Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1721 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 82 (Part 2)



The city has begun to heat up, but in recent years the temperature at noon has not been as high as in previous years. This is all due to the opening of the subway in the west. Traffic flow is almost invisible in the industrial areas in the west, and transportation and logistics are extremely fast and convenient. , many factories in the west that produce vehicles have closed down and changed industries, and car sales have begun to decline year by year.

However, many people do not think that cars will be completely replaced by the subway, because many times there are people who want to drive on the streets. Although the subway operates 24 hours a day, many people still choose to drive on some cold nights.

You can take the subway anytime, but you need to walk a long way. Cars on the upper floors are still the main means of transportation, because it is unknown which year the underground construction will be fully rolled out on the upper floors.

Because there are fewer cars coming up from many areas in the middle level, the streets on the upper level are no longer congested, and the already spacious streets are now smooth.

Located on a main street in District 5, connected to the entrance of Qinglong Street, many people looked at a woman who was dressed up in an exaggerated manner. She was very weird, with purple eyes and big cheeks. Red, her lips were painted with green lipstick, and she was wearing an exaggerated and light floor-length skirt that could only be seen in movies or stage plays. The woman always maintained an elusive smile on her face, which looked a bit like a giggle, but it was the same as a giggle. Different, with a hint of enthusiasm and excitement.

But someone soon recognized it. On the back of the woman's clothes, there was a silhouette LOGO of the Reed Theater. It was the silhouette of Jaylin playing the cello. It looked very weird. The woman was not wearing high heels, but He was wearing a pair of black sneakers, which looked very strange.

"Miss, please pay attention to how you dress!"

One person couldn't stand it anymore and stepped forward to say something.

"Why? I look good in my clothes, and you know what? This is specially made, all over my body."

Crystal said with a smile, raised her head smugly, and continued walking. She came to an L.K candy store and walked directly in. Ye Lai, who was packing candies for the customers, almost burst into laughter. But he held it back, and several customers buying candy were stunned.

"Come here to buy candies again, Miss Crystal."

Crystal lay on the counter with a smile. Ye Lai took out a lollipop from a small box of tasting products and handed it to Crystal. She opened it and ate it by herself.

"Has that handsome man been here? His name is Gene, right?"

Ye Lai smiled helplessly. At this time, his wife with a bulging belly came out of the rest area at the back. She became angry when she saw Crystal's dress and wanted to say a few words, but Crystal spoke first.

"Madam, your belly is getting bigger and bigger. You must eat more vegetables and preferably less meat. You must also pay attention to your sleep and give birth to a healthy baby."

Ye Lai's wife smiled and said thank you. This woman who came to the store frequently during this period, often dressed up very badly, and seemed to have some mental problems, was not a bad person.

"As for Mr. Jean, he must have been busy with work recently. He hasn't been here for a long time."

Crystal was a little disappointed, but soon started chatting with Ye Lai's wife again.

Ye Lai smiled helplessly, and several guests also snickered. After Ye Lai exchanged greetings with them, they nodded in understanding.

Crystal was not the only woman who came to the store to ask about Jean, because Jean often went to the candy store to buy things. If you think about it, she and Jean had known each other for almost 20 years.

Ye Lai worked on a farm in the east a long time ago. Because his background was not very good when he was young, Ye Lai was once arrested for reselling fake and shoddy products. It was while working on the farm that he met Jean.

At that time, Ye Lai still couldn't change his problem of being poor and rational, so he would always secretly get some crops from the farm. Among them, Ye Lai got the most sugar. Later, after he met a co-worker who used to make candy, he Knowing that the candy industry was very profitable, Ye Lai did some research on his own and actually made some candies using raw materials from the farm.

After that, Ye Lai began to make candies privately, and then sold them to the bottom through some channels, making a small profit. However, the matter was still exposed, and it was discovered that it was Jean who did this, but Jean had tasted his candies. In the end, he just said that the taste was good and the sweetness was moderate. He did not report him, but told him not to do it in the future.

