canteen a few days ago and beat an ordinary prisoner in the bathroom, severely injuring him. In the past few days, this mutant People are scared.

"I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong, you guys."

Before the mutant finished speaking, he was hit with a stick, and then the sticks fell on the mutant like raindrops. After a while, the mutant became more honest and did not dare to resist, because he I have seen the fate of those who resisted mutants. They were either killed directly by the collar or became disabled and died slowly.

This mutant was originally a serious violent criminal, committing assaults, violent robberies, and murders. After entering the prison, this mutant was also dishonest, formed gangs, and caused a lot of trouble in the prison.

Although this mutant has established relationships with many people from Section 11 by forming gangs, these people from Section 11 advised him not to cause trouble for the time being, but just a few days ago this mutant started to Cause trouble.

At this time, the mutant was frightened in his heart. He was dragged directly into the elevator by two officers. The two officers who came to arrest him were not the usual guards of Prison No. 4. Finally, the elevator came. When he reached the top floor, the mutant saw several prison directors looking at the light and shadow screen, and there were many mutant criminals next to them. Some of them had been beaten like him, and some were already unconscious. A mutant prisoner didn't know what happened, and he was brought to a director.

"Sir, I don't dare anymore, really. I really don't dare next time."

"No, you will be out of here soon."

The mutant looked at the director in confusion. At this time, he saw his own information on the light and shadow screen. The director was reviewing it, especially the four bright red characters on it.

"Where will your lord send us?"

"Go to the mines in Montenegro. Since you have the strength to cause trouble, just go there and work hard until your sentence is over."

The mutant swallowed a gulp. He became a little scared and was still saying nice things. But soon after the director reviewed the information, the mutant was thrown directly into the lift, surrounded by There are many awake prisoners, all of whom are mutants without exception.

It's just that many people smiled disapprovingly, because working in the mines was actually nothing, and it was even more free than in prison. Some people were even thinking that working in the mines might even have a chance to escape.

At this time, the mutant who was brought in felt a little more at ease, because many of the mutants nearby, like himself, were violent elements who would cause trouble in prison from time to time. Soon this medium-sized aircraft took off. The landing was filled with 100 mutants. After the door of the landing was closed, some mutants started chatting with each other.

"Isn't it just hard work? It's not like I've never done it before, stupid."

A mutant said, and several mutants next to him laughed. Most of them had worked at the construction site of the new prison. Now the workload is not as heavy as before. Some ordinary workers and machinery have replaced the big ones. Some mutant prisoners, because they cause trouble from time to time on the construction site.

"It won't be the same wherever we go. We would have been finished anyway."

Several mutants laughed. Among all the mutants, only one sitting in the corner was silent at this time.

"Boss Potter, why have you been brought here? Don't you usually cause trouble?"

Someone asked. Many people know that one of the forces in Prison No. 4 is controlled by Porter. He usually does not cause trouble casually. There are indeed some people under his command who will cause trouble. Porter himself is also quite confused. , he didn’t know why he was brought here.

Porter has been in prison for 20 years. He has experienced prison riots and changes in management. Porter was sentenced to 45 years at the time, but he has not caused trouble in these years and has performed well. He has already received 7 years of his sentence reduced. , Logically speaking, Potter should not have been brought in, and Potter is still a high-level mutant.

At this time, some people were also confused, because before they left, another lift came over, and people were brought up from the elevator one after another, all of them mutants.

Several mutants leaned over and sat next to Porter. Throughout Prison No. 4, Porter handled all aspects of work and interpersonal relationships quite well.

"Boss Potter, where do you think we will be taken?"

Potter thought for a while and then shook his head.

"Although I don't know where we will be taken, what is certain is that the place we are going to next is not a good place."

Potter looked at the windowless cabin. It was impossible to see outside. But now that they were all wearing collars, there was no way to resist. Potter also thought about the authenticity of the mine, although he had not been out in these years. , but Porter has read a lot of news from the outside world and understands part of the situation outside.

Now a large number of mutants in the city are gathered in the north, and there must be a large number of mutant workers in the mines. Although they are free labor, they can even rent out their group of criminals to some companies to make money for Congress, but such a thing would Te thought carefully that it shouldn't be possible. The guarding of the mutants was a problem. They were likely to plan to cause trouble or even escape, so the possibility of being taken to the mine to work had been reduced.

Potter likes to use the elimination method to think about things, why should they bring this group of mutant criminals to the northern Black Mountains, but Potter has thought about many possibilities and can't find the answer.

The north is now a gathering place for mutant workers, and the jobs have long been saturated, and it is impossible for them to take away the jobs of those mutants, which will cause a social burden.

