Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1802 The Edge of Collapse: Silence (Part 1)

"What exactly is the problem with the algorithm?"

Gene was smoking a cigarette and sitting next to Keying. Keying kept talking, and from time to time he would glare at Jin Mangan and Clark opposite. The two of them always lowered their heads and were still dealing with things.

It was already 6:48, everyone had not eaten yet, and many things were still being dealt with. Osman and Latis had returned, but Alpha had not come yet.

The affairs of Section 5 are now handled at the headquarters by Gill leading all the directors. Many matters are handled much easier than before because there are clear punishment details and regulations in the law. Now Heathcote is still there. In another room.

Now the two major events involved in Section 5 today are directly handled by Tang Rao. Everyone in the conference room has heard that when the city was not established at the beginning, some major forces were united and established. The local security situation is handled by Tang Rao alone.

Now that Tang Rao has dealt with the matter, he has directly put it into the Congress system, saving a lot of trouble. The incidents that violated the law have been almost dealt with, but the key is how to deal with the people involved in the case, which is a big problem. Trouble, if dealt with according to the law, will have a certain impact on the city no matter what time it is.

"Didn't Li Chu teach you in class? Ke Ying, when encountering this kind of variable problem, the best way is to use larger data to calculate, and you will get more accurate results. Even though many economic problems in the past There is moisture in the data, but huge data can still be used as support. Don’t you know where the moisture points in the data are? After obtaining the results, they still have a certain reference value. After comparing these reference values, proceed Coordinate the analysis and finally put it into storage!”

Keying nodded.

"let me try."

Gene stood up, walked between Akimi and R, stood behind the two, and watched the two of them deal with the problem of hallucinogens, an illegal drug that has been rampant in the film and television area for a long time. Still haven't found the source.

"Assign those involved in some incidents to the General Affairs Department, and then call Mo Xiaolan over."

R shook his head.

"No, principal, we have taken these relevant people directly to Section 2, and Mo Xiaolan will handle it directly there."

Gene nodded, but he didn't know what was going on. When R said these words, his half-closed eyes were trembling slightly, and Ajimo next to him also looked exhausted.

"Do it well!"

Gene put his hands on Akimi's shoulders, and Akimi smiled awkwardly and nodded.

After watching here for less than two hours, Jean already understood what happened in Brilliant City during his absence for more than half a year.

It only took half a year for the situation to become so serious. Compared with these things, what happened in the agricultural experimental base in the barrier area was what Gene was most worried about. Although the current cooperation between Section 3 and the Medical Association, It has reduced the probability of criminals living in the barrier area sneaking back into the city, but things are still not optimistic.

Gene's first reaction when he learned about this was heartache. The orchard plan that had finally been improved was ruined in this way. Now that the people in the barrier area have fully withdrawn, few people will mention the orchard plan. Something happened.

"What are you going to do Alpha!"

Gene looked out the window and said with emotion.

7:03 pm

Alpha, who had just eaten, sat at the desk in his room. King Xue was sitting next to the small round table, smiling gently. The two of them had just eaten. King Xue came over before 6 o'clock, but what happened? Not even mentioned.

"Say what you want to say!"

After Alpha took out a cigarette and lit it, he turned around and looked at King Xue with a serious expression. At this time, King Xue still smiled and said nothing, and Alpha snorted coldly.

"If you're here to give me bad advice, you'd better stop talking, you bastard."

King Xue nodded.

"President, it is true that my bad ideas in the past have caused the city to become more and more chaotic. I am also aware of this. However, I can only put forward reasonable demands at the moment and solve the problem temporarily. Indeed, in the long run, the last time I raised The reasonable method to solve the problem is indeed not very good for the city, and it will only strengthen the solidification of the class, but what I want to say here is that there are ways to use rags!"

Alpha frowned slightly, and she smiled helplessly. No matter how many years passed, King Xue remained unchanged.

