Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1710 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 79 (Part 1)

The wind was whining, and with a flash of fiery red appearing in the sky above Brilliant City, the wind and sand in the barrier area began to roll slowly.

Owen was shivering and huddled in the basement of the broken house. He was a little hungry. Xima in his arms was still sleeping soundly. Fortunately, Lao Cheng gave them a blanket. Owen only knew that it was dawn. When there is a dazzling red light.

His mother once told Owen the difference between dawn and dark. Owen only knew that the place in the distance was called a city. If there was a light, it meant that it was dawn. However, Owen still didn't understand what dawn was.

Due to the strong wind and sand during the day, people in the barrier area would try to stay in their houses as much as possible. However, in the city where Owen is located, you can also come out during the day because there are a large number of buildings blocking the wind and sand.

Owen has no patience anymore. He doesn't know when to wait. He has never waited that long. His mother has been out for a long time. Owen wants to go out, but it is too cold now. He doesn't want to wake up Xima, because Xima Cries as soon as I wake up.

"Owen, are you still angry?"

There was a voice outside the house, it was Lao Cheng. Owen wanted to make a sound, but in the end he fell silent. He didn't want to leave here.

After a while, Lao Cheng walked into the basement with a smile. Looking at the two children, one large and one small, huddled in the corner, they were still alive. Lao Cheng walked over with a smile on his face, holding a bottle of heated liquid food.

"You're hungry, eat quickly."

Owen was trembling, and Xima in his arms woke up. Lao Cheng took out a spoon and quickly fed both children.

"Owen, listen to me and go to the facility in the back, okay?"

Owen shook his head and Lao Cheng sighed.

"Okay, if you want to wait for mom here, don't come out. Can you promise me, Owen, no matter what happens outside, don't come out."

Owen looked at Lao Cheng with a stern expression, and finally nodded, and Lao Cheng touched Owen's head.

"Remember what I said to Owen, don't come out, no matter what happens."

Time is 8 o'clock

"Move quickly!"

One after another, tents were collected and put into the lift. A large number of team members began to gather and prepare for the operation. Early this morning, the team located near the Alatan Ula Mountains received an order from above to go. Jirigela, this past human gathering place located in the northeast and second only to Jirigela due to the south in terms of city area, is located in the middle of the north of the Alatan Ula Mountains. It is the place where the largest number of criminals gathered. It is a short distance from Ling Hong and his team. With less than 50 kilometers to go, they received orders to arrive at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

According to the investigation of Section 2, there are at least tens of thousands of criminals living in Jirigrad in this dilapidated city. Section 3 has decided to mobilize 100 teams with more than 3,000 troops to directly launch a devastating attack on Jirigrad. of blow.

The real war is about to begin, and many staff members feel it. This is different from the small battles that took place all day yesterday. Although they will be bombed first, Jiriggrad has a large number of underground facilities.

According to some past map information, this city was jointly built by the humans who came here after the earth's disaster in the past. It was established by several large armed forces at the time, including the Angus family, the Phoebes family, and the The Hosen family all participated in the construction of Jizhigrad.

The teams have started to set off separately. Ling Hong is still checking the status of the team members. Some members of the department who are in poor condition have been sent to the lift. There were more than 30 teams before, but now there are only more than 1,000 people left. .

Some nearby teams were approaching Jirigele. Many people felt that this might be the last clearing operation. A pair of panicked and slightly helpless eyes kept passing by Ling Hong. She wanted to Say something, but nothing comes out.

The command of the on-site operations has fallen to Ling Hong. She doesn't know what to do. There should be many children in such a large population gathering place.

The situation of casualties cannot be concealed. No matter how much Congress covers it up, the fact that there were a large number of casualties in this operation in the barrier zone cannot be changed. The results have become the only excuse for Section 3 now. Although this excuse is not enough to convince the public, But it is the most beneficial.

Most of the problems encountered during this march had not existed in previous simulation exercises. According to intelligence judgment, the secret military factory was most likely in Jizhigrad.

Even the food and water processing factory in Jiriggrad was the only place that had the conditions to manufacture weapons and bring food and water. After watching the last group of teams take action, Ling Hong also followed the team.

