Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1703 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 76 (Part 2)


The wind and sand in the barrier area are very violent. It is located near the ruins of a large city in the past. Most people are carrying things and starting to move towards some vehicles parked on the outskirts of the city.

"Move quickly."

A man standing on top of a minivan with a gun shouted. This is a city in the northeast that was built a century ago. It has now become the largest gathering place for criminals. There are nearly 1,000 criminals here. Thousands of criminals.

Most people are now living stably here. Someone will bring water and food every month. Most people are waiting for the city to calm down before sneaking back to the city from the west and north. But now they need to Escape, and the operation to clean up the barrier area has begun.

A few hours ago, you could see flares of different colors and exploding firelights appearing in the distance. No one wanted to be caught, let alone die. Now, the only way to avoid the sweep is to move towards the barrier.

Vehicles filled with people and goods have begun to move towards the remote northeast. Some people are still hesitating, because life in the barrier zone is unimaginable for them, and some people are only short-term. After staying there for several months, it was completely unbearable, but after seeing people constantly fleeing this dilapidated city, many hesitants still chose to continue fleeing.

People are constantly fleeing here. Now everyone knows that Xingke is serious. If they resist, they will be shot. The number of cars on the edge of the city is getting smaller and smaller. Many people have begun to walk with luggage on their backs. leave.

"Aren't you going to run? Lao Cheng."

A man with a scar on his cheek looked like he was already old. He was sitting comfortably at the door of a small building in the city, drinking wine and smoking cigarettes. He looked drunk.

"Run? Where can you run?"

The man laughed. After hesitating for a few seconds, the young man who asked the question started running quickly with his things on his back. Some people passing by were wondering why the man didn't plan to run away. Some people he knew would still ask him. Two sentences.

The man no longer wants to run, he has been running all his life. He is just 80 years old this year and has been running since he was more than 10 years old. He spent the first half of his life in the barrier zone. Although he witnessed the development of the city in the second half of his life, he felt that he You can also enjoy the light of the times, but unfortunately, this is just a man's delusion, and there is still not much change from the past life.

In the end, the man committed a crime again. Less than a year after he was released from prison, he chose to escape to this place where he had lived for a long time. But now the man did not want to escape anymore. With determination in his eyes, he picked up the chair next to him. He had an automatic rifle, started to take out the magazine, and loaded a bag of bullets one by one. He smiled helplessly, took another sip of wine, and took out some good things he had secretly hidden, planning to Enjoy the last meal of your life.

On a street not far away, a skinny woman was carrying a child on her back and holding a little girl in her hand. The three of them had just eaten something and planned to escape on foot. The woman was once a habitual criminal in marriage fraud, and she had been with Her partners had murdered many husbands together, and she didn't want to be caught, because if she was caught, she would face an endless life in prison.

"Mom, why are we running?"

The child asked, the woman shook her head and immediately said irritably.

"Shut up."

The woman angrily shouted at the child, and she quickened her pace. The woman also considered whether to run away, but after thinking about it, the woman decided to run. Her eyes were filled with hatred as she looked at the child beside her. As well as the child on her back, the woman had an idea for a moment. When she came to the entrance of the town, she stopped and looked at the young boy beside her.

"Owen, can you help take care of Hima?"

The little boy named Owen nodded, and the woman handed the baby girl named Shima on her back to her son Owen. This was not the woman's child, but the child of another sister.

Owen was carrying the baby girl who had just fallen asleep, and his weak body almost fell to the ground. The woman touched Owen's head.

"You wait for mother Owen in the girls' room. I will pick you up in a few days."

Although Owen didn't quite understand, he still stretched out his small hand from the large coat and grabbed the corner of his mother's clothes. The woman hesitated for a moment. She pressed her forehead in distress. If her husband hadn't died in the conflict a few months ago, She might not want to abandon the child if it happened, but she has no choice now.

"Obey Owen, you just need to be patient for a few days. Mom will come here to find you."

