Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1707 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 78 (Part 1)

8:19 pm

"N63E102, target confirmed, start mission! OVER!"

Three white rays of light intertwined under the dark sky, and the white tracks disappeared in a short time, accompanied by deafening whistling sounds.

In an instant, explosions sounded along with the steaming flames, and the violent shock waves began to spread with devastating force. The dilapidated houses swaying in the wind were like destroyed sand sculptures, reduced to ashes in the explosion.

Several teams from Section 3 were gathering 2 kilometers away from the explosion site. Several lifts with the logo of Section 3 had already parked aside. The wounded and dead were carried into the lifts one by one. Some Critically ill patients were immediately given surgery.

Many people's eyes were fixed on the wall of flames in front of them. The wind carried extremely high heat waves, and the dust and sand beat rapidly, hitting the surface of the metal shell of the elevator with a crackling sound.

"The 41st mission is over! OVER."

A director was standing behind a helicopter. This march and cleaning operation resulted in heavy casualties. Nowadays, whenever resistance is encountered, the area will be bombed directly, and the ruins will be cleared half an hour after the bombing ends.

Some members of the team have already changed into protective clothing, and the people in Section 4 are debugging the NDA database on the equipment. They will need to enter the area in front of them where the flames are extinguished, a lot of smoke is emitted, and dust is emitted. The corpses are used for NDA extraction and comparison.

No one said anything at the scene. Many people entered the lift to rest. A clerk was holding military rations and a bottle of water in his hand. His face was very poor. His face was stained with a lot of dirt and some dark red. Blood stained, he looked at the ground absentmindedly, looking like he couldn't cry or laugh.

Cruelty is spreading. I originally thought it was just a simple marching mission. Even if it encountered resistance from the criminals, it should not be difficult due to the advantage of quantity of weapons. However, the reality is that the operation of Section 3 encountered a barrier area. The criminals fought back violently.

This march has only progressed one-tenth of the way. There are still many criminal gathering places in the future. Some people no longer want to leave, but they can only continue to move forward after taking a break.

A team leader stood at the door of the lift and smoked a cigarette. He knew more about the situation. At the end of the mountain range on their right, the battle was still going on in the fortress. It had been more than an hour, quite a lot. All the takeoffs and landings flew towards that fortress.

The feeling of fear is the most real feeling in the hearts of many department staff now. The air temperature is so biting that hands will lose consciousness as long as they are exposed to the air for less than 1 minute. The current outdoor temperature is minus 41 degrees.

Some people have already suffered from frostbite. Now out of the 10,000 marchers, at least more than 2,000 people have been sent back to the city, some of them dead and some injured.

Time passed by, and under the order of the director, the members of the team began to put on protective clothing, holding weapons, and began to walk towards the smoking ruins in front of them. Each floater was already one step ahead. Floating over the area, the built-in screen of the goggles worn by the team in the front row soon received information from the ruins. The locations of some marked corpses were already clear. People from Section 3 and Section 4 began to move toward Go over there.

After approaching the ruins, many people carefully looked at the peripheral information sent from the floaters on the light and shadow screen. As long as there was a slight movement, the goggles would receive the correct location information, where it was, and how many meters away it was. etc.

Everyone watched carefully. During this day's cleaning operation, many teams suffered losses when inspecting the ruins. In the past, these human gathering places had basements to withstand the cold and war, but now because of Most of the heating and oxygen delivery equipment in the basements have long been out of service, and over time, many basements have become rusty and even the entrances are difficult to open.


Several members of the team who were opening the path immediately turned around alertly, aimed at the direction of the abnormal movement, and opened fire directly without any hesitation. After the intensive strafing ended, the floaters sent a message that the abnormality was resolved. These were The shocked team members finally recovered, and many of them were breathing rapidly.

Some people just slowed down when there was abnormal movement, and were attacked mercilessly by criminals. Although less powerful weapons are not fatal, they can easily cause serious internal injuries, and bones can be broken by bullets, but those powerful weapons The explosion damage caused by huge weapons is the most deadly.

