Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1736 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 87 (Part 2)

September 14, 2221, 7:11 am


"Wait, Mr. Polly, can you give me another chance? I..."

The man named Polly, who was wearing a suit, a unilateral glasses, and a mustache, raised his head in shock and looked at the workers next to him who were still holding construction equipment in the simulated construction site. He had been eliminated.


As Polly said, the mutant security guard next to him came over, took the failed worker away from the simulated construction site, and comforted him to leave. The worker was a little disappointed, and there was a long queue of workers. Everyone is staring at the tools and things that need to be done in the simulated construction site.

There are a total of 20 light and shadow simulation construction sites. Applicants who come to Angus Construction can get a 10-year long-term contract. This is the contract that most people dream of. The salary and benefits are good, but the number of workers recruited is limited, so Angus The construction adopts this kind of direct on-site construction. The first point is to look at the accuracy, the second point is to look at the efficiency, and the third point is to look at the error rate.

These are all determined by AI. Many people find it very difficult, but some also find it very easy, especially those skilled craftsmen who have been at the construction site all year round. They find it very simple.

Some workers who have passed have gone to the small room next door to complete the contract. Once they sign the contract, they will receive a signing bonus, 1,000 yuan per person, which is already a considerable amount of money for many workers.

Nowadays, with the overall sluggish environment in the city, many workers cannot find a job and may not even earn 1,000 a month. However, on the construction site of Angus Construction, work can continue for a month, and Angus Construction has also It has been promised that each worker's basic salary will not be less than 2,000.

People from Section 5 maintain law and order on the streets, which is basically very worry-free. Although the headquarters of Angus Construction has been surrounded on three floors inside and three outside, and all eight entrances are lined with people, everyone is very quiet. People lined up, which was completely different from the past. Many people who were eliminated walked out disappointed, and some people outside hurriedly asked about the situation inside.

After learning something, someone grabbed the person who came out and gave him money, hoping to explain in detail what mistakes he made and was judged to be unqualified. Seeing this, some people began to imitate him.

Not only Angus Construction, the factory areas in the west are already recruiting workers. Some production workers have rushed there, and the councilors in most of the lower-level areas are doing everything they can to call on everyone to start a family-style workshop. We want to get a piece of the pie after Angus construction starts.

At this time, someone had already changed into light orange work clothes with the Angus family coat of arms, and got into the service truck rented by the Angus family with equipment. They were transporting some construction equipment and were ready to go to the construction site to start work.

Many people looked enviously at the workers who were already on the truck, chatting and laughing.

Some people looked a little anxious, while others looked relaxed. At this time, some people left the queue and planned to go to the western factory, because they knew that their skills were not strong enough and they would definitely not be able to pass the review of this kind of on-site construction. I want to try my luck in the western factory area.

More and more people who were eliminated began to plan to go to the western factory area together. Those with rich construction experience and strong skills smiled helplessly.

Many people have worked in Angus construction in the past. In their opinion, there are many cheaters, even some lazy ones. It is difficult to complete the construction period according to the specified quality, which leads to rework, but those who cheat Most of the swindlers are those who follow the trend and establish a good relationship with the foreman as soon as they enter. They will even steal materials from the construction company and resell them.

These trivial problems are part of the reason why Angus Construction is so difficult now, but it is different now. Angus Construction has adopted this review method, so that those who are not skilled in technology and do not have much experience cannot enter. There is no foreman on the construction site, only inspectors stationed by Angus Construction to manage the construction site.

The lively place is not only in construction. In the grain base in the east, the headquarters of Section 12, and in the square in front of a row of dormitories, a lot of pioneers are talking and laughing, and shuttle buses are taking the first batch of students. A group of 5,000 pioneers were transported over.

They will undergo two months of training, followed by a month of field training and adaptation to life in the barrier zone.

8:11 am

The sun's rays shone warmly on the white square of the General Affairs Department. Some clerks who were still busy were walking in and out of the canteen at the gate of the General Affairs Department. At this time, someone heard the noise. The moment they looked over, Ai With a smile on his face, Di walked slowly toward the General Affairs Department, surrounded by bodyguards and reporters.

