Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1758 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 95 (Part 1)

"It's almost time, Ye Chunwang!"

Hawke looked at Ye Chunwang quietly, who was still drinking tea leisurely. It was already 9:05, and there were still 25 minutes left for the video conference scheduled to start at 9:30.

"What are you so anxious about, Hawke! Just relax."

Locke and Hawke both looked at Ye Chunwang solemnly. He never said what he would say in the televised speech. This was what they were most worried about. Even though Ye Chunwang had already said that he would not cause big trouble, But the two of them still didn't believe it, because Ye Chunwang's behavior from the past to the present was still as disturbing as ever.

When he was managing the Eastern Grain Base, Ye Chunwang would often ignore some people's petty thefts, and would even provide food, shelter and work for some homeless people, including those who committed crimes. Fortunately, Ye Chunwang's actions back then were not ignored. Cause big problems.

In Hawke's eyes, Ye Chunwang has not changed at all from the past to the present. To put it bluntly, he is such a meek and good person. Hawke has always been dissatisfied. When dealing with some things, the two of them have had countless encounters. dispute.

The deepest impression on Hawke was that Ye Chunwang allowed a large number of prisoners to participate in labor and have food every day. Hawke strongly opposed it at the time, but Ye Chunwang said that those people would not do anything. This is a prison. The beginning of the system of people going out to work.

In the end, Ye Chunwang persuaded the gods to give the prisoners a little freedom and dignity. At that time, Hawke was afraid of suddenly hearing about the riots at the eastern food base every day. During this period, there were many riots, but they were only minor. There was chaos, but the riots that Hawke remembered had never happened in the eastern food base.

Hawke has visited the agricultural base several times to observe, and many of the prisoners who came out to work seemed quite happy. However, Hawke was still worried and arranged for personnel to lurk among the prisoners in the agricultural base for a whole year, wanting to take a look. Did the prisoners plan something dangerous? However, the result was unexpected by Hawke. Most of the prisoners did not plan anything dangerous. At most, they were just thinking about how to steal some food and take it back, or sell it to some speculators. By.

Facts have proved that Ye Chunwang's approach is correct. Over the years, there has never been a collective riot caused by criminals in the agricultural base. On the contrary, there have been extremely serious problems in the prison.

"Perhaps everyone can't bear to step on these crops, because this is what they eat every day!"

Hawke still clearly remembered that this was the answer given by Ye Chunwang many years later, after the system had matured.

"Hawk, little fat!"

At this time, Ye Chunwang stood up, put down the teacup in his hand, and looked at the two of them with a gentle smile.

"Just a little light is enough. Although people's hearts are greedy, not everyone wants more and wants more. Sometimes it may be just a simple word, a smile, and an inadvertent gesture. Actions are enough. Things are not as simple as everyone thinks. The key lies in what we, as managers, choose to do."

Ye Chunwang said and walked towards the open door. Hawke leaned against the wine cabinet, smiled and shook his head.

"You are always like this Ye Chunwang!"

Ye Chunwang smiled and nodded.

"The same goes for you Hawke! We're just a little luckier than others."

Locke signaled to Hawke and quickly followed Ye Chunwang out. Hawke raised his head and had the impression that he could get married, get to know his wife Kailin, and finally fall in love. Perhaps he was a little influenced by Ye Chunwang.

Hawke knew very well that he was very rough in the past, and he also had an arrogant aura about him, because Hawke felt that he had successfully ascended to power, gained rights, and gained everything. He even treated anyone with a lower status than himself. in this way.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Hawke also reflected on the management he led in the past. For some reasons, Hawke often used some black gold to fill his life, so his subordinates naturally dared to do so. Huo Ke Ke couldn't say anything.

Black gold is a very good means of transaction when the city is in chaos, because no one dislikes money, but times have changed.

When Hawke was young, his only serious injury was when he was beaten by Gene. At this time, Hawke showed a relieved expression.