Nowadays, team members all wear protective helmets and breastplates, as well as metal shields on the joints of their legs, in order to defend against enemy snipers from long distances.

According to the fighting situation at the end of the day, the sniper rifles held by the enemy have a maximum killing range of 800 meters. Some sniper rifles have been seized. These rifles are not produced by any factory in the city, but they use the city's light. Point locking technology does not require good sniping skills at all. It only needs to use the light source lock in the sniper scope to release light at the moment it sees the target. The moment the light point reaches the target body part, the sniper rifle will fire.

In addition, the weight of this kind of sniper bullet is very small, and the curvature value of the flight arc within 1000 meters is very small, and the hit rate is as high as over 90%.

Many people from Section 3 have been disabled after being hit. Many of them are crouching down, trying to find some melted metal protrusions as cover, and moving linearly.

It is not difficult to realize such technology, but it also requires high-level firearms engineers to complete the specific manufacturing. The 3rd division of Bright City is now equipped with all light-kill rifles. This weapon with 100% accuracy is also equipped with a light source. Locking system, the short-range beam of light energy photons can easily penetrate the scabs created by mutants below S level.

The crisis is over!

In an instant, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and began to travel boldly. At the places where some criminals died, the biological information on their bodies was detected and compared with the city's criminal biological information database.

Burnt corpses were everywhere on the ground, and a large number of corpses were quickly cleared out. According to the previous investigation report of Section 2, more than 300 criminals gathered in this place.

At this time, a clerk took off his mask and vomited violently. Several clerks nearby hurriedly took him away. There were a lot of harmful rooms in the air. Especially after such a large-scale burning, a lot of harmful substances were in the air. After chemical changes, it turns into toxic gas, which can be very troublesome when inhaled.

"It's a child's foot!"

The clerk said with rapid breathing, and a clerk next to him put the mask on him without waiting for him to speak.

The atmosphere at the scene was getting heavier and heavier. At this moment, there was a sound, gunshots rang out in an instant, a bulge on the ground, a faint cry came out, and the shooting stopped.

"You beasts, we didn't want to resist, we didn't want to resist!"

A woman with tears streaming down her face ran out of the basement. She was holding a child in her arms, screaming with tears in her eyes. For a moment, the surroundings seemed to be petrified. People came up one after another from below, but soon everyone was coughing and gasping violently. When they got up, a director officer from Section 4 quickly picked up a pack of protective masks and distributed them quickly.

"Don't be stunned, come and help."

Some people moved, while others stood still, unable to move at all. If it hadn't been for the faint cry of a baby just now, this woman would have been beaten into pieces. A clerk looked at the weapon in his hand blankly. .


The weapon fell to the ground, and she lost control of her emotions. She collapsed on the charred ground and started crying. No one spoke. Those department members who moved hurriedly sent the people who came up from the basement out of the ruins. Most of them were Children and some elderly people.

An elderly man accused them. While they were still discussing, they launched a sudden attack without any warning. Although some people fought back, it did not mean that they were unwilling to put down their weapons and surrender.

"What are you thinking? They are criminals. If they had come up just now, because of that hesitation, we would have been dead."

A clerk yelled angrily, as if he wanted to prove something. He tried his best to say that these criminals did not deserve sympathy, but soon the emotional clerk was held down by a team leader. .

"Shut up!"

"I'm telling the truth, we, we didn't. didn't"


The female squad leader decisively slapped the clerk in the face who had just sent a woman and her child over, and his excitement was instantly released.

"You don't need to explain these questions, and you don't need to prove anything! Everyone knows what we are doing. You are not the only one who thinks this is wrong. Stop saying anything!"

This clerk was pulled over by two female clerks who had a close relationship. He collapsed and leaned against a tent set up, slapping his head continuously.

At this time, many people are praying that the superiors can take back the order and stop continuing. Many people can no longer hold on. It is the first time for many people to shoot and kill others. This is more difficult than dealing with riots in the city. Far more cruel.

