Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1793 The Edge of Collapse: Overflow (Part 1)

January 1, 2224

Just after 0 o'clock

For a moment, large mushroom-like lights rose in the sky everywhere. After the lights exploded, they formed a colorful and dazzling halo in the sky. The whole city cheered in the next second.

With the arrival of the new year, there are jubilant crowds everywhere. This year is different from previous years. In previous years, the northern area was the bleakest in the entire city, but this year, the light in the north is the same as the light in other areas.

The streets are full of people celebrating. Many people have been suffering for too long. This year is a year of joy, a year that makes many people feel very happy.

The economy of all walks of life in the city has ushered in explosive growth. Some of the fresh technologies that the Congress has continuously opened up have been applied to many areas in the city, and various industries are launching new products.

People were celebrating in the streets and alleys, and every restaurant was full of people. Everyone was watching the New Year's program. The city seemed to be overturned, not just in the city, but also in the barrier area near the eastern guard station. , also with the lights on.

Many people who came to receive food were able to enjoy a sumptuous meal for the New Year in some temporary shacks built by Section 3. Criminals wandering in the barrier area kept coming closer.

This year is an extremely happy year for most people. Most people have not participated in such a lively New Year for a long time. Even the bottom class is the same. In the past few years, most of the New Year celebrations for the bottom class have been concentrated. on some lively streets.

But today is different. Areas where electricity was originally restricted are also brightly lit. On some streets outside the lively streets, each household has moved out some tables and chairs, and after piecing them together, they are directly on the long street. Food and wine were placed on the street, and everyone was happily celebrating this happy New Year.

Employment at the bottom has rebounded a lot in just two months. 60 of the original Hillman family's factories have been reclaimed and vigorously transformed by the Angus family, and have become specialized in producing materials needed for the bottom people, as well as for The construction of factories in the north to produce needed supplies makes people feel very happy about this kind of reform.

Some businessmen are worried that a large number of mutants have gone to the north, which may affect consumption in the region. However, in fact, consumption has not decreased, but has increased, because the family income of many ordinary people at the bottom has also increased.

The most fortunate thing for many people is that in the past two months, there has not been a single incident of mutants running amok in society. This has made many people aware of it, and people from the 4th Department, including some in the medical field, are saying, Mutants go berserk because they are mentally stimulated. Thinking back to last year's unfair policies against mutants as a whole, many mutants lost their jobs and suffered discrimination.

For nearly 10 months, most merchants did not dare to recruit mutants, but things are much better now. Some merchants have recruited corresponding mutants in accordance with regulations. Although most mutants are now concentrated in the north, in other areas Many mutants found jobs again.

Now most mutants are very satisfied with the mutant event co-organized by the Film and Television Entertainment Association and Section 5. Especially those mutants with high ratings have begun to gear up.

The rating of mutants is still being carried out every day. Although only less than 100,000 mutants have been rated, most of the low-level mutants working in the north have given up on rating.

The mutant battle event will begin on January 5th. This time, 128 mutants have been selected to participate in this arena competition. Many people are looking forward to it. With the arrival of the mutant event, the city Some gambling industries have begun to rise. This kind of legal gambling industry needs to undergo strict review by the business department before it can be carried out.

There are now more than 50 large and small gaming companies, which have invested a lot of money, manpower and material resources in hosting this event. Everyone is looking forward to the arrival of this event.

The chief judge of this event is Alpha, the section chief of Section 5, which has made many people look forward to it. As the chief judge, this person with the ceiling of mutant strength needs no explanation for his impartiality.

"Sister, I think I want to go too."

Niya looked at the TV show next to her with some disappointment. Some mutants who had already participated in the event were invited to the show. Niya was envious. Niya had already participated in the mutant level assessment and only got the D1 level mutation. According to human evaluation, she was easily defeated by a member of the executive team during the combat test.

Niya is a little dissatisfied because her alienated genes have grown very slowly. Although her sister teaches her something every day when she has time, she still cannot improve her strength much.

"Sister, what are you thinking about?"

Looking at Alpha next to him, smoking a cigarette with a solemn expression, the two of them were about to arrive at a shopping mall in District 6. At this time, Alpha stopped, leaned against the wall of a back street, and raised his head slightly. She shook her head. She was on vacation today and was not wearing a uniform, but it was still not much different from before.

A brown short jacket with a sports vest underneath, a pair of big-leg pants, and a pair of black Martin boots. His hair is still shoulder-length and parted in the middle.

Niya has grown her hair long and put on a skirt, which is completely different from before. Because this year some cooperating guests were invited to her home, so Niya had no choice but to put on a skirt.

"Maybe I really can't teach people Niya."

Alpha sighed, and Niya felt energetic now.

"Yes, sister, you always say what you want to do, but I just can't do anything."

