Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1795 The Edge of Collapse: Overflow (Part 2)

Under the dark night sky, light blue particles were floating in the air, and there were strange, stone-like creatures, some big and some small, with bursts of weird roars coming from the mouths of these creatures. Gene sat quietly on a rock with a cigarette in his hand. It had been nearly two hours, and Gene was still thinking.

Under the dim light from the bright city in the distance, Jean's face was filled with suspicion, and he wandered in the dark starry sky every day. For more than half a year, Jean only had the dark starry sky in his memory, but he didn't know why. , Jean's expression looked very soft at this time, and Jean also felt the change in his body, which was very light.

The light blue particles dragging these strange creatures seemed softer than before. Jean looked towards Brilliant City with a smile. He did not intend to go back yet. Jean seemed to be enjoying something at this moment.

Jean didn't know why he was in a very good mood. The most important thing was that Jean felt that his power seemed to have become very stable at this time. Jean gently moved these stone-like creatures and directly lifted them very high. Far away, Gene then stood up and walked away, the fireworks behind him standing quietly.

Jean clearly remembered that he was looking for the exit every day. However, no matter how he searched, Jean could only move forward in the dark sky. A month ago, Jean finally knew that the trajectory of the fireworks had always been It is orbiting, which means that Gene has not left the earth at all, but has been orbiting in the cosmic interlayer between the outer envelope of the earth and the earth's atmosphere.

"It looks like it's going to be very difficult to get out of this cage."

As soon as Jean finished speaking, he felt something strange, because in his memory Jean had never felt that the earth was like a huge cage, but when he mentioned the word cage, he always felt very familiar, as if he had said it countless times.

Jean glanced at the time. It was already 5 o'clock in the morning. The bright city in the distance was still brightly lit. Today was New Year's Eve.

Jean glanced at the undulating mountains behind him, and he landed in a mountainous area. From time to time, the name Tasia would appear in his mind. Jean looked at the sky to the north. Jean now felt more and more... There was a problem with his memory. He had been to Northern Europe and indeed met a girl named Tasia.

Jean smiled slightly. Although the memory in his mind was a bit fragmented and he could not remember what this girl looked like, the only thing Jean still remembered was that she was a very brave girl. The issue of memory could only be put aside for the time being. Turning aside, Jean felt that the time drifting around in the mezzanine of the universe passed very quickly, without even the slightest sense of boredom. He always felt that his memory seemed to have problems again.

“I wonder what’s going on with the city!”

Jean took out a cigarette, lit it, and stared at the dazzling city in front of him quietly. At this time, a swaying black outline appeared in the distance. Jean looked over, took his things and left. Very close.

"Let's go take a look first."


Along with a violent explosion, Jean crossed a pile of strange stone-like creatures. In an instant, these creatures exploded under the light blue particles. When they shattered, they looked like scattered stones. Jean I don’t know if these animals are still alive, because their cells are between living things and non-living things, which is very strange.

And Jean also vaguely felt that some changes had taken place in his power. The use of alienated cells became much faster than before. After passing through the object in an instant, the violent speed would trigger powerful mass energy, and then create matter. Crushing, Gene feels great now.

More and more humanoids exploded on both sides of Jean. Jean walked through some mountains and flew toward the giant moving thing in the distance.

"Is he really a big guy?"

In just a few minutes, Jean stood on the top of a hill, looking at a large area of ​​rocky ground below. There were a dense number of large and small creatures. In front of Jean, It is a moving hill.

Light blue particles floated on the surface of Jean's body. Jean squatted down and lit a cigarette. Along with a violent rumble, Jean smiled and shook his head.

In front of Jean's eyes, there is a monster. This monster is nearly 40 meters tall. It looks like an elephant, with thick limbs. Its body is gray, and there are black objects on the surface of the body that are like spores. , showing a strange red color, these things look like some kind of crystalline material.

This elephant-like monster has a triangular head, no eyes, and only a large mouth that opens slightly from time to time. And on the back of this monster, there seems to be a large number of various animals living there. Creatures.

It is a miracle that these humanoids can survive. Unlike plantoids, they are not afraid of light. Their skin is very hard, at least as hard as steel. This is what puzzles Jean the most. He has already conducted experiments on these humanoids. A lot of research has been done, but no reason has been found. Their DNA is also very strange, or it cannot be called biological DNA. It is more appropriate to call it atoms of similar substances.

The giant beast in front of him moves very slowly, and it may take half a day to move. It is more like a huge mobile base for the creature-like creatures that live on the surface of his skin. The creature-like creatures will nibble on these spore luminous crystals from time to time. , all this is too weird.

