Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1804 The Edge of Collapse: Silence (Part 2)

3:48 am

Tianming stood quietly in front of the mirror and put his painful hands into the cold water. In an instant, he grinned and looked at himself in the mirror. His temples were gray and his face was sallow and haggard. The lights were on in the room. The pile of lamp tubes that need to be painted have been prepared and will be delivered tomorrow.

His daughter Tianai had already fallen asleep. Tianming looked at himself in the mirror quietly. His expression at this time was bitter. His mind was full of his son's affairs and his daughter's affairs. Tianming could only return home and continue I do the job of painting light tubes. This kind of work happens every day. It costs 20 cents to paint a light tube.

He can only continue to do such heavy and tedious work, so that Tianming can continue to take care of his daughter. He can't imagine that although the devil in human skin is dead, his daughter has indeed suffered serious injuries. Now Tian Ai is still the same as before, but she is more sluggish and there is no smile on her face. From time to time, she wants to find her brother. Every time Tian Ming can only tell Tian Ai that his brother has gone out to work.

Tomorrow is another day for medical consultation. Tianming will take Tianai to Frye Mental Hospital. The director there is a psychotherapist. The treatment effect is good for several days at a time, and it is free, even if Tianming plans to pay Dean Frye offered him a portion of the money, but Dean Frye refused.

It's just that Fry hopes that Tianming will take some time to take Tianai to long-term treatment. The food in the hospital is free, but he needs help in planting. Tianming has also considered it, but now he still needs compensation, and the family still has a lot of debts. .

Recently Tianming came back and felt some malice. Many industries of the Comers Group in the vicinity have collapsed, and many people nearby worked in Comers' companies. Now they have lost their jobs, and they used to work in Comers. Some businessmen are unwilling to hire people who have worked for Think Group.

This big incident hidden in the darkness has not stopped yet. Although the participants have been sentenced to at least 30 years in prison and paid huge sums of money, Tianming has also heard about some of the other victims. The compensation money has arrived, but Tianming's family has never seen a penny of the compensation.

The lawyers who helped Tianming's family have already gone to ask for compensation, but they only gave them a few hundred yuan each time, and they all said that the company collapsed and they were already in debt and were unable to compensate. The compensation has been in arrears. It is true that Comers Group has gone bankrupt. .

Tianming has saved enough money recently and plans to take Tianai to Frye Mental Hospital to stay for a few months while taking care of his daughter and looking for some work nearby. The situation in the north is now very good, even if it is trafficking A little snack should be enough to make money.

This place can no longer accommodate the father and daughter. Tian Ming knows very well that he has always encountered a lot of hostility when he goes out on the street recently, and even deliberately makes things difficult for him. It is obvious that he is the victim.


Tianming held up his hands that had been eroded by chemicals, grinning in pain, looking at the water dripping into the basin, he wiped his cheeks tiredly, and planned to take a rest.


Along with a crisp sound, Tianming was startled. He hurriedly ran to the living room, and then there were bangs everywhere. Tianming watched stones thrown in from the window, and the stones hit the light tube, and the light immediately turned on. The tube burst.

"I'm going to report the crime. Who are you?"

Tianming shouted, dragging his tired and scarred body to the window. At the broken window, lights were on on the street below, but the person who threw stones at it was gone. Tianming looked at the broken window behind him. A bunch of light tubes suddenly shouted angrily out the window.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Tianming stopped roaring. He turned around and looked at his daughter Tianai standing at the door of the bedroom. He looked at everything in front of him with a look of horror. Then Tianai crossed his arms and hugged his body, and squatted on the ground shivering. , Tianming hurried over to comfort him.

"Call Section 5 if you encounter any problems!"

Tianming remembered what his son said when he was sent to prison, and finally dialed the number.

In less than 5 minutes, 10 people from Section 5 who were patrolling nearby came to Tianming's home and began to survey the scene. Several people from Section 5 had already started to call in surveillance.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Tianming, we have identified the criminal and will notify you tomorrow."