After the woman left some food, she started running quickly. In an instant, her bitter face relaxed a lot. Although there was still a touch of sadness between her brows, her pace became faster and faster.

Owen had just taken a few steps after him when Xima, who was carrying him on his back, woke up and began to cry. The temperature in the barrier area was not too low, but the wind was too strong, and Owen soon lost sight of his mother. He watched the scattered people pass by, and eventually Owen returned to the shabby room that his mother had just told him about, and he began to put Shima on his back to sleep.

The wind outside the house was very strong, and it whimpered as it flowed into the house. The noise outside had become smaller and smaller, and there was only the sound of plastic sand and stones rolling and flapping in the wind. The entire broken city was whimpering, just with the sound of the wind. It was different in the past. In the past, human voices could be heard amidst such whimpering, but now nothing could be heard.

Not everyone has left here. This place is a paradise for most criminals today. Criminals who escaped in the past often exchanged fire in order to snatch survival resources, but now they have stable food. With the source of water and water, and even getting some good stuff from the city from time to time, this place has gradually stabilized.

This place has become more and more stable. This city, which used to be called Jizhigrad, is a paradise for criminals. Many local criminal gangs have also reached a consensus and work together to help make things better here. , and even encounter some external criminals. If they don't follow the rules, they will be kicked out or dealt with directly.

Some simple barter transactions have even begun here, but now all this has disappeared with the coming sweep.

Those who did not leave, like Lao Cheng before, enjoyed the food and water as much as they wanted, and made all preparations. Many people did not intend to be taken back, and did not want to leave here, because many people were tired.

"Even if you go back and finish jail time, it won't be the same when you get out!"

"Yes, I have no way out for a long time. If there was a way, I wouldn't do these things, idiot."

"You don't have to do these things after you go out, otherwise how can you live?"

Several drunken men, holding weapons in their hands, were quietly waiting for something. At this time, many people in the city were heading to the west without exception, and many people began to gather. , there were nearly a few hundred people who had not left. Most of them were holding a large number of weapons and began to look for bunkers. Many people looked extremely excited.

"If you fight with them, you will make a profit if you can get someone to back you up."

Someone shouted, and bursts of wild laughter could be heard from time to time in the wind.

Owen huddled quietly in the small room. He didn't know what was happening. From the beginning of his life, there was only black and gray, and the dilapidated and old city in front of him. He could only follow his mother in this world every day. Traveling around the city, her mother often asked Owen to wait outside some houses in exchange for some food.

Every time Owen waits obediently, his mother will come out soon and exchange some food for Owen. The life in front of him is satisfying for Owen, and he is actually quite happy every day. It's just that this time Owen doesn't. I know how long it will take for my mother to come back.

"Mom, when will you come back?"

Owen listened to the sounds of people and crying outside. There were still some remaining children in the city, the oldest was seven or eight years old, the youngest was only four or five years old, and even a baby.

At this time, many unnoticed children started crying. Owen watched a little girl he had played with before pass by him. He shouted. It seemed that the little girl who had just woken up was looking for her parents. .

Although Owen had seen violence and death, something was a little strange today. Owen walked out. When the little girl saw Owen, she cried and asked where her parents were. Owen just shook his head and handed out some food.

The little girl stopped crying and entered the small hut with Owen. Owen looked at everything outside quietly. At this time, some adults began to gather some children into some small rooms and told them not to come out.

At this time, outside the small shabby house, Lao Cheng walked in drunkenly carrying a gun.

"You two also go to the center of the city. This place will soon become a battlefield."

As Lao Cheng said, the little girl left obediently and followed the instructions of the adults outside, but Owen stubbornly shook his head.

"Mom told me to wait for her here."

Lao Cheng said again, but Owen still shook his head. He huddled in the corner and looked at everything outside numbly. Lao Cheng smiled.

"Good luck kid!"

4:28 pm

Located in the middle of the city, the entrance to the city management office in the area was crowded with many people, most of whom were journalists. Some people had seen signal flares of different colors outside the city, as well as some explosions of a certain scale. .

