Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1800 The Edge of Collapse: Split (Part 2)


In the administrative department office on the fifth floor of the General Affairs Department, some members of the General Affairs Department were recycling the dishes in front of the section chiefs. All the section chiefs began to work. During the short 15-minute meal time, the section chiefs Their expressions were solemn.

Things are fermenting much faster than the section chiefs thought, especially the issue of the film and television area. A large-scale investigation was conducted last year, but in the end many of the investigations were insignificant to people in the city. Most of those caught were unknown actors or people from small economic companies.

Moreover, it was such a large-scale review that took so much effort. Many people expressed doubts afterwards that the business department may have secretly reached some kind of agreement with most of the businessmen in the film and television area, because Alpha rarely appeared in public afterwards. When reporters asked about the film and television area, Alpha never answered directly.

Many people are wondering whether Alpha was under pressure from Congress and deliberately gave up the investigation, because after the large-scale investigation led by Alpha last year began, the person conducting the investigation was replaced by Section 1 Chief Duan Kong Taking responsibility, Alpha withdrew from the investigation on the grounds that he needed to deal with other complicated matters in Section 5.

Many TV news are still reporting on Alpha's abnormal behavior in the mutant arena this morning. The reasons for doing this have begun to spread. Alpha wanted to investigate these businessmen, but suffered from various aspects. Resistance, even knowing the truth cannot be announced, so Alpha would do such a thing.

Nowadays, many citizens have gathered near the headquarters of Section 5, all talking about Alpha's suppression. Many people are very satisfied with everything Alpha has done over the years.

Duan Kong kept scratching his head, and one big issue after another has been investigated. Many businessmen suspected of manipulating this mutant competition, as well as illegal money laundering transactions of some companies in the film and television area, have already involved other people. Association, the medical association that was originally calm actually also participated.

Many people have confessed in the face of factual evidence, and Duan Kong is still suspending or directly revoking the qualification licenses of some merchants based on the legal judgment of Section 8 Chief Heathcote.

The situation in each department is now extremely serious, and it has encountered a large number of public protests and complaints. The impact of this incident continues to expand, and Alpha, which caused the uproar, has not made any response so far.

Locke Jiahui continued to quickly process the information sent from various departments. The councilors had already initiated a request for an interim city meeting, and now they still need to be approved by the gods.

Everything in the city is in chaos. The entire administrative department has been mobilized. More and more problems have been involved. Duan Kong's head is a little dizzy. He looks at R next to him. At this time, R is commanding the people of the 2nd department. Bring some relevant personnel from prison to 2 Core for investigation.

The problem in the film and television area involves a serious problem of hallucinogens. This drug has been rampant in the film and television area for a long time. Many people in the film and television area have used this illegal drug.

The source is currently being investigated by Section 2. Section 5 has not announced the latest crime situation for two hours. The voice in the city is getting louder and louder. Many people have gathered to support Alpha in killing those shameless businessmen. Find them all, as well as the criminals hiding behind them.

Akimi was acting extremely nervous at this time. R would look at Akimi from time to time. He had actually found something and had talked to Akimi in private. R only mentioned many things. Various evidences showed that , the source of hallucinogens has a certain relationship with Section 4, and R is still covering up this matter to this day.

Akimi also seemed to notice that R was paying special attention to him today, and then he stood up.

"Everyone, I'm going to the rooftop to get some fresh air."

After Akimi left, R stood up soon.

A few minutes later, R walked up to the rooftop and looked at Akimi standing on the edge of the rooftop, deep in thought.

"What exactly is going on? Can you tell me?"

Akimi smiled and said nothing. What exactly happened to this illegal drug? Section 4 has not yet given a clear answer. What kind of chemical drugs are used to make them and how are they synthesized? Most people who sell this drug don't know, but this drug has a name, and it's called happiness.

Anyone who uses this illegal drug will feel happy. This point has been privately investigated by medical professionals from 2 departments. There is no way to analyze the substances inside. There are at least 10 unknown substances.