Over the years, Potter has read a lot of books in prison, and with Hydra's advice, he has effectively improved his knowledge and increased his knowledge. Potter himself has also changed a lot. He is no longer as irritable and unruly as he was when he was young. Impulse without thinking.

"No matter where we are taken, if anything threatens our lives, we will have no choice but to resist."

As Potter said, many mutants stopped talking and laughing at this time and nodded in acquiescence.

At this time, the lift began to stabilize, and the voice of a section officer came from the indoor communicator.

"Everyone lined up, ready to go into their cells."

The hundreds of mutants in the cabin got up and formed two long lines consciously. As the landing door opened, Porter stared at a folding door that slowly closed in front of him, and in the distance was A flash of light, it is now 8 o'clock in the morning on June 7th.

At this time, the prisoners all came out and finally saw clearly that this was a relatively large indoor space, and there were aisles all around, and many places looked older.

"Where exactly are we?"

A mutant asked, but at this time someone noticed that standing around were some directors from Section 4, Section 5, and Section 11.

"Don't speak. Follow the instructions and enter the cell."

The mutated people honestly stopped talking. Potter observed everything around him. He looked carefully, trying to remember everything here. There were a total of 24 passages around the hall, and there were rooms on all passages. At this time, the directors began to arrange for the prisoners to enter different passages.

This should be an underground facility somewhere, and Potter began to calculate. Based on the speed of this medium-sized take-off and landing machine, and how long they had been flying, Potter probably knew that they were now at the edge of the city.

Porter was soon assigned to a cell, and many prisoners became happy, but this cell had no windows. Once inside, there was a metal room with a separate bathroom, a small table and a small bed. , Potter felt a little strange, but the door to the room was closed.

The sounds outside disappeared in an instant, and Potter felt anxious. He knew that this was not heavy physical labor, and it might be worse than heavy physical labor.

Potter instantly felt a chill rising up his spine, and the shadows of some Section 4 directors appeared in his mind. Potter realized that they were probably sent there because they violated the prison's internal management regulations. Those who work in the mines are actually just sent here as research materials.

Porter turned around and ran to the door. He pressed the door hard and found that the door did not move at all. The door was very heavy. Porter pressed hard, leaving a palm print on the door. Porter began to press harder. , there was a creak, and the middle of the metal door was dented, but immediately there was a harsh mechanical beeping sound, and a red light flashed in the room.

"Please leave the gate immediately, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."


Small openings opened in the four corners of the room. Porter immediately raised his hands and left the metal door, returned to the bed and sat down. The metal door that had just been dented by Porter began to slowly recover.

Potter knew it well at this time. When he just closed the door, Potter didn't even hear the sound of the door turning, only the sound of the door slamming. It can be sure that this metal door is quite thick, but it is not impossible to open. For low-level people, It may be very difficult for mutants, but for high-level mutants like Potter, it is easy to open this kind of door.

After the flashing red light, the small hole in the top corner of the room closed. Potter wiped the sweat from his forehead. He became anxious because he didn't know what would happen to them.

It was very difficult to escape. Potter held the collar around his neck with only one hand. If this thing could be taken off, they would have a chance to escape from here.

When Porter was still hanging around at the bottom in the early years, he also heard some rumors that the Black Mountain side was an experimental base in the city, so Porter estimated that they should be in the experimental base inside Black Mountain now.

If you think carefully about some of the major events that have happened in the past two years, they have a lot to do with mutants.


While Potter was hesitating, a small door opened on the side of the door, and a piece of steaming hot food was placed there. Potter brought it over, which was potato, carrot and vegetable stew, a very nutritious breakfast. , the most important thing is the generous portion.

Potter was also a little hungry. He picked it up and ate it voraciously. He quickly finished the food with satisfaction and then put the big bowl back. The small opening was closed, and Potter lay on the bed.

At this time, Potter remembered that he had undergone a comprehensive physical examination a few days ago. Potter had also seen other mutants undergo physical examinations. The more he thought about Potter, the more scared he became.

8:29 am

Gil looked at a list of mutants and the measurement of their alienated gene values. A total of 121 mutants had been transported from the prison. People from Section 10 used construction robots to repair and transform the original parts of Montenegro in a short period of time. A narrow research base, this research base is located near an abandoned mine, which has long been prohibited from mining.

"Now their physical condition is generally not good. There are a lot of toxins in their bodies, and their physical condition is very bad. Their physical condition must be improved before the experiment can begin."

Jill nodded, and the directors of Section 4 began to get busy, because the next group of prisoners would be coming soon.

