Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1780 The Furnace (Part 2)

May 10, 1:23 a.m.

Ran Zhi sat quietly by his wife's bedside. He smiled slightly. Today's smile was slightly different from usual, but the plan would be successful soon. Ran Zhi knew very well that it would not take long.

After Ran Zhi got up, he walked to the window and looked at the dark distance. There was the barrier area. It was a little uneven tonight, and there were constant takeoffs and landings crossing the sky.

"I just hope everyone can survive!"


The door to the room behind him opened, and Eddie walked in with a solemn expression.

"Someone's been caught!"

Ran Zhi nodded, and Eddie walked over quickly and grabbed Ran Zhi's collar.

"we will"


Ran Zhi blocked Eddie's hand and shook his head.

"Nothing will happen. Just trust me. Compared to the criminals in the barrier area, what will the city choose?"

"You bastard"

Eddie roared angrily, and Ran Zhi looked at his wife on the hospital bed.

"Go inside and talk, my wife is sleeping."

Eddie could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, because this plan to attack the experimental base was not within the scope of Prometheus' calculations and was proposed by Ran Zhi.

Eddie thought about it for a long time, and Prometheus was also constantly calculating. The feasibility of this plan was almost zero because the possibility of exposure was too high, but in the end Eddie chose to believe Ran Zhi.

"Some guy over there has been caught!"

Eddie's face was filled with uncontrollable anger, worry and fear, and Ran Zhi shook his head.

"Do you know what a furnace is?"

As soon as Ran Zhi finished speaking, Eddie grabbed him angrily again, but at this moment Ran Zhi started laughing wildly, shaking his head and laughing.

"If you put yourself to death and survive, what do you think will happen to the guys over there if you continue to let it go?"

Eddie was still trying to calm down his emotions, and Ran Zhi shook his head.

"It seems that you are really a coward Eddie. If you want to accomplish something, what you need is not a careful and detailed plan, but a human heart!"

Eddie had no idea what Ran Zhi wanted to do. Once the base over there was revealed, he would be doomed.

"You know why every time I talk to those guys, you don't need to participate. You don't even know what I said to them! Erwin in your family is a talent. I don't think you need to blame him. Instead, Erwin The meticulous writing made this plan a success.”

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

Eddie restrained himself, he was like a balloon about to explode at this moment.

"I just conducted an experiment. Just watch carefully. Nothing will happen. I can assure you that you will not lose anything in this furnace experiment. On the contrary, it will continue as usual. The plan can even be advanced. Implementation, I just accelerated your plan. AI can indeed collect a large amount of data and rely on big data to make judgments. No matter how accurate the data is, it cannot break through the last remaining 1%. , what do you think these 1% need to rely on!"

Eddie felt something strange. The Ran Zhi in front of him seemed different from the past. At this moment, Eddie could even feel a strange aura coming from Ran Zhi.

"Inspiration! You don't have such a thing Eddie, criminal inspiration!"

Ran Zhi smiled and shook his head.

"Everyone only focuses on what is in front of them and has not discovered the problem at all. People's hearts are constantly being melted. People's hearts are the true melting pot."

"Answer my question, what exactly did you do?"

Ran Zhi smiled and laughed.

"Those who know the real situation are only the 16 kings of that place. Human memory can be tampered with. When Erwin was managing, he did not reveal to anyone that it was the base of the Hillman family. Most of them People only know that it is a research base funded by a rich man in the city, but many people don’t know what the specific research is, and the rich man in the city is not just the Hillman family, right?"

Eddie looked at Ran Zhi blankly, he smiled and shook his head.

"There is no evidence, and"

Ran Zhi said with a smile.

"All it takes is one rumor, and that's what the Crucible is really like."

"But don't the leaders know that?"

Ran Zhi stretched out a finger and shook it.

"They would never say three words about the Hillman family."