Jean was still thinking about a question, whether to deal with this thing first or wait until he returned, but soon Jean had the answer. It would be troublesome to deal with it after it moved to the edge of the city wall. This place is far away from the Brilliant City. The barrier is still more than 80 kilometers away. According to this snail-like moving speed and these undulating mountains, it will take a long time to move over.

Gene blew out a puff of smoke, stood up, threw away the cigarette butt, then stretched out a hand and looked at the giant creature in front of him. He was hunched over, his legs were like springs, and he was instantly followed by a light blue light. Crossed.


Accompanied by a violent noise, Jean landed on the monster's head in an instant. After the bun crystal exploded, some rich black juice flowed out. Accompanied by a violent roar, the mountain shook instantly. Trembling, a large number of humanoids rushed toward Jean.

Jean half-crouched on the giant beast's head, and his tentative attack just now left only a small dent on the giant beast's head.


A giant bull-like creature with two horns rushed over. Gene raised one hand and used light blue telekinesis to hold the bull back. He took out a weapon with the other hand. As soon as he smoked a cigarette, the monster beneath him stamped on the ground angrily, making violent roars.

Jean stood firmly on the head of the giant beast while swinging. He looked at the creature-like creatures that kept rushing towards him. They still retained the appearance characteristics of some creatures on this planet in the past. There were more and more creature-like creatures. The giant beasts at their feet were roaring as they gathered together. Gene was surrounded by a large number of humanoids, but none of these humanoids could move forward at all.

Large swaths of dust were raised on the ground, and a large number of human-like creatures gathered over. The light in the distance in front of Jean's eyes disappeared little by little. These things will pose a threat to human survival in the future. This is why humans have to leave this planet. One big reason, and where these creatures come from, is still a mystery.

When Jean went out to look for mimics twice, he saw too many things. It is certain that these things are now moving closer to Brilliant City.

They seem to follow the simple intelligence of animals in the past, as well as some similar living habits. The giant beasts like those under Jean's feet are not huge in Jean's opinion, because Jean has seen giant beasts bigger than this one. A giant beast that was a hundred times larger. I encountered it the first time I went out to look for mimics in my memory. In just a moment, a large piece of the spacecraft was eaten away.

Jean tried his best but could not get rid of the behemoth in the sea, and finally it returned to the sea and disappeared.

At this time, Jean's whole body seemed to be wrapped in darkness, with only the light blue particles around it like a barrier emitting a faint light. Jean held a cigarette in his mouth and pressed a hand against his heart.


Jean took out the spider-shaped machine.

"There is no other way, let's solve it first."

dong dong

Jean's heart started to beat, and the color of the light blue particles around his body began to deepen. Jean looked at the pile of creatures in front of him that were blocked by telekinesis, and jumped over instantly.

In the darkness, beams of deep blue light pierced instantly, just a little at first, but as more and more blue light overflowed, in an instant, the humanoid creatures exploded with wailing sounds.

With a clicking sound, Jean rushed out in an instant. Blue particles were like an ocean, passing over the back of the giant beast. A large number of spore luminous crystals exploded, and black juice splashed. The moment Jean stopped , jumped back, raised his head and smiled, looking at the large area of ​​​​crushed creatures in front of him.

Gene raised his head in the air, accompanied by bursts of explosions all around. The moment he stood up, the giant beast in front of him was turning around. Gene was in the middle of the giant beast's thick body, and was instantly accompanied by a violent blue beam. With light, Jean instantly kicked the giant beast in the body.


Jean looked at the cracks appearing on the surface of the giant beast's body. His eyes stared at the sunken place where the cracks were. The giant beast was roaring. More and more blue particles gathered on the surface of Jean's body. These The blue particles had begun to grow larger at this time.

With a loud bang, Jean rushed into the body of the giant beast instantly.

Waves of mourning and whimpering sounded, and the giant beast's limbs began to bend down. With a violent rumbling sound, the giant beast fell to the ground. The next moment, a large number of protrusions appeared on the skin of the giant beast's body.

Beams of intense blue light, like jets of water, instantly spurted out from around the beast's body. Jean was already standing on the ground.

The howling stopped, and behind him was the giant beast that fell to the ground. His body exploded from the inside, and the scattered pieces of flesh were like stones. After flying out, they smashed down in all directions and rolled in the mountains. Jean He moved quickly, not intending to continue. A large number of creatures around him began to gather with the violent noise.

Jean returned to a mountain peak and looked at the restless humanoids in the distance. These things will one day become a huge threat to the city. How they reproduce has been investigated many times, but they have not been clarified. .

He only cleans them directly when they gather together. Jean does not know how many times he has done this kind of cleaning, but the result is the same every time. They will gather again in a short time, and those who are afraid of light can be seen everywhere. The black and red plants are moving closer to the Brilliant City.

