Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1762 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 96 (Part 2)

"Sir, please buy some, take it back and hang it at home. It will look beautiful!"

1 o'clock

On a lively street, a little girl who looked to be only ten years old was carrying a basket, which contained star decorations of different shapes and colors. They were crystal clear, as if they were breathing. The color will gradually change.

People passing by just took a casual look and left talking and laughing. The little girl was still selling hard, and across the street there was a little boy with a bunch of small musical instruments hanging around his neck, but most of them were children. The pitch and scale of these toys are quite random, except that a harmonica makes smooth and beautiful music in the boy's mouth from time to time, and some people will stop from time to time.

"Sir and Miss, take a look, if there are children at home, they will definitely be very happy to take them back."

"How much?"

The boy immediately held out his finger.

"This one costs 5 yuan, this one costs 7 yuan, and this one costs 10 yuan."

Before she finished speaking, the woman dragged the man away.

"If you want to buy one, go to a regular musical instrument store. Don't buy this kind of toy. It's so expensive. It costs only one or two yuan at most."

The little boy was a little disappointed, but the disappointment was fleeting. He picked up a mini trumpet and started playing it. There were many such children on the whole lively street, and they were all playing with various kinds of sounds. Novel and beautiful gadgets are sold, among which decorations, hangings, musical instruments, lamps, etc. are more common.

"Oh shit!"

Accompanied by a burst of curses, a slightly drunk man pushed a child to the ground. For a moment, the child was so frightened that he started crying. Many people gathered around to watch. Some people criticized him, but the man was justified. He said that it was this child who pestered him first, and gradually the accusations disappeared.

In recent months, no matter day or night, there have been many such children selling some products on the street wantonly, and the people in the field don't care, because everyone knows where these children come from, one orphanage after another. Involving the large-scale vicious case last year, the director and related personnel either committed suicide or were arrested, and 60% of the orphanages in the city were in crisis.

At first, some social groups took the initiative to take responsibility, but soon many orphanages basically stopped operating, and a large number of displaced orphans were left without care. In desperation, they could only ask the local administrative departments to jointly take responsibility, and the administrative departments could only It is difficult to care for these orphans by providing them with two meals a day.

There are also some thin and pitiful-looking children begging on the street with their hands outstretched. Occasionally someone will give them a few cents, but most people will pass by quickly without stopping their eyes for even a second.

A reporter has reported before that there are about 30,000 homeless orphans in the entire city. This is an extremely terrifying number. In the past, these 30,000 orphans did not need to worry every day because they were protected by orphanages. At least they had a safe place. But now the comfort zone has been overturned.

When problems began to arise in these orphanages, only one person stood up and spoke out at first, hoping that all sectors of society could find ways to restore the normal operation of the orphanages. However, this person who spoke out was soon reviled by the people. They scolded this woman. Hypocritical, scolding her for using the orphanage as a shield just to protect her position.

"They must have bought some people with money."

At this time, the two people on the roadside looked at the light and shadow screen. Freya's current approval rate in District 1 still remained at 69%, and it did not drop much.

"I'm sure, this woman's family is so rich, even if one person gives a little, their family can still afford it."

The two said playfully.

Since last month, there have been many new impeachment complaints against Congressman Freya every day. Everyone hopes that she will step down soon. The medical reform she promoted is a failure, even though Akimi, the chief of Section 4, has already explained it. , because many epidemic viruses in Bright City have evolved and mutated and become more resistant, so some old drugs have lost their effect now. In addition, ordinary people in Bright City do not exercise much now, and the human body's immunity The power has been in a dormant state for a long time, and now human body temperature has generally dropped.

Group after group of numerical comparisons have clearly shown that it is not the medical system promoted by Freya that has failed, but the medical technology of Brilliant City that has failed and lagged behind. But most people don't believe it.

"You really think we are fools."

"Yeah, it's up to them what they want to say."

Arrogant and ignorant voices are everywhere, and many people no longer believe in so-called authoritative announcements, because most of them only care about the high medical expenses they have to bear when they get sick, and a large number of people in the medical field have also come out to criticize Mrs. Leya's approach.

The entire medical association is in chaos, and now the only thing that has not been reviewed by the medical department is the medical sector. Several medical companies that went under the knife last year have experienced great instability in the medical market in just a few months. Phenomenon, some medical facilities have even closed their doors, causing large-scale medical congestion.

“Where do these kids get these things?”

Several men and women sitting in the restaurant bar for a New Year's dinner looked at the shining little star held by one of the women. This thing is quite beautiful, and it can be seen that it is not produced by machinery, but polished. Some of the electronic components don't look bad either.

Recently, many children are selling some beautiful-looking small items, which cost only a few yuan or more than ten or twenty yuan. The price is not expensive for the middle class, and the quality is not bad.