The wind and sand are getting stronger and stronger, and the time when you can march quickly is up to 11 o'clock. The temperature at night is minus 80 degrees in some places, and the average temperature is at least minus 50 degrees. Such abnormal temperatures are a great test for humans, but the criminals They can still live in the barrier area. They understand the barrier area better than the people in the field and are more adaptable here.

In just ten years, the barrier area has become a big trouble that has to be cleaned up. Ling Hong ran slowly at the back of the team, her thoughts still changing, recalling what Mel said last night. , can only go so far, Ling Hong stopped.

"If you don't think about these things, there's no point in moving on, idiot!"

The dust is rolling, 9:11 in the morning

Lao Cheng and many people who had not left gathered in the square. There were men and women, but most of them were older. Everyone was sitting or lying down, gathered in a small circular square, where almost Untouched by wind and sand, some people were smoking cigarettes, some looked drunk, some were wiping their weapons, and some were talking and laughing.

Lao Cheng used to be a doctor in the city. He knew some medical skills, but he was just a black market doctor. He had claimed many lives due to wrong treatment and even resold a lot of illegal and addictive drugs. Eight years ago, After arriving here, I never chose to go back to the city.

Most of the children in Jirigrad were delivered by Lao Cheng. Someone once asked him why he didn't want to go back. At least he had some medical skills and was able to make medicines from the raw materials he obtained and treat the criminals in the city. Those who plan to leave understand that they have no way out. No matter where they escape, it will be the same. Even if they surrender and are captured, at best they will just do heavy physical labor under the scorching sun. After several years of hard work in prison, they will return to society. But they can no longer go back, and there is no place for them to stay.

There were nearly 1,000 people who did not leave, and more than 200 of them were children. Some were left behind by their parents, and some had lost their parents. The originally quiet and peaceful atmosphere was broken. Some people returned shortly after leaving. Some of those who turned back drove those who wanted to leave through a hidden road in the Alatan Ula Mountains.

On the opposite side of the mountains, there are still some facilities that humans built on the mountains in the past, which can provide shelter for these escapees. Most of the escapees do not want to go to prison, because many people have been to prison and they have had enough.

The temperature is now much warmer than at night, and many people did not wrap themselves up tightly. Lao Cheng stood on a fountain in the middle of the square, carrying a bottle of wine, and after taking a big sip, he laughed loudly. He laughed, and everyone's discussion gradually stopped.

"I just want to say one thing! Fuck the future! Then...enjoy this last time!"

For a moment, the criminals in the square cheered, as if it was a festival. Everyone took out the food they had saved for a long time and started eating and drinking directly in the square. Some men and women met directly and walked into a nearby house. Originally, Some people think that Lao Cheng will designate a battle plan, and now it doesn't matter. Most of them have no future from the moment they set foot here.

In just over a day, some fleeing criminals passing through Jizrigrad received news from the front. The inhumane purges of the criminal department had begun. There were already many gathering places for criminals in just one day. Being unplugged.

Lao Cheng sat quietly on the half-destroyed sculpture of the fountain. At this time, he looked at a large gathering place not far from the square and close to the east side of the city. More than 100 children who were left in the city gathered there. There, there was a hint of helplessness and bitterness in Lao Cheng's eyes.

"If you can't finish the food, give it to those brats. Whether they can survive depends on the brats themselves."

Lao Cheng shouted, holding up the bottle of wine in his hand. Along with the shouts in the square, he started drinking. After a while, Lao Cheng became drunk. He walked crookedly through the crowd and found a random drink. There was a decent shabby room, and after plunging in, he lay down on a net bed with his gun in his arms, and fell asleep.

Owen stood by the window of the broken house. He looked at the square not too far away from here. The adults seemed to be celebrating something. The worry on Owen's face gradually disappeared. His mother had told Owen that adults could only meet when they met. It's a good thing that you only celebrate when there is something worth being happy about. Although he doesn't remember it very clearly, Owen remembers that the last time he celebrated, he had a full meal that night. There was also his father at that time, and everyone cheered and sang.

Owen smiled and leaned on the window edge with his hands on his chin, enjoying the cheers and shouts floating in the wind. These sounds often appeared in the past, and Owen felt relieved. Although many people left without knowing why, But there must be something good going on. For example, they might be bringing food and water.

