Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1753 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 93 (medium)

The wind blew violently across the ground, and some debris kept flying over in the wind, and even some metal objects. The violent knocking sound continued to hit a lonely metal wall standing in the wind and sand, and it kept crackling. The sound comes.

Behind the metal wall, many members of Section 12 were groping on the land illuminated by fluorescent lamps. In this experimental base with an area of ​​less than 200 square meters, many of the lands did not look like the frozen soil in the barrier area. , but looked at the very soft black soil.

Ye Chunwang carefully lay down in front of a small piece of black soil. This small piece of land was less than 2 square meters. Some of the land next to it looked a little dry. Ye Chunwang was using a small shovel to peel away the black soil bit by bit. A slight touch of The light green color was revealed, and Ye Chunwang's solemn expression relaxed for a moment, revealing a smile.

This is the most successful one in three months. The crops have grown. There are only three walls here to withstand the wind and sand in the barrier area. The height of the walls is only less than 50 meters. This height has been carefully observed by Ye Chunwang. It was decided by the genius.

The wind will bring a lot of things and take away a lot of things at the same time. There are air quality stabilizing devices on the walls, and the topmost place needs to be re-covered with a film every day. Now it is like a small greenhouse. The walls are There is a temperature display, which is constantly beating at the speed of light between 20 and 25. The average temperature next to it is 22.6 degrees, but the 0.6 is still changing slowly.

An area suitable for the cultivation of 30 kinds of crops has been built here. Now there are more than 30 kinds of crops. Only this improved potato with strong cold resistance has sprouted. This is gratifying and worthy of joy. Yes, Ye Chunwang immediately took a monitoring probe and adjusted a light and shadow panel. With the soft white light sweeping across the tip of the potato sprout, after a while, various information about the sprout still in the soil appeared on the light and shadow screen. numerical value.

Soon Ye Chunwang carefully covered the black soil back. Looking at the various values ​​​​on the buds, he was not satisfied. After all, although this kind of fluorescent lamp can meet the light needs of plants, it is obvious that the content of microorganisms in the soil Seriously inadequate, a large number of microorganisms continue to die in the soil layer even if all-round protection measures have been taken, and the soil is rapidly losing moisture.

It is too difficult to revive the land. It is illuminated by high-energy solar lamps every day, but it has been so long. Not only does the land show no signs of successful recovery, but it is dying bit by bit. This is what Ye Chunwang first said. He knew the result, but he still had no choice but to grit his teeth and try.

Recently, workers have become more and more dissatisfied. Many times they do not even start construction, but can only spend time in metal plate houses. If this goes on day by day, the extremely harsh environment in the barrier zone, coupled with the fact that nowadays there is no sight at all, Hope, the workers are reclaiming the land every day according to the plan set at the beginning of the month, using some mechanical tools to directly reclaim the land. However, before the wind protection net is established, the excavated land has already been reclaimed. Fill with sand.

The windproof net only uses a composite material that can only allow some extremely small particles to pass through, as well as the incoming wind. However, such violent sandstorms every day have made many workers miserable. Now dissatisfaction is filling the entire workers In our camp, there have been many conflicts with people from Section 3.

The dissatisfaction of the people in Section 3 is also growing, because they need to patrol around the winning land and the reclamation land 24 hours a day, and the threat from criminals is not a small problem. After the criminals raided the camp before, The security has been tightened, and Section 3 has sent more personnel, but there are still some criminals around this land who are watching every day.

Single incidents of mutants sneaking in to steal some things in the wind and sand often occur, workers are seriously injured, and some workers begin to fall ill. Currently, the number of workers in the camp is only more than 4,300, which is close to 4,300. 700 people returned to the city due to illness or other reasons.

Ye Chunwang has only gone back three times in the past three months, but every time he went back, he would see some strange sounds. This orchard project may have died. Construction had just started in the city a few years ago, and the eastern part was once the dense forest of Brilliant City. At that time, a large amount of wood used for the construction of Bright City was all collected from the east. This was to free up the east as a food base.

Recalling this past period, Ye Chunwang couldn't help but press his sore nose, and many memorable events from the past came to mind one after another.

A long time ago, when the situation was stable, the gods conquered the eight major forces and prepared to integrate the people in this arena. At that time, Ye Chunwang was just 11 years old, so he followed his parents to the dense forest in the east of Bright City. It was said to be a dense forest. , in fact, almost all the trees were almost dead. From that time on, Ye Chunwang began to work as a book cutter in the east day and night.

On the reclaimed land, the gods would personally bring people over to start the construction of planting sites and seed experimental bases. If it hadn't been for an accident, Ye Chunwang might have died.

Famine was the norm in that era. If it were not for the sun rising, it would have ended long ago. However, the famine did not end even after the sun rose, because famine was often accompanied by the outbreak of disease, and this land was still undergoing unprecedented tests. In that era, food was a luxury. Ye Chunwang was so busy that he fell on the bed so tired that he didn't want to move since he opened his eyes. He still had to endure hunger every day.