Ye Lai was really scared to death that time, thinking he was going to be doomed. After that, Ye Lai didn't take anything from the food base anymore. Instead, after he was released after serving his sentence, he opened a small shop with the help of Jean. After the business was good, Ye Lai also opened a factory.

After the business became more and more prosperous, Ye Lai also met his current wife, established a firm foothold in the upper class, and opened a candy store here. However, the business in the upper class was not as competitive as Ye Lai thought. With fierce competition, the business of his candy shop is getting worse and worse. No matter in terms of the type, quality, appearance and price of candy, Ye Lai's candy shop is gradually losing its competitiveness.

They could only rely on some candy supplies at the bottom to support themselves. In the end, Ye Lai's store was acquired by L.K Candy Company, and the business began to improve.

No matter whether business is good or bad, Gene will always come over to buy candies, and Ye Lai will also chat with Gene from time to time.

It's just that Jean hasn't been here for a long time recently. Ye Lai also hopes to chat with Jean. Looking at his wife's belly that is getting bigger day by day, it is a girl. The due date is in April this year.

Crystal was still looking around in the store, as excited as a child, looking at these beautiful candies, when at the door of the store, Gene walked in with a bagful of things.

Ye Lai was a little surprised and looked at the things that Gene was carrying. Some were nutritious dry goods, some were nutritious meats, and a pot of purple-blue iris flowers.


Ye Lai took the gift from Jean's hand with some excitement and said thank you.

"You're finally here!"

As soon as Jean put down his things, he saw the woman in front of him who was dressed strangely but with a sincere expression. Jean smiled softly.

"Hello miss!"

"I've been waiting for you for several days. Your name is Jean, right? Can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

Gene scratched his head and looked at Ye Lai, who was winking at him across the way, and nodded with a smile.

"Of course, miss!"

Crystal jumped up excitedly, wandering around Jean as if observing something.

"But you may need to wait for a while. There are other customers in the shop. Can you wait quietly for a while?"

Crystal nodded in understanding and calmed down as expected, but she still couldn't hide her excitement, and her eyes were fixed on Jean.

"Mr. Jean, this woman seems to be a bit energetic."

Gene looked back at the crystal sitting next to a shelf and shook his head.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Ye Jiao."

Ye Lai said excitedly, and then looked around in embarrassment. He seemed to have something important to tell Jean, but he didn't dare to explain it.

"Say it!"

"Mr. Jean, can you please be free in the future? I mean whenever you are free. When this child grows up, I hope you can teach her, although it is a little bit like that."

Gene smiled and nodded.


"Thank you Mr. Jean."

Jean did not refuse. He could see that some of Ye Lai's little thoughts were often asked by his parents in the past. Jean would also go there from time to time as agreed.

"Is that really okay Mr. Jean?"

Gene nodded again.

"Anyway, congratulations! I'm going to have a drink with this lady now. I have something to do."

After watching Jean leave, Ye Lai stood in front of the cashier for a long time, and for a while he couldn't help but feel excited.

"Looking at you like this, if our daughter can have a good relationship with Mr. Jean in the future, it will be good for her future. After all, it is really not easy to live in the upper class."

Ye Lai hummed, feeling in his heart that what he was doing was not very good, but every parent hopes that their children will have a good future.

“I really don’t know how to thank Mr. Jean!”

"I think the business department is pretty good. How about letting this child go to the business department in the future? I know several girls in the business department who are quite independent."

Ye Lai hummed.

On the road, Gene was carrying his uniform with only one hand and a cigarette in his mouth. Crystal was walking in front of Gene, coming back to his senses from time to time and talking to Gene about some things here.

"I don't know why people here always don't like to talk much. They don't talk much to the people around them. Even the neighbors who often go out together always feel cold."

"That's because everyone is busy doing their own thing."

As Jean spoke, he also noticed the looks of many people around him, especially women. At this time, a drink shop appeared in front of him.

"How about this place, miss? I can only sit here for a while and I have work."