In order to solve the problem of mutants going berserk, the only way is to use drugs that can promote mutants to go berserk that have been developed within the previous four departments to make mutants show the characteristics of early berserk, and then use experimental drugs to suppress them. If the suppression cannot be successful, We can only directly start the human body dissection to understand what kind of changes have occurred in the genes of this mutant's body during the process of going berserk.

The dosage of drugs that cause mutants to go berserk can only be adjusted a little bit until the mutants show signs of going berserk, and then research on drug suppression and body dissection and genome analysis can be started.

21 directors of Division 4 have already agreed to this approach. Gil has told them a lot of things. Now the people who know about mutant research include Latis and some of the directors in the prison.

"How long will it take to improve the physical condition of these mutants?"

"It will take at least a month."

A director of Section 4 replied that the plan had already begun, and Jill knew that the situation here would be extremely tragic.

"I'm sorry for asking you to do such a thing."

Jill has already considered that some mutants who commit vicious crimes in society will be arrested directly in this base instead of being sent to prison.

Didi didi

Gil glanced at the number and immediately made a hissing gesture.

"What's wrong, section chief?"

"Gill, where are you now?"

Alpha's voice came from the phone, and everyone tensed up. After thinking for a while, Gil said with a smile.

"Of course it's outside. What's wrong, section chief? Is there something going on within the section? I'm going to the acting school to see the trainees in Section 5. I want to start allocating them as soon as possible."

"Really! Gil, are you hiding something from me recently?"

Alpha asked and Gil smiled.

"What can be the matter? There are still so many things going on right now. Let's not talk about the section chief. I'm almost there."

After saying that, Gil hung up the phone and he was slightly relieved. Although Alpha asked, as long as Gil didn't say anything, Alpha wouldn't pursue it too much. Now Alpha is busy revising the internal management regulations of the department.

After the previous regulations have been implemented over the years, many people in the practice department are still able to exploit some loopholes in the regulations. What everyone did not expect is that Alpha has sorted out and classified the problems that have occurred within the practice department over the years, and has also cooperated with the internal affairs department. The punishment regulations corresponded to each other, and these things were recorded clearly and in detail. At the meeting of the section chiefs and secretaries a week ago, Alpha had already sent everything she had compiled to all the section chiefs and secretaries.

This kind of document is not impeccable, but it can be seen that Alpha is developing in a perfect direction.

"Now we can only take one step at a time!"

9:26 am

Gene was standing by a flower bed, holding a baby girl in his hand and patting her gently. Soon the little baby girl who had just eaten fell asleep, with tears on her red face.

"See Zijuan, you are already a mother, so be patient."

Gene said, still holding the baby girl, and walked towards Zijuan, who was sitting on a chair in loose clothes on the opposite side of the room. She pouted.

"Principal, you are really good at taking care of children. I don't have the patience you have."

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"I will start to resume work when my children are older. Although the work in the three departments is not heavy now, I cannot leave it all to Osman alone."

Gene smiled and gently rocked the baby girl in his hand. After she was completely asleep, he carefully used telekinesis to put the baby girl into the baby basket and covered her with a quilt.

"I'll go help in a few days."

Gene said, Zijuan nodded with a smile.

"You are the best principal. I think no one is more suitable for such a leadership job than you."

Gene sat helplessly by the wooden corridor and nodded.

"But aren't you tired of doing these things all day long, principal?"

Zijuan asked, and Gene shook his head.

"Someone has to do it."

A team of special inspectors for the barrier area selected by Osman has been established. Each area is responsible for a team of 10 inspectors. They are responsible for monitoring criminals in these areas, as well as drawing detailed maps to understand the nature of the barrier area. Some things include counting the number of people in the barrier area and so on.

This kind of task is very arduous. Osman selected A-level and above mutants with rich practical experience and flexible minds. They need to report in front of the guard station every month, and then they can return to the city once every three months. They work for ten years, but those who come back after ten years can work in any department in the operational department and enjoy the treatment of a minimum level 3 official, and the allowances for the people in this special inspection team are relatively high.

This time, a total of 50 people were selected and divided into 5 teams. Gene will be responsible for leading them into the barrier area, evaluating their work, and guiding their actions, including constantly traveling back and forth between these 5 teams. Handover of reports.

"I think it would be better for you to go see Principal Alpha."

Zi Juan said, and Gene stood up after thinking for a moment.

"It will be better when we have time. After all, we are not children anymore."

Gene said and walked slowly. When he was about to leave the small courtyard, Gene turned around and asked.

"Are you really planning to send this child to King Xue?"

Zijuan nodded.

"Of course, principal. Osman and I both came from the Academy of God. He is the section chief and I am the secretary. In the future, our daughter will also take on the important responsibilities of Brilliant City. In the future, I think my daughter will If you become the section chief in Section 3, it should be pretty good."