"Lian, it's already 1:30. Go back soon. There are many young children in your orphanage. Go back and take a look."

A female member of Section 5 on patrol walked up to the girl selling small glowing stars. Her name was Lian, and she was the oldest child in the nearby orphanage.

"I know, sister, I'll sell a few more and go back."

The administrative department does not have any control over the behavior of these children. Although some people complained, the complaints were ultimately ignored because this was their only source of income and they would not be able to live without them.

Lian took out a whistle. After blowing it, many children on the street soon gathered over. A bunch of children smiled happily. Lian led these people to a supermarket. Soon, several people in the supermarket gathered. An employee came over with a smile.

"Are the things packed?"

Lian asked.

"Don't worry Lian."

Lian said and asked the children behind him to take out the money, and handed some scattered ultrasound films to the staff member.

"You go back first and I will bring it to you later."

Lian happily smiled and left with the children behind her. At around 2 o'clock in the morning, more than 20 children returned to the orphanage, and bursts of fragrance wafted out.

"I'm back Lian, everything is okay!"

A man wearing an apron and cooking food at the stove in the yard turned his head.

"Mr. Xingyuan, thank you."

Lian smiled and leaned over. Many of the children were hungry. The younger children, they all scrambled to get Peristan to stand up.

After Lian put down her things, she walked over with several children and helped Xingyuan make food.

"Mr. Xingyuan, are you and Mr. Peristan leaving?"

Lian asked with a sad expression, Xingyuan smiled and stroked Lian's head.

"Well, we're going to the next place. Everyone is fine now."

Seeing Lian's somewhat disappointed look, Xingyuan continued.

"When you grow up, you can come to me at any time, and I will come back often to see you."

Lian hummed with a smile on her face.

After staying for another two or three days at most, Xingyuan and Peristan will go to an orphanage on the lower floor. Now all the children in the orphanage don't have to go hungry for the time being, all because Xingyuan and Peristan donated money immediately. A lot of money is spent so that the children in these orphanages will not starve to death.

Both of them knew that constantly giving alms was not a long-term approach. They had to teach these children how to live in advance, so the two of them had been visiting some orphanages since last year. Through various relationships, they found some orphans who could teach these children. People with children's craft skills came over to help teach these children to make some small things, from planting to manufacturing. Xingyuan taught these children literacy and arithmetic every day during the day, and told these children some stories at night.

Parastan plays with some younger children every day to let them focus on something.

These orphanages can survive without Freya's assistance, but now many people in the city are criticizing Freya, which seems a little helpless to the two of them.

There are too many people who have never been to the orphanage, know nothing, believe nothing, are blind and arrogant.

The two people's actions also received support from some rational and kind-hearted people, among whom Hu Youran and Duke would come over from time to time to help them.

Because no one is willing to take on this social responsibility, especially this issue that has been marginalized for a long time and has almost been forgotten by people.

At this time, many children gathered. There were nearly 300 orphans in this orphanage. The most stayed for three years and the least stayed for several months.

"Owen, everyone hasn't started eating yet."


Lian slapped the hand of a little boy with curly hair and big eyes. He looked at Lian with some fear. The little girl he was holding next to her was staring at the food.

"No, Xima is hungry."

Xingyuan walked over and took a piece of food to Owen and Xima first. The two left quickly and found a place. Owen did not eat first, but let Xima eat first.

Xingyuan also heard that these two children used to live in the barrier area. They were different from the children here. They seemed very cautious, and there was always a touch of sadness in their eyes from time to time. Xingyuan also tried to reconcile with this Talking to the child named Owen, although he was cautious, he was generally quite cheerful, but the little girl who was sent here with him seemed a little dull.

Peristan looked at the children gathered around the dining tables and felt a little relieved. It has been 20 days since he came to this orphanage. In just 20 days, the older children here have learned a lot. They are very smart and can learn many things instantly. These days, they don’t even need to be taught. Many children will learn something on their own.

This is the fifth orphanage that Perestan and Xingyuan have visited. The situation is basically the same. One thing that makes Perestan the most annoying is that although the orphanage has all the teaching materials for basic education, it is basically the same. The people in the orphanage never taught these children, but they were only responsible for watching these children every day, responsible for their meals, and letting them go to bed on time.

Looking at these children, Perestan felt powerless for the first time. It was too late to solve such a problem. He didn't know how many children would live in helplessness and loneliness for the rest of their lives after they walked out of the orphanage. In a lonely environment, they may even turn to the path of criminals as if nothing has happened in adulthood. Their lives have been fixed since their birth.