Akimi seemed a little bitter, he seemed to be still hesitating, R patted his shoulder.

"I won't tell anyone else Akimi."

Akimi's expression looked extremely solemn.

"The part that cannot be analyzed is the nanoparticles!"

R's eyes widened in an instant. He felt a chill running down his spine. He instantly knew what Akimi was doing. He was conducting large-scale experiments, and R thought of those people in Section 4 who had participated in the future cloning plan. , all have varying degrees of psychological trauma. This damage is serious. Judging from human behavior, once a cruel thing is done once, it will be done a second time. In order to successfully clone the future, people in Section 4 He has done cruel things countless times, even to the point of numbness.

R felt a little sore in his chest. He didn't know what to do. Now that he got a definite answer from Archimi, he was certain that this nanoparticle drug was made by Archimi. For nanomedicine experiments.

"I've already told Brother Fat about this!"

As Akimi said, R was a little surprised. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, and Locke walked up as expected.

"Don't discuss this matter anymore!"

Locke's face was unusually solemn. He knew very well what Section 4 had done, because Akimi had already told him about it in advance, and the gods also knew it. This is what the gods wanted Alpha to step down from this position. Due to the reason, huge cracks have appeared inside the business department.

"For the mechanized era!"

R clenched his fists and asked, and Akimi took a deep breath.

"I know you guys in Section 4 are not feeling well, but with the current situation, we can only find a solution. Stop talking about it and go back as soon as possible."

R pressed Locke's shoulders.

"If the president."

Locke sighed, nodded and said.

"I'll find a way to explain it to Alpha! I'll put this matter on hold for now. It's about the source."

Locke Jiahui walked step by step. His mood at this moment was sad. He knew very well what the business department would face in the future. What emerged in Locke Jiahui's mind was everything that had happened in the School of God in the past. The noisy children have grown up one by one, some are already parents, and Locke himself is married.

Locke knew very well that if this continued, the department would inevitably be divided. Today, while dealing with the rapidly expanding situation, after everyone learned that Alpha had been dismissed by the gods, many section chiefs showed relaxed expressions for a while, although it was unconsciously. But this is enough to illustrate some problems.

The direction of the business department began to diverge a long time ago and began to become inconsistent. Locke had gone to all his classmates for drinks and chats countless times while they were all doing some work, but the situation began to get worse and worse.

The feeling of boredom is spreading in the business department, because everyone has different paces, but the one with the biggest difference is Alpha. It's not that her approach is wrong, but it is that this approach has led to the current situation.

After Locke came down from the rooftop, he saw Yin Xianglin standing below, and she ran over with a smile.

"Manager, I think we should take advantage of this opportunity to dig out all the problems and solve them one by one. I think everything Mr. Alpha has done is extremely correct."

Locke put away his serious face, smiled and nodded.

"I have to work overtime again today, Xiang Lin. You will be responsible for handling the mutant competition, and I will be responsible for the film and television area."

Yin Xianglin shook his head.

"No need, manager. I think I can handle it. You go talk to the section chiefs."

"If you are asked to handle the matter of the mutant competition, just do it."

Locke's voice was a bit loud, and Yin Xianglin was startled. Locke hurriedly said sorry. Yin Xianglin nodded, turned around and walked quickly. Of course, there are senior executives in the business department who fully support Alpha's approach, especially the general affairs department. Here, everyone feels that Alpha’s approach is correct.

Locke was a little pleased with this, but he was gratified, but it still couldn't change some facts.

The current situation can only calm down the problem immediately and allow the city's smooth economy to fully recover. Locke quickly went down to the 5th floor and returned to the conference room. At this time, Section 7 Chief Jin Mangan and Section 6 Keke Chang Keying started to argue.

"what do you mean?"

Ke Ying looked at Jin Man with a red face.

"It's originally so simple. If you do this, it will increase the workload of our 7 subjects."

