Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1742 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 89 (Part 2)


An escort car from Section 11 entered Advice No. 1, and soon all the officers on the car got off. At this time, many officers who had already handed over their shifts and planned to go back to spend the New Year looked at Hydera with a smile on her face. Get out of the escort car.

"Hydra, why are you back again? Are you surrounded by reporters?"

A clerk asked doubtfully, and Hydra smiled and shook her head.

"I'm just going for a ride."

With that said, Hydra held the book and walked towards the prison's monitoring door leading to the outdoor area. After passing the test, Hydra returned to the outdoor area of ​​Prison No. 1 and saw that there were only a few people left on the site. There were many. They are all new prisoners. As long as they behave well, most prisoners will basically receive a parole holiday every New Year in the third year and can go home to celebrate the New Year.

Hydera strolled leisurely towards the outdoor area where the sun was shining directly, and quietly bathed in the somewhat scorching sunshine. There were bursts of mechanical roars, which came from the construction site on the left side of the prison. Now the prison has become extremely It is old, many facilities are extremely difficult to retrofit, and a new prison is being built.

The heavy-duty prisoners in Prisons No. 3 and 4 were forced to work there every day, doing extremely heavy manual labor. When Hydera was cleaning dust on the city wall, he saw heavy-duty prisoners in the two prisons. The conditions of the prisoners were completely different from those in Prison No. 1 and No. 2. They looked lifeless, like zombies. Many of them seemed to be walking abnormally, and some of them suddenly fainted and lost consciousness.

Even being transported directly after death, Hydra often sees these things. Now he can freely choose what to do for three days a week. Hydra will choose to clean up every time, because he can go to the wall. You can overlook a lot of things, and Hydera is very comfortable at this time.

The remaining prisoners were all in the cafeteria at this time, receiving some small gifts for the New Year. Tobacco, alcohol, sugar and tea are distributed to the prisoners every year by Section 11. Hydra walked over with a smile. He took a look at the people standing in the breeze On the side of the field, the one-eyed fox was smoking a cigarette and leading his men. He is now the boss of prisons No. 1 and No. 2.

Some prisoners who had received tobacco, wine, sugar and tea consciously went to the one-eyed fox and handed some tributes to the one-eyed fox's subordinate Weiss. Hydra walked over slowly and soon received his own in the cafeteria. It's just that Hydera didn't go to pay tribute, but just went straight to the parade ground.

"Damn, that kid, boss, do you want to take care of him?"

The one-eyed fox immediately raised his hand and refused.

"Don't worry about that guy, and none of you should have anything to do with him. It's better this way."

Weiss next to him swallowed and no longer looked at Hydera. He was a guy that the one-eyed fox didn't want to mess with. Firstly, he was the focus of the prison's care, and secondly, he always had something to show for it. No one can feel a chill.

Some new people may not know it well, but those who have been here for a while know that Hydera is a weirdo and may have suffered from mental problems for a long time. There is a reason why the one-eyed fox does not want to provoke Hydera. In his criminal career, One-Eyed Fox has known since he was very young that the kind of guy who has nothing is very scary.

And a guy who has nothing and no desires is terrifying. The one-eyed fox has observed Hydera for a long time and always feels that this guy gives people a sense of fear. This feeling is similar to what the one-eyed fox encountered in the past when he was in huge difficulties. The guy named Wise Man is the same.

The prison has now acquiesced to the behavior of the one-eyed fox. This has allowed the prisoners in the prison to have a certain degree of order, and there have been fewer fights among the prisoners. The one-eyed fox will also try its best to give 11 There are some benefits to the people in the department. The current prison is not a prison for the one-eyed fox, but a springboard for him to recruit talents.

One-Eyed Fox knows very well that if you want to become bigger and stronger, talents are indispensable. These guys who can go to prison are somewhat capable. After getting out, One-Eyed Fox also considered what to do. Crime will definitely not work. He can only lead a group of people to do business with some of the remaining money. The one-eyed fox has already thought about the specific business very clearly.

After being released from prison, many people expressed their determination to follow One-Eyed Fox, which is why One-Eyed Fox feels at ease.

