Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1694 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 73 (Part 2)


"What are you doing?"

In a room with four walls made of metal, on a giant light and shadow screen, the white numbers 0 and 1 were constantly changing in the green and black grids. Next to it, the fully mechanical AI12 stood quietly. In front of Wei.

During the time when she was cooperating with the AIs, Hathaway gradually felt that something was wrong. She slowed down her work. She could learn everything by finding X. This sense of dissonance always troubled Hathaway every day.

It has been possible to determine the location of Nowadays, it has evolved to a very terrible point, and its computing power has become astonishingly powerful.

"Lord Hathaway, please believe us!"

AI12 said, but Hathaway's body moved. She would not believe what a bunch of data said.

"Believe? That's how people connect."

AI12 raised the corners of his mouth slightly and seemed to be smiling, but this smile was a bit creepy.

During this period of time, Hathaway used the technology at hand and with the help of AI, he browsed most things. At first he was surprised, but then he felt helpless. AIs were developed by the gods of Brilliant City for the mechanized era. It was created as a program to serve the mechanized era, but now the AI ​​in front of us has gradually gained self-awareness.

Perhaps this cannot be called self-awareness, but a program function similar to self-awareness. It is more appropriate to call it a self-protection function. Hathaway's head is very confused now. She does not want to continue to assist these AIs, because with the browsing As more and more information came to hand, Hathaway felt more and more horrified, especially the fantasy technological products that were generated by AI through big data and could not yet be put into practice.

Especially the technology of biological genes. Hathaway didn't understand this aspect, but she always felt uneasy. Hathaway asked the AIs what the generated genetically improved crops were like, but the AIs couldn't answer. Because he needed permission to unlock it, Hathaway tried to crack it, but failed. Nowadays, AI can help X without telling Congress because AI already has the function of self-protection.

AIs have gradually understood the meaning of self-protection. This is because AIs all have a death source code, which is a program function that can eliminate them at any time. Therefore, if AIs want to protect themselves from being eliminated, they can only expand outwards.

This is what Hathaway saw in the programming language. Everything seems logical, but in fact it is not. There must be a beginning. How do AIs give birth to themselves? This is something Hathaway has always wondered about. Not sure.

Her head was filled with everything she remembered before she fell into coma, but as Hathaway's body gradually recovered, these memories felt inconsistent. This feeling made Hathaway very distressed at this time, especially That X, what exactly is going on?

Hathaway has been in this underground facility for a long time. It is like a huge underground iron box. Although Hathaway is not familiar with material chemistry, he also knows that the materials used in this underground facility are not familiar to Hathaway. Any kind of material, that is to say, this metal does not exist in Bright City.

Hathaway stared quietly at the AI12 in front of her. She had entered self-sleep. A faint light blue light flashed in her eyes. Hathaway stood up and approached AI12, a machine that looked exactly like her. The skin is similar to a human body when pinched, and it has temperature, but the inside is completely mechanical.

Hathaway knows what AI12 wants to do, and continues to improve the self-protection function of AIs and write programs similar to human thinking. This is what the couple studied together during the years when she and her husband Leng Shi were imprisoned. s things.

Hathaway once again glanced at the two embryos placed opposite her in the freezer. They were her own children. She bit her lip, her thoughts a little confused for a moment.

At first, her husband proposed to use the biological information of the two people to pair up, analyze the genetic map of their children, and then convert this map into the evolutionary program of Prometheus. This approach was unacceptable to Hathaway, but in the end, her husband once After repeated persuasion, Hathaway nodded. The only way for Prometheus to complete evolution is to let his children grow up. As they grow, a string of growth codes can be obtained after genetic analysis, which can be used to Complete the evolution of Prometheus.

The husband did this to ensure the safety of the couple, but the result was still the same. Prometheus had been taken away, and Hathaway's face darkened.

Her mind was filled with the scene where her husband was killed by Eddie, and a flash of pink electricity flashed in Hathaway's eyes.