The problem is obviously very simple, but no one cares about it. Everyone seems to turn a blind eye to this issue. Freya has already been implementing the introduction of basic education textbooks and teacher training many years ago. She has already noticed this. Reasonable methods have been proposed for the issue of marginalization, but from beginning to end, in the unknown place of the orphanage, no implementation has been achieved.

No one realizes the consequences of leaving marginalized issues alone and ignoring them. Coupled with a society full of lies, the consequences will eventually bloom.

There is someone who is also actively working hard, one of the two most famous women in Brilliant City, Alpha Angus. This is the reason why Stan is so relieved, because these two women are silently solving problems for Brilliant City. problem, but just the two of them are not enough.

If this matter is not shared by the entire society, it will be difficult for a few people to change everything. This is the same in any era.

What Parystan is sad about at this moment is that it is easy for people to follow blindly, but the root cause is caused by the power of lies that has continued from the past to the present. This was the problem that Parystan was most worried about in the past. Now everything is has become a reality.

Xingyuan watched the children get their own food and happily eat the New Year's food. He walked towards Perestan who was sitting nearby and looked unhappy.

"What's the matter, Mr. Perestan?"

Xingyuan could see that Peristan was a little tired, but he was just tired and had not lost his enthusiasm. In addition to teaching these orphans something in the orphanage, the two of them spent most of their time actively contacting people who were willing to come and help. People will even find some media to report it, but the effect is minimal.

Although the orphanage has received some donations, the amount is obviously too small. The opinion of most people in society is that this is a matter that Congress should be responsible for, not ordinary people. This statement is also correct. Paris and Stan Xingyuan will also actively contact legislators from some factions and negotiate with legislators in local areas.

But after negotiation after negotiation, many things were delayed and ended up being left unsolved. In recent years, there have been many cases in the society. Most of the criminals had not lived a very good childhood. Among them, the proportion of orphans accounted for At 30%, this is a number that should make people alert.

"That's how it should be!"

Peristan said, Xingyuan sat next to him.

"Just do what we can."

"This can only be the case for the time being."

After the two of them looked at each other and smiled, they each picked up the wine in their pockets and drank a drink.

"Now it depends on what Senator Freya plans to do."

Xingyuan said, and Perestan nodded. Everyone knows that a new round of parliamentary voting will begin on February 1st of the new year. There are already many replacements for the parliamentarians in the area in some streets and alleys to vote for themselves. Some activities were held to canvass votes.

But so far, Freya has not conducted such a canvassing activity on the street. Peristan is worried that if Freya cannot continue amidst this criticism, the medical system of Brilliant City will collapse. Now Nowadays, a large number of capital companies occupy the city's medical market, and medical care is completely controlled by them.

Nowadays, Freya's approach will only reduce the profits of some medical companies, so this is why she is criticized by people all over the city. In fact, the medical reform promoted by Freya is a failure, but no one is going to do it. When exploring the reasons for failure, everyone only wants to see the results and judge the quality of a thing by the results, plus there are countless promoters.

Freya has reached a dilemma. If she does not find an effective solution, she will be pushed to the "execution ground." Last year, most of the impeachments against Freya were dismissed by Congress as untrue, but the new Another round of impeachment has begun.

What caused the greatest harm to Freya in particular was that the Abelon family's medical company had indeed relied on Freya's relationship to reach its current level. This fact was enough to cover up all the glory of Freya in the past.

Some time ago, Parastan went to the Abron family and asked Freya clearly this question. Was it under her leadership that the Abron family occupied a place in the medical industry, or was it passive.

Freya didn't answer at that time, she only said one sentence.

“I’ve been dedicated to the medical field all these years.”

This sentence is enough to explain everything. Peristan believes in Freya. Xingyuan looked at Peristan who was thinking hard and said with a smile.

"I think the business department will find a way."

Xingyuan said, and Perestan nodded. Indeed, the business department took action, and directly arrested those unrealistic critics. Although such voices were suppressed, those strange voices started again, Perestan I know that these voices are not the original wishes of many people, but are misled little by little by some people.

Businessmen want to stably control an industry that can be permanently profitable. No matter how strict the regulations are, they can still find breakthroughs. Now the businessmen want to pull Freya down.

"What on earth are the people in Section 4 doing!"

Peristan was drunk, he said angrily, and Xingyuan snorted.

"Over the years, Section 4 has the weakest control among the executive sections."

The two of them quietly looked up at the Capitol Hill in the distance. The light there was still dazzling, but now the light there looked a little pale in their eyes.

2 o'clock sharp


Michelle looked at her slightly drunk mother, who had just put her younger brother to sleep. Michelle, who was nearly 8 years old, was already a well-known presence in the family circle, even if there was no criticism of Freya from the outside world. It has stopped, but most people in the family are still looking forward to this child.

"Go to bed early Freya, if you are tired."