Next to him, Brandon, the chief of Section 9, and Heathcote, the chief of Section 8, were trying to persuade him, but Jin Mang couldn't listen to the advice at all.

"Do you have to do this? It's such a simple thing."

"Data records are records. The reason why they need to be recorded is because these data are the cornerstone of the city's future. If you are not clear about it, send it back to the responsible department members until they can figure it out, you bastard."

Jinn Mangan slapped the table with a furious palm.

"I can't figure it out. The posts from these companies have been reviewed. It's just that the algorithm is different. As long as..."

"You don't understand mathematics at all. Although the results obtained by different algorithms are the same, the meanings are completely different. I'm sorry if I can't do it accurately. Our 6th Department refuses to accept these documents. Please clarify. Submit it again, it’s not that I intentionally increase your workload, but that your department is too lax and can’t do such simple things well.”

Jin Mn was so angry that he broke the edge of the metal table with both hands.

"Why are you, a woman, so unreasonable? You have always been like this. Now is a special period and requires special treatment. Most of the people in our department have been dispatched. Now the management office of Section 7 is overcrowded. Many citizens are complaining and they cannot cope with it at all. Just a little bit."

"What do you mean a little bit? Think about it for yourself, is your head really gone?"

"Shut up, everyone!"

Locke shouted, and the two people who were already arguing with red faces stopped. Keying sat back with her hands folded, and kicked the table very angrily.

With a creaking sound, the metal table twisted directly, and the other section chiefs who were working had already stepped away.

Locke watched Jin Man drag the table with one hand, and with the increasingly violent creaking and loud cracking noises, the whole table cracked. In an instant, Ke Ying had already stood up, and Jin Man's eyes widened. He closed his eyes and raised his left hand.

There was a loud bang, and the ground dented. Ke Ying's fist fell from top to bottom like a hammer. Jin Mangan bent his body to block the blow, but had no intention of fighting back. The next second Ke Ying was as fast as lightning. ’s kick came over.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

Heathcote, who was usually the kindest, held down Keying's instep, and the other section chiefs came over and pulled the two aside.

Locke Jiahui never said a word from beginning to end. The situation in the Executive Branch has become serious now. Although he has only heard about it a little, the relationship between the 6th Branch and the 7th Branch is now the same from top to bottom.

Section 6 wants to ensure the accuracy of data, while Section 7 hopes to ensure efficiency. However, the two are not in conflict, but the pressure on urban finance is too great, and even a small mistake will not work. Section 7 has already been exhausted. I was exhausted, but Section 6 refused to give in at all. Most of the documents submitted by Section 7 were directly sent back by Section 6.

"As long as you can't do it to a decimal point, I will never sign it and put it in the warehouse."

Keying shouted again, and a burst of helpless laughter rang out.

Clark, the chief of Section 12, waved his hand.

"Don't argue with this bitch, we in Section 12 have long been used to it."

With just one sentence, Ke Ying's anger, which had begun to subside, suddenly surged into her heart again. The more accurate the statistics, the better. As long as these data are recorded, it will be of great help to the future of the city.

"What do you mean Clark?"

"You only know the importance of statistics, but do you know that since you set the statistical error range, many of us in the 12th department have been staring at those bullshit grains since they opened their eyes in the morning, and then recorded and weighed them in detail statistics."

Keying walked quickly to Clark.

"Isn't there AI help? What do you mean?"

Clark held up his hands.

"I'm just a farmer. If we want to fight, I'm not your opponent. You should think about it for everyone. We are not robots."

"What do you mean, do you need to speak so eccentrically?"

Clark shook his head and left Keying. At this time, Heathcote walked over and stood between the two of them.

"Do you know how many of us in Section 7 take a break? There are originally three days of vacation in a month, but I reduced it to two days. I obviously go to work at 8 a.m., but I am an hour early."

"Then think of ways to improve accuracy and work efficiency. Isn't this what you, as section chiefs, should do? Or should you just wait to get off work every day, go have a drink after get off work, and then have fun in a nightclub? One day?"

