Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1684 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 70 (medium)

4 a.m.

Alpha woke up from his sleep. This was the time to get up every day. It was like there was an alarm clock in his body. He would wake up at this point.

All he could think about was yesterday's debate with Freya. Although he won in the end, the Trinity Law Conference would be officially put on the agenda after the meeting. Alpha knew very well that the limiter had been removed.

This is a dangerous approach, but it is also necessary. It is like a double-edged sword. Although the internal personnel management regulations of the administrative department have been strengthened regarding the details of gun law enforcement, efforts still need to be made to achieve zero mistakes. OK.

Nowadays, the problem existing in the operational departments is insufficient combat capabilities. Although each department has issued documents to strengthen physical fitness training, there are still various problems in the region. Except for 3 departments, the other 11 departments The majority of grass-roots staff members obviously have substandard physical fitness.

Although the internal regulations of the operating department require physical fitness and combat tests and reviews every quarter, and if you fail, your salary will be deducted, but such regulations have not yet been fully implemented, and there has been a loud protest from the grassroots staff.

Regulations and systems can only be postponed. Only more than 500 people passed the professional examination this year. Although more than 150 of them were assigned to the fifth subject, most of them were reluctant.


Alpha opened the door to the room. Latis was still sleeping soundly. Alpha didn't want to wake her up. After going out quietly, he looked at Central Park under the bright white light. Alpha was not the only one who couldn't sleep. He could see a lot. People are taking a walk.

There was no need to exercise today. A new round of city meetings would begin at 9 a.m. After finding a bench, Alpha sat down and lit a cigarette.

There are many thoughts in her head. Alpha knows what Freya wants to prevent. She understands how people in the city view the business today.

Alpha glanced at the black uniform on his body. In the short span of three years, the style of management was still the same as that of the past management from the beginning, and it began to slowly change to the style of the business department.

Nowadays, more than 80% of the former management personnel are still there. This is also the reason why it is difficult to fully implement the internal management and enforcement regulations of the administrative department. When it comes to the penalty stage, only urban management issues can be considered.

To be gentle internally and tough externally is the current practice of the management department. It will take time until all the management are replaced by the backbone of the management department. Alpha knows this well and cannot rush it.

In the past three years, the practices of the administrative department have encountered too much criticism, but the tough approach has brought about cohesion within the administrative department. In the past, people in the management were able to unite to resist the decisions of the upper management, but now this momentum has been Pressed it.

Alpha has always believed that the construction of a complete order framework is necessary for the future of the city.

But such an approach will inevitably bring disadvantages. This is the current attitude of the people towards the administrative department. They always see these managers in black uniforms with hostility. If there is oppression, there will naturally be resistance.

The tough approach to establishing a complete order sacrificed the mood of most people in the city. Alpha was not unaware, she knew it very well, but she had never wavered in everything she had already decided to do.

Everyone hopes to be an amiable manager who can have a harmonious and harmonious relationship with the people, but the reality does not allow this.

After exhaling another puff of smoke, Alpha put out the cigarette butt, took out another cigarette, lit it and took a puff. When he raised his head, Alpha saw his mother Violet standing next to him.

"Stop smoking, it's not good for a girl to do this every day."

Violet took the cigarette from her daughter's mouth, put it out, put it in the garbage disposal, walked to the bench and sat down.


Alpha shouted, and Violet had mixed feelings, but then she smiled and nodded.

"Have you ever considered getting married? Alpha, you are not young anymore. I was married for many years when I was your age."

Alpha looked at his mother with a wry smile.

"Can we not talk about this issue?"

Violet nodded.

"I haven't been home for a long time. I will take Noah home with me when I have time."

Alpha frowned slightly, and Violet continued.

"Niya will be on vacation in a few days. I hope you can come back and we will pick her up together."

Alpha nodded. He had indeed been too far away from Nia during this period, and some of her noisy things had also reached Alpha's ears. They were still the same.

"What's wrong? Is she having trouble?"

Violet nodded.

"Your father and I have been away a lot lately, dealing with some internal issues within the company. We haven't been back for a long time. When we called a few days ago, Niya, the kid, was a little resistant."

Alpha pressed her forehead, and she was a little worried when she thought about her sister's condition.

"I have gotten rid of Whit. No matter what happens next year, Nia will enter Shengde Women's College. Whit has also agreed and will teach Nia personally."

Violet was a little surprised. Alpha smiled and put his hand on his face, leaving only a small gap where the light could be seen.

"But is she willing to go? And"

"No matter what happens to Niya in the future, she is my sister. Maybe we have not fulfilled our responsibilities as parents and sisters, and Niya will be like this."