"Mr. Eddie, may I ask if there will be any big plans for the Hillman family when you come to the General Affairs Department this time?"

Eddie nodded.

"I want to directly submit a proposal to open factories in the bottom 60 districts. I hope Congress can directly pass it to me. We, the Hillman family, want to protect the orchard plan."

For a while, reporters all rushed to report on it. This was huge news for the city. But now, if total assets and long-term considerations are not taken into account, the Hillman family is the leading rich man in the city. , and the Angus family, which was originally at the top, has become waning.

More and more questions came swarming in. Eddie didn't answer any more at this time. Surrounded by bodyguards, he entered the General Affairs Section. Reporters were still waiting outside. If he wanted to go in, he had to apply for an interview first. , otherwise there is a risk of being arrested once you step in, so everyone can only wait in the square.

Eddie had already applied for a meeting with General Manager Locke in advance, and soon entered the elevator under the leadership of a governing officer. The bodyguards only stopped at the door.

This represents the top power center of the executive branch. No unrelated personnel are allowed to enter, and everything inside will not be disclosed to the outside world. Many reporters want to find out how it works here every day. What is the situation like for the members of the executive branch who work in the general affairs department, but Locke declined all interviews every time.

"Please don't block the door."

A female room chief came out and said sternly, and the reporters began to disperse to both sides.

Eddie smiled and stood respectfully at the door of Locke's private lounge. After the director next to him opened the door, he walked in and bowed first.

"Your Excellency, Chief Steward, Your Excellency, Secretary!"

Locke was sitting at his desk, a cup of steaming black tea was ready, and Yin Xianglin was sitting on the sofa, having already set up a light and shadow screen.

"Mr. Eddie, please sit down."

Eddie leisurely walked to the sofa and sat down, then picked up the black tea and sniffed it in front of his nose.

"good smell."

As Eddie took a sip, Locke's expression looked a little serious, while Yin Xianglin said with a smile that the black tea was grown in the small plantation behind the General Affairs Department.

"At the top where you can bathe in sunlight every day, the things you grow are really different."

"Mr. Eddie, if you have anything to say, just say it. I will have a TV speech at 11 o'clock later."

Eddie crossed his legs, patted his thighs and said.

"I hope to allow our Hillman family to open factories related to the orchard plan in the bottom 60 districts, with each factory having a scale of 1,000 to 2,000 people."

Yin Xianglin immediately burst into laughter, while Locke fell into deep thought. However, Yin Xianglin did not speak, but listened to Eddie continue to speak.

"These factories will be fully managed by local people, and our Hillman family only holds shares in the factories and will not interfere in anything about the factories."

Locke looked at Eddie with some surprise. This matter was undoubtedly a huge benefit to the entire lower class, but for some reason, Locke always felt that the person who came was evil.

"Even after the orchard project is successful, the factory can be fully upgraded and transformed. Our Hillman family will also invest heavily in some capital and technology. How do you think you can take charge of it? I am here today to apply."

Locke Jiahui hummed, and Yin Xianglin felt that Eddie's move was a timely help. Although the reputation of the Hillman family was not very good from the outside world, many people even believed that their family was responsible for the decline of the Angus family. They were a group of bloodthirsty people. interests.

Locke did not immediately agree to Eddie, but planned to think it through first.

"Okay, Mr. Eddie, you can write a general application first, and I will help you submit it to Congress. The city meeting at the beginning of next month can discuss it in detail. You can prepare the relevant materials first and let you The councilors in the area where the company is located can help you submit it.”

Eddie nodded, stood up, and drank the black tea in one gulp.

"Then I won't bother you. Your Excellency, the manager, our Hillman family also wants to do something for the city. As for the outside world's evaluation of us, there may be some misunderstanding."

Locke nodded, and as soon as Eddie went out, Yin Xianglin happily came over.

"General manager, now the matter is solved. If 60 factories related to the orchard plan are opened, the wages at the bottom level will not be high. Not only can it instantly solve the problem of employment of more than 100,000 people, but it can also reduce the cost of equipment. This is great for The orchard project kills two birds with one stone.”