In my memory, Hawke at that time was a connector between gods and major forces. He was highly praised by all the stars. He was intoxicated in the world of desire every day. At a certain banquet, Hawke fell in love with a waitress. As a result, Hawke fell in love with a waitress. He molested the woman on the spot and wanted to take her away by force. Everyone around him was doing it, and no one thought it was wrong.

It was also the first time that Hawke felt that he had everything. This wonderful feeling. Hawke still remembered that the woman cried and was teased and torn by him in front of everyone.

Hawke didn't remember much about what happened after that. He only remembered that it was several days after he woke up. But the only thing he knew was that he had multiple fractures all over his body and was on the verge of death. The person who beat him was Jean.

"Everyone is young or drunk sometimes, but if you don't know how to respect others and don't understand the rights in your hands, I will kill you next time."

Hawke still remembered what Gene said when he came over a month after he was hospitalized. Hawke regretted it very much after this incident. Because of his relationship, the woman was fired and the job he finally got was lost. Hawke also regretted it. He didn't pay attention, but when Hawke saw the woman again, she had been reduced to a street girl, which was completely different from the gentle and tranquil life in the past.

One wrong move inadvertently ruined a person's life. Hawke was shocked at the time, and he also understood why Gene would beat him so hard.

This matter has always been a knot in Hawke's mind. He had contacted this woman in private, and the answer he received was "I hate you, I will hate you forever."

Although Hawke wanted to compensate the woman, the other party did not accept it. Hawke spent many years in depression because of this incident, and the next time Hawke saw the woman again, she was running A grocery store, and she is married and seems very happy.

After Hawke inquired about it, he found out that it was Gene who did it. Gene helped this woman get her life back on track, abandon everything in the past, and meet her lover again.

"If the other party doesn't accept it, try your best to make the other party accept it, if you want to atone!"

This was the advice given to Hawke by Gene. In the following years, Hawke visited the woman countless times. Finally, when the woman was about to die, Hawke finally got the woman's forgiveness.

"It's okay! I don't remember it a long time ago. I have lived a very happy life."

Hawke remembers crying, something he hadn't cried like this in decades.

It was the same when I met my wife Kailin. During a dinner meeting with senior management and extended family members held in a high-end restaurant, my wife Kailin spilled a portion of scalding soup on the table because she was nervous. Gram's body.

At that time, Kailin seemed to feel that her life was over. Hawke was not angry. He just hugged the panicked Kailin and quickly calmed down the cold eyes and anger of the people around him. Afterwards, he called the owner of the restaurant. , he said he would not fire Kailin.

Originally thinking that the matter would come to an end, when Hawke returned home after three months one day, he saw a beautifully dressed girl waiting at the door of his house.

Hawke still remembered that it was dusk when the sun was going out. Hawke almost wanted you to forget about it, but the girl said that she must thank Hawke in person, so she did not lose her job and was able to continue to work at the top.

After Hawke learned about it, he was shocked. This girl had been waiting for him for three months. She would run over non-stop after work every day and would not go back until night. The girl also asked about it, but she wanted to see Hawke like this. It's impossible for a high-ranking official.

Kailin just brought a few things that she could afford. Hawk looked at this beautiful girl in a dress. At that moment, his heart melted. The next moment Hawk regained consciousness, he was already hugging her. Kaylin.

After that, Hawke began to formally pursue Kailin, and finally the two fell in love and got married, and they live a very sweet and happy life until now.

Hawke once reflected on the fact that he had seen Ye Chunwang do such things countless times. Perhaps all this has been deeply imprinted in his heart. Although he didn't want to admit it, he didn't dare to admit that Ye Chunwang's approach was right. , but at this moment Hawke had a smile on his face.

Ye Chunwang slowly came to the door of a small conference room. There were some makeup artists waiting nearby. After seeing Ye Chunwang, they wanted to put makeup on him, but Ye Chunwang refused.

"Makeup is more advantageous for women, so I don't need it."