Ye Chunwang's only thought at that time was that he could eat enough, but this wish remained the same until Ye Chunwang was 15 years old and the establishment of Bright City had been announced.

The reclaimed land was occupied by major forces. Trade and commerce began in the city. The first batch of currency in Brilliant City was issued. Labor was exchanged for currency, and currency purchased food. The most primitive capital began.

Although the land is so vast, so vast that you can't even see the end of it, and it is enough to feed everyone, why do some people still starve to death? Ye Chunwang is very confused, but later Ye Chunwang realizes that this is because human beings have civilization and society. In the end, Society has distinctions between classes, between rich and poor, and between high and low abilities, so some people will starve to death, but only human beings can continue to progress.

This is a question that has been lamented countless times since the beginning of human history.

"Obviously the land is so vast, and the land can obviously feed everyone, but why do people still starve to death?"

Ye Chunwang couldn't help but his eyes became moist as he said this. If we want to develop, some people will be reduced to the dust of history, leaving nothing behind. However, human beings are always difficult to satisfy and cannot satisfy their ever-expanding greed. Therefore, human beings have moved forward. , keep moving forward.

In Ye Chunwang's view, the layout of Brilliant City may have been decided from the beginning. It started with the most primitive capital. Although later, large and small forces gave up the vast land after allocating their own planting areas. At this time, the land was not distributed to everyone in the city, but was in the hands of the Congress. This was inevitable or the right choice, or the wisest choice and approach of the gods.

The gods clearly know what capital will do. Once food is controlled by capital, the price of the city will be determined by capital, but in the end the situation at the bottom will be as bad as ever.

Since then, the riots in the city have never stopped. There are countless problems caused by hunger, and most people can only choose to use their own labor force to ensure their survival, and in the end they continue to contribute to the rapid development of the city. When he came back to his senses, he couldn't do anything anymore, but he had nothing.

Such things are cruel and ruthless, but cities have developed, the population continues to grow, life has become more and more technological and convenient, ordinary people have remained unchanged, and powerful people have remained unchanged. Capitalists who remain unchanged, these things have never changed since the beginning of human history.

Human technology is constantly improving, and in the past, only technology must have progressed. However, human beings have not evolved since ancient times. They have not evolved since the day they acquired intelligence.

This kind of lament may be eternal as long as human beings still exist in this world.

Ye Chunwang looked at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow panel worriedly at this time. He knew very well that if he continued, let alone growing crops, the recovery place that had been built for three months would be destroyed. And once it failed, If the sound is transmitted back to the city, the city will suffer a very serious blow.

Ye Chunwang clenched the small shovel in his fist. The shovel deformed due to the huge force. Some members of Section 12 nearby looked at Ye Chunwang in surprise, because Ye Chunwang had never shown his strength in front of others before.

Regarding the speculation about Ye Chunwang, some experienced people who have served in the agricultural base in the past say that he is very strong, just like the past special management officer Hawke, who is very powerful, but no one has ever seen him.

"Old man Ye, you..."

A student next to him who used to be in Ye Chunwang's class was about to ask but stopped. The small shovel had been squeezed by Ye Chunwang until it seemed to be liquefied. The force was amazing, just like squeezing mud. At this time, Ye Chunwang's face Written with anger.

Ye Chunwang knew very well, couldn't be more clear, that this plan had failed. If he continued, he would just watch the research land die. Such an approach was tantamount to praying mantis blocking the car, and the result could only be failure.

The recovery of land is not that simple. It only takes a few days to destroy a piece of land, but it takes many years to revive a piece of land, and it may even be impossible to recover. This is what makes Ye Chunwang the most sad. He has tried various methods. Various methods are used to revive the land, but the recovery of the land is inseparable from the three things of sunlight, air, and water. It requires extremely stable conditions and takes a lot of years to complete.

Nowadays, not all of the eastern grain base has recovered. There are still a lot of wastelands that extend to the edge of the area bordering the south and east.

Some land in the Eastern Grain Base still needs to be continuously rectified before it can be used efficiently and produce more food. Nowadays, the grain output in the Eastern Grain Base is enough to feed the people of Bright City for several days. This is already considerable progress. No one will starve to death due to hunger. Hunger will cause other problems, and the food deficit has remained at the level of 10 years.

Ye Chunwang stood up. He kept calming his emotions, because the anger in his heart had already escaped. He carefully left the experimental land, went to the side and set up a light and shadow screen to watch the 12 subjects. Today's data on 30 crops collected by members.

Basically, there are no ideal crops, and 18 of them have been sown for the second time. The results are still the same as before, and it is difficult to grow crops.