8:43 pm

The bright lights cover a very large area. 63 kilometers due east of the Eastern Warning Station, a large number of members of Section 3 are investigating with people from Section 2. This place was moved after the headquarters was moved. They were attacked within half an hour. When they were cleaning the convoy of criminals that had been killed by secretary Zijuan, they were suddenly attacked.

It can be seen from the traces at the scene that the enemy's weapons are very sophisticated. Many of the bullets dropped at the scene are weapons used by people in the barrier area. However, where these weapons flowed into the barrier area is still under investigation in the city. But it was obviously impossible to escape from the city. The only possibility was that there was a military factory here.

Small lifts and landings were constantly passing by, and an emergency order had been issued. A comprehensive investigation of the entire barrier area was necessary, and it was necessary to find this military factory in the barrier area.

K sat quietly in a temporary shed. The wind and sand were very small now. He needed to explore everything around him as soon as possible, and then find traces of the enemy's departure. The search scope had not yet been expanded, and a large number of Section 10 troops had already been dispatched. Makeshift detection robots were brought in to assist in the search.


The door to the room was opened, and Mo Xiaolan pulled down his hood and looked at K with a solemn expression. He was still looking at the documents uploaded by the investigation.

"It's better to stop. The risks of this operation are getting bigger and bigger. The harsh conditions in the barrier area are the biggest reason for the failure of this operation. Now the death toll of the officers has risen to 401. Ling Hong They pulled back."

K looked at Mo Xiaolan who was a little excited.

"It's useless for you to tell me, you lazy kid. You have to ask Zijuan. Now the command of Section 3 is in her hands. If she returns, what will the people in the city think of Section 3? Have you ever thought about this? Problem?"

Mo Xiaolan walked up to K and put his hands on the table.

"This is not a matter of face, but a matter of life. The investigation of Section 2 is too hasty, and the damage will continue to increase. It is obvious that there is a group of militants with elite weapons in the barrier area, and they even have light-kill weapons."

K laughed and shook his head.

"Don't be ridiculous, lazy kid. This kind of weapon is produced by Section 10. Even some factories that have long-term cooperation with Section 3 do not have the technical authority. The technology of high-energy photons is..."

"The body sections of many death section officers have scorch marks."

K shook his head.

"It can only mean that there are high-level mutants on the side of the criminals. If they are scratched by the extremely lethal alienated particles condensed by the powerful mutants using alienated cells, there will still be scorch marks. The reason is You should know, little lazy guy, that you are just a low-level mutant, and you should have learned about it in school."

As he spoke, K held up a finger, and as soon as a red particle floated out of his hand, it burned instantly. Mutants can use their own consciousness to control the alienated cells that overflow from the body. This function, which is similar to the electrochemical signals of the human body, can Control cell shape, quality, and speed, including hardening into scabs.

Mo Xiaolan didn't want to argue with K anymore.

"Call Zijuan for me."

K smiled helplessly.

"Don't you know how to fight yourself?"

"If I could get through, I wouldn't come to you."

K took out the phone and pressed the number 000301.

"Is there any result from the investigation?"

"Mo Xiaolan wants to talk to you."

Mo Xiaolan answered the phone angrily.

"Zijuan, tell Ling Hong and the others to withdraw and stop acting on impulse. It will cause heavy casualties. Plus there may be a wave in the barrier area."

"You lazy boy! Please shut up. You are just an ordinary investigator in Section 2. That's it. I still have things to do here."

The phone was hung up. When Mo Xiaolan called again, the call was no longer available.

"It's useless Mo Xiaolan. Once you start, you can't stop. If you stop, the damage caused will be much greater than the actual damage during the process. The Angus family is a good example."

"What do you mean?"

Mo Xiaolan looked at K. He just smiled and shook his head.

"Remember Mo Xiaolan, many things in this world need someone to complete them. Otherwise, the world will stop. How important is this operation to Section 3? You should be more considerate than me. right."

"Don't change the subject. What happened to the Angus family?"

K looked at Mo Xiaolan and sighed.

"I almost forgot that your Mo family is also a family under the Angus family. The gods have already made a decision. If the Angus family continues to delay, it will only cause greater problems to the city's economy. The only thing is The only way is to let the Hillman family take over!"