"This is why Whit still resents you. Don't you want to reflect on it?"

"There is nothing we can do about this, President, and it is already a thing of the past! Besides, my ability is only so much. I know what I can do and to what extent I can do it. I know myself, so this The purpose of my coming here is to convince you, the president."

Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke and shook his head.

"I think there is nothing wrong with a city like a machine. Everyone is a screw in this machine. President, you can be the core component. But if the core component wants to accelerate, if the parts cannot keep up, Otherwise, the machine will not run smoothly, so I think we can use this incident to reach a good deal with the businessmen who have invested in the Mutant Arena, which will be beneficial to us, beneficial to them, and even It is also beneficial to ordinary people. I think that with your intelligence, President, you should be able to figure out the content of such a transaction."

Alpha stood up and smiled helplessly.

"Talking to you is just a waste of time. I'm going to the General Affairs Department."

King Xue stood up and stood in front of Alpha.

"I think it's better to leave the matter to everyone at this time. President, you can rest for a day and then return to Section 5 headquarters tomorrow morning to continue hosting the mutant competition. After all, the original combat group has been destroyed. It’s a mess, President, you just need to let the mutant arena run normally tomorrow, so that the situation will slowly calm down, and the businessmen’s handling can be postponed until after the New Year, and then we can slowly deal with it, what do you think?”

Alpha nodded.

"It's okay to postpone the processing, but if you want me to stop"

Alpha took a deep breath.

"I've had enough of King Xue! Even if it's just one person, a city is a city, not a machine. Ordinary people are impossible and will not be willing to be reduced to screws, and I am not a core component. When I first entered The Academy of God has already said that to gain strong power and stand at the top of power, there is only one thing I can do, which is to solve the city's problems. These problems are not superficial, but at their roots. There is no People can endure for too long in such an era. People are not machines. A good step-by-step order is the way to solve problems, rather than relying on lies to blindly cover up some things. These things will one day explode. , and many times the only ones who suffer the harm are the poor people who don’t know the truth. The reason why voices gather again and again is the fear of the unknown, arrogance, and prejudice. I don’t want to continue discussing this issue with you, King Xue!”

King Xue looked at Alpha who walked out of the room. Although he still wanted to say something, he smiled helplessly, took off his square glasses and wiped them.

"This road will be difficult to walk, President, and it will probably be a road full of blood and struggle!"

Alpha didn't say anything more and started to go downstairs. King Xue laughed helplessly. He knew very well that Alpha would not change. Although he still looked forward to having a good talk with Alpha and hoped that she could relax temporarily, this was obviously It is unlikely that Alpha will become the same as before, or even more intense, and she will uncover many deep-seated problems.

"The most difficult times are coming!"

King Xue said, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes. He looked at Alpha who had already gone out and didn't know what to say. At this time, Mr. and Mrs. Angus walked up.

"Mrs. Angus, Mr. Angus, I'm sorry I couldn't convince your daughter."

Violet shook her head.

"If she could be easily persuaded, she wouldn't be our daughter!"

King Xue nodded with a smile. He didn't know what to do. Today's problems are all stacked up from many problems in the past. They are constantly squeezing the city and allowing science and technology to continue to advance, but they are squeezed out. The city after the crushing was actually already devastated.

"Everything has to be done by someone, Xiao Xue. I think the position of Section 1 Chief is very suitable for you. That kid Duan Kong is still a little too kind. For some cruel things, kindness in his heart takes up more than half. There is no way to do it. This may have something to do with everyone’s birth, but I’m not saying that.”

"The Mr. Angus I know, I am more rational and will not be bothered by emotional things. Moreover, the gods are also having a headache about Alpha now. I can only hope that there will be no big problems in the future."

7:49 pm

"Mr. Colander, are you okay?"

Two maids supported Colander who was already lying on the bed. He had just enjoyed himself so much that he was exhausted. Coupled with the drunkenness, Coland had already fallen asleep. At this time, the door of the room opened. .