News in the city began to be reported, and Section 1 announced that a temporary briefing would be held here to inform the people in the city about Section 3's barrier zone operations.

The reporters are waiting anxiously, but the door of the city management office is still closed. They don't know when it will be opened. It is the hottest time of the day.

From time to time, you can see the takeoffs and landings of Section 11 and Section 4 passing by in the city. Everyone knows that this is not a simple problem. Discussions in the city have also begun. The most likely thing is that Section 3 is targeting the criminals entrenched in the barrier area. The protesters carried out a clean-up operation, and such remarks quickly spread throughout the city.

Some human rights activists also expressed their opinions in some news media, saying that if they were really cleaned up, it would be unfair to those whose crimes were not serious.

Finally, the door of the City Management Office of Section 1 opened, and reporters poured in. The hall had already been decorated. On a large platform, Julia, the secretary of Section 1, smiled and looked at the reporters who squeezed in. The live broadcast in Chengdu has just begun, and CBV has already arranged the live broadcast.

"Dear friends, dear citizens, please don't worry. This march in the barrier area of ​​Division 3 is only to investigate the criminals in the barrier area. Indeed, the explosions, fires, and flares that you saw before were because of the During the march, we encountered some resistance, but a large number of criminals have been arrested. As you will know soon, please rest assured that our operations department will definitely deal with criminals in the barrier area while paying attention to human rights. They were rounded up. In recent years, everyone has also known that a large number of criminals have been entrenched in the barrier area, constantly harassing the peace of the city. Crime has always been a major problem plaguing the city, and our criminal department has been committed to In order to solve this problem, the north and west have repeatedly encountered intrusions from criminals who sneaked back into the city from the barrier area in recent years. In order to completely solve these problems, this operation is necessary! Please trust us in our actions. Ke, this operation has been prepared for a long time, please rest assured that it will not cause trouble to anyone in the city!"

After Julia finished speaking, she planned to leave, but the reporters began to ask questions. Julia did not intend to answer the reporters' questions. She turned directly and walked into the backyard. As soon as she left the backyard, Julia's expression became serious.

These things were originally supposed to be explained by Locke, but now that Locke has entered the Congress Hall with a large number of MPs, an impromptu city meeting is now needed.

Casualties in the barrier area have inevitably appeared. From the record database of Section 4, we already know the exact number of casualties. Nearly 387 people from Section 3 have been sent back, and 198 people have died so far. This is very high. figures, but these figures cannot be released.

Julia didn't know what to do. She was a little worried about the situation on Osman and Zijuan's side. The current problem was the most serious for the couple, with a large number of casualties.

If the clearing operation continues, the number of casualties will inevitably increase, but now that the operation has begun, it is difficult to stop. The barrier area is extremely unfamiliar to the current city, and that barren land has been left there for too many years. .

"What can I do!"

4:48 pm

The wind and sand in the barrier area began to lessen, the heat in the city began to subside, and the temperature began to drop. A large number of Section 3 members gathered near a small town northeast of the Eastern Guard Station. The battle had just ended less than half an hour ago.

A team leader smoked silently and looked at the corpses of his team members that had been sorted out in front of him. He smiled bitterly. These team members were still talking and laughing with him a few hours ago, but Now it has turned into a cold corpse, and he doesn't know what to do.

The expressions of the officers who were busy investigating and burning the bodies of the criminals were extremely heavy. This team leader had been working as a manager in the previous era. He had experienced factional struggles within the military department and had fought with criminals. Fornication and a series of other issues, he has been in office for 15 years, although he had thought a long time ago that war would come one day.

The squad leader once dreamed of becoming a hero on the battlefield when the war came. This was the only thing that could reflect the value of the army, but now the squad leader no longer thinks so.

In this seemingly small town, there are only about 200 criminals, but nearly 100 of them are mutants.