Crystal immediately ran in without any explanation, lay down at the front desk, and ordered two cups of coffee. The manager at the front desk frowned slightly. This was a three-story beverage shop with an elegant environment, but Crystal's dress was incompatible with this place. The manager was about to refuse when he saw Gene walking in.

"Come on, let's go up there. It's a good place up there."

The manager was a little surprised.

"Lord Jean, how come you can?"

Jean didn't say anything, just nodded and followed Crystal upstairs.

"I have been to this store several times. They thought I was too noisy and kicked me out."

Crystal's voice was much lower as she spoke, and she raised her head with a smile because she felt the envious looks from all around her.

"What do you want to talk about, miss?"

Crystal put her hands on her chin and thought for a while.

"Mr. Jean, do you have a girlfriend?"

Jean nodded seriously, looking at this somewhat silly woman, Jean did not refuse her invitation.

"Why don't you listen to other people's opinions on your outfit, miss!"

Crystal looked at her clothes, nodded and said.

"I'll ask Jaylin to help me next time."

Crystal looked around, not knowing what to say to Jean. She suddenly stood up and said with a smile.

"Mr. Jean, let me tell you, I always feel that the people here are a little strange."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"I always speak arrogantly, and they always look at me in a very bad way. Do you know that when I came here today, people from your business department questioned me five times? I didn't do anything, and I have a job now, and..."

Jean listened quietly to what Crystal said without interrupting her. Many things sounded childish and ridiculous, but this was indeed the essential problem that existed in fact.

"In the past, I thought the upper floors were definitely much better than the middle and lower floors. But after staying for a while, I felt that this place was uncomfortable to live in. And let me tell you, Mr. Jean, many people who go to the theater are not going there at all. Many of the people watching the drama are going to have private meetings with their lovers. They obviously have such beautiful wives and handsome husbands at home, but I really don’t know what they think.”

"So Miss Crystal, what do you think is a good life?"

Crystal thought for a moment and then spoke.

"It would be great if everyone could laugh. Many people are lifeless. In the past, no matter how miserable my life was, I would still laugh out loud because of a funny thing."

Gene hummed.

"It's almost time, Miss Crystal. If you have a chance, I'll buy you a drink next time!"

"Okay, next time, I heard that Mr. Jean, you are very busy at work."

Gene smiled and stood up and walked out of the store with Crystal. He looked around the streets and looked at Crystal, who was waving to him as she walked vigorously. Many people in the crowd looked at her strangely.

"This will always be the case no matter what era!"

Gene said as he disappeared into an alley and quickly jumped onto the roof. Prejudice and arrogance are always the root causes of problems in many things. Unfortunately, humans cannot get rid of such bad habits.

3 o'clock in the afternoon

The temperature on the eastern farms is very high and has reached the highest point of the day. In each harvest shed, workers are busy. The workload recently has been very heavy. In the past, those who were short-term after harvest due to lack of manpower The put aside planting land has been effectively used.

Some convenient harvesting tools have also been distributed in everyone's hands. This harvesting park is all female. Many of them originally only worked in factories for light crop processing, but now they have to do both harvesting and light processing.

Light processing begins immediately after harvesting. Some crops are washed and the inedible parts are divided into boxes according to their utility.

Even some serious criminals in the prison have joined the work, and a large number of minor criminals in the city have been directly assigned to work on the farm. Some people have also seen that Section 12 intends to hoard food, and those who can store it for a long time A large amount of food has been stored in the food warehouse, because Section 12 will soon start a large-scale project to revive the land in the barrier area.

Many people who work on the farm all year round have signed up, and Bayek is one of them. She moved a box of corn to the back of the truck outside the shed, and began to peel the corn and put the edible parts into a box. , the inedible part was put in another box, and Larry was already asleep on her back.

On such a hot day, the businessmen would not let them work all the time, but would take a break after working for a period of time.

Bayek carefully handled the corn according to the instructions of the 12 people. The corn production area of ​​the shack where they were located was all experimental corn. They were all handled by women, and they had to be handled carefully according to the requirements.

