Chapter 182 The Highest Specification (Part 2) 51 more updates please subscribe!

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Michelle walked quietly on a deserted avenue, surrounded by neat roadside trees and manors. This is the oldest First Avenue in Suzaku District in the south of Bright City, close to the Congress Hall and the Third Avenue. 10 Science Research Institute.

When Brilliant City was first established, the roads and land here had been planned. Such a spacious avenue obviously had no meaning. Michelle was also a little confused when she was a child, but her grandfather later told her that this was because there were still many buildings in the city before. When using a car, plan the road.

However, the use of cars was only used in the first 10 years after the city was established. After that, under the final decision of the seven gods, all cars were abandoned except for the subway, because cars would pollute the city's climate circle, and although people's life span would be extended, , but it is useless if you are not in good health, and walking is the best way to exercise, because people have enough time to waste walking time, and walking can be beneficial to people's health, and the long-term results are correct.

Michelle has not been back for nearly half a year, including the more than ten years since she served as secretary-general. She has rarely been home.

Michelle, who grew up in such a big family, has another title, the princess of Brilliant City, a princess in the true sense, and as the eldest daughter of the family, Michelle has shouldered the responsibility of the family since she was born. fate comes.

All efforts are for the prosperity of the family, so starting from the age of four, Michelle has received a rigorous education. After entering school, she has maintained the number one position until the end of her studies, and successfully entered Acting Department.

This is also the elite route planned by Michelle's parents for her. She must serve as a role model for the entire family, especially for the younger generations, and Michelle herself has always had a role model in her heart.

Another princess in Brilliant City, Alpha, who is nearly 30 years older than her, is also a woman. When Michelle just stepped into the gate of elementary school, she had already served as the chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section of the Business Department.

Father often takes Michelle to play at Angus's house. The Angus family also has a second daughter, Nia, who is only less than 20 years older than Michelle. But compared with her sister Alpha, The second daughter is simply uneducated.

The father also often used the two daughters of the Angus family, one as a positive teaching material and the other as a negative teaching material, to make Michelle optimistic that the path she would take in the future was to be like Alpha, not like the fallen Niya.

Niya is different from her sister Alpha. Her academic performance can be described as terrible. Michelle has been exposed to it many times. It is not to say that she is depraved. She is just a little playful by nature, but she will never be able to reach the top.

So Alpha, the eldest daughter of the Angus family, naturally became Michelle's role model.

Michelle stopped and looked quietly at the manor on the right. At this time, the manor, which was the main building, was brightly lit and a banquet was being held. The reason why she remembered the past was because on the right was the Angus family. ’s territory, and on the left is the territory of their Eberron family.

But over the years, the relationship between the two families has not been what it used to be. Michelle still remembers that when she was in the fifth grade of elementary school, she saw the whole family gathered together as soon as she came home, discussing something. At the time she wasn't quite sure what was going on.

However, when passing through the territory of the Angus family the next day, it was surrounded by people from the 3rd Military Section. They were searching and questioning. Later, Michelle learned that Alpha personally massacred one of the eight major families in the city overnight. Not one of the nearly 1,300 members of the Hillman family was spared. Even the head of Section 3 who had tried to stop him was seriously injured and almost died.

Until now, Michelle didn't know exactly why Alpha did that. It was only after crawling to the General Affairs Department that she finally found out that it was Jean who stopped Alpha and sent Alpha to prison, and the situation calmed down.

At that time, no one knew why Alpha would do such a crazy thing, because all the people involved had died on that rainy night.

Originally thinking that the Angus family would decline from now on, Niya also began to give up on herself. The whole family was wailing, and the industry also plummeted due to the influence of that bloody night.

Michelle began to look away, completely away from the Angus family, because she knew very well that no matter how brilliant a loser was, they would still be a loser in the end. Her father taught her from an early age not to be a loser.

Although Michelle had heard a little bit about Niya's scandals, she selectively put them behind her. However, later Michelle saw a somewhat changed Niya at the banquet, and followed Jean from Section 13. .

There were so many rumors about Jean that Michelle couldn't distinguish the truth from the false. After all, she didn't have any chance to come into contact with Jean. However, when Michelle was 40 years old, she finally climbed up to the 5th level of security management. As the section chief, the then section chief was seriously ill and would soon abdicate.

The entire family was moved and excited about it, and they were actively running around, hoping to let Michelle succeed the position of chief of Section 5. Michelle was also convinced that she could climb to the throne.

In the end, the chief of Section 5 retired due to illness, and the section chief was temporarily replaced by Michelle. She thought that a formal authorization order would come down. However, one day when she knocked on the door of the chief of Section 5's office, the person wearing the official uniform of the section chief turned out to be Niya, and Jean was with her.

"Jean, you don't have to come over so early, you're embarrassed."

"Bastard, do me a good job. If you don't do well, I will kick you off this position with my feet and drown you in the sewage in the gully outside the city."

The conversation between the two at that time shocked Michelle. She could not imagine or even know what Niya had gone through in these years. When she appeared in front of her again, she had become her immediate boss.

Later, when Michelle was transferred to the General Affairs Department and became the first secretary, she finally found out that Niya had done a lot of things over the years. Many of these things were beyond Michelle's imagination, ranging from petty theft to petty theft. He was able to arrest criminals ranging from murder to fire prevention. His tactics were tough and his skills were tense. He was deeply appreciated by the chiefs of Section 5, and was appointed by the six gods and recommended by many section chiefs.

"It's true, every time I come here, I will think of this."

Michelle said and walked slowly, but she saw a helicopter landing in front of her house. She walked quickly in confusion, because to use a helicopter, you need to apply for takeoff permission, and it is His father's special lift meant that there was a distinguished guest at Ai Bolun's house tonight.

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