Alpha smiled helplessly. It was indeed like what Niya said. He was not very good at teaching people. Alpha now fully admitted this. It was also at work. When guiding some subordinates, he was sometimes a bit rigid. .

At this time, Alpha thought about the fact that when Jean taught him in the past, he would always watch patiently, instead of directly teaching him what to do. Many times, Alpha couldn't do it well, but Jean just smiled. I didn't say anything bad, I just gave reasonable advice at the appropriate time. I may not be able to do this kind of teaching method in my life.

There was a commotion on the street in front of them, and soon a crowd gathered, and Nia dragged Alpha.

"Sister, let's go take a look."

The two sisters came to the outskirts of the crowd. Another quarrel occurred over a trivial matter. The two people who had the problem quarreled in the street, and the two waves of people behind them also accused each other. Niya smiled. Watch.

Looking at the two parties in the quarrel, all of them were well-dressed and looked like wealthy people. Alpha also knew very well that a person's self-cultivation and morality have little to do with his wealth in many cases. At this time, several 5 The people from Section 5 came closer. For a while, people on both sides knew people from Section 5, and the situation became even more confusing. However, the patrolling people from Section 5 seemed to not want to offend anyone, and they were all trying to please these people. .

Alpha had seen this happen many times, and Niya walked over.

"Everyone give in."

Some people turned their heads in anger, but hurriedly stepped aside the next second.

"Take all those involved in the quarrel and take them away for violation of the public security law. Let them cool down in the detention room for one night. The streets are already blocked."

As soon as Alpha walked up, the quarrel stopped, and the people on both sides did not dare to say anything. Several section 5 staff members hurriedly called the management car in a panic. After a while, several nearby team leaders came over, and one Some had their heads lowered, and some looked like they had just ran out of the bar. Everyone did not dare to say anything and could only stand quietly in front of Alpha.

"I've been outside watching this riot for ten minutes, but why wasn't the law followed?"

Alpha asked, and the squad leaders looked at each other. She sighed and lit a cigarette.

"Go back to patrol. The holidays for your six teams are canceled this month."

The six squad leaders immediately saluted and began to lead the staff away.

Some people came over and wanted to take photos with Alpha, but Alpha refused.

"Sorry, I went shopping with my sister today."

Alpha left the crowd quickly. Niya looked at her sister with joy. She was really envious of her sister because everyone respected Alpha. She was the center of attention wherever she went, and people on the street would take the initiative to give way to Alpha.

At this time, Alpha's face was not very good, because she felt that the current city was no different from the city she had seen when she was a child. On the day Gene left, he took Alpha to many places. These places are The downtown area where ordinary people gather has not changed much. It is still the same from top to bottom. The only thing that has changed is the appearance of the city.

From Alpha's point of view, this is not a good phenomenon. Many people seem to be overjoyed this year. Alpha has not strictly dealt with the five subjects for a long time. It has been more relaxed. The effects are good and bad, and some are bad. The only problem is that my work efficiency has become lower, but the good thing is that I have more smiles.

This is what Alpha is doing now. It does not put too much pressure on the city. Everyone wants to be comfortable. Once the problems begin to be solved, there will be some riots. This is the reason why Alpha is currently unwilling to deal with some problems efficiently.

This may be Alpha's first setback in his life, which is also called growing up, because the current situation of the Angus family is really not good. It has only been two months since large-scale construction in the north began, and the Angus family has fallen into economic difficulties. The crisis in the city, now if something goes wrong in the city, the Angus family will be in danger.

The Hillman family has kept a lot of low profile in the past two months. This is the most intuitive impression Alpha feels. In the past, there would be banquets of various sizes in the Hillman family's manor every night, and businessmen from all over the city would flock in. Hillman family, but now it is different. Most businessmen seem to be alienating the Hillman family intentionally or unintentionally.

Looking at the crowds in the shopping mall, everyone bought a lot of things after entering the store. Alpha felt that this time was very dangerous. The city's economy would quickly overflow. However, everyone knows that when water is full, it will overflow. But many people may have never seen it in their lives.

The only person in the city who proposed that the city should slow down its economic development is Hu Youran. He has said many times on TV programs that the rapid development of various industries will eventually consume the city's booming economic cycle in advance. If we wait for this economic cycle to end, If this happens, the city will experience a rapid economic decline.

Alpha has seen this scene countless times. Seeing Niya still picking things, Alpha just stood at the door of the store without going in. Soon Niya took a large bag of things, a high pile of clothes, and directly shouted.

"Sister, come and pay."

Alpha smiled helplessly and walked in. After quickly settling more than 10,000 yuan, he helped Niya carry some clothes and put them into the light and shadow bracelet, and then planned to go home.

It was almost 1 o'clock, and there were still a large number of pedestrians gathering on the streets. Young people were making noise in the streets, but Alpha couldn't feel happy.