"One-eyed fox!"

A female director came over, and the one-eyed fox immediately nodded and leaned over.

"Lord Luoluo, do you have any instructions?"

"There is a shortage of manpower on the construction site today. The work to be completed according to the original plan may be delayed. Please bring some people over to help."

The one-eyed fox smiled and nodded, but felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

"That Master Luoluo, this one"

"Five bucks an hour."

The one-eyed fox immediately nodded and asked Weiss to call some people over. After a while, more than 400 people came from Prison No. 2, plus more than 500 people from Prison No. 1, nearly 900 people came to the door, waiting. Pass the monitoring station and then go out to work.

At this time, many people had happy faces. After all, you could get 5 yuan per hour, and Luoluo promised to settle the account once a week. At this time, the one-eyed fox saw Hydera in the team.

After a while, everyone left Prison No. 1. Under the escort of dozens of people from Section 11, they walked towards the left side of the main gate of the prison. Soon there were rumbling sounds, and some large ones could be seen in the distance. The lift was parked near a large pit being excavated. Human excavation was used here, not machines. An excavator for such a large-scale project requires a very high fee per day.

There are countless heavy-duty criminals in the prison, and these are free labor. Now the heavy-duty criminals have completely become coolies in the new prison, and they do not need to participate in farm work.

A huge pit appeared in front of me. A large number of heavy-duty criminals were working in the pit with simple tools. Fortunately, the climate today is not too hot, but just right. The temperature at the edge is getting lower and lower now. Only two hours from 3 to 5 o'clock every day are relatively warm. At other times, the sun shines on your body and you don't feel any warmth except for its rays.

The one-eyed fox quickly led people to the large lift and moved some rock coagulants there. Small superfluid machines were placed near the pit. The prisoners followed the voice messages carried on their arms. The prompter was working, and bags of sand and soil were carried up by the prisoners on their backs.

People from Sections 11 and 12 were everywhere at the entire construction site, with nearly 400 people guarding it. Hydera also began to work hard to carry heavy bags of rock coagulant.

The heavy-duty prisoners all had gloomy faces and looked extremely tired. The heavy-duty prisoners had to go out to work every day and could only rest once a week. They worked in batches from morning to night, and they had to complete a fixed amount every day. If If you can't finish it, even eating will be a problem.

Many heavy-duty criminals were already suffering unspeakably. At this time, a heavy-duty criminal dragging a bag full of dirt fell to the ground and rolled down. A strong heavy-duty criminal next to him hurriedly grabbed him. A serious criminal was already foaming at the mouth.

"Potter, move faster, don't stop."

A member of Section 11 who was watching not far away shouted, and Porter said immediately.

"Sir, call the doctor quickly."

"Don't you understand what I'm saying Potter?"

Porter viciously put down the prisoner in his hand, and could only turn around, pick up the shovel, and continue digging. After a few minutes, several people from Section 11 lifted the prisoner up. Porter looked askance at this man. The prisoner's face turned blue. After a while, the officers took off the prisoner's clothes and started recording. Soon a transport truck came over, loaded the prisoner's body, and headed towards the distant place. The ravine opened up.

Porter angrily raised the shovel and dug in with great strength. With a bang, the shovel was broken. He clenched his fists and looked at a trembling place where another prisoner fell not far away.

Porter wanted to appeal. Section 11 was treating the heavy-duty prisoners more and more harshly. The food they were given was problematic, and the place they lived in was even more unbearable. Originally, they needed 12 people to live in an 8-person cell. Porter has also seen the cells where 20 people live.

No one cares about their life or death. To Section 11, their death is like a broken water glass, which will be thrown away directly.

Potter couldn't stand it anymore, but the collar around his neck made it impossible for Potter, as a mutant, to use it. If he resisted, he would die instantly. And for some reason, some people have been having headaches recently, and so does Potter. , I often suffer from severe head pain, which often makes it difficult to sleep.

This place was becoming more and more like hell for serious criminals. At the moment when Porter was meditating, a member of Section 11 came over, took out the whip in his hand, and whipped him directly.