Keying's mood became more and more agitated. Brandon just watched. The situation was the same in Section 9. Documents submitted to Section 6 for many times in the field of statistical economic interaction were always rejected. For this problem, Brandon has been to Department 6 many times, but the results are the same every time. Everyone has their own sufferings and cannot tell them at all.

Duan Kong was also watching from the sidelines. He felt terrible. Everyone who used to be in harmony has now turned into this.

"If anyone wants to do it, please come. I won't do it today."


Locke's fist hit Jin Mangan's cheek hard, and he flew out. Heathcote and Brandon held him back.

"Can you try saying it again?"

Locke's eyes widened in anger. At this time, everyone looked at Locke. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. He also wanted to find someone to complain to, but the heavy workload of the General Affairs Department made Locke himself breathless. Here, if Yin Xianglin hadn't handled most of the complicated but simple things, Locke would have known that there would be endless work to do every day.

Jin Mn lowered his head and smiled bitterly. Everyone seemed to have their own difficulties, but they couldn't tell them because others couldn't understand their own hard work. Although they could see the hard work of others, they were not others. They deeply understood this. This kind of thing is difficult to understand if it is not in the corresponding position.

Locke stared blankly at the cracked metal table in the conference room and the messy conference room.

"I think we should go back and deal with things separately. If this continues, how long will the quarrel last?"

As Clark said, Jin Man got up from the ground and wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth. An angry look appeared on Jin Man's cheek for a moment.

"I have already said that electronic cash is the only thing that can solve a lot of troubles, but what about you? As long as we work together to promote it, we will definitely succeed, whether it is business or taxation. All problems can be solved, but why are you just unwilling?"

"If it were really that simple, I would have pushed it a long time ago!"

Keying immediately replied angrily, and Clark laughed.

"It's about to start again!"

Locke felt more and more uncomfortable, and his stomach was like a fire. Gene's shadow flashed through his mind. All kinds of problems in the business department started after Jean left, although Locke has been working in various fields. He had to do work between departments, but Jean also often traveled between departments, and even personally helped handle matters in each department. Everyone was absolutely convinced of the solution, but now Jean is no longer there.

"Don't you think things are chaotic enough? Clark, you idiot."

Brandon couldn't help it anymore and cursed. The smile in Clark's eyes disappeared. Although there was still a smile on his face, he laughed and shook his head.

"That's why I go back to my respective departments to do things. This way, we don't have to meet each other. We can just send back whatever is wrong. We don't even need to communicate. After all, isn't communication useless? Did I say something wrong?"

Locke looked at the faces of the people in the room, and he didn't know how to deal with it all.

"Go back? It's because the situation is so serious that we are gathered here, isn't it? Why go back? Do you want to."

"Hmph! There's nothing to say to such an idiot. I've heard Natasha say that he invites some council officers to play in Qinglong District every day."

The smile on Clark's face gradually disappeared, and he walked step by step in front of Keying.

"So what if I go? I can do whatever I want during my rest time? Or do you want to take care of me?"

"I didn't say that, you said it yourself, everyone listen!"

The situation was getting worse and worse. Everyone in the room looked extremely solemn. Heathcote looked around. He didn't know how to persuade him. Everyone had stopped for ten minutes now. Everyone around him There are a large number of requests appearing on the light and shadow screen. If it continues to be delayed, the situation will be very bad.

At this time, both Akimi and R returned to the room. Seeing everything in front of them, they realized something. R quickly turned around and asked the two directors of the General Affairs Department at the door to leave and not to reveal anything here. thing.

"What's going on here, everyone?"

R asked with a smile, but no one spoke. Akimi sat quietly in the corner, and R walked over step by step.

"If there is anything we can sit down and discuss."

"Then you have to ask this crazy woman if she agrees."

Jin Mian roared angrily, but Keying's eyes widened and she started to tremble with anger.