Locke waved his hand to signal a group of people to leave. He stood next to Ye Chunwang, his face still solemn.

It was already 9:24, and the televised speech was about to start in 6 minutes. Locke awkwardly opened a light and shadow screen, which contained several descriptions of the events, all of different types.

"Would you like to find a random one, Old Man Ye?"

Ye Chunwang shook his head.

"Do you know where my name came from?"

Locke shook his head.

"It was named for me by a great woman I respect the most in my life."

Ye Chunwang said as he walked in and stepped onto the stage step by step. The atmosphere at the scene seemed a bit solemn, but Ye Chunwang's expression was very relaxed and without any pressure from beginning to end.


Gene stood quietly in the empty bedroom. There was always a photo frame on the bedside table, but the photo frame was upside down. There was only a white light emitted by the light and shadow screen on the wall. There was a countdown on it, and below it was The words for the video conference of the executive branch.

Gene smiled softly and sat next to the cabinet, stretched out his legs, tilted his head slightly, and held a cigarette in his mouth. Sparks lit up, and there was a trace of sadness on Gene's face under the weak firelight. .

"Ellie! Lately, I've been thinking a lot about why things always go wrong, why there are always problems, and why there are always too many problems that can't be solved. I'm a little tired!"

Jean tilted his head and leaned against the bed. He was very tired, very tired. After what happened at Frye Mental Hospital last time, Alpha had not spoken to him once. The disciple he was most proud of and proud of was now with him. With some barriers, Gene also thought that maybe the place he stood at some times was not in the middle, or that he was unwilling to step on either side.

Both Frye and Alpha grew up under Jean's watch. Jean knew very well that he didn't want to see Frye take everything on him because of what happened in the hospital, but at the same time, he also didn't want to see Alpha's suppressed justice once again unable to be released. , this kind of thing has happened countless times over the years.

Alpha wants to achieve true justice, but time and time again, many things that should be placed in the sun are suppressed from the light.

Alpha is becoming more and more powerless, trying to fight this huge system, and has begun to feel exhausted mentally and physically. Gene knows very well how cruel this is to Alpha.

Growing up, the things Gene said to Alpha were all the things Ellie had nagged him over and over again. Gene knew very well that he had never thought of using the method Ellie taught him to solve the problem. Some problems, but because I made a promise to Ellie, I unknowingly began to integrate into the life of the city, and began to understand and contact everything like an ordinary person.

The effect received was minimal, but at the same time it was amazing, and Gene didn't know what to do.

"My name is Ye Chunwang!"

The TV talk started, and Gene looked at Ye Chunwang on the screen. He always kept a smile.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. It turns out that my surname is not Ye. Of course, everyone should have heard of my name more or less! The leaves of leaves, the spring of spring, and the watch of watch. I once had no name. This name is A great woman gave it to me.”

For a moment, Jean raised his head in a daze, and it came to his mind that in the past, when the eastern forests were being cut down, Ellie had set up a laboratory there to solve the problem of planting soil. Before the sun rose, the eight major forces had been integrated. At that time, they planned to build a fluorescent lamp field there. This was a plan made by eight people early in the morning. Therefore, after uniting the eight major forces, they first occupied the eastern forest. .

At that time, there were many exiles in the eastern forest, who came here from other war-torn places to seek survival. The purpose of establishing farmland was to quell the war and integrate more forces.

At that time, there was a skinny child who was cutting down trees every day. He had no name. There were too many such children, but Ellie often came into contact with these children and secretly gave them a little bit of food every time. Food will be distributed to these children.

Gene also felt that Ellie was a bit unreasonable, and would quarrel with Ellie about this matter from time to time. Ellie often said that children are the future of mankind, and one day there might be someone among these children who can change the world.

Gene just smiled at that time. At this moment, Gene's expression was bitter. He looked at Ye Chunwang on the screen.

"When I was young, I worked very hard and farmed hard, but no matter what, I never had enough to eat and had to endure hunger every day."