Potter was hit on the face and held his cheek.

"Idiot, hurry up and get a new shovel, keep digging, don't stop, or you won't have to eat tonight."

Potter suppressed a smile.

"My lord, I'm sorry, I was a little too strong just now."

Porter quickly walked up the slope. At this time, he saw a group of light-duty prisoners carrying materials from a distance. He was stunned for a moment, and the arm that had just been whipped was a little hot.

If I can break free one day, I will definitely kill all of you!

Potter secretly swore, he picked up a new shovel, turned around and walked down the slope. He didn't know how long this project would last, but Potter knew very well that it should take a long time, and it relied on manpower to build it. Engineering is not generally slow.

Hydera stood quietly next to a superfluid machine, overlooking the prisoners in the pit, and smiled. He pressed the book on his waist with one hand and pressed it gently with his fingers.

"Hydra, why are you following me to join in the fun? Just go and rest."

A squad leader came over and patted Hydera on the shoulder. Hydera smiled and shook her head.

"I haven't worked for a long time recently. If I don't work, my muscles and bones will get rusty. After all, I will be released from prison in a few years."

"I said, if you get promoted then, you have to take care of us. After all, you can enjoy the treatment of a level 3 official when you go out."

Hydra smiled and nodded, turned around and walked away. Now many people in the prison have a good attitude towards Hydra, because everyone knows that Hydra will be a level 3 regional officer after he leaves, and he has great knowledge in chemistry. He is already an expert, and he also passed the extremely complex and difficult examination for obtaining chemical certificates in prison.

The next step for Hydera is to obtain a professor-level certificate. With such a certificate after going out, even if she does not go to the business department, a good life awaits Hydera in the future. With such a chemical certificate, Hydera will go to university after going out. If you work in a company, you will get a salary of at least 50,000 yuan a month, and the annual salary is definitely over one million yuan.

But everyone also knows that Hydera worked hard for this for 30 years. An ordinary person might have gone crazy long ago, but Hydera did not go crazy. Instead, she was diligent and studious every day, and often read books.

The one-eyed fox was directing his subordinates to carry out the transportation in an orderly manner. This speed was much faster, and the people in Section 11 were also very satisfied. The one-eyed fox looked at the heavy-duty criminals in the pit from time to time. These guys had no future at all. Just because he made a wrong step and committed a serious crime, he never had the ability to turn around. Every time he saw a serious crime, the one-eyed fox would warn himself to be extremely careful every step he took.

The wise man has also mentioned this to the one-eyed fox before. The importance of planning is not just a verbal or written plan, but in order for a plan to succeed, a complete platform must be built for the plan to be able to implement the plan.

The one-eyed fox didn't quite understand it before, but now he completely understands that the middle-aged man can indeed be called a wise man.

And Hydra also heard about something. When he was in prison, there was a man who was very close to Hydra. He was a big boss. One day, Hydra accidentally saw a photo of Hydra and Hydra. A group photo of wise men.

Although the One-Eyed Fox wanted to ask Hydera what his relationship was with the Wise Man, he held back. He had only a few years to go before he could go out. The One-Eyed Fox did not plan to apply for parole, but stayed in prison as long as possible. Absorb some prisoners for your own use.

Everything in front of him was too ruthless, and the one-eyed fox couldn't bear to watch anymore. Severe criminals almost always died, and after death, they would be stripped naked and thrown into the ravine.

The sentences for most serious criminals are as long as a hundred years, and only a few are for more than 30 years. However, these people will only be transferred to No. 1 and No. 2 Prisons when there are 10 years left in their sentences. One-Eyed Fox has also seen some from prison. People who were transferred from Prison No. 34.

Those people were reluctant to mention the incident in the prison for serious offenders. At this time, a squad leader called the one-eyed fox over and gave him a cigarette.

"I know you have great powers, One-Eyed Fox. I need you to do something for me."

As he said this, the squad leader took out a photo, which showed a man who looked like he was smiling. The one-eyed fox felt chilled, and the squad leader thrust the photo to the one-eyed fox.