People in Section 12 are also carefully recording the output of each shed, how much is edible and how much is inedible but can be used. Corn husks and stalks can be processed into industrial raw materials and farmland nutrient solutions. .

"Bayek, please rest. You have been working for a while."

A female staff member from Section 12 who was comparing the values ​​on the light and shadow panel said this. Bayek smiled, shook his head, and continued working. The female staff member walked aside helplessly.

Everyone's workload every day is clearly recorded with a recorder worn on their hands, and those with the highest workload will receive special bonuses. This is the driving force of Balk. Many women who are in Bayek's group know this. , she wanted to send her son Larry to a good school.

At this time, a lift slowly landed, and many people from Section 12 hurriedly approached. Soon, most of the members from Section 12 in the nearby Middle Boundary Tower came over.

Natasha, the secretary of Section 12, and Ye Chunwang, the former management officer of the Eastern Agricultural Base, walked out of the lift.

"Have you prepared the harvest data for this morning?"

Each team leader immediately began to report and submit information. Ye Chunwang looked at the string of values ​​​​on the light and shadow screen, and looked at the experimental corn shack. There are a total of 29 types of corn in this place, and each type has different genes. These few Planting corn with comparative cold tolerance is still in the experimental stage. The temperature in the shed is very low in order to test the stability of corn planting.

If you want to open up planting land in the barrier area and then turn the planting land into an orchard, you need media. Ye Chunwang also selected some crops with strong cold resistance, such as corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., to plant them first to improve recovery. The quality of the land depends on the planting of trees later. Trees are different from crops. Even if many crops are in a harsh environment, they can survive as long as they have three conditions: soil, air temperature, and sunlight. But trees are different. Small saplings are very fragile. If you are not careful, you will die on a large scale.

Some fruit tree cultivation experiments have been carried out, but unfortunately most of the trees are difficult to grow, and the fruit production of trees is much slower than that of crops. The soil in the barrier area must be completely stabilized. Only then can you start planting and cultivating fruit trees.

Ye Chunwang planned to take a look on the spot. After reading the harvest data submitted by the team leaders this morning, and under Natasha's report, he began to enter each shed to directly inspect the corn situation.

"Too anxious, that boy Clark."

Ye Chunwang looked at the corn grown at low temperatures in a shed. Many of them looked malnourished and even showed signs of illness. Such a large-scale experiment was started rashly when there was no stable single-plant experimental results. Of course, Ye Chunwang knew that this was due to pressure from the outside world. As soon as the orchard plan was announced, fiery voices from the outside world began to urge it.

The people at the bottom are even more excited. Everyone wants to eat fruit as soon as possible. This kind of food that only knows the taste has never been touched, and the benefits this food can bring, are what everyone wants now.

"There is nothing we can do about it, Old Man Ye, the situation is not optimistic."

Natasha said something and Ye Chunwang nodded. Basically, many of the crops prepared for the land in the recovery barrier area cannot be used.

As soon as the two walked out of an experimental shed, they saw a dark-skinned woman coming out carrying a pile of corn.

"Go and rest first."

Natasha said something, and Bayek nodded in front of her.

"Rest here after you're done."

Bayek started working in the work shed directly outside the shed. Now most people are resting in the Middle Boundary Tower or near the truck, not wanting to work.

Ye Chunwang did not walk in. He looked at the dark-skinned woman's skillful and fast movements and was a little surprised. The movements were very accurate without any mistakes. In just 10 minutes, a box of corn was removed, and Bayek seemed to She was so tired that she turned around and walked in. Just when Natasha was about to go over and say something, she was stopped by Ye Chunwang.

"Find an opportunity and let her show everyone the fastest way to handle these crops."

Natasha was a little confused.

“Crops may seem like rough work, but they actually require a more delicate handling method, otherwise a lot of parts will be wasted.”

Ye Chunwang looked at a lot of spilled corn in the work shed. Although he would clean it up later and use it as nutrient solution, looking at so many corns that had fallen on the ground and been trampled to pieces during the processing, Ye Chunwang felt that Unfortunately, he walked over to himself, picked up a plump corn, put it in his mouth, and smiled happily.