Tianming said thank you gratefully, and the people from Section 5 left after briefly collecting the evidence at the scene.

"Take someone over and arrest them first."

As soon as they went out, a team leader said that they had determined where the five stone-throwing guys lived.

"After bringing it here, just give me some advice."

The team leader looked at Tianming's home and felt complicated in his heart, because the collapse of the Comers Group in the local area was not only for some ordinary people in the area, but also for their business departments. In the past, they could from time to time. The Commerce Group received a sponsorship stipend, but now it has no money left.

"In fact, they can just reconcile outside the court. There is no need to make the matter so big."

One of the team members said, but a female section member immediately retorted.

"If you had a daughter, you wouldn't think so. If it were me, I would kill that beast."

Several members of the department started arguing back and forth, and the team leader spoke up.

"Okay, stop making trouble. It's been a long time since it happened. Besides, I don't know how that man became a father, and the kid who was caught actually gave away his relatives to others."

Tianming held Tianai who fell asleep again and rocked her gently. After Tianai fell asleep completely, Tianming put her daughter back on the bed. Cold wind kept pouring in from the broken window.

Tianming feels empty in his heart. He knows very well that if he doesn't leave here, the situation will only get worse. Tianming plans to sell the house, then leave here with his daughter, go to the north, and then wait for his son Tianhen to come out. , the family can be reunited.

Looking at the broken lamps on the floor, and the fact that they would have to pay a sum of money tomorrow, Tianming started to clean them up.

4 o'clock in the morning

Located outside the Southern Guard Station Bridge, the lights are brightly lit, and many criminals in the barrier area are receiving food and enjoying the New Year's dinner provided by Section 3.

Most criminals come here on foot, and most people only choose to travel at night. It is very easy to get lost while traveling during the day, and the wind and sand are often fatal. Criminals without transportation can only choose to travel at night. .

Criminals are still coming here. Many criminals are sitting in the temporary tents set up by Section 3. They seem to be enjoying themselves. People they know are sitting around, drinking wine and eating. .

There is still a long queue at the door of the infirmary. Most of the criminals have accepted their current life and they do not want to return to the city. Although some criminals have admitted their crimes, there are currently many criminals in the city. Prisons are so overcrowded that most offenders can only wait.

Many people from Section 3 were patrolling near these connected tents. Most of the criminals were silent, just talking about something in a low voice. Occasionally there would be some noise, but it would soon subside.

At this time, a tightly wrapped man had just arrived. A person from Section 3 immediately walked over. The man raised his arm. The electronic code could no longer be seen on it. Then the man was allowed to enter this zero hour. Camp.

There was a trace of anger in the man's eyes. He did not go to get the food immediately. Instead, he went to the medical room. There was a long queue outside the medical room. There was a fierce look in the man's eyes. Soon he went directly to the medical room. He walked to the door of the infirmary and looked at the doctors who were still busy inside.

"Don't jump in line, you idiot!"

A woman in line yelled, and the man stepped in. Several members of Section 3 who were on guard outside the infirmary also noticed the man's unusual behavior. In the next second, the man had rushed in and held her hostage. got a doctor.

Accompanied by a burst of sirens, the camp instantly became chaotic, but immediately the radio shouted, telling the criminals near the infirmary to disperse. Many criminals were obedient and left the door of the infirmary obediently. .

A director of Department 3 ran over and saw the situation in the infirmary. Several doctors were standing aside with their hands raised, and the man who held the doctors hostage was holding a gun.

"what do you want to do?"

The director of Section 3 asked. The man took off his mask. He looked extremely excited. His face was covered with black spots and he looked a little weak. The gun in his hand was also shaking. He kept yelling. Tell this director not to get close, otherwise he will kill the doctor who is holding him hostage.

Some snipers from Section 3 were already aiming at the man's head. With just an order from the director, the man's head and hands would be shot through by sniper rifles.

"What on earth did you give my wife? Tell me, you bastards. My wife died a few days ago. She was fine at first, but she died after taking the medicine you prescribed."