Jean smiled and waved and jumped out of the yard. He moved quickly in the area where senior executives of the industry lived, and soon arrived at Ye Chunwang's home. As soon as he jumped into the yard, Jean saw someone sitting on the second floor. Ye Chunwang, who was on the balcony of the building, looked at Jean helplessly.

"Can't you knock on the door?"

Gene waved his hand and sat on a small chair under a tree in the yard that had grown a lot taller. Ye Chunwang jumped directly from the second floor.

"Why are you here today? Aren't you busy fighting crime?"

Gene shook his head.

"There will always be free time, Xiaoye. I heard Hawke say you were drunk before."

Ye Chunwang smiled bitterly.

"Forget the past, I am retiring now."

Gene knew very well that the last time he gave a televised speech to the city, Ye Chunwang was very enthusiastic about the land recovery plan, but now this enthusiasm has been extinguished because the plan was cancelled.

"Maybe one day in the future the land will need to be revived again. When the time comes to learn from this experience and lessons, I think it can be successful."

Ye Chunwang blinked and laughed.

"I don't have your energy Gene, nor your patience, nor your strong obsession."

"Have it!"

Gene asked back, and the smile on Ye Chunwang's face disappeared.

"Have you considered what I said? Gene, the next era is about to begin, but the city cannot always rely on existing talents to lead everything. What the city needs is fresh blood. I think it is time Now, you can start training the next generation, and this time don’t use elite education.”

Gene knew what Ye Chunwang wanted to say, so he answered.

"I'll take a look if I see some capable ones one day."

"You still don't quite understand what I mean, Gene. No matter whether this person is capable or not, as long as he is more motivated and kinder, I think these two points are enough. Ability can be cultivated slowly. Use your different skills to The patience and perseverance of ordinary people should be used to cultivate a free next generation for the city, rather than using an elitist framework to cultivate a constrained next generation."

Gene smiled thoughtfully.

"Do you want to hand over your children to me?"

Ye Chunwang immediately refused decisively.

"My children will choose the life they want to choose. I don't want them to enter the world of power. After all, this place is really not a place for people to live."

"I know Xiaoye, I came today just to see you."

Ye Chunwang shook his head.

"I have no problem, Jean. If there is really a problem, I won't say anything to you calmly now, but the mother and son in the Agriculture Department are very good talents. You can go and have a look when you have time." kindness."

Jean hummed. Although he had heard a little bit about it, Jean had never seen the dark-skinned mother and son.

"It'll be another day, Xiaoye, I have to leave, and I have to go to the next place."

Seeing Jean jump out of the courtyard wall, Ye Chunwang had a helpless smile on his face, because he knew very well that Jean was the most patient person he had ever seen in his more than seventy years of life.

Gene was still shuttling quickly, and he soon arrived at Hawke's house. At this time, Hawke was not there, and Gene saw Kailin in the yard.

"Mr. Jean, why are you here? Come in quickly."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Where's Hawke?"

"Hawke went out last night and is probably still hungover by now. He said he would be back later."

Jean smiled and talked to Kailin for a while before leaving. Jean needed Hawke to come out and help because the current situation in the city was somewhat abnormal. Jean had to find the abnormal part, especially what happened in the city after he left. For such a big thing, Jean must find a way to uncover what's hidden in the darkness.

To investigate in a more secretive manner, Hawke, who held a position similar to Locke's in the past, knew many people and had a very large network of relationships, which was what Gene needed.

It's just that Gene hasn't figured out how to talk to Hawke. After all, Hawke has retired, and Gene personally nodded and agreed. If he bothers Hawke now, how to get Hawke to nod is a problem.

At this time, Jean saw a couple holding hands and smiling, walking towards him. Jean did not appear on the street, but came to a small alley, watching the couple with fair skin pass in front of him. As he walked past, Gene always felt a little weird, because the couple seemed unusually happy, and they seemed to be visiting someone with gifts in their hands.

But what puzzled Jean was that the couple's skin was unusually pale, as if they lived in a basement without sunlight all year round. However, Jean didn't pay attention to this, but hid his figure and ran quickly. got up.

"It's finally out."

Gu Lin smiled and leaned on Feite's arm. They were now a couple of members of the Hillman family, and they were visiting a relative who had a good relationship with them in the past who worked in Section 6. It was also to pass on the patriarch's message. Under Eddie's orders, their current identities are that of a couple who were expelled from the Hillman family due to past crimes.

This original member of the Hillman family is now a squad leader in Section 6. Because the number of people in Section 6 is limited, many level 3 officials also live here.

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