Locke nodded. What Yin Xianglin said was indeed good, but Locke always felt that things were not that simple, because the Hillman family would not do loss-making business. Suddenly Locke thought of the stock market, and then he laughed easily.

"Yes, Eddie will submit the plan later and you can revise it and submit it, but it needs to be clear that the Hillman family is not allowed to put these factories on the market."

Locke wanted to understand that as long as these factories were not allowed to come into contact with the financial system, the Hillman family would not be able to achieve greater profits through these factories.

In just a few minutes, the gate of the General Affairs Section became agitated again. As soon as Eddie went out, reporters gathered around him. He just replied that he had talked to Locke and that he would be waiting for the city meeting next month. Surrounded by bodyguards, he returned to the car.

After the car started slowly, Eddie showed a sinister smile. Everything was going according to plan. Once 60 factories were established, it would be equivalent to dropping a financial bomb on the bottom.

"People are always greedy, haha!"

Eddie is very clear that this plan to provide help in times of need will definitely be passed. Based on a factory with 1,500 people and a per capita salary of 800 a month, the salary expenditure is 72 million. It is less than 1 billion a year and only requires 864 million. , with another few hundred million, if 60 factories are built simultaneously, it will only take a week to start operations.

The actual amount spent is less than 1.5 billion. Prometheus has calculated it specifically, and the output is actually far more than this number. As long as the orchard plan is started, everything will follow. However, this plan only You only need to pay 1.5 billion. In fact, the loss of the Hillman family, after production is achieved, is only 300 million at most. And this plan will be completed in less than a year, and the bottom layer will be even worse by then.

Capital is like a double-edged sword. It only needs to be used properly. Benefits and losses are relative. The most important thing is to leave it to the people at the bottom to manage this. Prometheus has screened out 60 factory leaders. , are all a group of interestists who will use all means for profit. This is what Eddie wants to see, and it is also the core point of the collapse of the Orchard Project.

"We can send people to contact these people the day after tomorrow."

Among these 60 people, there are self-employed people, some past owners of small companies, and some who have been imprisoned for economic crimes. According to their 20 years of data analysis, they will definitely make profits when managing the factory. , Eddie plans to delegate power to them, so that they can decide everything about the factory and directly interface with Congress.

Issues such as adulteration of counterfeit goods, deduction of workers' wages, use of cheap raw materials, false accounting records, etc. They are all veterans and know how to avoid taxes. This is the most reassuring point for Eddie. If they are a group that wants to become bigger If it were a strong operator, Eddie would not be able to spend money to carry out this plan. They are just a group of dirty and despicable ditch rats.

"The news about Mr. Eddie has begun to ferment."

Eddie looked at the light and shadow panel that appeared in front of him and nodded with satisfaction. The news had indeed begun to ferment. The news panels were overwhelmingly publicizing the Hillman family's sudden actions. This made most of the congressmen in the bottom area confused. shocked.

Didi didi

A phone call came. Eddie glanced at the number. It was Freya. He didn't answer it because the car had already returned to First Avenue. Eddie looked at the phone that kept ringing and still didn't answer it. , just smiling.

Soon the car stopped at the gate of Abron's house. Freya, supported by several maids, stood at the door with a big belly and held up the phone with a serious expression.

Eddie opened the car door and walked out, smiling and bowing.

"Congressman Freya, what can I do?"

"What on earth do you want Eddie?"

Eddie shook his head.

"I just want to make a little contribution to the city."

Freya said with a sneer.

"Contribution? I won't submit the application for you."

Freya said, Eddie was a little surprised, and then said helplessly.

"If 60 factories are opened, they can solve the employment problem of more than 100,000 people, and the construction of factories can also boost economic production capacity for the bottom class. What else can I do?"

Freya still looked at Eddie suspiciously, and then he bowed.

"It's getting late, Councilor Freya. I have something to do when I get back. I will make a thorough plan for you. You can review it carefully then."

Speaking of Eddie, he got into the car, but Freya still felt very subtle. This was not just the impression Eddie gave her, but the Hillman family had done too much behind the scenes over the years. Many things ultimately point to the Hillman family.