Charles stood at the door and looked at his tired wife. He was very aware of his wife's current situation. Charles had also apologized to his wife countless times. Indeed, he had used the relationship brought by his wife's status over the years to benefit the entire Aibo. The Lun family has created brilliant profits.

Freya said nothing and was still sipping her wine. Michelle walked over and took her mother's hand.


"Go away!"

Freya said something, and Michelle let go of her hand and stood aside. Charles felt that his wife had changed significantly recently. She was very irritable, both to herself and to the children. The tranquility and gentleness in her past had disappeared. More than half of it.

"It's time for you to rest!"

Charles walked over quickly and took away the wine bottle next to Freya's small round table.

"It's so noisy outside, how can I sleep?"

Freya said, pulling her daughter over, hugging her and hugging her affectionately.

"Michelle, go to bed."

Michelle hummed, turned and left, but after leaving the room, she heard her parents quarreling before she returned to the bedroom. She stopped. Michelle was very clear about the recent situation. She didn't understand why her mother After working so hard and paying so much for the city, she still had to bear such infamy. Michelle always believed in her mother, because deep down in her heart, Michelle loved her mother very much, and she never felt that her mother had done anything wrong. .

"I want to grow up quickly so I can help my mother."

Michelle was just about to walk into the room when she saw the end of the corridor. The housekeeper came up with a man in ordinary clothes and carrying a strange mechanical medical bag. His hair was slightly curly and he always kept a smile. I felt very happy and energetic.

"Are you a doctor?"

Michelle asked, very respectfully. Huashen looked at the child and nodded.

"Do you smell disinfectant?"

Michelle nodded and Huashen stopped.

"Little sister, what do you think of the city now?"

"Dr. Huashen, our lady is still a child. I think these are the problems."

"It's not good. No one believes the real thing."

Huashen smiled and nodded, and walked over quickly. As soon as he walked in, he saw the couple tearing at each other. Charles wanted to snatch the bottle from Freya's hand, and his face looked a little ferocious.

"Yes, it is indeed me who did it. It is true that I contacted those people and let our Eberron family enter the medical industry, but so what? I am the patriarch of the Eberron family, and I have the obligation to serve everyone in the family. You are responsible for a person's life, and what about you? There are always those unrealistic ideas in your head. What's the result? You have worked hard for so many years, starting from street speeches, medical consultants, how many people have you helped, and now everyone is How did I treat you? Wake up, Freya!"

Only then did Charles notice Hua Shen at the door. He felt that he had lost his composure, but Freya was just crying. She was constantly choking and couldn't say a word.

"I have heard it all, Mr. Charles. Let me tell you what I think. I have been a doctor since I became a doctor a long time ago. This has not changed? What if I made a decision for the city? If it is difficult to agree with the great women who have made outstanding and huge contributions and led the medical reform, then the world has stopped running long ago, and medical care has covered every corner of the city. This is enough to explain that everything Ms. Freya has done is not It’s all in vain and there’s no failure, it’s just the human heart that fails!”

Charles lowered his head in embarrassment. He knew very well that Freya's reform had not failed, and what ultimately led to the failure was the human heart. Everyone wanted more, higher profits, and more stable growth.

Over the years, medical companies have continued to introduce new products, and medical equipment has been replaced very frequently. Every time some medical equipment is replaced, even if it is a little better than the original one, the price of medical treatment will increase.

The development of new drugs is constantly innovating, and Huashen also made outstanding contributions. However, these things deteriorated in the hands of capitalists. The MPs who once followed Freya also began to be corrupted by power and money. , At first, there was some partiality on the side of capital.

"I'm sorry Freya, I just want you to rest for a while, okay? I will stay with you and take care of you."

As Charles said, Freya wiped her tears and tilted her head to the side. Huashen bowed to Charles.

"Excuse me."

As he spoke, Huashen placed the metal backpack on his back on the ground with a bang, which seemed very heavy.

Charles was a little suspicious, but instinctively felt that this should be a new type of medical equipment. He wanted to see it, but soon he turned and walked out. As a businessman, the desire in his heart is always unconscious. pop up.

Huashen closed the door of the small living room. Freya was still wiping her tears, her makeup already gone.

"I hope this can help you Ms. Freya."

Huashen said, pressing the top of the backpack, and soon with a crunching sound, the backpack opened, revealing two large mechanical gloves inside.

Freya looked at it in confusion.

"This is light and shadow medicine in the true sense, something that can change the future medical landscape. It is still only a semi-finished product at present. Ms. Freya, I hope you can follow what I said to promote this new medical technology, and medical care The initiator of technology, please insist that it is you."

Freya looked at Huashen in disbelief.

"What kind of Doctor Huashen is this!"

Huashen said with a smile.

"I call it the light-shadow surgical glove."

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