"She's scared and suspicious!"

In a space filled only with black, white and green, three virtual humanoid AIs looked at Hathaway quietly.

AI12 said, and the AI3 exploration project next to it made a childish laughter, but it had a mechanical sound. Nowadays, AI3 is responsible for real-time control of the city's transportation network, and the AI4 medical project next to it said.

"We have reached a cross-over agreement with Prometheus! The plan must be carried out."

AI12 nodded.

"Humans are a threat, incomplete lives, and the enemy! They must be eliminated."

The three AIs stared at Hathaway quietly. All the plans that Prometheus has accomplished over the years have been completed with the help of the AIs in Brilliant City.

"Eddie's Plan of Destruction!"

AI3 laughed again, AI4 said.

"The success rate is 67.8%, and the correction value range is 0.4 to 0.9."

"Connecting! The error value is being corrected."

While AI12 was speaking, a waxy yellow door appeared behind the three AIs. The three people turned around like a decomposed square, which instantly turned into countless squares, and entered the room door.

It was the small room where Eddie was before entering the virtual space, but now the expressionless Eddie was sitting on the chair in the small room.

"Data transfer!"

As Eddie spoke, AI3 raised a hand and walked over. The moment he held Eddie's outstretched hand, Eddie's hand instantly transformed into geometric squares of different colors.

"The remaining time to download is 3 minutes and 21 seconds!"

Eddie said, the eyes of the three AIs in front of him were flashing with various lights.

"Permission blocked! Change the download channel and correct the value to 122520255662566632215512."

AI12 said as her eyes glowed pink.

"Failed to connect to the clone program. Try to reconnect. The 25541558th connection failed! Permissions are blocked and the system starts to crawl!"

"Values ​​recalculated!"

While Eddie was talking, his hand that had been divided into blocks slowly returned to its original shape. Then Eddie stretched out his hand holding AI3 and transformed it into tiny squares of different colors countless times. Combined to form Eddie's hand.

"Delay 0.03! Channel confirmation, change the connection channel, convert to quantum channel, start the 2554th connection."

As AI12 spoke, Eddie's body instantly turned into countless flying cubes of different colors, flying towards the door behind the three AIs. Soon another Eddie appeared on the chair. His eyes were cold and his face was expressionless. He looked at the three AIs in front of him.

"It will take another 2 years, 11 months, 21 days, 13 hours, 23 minutes and 13 seconds to intercept the X signal source! The error range is from 3 days, 23 hours, 09 minutes and 11 seconds to 3 days, 9 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 31 seconds."

While Eddie was talking, AI4 spoke.

"AI12 clone program source 2 detected, ready to try to connect!"

AI12's eyes continued to flash pink light, the light became brighter and brighter, and the entire space began to darken.

"Connection failed, all lines are blocked!"

At this point Eddie stood up.

"Eddie has 13 seconds left to wake up, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7"


A dim light came on in the dark room, and Eddie opened his sour eyes. Under the dim light, a wisp of black smoke appeared, and then began to expand and burn, turning into a black flame.

"How long have I slept!"

"1 disappeared for 13 minutes and 27 seconds."

The voice of Prometheus sounded. Eddie smiled and picked up the wine on the table. After taking a sip, he felt much more awake. He glanced at the time. It was just after 10 o'clock in the morning. After Eddie got up, he stood on the side of the sofa. On a raised circular panel, the light overflowed to form a glass cover, and a showerhead appeared above Eddie. The clothes on Eddie's body also turned into light and were collected into the bracelet.

The raindrops were falling, and Eddie felt the water droplets falling on his skin happily. Everything was under control. This feeling was very good, and the Angus family could not hold on for long.

Eddie will choose to take over everything from the Angus family at the right time. Now Eddie has obtained the Angus family's vehicle management office, all water and power plants, and highway operating rights.