People living under the warm sunshine can never imagine what kind of world it is outside. Perhaps in most people's perception, the outside world is a dead and silent world, but if they see such a vibrant side, they may know , it is not deathly silence outside, but fog.

Jean quietly observed these creatures. Every time he killed them, he always felt a special feeling. They seemed to be created and had a very clear purpose.

There was a very special time in the past when the city was founded. At that time, the forces had basically stabilized and they were all working towards a common goal. At that time, the only farmed meat that was prevalent in this land was giant rats. Alienation is not limited to humans, animals are the same, but the intelligence of animals is different from that of humans. Animals cannot control the ability of alienation at all. Mutated rats once brought great disasters to humans, and they could only be killed in the end. All animals.

As well as the ravages of Aikala, in order to continue humankind, animals became the best examples. Jean still remembers that before the city was built, there were still many animals, but in the end, in order for human beings to continue, only The dazzling city was built on the bones of animals.

Once a species lives alone, then the species is not far from extinction. Jean turned around and walked slowly. He didn't want to return to Brilliant City for the time being. He even rejected it, or wanted to. Quietly, Jean didn't know what happened to Brilliant City during the few months he left, but what was certain was that it should have changed again.

"Wait a few days before going back!"

5:11 am

Marcus stood quietly on the edge of a paddock, surrounded by stairs. In front of him was a circular field with black solidified soil. This place was discovered a few years ago and is located in Area 45 on the middle level. Underneath an old factory, the factory has now been demolished and built into a building.

Marcus can imagine what this place was used for in the past. A large amount of blood components and components of human bones, flesh and blood were detected in the black soil. Now Marcus has moved his research to this place. .

Marcus has an extremely important experiment today, but this experiment is too risky. Although it has been tested on some people who were about to die due to eating genetic food in prison, it is now being used on himself. , Marcus felt a little numb.

Marcus often likes to come to the edge of this small arena in the past to think about something. Recently, except for his work in Section 4, he rarely meets anyone and spends every day in this underground.

Everything nowadays is not very important to Marcus. What is important is the research in his hands, using the alienated genes of beasts to supplement the alienated genes of mutants. Once such research is successful, human beings will usher in a new era. Come to another possibility of evolution.

This kind of evolution excites Marcus. As long as he can complete the research, Marcus plans to leave the city.

Marcus knows very well that this city will eventually be abandoned by the gods one day, and when the gods plan to abandon the city, it will be the day when humans cry. There are countless secrets in the outside world. This is Marcus. The reason Kus wanted to leave the city.

Marcus didn't want to see the day when Brilliant City was destroyed, and he didn't want to continue. I don't know since when, Marcus had very strong doubts about the existence of gods. Marcus already knew that they were not human beings. Confirmed through research.

The gods will not allow rebels to exist. Marcus knew this from the beginning when he entered the Academy of Gods. However, it was impossible to defeat the gods, so Marcus wanted to leave.

When he was in the academy, Marcus would often go to the principal alone. After hearing something about the outside world from Gene, Marcus often thought about going to the outside world to see it.

Human beings have lived in such a narrow and closed place for too long. Marcus doesn’t want to continue according to the wishes of the gods. He is anxious and painful every day in this city. All of this started from that damn place. Since the beginning of the cloning future plan, many people in Section 4 have become more and more negative in recent years.

For throwing such a cruel thing to the students of Section 4, Marcus didn't know what the gods thought. He felt angry and unreasonable all the time, so Marcus wanted to escape, and if he wanted To adapt to everything outside, we must rely on the power of animals.

At the beginning, Marcus’s research only wanted to make humans have stronger immunity, and there are countless animals with far stronger immunity than humans. In repeated studies, Marcus found some directions. Although today's human beings have given birth to alien species such as mutants, human beings have once again completed their evolution.

If human beings want to become more powerful and evolve to the next stage, the evolution of life span alone is not enough, the same goes for the strength of the body.

Marcus has seen the world outside the barrier, so Marcus knows very well what is going on outside. Why are the gods so anxious to let mankind enter the next mechanized era? It is because the outside world is becoming more and more... It's unstable.

If there is one thing that every person with an obsession must do, Marcus feels that he can do it and give mankind a new evolutionary direction.

Marcus stood up. He felt that the anxiety and uneasiness began to dissipate from his mind. Scenes from the future cloning plan kept appearing in his mind. It was something Marcus did not want to think about in his whole life. .

Marcus walked up the stairs step by step and entered a room with many workbenches and animal specimens. Marcus walked towards a workbench with a small box on it. There was water in the box, and there were things in the water. There was a tube of medicine. Marcus took out the cold medicine, then took out an injection machine and put the tube of medicine in.