The man roared and became extremely excited, but soon followed by a flash of white light, the man fell to the ground in an instant, and the gun in his hand slowly fell to the ground. Several people from Section 3 immediately went in, Started to deal with it.

"Please continue to maintain order and please don't mess around."

As the director said, many people waiting in line came over. Although many people felt it was strange, for them, this kind of thing seemed to be commonplace.

The kidnapped doctor came out with the help of two staff members. He seemed to be very frightened. The other doctors in the room also looked solemn at this time. There were whispers at this time. Many criminals knew it. , the drugs they got were all experimental drugs. This matter has been spread in the barrier area, but for many people, these drugs are not a big problem, because many people have been rescued because of these drugs. The disease was cured, but only a few died.

No one thinks that they may become one of the few who die. Although some people refused to take medicine before, they could only take these medicines in the face of pain.

At this time, some criminals saw that the criminal who had just been shot to death had been brought to the edge of the ravine and thrown directly down.

This kind of problem happens from time to time, but everyone is already used to it. When receiving supplies and medicines, if you make trouble, you will definitely be shot to death by Section 3.

Although many people are unwilling to give up, they will leave with satisfaction after receiving the supplies.

Most of the people who come to collect supplies a few days later are members of the group, and those criminals who work alone or with a few people usually come very early to collect the food and then leave, because they are afraid of being robbed. In this cold land In the world, only the weapons in hand, or the strong men who are mutants, are the most reassuring places.

There was a sound of cars, accompanied by bursts of smoke. At this time, many people in Section 3 started to pay attention. A group of gang members came in the distance. They seemed to be quite large, with hundreds of gang members, and there was traffic. They had tools ranging from motorcycles to cars, and they also had weapons in their hands. They were less than 1 kilometer away from the camp, when a car slowly drove towards them.

Several council officers have arranged for people from Section 3 to be ready to fight back at any time, but it seems that they are here to receive food.

"We have 481 people here, give us food for this number of people."

After the car came over, several council officers saw clearly that the leader was a woman, covered with a veil, her left arm empty, and the people sitting next to her were unarmed.

"I can give you food, but you can only collect it in person."

A director said, and finally the woman shouted to the man on the motorcycle behind her. Soon the criminals on the opposite side came over and started lining up to receive the food. The woman who came to receive the food also got off directly. After getting off the bus, we went to the place where New Year food was distributed, grabbed some food, found a table and sat down, and started eating.

Agata looked at the people around him quietly. During this period of time, Agata has been looking for people with some ability in the barrier area, and he has found many people. Now the Alatan Ula Mountains are being rebuilt, Agata Gata also plans to bring some capable people back to rebuild the Alata Ula Mountains. This time she does not plan to build a base in the mountains, but directly around them.

Watching the men behind him start to receive food one after another, Agata took out the bottle of wine she received, took a sip and then laughed.

"Bad quality wine is really unpalatable."

"It would be nice to drink some."

A nearby Section 3 member said, and Agata laughed.

"Yes, it would be nice to have something to drink. After all, we are worse than bedbugs, aren't we!"

Following Agata's ridicule, several members of Section 3 also noticed her and became wary. Agata quickly finished her food and stood up, received her share of food and turned around to leave. .

Agata looked back at the camp behind her from time to time. She grinned. After returning to the car, she threw the food to her men, sat comfortably in the passenger seat, took off her veil, and lit a cigarette.

Agata feels extremely sick every time she sees these lights, including the current approach to the barrier zone in the city, which makes Agata feel even more sick. It is called humanitarianism, but in fact it is just for the purpose of researching new drugs, because This is the last remaining value of the criminals wandering in the barrier area.

The men began to come back one after another, and at this time Agata saw two council officers walking over.

"If you are willing to hand over your weapons, you can get more food!"

As soon as a female council member opened her mouth, Agata laughed.

"Spare us, my lords. I am an unarmed woman with one missing hand. If I don't have a weapon, I will die."

Agata knew what the two of them wanted to do when they came here. Because he brought so many people here, the business department would definitely be alert.