Alpha did not continue. Both mother and daughter knew very well that Niya's current situation was indeed due to some reasons from both sides. The Angus couple did not want Niya to follow the same path as her sister, and hoped to train her to be the leader of the family. heir.

It's a pity that things went against expectations. On the one hand, Nia resisted everything in the family, and on the other hand, she longed for her sister Alpha. Violet had been very strict with Nia since she was a child, and Alpha also did not interfere with Nia because he had promised his parents. education issues.

As a result, Niya is now in a very embarrassing situation. Alpha doesn't know what to say or what to do. The work in the future will only become more and more arduous. Whether it is herself or the entire Angus family, Niya should also I feel alienated, so I get into trouble.

"I think you're too anxious Alpha."

Violet looked at her daughter worriedly, and Alpha could only shake his head in response.

"The construction of order requires strong power, and money power needs a strong foundation as support. The current administrative department is too fragile. I have thought about it countless times. Such a decision is a dilemma, and the people are easily incited. , especially after something happens, adding fuel to the fire will only make the situation worse, as countless bloody incidents have happened."

Although Violet wanted to say something, she gave up in the end. She knew her daughter Alpha's character very well, and the decision would not change. Since it would not change, she could only believe in her daughter.

"If I don't do something, these bloody facts will happen again and again. I have hosted many casualty briefings in the department, and the situation at the scene is the same every time. I don't know What should I say to these people who have lost their family members? I don’t know if the same thing will happen tomorrow, and I don’t even know what is growing in places that we can’t see or even reach with our hands. A steel-like Order is what the city needs now. I am not doing this to please anyone, nor do I want to change anything. Change can only be left to the next generation, and those who are capable will do it. The only thing we can do is to lay the foundation for the next generation of business. cornerstone."

At this time Violet noticed someone looking here, she got up and walked slowly.

"Don't forget Alpha. May 10th is Niya's holiday. We have to pick her up at the school gate at 9 o'clock in the morning."

Alpha looked at his mother leaving before taking out another cigarette. Although he had been beaten by his mother since he was a child, compared with Niya, it was almost negligible. After he got a little older, he basically didn't let him get beaten. Parents worried about it.

"I can only say sorry to Freya."

Alpha sighed, and at this time, in the distance, Alpha saw two men walking towards this side. As they got closer, Alpha saw the serious expressions on their faces.

"Is something wrong? Mr. Writer, Mr. Cartoonist!"

Alpha looked at the two people with extremely serious eyes.

"Sir Alpha, please consider the repair of the Trinity Law again. Just like what Councilor Freya said, you have to consider the current mood of the people."

Xingyuan said, and Peristan next to him said.

"Nowadays, the entertainment industry is so developed. Whether it is a company as a content provider or an individual as a content provider, this actually reflects that the current psychological pressure of the people is very high, and they can only find solace in entertainment content. This is Very scary, Mr. Alpha, if..."

"Two gentlemen, I have made it very clear. No one who still has a conscience in his heart will be willing to pull the trigger on innocent and kind-hearted people."

Xingyuan swallowed and said.

"Everyone's tolerance is different, Ms. Alpha. The distance between the bottom class and the middle class is getting farther and farther."

"The solidification of classes is an inevitable result, you have a better way?"

Alpha put away the smile on his face and stared at the two people in front of him who were still trying to say something. For a moment, they were speechless.

Neither Xingyuan nor Peristan knew what to say, when Alpha stood up.

"Please stop obsessing over these issues. Many people look at the issue of institutionalization and class consolidation with a simplistic attitude. But what about the reality? Maybe the children of the rich are still rich, but not the children of the poor? Not necessarily? They are poor, and everyone has the right to live in this city. These problems have been a product of the times since a long time ago, but isn't this the way it has been in one era after another? No one can go back to the past, and no one can The future can only be seen in the present, because many people live in the present! Only by grasping the present and having a solid and stable foundation of order can we effectively reduce frequent problems. Failure to understand is what creates The root of it all!”

Xingyuan nodded. The people didn't understand why the managers did this. Their idea was very simple. As long as my life is not easy, it's because the managers didn't do a good job. And some of the managers have obviously tried their best to do their best. Do, but dissatisfaction can still be heard.

Alpha looked at Peristan and said solemnly.

"Mr. Perestan, I remember you asked and gave your answer a long time ago. At that time, you once said that public opinion cannot solve the problem, the law cannot solve the problem, and morality cannot solve the problem! Those who can solve the problem There is only the truth, even if the truth is bloody, we must face the truth head-on!"

Peristan was a little surprised because he didn't expect that Alpha would still remember what he said 15 years ago.

Alpha bowed to Peristan.