"Old man Ye, you just care too much about these trivial things. There is bound to be a little bit of wear and tear in the projects you are working on."

Ye Chunwang shook his head helplessly. He couldn't help but look at Bayek who was handling the corn in the shed. He would be very careful when breaking off the corn. He would also pull up the corn stalks and quickly use tools to remove the roots. The dirt on the bed was removed and washed in the fountain nearby. It was very fast and accurate.

Looking at Bayek walking out again, she remembered what her secretary had just said and apologized hurriedly.

"Just keep doing it."

Bayekemun nodded, and at this time, her son Larry on her back also woke up and looked at Ye Chunwang with his big round eyes. Ye Chunwang stretched out his hand and touched the cute child's face, and the child laughed. .

"Your processing tools are too crude. You have to find ways to improve them."

Natasha nodded.

"I know, hurry up, Old Man Ye, there are other places to go."

When Ye Chunwang walked into the corn shed, he couldn't help but glance at Bayek who was still handling the corn behind him. He didn't make any mistakes because of the roughness of the tools, and not a single grain of corn fell to the ground.

"Can you take note of what I said and find time to actually implement it?"

Natasha brought up the light and shadow screen and recorded it.

"If you use a machine to harvest, the loss rate will be higher. Now it's pretty good. Old man Ye, you really are getting more verbose as you get older."

The governing officers behind Natasha laughed, and Ye Chunwang sighed helplessly. Although the current harvest loss rate of crops is only 5%, a 5% loss rate every year can already feed many people.

"It's not that you get nagging as you get older, Natasha, you and Clark are both too eager to get things done."

Natasha sighed. She also knew what Ye Chunwang wanted to say, but now the daily workload was very heavy and it was not easy at all. Coupled with the current orchard plan, many people felt a little overwhelmed.

Now Section 12 is hoarding a large amount of grain, taking as much old grain out of the warehouse as possible, and hoarding new grain, all so that when the orchard plan really starts to be implemented, there will be no need to worry about food problems.

What Ye Chunwang is most worried about now is whether the people allocated from the farm will cause a burden on the food base when this plan is implemented. After all, these people allocated to the farm are all experienced people, and if some young people are recruited from the society, If strong people participate, and those who have no experience in cultivating land, their work efficiency will be very low, and they will be another burden to Congress.

Originally, Ye Chunwang planned to let them do it, but now the problems in the agricultural department are somewhat serious, and they have been at a relatively stable level all year round. The most important thing among them is labor wages, and many people are not willing to go there. When people come to work at the grain base, the work is heavy and the wages are low. No one will come here unless they are really powerless. Most workers in agricultural science work for less than one year. Although there will be some additional subsidies after three years of work, most of them will not come here. Some people work less than 3 years.

In order to stabilize urban prices, food prices must not be increased at will.

At this time, Ye Chunwang glanced at Natasha, who was sending messages to others, and many directors. They were all talking and laughing. For them, the Agriculture Department was already extremely stable, but in Ye Chunwang's eyes, But it is not stable at all. Now their work is a bit sloppy. Ye Chunwang has said it many times, but the effect is not great.

Clark is the same, he wants to develop super genetic crops as soon as possible, and he wants to do it once and for all.

Ye Chunwang has been farming all his life and never thought that agriculture could be achieved once and for all. As the most primitive output of human society, agriculture must be taken more seriously.

After waiting and watching for so long, Ye Chunwang and Hawke came to the same conclusion. The current management of the business department is somewhat loose. Because of Alpha's tough approach, the city has ushered in unprecedented stability.

These students from God’s College have only a brief social experience before entering school. Although they have been running around in society during the course, they also know what they want to do in the future and have clear goals. , but after the establishment of the Xingke Branch, it only took 4 years to go from being efficient at the beginning to being loose now.


Ye Chunwang shouted, and Natasha came back to her senses.

"What's wrong, Old Man Ye?"

"Let's go to the next place."

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