"Go out and don't disturb Mr. Colander's rest. You two keep watch."

The two maids quickly put on their clothes and looked at the mutant bodyguard in front of them, he said with a smile.

"Hurry out, there are many guests waiting."

The two maids lowered their heads and walked out with gloomy eyes. Soon four servants of the Hillman family came in. One of them reached over and tore off Colander's clothes. Then the bodyguard closed the door and the other three People quickly adjusted their positions on some walls. The four of them put away their clothes and quickly put on surgical isolation gowns. The walls of the entire room also began to change, and then the three of them squatted down. Next to the bed, the light and shadow panel was adjusted, and soon with the disappearing and converging light, the place where Ke Lander lay became an operating room.

"Anesthetic injection!"

Soon, the drunken Colander fell into a deeper sleep. His clothes were quickly removed. A light and shadow panel still displayed the remaining time of bacterial isolation, and sharp scalpels were already drawn out.

Soon the four people turned Colander over, and two of them began to carefully move the back of Colander's head. After directly disinfecting the hair, they began the operation.

In less than 5 minutes, a small incision was made on the back of Ke Lander's head. A doctor held a container. In the liquid in the container, there was a small black piece of something about the size of a pea. At this time, another piece of On the light and shadow screen, the image in Colander's mind was clearly displayed on the screen.

"Get ready to start implantation, pay attention to your blood pressure and heart rate."

As a doctor spoke, he quickly took out a pair of special tweezers, picked up the small black bean, and carefully stuffed it into the back of Kelande's head. Then the tweezers began to adjust under the doctor's control. Next, things began to change, and the four doctors looked at everything in front of them nervously.

The four of us have performed this kind of surgery hundreds of times, all to test the success rate, and the doctors who come here tonight can only operate with a 100% success rate.

The forceps now resembled two inserted tubes, and the black chip at the front of the forceps had been placed near Colander's cranial nerves. Then, into the two tubes that emerged, other doctors began to pour some things into it. Soon, something began to grow near the small black ball of the cranial nerve in Corland's brain.

This is a type of cell extracted from the fleshy cells near the individual's cranial nerves. After rapid clonal proliferation, it is used to temporarily wrap the chip.

"The operation was successful, we will suture it immediately."

The time on the light and shadow screen stopped at 14 minutes and 39 seconds. The four doctors began to adjust the room. Soon the room was restored to its original state. After the four people put on the waiters' clothes, they turned around and left the room. All kinds of sounds came from the corridor. Some people started having fun directly in the corridor, in the hall, or on the lawn and garden outside. There were sounds of temptation everywhere.

Eddie sat quietly in the office, looking at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow panel. The surgeries on 103 people have been completed. Brain control chips will be implanted in everyone's brains early tomorrow morning, and they will not know. The next day When they wake up in the morning, the wound will have healed long ago, and the effects of the anesthetic will have passed. All you need to do is give them some medicinal soup to speed up their metabolism early tomorrow morning. Not only will they be more awake, but the side effects of the anesthetic will also be relieved a lot. , no one will know what happened last night.

There are countless people in this city who have committed crimes in the past, and Prometheus has recorded the criminal records of these people when they committed crimes in their early years.

If these people disappear, the evidence of the crime will definitely be found by Section 5. In the past few years, Eddie has asked his subordinates to pretend to be people from the Executive Section for the purpose of research on this brain control chip, and they have captured a lot of people used in experiments. s material.

Even if the experimental material dies, it only needs to be thrown into the uninhabited barrier area regularly. No one will know about it. Even if it is discovered, there will be no problem. It is already known that people flee to the barrier area because of their past crimes. It's deeply rooted in people's hearts.

"Erwin, I don't want to see these slaves when this is over."

Eddie said, Erwin nodded, and Ran Zhi smiled helplessly.