Freya was still a little worried, but her stomach began to feel uncomfortable. With the help of several maids, he returned to the lawn, but still took out his phone and dialed Wu Qun's number.

"His plan cannot be allowed to pass."

After listening to Freya's story, Wu Qun said directly.

"My opinion is the same. The new factory means uncertainty in technology, staffing, and production capacity. It cannot be compared with the mature large factories in the west. It can indeed bring benefits to the people at the bottom. , but at the same time, hazards are also possible. If there is a problem in the factory during this period, only the people at the bottom will be unlucky."

"I will talk to others about this matter, but I'm afraid the lower-level congressmen may not agree. This is a difficult problem at the moment."

Freya nodded.

"We have to find a way."

"Get some rest Freya, you are about to give birth, don't think about these things anymore."

After hanging up the phone, Freya smiled helplessly and looked at her husband, who was walking with some family patriarchs on the lawn to the left of the mansion, and smiled slightly bitterly.

9:48 am

Wu Qun stood up and walked to the desk. He had just eaten breakfast. After adjusting a light and shadow screen, it was a diagram of the underlying economic structure in the past few years. After Wu Qun thought for a while, he laughed.

"It can be opened!"

In an instant, Wu Qun figured out something. Although Eddie had said that he would not interfere with the management of these factories, if the people running the factories were incompetent and greedy profit-seekers, problems would easily occur in the factories, and once problems occurred, The orchard project will be damaged, and another point is that the Hillman family cannot be allowed to list these factories.

These are all practical problems that do exist. Wu Qun probably figured out what Eddie was planning to do. This seemed to be a good thing for the bottom class, but it was actually a way of making a lot of money by harming the bottom class.

"I'm still as sinister as before, but it's a pity that I'm not the fool I used to be, Eddie!"

Wu Qun said, taking out his phone and pressing the 0000 number.


With a violent blow, Gil flew out, and after standing firm, he panted and looked at Alpha on the opposite side.

"President, you are too strong, Jill has no chance at all."

In the underground training ground at the headquarters of Section 5, Qin Xiaoxuan and several directors were watching the battle. The battle lasted for 15 minutes. During this period, Alpha did not use all his strength. He only used red particles to easily defeat Gil, who had already I sat on the ground and was too tired to move.

During this period of time, Gil worked much harder than before, both in training and work. When Alpha came back, he said nothing to Gil and just told him to work hard.

Alpha took the towel handed over by Qin Xiaoxuan. She wiped the sweat from her neck and smiled helplessly.

"Jill, think back to those years of Xunnian in school. Although you are stronger now than before, your fighting ability is weaker than before."

"Have it?"

Gil muttered, Alpha turned around and put on his uniform, lit a cigarette and walked quickly.

"I'm going to District 118."

Jill raised her hand and waved, Alpha had already left, Qin Xiaoxuan put her hand on her chin and smiled.

"The president is getting stronger and stronger, and we have been pulled too far by her."

Jill shook her head.

"Perhaps as the president said, I am weaker than before."

Gil looked at his fist and was in a daze for a moment. He recalled what happened a few months ago, and his consciousness and thinking slowed down. After realizing that the violent mutant was a low-level mutant, he couldn't help but feel... Relaxed.

If it was in the state of fighting every day in the academy, Gil would never let the team leader die. It was just 1 second late. Qin Xiaoxuan looked at Gil's confused look and squatted in front of him.

"Let's go, we have something to do up there. Let's finish it early and then go out to eat and have a drink."

Gilmu nodded and was pulled up by Qin Xiaoxuan's arm. Several council officers around looked at them with smiles. Qin Xiaoxuan and Gil's relationship in Section 5 was famously good and they often ate together. Work seems to be the same as lovers, but in fact the two of them can only be regarded as classmates, friends and colleagues.

Someone had already tried to persuade Jill to forget it with Qin Xiaoxuan, but Jill just laughed and refused every time.

Everyone knows that the incident in the past was a huge knot in Jill's heart. Now, when Jill gets drunk, she will feel sad and even cry.

That mistake also made Gil the target of attack. On that day, mutants went berserk in various places. Alpha went to 5 places, and without exception, he defeated the violent mutants with one punch.