Ran Zhi didn't intend to explain anything to Eddie. He just wanted to let Eddie take a good look. Most people in that base now believe that this base was established with the support of the Angus family. Ran Zhi has already cooperated with 16 people. The leaders made it very clear that they wanted more chaos in the city so that they would have more room for survival, and the leaders agreed.

In just one year, most people in the base have a surprisingly unified understanding. Starting with some details, the people who come to deliver supplies will mention the Angus family from time to time, and the bosses are under some subordinates. In front of us, the Angus family will also be mentioned when talking on the phone.

For many criminals who escaped, the only thing they knew was that the Angus family had huge financial resources and power, and they knew nothing else. Apart from the fact that they were able to take over the construction of the city, they knew basically nothing about the Angus family. , because the Angus family is too low-key and never makes a single comment in society. Many people look at the Angus family as if they were in a fog.

Most people have the impression that the Angus family was almost destroyed several times. No matter from which aspect, there are many doubts about the Angus family, because no one knows what is going on with this leading family in the city. , what the Angus family has been doing for so many years, apart from their daughter Alpha, the city knows very little about the Angus family.

Ran Zhi has watched the development of the city over the years, and he knows everything. Ran Zhi also conducted an experiment in that base, and conducted a survey on everyone in the base to investigate their impressions of events in the city, and Ran Zhi The bosses lied that this was to see the intelligence of the people here, so that they could be allocated easily, and the bosses believed it, because the people Ran Zhi assigned to them later did exert their abilities in the right positions. .

The result of the test was astonishing, because as the leading wealthy family in the city, the Angus family is usually very low-key and does many things step by step. The entire family basically does not cause any big problems, so their actions It is easier to be remembered by people when they move. On the contrary, people's perception of wealthy families like the Hillman family or several other major families who make big moves and make big news from time to time is confusing.

Only what the Angus family has done is deeply reflected in everyone's mind like a brand. Many people even remember the incident of the Angus family's slaves and the suspension of work by the Angus family. Some people even believe that the Angus family made a lot of money through the stock market.

Every move of the Angus family over the years has always affected the city. When the Angus family started construction, the city began to prosper, but when the Angus family stopped work, the city began to decline. Most people remember these things clearly.

This is the commonality of human memory. A person who is usually silent suddenly does something that everyone knows about. Everyone will remember what this person did very clearly, while those who cause big troubles from time to time will be left to the public. Some people's impressions can actually cause confusion and can easily get mixed up.

Eddie was still looking at Ran Zhi suspiciously.

"Just wait for the results!"


Ran Zhi shook his head.

"There are no ifs. I have said that human memory can be easily replaced, because human beings are a group with a strong consensus. Once this consensus begins to explode in the whole, the entire society will become like a melting pot. Generally speaking, please take a good look at the results of this furnace experiment, Eddie."

Ran Zhi said, lying on the bed and smiling.

"I just hope my wife gets better soon."

Eddie calmed down at this time. He didn't know what this guy was going to do, Ran Zhijue added.

"Don't worry, that base will definitely be discovered by the administrative department. Once the base is discovered, what kind of action do you think the angry administrative department will take!"

Eddie's eyes widened.

"If you want the plan to be realized, you must create relative conflicts and antagonisms. No matter what such conflicts look like, as vested interests, this is true in every era, and we are happy to see such conflicts and antagonisms emerge. , after all, vested interests can gain huge benefits from it. Humanity has fought countless wars, no matter under what banner, unjust or just. In the end, it is those vested interests who promote all of this. They don’t care how many people there are. They will lose their lives because of this, and they won’t care about society or the families that are being torn apart one after another.”

Eddie felt a sense of fear, and he swallowed. Ran Zhi stared at him sideways.

"The evil in this world is not the human heart, but the vested interests hiding behind the human heart."

Eddie seemed to understand what Ran Zhi was talking about.

"Remember Eddie, those with vested interests usually reach some kind of consensus. This consensus is not a conversation or secret contact. It is a consensus that can be reached without any words, whether it is material vested interests or spiritual ones. People with vested interests, this is human beings, everyone only wants to see what they want to see, only want to get what they want to get, and only accept what they can accept, without any strange voices."