Gene stood up and sat on the bed.

"What exactly is everyone discussing today? Did the plan fail?"

Ye Chunwang smiled and shook his head.

"What if the plan fails? Will everyone starve to death tomorrow? Will they sleep on the streets? No way!"

The moment Ye Chunwang finished speaking, Locke Jiahui on the side became nervous and turned on the light and shadow screen. Now the whole city was watching this televised speech.

"I can tell you clearly that the amount of food produced by the cultivated land now can feed everyone in Brilliant City!"

Ye Chunwang pressed his hands on the table, still smiling kindly.

"Obviously the land can feed everyone, but the city still started the pioneer plan. Why? Because what everyone is facing now is not the problem of hunger or not, anyone!"

Ye Chunwang's expression became serious.

"As long as you are hungry, you can go to any food exchange near the vast grain base in the east, eat free food, and get a stable job unconditionally. This is a system that was established when I used to manage the agricultural base. , famine relief system!”

Jean stared at Ye Chunwang quietly. He had never thought that this child with an unattractive appearance and even a bad mind would really become the person who solved the food crisis in Bright City.

After Ellie became the sun, Gene actually had no intention of doing anything else. One day, the child whom Ellie named him came to ask about Ellie. Gene just told him that Ellie had left and would never return. came back.

"How can I repay Miss Ellie?"

"Farm the land, Xiaoye, if you want to repay me!"

Jean clearly remembered what he said to this child at that time. In the years to come, this child really started to farm. Things he didn’t understand would always bother him, and Jean could only patiently give him a lesson. Answer bit by bit, and teach this child bit by bit about biology.

This child who has mastered biological cultivation technology will come to him every now and then with some fresh things. Gene only dealt with it casually at first, but then he gradually began to teach this child seriously.

"Whether the orchard plan has failed or not! I can't guarantee it, because it's still in the early stages, and everyone wants to know whether it's successful or not. I'm sorry that I can't give a clear answer. I can only tell you that land recovery today is more difficult. People in Section 12 are still conducting various researches, okay! That’s what I want to tell you.”

Ye Chunwang's serious expression became relaxed, and the smile returned to his face again.

"We have gone through 60 years from the hungry years to now when the land is enough to feed the 22 million people in our bright city. Planting is a time-consuming and labor-intensive work. I hope everyone will think about it carefully and let us come up with the so-called... Results?"

Ye Chunwang asked, then shook his head easily.

"I'm sorry, we can't produce any results, at least not the results that meet everyone's expectations. In my memory, the person who taught me planting techniques once said that only patience, care and perseverance can Grow good crops!”

Jean looked at Ye Chunwang blankly. These words were what Jean had told Ye Chunwang many times in the past.

"From the day I started farming, I never thought that one day I would suddenly wake up and find fresh and delicious crops growing on the cultivated land. What are you so anxious about!"

Ye Chunwang nodded slightly as he spoke.

“Perhaps everyone is anxious, wanting to gain profits quickly, and want to make life better quickly, but unfortunately, we cannot produce results so quickly and cannot respond to everyone’s expectations. This is agriculture. The agriculture in Bright City has developed over the past 60 years and through the efforts of generations of people. It can prevent everyone from going hungry, so everyone wants us to produce significant results within three months. I'm sorry that we can't produce it! "

Ye Chunwang looked at the empty table and continued.

"Because everyone wants a better life and more stable material, this is what everyone expects and what everyone hopes to see. But in reality, there are too many problems that need to be solved. I don't know how long it will take. To respond to everyone's expectations, let that barren and cold land grow crops, but the only thing I can do now is to conduct research on that land every day, constantly collect data, and understand what exactly causes the The land cannot be revived, then find a way to revive the land and successfully revive a piece of land!”

Ye Chunwang raised his head with a bright smile.