"No need, I've already written it down."

The one-eyed fox lowered his head and said, and the squad leader patted the one-eyed fox on the shoulder.

"This man was sentenced to 21 years, but some people don't want him to get out of prison, do you understand what I mean? After this is completed, I will give you a clean personal account with 300,000 in it."

The one-eyed fox thief smiled and nodded, then took out a lighter and burned the photo. The team leader patted the one-eyed fox on the shoulder.

"Be careful what you do."

"Sure sir, sure."

The One-Eyed Fox smoked a cigarette and stared quietly at the squad leader who walked over. He knew what the man in the photo had committed. It was an extremely serious economic crime that caused losses to 13 companies. This piece of information the One-Eyed Fox I still know that he has information on a large number of prisoners in the prison and has his own intelligence network.

In the end, this man took on all the charges and was sentenced to 21 years for several crimes. He has been here for 3 years and is basically a man of few words. The reason is that the one-eyed fox no longer wants to worry about it. After all, he has 300,000 to earn. Into the pocket, this is not the first time that the one-eyed fox has done this.

"I'll give you a piece of advice."

A word sounded faintly behind the one-eyed fox. He turned his head, it was Hydera. After looking at it for a while, the one-eyed fox laughed. He and Hydera didn't say a few words.

"All ears!"

The one-eyed fox said, Hydra hugged the black-covered book, smiled and shook her head.

"Once you are trapped, there is no way to get out. Even if this is the edge, light will shine in one day. Where there is light, there will be shadows. No matter how dark it is, light will shine in one day."

With that said, Hydera left. The One-Eyed Fox looked at his back and became thoughtful, but soon the One-Eyed Fox laughed.

"Hydra, what on earth do you know!"

"Gutter rat, no matter what, it's still a ditch rat!"

For a moment, the one-eyed fox became angry, veins popped out on his forehead, and he walked forward quickly.

"What about you! Who do you think you are?"

Hydra laughed.

"Me? As you think, as you see, as you hear, I am whatever you think I am, not you, but I think!"

Hydera was gone. He looked like a boss patrolling his construction site, and like a traveler passing by. He always kept a smile and raised his head. In him, the one-eyed fox saw the same thing. Stuff, freedom.

The one-eyed fox glanced at the burned photo on the ground. He was still hesitating whether to help the team leader get rid of the man in the photo, but for the sake of safety, the one-eyed fox still planned to contact the man first.

At this time, a pair of sharp eyes were searching around for something. Most of the female prisoners were putting rock coagulant into the superfluid machine at the edge. One of them, a short woman, was constantly looking at everything around her. From time to time, he puts his hands on his chest, which seems to be massaging, but in fact he is taking pictures.

Not far from the woman, Xu Ming was quietly arranging tools. After the two looked at each other, they nodded gently. The two were sentenced to two years for a street fight.

Xu Ming looked at everything in front of him angrily. He came in on purpose. He and a female freelance reporter named Liz made a plan a few months ago.

In the end, the plan was successful, and they were successfully sent to prison. In just a few months, they learned everything about the prison, which shocked both of them.

The two of them had decided to expose all this. After Xu Ming got a piece of information about the prison a few years ago, he became very angry. In order to be able to carry out this plan, Xu Ming prepared for a long time.

Now Xu Ming just hopes to wait until the day he is released from prison to reveal the shady story in the prison and put the ugly face of Section 11 directly in the sun. For the low-level water pollution case a few years ago, Xu Ming was taken to Section 2 , was detained for nearly three months. During this period, Xu Ming refused to let go every day. If he did not let go, he would not be able to get out. Finally, Xu Ming compromised.

Because Xu Ming still has shady documents in prison, the person who gave Xu Ming the documents would come to visit him from time to time. Through some people with connections in the prison, he would send everything Xu Ming needed, including the nano camera. One of them, Xu Ming has now taken out a large number of prison surveillance and photos through people.

As long as the time is right, he and Liz will completely expose this matter. Female prisoners will also suffer inhuman treatment, not just men, but even many nasty things, which makes Xu Ming furious. In just one month after entering, Liz was beaten several times because she still refused to receive some wealthy male prisoners.