"Those 16 bosses."

Ran Zhi smiled and shook his head.

"Soon they will start to run out of money, because they are also vested interests, or how many of them can survive, especially in that kind of long-term closed and repressed environment, vested interests are even more valuable, or they will be Catch him and confess, or run away, and continue running until the day of death comes. The result is death, but humans are naturally creatures that like freedom. If they choose to run in the dark, or wait for death in place, everyone will be very happy. Make your choice quickly."

Eddie swallowed and Ran Zhi closed his eyes.

"You're a little too young Eddie. Relying on your pile of meaningless data will only ruin yourself one day, because it only takes less than 1% of the probability of an error to occur and you will be finished. The melting pot of the human heart is eternal, so go out, I want to have a good sleep."

1:38 am

"Head, the doctor is here."

Agata was leaning in a room in pain. She looked at her bent arm, which needed to be treated as soon as possible, otherwise the arm would become necrotic. Several doctors came over fearfully. Agata lit a cigarette. She had an extremely expression on her face. anger.

"Tell everyone to pack quietly. Everyone can bring 10 days of food rations at most. We can't stay here anymore."

The moment Agata finished speaking, gunfire rang out outside, and several doctors who were still repairing Agata's arm started to tremble.

"Don't stop, keep going!"

Of the 16 bosses, only 9 have returned. The balance here has collapsed. Agata knows what will happen next, and the acting department will never let them go. Most of his subordinates don't even know where this place is, and they don't know where it is. There was no locator, and they had no idea of ​​their route of action. Only the leader knew these things. However, what made Agata very angry at this moment was that he had been tricked by the wise man.

"Move quickly."

Agata shouted, and her men ran out in panic. At this time, gunfire broke out outside, and those who had lost their leaders began to become restless. There were cries and shouts everywhere. Agata watched as several doctors continued to fight. While the operation was being carried out, he urged again fiercely.

"Move quickly."

There was a loud bang, accompanied by a burst of spraying flames, and bursts of wailing could be heard outside the operating room. With a loud bang, the door was opened, and two men with grinning faces rushed in. One of them was carrying Ah The head of Gata's henchman.

"You have the final say here from now on!"

Agata said, one of the leaders laughed and came closer step by step.

"I've wanted to try it for a long time. You guys are so beautiful. You must have not been nourished for a long time!"

Agata smiled, and the doctor next to her stopped.

"Can you wait until I'm done with it?"


One doctor's head fell to the ground, and several other doctors turned around and left. The noise outside was very loud. Agata looked at the hand that had only been partially operated on. The man was in severe pain. The two leaders had already walked over. One of them pinched his neck and tore off his clothes.

"It's a time like this. People from the business department will come over in an hour at most. We only have an hour to escape."

For a moment, the expressions of the two leaders changed.

"Someone has been captured. Even if they don't know the location, they know what this place looks like and the time we have passed. And think about it for yourselves, do those guys in the city hope that we will survive? Why did the hope in the past The Mann family’s experimental base has become the Angus family’s experimental base!”

The two leaders were still thinking about something at this time. The chaos outside was getting louder and louder. Agata suddenly kicked her, but the next second she screamed in pain, and her bent arm was directly The twist was broken, her eyes widened and she was pressed on the bed unable to move at all.


Accompanied by a violent noise.

"My head is bad, I'm a professional."

The leader, who was still pressing Agata, instantly stood up and pulled up his pants.

"how many people?"

"only one."

The next second, there were screams and crackling thunder and lightning sounds from the communicator. The two leaders ran out without saying a word. Agata looked at the doctor who was still huddled aside.

"Come here, hurry up and continue the operation on me, hurry up."

5 minutes ago

A large take-off and landing aircraft from Section 3 was flying rapidly in the air. Five criminals were sitting on the take-off and landing aircraft, identifying pictures one after another. Ling Hong was smoking silently on the side. The 16 directors of Section 3 They are all in contact with some close-range helicopters that are taking photos and surveys above the barrier area.