Especially what happened in the film and television area last year made Alpha always feel uneasy. Tamai had reported the situation in the film and television area to Alpha for several months in a row, but many problems in that place still had not been solved.

As for the intricate network of relationships in the film and television area, Tamai has also figured out some of it. The accumulation of these things will one day cause big problems. Now, the area that Alpha pays the most attention to is District 29, which has begun to recover again.

A lot of casinos have opened in the city, which is what Alpha is worried about, but the tax revenue has increased a lot because of this, because the tax revenue from casinos is very high. Now a large part of Angus's family's construction project funds is from the casino.

Alpha doesn't like to use this method to transform the economy. It always feels that the problem will become more and more serious, but everyone just thinks that it will be better in the future, and no one cares.

"elder sister"

Niya pulled Alpha and walked quickly. Alpha looked at where Niya was going. The next street was Qinglong Street.

"What are you doing in a place like that?"

"How about we find some beautiful men to drink with us? Recently I have seen a lot of beautiful men on Qinglong Street."

Alpha grabbed Nia's ears.

"Go home."

But just after taking a few steps, Niya suddenly jumped out. As soon as Alpha looked over, he saw Niya standing in front of a man who looked very drunk with two women in his arms. Alpha had just taken a few steps. Only then did I realize that it was Jewell.

"Hey! Where are you going next? Do you want to come to my house for a drink?"

Jewell laughed, shook his head, hugged the two women and started walking.

"Next, I'm going to spend time in the adult world. Niya, just take your time and play."

Amid the laughter of the two women, Jewel left, and Niya sighed.

"What's wrong with him?"

Just as Alpha was about to ask, Nia dragged Alpha and started walking.

"I'm too lazy to care about him. He is just a playboy wandering among women. After all, he was abandoned by that old woman. In short, he may be a loser in the future."

Alpha looked at Jewell who was walking away. He was no longer the same as he had seen him in the past, and his eyes became extremely cloudy.

Soon the two sisters took a service car back to First Avenue, but they got off the car at the entrance of the avenue. There were many cars parked on the street, and the brightly lit Angus could already be seen. We're home. There are a lot of guests in the manor today.

After returning to the manor, Alpha did not go to the banquet on the lawn, but returned directly to the house. Nia had already gone to the banquet. Alpha returned to the second floor and looked at everything outside the window. The family had been there for many years. No more.

Everyone is happy with the rapid economic growth, but if you look at the future for a moment, you will find that the future is actually dark. Once again, the opening up of science and technology is relied on to stimulate industries and make the city's economy better.

It's just that this time, in Alpha's view, the gods have been a little too hasty. In the past, they were open slowly, but last year they opened up a lot of technologies, all in order to end the construction as soon as possible and then start preparing for the next mechanization era. paving.

"What would you think of Uncle Gene if you were still here!"

Alpha looked at the sky with some sadness. She didn't know when Jean would come back, but it was certain that he wouldn't be able to see it in a short time. Alpha felt a little tired because many black market transactions had happened in the city recently. came out, including some sins hidden in the sun, also appeared one after another.

Many people can't see these things. In the past, Gene would always deal with these things, but now no one cares about these things. All departments are busy adding bricks and tiles to the whole city's glory again. Alpha only feels very Powerless, this feeling.

Didi didi

"at home?"

Latis's voice came. Recently, half of the foundation of the prison has been laid. The very large prison was excavated by manpower. All the workers were prisoners, which saved a lot of costs.

"Where else can we go?"

"I'll come over to you later and have a drink with you all night long."

Alpha smiled sadly.

"Why, your voice sounds uncomfortable."

Alpha hummed.

"Isn't it actually good to be like this now? Besides, I think you should consider getting married. You and Noah are not young anymore."

"I have no such considerations at the moment. I'll take a rest first."

Alpha said and hung up the phone. The most intuitive feeling given to Alpha during this period was that everyone in the city seemed to be exhausted in an instant. Everyone just wanted to relax and have a good rest, but people can rest. , but the city will not stop.

It's just that the situation in subject 5 is better than before, and Alpha is more worry-free. In the past few months, Alpha has promoted many people according to Tamai's recommendation, and they are already working in many jobs. I have shown my due ability in my position, not only in 5 subjects, but also in other subjects.

At this moment, two figures in front of him, one tall, one short, one fat and one thin, were walking towards the mansion.

"Chief Alpha, can we have a chat with you?"

One of the people below was Xingyuan and the other was Peristan. Alpha was a little surprised.

After a while, the two came to Alpha's room. They looked very serious. Alpha poured tea for them. The two of them were not doing well recently. Perstein's reputation had been damaged in the society due to the infringement lawsuit. It had a very big impact, and Xingyuan broke up with Mansha, and was even hyped as a cheating scumbag by the media.