Many of these slaves are already dead. They were sent to the hospitals owned by the Hillman family for treatment in some accidents, but most of them will eventually die, and most of them will be cured and then sent to the Hillman family. Physical and mental transformation in the Mann family's underground facility.

There are also people who were successfully rescued and then went back. This is a charity medical project opened by the Hillman family. Anyone who encounters illness and cannot afford medical treatment can apply for treatment, but most of those who live back are ordinary-looking. women, or uglier women.

Such good deeds have received support and response from many people in the city, and some people have also praised the Hillman family for their actions.

Now in another underground facility of the Hillman family, hell is going on every day, and these women who serve tonight will disappear from the city forever after tonight.


The door to the room was opened, and Ran Yu walked in angrily.

"Cousin, what on earth are you doing!"

Ran Yu looked at his father blankly, Eddie smiled and shook his head.

"Why did you come back?"

Just after Ran Yu came back, he was entangled by several drunkards, and the scenes that happened under the whole family made Ran Yu feel extremely sick.

"Xiao Yu, go back to your residence and rest first. Today is a more important matter, so..."

"Dad, what on earth are you doing?"

Ran Zhi walked over and pushed his daughter's back with a smile and walked out. The moment he walked out, Ran Zhi's face turned cold.

"Don't ask anything, just listen to me and go back to your room. This is all for your mother!"

Ran Yu looked at Ran Zhi in shock. Although she had a vague sense of what her father and Eddie were doing, she still didn't know how to say it. Moreover, she felt that even though she was accompanied by bodyguards every time she went out, But the real purpose of these bodyguards is to monitor her and her son Mani.

Ran Yu didn't know what to do. She felt more and more scared because her father became more and more frightening.

"Don't worry, Xiao Yu, everything will be fine."

Ran Yu nodded and left under the escort of two bodyguards. Ran Zhi turned around and stopped looking at her daughter. When Ran Yu turned around, she saw the closed door. She could only continue walking forward, thinking about the past. The laughter and laughter of the family sitting around the small house seems to have become a thing of the past.

"I think your daughter has noticed something. What should I do?"

Ran Zhi glanced at Eddie and shook his head.

"You just need to keep an eye on her."

Erwin looked at the news on the light and shadow screen. Things had calmed down in stages. In just over two hours, the originally complicated situation began to calm down.

"What happened!"

Erwin felt a little strange. If Prometheus' calculations were followed, the situation would only continue to escalate. There was already a problem with the mutual adjustment between the various departments in the Business Department today, but the matter was resolved in a short period of time. .

So far, the eight major associations have remained silent. None of the presidents of the associations has made any remarks or opinions on the matter. Including members of their own associations involved in the case, they have not mentioned a word or even accepted subsequent interviews.

"I always feel like something is not quite right!"

Erwin said and Eddie smiled and shook his head.

"It's just suppressing it temporarily. Maybe Congress has reached some kind of agreement with the businessmen involved in the case, and everything you do is in vain."

Ran Zhi glanced at Erwin, and his opinion was the same as Erwin's. Maybe it was because of what happened within the business department, because the method of handling things had become much gentler.

What everyone in the city is most concerned about now is whether tomorrow's mutant competition can go on as scheduled.

"After today's plan is implemented, let's not make any big moves for the time being, Eddie."

Ran Zhi said, Eddie nodded after thinking for a moment.

"I'll listen to you this time, wise man."

8:32 pm

The entire conference room was silent. The 12 section chiefs were sitting in their seats, all dealing with some problems. From time to time, Gene would walk up to some section chiefs to check on the progress of their handling of things and the details. Locke was resting aside. He was so tired that he was about to collapse.

No one spoke. Alpha came to the General Affairs Department at around 8 o'clock. After entering, he started working. He did not communicate verbally with anyone, and just immersed himself in processing things quickly.

Gene walked to Locke's side and sat down, took out a cigarette and patted Locke's shoulder.