Mo Xiaolan's eyes widened and he slapped the table.

"Give it to no one that can be given to the Hillman family."

"Then let me ask, who is still capable of taking over this mess? Who is willing to take over?"

Mo Xiaolan was speechless for a moment. What she thought most about was Alpha's position and the Angus couple's affairs. Now that Avano was ill, at this juncture, the gods would actually make such a decision.

"Which teachers are they?"

K smiled and laughed.

"Except for the principal, the other six gods have already made a decision. This is out of consideration for the huge construction projects that will be launched on this land in the future."

Mo Xiaolan's expression tightened, and he turned around to leave.

"What can you solve if you go there? You can't do anything, you can't solve anything, you lazy guy. Things like the city won't pity anyone. Sometimes you need to give up the interests of the majority, and sometimes you need to give up the interests of the minority. Interests."

"I only know what people are! In terms of city construction and city-related aspects, the Angus family has put in so much blood and sweat for so long, but what does it mean now? What does this kind of bullshit decision mean!"

K covered his ears. He didn't want to listen to Mo Xiaolan's nonsense. After Mo Xiaolan went out, he found a lift directly. She planned to go directly to the General Affairs Department to wait for news. If this matter was really so hasty, the city It's over, and it's the worst possible outcome if it's used to give the city to the Hillman family.

There are only 6 minutes left before the city meeting starts again at 9 o'clock sharp.

Tang Rao took a sip of the wine at the table and looked solemn.

"This matter is settled like that!"

Deguna said with her hands clasped together, and the guys next to her nodded in turn.

"Jean that idiot!"

Li Chu said and Tang Rao laughed.

“Although it is indeed a bit unkind to do this, the key improvement plan of the orchards at the bottom is imperative. This is a brand new industry, and if it is completely handed over to the bottom, most people will not complain and will only be happy. "

Gu Yi said, and Werther nodded.

"The current reserve of mimics is enough for the artificial sun to operate for more than 100 years. In fifty or sixty years, just let Jean make another trip."

Rose laughed.

"The next plan has also begun to be put on the agenda. Gene must be allowed to go to Mars. When the conditions are mature, we will transition the city to the mechanized era in at most 50 years, and humans can move to Mars."

"The Drifting Coordinate Project has been going on for more than half a century, and we have still received no response. There is only the Tianji Space Kingdom, and there are only the remaining humans here on this planet. We must ensure that humanity can continue, and then we can let go."

Witte stood up as he spoke. Everyone else had the same unwavering expression. They had already mentioned this matter to Jean, but Jean said he would not participate. From the city's perspective, the construction project must be accelerated now. Complete and establish a good ecological circle as soon as possible. The night temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees and the daytime temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees. The abnormal temperatures in recent years have eventually turned into a large amount of expensive medical expenses.

Many experimental studies can only be carried out on a large scale in a good ecosystem. Although the first robot equipped with AI12 has been launched and integrated into social life, it is obvious that the data collected are not optimistic.

The next step is to mechanize the human body. Although it is currently possible to achieve this, the only method is AI control. Human consciousness has never been able to control machinery well and lacks a medium.

The most critical thing is the city's economy. In this zero-sum game, the Angus family is about to collapse due to a large number of frequent problems. This is not what everyone wants to see. The reason is that the current six guys are also I don’t want to delve into it any further.

"Let's go, the meeting is about to start!"

As Tang Rao said, the six people sat on the chairs behind them and closed their eyes. At this time, the bodies of the six people began to decompose, turning into six-colored particles and disappearing into the room.

There were sounds of toasting, singing and laughter. There were several large tables in the yard of Xiong Dabiao's house. Everyone was laughing and making fun around the wine table. They looked extremely happy. Niya was also very full. , looking at the wine glass in Olivia's hand, she wanted to take a sip, but after thinking about it, she gave up. This thing tasted too bad, no matter how many times she drank it, it remained the same.