R felt that something was wrong, and Keying immediately rushed towards Jin Mian. The two of them immediately waved their fists and made a banging sound. No one was willing to give in to the other. R and Heathcote immediately went over and stopped him. behavior of the two.

Red particles were intertwining in the air, and the already chaotic General Affairs Department suddenly became a mess.


With the sound of the door opening, R immediately turned his head.

"Didn't I say it's not allowed?"

The next second everyone looked towards the door, and at this time everyone's original solemn expressions relaxed.

Gene walked in wearing the uniform of Section 13. He lowered his head and lit a cigarette. Then he smiled softly and exhaled a puff of smoke. He held up a finger and light blue particles floated past the two doors. After closing it, Akimi stood up from his chair in surprise, but soon the section chiefs in the room lowered their heads.

"What's going on here!"

Gene walked over step by step, looking at the table that had been broken in half and collapsed on the ground, as well as the broken chairs, including the sunken places on the ground.

Then Gene moved a chair that had fallen to the ground and sat next to Locke. He crossed his legs, stretched out one hand and slapped Locke on the butt, making a loud bang.

Locke was startled. Gene then raised one hand and directly lifted Keying over. Keying looked at Gene in shock. She was directly pressed on Gene's knee. Gene fiercely Spanked her ass.

Then Gene stood up, walked over, asked everyone to stretch out their hands, picked up a baton, and slapped every section chief's hand hard. Everyone lowered their heads and stood straight. of standing.

"Starting from tomorrow, for one year, your vacation will be gone! And within one year, half of your salary will be deducted, and there will be no bonus! Do you hear me clearly?"

With a "wow" sound, Keying broke down and started crying. Gene glanced around and looked at Jin Mn who was still raising his hand with a red mark on it.

"I've been watching it for 20 minutes, ever since you were arguing."

Ke Ying wiped her tears, and Gene took out a handkerchief and handed it to her. He put his hand on her head and pressed it.

"You still like to cry so much. Haven't you already found the person you like? Do you want me to tell your boyfriend that you cry because of the pressure at work and let him comfort you?"

Keying smiled, and Jean looked at Jin Mn.

"Why are you so excited about being with a girl? Didn't I already teach you? Complaining can't solve any problems. Instead of complaining, just do things well."

Jin Mian hummed.

"I'll give you 10 minutes to clean up the house and then get to work. If anyone is late, I'll throw him into the ravine of the barrier area and drown him!"

Everyone moved. Locke smiled awkwardly and held his still aching stomach. Gene sat back on the chair, looked at the surveillance camera in the corner, and made an OK gesture.

Deguna, Tang Rao and Werther, who were watching the surveillance at this time, also nodded.

"We can only leave it to Jean."

Deguna said, and Tang Rao chuckled.

"These guys always act like kids who haven't grown up in front of Gene."

"That's good. We can't do this, because in the past, in addition to teaching knowledge in the academy, we didn't have the heart to take the trouble to do some innocuous things like Jean."

Gene looked at the section chiefs who were still cleaning up the room, when Keying came over with red eyes.

"Principal, I'm sorry, I've been really stressed lately."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"You little brats! You still haven't grown up!"

Jean said and Akimi smiled helplessly. As Jean entered, everyone's expressions improved in just a few minutes.

Everyone present clearly remembers how they would chat with Jean from time to time in the college. Jean would patiently talk to them about some things, listen to what they said, and would go shopping and drink with them. Dinner together.

"Heathcote come here."

Heathcote quickly put down the broken chair in his hand, walked over, and bowed slightly.

"First sort out the legal stuff and move a little faster. If that doesn't work, go to the room above. There are three guys over there who can serve as free labor."

Gene said and looked at the camera again, Heathcote smiled and nodded.

"I'm sorry, teachers."

Saying that Heathcote left quickly, Gene stood up. At this time, the site was cleared, and the damaged things had been recovered into the light and shadow material storage.

"You guys come here one by one and explain clearly what the problem is. There will be no next time. If you make a noise at work next time, I will definitely throw you into a ditch."

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