"You'd better listen to our advice."

The male director spoke, and Agata laughed.

"Of course, if I don't listen to my advice, you can kill us like a bug at any time, right?"

For a moment, the female director next to her clenched her fists furiously, but she was quickly stopped by the male director. Agata was still laughing, and she didn't stop laughing until the two left.

"Hurry up, I have to go back today."

Agata shouted, and her men began to work. She stood up, looked at the city in the distance, and laughed helplessly.

"Damn the vested interests!"

5 am

"Have you drunk enough? I'm almost done."

Hawke looked at Ye Chunwang, who was slumped on the ground. He and Ye Chunwang had been drinking since 5 p.m., getting drunk and waking up, waking up and drinking again. Hawke had never seen Ye Chunwang drink so much wine, but he could tell When I came out, Ye Chunwang felt extremely uncomfortable today.

Because the land recovery plan in the barrier area has been terminated by the gods, Ye Chunwang went to the gods yesterday, but the answer he received was not to think about these issues for the time being, and let Ye Chunwang enjoy his retirement life.

"Don't think about Ye Chunwang. Now that things have happened, and the land that took a year to recover is finished, if you spend more time, you will need to invest money and time, and you may let down the people at the bottom again."

Ye Chunwang froze and shook his head with red eyes.

"You don't understand anything Hawke. You really don't understand. This is an opportunity. The barrier area can be revived. As long as that land recovers, the situation in the city will be a hundred times better than it is now."

Hawke hummed. What Ye Chunwang said was true, but it was no longer possible. The gods personally ordered the orchard plan to be scrapped. Hawke also guessed why the gods would do this.

"This is no longer a problem we can solve. How old are you going to work until? My wife and I have decided to have a child. Your son and daughter are already working. Why are you still going to be a grandfather soon? Wouldn’t it be nice to leave those things to the next generation?”

Ye Chunwang shook his head, picked up the wine unsteadily, and continued to take a big sip.

"You're drunk. Go to bed early and get up."

Hawke said, picking up Ye Chunwang and dragging him towards the guest room, but Ye Chunwang pushed Hawke away, and he leaned against the wall unsteadily.

"This is our only chance to get on the right track, why should we give up so easily!"

Hawke did not answer, and could not answer this question, because Hawke did not know what was right and what was wrong, because over the years, Brilliant City seemed to have returned to the past era when he was in power, which was very similar to the past era. Just become more civilized.

“Either we have to leave the agricultural base to the people at the bottom to run it.”

Hawke's eyes widened.

"Are you crazy? The city will be even more chaotic. The price of goods in the city has been so stable for so many years because 95% of the agricultural base is controlled by Congress. If it is given to the people at the bottom, how many problems will arise? Do you have any idea? Have you passed?"

Ye Chunwang laughed loudly and sat down on the ground little by little. He put his hand on his dizzy forehead and didn't want to say anything else, because Hawke was still the same as before, with different ideas from his own.

Hawke knew what Ye Chunwang wanted to say, but the current situation was impossible to allow it. The city could only continue to maintain rapid development and technological advancement, heading towards the next era of mechanization.

"Besides, we are all retired people, and I don't want to miss you either."

At this time, his wife Kailin came down the stairs. She made a shushing gesture. Only then did Hawke realize that Ye Chunwang was drunk. He picked up Ye Chunwang and threw him directly on the bed in the guest room on the first floor. He closed the door and came out. .

"are you OK!"

Taking the tea from Kailin, Hawke smiled and took his wife in his arms.

"It's almost time for us to plan to have a baby next year, and I think we're almost done."

Kailin's cheeks turned red and she immediately pouted.

"To be honest, hubby, I think Mr. Ye's idea is right. No matter how difficult it is, I think it will be easy."

Hawke hugged his wife and asked her to sit on his lap, and said helplessly.

"Times have changed, Kailin, and the most important thing is the determination of the gods to enter the next era of mechanization. No one can change this."