"Yes, here!"

Ling Hong stood up and walked over, and saw a large area of ​​rocky land, nearby the Alatan Ula Mountains in the northwest.

The helicopter began to fly towards that direction rapidly, Ling Hong issued a series of contact signals, and she exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Be mentally prepared! If you don't want to do this, you still have a few minutes to think about it."

Ling Hong said as she walked towards the cabin door step by step. Several of the directors behind her stood up, while the few who followed were still hesitating.


Ling Hong's clenched fists were surrounded by red lightning.

"How about we wait until most of them come over?"

"It's meaningless to wait. Have you ever thought about the lives of soldiers? Why do we hone this power? Now the burden of Section 3 is so heavy. If a large-scale battle starts, we need to invest The amount of consumption will even cost some people their lives. The psychological preparation I just mentioned is not that we may have to kill some people with our own hands next, but whether we have the confidence to ensure that we can survive."

Some directors were deterred, Ling Hong smiled slightly, and the helicopter arrived in the sky. Five criminals were watching everything on the night surveillance screen. Soon one criminal pointed out the entrance to the door.

"Get there and open the hatch."

The lifter began to hover over a mountain wall. At this time, accompanied by a violent and harsh sound, a scarlet light approached.

"Descent to a height of 150 meters."

While Ling Hong was speaking, several council officers behind him had already come out. They quickly jumped to the top of the landing gear. Small rockets flying from a distance were instantly contained near the landing gear. Ling Hong He jumped and fell down.

Accompanied by a violent crackling sound, a shocking red thunderbolt instantly exploded on the stone wall. As the rock layer peeled off, the metal was exposed. The red thunderbolt instantly penetrated the metal. With a loud bang, the door was directly opened. A huge hole was torn open, and Ling Hong stood on the door panel that collapsed backwards.

There was a loud boom, and a flash of light came out. Ling Hong looked at the huge cave covered in dust in front of her in shock. She heard bursts of gunshots.


Ling Hong stepped back, and instantly arched her body and shot towards the rock wall on the left, a frightened man holding a megaphone, and several men beside him who were still aiming.

With a loud bang, Ling Hong was instantly ejected towards the opposite side, and her angry fist directly hit everyone in the sentry on the opposite side. Violent red thunder and lightning spread out in all directions. Ling Hong stared blankly. Looking at the situation inside, it was a very large cave. At this time, there was chaos inside, fierce fighting was taking place, and there were a large number of corpses on the ground.

At the door, a group of people with weapons came up from the slope. Ling Hong squatted on the edge of the sentry tower. With a bang, Ling Hong jumped directly into the crowd. Without a moment's hesitation, in a series of red The moment thunder and lightning struck, everyone fell to the ground with charred bodies, accompanied by bursts of black smoke.

"Everyone, listen up! Anyone who doesn't want to die, go back to the house!"

Ling Hong turned up the loudspeaker equipment on her mobile phone and shouted loudly. At this time, many people also noticed the chaos here. Gradually, the gunfire stopped and Ling Hong walked forward step by step. , at this time, 5 directors came in behind him, and the other directors had already fallen into the rubble to deal with the enemies attacking outside.

Ling Hong's shouting had no effect. At this time, the criminals who were still exchanging fire in the empty housing area below all pointed their guns at Ling Hong and the others who came in.

Ling Hong angrily shuttled among the bullets fired at her, and quickly jumped to the outskirts of the seemingly newly built housing area in front of her, killing several helpless people in an instant. The attack did not stop, Ling Hong The five council officers behind him also rushed in.

Ling Hong jumped up high and confirmed the positions of some enemies in the air. Wrapped in the red particles, the bullets that were fired were directly dissolved by the red current that appeared the moment they approached. Ling Hong's landing on the ground In an instant, it rushed towards the place where the enemy attacked.

"Why don't you stop!"