On Owen's back, a small hand stretched out and pinched Owen's ear. Owen tilted his head slightly.

"Xima, mother will be back soon."

But at this moment, the little hand fell down, looking a little limp. Owen shook it happily, hoping that Xima would go to sleep quickly and grow up quickly. On a cold night like last night, Owen just leaned on the little one on his back. The stove had just spent the cold night, but what Owen didn't know was that the face of the baby girl on his back was already a little blue, looking weak and her eyes were dull.

10:11 am

Osman sat quietly in the section chief's office at the Eastern Guard Station, looking at the list of dead people in front of him. He felt mixed emotions in his heart. It should have been stopped. Osman kept slapping his forehead. He didn't know how to deal with these. The family members of the deceased stated that this was the most serious casualty in the past few years since the beginning of the army.

The current death toll has climbed to 831, with 1,982 injured. Nearly 30% of the staff who participated in the march in the barrier area have been damaged. Although there were estimates in previous simulation training, it would not exceed 50 at most. People, but now this set of bloody data is enough to explain everything.

There are too many unknowns in that strange land, which cannot be predicted by simple simulation training. The large-scale march failed.

Osman tried several times to contact Congress, but all failed. His authority as section chief was confiscated. On the light and shadow mobile phone next to him, the number 0013 had been entered for a long time on the dialing panel, but it was not dialed after all.

From a long time ago, Osman felt that his opinions were at odds with the principal Gene. He knew that the principal had walked in the darkness all year round and done many things. Osman understood that no snowflake in an avalanche was innocent.

He looked at the number of deaths again. In just one minute, the number changed to 833. Osman checked the two new people who died due to multiple organ failure and ineffective treatment.

Section 3's march plan was finally started out of desperation. Faced with the increasingly rampant criminals fleeing to the barrier area, cleaning up was inevitable. This matter seemed to be flowing smoothly, and it just happened. It suddenly appeared when Section 3 was under tremendous pressure from public opinion in the city.

No matter what he does now, nothing can stop this from happening. Osman glanced at the number 0013 again. He knew that even calling Jean's number now would not help. Osman knew his wife's character very well. She would not Stopped.

Over the years, many problems in Section 3 have been solved with the strong attitude of his wife Zijuan. She has courage and skill. The most important thing is that she has someone she admires. Jean is like a role model for his wife. My wife always nags herself about the principal.

Didi didi

Osman woke up with a start. The moment he saw the phone, he even wanted to cry. The caller was from the number 0013.


Osman choked.

"Do you need me to do something?"

Osman's eyes widened. The words he had thought about for a long time and wanted to blurt out came to his lips and he swallowed them back.

"Is there anything else you can do? Principal!"

Gene's hearty laughter came from the phone.

"Whatever it is!"

Osman shook his head, and finally hung up the phone. He looked blankly at the sunlight passing by both sides of his cheeks. His own shadow was huge, almost covering the entire desk, and his eyes were slightly red.

Didi didi

Osman looked at the phone. This time it was his wife Zijuan calling.

"The last stronghold removal operation will begin soon. Is there anything else you want to say? Section Chief!"

Osman was in a daze. On the day of graduation, he remembered what he said to his classmates in subject 3: Change subject 3.

"I'm not this material!"

"Big pig head! Of course you are not this material. As I said, the only thing we can do is to let Section 3 find its own way of survival and hand this stick to the next generation. That's all! Why do you men At critical moments, he is always as fragile as a child. Osman, take a rest when you are tired, and I will be responsible for completing the next work!"

The phone was hung up, and Osman held the phone blankly, feeling a sense of powerlessness at his fingertips.

In the dark night sky, ultra-low-altitude detection aircraft flew across the sky over Jizhigrad. However, accompanied by a violent explosion, one of the aircraft caught fire instantly after being hit by a heat-sensing missile, and crashed into Jizhigrad. Next to a dilapidated house.


Zijuan sighed and looked at the last scene captured. Several criminals standing on the roof, holding weapons, cheering and holding weapons, right next to a thermal missile launcher.