The battle that had just ended was too brutal. The opponent had no intention of surrendering. Several teams of people surrounded them. In less than half an hour, nearly 100 people were killed or injured. Until several directors arrived, the battle became obviously tense. Deviation, we originally wanted to use bombing, but in the end this place turned into a melee. There was no way to retreat and directly use positioning bombers to clean up as we had trained before.

In the end, there were only about 30 criminals left, and 179 were wiped out. No one knew what was going to happen next. It was clear that the order they received during this march was to arrest criminals directly if they encountered them. If they resisted, Allowing shooting to kill many people felt that they had a complete battle plan and sophisticated weapons and equipment, but the result was difficult for many people to accept.

The squad leader was still waiting for orders from above. He wanted to go back, but he couldn't bear it anymore. This war, the only war that could reflect the value of the three subjects, was too cruel.

Some female staff members were still crying. Ling Hong waited quietly next to some female staff members who had collapsed emotionally. She had a cigarette in her mouth and didn't know how to comfort them or even what to do. That's good, or what exactly are they doing.

This was much crueler than suppressing riots in the city. It was the first time for many people to shoot and kill others. Even though all aspects of the march were considered, even the possible casualties, it still started.

An unpleasant smell wafted from a distance from time to time. This burning smell permeated the entire town. The bodies of the criminals whose biological information had been confirmed were gathered together and burned on the spot.

Ling Hong knows very well that Section 3 must find a breakthrough. If it cannot find a breakthrough, it will continue to be squeezed by internal pressure and eventually collapse.

Over the years, there has been intense discussion in the city about the existence of Section 3. The number of people in Section 3 is even greater than that of Section 5. It is the one with the largest number of people among the 13 administrative sections and consumes huge amounts of money every year. expenditure, and its effect only has a little effect on riots or large-scale protests in some areas, as well as some large-scale gatherings and other large-traffic events, but the 5 departments can fully handle these matters, especially after the amendment of the Trinity Law present.

These problems that have been accumulated for many years finally contributed to this march plan for the barrier area. Cleaning up the criminals in the barrier area seems to be the most important thing for Section 3 at present, but everything has a price.

Ling Hong pressed her forehead, her thinking had begun to stagnate. What lingered in her mind was the scorched woman and child in the previous place.

The environment in the city is getting better and better, and crimes basically only happen occasionally, but these problems left behind in the city are beginning to be pushed here, across the gully and into the barrier area.

It is because of this problem that Section 3 must now set up some small military stations in the barrier area. Each small military station should be equipped with at least 200 people, so that the problems on this land can be curbed to the greatest extent.

Every year, many criminals come to this land, and then sneak back into the city at the right time, causing some problems. Latis has decided to build a large prison capable of holding 200,000 people. Now, although there is no It’s hard to get started, but it will all be worth it for the future.

Ling Hong threw away the cigarette butt in her hand irritably and started walking around. She had been running here for more than 100 kilometers for a long time. She was already a little tired. Now she needed to take a short rest before the large army could continue to march towards Push forward.

The exact number of arrests now should be less than 300. Most of the criminals in the barrier area have fought back strongly, and some have simply escaped. This action is bound to turn into a war.

At this time, a squad leader hurried over.

"Lord Ling Hong, the signal station has been set up."

Ling Hong nodded and turned on a light and shadow screen. After a few seconds, the signal became normal, and Latis directly dialed secretary Zijuan's number.

"You pig head!"

Zijuan's curse came, but soon Zijuan said.

"Wait a moment over there, there's a pig head here that's sick."

Ling Hong knew immediately that it seemed to be Osman's problem.

Zijuan turned off the communication. The wind and sand outside the house had gradually subsided. There was a large amount of equipment placed in the small tent. This was a mobile command post on a large military truck.

"If we stop taking action now, the plan that has been prepared for so long and the more than one billion invested in this plan will be wiped out, and the efforts of tens of thousands of people will be wasted. And if the news spreads back to the city, the people in the city will What will they think of our three subjects?"