Nowadays, many people in the society are criticizing Gil, as the secretary of Section 5, for actually letting the team leader of the Section die at the hands of a violent mutant whose strength is far inferior to his.

Section 5 never responded directly and only claimed that it was an accident. However, Jill knew in her heart that it was indeed her fault. During that time, Jill's mentality was a bit loose and she only dealt with work and training.

"Still thinking about it?"

Jill turned her head, Qin Xiaoxuan smiled helplessly and patted Jill's arm.

"Really, what's there to think about? No one is perfect, we are just ordinary people, we just need to admit it."

Gil hummed, still feeling a little uncomfortable, and a bunch of people left the underground training ground.


Along with the sound of gobbling, Su Li put her hands on her chin and looked at the muscular and dark-skinned Niya in front of her. She had short hair and her skin looked a little rough. The private room next door was very noisy.

"Eat as much as you can, preferably until you don't have to eat tomorrow."

Niya roared loudly, grabbed the wine next to her and took a big sip. Su Li patted her on the back.

"Eat slowly. After all, I am the patriarch of the Su family. Although my family's wealth is not as good as yours, it is still quite a lot."

This time Su Li went to a middle-level company to investigate some matters. Su Li was so angry early this morning that she dismissed a bunch of senior executives on the spot and told them to pack up and get out.

Su Li, who was originally angry, accidentally saw Nia doing welding work on a high-rise building across the street, and directly invited Nia to dinner, but Nia said she wanted to eat with her friends, so Su Li simply invited them More than 40 people ate together, and they went to a relatively high-end local restaurant.

There were constant sounds of footsteps outside. The minimum consumption per capita here was more than 100 yuan. Su Li looked at this group of people. They were all rough people. They were a construction team named Lightning. At present, the construction team in the city He is quite famous.

"Is there something on my face?"

Niya pinched her dry and rough cheek, and Suli stretched out her hand to touch it.

"Miss, you've had enough fun, isn't it time to go back?"

"I will never go back."

Su Li smiled helplessly.

"Are you in full rebellious mode now? You're almost 17 years old, Niya."

Niya shook her head.

"Anyway, I don't want to go back. Anyway, I am a stain on the Angus family. I don't want any family property in the future. I just want to give it all to my sister."

"Then your Angus family is really in some trouble."

Niya snorted coldly and shook her head.

"It has nothing to do with me anyway."

Su Li sighed helplessly. Today's somewhat angry mood was much better because of the chance encounter with Niya. Niya is now a degenerate member in the family circle. She is completely messed up. Basically, every time her affairs You can hear it at the banquet. He hangs out with a bunch of rough men, fights on the street, often gets into trouble for Section 5, violates the public security regulations many times and is punished with labor. Basically, he refuses to change despite repeated admonitions. The Angus couple also Nia was never mentioned, not even by Alpha.

Seeing the relationship between such a family become like this, Su Li was also a little helpless, but Su Li knew very well that Niya would always go back, it was just a matter of sooner or later.

"I just want to eat, drink and have fun all my life."

Su Li smiled helplessly.

"A company like yours that makes a lot of money will eventually be unable to survive."

During the meal, Su Li asked Niya about the Lightning Company. He had heard something about this company. They were all a bunch of trouble-making guys. Half of them were people about the same age as Niya. In name, Xiong Dabiao She is the boss of the company, and Olivia is the company's treasurer, but basically the money after each project is evenly distributed, but there is one thing that Su Li sees clearly. The cohesion of this company is very good. More like a street gang.

And they help some ordinary people from time to time, so everyone thinks very well of them. All the members can eat well by themselves so that the whole family is not hungry. They like to be lively on weekdays. Gambling, drinking, and fighting are the characteristics of this group of people. , but Su Li has investigated that they did nothing bad, and he is not worried that Niya will become bad.

"Whenever you need my help, just give me a call."

Niya waved her hands.

"No need, Su Li will probably never need your help in this life."

Su Li held Niya's hand.

"Don't speak so early. Remember to call me if you encounter something that cannot be solved."

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