As well as the picture captured by another detection aircraft, many criminals were reveling. Zijuan quietly looked at the two flashing points on the map. These are the areas where the team is currently located.

"Deploy additional troops to 200 squads to surround Jirigrad."

The directors behind them began to issue orders. Everyone knew that since the criminals held such heavy firepower weapons, bombing could not solve many problems. Cleaning up after the bombing was the top priority. .

"Let several teams with mutants advance to a range of 500 meters from Jizrigrad, and start clearing operations as soon as the bombing ends."

Zijuan stood up as she spoke, and the command vehicle began to move. Everyone knew that the bombing was only to divide the huge battlefield in Jizhigrad in a short period of time, and the core was the rapid raid and encirclement and suppression operation.

At least the criminals will be unable to respond in a short period of time. They will attack from the south and east of Jizhigrad at the same time and carry out a carpet-like cleaning operation. As long as Jizhigrad is captured, the criminals in the barrier area will have no way to hide. If the weapons manufacturing factory, food and water supplies are cut off, the criminals in the barrier area will not be able to survive for long.

Zijuan looked at the map of a part of the barrier area that had been mapped. There were many red lines on it. According to the investigation of more than 1,000 arrested criminals, according to their confessions, the monthly food supply was indeed Although some people have confessed that the weapons, food and water flowed out from Jirigele, they were sent by some men in black, but such statements are not credible.

According to photos of old mobile phones from the past that were confiscated from escaped criminals, many of the guys who come to deliver goods are key members of some large criminal gangs, and there are not a small number of the men in black mentioned by criminals. .

The cleanup of Jizhigrad was imminent, and the teams that received the order had already begun to move, leaving only a few teams slowly carrying out map mapping work.

"Let's hurry up and speed up!"

11:08 am

Bar chi

The grape jam that had just been opened in Noah's hand spilled on him. Noah looked troubled, but he still picked up the bread on the table and dipped the grape jam on his clothes without any hesitation. He ate with concern.

"Are you sick?"

Li Guoguo stuck out her tongue and looked at Noah, who had just come out of the battleship's kinetic energy room. He was surrounded by people from the 10th family. In front of him was a giant flying object hundreds of meters high. It had the same shape as a blue whale. On the surface It is made of jet black metal. This is the first test flight of the Blue Whale warship. The effect is very outstanding. The effect of the directional blasting of optical nuclear weapons is far beyond everyone's imagination.

But at this time, many people's faces were a little solemn, and they were still checking the battleship's data around the Blue Whale battleship. The thing about the battleship that makes Noah most dissatisfied now is the armor. Although this new type of alloy armor can resist many types of battleships. It has high attack resistance, heat resistance, and high hardness, but the weight is too heavy. In terms of future improvements, light particle armor and liquid metal armor are two directions that must be overcome.

Noah licked the jam on his fingers, and then licked his fingers until all the jam was licked off. Then he wiped his saliva-covered fingers on his white coat. Many people covered their mouths in disgust.

"You really can't get enough of it."

Li Guoguo murmured, and Noah nodded with a smile.

“I wonder when I’ll be able to eat real fruit.”

Today's jams are all made with fruity taste agents. Although many people have adapted to it, Li Guoguo has never felt accustomed to it. She always feels a metallic taste because her taste buds are larger than those of jams. Ordinary people are developed.

Looking at Noah, who was smiling innocently and like a child, Li Guoguo couldn't help but feel a chill. Everyone knew what they did in the early morning, but Noah didn't feel the slightest bit guilty. What he did, but he felt uncomfortable in his heart, was that Noah pressed the button and pressed the launch button of the photonuclear weapon without hesitation.

A lava pit with a depth of 200 meters appeared instantly. The whole process did not take more than 3 seconds. High-energy photons were instantly fused and released. The high heat generated completed a short killing in an instant, and it ended without even a trace of wailing.

More than 200 top scientists from 10 departments are still collecting various numerical values ​​​​of the battleship Blue Whale. They cannot miss any detail. The future role of this battleship is to escort the huge battleship Noah and serve as an outpost. , detection, escort cruise, etc. work.

There are a total of four warships in the plan. Blue Whale is the first one and is still in the experimental research stage. The remaining three are already under construction, but now they can only be temporarily slowed down, and many technical problems still cannot be fully solved.