The situation will only continue to get worse day by day. This is not what Ye Chunwang wants to see. Although the data cannot represent all, it can know part of the result. This result is terrible.

"No, the workers are rioting."

As a voice rang out, the members of Section 3 who were stationed outside hurriedly ran out. Ye Chunwang suddenly jumped up and kicked the metal wall with force with a loud bang. The metal wall dented instantly. Two pieces went down.


With a violent sound breaking through the air, Ye Chunwang rushed out of the door in an instant. The moment he landed, his legs were like springs. The moment he squatted down, he was ejected again, with little cyan particles floating in the air.

10:03 am

"We want to go back."

A worker stood on the top of the work shed, shouting in the cold wind. At this time, more than 300 people from Section 3 were surrounded on the outside of the town. The people from Section 3 held up their guns and did not allow them to leave. This was Zi Juan issued an order that workers were not allowed to leave without permission, because when signing the contract, there was a clause in it stating that they must obey the orders of the working department. Those who disobeyed the orders would lose their qualifications or even be arrested on the spot.

"Don't get excited, everyone."

A director of Section 3 said that the workers in front were already angry, and the chaotic sounds came over like a mountain and a tsunami. The scene was extremely chaotic for a while, and some workers couldn't stand it anymore. For them, It is certainly a good thing to be able to cultivate their own land, but in the current situation, they don't get a cent a day, and they have to spend it here, so there is no hope at all.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

With a blast from the loudspeaker, the workers fell silent for an instant, and a director officer from Section 3 stood on the roof, holding a loudspeaker equipment.

"Everyone said that an order is an order. Everyone has signed a contract. If you want to go back, you must at least follow the steps to apply."

"It's been three months, and it's completely different from what you promised before."

"Yes, yes."

"It's impossible to grow anything, right?"

"This is simply a lie."

"We didn't have a penny for three months."

"Yes, I still have a wife and children to support at home."

"Is this kind of place really meant for people? Let alone growing things, it's good to be able to survive."

More and more questions and voices kept ringing out, and the director was stunned in place. He didn't know how to answer these workers' questions. At this time, some seemed to be more courageous. The older and more angry workers walked over, and the people in Section 3 raised the sticks in their hands and asked these workers to go back to the work shed.

The cause was just a simple verbal dispute. Some workers were dissatisfied with the fact that they now eat liquid food every day, and the working hours are always today and tomorrow and there is no fixed schedule at all. This is where the workers are dissatisfied. Although people from Section 12 were explaining, everyone started to quarrel in the end.

Immediately afterwards, more and more workers gathered in the entire work shed. Seeing that they were about to start a fight, a director separated them. Then many workers said they would quit working and began to walk outside the town. Go back to the city.

Things are starting to get more and more uncontrollable. In the outer area, all members of the three nearby departments have been recalled, and nearly 600 people are on guard here.

At this time, some members of Section 3 in the back row had already taken out their guns under the instructions of some team leaders. These members of Section 3 had participated in a large number of riot suppression and operations in the barrier area, and they knew that If you continue to reason and talk about conditions at this time, you may die if a riot begins.

The same goes for most people in Section 3. They only have liquid food every day. They also need to patrol 24 hours a day. In some cases, they need to help build windproof nets. Many people in Section 3 have not been back for three months. Afterwards, dissatisfaction also pervaded the staff of Section 3.

At this time, the director standing on the roof saw that some workers had already picked up tools. In such a harsh and closed environment, with no hope every day, it was extremely severe torture for everyone.

"The situation is unavoidable!"

The director officer said that he planned to send an emergency contact signal to the eastern guard station. It would only take 10 minutes for 3,000 people from Section 3 to come over. As he said this, the director officer set up a light and shadow screen, and the shouts below It's getting more intense.

The members of Section 3 on the periphery were already nervous at this time. Some people standing in the front row took out shields and electric shock batons. Once a conflict broke out, the situation would be very bad. At this time, someone noticed the actions of Section 3. Liar. The liar's shouts became more and more violent.

No one dared to move, and the workers also realized that this was a complete scam, and it was impossible to complete the recovery of the land. If they continued to stay, they would only waste time and energy day by day, and people's Willpower will also become weaker and weaker.

"Everyone change into sticks, don't cause any accidents!"

The director on the roof said and issued the order. He had already edited the emergency contact signal. Just when he was about to send it, a hand grabbed him. The director turned his head and was startled.

"Old man Ye, why are you here?"

Ye Chunwang shook his head, took the call from the director, and turned up the loudspeaker equipment.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

Accompanied by a serious and tough voice, many workers looked at the top floor. It was a middle-aged man wearing only a thin white shirt. Everyone knew that his name was Ye Chunwang, and he was the former Eastern Grain Base. The manager is also the creator of most of the current food technologies in Bright City.

"If we continue to argue and make trouble, what will be the consequences?"