"There have been massive casualties."

Zijuan held her hands and looked at Osman with a somewhat excited expression. After the casualties increased, Osman had decided to stop this operation. But now 10,000 people and more than 300 teams have set foot in the barrier area. Now It would be unrealistic to go back, and the subsequent problems that would arise after going back would cause the whole city to be in an uproar.

"We absolutely cannot go back now! Because we have paid such a heavy price, we only need to carry out encirclement and suppression operations against the criminals' locations and directly use heavy firepower weapons to carry out strikes and bombings. Such casualties can be contained. Yes, Osman, if this plan fails, what exactly is waiting for us as a whole in the three departments, use your pig head to think carefully."

Zijuan said fiercely, Osman put his hands on his forehead and sat on a chair.

The headquarters is still moving slowly, and some directors on the periphery of the headquarters are still waiting for the results. Everyone knows Osman's character, and it is impossible for him to continue.

Now the team has been fully assembled, with 20 nearby teams forming a cluster, all waiting for the next order from the headquarters.

"This is the only plan that can reflect the significance of the existence of our three departments. Think carefully about Osman. Under such circumstances, if we go back, what does this mean?"

Zijuan walked out of the headquarters angrily. Several council officers outside approached and Zijuan shook her head at them.

Osman in the headquarters pressed his forehead with a sad expression and kept slapping his hands. He had obviously been training for a whole year for this plan, but there were still such heavy casualties. According to the current reported figures, the casualties were as high as 976, including 349 confirmed deaths.

Many teams encountered ambushes when approaching some small towns, and fierce exchanges of fire broke out. The weapons used by the criminals in the barrier area were not bad. It is certain that these weapons were independently developed somewhere in the city. of.


The curtain of the temporary headquarters was opened and Zijuan walked in with a bunch of directors.

"From now on, I will be solely responsible for the command of Section 3. Osman, you can go and rest."

Osman's eyes widened, and just when he was about to say wait, Zijuan held up her mobile phone. There was an order document from Li Chu. The command of Section 3 is now in the hands of Secretary Zijuan.

"Wait, Zijuan, we can."

"We can no longer wait for Osman. We need to continue to advance. Once the criminals are discovered, those who do not surrender will be directly cleared with heavy firepower, and then carry out round-up and cleaning operations."

Before Osman opened the light and shadow screen, the order had been issued, and Osman found that his authority had been frozen. He looked at Zijuan and other directors who were already busy.

"It was because of the casualties that we had to continue to complete the operation."

Zijuan said, looking at the helpless Osman with a serious expression.

"As the superiors, we must shoulder our responsibilities. Osman, the 3rd Division has been criticized for a long time. It has been this way since the management of the previous era. If we continue, the 3rd Division will come to an end. We must We have to find a way out, and now the plan in the barrier area is the only way out for our 3 subjects."


Along with a violent explosion, the car body shook violently for an instant, but fortunately it stopped, and soon everyone began to get out of the car to check.

The attack came from a distance, with dust rising in the distance. They were some convoys. Fortunately, this military truck had an automatic counterattack defense system. When the missile approached, it was directly destroyed by the light-kill weapon.

Light blue particles surged all over Zijuan's body. She threw away her hat and was ejected. Osman raised a hand and saw only a light blue light running into the distance.

In a daze, Osman saw the shadow of Jean. Zijuan respected the principal very much and also approved of the principal's actions. Osman pressed his nose with his hand, feeling a sense of sadness. He did not quite approve of the principal's actions.

In less than a minute, Zijuan caught up with the convoy and jumped to the top of a jeep. For a moment, several arrogant criminals on the opposite side looked at Zijuan in shock. Zijuan stared at them with cold eyes.

"You are very unlucky to have met me!"

Zijuan slightly raised her hand, and instantly, accompanied by a stream of light blue light, the car under her body fell into pieces. With splashing blood, Zijuan had already jumped towards the car in front.

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