"What are you doing with your faces tied up? Hurry up and collect the data, and we can start the next phase of research."

Noah raised his hands and smiled excitedly. He assembled the Blue Whale battleship built with the most advanced technology in Brilliant City. The first test flight was successful and he got very good data feedback. This kind of thing made Noah At this time, Noah was extremely excited, and the crazy ideas in his head were born one after another, or ideas.

"You bastard, don't you have any sense of being human?"

Li Guoguo finally spoke. Noah's attitude made many people feel unhappy. The previous photonuclear weapons launched directly from Section 10 were also activated by Noah. He didn't feel uncomfortable at all. There is such a thing as conscience. You can't see it in Noah. The only thing you can see is his passion and madness for science.

"Why do we conduct research day and night and constantly discover new technologies? Because human beings need progress, and the root of progress is science. Human development has gone through one era after another. Science is the only symbol of human progress, and As scientists, we should contribute to the progress of mankind."

Noah spoke so passionately that many people were stunned. This was not something Noah would say on a normal day. Even Li Guoguo was very surprised. As a result, Noah suddenly changed the topic and started laughing.

"Do you think I will tell you these long talks? Unfortunately, science is a cold thing. It does not have any emotions. No matter what it does to mankind, it is a product of mankind and a necessity for mankind to move forward to the next era. Objects, compassion? Fraternity? Conscience? It is a pity that these things do not exist in science. Science is facts and data, only rationality, and the perceptual part? Greatness? Glory? For mankind? Unfortunately, these things are just in the past. It’s just an established fact made up by scientists. First, you have to be interested in a thing, and then start researching it. Even if you encounter all difficulties, you must complete the research and want to understand everything. This is not for anyone, or in other words, for What great purpose can be achieved can only be achieved through pure love and interest, and science should not be labeled with any label!"

Noah's face darkened as he spoke. He put his hands in his pockets and glanced at the important people who looked at him blankly. Some of them were Noah's classmates, and some were new staff members in the past few years. There was recognition in their eyes. There was disdain, there was also disbelief, all kinds of complex looks were directed at Noah.

"Today we just applied a predetermined war weapon to the war that happened, and successfully used the weapon to annihilate the enemy and annihilate the enemies that were harmful to the city. That's all, so."

Before Noah could finish speaking, he saw a long snow-white leg appearing in front of him. When he was kicked in the face, an obscure smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


After Noah flipped 360 degrees in the air, he landed on his face. He immediately raised his head, nosebleed flowed from one nostril, and he sniffed.

"Don't listen to this idiot's nonsense. Interest? Hobby? What I see in you, an idiot, is more for your own selfishness than any bullshit hobbies. I can't understand your behavior and thoughts, no matter what. From the past to the present, as a person, you must have the most basic conscience. If everyone is like you, you will find it easy to reach out your fingers and press the button to kill others, and even think it is very easy. If it were easy, the world would be over.”

Many people were looking here. Noah raised his head, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and pressed his bleeding nose, still smiling at the corner of his mouth.

"I just want to know why! That's all. Maybe there is something emotional at the end of science. I just want to take a look, Guoguo! Keep working."

Noah said relaxedly. At this time, the atmosphere in the scene was a little more relaxed. Everyone loved and hated this secretary. The part about him was genius, the part about him that was unsophisticated, and the part about him that could always be completely immersed in his own scientific world. , and his words that always hurt others and never considered them. Everyone felt helpless and powerless towards Noah.

Li Guoguo turned around and looked at her own light and shadow screen. She was too lazy to compete with Noah. She couldn't remember how many times she had beaten Noah because of her fiery temper. She didn't do that when she was still in the Academy of God. He knew that he had beaten Noah many times, but he never fought back, because in some parts, Li Guoguo knew that what Noah said was right.

"Idiot, will you die if you say a nice word?"

"Forget it Guoguo."

Heim'o next to him muttered, and Li Guoguo frowned slightly and pinched Heim'o's arm.

"You fat pig, why don't you say something and you'll always cower to the side."

Heimou smiled innocently, but his eyes were blank. Li Guoguo also noticed that Heimou had become more and more strange recently.

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