Fortunately, because Liz's sentence was not long and she was an independent media person, the female prisoners gave up after the people from Section 11 stopped her.

It’s just that recently, Liz was often taken to the interrogation room. Section 11 asked her to be silent after leaving, on the condition that she could live in a single room. Although Liz agreed on the surface, it was actually just to get in touch with some wealthy criminals. By.

The plan of the two was quite successful. Xu Ming knew very well that it wouldn't be long before they could get justice for most of them.

At this time, in the office of the Chief of the Prison Tower, Song Man quietly looked at the information on Xu Ming and Liz. Her face became serious. These information were sent from Section 2. The above situation has been investigated clearly. These two people He sneaked into the prison on purpose.

"It's been three months already!"

Song Man muttered, and a female director next to her turned and walked out with gritted teeth.


Song Man pressed her forehead and stood up. This matter is not a trivial matter. If these two people go out, I am afraid that many things in the prison will be exposed. Although many people in society have heard about the prison, basically There hasn't been any disturbance in the prison, because this is a marginalized place. No matter what happens here or what problems arise among these prisoners, it has nothing to do with people in society.

"Bring those two people up first."

As Song Man said, the female director at the door turned and walked out. Song Man directly pressed the number 0002.

"R, what is going on? Why are you telling us such an important thing now?"

"Sorry, Xiao Man, we have a big problem here now. One of our latent investigators overheard in a pub that someone was going to jail on purpose. As a result, this matter dragged on for two people. The investigation was started only last month, and it has now been found out that the people who were beaten to the hospital were intentional, and the conflicts they had were also deliberately created, and it took more than three months to create them. Most of the things in the prison should now be It’s been passed on.”

Song Man stood up angrily.

"I sent C directly to deal with it. It depends on the situation. If someone wants to disrupt this order."

Song Man looked solemn and finally hummed.

3:01 pm

Alpha woke up from her deep sleep. She pressed her aching forehead and stretched out a hand holding water. Alpha said thank you and took a sip of water. She yawned and then handed over a lit cigarette. Coming over, Alpha finally regained consciousness and looked at Latis, who was sitting at the table with his hands on his chin, smiling broadly.

"You haven't had such a long sleep in a long time, haven't you?"

Alpha hummed, then got up and entered the bathroom, turned on the shower, and Latis walked in.

"I'll rub your back."

Alpha hummed and sat on the small chair. Latis took off his clothes and rubbed Alpha's back.

"You should think carefully about what I told you when you go back. This matter has already reached my ears, Latis."

Latis hummed, then laughed.

"You already knew that."

Alpha let out a dull hum.

"Sorry Alpha, the prison needs money to stay afloat, and the same goes for building new prisons, and..."

"I know that. Thank you Latis for helping my family."

Latis was a little surprised. Alpha's raised corners of his mouth were slightly bitter. Latis gently rested his head on Alpha's left shoulder and leaned his head closer.

"Someone has to do things. This is something the principal often says, isn't it? Beautiful things need to be done by someone, and ugly things have to be done by someone, so that this city can function normally."

Alpha neither nodded nor shook her head. She was extremely repulsive to such an approach in her heart. The prison had lost its original meaning. In the years since Latis took over, the prison had become a tool for Section 11 to make money.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have."

Latis shook his head.

"Now that I've said it, there's something about Alpha. I don't know how to tell you, but I hope you can wait. I don't just use prisons as a tool to make money. As long as a new prison is built, we will introduce a complete set of There is a prisoner rehabilitation mechanism, but it is not available now. If you have time, you can come to the prison and take a look at that place."

Latis said and tilted her head. She seemed unwilling to talk about it. At this time, Alpha turned around, turned around and hugged Latis.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to say, it's just"

Latis' eyes were surprised, but he quickly nodded with a gentle smile.

"The Alpha I know, you only have one head, one pair of hands, and one pair of feet. If there were 13 Alphas in this city, perhaps many problems would be solved. But unfortunately, there is only one Alpha Angus in Brilliant City!"

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