"Mr. Perestan, I am very grateful to you. Your words have given me a lot of inspiration. I have been thinking about some issues. Since the birth of human society has begun to move toward civilization and morality has begun to appear, Public opinion, after that, humans created the law, a relatively fair tool, but it still couldn't solve the problem! So there is only the truth, and what does the truth mean? Or what do we need to bear when we throw out the truth? What is it? In the end, the answer I came up with may be different from yours, Mr. Perestan."

Alpha looked at Peristan blankly.

"Only order! Although it is a little cold, although it is a little unhuman, and although it may hurt the hearts of some people, every industry should have order in every industry, and every class should have order and management in every class. They themselves also need order. A good and complete order can contain the expansion of the situation as soon as any problem occurs! This is not something that social morality has. The sense of morality comes from the cognition of human form and consciousness. , and public opinion is something illusory but huge enough to affect many things! The law is a relatively fair tool created by human beings, but many times the law affects ability, personal thinking, evidence bias, social influence, and even money and power. Under the influence of others, it will become ineffective! No matter how much we try to perfect the law! No matter how much we make the details of the law reach the level of being able to judge every cell of human beings, the judge will always be human!"

Xingyuan and Peristan no longer intend to talk anymore. In the past, this genius was a bit cold and unkind in the eyes of the two of them, but after the contact, they both felt the same in their hearts at this moment. She was not unhappy. Being approachable doesn't mean she doesn't know how to be considerate of people's hearts. She is truly a genius.

Peristan and Xingyuan soon sat down, but at this time, they were already surrounded by people, including members of parliament, businessmen, families, and many people from the business department. Instead, more and more people gathered.

At this time, those who were awake in the entire Central Park also noticed it and began to move closer. Some people simply connected to the video system in Central Park, and many people were looking at Alpha.

Freya stood up in the crowd. Although she and Alpha had an hour-long argument in the Congress Hall, and the two even triggered a large-scale quarrel between people on both sides, in the end the gods came forward and let everyone The final result of the vote can be imagined. No matter how Freya used the people's mood and those beautiful things as excuses, in the end everyone could only vote for Alpha.

Because this place is not a place where tears and beautiful words can gain a foothold, and Freya can only think of this way to compete with Alpha this time, and no one else can do it.

Alpha lit a cigarette and looked at the people standing around her, looking at her. She planned to finish her words. Some things had to be said clearly.

"What method should we use to solve these problems in the end? The truth! This thing is like being able to dispel the black sun, but when the sun rises, the darkness will disappear and we can see everything! But I want to say What is the truth?"

Alpha let out a puff of smoke softly.

"The truth has limitations. If you look down from a high place, you may only see everything on the surface, but what about the things buried deep underground? And people often only believe what they see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears. , can you guarantee that the timeliness of this truth is permanent? If you look from the bottom up, what do you see? What you see may be just a clear sky or a haze, but at that time, because the sun was so big that all of us could If you ignore direct vision, you cannot see the whole picture. Has anyone seen the whole picture of the sun? Can the part of the truth you see ensure that the volume of this truth is complete?"

Alpha walked slowly to the bench, where the light was brighter, and stood directly on the bench.

"If you stand in a place that seems empty and boundless, and you look around, all you can see is the endless wilderness. That's because you can only see the endless wilderness, but can you see the edge? Can you guarantee this truth? Is it so broad that it can convince everyone?”

Everyone present fell silent, and Alpha scanned everything around him quietly.

"Time is endless, space is boundless and quality is infinite! What is the purpose of everything we have paid in the past and what we are doing today! Everyone hopes that the city will have a bright future, and it is this expectation The will to have a bright future finally brought us all to this place! So I beg you all! There is only one thing we need to do in the future, to build a bright city that can continue the brightness of the past and lead to a better future. .called the present order!”

Alpha threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Of course!"

Alpha clenched his fists, took out another cigarette, lit it and tilted his head back, smiling with a slightly relaxed expression.

"Protect every kind, innocent and beautiful thing, this is my answer! What I want to build is such an order that can protect these things!"

At this time, everyone in the Congress Hall looked at Alpha quietly. No one said anything, they just watched quietly, but soon as Freya clapped her hands, more and more applause sounded. As they stood up, the applause gradually began to form and soon became a sea.

No one can refute anything. The words spoken by this 33-year-old leading genius in Brilliant City have been imprinted on the hearts of many people who are interested at this moment.

Xingyuan smiled and closed his eyes, his hands were burning. Everything in his heart was burning at this moment. When he opened his eyes again, Alpha stood on the bench with serious eyes and bowed to everyone around him.

At this moment, what Xingyuan sees in his eyes is beauty. He knows very well that only Alpha is the real king of this city, and she can lead the city towards a truly bright future.

A feeling of respect arose in Peristan's heart. He knew very well that this beautiful princess of the Brilliant City, who was as beautiful as a gem, was not only a genius, she also had enough power.

