Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1773 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 100 (medium)

"what do you want to do?"

The sun on the roof was a little dazzling. Alpha was half-crouched on the ground. Gene had let go of his hand, and everything around him was still in chaos.

"Everyone makes mistakes Alpha! You are no exception."

Alpha gritted her teeth in discomfort. She knew this feeling very well. She had experienced this feeling countless times. In the past, she felt like this when she personally arrested her uncle or even her own parents.

"Have you ever thought that one day in the future, you will make a big mistake?"

Gene said with a smile, took out a cigarette, and then walked over slowly.


Alpha pushed Gene's hand away.

"They obviously did something wrong, but they don't have to accept any punishment? Is that what you mean?"

Gene shook his head.

"The problem has been solved and contained to the greatest extent. What is corrupt is not the system, nor the order, but the human heart. In other words, not everyone can be like you."

Alpha smiled bitterly. She couldn't bear it anymore. She was blocked time and time again, and her hands and feet were constantly restrained.

"Then what did you mean by what you said last night!"

Alpha asked and Gene shook his head.

"It makes no sense! We are always used to finding the problem and then solving it after it happens. This has been the case for so many years."

Alpha stood up and took out a cigarette from her pocket. She smiled coldly, her eyes looking a little cold.

"Seeing a problem but not solving it, or letting the problem creator go, is just for the sake of the stability of the city."


With a violent sound, Jean flew back, but soon flipped around and landed on the ground. Alpha had already ejected over, and in an instant there were fist shadows, and the two fists touched again. together.

Gene had received countless punches, and his fists could not hit Alpha. The blue particles were pushed away, and the cyan particles firmly controlled the space near the battle between the two.


The moment Gene's fist missed, Alpha cut sideways in front of Gene, and his elbow instantly hit Gene's heart.

Jean spurted out blood with a puff and flew backwards quickly. Alpha quickly followed him forward. Every step on the ground would be accompanied by cracked floors and splashing gravel.


With a loud noise, two violent explosions occurred around Jean's body. The next second, Jean stabilized his body, facing Alpha who had already smashed her fists, and accurately caught her wrist.

There was a loud crunching sound, and the floor beneath their feet collapsed instantly. The two fell down. The blue and cyan telekinesis forces collided violently, and bursts of white smoke rose in the air around them.

In Jean's eyes, the Alpha in front of him was like a wild beast, and his whole body was full of hostility. This was the first time that Jean saw another side of Alpha.

The violent telekinesis was still spreading, and the surrounding walls and ground were cracking, and then some places began to turn into sand. Jean pressed down on Alpha in a daze, and pinched Alpha's wrist with both hands, and the skin was torn bit by bit. The blood flowed out drop by drop, and instantly turned black and smoked before being evaporated.

"This may be the last lesson!"

Gene said, the extremely angry Alpha became slightly more awake, and the purple telekinesis began to be released. Gradually, it was still overflowing and destroying everything. The cyan particles that had almost destroyed the entire floor began to disappear.

Alpha gasped, and small pimples appeared on his skin. Black particles squeezed out of these small pimples like water. Gene looked at him in shock. He did not let go of his hand. The two of them were standing at the moment. The floor slabs were only left with metal supports that were about to break, and the entire sixth floor of the Public Security Management Office had begun to collapse.

"I know that too, and I don't want to either!"

Alpha breathed rapidly, seeming to calm down. Over the years, he has been blocked time and time again, and this road has never had any end, and there is no end in sight.

Jean's expression also relaxed a little, and the skin destroyed by telekinesis healed little by little, and he smiled.

"There is no end to a man fighting alone, Alpha!"

At this time, all the cyan particles had disappeared, the purple particles were slowly withdrawing into Alpha's body, and the black particles gradually disappeared, and the small bumps on Alpha's arms also began to disappear.

Alpha looked extremely tired and was still breathing rapidly. Jean supported her and then landed directly in the room on the 4th floor. The noise below was still there, but everyone in the 5th Section Public Security Management Office was silent. Come down.

Everyone felt a suffocating anger in the air for a moment. This anger deeply touched everyone present. The problems in the film and television area have been backlogged for a long time. Many people know this, because There are too many things involved in this, and this is the upper level, and the upper level is also the foundation of stability in the city.

A flash of orange light popped up, and Alpha saw on the light and shadow screen that the person in charge of this matter had been temporarily changed, and replaced by Section 1 Chief Duan Kong, Section 3 Secretary Zi Juan, and Section 9 Chief Brandon to handle it.

"No matter how powerful or capable a person is at any time, he is an Alpha with limits!"

Gene looked at Alpha who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, a little distracted. This was the first time that he saw Alpha showing such a helpless expression.