Kailin hummed, hugged her husband's neck, and leaned forward gently.

"I'm really lucky to be married to you."

Hawke smiled and shook his head.

"This luck was given to me by you, or rather by those two guys!"

5:28 am

Eddie breathed a sigh of relief. Just as the 428 businessmen who had just come to his home for the banquet had all completed their brain-control chip implantation operations, Erwin was still looking at the faces of the businessmen who had completed the operations in the guest rooms. In response, most businessmen will definitely not be able to get up early tomorrow morning.

"Erwin, keep an eye on that woman."

"You mean the wise man's daughter?"

Eddie nodded.

"I'm a little uneasy. She knows what we're doing, and with her personality, she might betray us one day. So if she has such intentions, we have to find a way to stop her."

Erwin nodded. Eddie had put down his wine glass and fell asleep on the chair. His expression looked very happy. After Erwin bowed, he turned and left the room. After closing the door, the lights went out.

At this time, a group of bodyguards from the Hillman family stood at the door.

"That's it. Get rid of all these women. They have completed their mission. You can do whatever you want from now on."

Erwin said and the bodyguards all bowed.

"Take care of the matter. In a few days, we will close the passage to the barrier area from the northern Black Mountains. Remember not to make any mistakes."

The bodyguards began to leave. Erwin strolled down the long corridor. Soon he came to the living room. There were many young people from the family talking and laughing in the living room. Everyone looked at Erwin when they saw him. He stood up quickly and bowed.

"You all go to rest early, you have to work tomorrow!"

one of the young men asked, smiling.

"Uncle Erwin, do you want to have a drink together?"

Erwin smiled and shook his head, walked out of the mansion slowly, stood on the lawn, and watched the servants cleaning up. Erwin looked at the dark sky in the distance in a good mood, and it would be sunny in a short while. Bright.

But at this time, Erwin recalled Alpha breaking into the Hillman family before, and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Maybe I'm too worried!"

On the dark First Avenue, a figure was strolling. Alpha held a cigarette in her mouth and stood quietly outside the Hillman family's mansion. Her eyes were staring sharply at the mansion in front of her, even though she was so far away. Far Alpha can also feel the disgusting smell of this crime house.

There are already various signs that many of the major events in the city over the years have been manipulated behind the scenes by the Hillman family. Their entire family has done a flawless job, and it is too difficult to find evidence. Even if evidence is found, many of it is Some insignificant evidence.

Alpha has thought countless times about what would happen if criminal evidence of the Hillman family was found one day, but no matter how Alpha thought, the word immunity would float through his mind.

Alpha came to sit on the bench outside the Su family across from the Hillman family, and lit another cigarette. At this time, there was a faint light in the sky, and then there was a moist earthy smell in the air, accompanied by With falling rain, it rained over the territory of the Hillman family.

This is an artificial rainfall system developed by a member of the Hillman family. However, based on the knowledge, intelligence, and analysis of all aspects of life of the person who developed this system, it is impossible for him to develop such an extremely sophisticated system. Artificial rain systems come, Noah once said.

Finally, under Mo Xiaolan's investigation, the original source of this technology was found, but the scientist who was the initiator had died, and had been in contact with the Hillman family during his lifetime, including other developments in the name of Hillman family members. Mo Xiaolan has investigated all kinds of technologies that have come out over the years, and they have been cut off wherever they find the source.

"I will keep an eye on you. If one day you reveal your flaws, I will definitely arrest you."

Alpha stood up as she spoke, but instantly she felt someone was staring at her in the dark. Alpha looked around. Recently, Alpha always felt as if someone was staring at her. This feeling seemed real and illusory. Alpha was a little confused.

"Don't you think that continuing to let them go is the greatest blasphemy against justice!"

Suddenly a voice came from the darkness. Alpha looked over, but there was nothing. She pressed her forehead, but the next second, Alpha stood up with cold eyes and walked slowly, his figure a little bit... disappeared into the darkness, black particles slowly floated by, and in an instant some fallen leaves and stones on the ground were crushed.

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