Silence is the best way at this time, because everyone knows it, so no one is willing to take the initiative to talk and break the silent atmosphere.

Everyone was tired and just wanted to quickly deal with the things at hand and rest. At this time, Akimi and R stood up and left first.

"I'm leaving Alpha first. There's something going on over there in the prison. I have to go back tonight."

Latis said and ran out quickly. Gradually, the section chiefs stood up and left one by one. No one spoke to others, but chose to leave the conference room in silence.

In the end, only Alpha and Locke were left in the entire conference room, as well as Alpha who was still working. Although Tang Rao had already helped Section 5 handle most of the things, half an hour after Alpha arrived, today's two things were basically settled. After finishing it, she started to deal with some of the section chief's things that had been accumulated over the past few days.

"How about we go have a drink of Alpha first, and then we can deal with it slowly in my office after we have a drink."

Alpha shook his head.

"No need, Fat Brother. If you want to drink, you can just go. Principal, I will handle some things here alone and then go directly back to Section 5."

Gene smiled and nodded, and he and Locke left the conference room. Only Alpha was left in the empty conference room. She began to browse some documents more quickly, and then began to deal with them.

An indescribable anger was constantly flowing in Alpha's heart. Alpha knew very well that she could not ask others to deal with some problems like her, let alone ask others to be the same as herself.

This silent anger at this moment made Alpha feel extremely uncomfortable, and her expression became a little angry.

9pm sharp

Hua Shen, who had just finished a major operation, returned to the apartment building where he lived. The medical school was about to start. Hua Shen knew very well that he might not have so much time and energy to continue the operation. Such a heavy errand was left to He and Huashen can only take the next step.

The moment he arrived at the door of his apartment, Huashen's nose moved. He smelled the smell of smoke, and when he held the door handle, he immediately felt that it was different from usual, red. Particles appeared on the surface of Huashen's body.


The moment he opened the door, Huashen had already taken off the backpack behind him and rushed in, but was immediately held back by a hand.

"It's us, sorry Huashen."

Huashen stopped instantly. He looked at R next to him and Akimi sitting on the sofa at his home. The neon lights were constantly changing colors in the room. Through the dim light, Huashen could feel the two of them. They all looked extremely serious.

"What's going on? Do you want a drink?"

"You should know the purpose of our coming, Huashen, I'm sorry."

As Akimi said, Huashen picked up his backpack and closed the door. He was about to turn on the light, but R stopped him.

"It must be an internal problem within Section 4!"

Huashen has actually noticed for a long time that what Section 4 is doing has a lot to do with hallucinogens, but Huashen has never investigated it. Huashen has taken over several people who were on the verge of collapse due to hallucinogens, but Huashen God is not willing to think about these problems. Instead of thinking about these problems, it is better to be a pure doctor.

Huashen is not a person who can solve problems. Huashen knows this very well. Instead of solving problems, Huashen is more willing to treat a few more patients.

"We just hope that you will keep it secret from the president. Akimi will handle some of the issues in Section 4 himself."

Huashen thought for a while but didn't agree.

"Among the several patients I have taken care of who have suffered serious physical illnesses due to the abuse of hallucinogens, their minds and minds are normal, but their brain waves are abnormally chaotic. What drugs did you use?"

Akimi put his hands together and licked his lips, as if he didn't know how to speak.

"That's not the drug Huashen, it's Nano."

Huashen's eyes widened and he immediately punched out.


Archimedes, who was still on the sofa, was punched and fell to the ground. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and lowered his head helplessly.


Huashen said, trying hard to control the anger in his heart, but the anger had already made him tremble. He didn't know why Akimi did such a cruel thing.

"If it's just for the so-called nanomedicine, it's putting the cart before the horse. The purpose of medicine is to treat patients, not to create them."

Akimi stood up and nodded.

"I'm sorry Huashen, there was a small mistake, but we will correct it immediately. Please don't tell Alpha about this!"

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