The large-scale investigation is still going on, but the nature of the investigation has changed. Alpha is very clear about this. When laying out the plan last night, Alpha quickly put forward a solution. In the end, 11 departments The commander agreed and signed the order. However, less than an hour after the investigation began, everything changed.

"For the sake of the stability of the city, do we have to cover everything up with lies?"


This was the first time that Jean clearly answered Alpha's question.

"Can we tolerate those who have committed serious wrongdoings just for the sake of past friendship?"


Alpha leaned back in disappointment. She took out a cigarette. A blue particle drifted over the cigarette end, and the cigarette lit up.

"Then! What's the point of continuing like this!"

"The meaning lies in yourself, in the place where you stand."

Alpha smiled easily, her expression still bitter. She really wanted to solve everything. Since she was very young, everything at the bottom and everything at the top have been deeply imprinted in her heart. Is there any way to deal with these two completely different impressions? The two impressions can overlap. Alpha can't find the answer. He has tried countless times, but still can't find the answer.

"What to give up for what, what to hide for what, what to create for what, what to sacrifice for!"

Gene nodded slightly.

"Because this is how human society continues. There is no saying that a grain of sand cannot be tolerated in the eye, and there is no saying that the entire world can be accommodated. The world itself is colorful, and you who are in this world must also be colorful. ."

Alpha looked at his fists helplessly. The only difference between him and others was that his obsession was deeper than others. Alpha knew the current situation of the city very well. It was like a huge furnace with black smoke. No matter what came in, , eventually it will turn fiery red and everything will be dissolved.

Perhaps during the years when the business department was established, Alpha saw something different, slightly different from the past, and different from the past management practices, but in the end, he still went back and returned to many of the past models.

"What is the nature of the problem!"

Alpha said, exhaling smoke and looking at Gene.

"Didn't you know it early?"

Alpha smiled bitterly.

"The land can feed everyone, just like what Old Man Ye said. Everyone understands this simple truth, but the tragedy of hunger in the world is staged again and again! It is obvious that the people at the bottom just want a stable and peaceful life, there is no need Running day and night for life, the family can gather together and live a happy life, but what is the result? In the end, they still have nothing. Many people have been running around all their lives, but in the end they have nothing, and even begin a miserable and embarrassing old age life! The problems that exist in the city If the meaning is just to allow human civilization to continue, if it is just to allow humans to master more advanced technologies and possess more knowledge and wisdom, then there is no need for cities to exist at all!"

Gene nodded.

"What about the city? What about the people? What about yourself?"

Alpha stood up with a serious expression and stared at Gene solemnly.

"Let the people live whatever kind of life they like, instead of us deciding what kind of life the people live, what they should choose, what they must do, countless historical reincarnations, countless human beings Lamented, but there is still no solution, and it happens again and again, what is this world like?”

Jean did not answer Alpha's question this time, because he did not know how to answer it. Today's city has been completely frozen, a huge gap has appeared between classes, and the entire city is already in a state of crisis. In an extremely special period, everything is overloaded and problems have occurred frequently in recent years. More and more problems cannot be solved at all.

"Answer me, Uncle Gene, why are we so stupid that we commit tragedies that have been repeated countless times in the past? We have obviously started to move forward, but in the end we retreated. While technology is always progressing, society will always... A return to the way it used to be, the same past.”

Gene hummed. He knew very well that there was no answer to this question, because no matter how the times changed or how society changed, people's hearts would always remain the same. Gene and six other people had discussed this question countless times, so Only then did we have plans for the next mechanization era.

"Those who stand out from the crowd continue to move up, as wealth continues to accumulate, and there will be no end to it. Those who fall behind can only continue to be abandoned by the times, unable to even make the faintest cry, and marginalized. Geographicalization, classification, institutionalization, and blind obedience, no matter which one, there is a chance to solve it. Although people's hearts are unchanged, they can be satisfied. Although there are many people who are not satisfied, satisfaction Those who make up the majority, not everyone wants to pursue supreme rights and countless wealth, there are more people who just need a life with a little warmth. It is obviously such a simple thing, but why Time and time again, those who cannot keep up with the times are bound up, just because humanity must continue? Just because these problems cannot be solved?"


Alpha didn't want to say anything anymore. She sat on the ground silently, looking at everything in the distance with disappointment. She could imagine how this matter would be handled. The film and television area involves many industries, and in order not to affect these Industry, many facts will be covered up, and most businessmen only need to sign a contract with Congress.

The city has just ushered in a short spring due to the high employment rate. At this juncture, if another major problem occurs and the chain reaction of the industry begins to spread, it will affect many people, so the problem must be handled quickly and efficiently. Process it into a result that is basically acceptable to most people.