Several criminals were holding weapons, and their bodies were scorched black. Ling Hong stood among them. At this time, the gunshots all around were still very intensive. The last moments of that night in Jirigele kept reappearing in Ling Hong's mind. .

That desperate night has happened again. The conflict will not stop until the other party is destroyed.

There was a loud boom, accompanied by an explosion, and a rocket landed next to Ling Hong. She stood motionless, and the splashing explosives stagnated in the air beside Ling Hong. The ground had been bombed. After exiting a large pit, Ling Hong looked at a guy in the distance holding a rocket launcher, still filling it with rockets.

The moment Ling Hong turned around, she bowed down. With a burst of intense red lightning, Ling Hong was instantly ejected in front of the criminal. There was nothing else in his eyes except disbelief and horror.

The moment Ling Hong fell, a beam of electricity pierced the criminal's body. He fell to the ground, covered in black smoke and covered in black smoke. There were many criminals around, and they without any hesitation grabbed the gun in their hands. trigger.

"When will it be over?"

Ling Hong said to herself, her hands unconsciously raised to both sides, and all the criminals nearby showed frightened expressions.

There was a loud boom, accompanied by exploding red lightning, and the criminals fell to the ground one by one.

"When exactly will it be!"

Ling Hong asked again. She had already jumped up. Some criminals had begun to move and were still resisting. No one surrendered. Ling Hong looked at the criminals who had shrunk into some passages and were still fighting. Shoot this way.

The whole cave went crazy. No one knew why they were fighting, but everyone had only one thought, to survive. The criminals who had survived in the lightless cold of the barrier zone all year round had no hope, let alone anything to pray for. There is only one law in this land, power is king, kill others if you don't want to die.

"Thank you for your hard work, doctor!"


The three doctors who had completed the operation on Agata looked at Agata in horror. They covered their severed neck and fell to the ground. After Agata stood up, she burst out laughing. She took a step She staggered, but she still ran quickly. The corridor outside was full of dead people, and the noise below was still loud. She quickly climbed up the stairs.

After a while, they arrived at the secret passage leading to the outside of the scientific research tower. There was no one except the corpses. Agata walked in step by step and could hear some noises. After a while, Agata felt a chill and she laughed. , looking at the tire marks outside, she knew very well that everything was over, but she still walked forward, wrapped her body in thick clothes, panting violently, and it was clear that she could not walk a step further. But Agata is still walking.

There is no mercy in this land. If you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself. With a hint of confusion, Agata glanced sideways, and there was an outline of light. There was the Brilliant City. Agata smiled and continued walking, knowing that this Apart from the leader, there are only a few confidants in the secret tunnel, no more than 100 people.

Deafening whistling sounds passed over her head. Agata leaned against a rock. Everything about that night began to repeat itself. Agata looked at these bright red dazzling lights and looked back at the base again. She said More crazy laughter.

Gradually the laughter stopped, and Agata began to cry sadly. The cry was quickly drowned by the rumbling noises, and she cried heartbrokenly.

Agata only knew that since she was sensible, her parents had been working as odd jobs in a shop, and their lives were not very good every day. She had obviously seen her parents working so hard, but a good life still did not come, and instead they became poorer and poorer. Agata has not received any education, and even now she does not know a few words.

One day Agata thought that she might be able to make some money by using her beauty, so she teamed up with her friends to rob a man, and then started to get out of hand. This life was very easy, and Agata was not satisfied after that. Due to such small fights, during the city's most chaotic years, Agata successfully took root in an area and became the leader of the largest gang in the area.

"I don't want it either, I don't want this shitty life either!"

Agata punched the rock coin angrily, and she looked back again. She knew exactly what would happen to this base tonight, and she glanced at the Brilliant City again.

"Obviously it's you bullshit bastards who created this kind of society, but now you can enjoy the sunshine without any harm. What kind of bullshit is this! It's ridiculous and stupid."

Agata walked step by step, her eyes filled with anger.

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