But these two people never responded directly.

"What do you think of the city now, Chief Alpha?"

Peristan asked, and Alpha lay down by the window and lit a cigarette.

"very bad."

"That's very bad Miss Alpha."

Xingyuan stood up. He had begun to worry. The city was now in a state of great self-lost. All walks of life were expanding and they were not tired at all. They didn’t know how to stop or when enough was enough. How to write a word.

"Why are you not like you used to be, Miss Alpha? Is it because of your family relationship?"

Xingyuan asked, and Alpha nodded with a bitter smile. She did not avoid the question.

Perestan hummed.

"This is indeed a very difficult thing to handle, Miss Alpha. Everyone is immersed in such an atmosphere, and no one thinks about the future. Once the atmosphere is formed, it is difficult to get out of it. By the time everyone realizes the danger, they have already Nothing will change."

Alpha shook his head.

"Even if I do something, I can't pry it off. The city needs silence now, and what everyone needs is a smile."

"But this is not Miss Smiling Alpha in the true sense. Everyone is enjoying the short-term dividends without realizing the danger at all. If this continues, the next large-scale unemployment wave will come early."

"When there is only one voice in this society, people often lose their judgment. This is inseparable from the strong investment of businessmen. In the end, it is the whole society that bears everything, but businessmen can still be alone, and even Lots of money is being made, now someone needs to break the noise Miss Alpha.”

Xingyuan said seriously, and Alpha shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to do."

Alpha knows very well that the gods will never allow him to continue to mess around. In the past, every time he messed up, Jean would always stand up, but now there is no more. Everyone has decided to follow the wishes of the gods and make the city high-speed and stable. development, knocking on the door of the next era.

Peristan looked at Alpha sadly.

"If you don't come forward, this city will be in a very dangerous situation. Miss Alpha, I hope you can come forward."

Both Peristan and Xingyuan stood up and bowed deeply.

Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke and still shook his head.

"I'm sorry. I'm alone now. I can't solve the problem by myself. Everyone is immersed in their own joy. What do you think will happen if I take away this joy now?"

Peristan didn't say anything else. He pulled Xingyuan who still wanted to continue talking, and the two of them left the room.

"Miss Alpha seems to have changed a lot. Maybe it started from the incident in the film and television area last year."

Xingyuan said helplessly, and Peristan nodded.

"The sun will always dry up. I feel really sad. For Miss Alpha, perhaps the resistance does not exist at all. What exists is that she has been sucked into this huge atmosphere and cannot escape."

Xingyuan nodded, they couldn't do anything, couldn't change anything, because once such an economic high-speed train starts, it won't stop until there are no cars destroyed and people killed.

All walks of life have boarded this high-speed train and started to fly with it. Many people clearly don’t need some things at all, but they will spare no effort to buy them because everyone is buying them and receiving them quickly. New products and the elimination of some old products. Only a small number of sober people have not accepted everything brought by new technology so quickly.

This year, Congress issued a new order to restrict births, because the population has now exceeded 23 million, which is a relatively dangerous number. The excessively long life span has caused the number of human beings to continue to expand, and the city is now at a fundamental halt. A stage of rapid growth that will not come down.

"No matter what, we have to do something to restore the planet, and we can't stop."

Xingyuan nodded and planned to continue lobbying some people with Peristan. It was time to slow down the growth of his industry.

Alpha sat on the edge of the desk and brought up a light and shadow screen. On it was a list of people submitted by Tamai, and Alpha began to browse.

1:27 late at night

Frye quietly held the clone Lolita's waist. In the dean's room, amid the soft music, the two looked at each other affectionately and danced. The dean's room was slightly decorated. New Year's atmosphere.

"Let's take a rest."

Seeing Lolita panting, Frye let go of Lolita and helped her sit on a chair nearby. After that night, Frye accepted everything about Lolita and no longer looked at other species. vision to see Lolita.

"The situation in the city is still as bad as ever."

Lolita said, and Frye nodded. There are now 138 patients in Frye Mental Hospital. Frye and Lolita take care of these patients every day. However, Lolita's body will always have some problems. For a period of time, Later, he had to create a new clone for Lolita, and the appearance of a new clone was always accompanied by the loss of memory. Frye is currently trying to solve this problem.

"Have you figured it out, Fry?"

Frye hummed.

Lolita giggled, took Fry's hands, and smiled softly.

"If one day the gods are unwilling to return the rights to us humans, it will be when we started. This is the agreement between me and you Frye. I hope you will abide by this agreement by then."

Frye snorted and looked at the brightly lit neighborhood. The hospital was still the same, even on New Year's Day. At this time, there was a hysterical roar below, and Frye pressed his forehead and turned around and walked out.

"Looks like Jaylin's having another seizure! I have to go down and take care of her."

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