"Promote capable people to Alpha!"

Jean squatted next to Alpha.

"Competent people abound! Aren't there capable people all around? Whether it's in the executive branch, among the members of parliament, whether it's a businessman or a family, it's the same in all walks of life. There are many capable people."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"But maybe you're overlooking one of the most important criteria."

Gene said as he stood up and looked into the distance.

"I will leave Alpha at 0 o'clock tonight."

Alpha lowered his head, but his expression showed a violent reaction.

"What are the standards?"

Jean looked up at the sun. The light was a bit dazzling. The noise in his ears had begun to calm down. Jean could imagine what the future would be like. Perhaps many former classmates would alienate Alpha. This alienation was not due to dislike or because of Alpha. Want to arrest past classmates, but alienation from the group.

This is Gene's biggest feeling in recent years. Alpha has been gradually alienated by his classmates. Gene will have a drink with the students from time to time, but every time he will ask why Alpha is not invited. Although the rhetoric is not unanimous, everyone has already confirmed it. Now that they are alienated from Alpha, everyone knows that what Alpha does is right, and it is obviously right, but they can't do it, and they don't even dare to do it like Alpha, because everyone is worried about where they stand. place, and the city as a whole.

This is also what the teachers of God College mentioned to the students many times in class, that the stable development of the city is the primary purpose of everything.

Putting the cart before the horse is the current situation. Everything is considered based on the results. Once the results will affect the city, it doesn’t matter what the essence is. Everything is based on the stability of the city. This creates endless problems. Although there are new tricks every year. , but the core essence remains unchanged, which Jean knew two centuries ago, clearly.

Everyone began to distance themselves from Alpha because Alpha wanted to solve the essential problem, while others prioritized the city. In the past, many people had done the same thing as Alpha, even if it was on a small scale, even if it did not cause big problems in the city. problem, but the result is that the city becomes turbulent.

In Gene's mind, he knew exactly what every student wanted to achieve, and he knew better than anyone else what the 12 subjects were like.

"Duan Kong once wanted to make every industry in the city active, or to create a good business atmosphere. He has been working hard, but what is the result? Because time and time again it seems to be good, but in the end But the policy failed, causing the city to become even more chaotic after the policy was introduced!"

Alpha raised his head and Gene continued.

"R has been dealing with some things secretly since he went to the School of God. You may have heard a little bit about it, and he dealt with some vicious incidents simply and crudely. He once told me that he hated those evil people very much, but what is the truth? The devil in human skin is wandering in the world, and Section 2 is being criticized by the city for many things. You should know better than anyone about Osman. Section 3 plays a negligible role in the city. In order for Section 3 to survive, he does What, it failed. Akimi had planned the medical market since he became the section chief a long time ago. However, the problems in the medical market were far deeper than what he saw. In the end, in desperation, he and Freya Joining forces, what’s the result now?”

Alpha looked at Jean seriously.

"That girl Ke Ying invented a set of mathematical formulas that can quickly test the economics of an industry. But now this set of formulas is no longer used. You should know why!"

"Because of the presence of AI and the authenticity of most data, the calculated results are often far from the actual situation."

Alpha said, and scenes emerged in her mind. Although she and Keying had not gotten together a few times in the past few years, Keying seemed very helpless every time she met.

"Jin Mang has been telling me since he was a student that electronic money is inevitable and important to economic control, and it can save a lot of trouble to the greatest extent. But every time he submits such a bill in Congress, he always It was criticized, and even small-scale experiments were conducted in some areas, but all failed in the end. Heathcote has always wanted to make the law more accurate in determining everything. You should also know the situation in the city, and constantly revise the law The law, and the law keeps showing loopholes, what has he been doing from the past to the present?"

Alpha was silent. He remembered that Heathcote would go to the scene every time there were major cases in the city. After each trial, Heathcote would usually read it several times and then take notes carefully. , and then some cases will be discussed regularly within Section 8. Alpha has seen this situation many times.

“Brandon’s dilemma with the 9 subjects started a long time ago when the nature of the 9 subjects was decided. It was necessary to clearly distinguish whether all applied commercial activities would have an impact on the city, and they were criticized time and time again. In terms of pricing power, On the issue, there are indeed many times.”

"Just because I know everyone is working hard, just because I know Uncle Gene, I can't stop."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Everyone makes mistakes, and there are times when everyone is powerless, especially when alone. You just asked me what the standard is!"

Alpha nodded.

"This is an issue that many people ignore, because cities are now based on results, class, and wealth. But no matter what a person has, the most important thing is whether he has the character of kindness. This Kindness from the bottom of the heart is the most scarce thing in the city today. Remember Alpha and promote these kind and capable people."