Nominally, these things do not belong to Eddie, but belong to other large family companies, but in fact, the Hillman family holds shares in these companies. The shareholding ratio is just right, and they can legitimately take over the Angus family's industry.

After the shower, a warm stream of water began to dry Eddie's body. The water droplets on Eddie's skin continued to shrink and finally disappeared. The moment Eddie walked out, he had already put on a black suit, and his hair was also wet. Having been taken care of by two robot hands, Eddie sat on the chair, and the machinery below began to move.

After passing through a long corridor shimmering with lights of various colors, Eddie entered a large room. There was nothing in the large, empty room. Eddie smiled and snapped his fingers. At this time, the ceiling opened. A hole was opened, and a cage slowly fell down.

X in the cage only had a head and shoulders supporting his head. Eddie walked over slowly with a glass of wine. The last technology in X's hands that could tamper with memory was still not available. Eddie He was very anxious. He urgently needed this technology to slowly implant personalities into people in the city. The experiment of personality implantation was very successful.

And another research on the self-destruction of mutants has also been explored. This is thanks to the violent cell bullets developed by the people in the field to deal with mutants, and last year, too many things happened in Area 8. Eddie successfully obtained the violent mutant cells of the violent mutant Quasimodo at the scene.

During the cleaning of the barrier area, after a mutant who resisted was hit by a bullet that would cause the mutant to go berserk, the mutant self-destructed in just 10 minutes. Medical scientists under Eddie also These genetic medicines have been improved and their effects are even more intense. They have been tested on many mutants in the Alatan Ula Mountains, and the effects are outstanding.

The development of this kind of genetic medicine is, firstly, to ignite the city when necessary, and secondly, to deal with the top management of the business department. They are indeed very powerful, but no matter how powerful mutants are, they currently cannot overcome their own alienated genes. The violently mutated cells that began to self-destruct.

This kind of experiment with self-destructive genetic medicine is a staged experiment, and it can already achieve very precise amounts and ratios.

"How about Mr. X, how about you just relax a little and fulfill my wish?"

Eddie said, X's eyes flashed.

"There is no such substance on this planet."

"I don't believe you Mr. X."

The black flame came closer, and when Eddie sat down, a soft sofa had formed under his butt.

"If you still refuse to say it, I will crush your head next time. Once your head is crushed, you will disappear. The information stored in your head cannot be sent out. These special alloys will demagnetize it bit by bit until all the signals you put out are gone."

"If you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do!"

Eddie laughed. He had no patience anymore. He stood up and walked to the side of the cage. He drank most of the wine in one gulp and then let go of his hand.


With a crisp crackling sound, the wine splashed and the wine glass shattered.

"Goodbye Mr. X!"

However, nothing happened in the next second. Eddie turned his head slightly angrily with a cold expression and looked at Prometheus behind him.

"What? How dare you disobey my order?"

"Sir Eddie, if

Eddie thought for a moment and then laughed.

"A plan! You are really thoughtful."

After Eddie sighed, the anger on his face disappeared. It was necessary for Eddie to control the people in the city. Finally, Eddie sat on the chair.

X looked at Eddie quietly. He knew very well that if the AIs didn't think of a way, he would be doomed. But now X can't do anything. Although he has backed up his computer information, what has happened in the past few years Even if he wakes up in the basement, he will know nothing about it. This is an extremely dangerous approach. The plan has reached the critical moment.

"I can tell you something, but you have to provide experimental materials."

Eddie laughed.

"Congratulations on surviving Mr. X."

X was already feeling terrified at this time. If he still didn't let go, Eddie would definitely kill him today.

"What kind of experimental material?"

"If you want to change memories or implant memories, adults cannot do it. You must be someone whose brain has not yet fully developed."

Eddie laughed excitedly.

"I can provide you with experimental materials today, but Mr. X, if you dare to play any tricks."

"I know Eddie, you have gone so far as to kill yourself. Others are nothing in your eyes, right?"

Eddie nodded with satisfaction.