Marcus lifted up the sleeve of his left hand. He knew very well that the next experiment would be very dangerous. Although he was fully prepared, some pictures popped up in his mind from time to time. Marcus smiled bitterly, and he became more and more worried. I hate everything in the city now, or I hate everything about the gods more and more.

"Why have we come to this point!"

Marcus smiled crazily. He inserted the injection machine into his left arm. As the drug was injected, Marcus felt something strange.

His body began to show a weak rejection reaction, and Marcus knew very well that he would have to rely entirely on his own willpower to stay awake.

Gradually, Marcus felt a creepy feeling coming from his left arm. He swallowed and screamed in horror. Marcus' left arm began to change, and black hair grew on it. Marcus After swallowing, he felt that his entire arm was swelling, and his arms began to look less human.

Marcus smiled, but the next second his head began to feel dizzy. Soon followed by a violent cough, Marcus screamed in pain. He fell to the ground, and continued to expand and deform after being pressed. His big arms started to convulse all over his body.

One of Marcus's eyes is red, his mouth is slightly open, and saliva is dripping on the ground. His brain seems to have been invaded by something, and his whole head is stirring. Marcus is very aware of the current situation. What's going on? The body has begun to have an uncontrollable rejection reaction. I don't know how long it will take for this rejection reaction to end, and the tearing pain begins.

"What on earth did you make us do! What did we do?"

Marcus laughed maniacally.

5:46 am

Jill helped Tang Rao, who was already drunk, directly to the bed on the second floor. Tang Rao was lying on the bed, looking very happy. Jill planned to clean the rest room below where she had been drinking all night, and then start taking care of the flower house. flower.

"Well done Gil."

Tang Rao praised that Jill's work has been going very smoothly recently, and there have been no incidents of mutants running amok in society. At this time, Jill's face was solemn, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it for a while. .

"I have a proposal, Lord Tang Rao."

Gil said and sat on the edge of the bed. Tang Rao got up and pressed his head against his dizziness.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me. From last night to now, you still refuse to tell me?"

Jill swallowed and then spoke.

“Remember how cities got the longevity vaccine?”

As soon as Gil finished speaking, Tang Rao understood what Gil wanted to do.

"The problem of mutants going berserk has always been a big problem in the city, and if we can't solve it, mutants will be a big threat to the city in the future, so I propose to use mutants to conduct research and completely crack the mutation The secret of human beings going berserk, and the development of drugs that can stabilize mutated human genes.”

The smile on Tang Rao's face disappeared, cyan particles slowly overflowed from his skin, and a strong smell of alcohol instantly filled the room.

"It's really unexpected that such words would come out of your mouth."

Jill nodded.

"Actually, Mr. Tang Rao, I have considered many things. Although this approach is a bit cruel, there will still be a large number of mutants in the city in the future. In order to stabilize these mutants and prevent them from becoming violent, this research must Someone has to do it, and I’m willing to take the lead.”

Tang Rao shook his head.

"Isn't that guy Huashen already working on it?"

Jill shook her head.

"I don't know how long this kind of research will last. Every violent incident of mutants will cause much harm to the city. This has been very clear to me since I took over handling such incidents. If we can't effectively contain it, If mutants go berserk, they will only cause greater harm to the city in the future. I have seen enough such harm over the years."

"Why do you want to do this all of a sudden?"

Gil said with a hum.

"As the principal said, someone has to do everything."

Tang Rao took out a cigarette and lit it and sighed. She always felt that if she did this, the situation would be very bad.

"There are currently 4,987 mutants detained in the prison, and among the criminals in the barrier area, the ratio of mutants is very high. If this is to be done, it must be done thoroughly."

Gil stood up. He had thought about this issue for a long time, because he had personally witnessed how the students in Section 4 completed the development of the life-span vaccine while struggling with such intense self-guilt.

"Guilt, something like this, often binds one's hands and feet. Mr. Tang Rao, in fact, after the accident that happened that year, I was thinking about this issue. That incident had a great impact on me. The root cause is the current mutation. If a person experiences violent mood swings, he is likely to go berserk, and the mutants who become violent can only become monsters. The root cause is how to effectively solve the problem of making mutants go berserk."

Gil looked at Tang Rao seriously, bowed and said.

"Master Tang Rao, I hope you can talk to the other gods. Now that the principal is not in the city, I will be responsible for this matter. I will find a way to convince the students in Section 4 to directly use some criminal mutants for research. , If we don’t do this, there will continue to be incidents of mutants running amok in the future, and I’ve seen enough.”

Gil said that he had tested his head, and Tang Rao looked at him blankly. The child he had raised since childhood had changed a lot.

"I know. If I call them here now, it will be very cruel. Such an approach will be harmful to your body and mind."

Jill hummed.

"I don't want any more mutants to die because they can't contain themselves."

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