Jean stood up as he spoke. Alpha was dazed for a moment. She felt a hint of warmth. Once upon a time, Alpha seemed to have forgotten such a thing as kindness, something that had been forgotten for a long time. Since then, he has entered the acting department. , then act in accordance with the system, in accordance with the law, and in accordance with strict self-discipline on oneself.

"Sorry Alpha! This may be the last lesson I can teach you, because the best medicine in the world, apart from kindness, I can't find any other way. I was just like you in the past, including now. , order is the means that can stabilize everything, but problems that occur frequently in order cannot be solved by order in many cases. If people's awareness of autonomy is more strongly suppressed, creativity will be greatly curbed. , Such soil cannot cultivate outstanding scientific and technological talents, and if human autonomy is abandoned, human beings will lose the tool of progress, which has been repeated in countless histories."

Alpha nodded.

"Indeed! It can obviously be controlled more strictly."

Alpha has thought about this problem in the past, and the result is the same as what Gene said. If humans are in a strictly controlled society, it will be difficult for a large number of talents to be born. This is a problem with social roots. Enlightened people Society is more tolerant, while closed societies tend to be very tolerant, and it is very difficult to allow new things to emerge and emerge.

The current Bright City is in a high-pressure but relatively enlightened society. This was decided by the gods from the beginning. Stability is essential, and enlightenment is also necessary. The combination of the two will inevitably cause many problems, but Technology can develop, and capable people will not be buried, but the price is that those without capability will continue to fall and become the cornerstone of urban development.

Such a system is like a double-edged sword. The executive branch represents closed control, while the councilors represent open-minded inclusiveness. The two were originally in conflict, but now they coexist. The city’s technology has always been Progress has not stopped, and controls remain as strict as ever.

"Are you really leaving at 0 o'clock tonight?"

Alpha asked again and Gene nodded.

"How about walking around with me Alpha, you still have some time."

Alpha nodded, and then the two quickly jumped to a house in the distance. The chaos in the film and television area has calmed down. Most people have been arrested, but the case is still under investigation. Everyone in the city is Discussing this matter.

Gene jumped between floors at a slow speed, followed closely by Alpha. The two of them left the film and television area quickly, one after the other, maintaining a constant speed.

At this moment, both of them were thinking about the same problem. Everything about the city kept flashing through their minds. Alpha looked at Jean from time to time. He had followed this man since he was very young, time and time again. Learn from this man.

At this time, Gene stopped. He smiled and looked at a lively street market below.

"Alpha, how is this different from what you've seen before?"

"the same."

Alpha looked at the crowded pedestrians in the street market below, and the cars were moving very slowly. This was an upper-level block, but it was the same as the lower level in Alpha's impression in the past.

"We've been facing the same problems since a long time ago, and they've never stopped and they've never subsided, but every day people have to go out and take to the streets."

Alpha nodded and followed Gene across the street towards the middle floor.

10:01 am

Locke gave a televised speech at the Public Security Management Station in the film and television area. He briefly and clearly explained the three core points of this problem, illegal body trading, drug proliferation, and the trading of power, sex, and money. He also told all citizens to act accordingly. The Science and Technology Council will deal with this issue seriously and regulate everything in the film and television area.

After the brief speech, Locke looked at the completely destroyed 6th floor. The scene was being processed. All members of the field department had been asked to strictly implement confidentiality regulations and were not allowed to tell the outside world what happened here.

Latis was sitting quietly in the hall, smoking silently, and Locke walked in.

"What's wrong? You look worried."

Latis hummed, stood up, dragged Locke, and the two of them quickly walked around to a sparsely populated area in the backyard.

"I just went up to take a look, and there's something wrong with Alpha!"

Locke nodded and recalled the time when he personally went to Chen's house to handle the matter. Alpha had such a beast-like expression, and it was probably the same today.

"I haven't seen an Alpha look like that in a long time."

Latis looked into the distance worriedly, Locke said with a smile.

"Don't worry, the principal is here, he should be able to do something."

Latis hummed. Locke was still talking about this matter, but Latis couldn't listen to a word. She felt in danger, because since she was very young, she and Alpha had been in the same room and had classes together every day. , chatting in the dormitory after class, and sleeping together every night. Although the principal may know Alpha well, Latis feels that he knows Alpha better than anyone else.

Ordinary methods may no longer be able to calm Alpha's angry heart. This is what Latis knows best at present. Many things that have been accumulated may one day burst out. This is what Latis is most worried about, but most of them No one noticed.

Because Alpha is like a fragile little girl at heart!

Latis took a long breath and smiled helplessly.

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