Looking around, Niya decided to go upstairs. She roughly pushed open Jean's room. Jean was sitting on the lounge chair by the window, holding a glass of wine and a thick stick in his hand. The book has the words "Destroyer of Worlds" on the cover.

"Uncle Gene, aren't you going down?"

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"I'll just listen!"

Niya sat casually on the neatly folded bed and quilts.

"Can I ask you a question, Uncle Gene, is there any big problem in our family recently?"

Gene nodded.

"You can say that!"

Just as Niya was about to ask something, Gene had already stood up, leaned on the window sill, and lit a cigarette. His expression was different from usual. Niya could also see that Gene was a little distressed.

Gene looked at the lights of the city at night, feeling a little bitter in his heart. He could not make any effective decision on the Angus family's problem. From a human perspective, the Angus family should not disappear, but from the city's perspective, the Angus family should not disappear. Now the Angus family can no longer do anything for the city.

"Niya, let me ask you, what would you think if the Angus family disappeared one day?"

"Of course I will be sad. That is my home, the place where I grew up, although I don't really like that kind of family atmosphere."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"I'm sorry Niya, go to bed early later. I'm going out for a little urgent business."

Gene said and jumped directly to the window edge, quickly crossed the courtyard wall, and soon only a light blue light could be seen going away. Niya swallowed a sip and looked at the half glass of wine left on the table. , walked over and lay down comfortably, picked up the book that Jean had placed here, opened it from the first page, took a sip of wine, and instantly stretched out his tongue.

"Sure enough, this stuff is not for people to drink."

Jean moved quickly on the roof. He had to go to the General Affairs Department quickly and stop those six idiots. The answer was obvious. This was the correct answer. He blurted it out from a child without any hesitation. s answer.

Ellie once warned Jean countless times that if you encounter a problem that cannot be solved one day, you can try asking some children, and they will tell Jean the correct answer.

This kind of thing happened countless times, and Gene got the correct answer from some children. After Alpha started to act too harshly, Gene was a little confused. Is this approach right or wrong? He asked Several kids, they all gave very similar answers.

"What the hell am I doing!"

Gene said solemnly, and moved towards the General Affairs Department as quickly as possible. In his mind, scenes of walking comfortably on the Angus family lawn emerged in his mind, from when Alpha was born, to now, and even from now on. Since Avano was a child, Gene has watched him grow up and would take him out to play from time to time.

Jean actually had the answer in his heart, but the price of this answer might affect everyone in the city, and he was unable to make a decision.

Soon Jean arrived in Area 1, accurately found the hospital in Area 1, and stopped at a ward window on the 23rd floor.


The wind blew in violently, and Gene stepped into the ward. At this time, Avano was taking oxygen in the hospital bed. He looked haggard. He woke up and tried to get up weakly. Gene walked over and helped him up. Got him.

"Mr. Jean!"

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Leave it to me. I won't let the Angus family fall. I will do what I say! Can you take good care of yourself?"

Avano's eyes widened in shock, tears welling up in his eyes. He curled his lips and nodded. His eyes suddenly regained their luster. Gene pressed his forehead in annoyance. At this time, his mind was filled with the shadow of Wilsey. He could have prevented many things, but in the end he chose to follow the wishes of others. But this time Gene did not intend to do so. He had to do everything he could to keep the Angus family alive. This kind-hearted couple, no matter what, Can they continue to bear such heavy pressure.

After Avano calmed down, Gene left the ward with a smile and ran directly towards the General Affairs Department. He went straight to the Capitol Hill at a very fast speed. However, Gene stopped at the last step.

But soon Jean stepped on it, and the huge pillar, which had never lit up before, emitted a light blue light.

"According to our resolution! Violet! Your family's problem must be solved tonight."

Tang Rao said.

For a moment, there was a tremor in the Congress hall. Just as everyone was making noise, the moment Alpha was about to stand up, there was a creak and everyone looked at the door behind the business department. With a puff of smoke drifting in, Jean Holding his uniform with one hand, he walked in calmly.

"Sorry everyone, I have something to do and I'm late!"

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