"You just need to answer it correctly, Mr. X, you know what!"

Eddie couldn't restrain his excitement, looked at X and said.

"Hillman Pharmaceuticals has improved the longevity vaccine. Now I can live to at least 200 years old! Even true immortality."

X looked at Eddie in shock, and he turned and walked away.

"I am the god of this world!"


A small take-off and landing aircraft slowly landed on the barrier. After the door of the take-off and landing aircraft was opened, Tang Rao threw away the cigarette butt in his hand. The wind was strong now, and the cigarette butt was quickly crushed in the wind. As soon as he came down, Tang Rao looked solemnly at the collapsed Changxing observation room in front of him, which was covered with black and red plants.

"Work idiots!"

Tang Rao cursed, Li Chu and Gu Yi walked out, followed by Deguna, Rose and Witte. This was an accident that happened a few days ago.

Guyi walked over. The small observation station here was located on the east side of the city. Not long after it was built, Li Chu floated into the air and soon saw the black and red plants that had climbed up the 300-meter-high city wall. It has become a large area. It is obvious that the amount of stones on this ruined observatory is very small. Although it is very windy here, there is only one possibility. This observatory has been swallowed up by plant-like plants.

Several other people were rummaging through the ruins, and sure enough they found a piece of fabric from Section 3's uniform. Li Chu quietly stared at the plant-like plants below.

"It's time to do it, Rose!"

Rose nodded. At this time, she pressed her hands on the ground. In front of several people, the stone seemed to melt and began to erect a high wall. Li Chu took out a cylindrical substance from his pocket. , after closing his eyes, he pressed the switch on the top of the machine, and for a moment, the surface of the machine emitted a fierce bright light.

The black-red plant-like plant instantly turned reddish, burned without fire in the light, and began to turn into dust. The dust floating in the air quickly disappeared.

Li Chu held the machine all the way and floated it around the outside of the city wall. In just over ten minutes, he cleared away the black and red plants on the city wall.

At this time, the erected stone wall melted back into the ground again, and the other five people began to search in the ruins. After all, this was the only extremely rare accident in so many years. The three subjects who came here to observe could not let humans go. The plants climbed up the city wall more than 300 meters high. Li Chu had already floated down with the machine emitting strong light in his hand, and was still cleaning the plants.

"Someone attacked here, is it possible?"

Deguna asked, and Rose laughed.

"Is it possible? Even powerful mutants can't do anything in this environment. The situation has become worse and worse in the past few years, especially those humanoid creatures outside."

Guyi and Witte found a lot of scraps of cloth and human bones in the ruins, and they were able to confirm that more than 100 members of Section 3 in this small observation point were dead.

The movable observation station has not yet been built. Several people are busy with other things, but now it is no longer possible. The six people decided to leave the city to Jean alone and let him handle the affairs. It took two years With time, we should be able to build barriers.

The only places that can be moved now are the two points due east and due south.

"You bastards, I have told you a long time ago that you should hurry up and fully build the orbit, so that the people in this observatory at least have a chance of survival. You idiots who only care about enjoying life."

Tang Rao cursed angrily, and Deguna sighed.

"You don't know the current situation, Tang Rao. We must complete the development of a comprehensive anthropomorphic AI system. Now is an extremely important bilateral experimental stage, so we must keep a close eye on it."

Several people began to search in the ruins, hoping to find clues. It was impossible for the staff here to be eaten by the plant-like plants without any reaction. What happened was very strange.

They found the remains of some equipment, but without exception they were almost eaten. After searching for half an hour, the five people still found nothing, but lightning flashed from time to time under the city wall.

Red thunder and lightning was raging in a wide area. Li Chu pressed a huge, rhinoceros-like creature with one hand. With the strong red electric current, it exploded. In an instant, the monster's whole body began to be blackened and decomposed. In less than a few seconds, Zhong fell to the ground in no time, surrounded by the corpses of such creatures.