Freya smiled and walked forward slowly. When Alpha came down, the two held their hands tightly, and the previous unhappiness disappeared.

Freya knew very well that she was actually a little jealous of Alpha in her heart. At the age of 33, she was still running into walls without knowing what she was doing.

Freya smiled and grabbed Alpha and hugged her. After standing on tiptoes, Freya smiled and put her head to Alpha's ear.

"As expected, you are Mr. Jean's most proud disciple! No matter in the past, present, or future! I really hope he can see it."

At this time, on the east side far away from the west side of the business department, Eddie stood quietly under a relatively dense tree. The light could no longer penetrate through the dense leaves. Eddie watched the video with an expressionless face. Alpha in.

Gradually the corners of Eddie's mouth raised slightly, and he clapped his hands.

Over the years, Addie has always felt that Alpha is incredible, and Addie has felt this way since she was very young.

"It's really good, but Alpha! No matter what you do, the future belongs to me!"

Eddie sat comfortably in the shade. The temperature here was very comfortable, not too cold or too hot, and the air was fresh. Eddie stared blankly ahead.

Many things were circulating in Eddie's mind. He stretched out comfortably, smiled, and shook his head.

Now Alatan Ullari has begun to launch the next phase of the plan, and the plan must also be adjusted. The mountain range must be sealed. Although this will lose some criminals who fled to the barrier area, love Di has already built a better channel with the help of Prometheus and brought some black households out directly from the city as test subjects.

This is the simplest and most straightforward way. Originally, the criminals who escaped were good experimental materials, but now the Operations Department has noticed everything in the barrier area and intends to clean it up, so Eddie must Everything in that mountain range must be hidden.

In addition, now that he knows the combat capabilities of Xingke mutants, this is beyond Eddie's expectation. Now Prometheus has adjusted his plan.

It's just that Eddie is a little worried, because in the past, during the brutal research in the mountains, riots occurred and some people escaped. Eddie has ordered several managers in the mountains to try their best to find those who escaped. People, directly obliterate them.

At this juncture, Eddie planned to continue sinking. He didn't want to cause any trouble for the time being. He just wanted to keep an eye on the Angus family. All plans had been arranged step by step. The plan was still flowing secretly. The Angus family It is bound to be completely brought down by this construction project.

At this time, the excited crowd gradually dispersed, and Alpha returned to the room where the section chiefs were waiting for him. Everyone stood up as soon as they entered, and Alpha sat back down with a smile.

"Tomorrow will be an important motion regarding family marriage issues. Please be prepared."

Locke said, because in this motion tomorrow, the gods have allowed many members of the family to speak, but the parliamentarian faction will not speak. They will only watch quietly.

There are also some eloquent people in the family. The issue of immunity has always been a major issue plaguing the city. It is very difficult to remove immunity. People in the family must voluntarily hand over immunity. Otherwise, they will act in a cunning manner. There is no way to interfere with everything within the family.

In the past few decades, the family has done too many cruel things, but they have not been sanctioned by the law, only economic sanctions. Although some families have collapsed because of this, the city's economy is still under control today. In the hands of the families.

"I hope everyone will remember what Alpha said today."

Locke stared at everyone seriously, and everyone nodded. At this time, all the section chiefs brought up a light and shadow screen. Although the family has already spoken out about this issue, it does not mean that it can be successfully passed by Congress, and the family's marriage will eventually be included in the marriage law. come under control.

Speaking out does not mean that promises must be fulfilled. This was often the case in the urban rights system in the past. Locke himself has also made a lot of voices, and there are still things that have not been fulfilled.

Rights are disguised as hypocrisy. Everyone knows this. During this period, most families have united and started to openly expose their marriages to the outside world, but they have never said that they will definitely bring family marriages into the legal system. not the law, but to obey the decision of Congress.

Yesterday's two motions have good points for both the members and the executive branch. The two sides seemed to be at war with each other, but they were just sparks from the final collision in order to jointly promote something, but in the end these sparks dissipated. Finally, the welding work was completed.

The first topic starting at 9 o'clock this morning is a tough battle. During this time, everyone in the family should be actively raising funds. In addition to the Angus family, the other seven major families plus some large and medium-sized families are all The main opponents include Eberron's family.

"Don't rush to start with Wilsey's incident tomorrow, it will be easily countered."

Clark said, and everyone nodded. This matter is a trump card for the business department. Only when it is brought out at the most appropriate time can it give a fatal blow to some people in the family.

“Let’s explain it from a biological perspective first.”

Akimi said immediately, Alpha pondered, but finally nodded, and Akimi stood up and bowed.

"Tomorrow's first battle, let me do it first, everyone!"

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