Ye Chunwang asked. At this time, the voice gradually calmed down. Ye Chunwang directly asked the director next to him to turn on the lighting lights. At this time, many people felt something strange. These lights were only used in emergencies. When it was opened and used in the early stages of town construction, basically most of the time, it could only be illuminated by some dim lights.

Because the power supply here is very large, and all the work sheds are equipped with hot water equipment and air smart machines, no one knows what Ye Chunwang is going to say.

"Everyone wants results as soon as possible, but the results are not certain from the beginning, and no promises were given before this plan started."

As soon as Ye Chunwang finished speaking, many workers became commotion again, and he continued.

"Everyone is working hard, not just everyone. Our 12th department is still conducting research in the experimental site every day, and the people in 3rd department are responsible for everyone not to be harassed by criminals. Although the food and use are indeed poor. A little bit, but isn't this what pioneers are? Please think about it carefully. If anyone doesn't want to stay, you can apply now. I will send a lift to send you back directly. But this is tantamount to unilaterally tearing up the contract. We don't We will hold everyone accountable and compensate everyone for their hard work in the past three months based on the minimum salary of 500 yuan a month, but you will need to bear a certain amount of tax, which will be replenished after tax is deducted."

A burst of violent cheers sounded, and many people burst into tears of joy. Many people hugged each other happily, while the director of Section 3 next to him looked at Ye Chunwang with a livid face.

"Old man Ye, if you do this, just in case something happens here."

"People in the city also want to know the results and the progress of the orchard project as soon as possible. I will return to the city to give a televised speech later. Since everyone is eager to know, let me As long as they know, since everyone is complaining about the lack of wages, just give them some wages. These wages can be advanced from their future profits after the land is successfully reclaimed. Is there anything else you can do to stop this?"

Ye Chunwang knew very well that if he didn't do this, a bloody conflict would break out here today, and once the bloody conflict was over, there would be a riot that could spread to the city. He smiled and looked at the work shed that he had returned to. The young workers have already started carrying their own things and can’t wait to queue up. Everything that was originally chaotic now looks completely orderly.

"Just deduct the salary from the 12 subjects. The 12 subjects can still get such a small amount of money. It only needs a slightly worse meal on a certain day. The problem can be solved by just saving money for one meal. Why should we What about mobilizing a large number of people to suppress it? What can be solved by putting the cart before the horse?"

The director next to him stood speechless. Ye Chunwang smiled and looked at the excited workers. He took out his phone and quickly dialed Natasha's number and spoke to Natasha. After understanding the situation here, Natasha's voice changed instantly.

"We can't let them come back, Old Man Ye, this matter"

"I want you to take the money right now and go to the entrance of the Eastern Guard Station. Every worker who goes out will be paid according to the calculation I just told you. No matter what the problem is, I will bear it alone. If there is really not enough money, , I will use my savings to subsidize 12 cores, okay Natasha!"

There was silence on the other side of the phone, and Natasha looked quite hesitant.

"How about I talk to Mr. Witte first?"

"You are Natasha, the secretary of Section 12. Mr. Witte is just a god. He can't tell you how to solve the problem. The person who solves the problem is you, not Mr. Witte. And I have already said that I am solely responsible for any problems. , even if I am thrown into prison in the end, it will be the same, no matter what the outcome is."

"I I know."

The phone was hung up. At this time, a smile appeared on the face of the director next to him, because for some reason, some workers who left actually joked with some people stationed in Section 3, some shook hands, and some hugged. The scene made people feel shocked. Perhaps it was not that everyone could not understand it, but that their spirits had been almost worn away by the hopeless night, and no sound could be heard anymore.

"Old man Ye, it's really yours. I didn't expect it to be solved so easily."

"Many complex problems are actually very simple and can be solved with simple solutions, but everyone is making the problems more and more complex and troublesome, and finally they become unsolvable problems."

Ye Chunwang is powerless to change all the current situation in front of him, not even the current situation of the city, even this orchard project. You can't succeed just because you want to succeed, and you can't guarantee what you promised. But the only thing Ye Chunwang can do is to solve some of the current problems. The problem I saw was something someone taught me a long time ago.

"Miss Ellie! Sure enough, what you said is right."

Ye Chunwang's nose felt sore and he looked back at the sun in the city. He couldn't help but burst into tears for a while. He was able to start farming. Although it was under Jean's prompting, in fact, if it weren't for Ellie who was about to If you starve yourself to death and take it back, you won't be able to farm all your life, and you won't be able to learn a lot.

"It would be great if you were still here, Miss Ellie, it would be great if you were still here, you are the eternal sun of the Brilliant City!"

Ye Chunwang looked helplessly at the city behind him, and could only shed tears silently, because he knew very well that Ellie was no longer there and had become the sun, the sun that illuminated the city, but could not illuminate people's hearts.

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