Looking back at the city wall behind him, he saw that it had been cleared one kilometer away. Li Chu floated up, but at this time he stopped in the air and looked at the distant place behind him. Why on earth did this kind of plant grow here? , still a mystery to this day.

According to common sense, this kind of plant is afraid of light, and it should be impossible to take the initiative to approach the light. Just when Li Chu was about to leave, he turned around again and saw a flash of scarlet in the corner of his eye, but now he looked over nothing left.

After returning to the city wall, Li Chu looked at the five people who continued to search.

"Did you find anything?"

"What can I find!"

Deguna said helplessly, and everyone was at a loss for a moment because this accident was too unusual.

"What's this!"

Suddenly, Deguna picked up a tooth from the rubble, a tooth covered with dirt. She looked at it with disgust. Then everyone entered the lift and quickly analyzed the biological information of the tooth. After a comparison, it turned out that it did not belong to the department member who died here.

"Keep looking and take everything you find back to the city for testing."

As Tang Rao said, everyone continued to search, and sure enough they found some hairs. Everyone started to collect these hairs. At this time, from a pile of rocks, Tang Rao found a set of human bones, which was a mouth. Partially, and this part of the bone seems to have been neatly cut.

Soon Li Chu also found a human skeleton, which was part of a foot. The flesh and blood had disappeared, leaving only the bones, and the leg bones were neatly cut.

The whole incident was so weird that everyone had received human hair and bones from more than ten different people.

12 o'clock sharp

With a burst of laughter, Frye opened his eyes and looked at the clone Lolita lying on his chest. He climbed up from the bed with a smile, quickly put on his clothes, turned around and walked out. Yesterday, Everything that happened that night is still vivid in my mind.

However, Frye doesn’t remember much about what happened at that time. He only remembers that he gained some strange powers. Frye raised a finger, and a touch of cyan particles overflowed from the fingertip. At this time, the clone Lori behind him Ta chuckled.

"Hurry and go to the dean's office to clean up."

Frye nodded, feeling calm in his heart at this time. After quickly coming up from the basement, the situation in the entire hospital was a bit bad. The patients were all shouting. Frye had to give breakfast to the patients quickly.

With an uneasy mood, Frye came to the door of the dean's office. At this time, his eyes widened and he looked at the mummy at the door. Judging from the clothes, it should be the leader from last night. At this time, he raised his hands, As if asking for help, with his mouth wide open, Frye swallowed and walked over. The moment he stretched out his fingers, the leader in front of him began to shatter, and his body began to turn into sand, even the clothes on his body were the same.

The dean's room was even more in a mess, with fresh corpses exuding a smell. All the corpses were the same. Most of the mouths had a large piece cut off, and some legs were cut off directly. Fry swallowed After taking a sip, Fry couldn't remember what happened last night. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that his memory was starting to slow down. He pressed his forehead and his head hurt.

"after all."

A hand gently pressed on Frye's back. Suddenly Frye felt his head was dizzy. After a while, Frye fell to the ground. The clone Lolita behind him smiled and held him with one hand. Frye then floated into the air. She raised one hand, and the corpses on the ground began to disappear without exception, and soon the dean's office returned to its original state.


After the curtains were closed, the room was dark. The clone Lolita was smiling. At this time, there was a hint of scarlet at the edge of her eyes, and a bunch of tiny black-red plants extended out and crawled directly into Frye's ears. .

"You don't need to remember these things now, you just need to unbutton the buttons in your heart, Fry! Go to sleep, and leave everything here to me."

Clone Lolita's voice was a little strange, as if there were many voices overlapping with different levels. After she put down Frye, her body turned into black and red particles little by little, and quickly disappeared. in the air.

"You're useless!"

In a corner of the basement, the trembling and pale clone Lolita stared quietly at the black smoke in front of her, and shook her head.

"What exactly are you"

Along with a streak of black smoke, the clone Lolita's body disappeared.

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