"After successfully reviving the land, I will sow seeds. The seeds may not be able to adapt to the environment and have difficulty growing, but I will find out the reasons why the seeds cannot germinate, and then start to solve the actual problems. After the seeds can successfully grow buds, It means that the land can recover, our method will work, and then we can start the real orchard plan! If you want to know the results, I can tell you now that the plan at this stage is a failure, and even sometimes it is There is no clue, that icy land has been shrouded in darkness for more than a century, so we have no ability to wake up the sleeping land in just three months! This is the result everyone wants."

Ye Chunwang took a deep breath after finishing speaking.

"The plan will continue, because this is everyone's expectation, and it is also a summary of my lifelong experience. Finally, for those who participated in the Pioneer Plan, I just want to tell you that your efforts have not been in vain. , the efforts made in the past three months will become the cornerstone of the success of this plan in the future! At the same time, on behalf of all the business departments, I would like to thank those who have devoted their efforts to this plan! Well, that’s it for today, I have to go back now When I go to the fields, I can just give everyone a little surprise!"

As he spoke, Ye Chunwang pulled up a photo of crop buds covered in black soil. He smiled, bowed, turned and walked off the stage.

Locke Jiahui stared blankly at Ye Chunwang, who was walking over, and bowed deeply.

"Forgetting your trouble!"

Ye Chunwang smiled and put down his rolled sleeves and patted Locke on the shoulder.

"Farming and educating people are the same. I hope you can understand Xiaopang's words. I hope you can convey these words to Mr. Jean when you have time."

Locke sighed and looked at Ye Chunwang who was leaving. At this time, Hawke was standing in the rest area on the fifth floor.

"It should be somewhat useful. It's a wonderful speech, Ye Chunwang."

Ye Chunwang smiled and shook his head.

"I'm just telling the truth."

Looking at Ye Chunwang who was already walking towards the top floor, Hawke looked at his slender and thin back quietly.

"Eat and look at Hawke, this is meat, real meat!"

Hawke smiled and shook his head. At this moment, he still remembered the shock that the tender and delicious touch gave him when he ate meat for the first time.

"People always forget important things in the past, and they are creatures who repeat the same mistakes countless times!"

Ye Chunwang walked up the stairs step by step, clenching his fists tightly. In the past, he had thought about his life after retirement, but maybe now he has completely sobered up. He has been dealing with land crops all his life. In the future, In the next few decades, maybe I can still do something.

"In a few years, something should be able to grow on the edges!"

When he stepped onto the roof, Ye Chunwang shook his head helplessly.

10pm sharp

Gene stood quietly at the door of the section chief's office at Section 5 headquarters, and he knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

A serious voice came out, Jean opened the door, and Alpha, who was still immersed in work at the desk, looked over in surprise.

"Are you still angry?"

Gene said and walked over, took out two cigarettes and handed one over. Alpha was wearing a black sports vest, his uniform and hat were thrown aside. She sneered and leaned over.

"I'm not angry, but I feel angry. The foundation laid in the past has been completely destroyed in just a few years. What is important to Brilliant City?"

Jean leaned against the table, looking at Alpha's angry look, and he smiled helplessly.

"How about you try harder, I will help this time."


Alpha stood up. She was already disappointed with the current system. Countless lies had accumulated and began to eat away at the achievements of the past.

"Nothing can be said now."

"It's still a long time, isn't it!"

Gene said, and Alpha sat back again. After thinking for a moment, she brought up the light and shadow panel. It was the Sky Mark Case. Alpha patted the light and shadow panel.

"Investigate this matter first, I want you to go immediately."

Gene was a little surprised, then turned around and put his hand in front of him and bowed slightly.

"I know Miss Alpha!"

Alpha raised the corners of his mouth slightly, then stood up and slapped Gene.

"Go quickly."

Gene jumped to the window, and Alpha had sent Gene all the progress of the case.

"Don't be angry. Just go quickly. You are very free anyway."

Gene jumped out of the window with a smile. Alpha glanced and turned around. A faint blue particle floated over Alpha's shoulder, and soon the cigarette beside her mouth lit up.


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