Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1679 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 68 (Part 2)

The sun's rays began to dim. At the door of a legal hall on the ground floor, a lift from Section 11 was already waiting. There were more than 10 prisoners in the lift who had been collared.

Many people looked depressed and a little annoyed, and some even cried loudly. No one wanted to go to prison, but the outcome of the trial meant that they would be sent to prison soon.

There are heavy-duty criminals with sentences of more than 20 years, as well as light-duty criminals with sentences of several years. Several people in charge of escorting from Section 11 were leaning on the edge of the lift, talking and laughing.

I have just given a reminder to the prisoner inside, but although the prisoner inside understands, he can't give half a cent.

Two of them were imprisoned for the second time, and the punishment this time was more serious than the last time. One of them was arrested for stealing, because the city law involves a superimposed punishment mechanism for repeated offenders. If it is only the first time to steal, The maximum is only 1 year, but this time it takes 5 years.

Another person committed a violent robbery for the second time and was almost convicted of murder, so he was sentenced to 25 years. The victim strongly complained about the violent treatment he suffered.

Both of them know what the conditions are like in prison. Life in prison without money is really painful. A certain degree of violence is allowed in prison, as long as it doesn't cause big trouble to the guards.

The relationship between the prisoners is relatively tense, and the prison is divided into large and small factions. Once you enter, you have to choose to join.

The only things that can be brought into the prison are cigarettes, candies and liquid food. This is the hard currency in the prison and the only thing that can provide shelter to the weak.

The prison also has its own economic system. As long as you have these three kinds of hard currency, you can buy a lot of things, but money is everything and can directly allow you to enjoy a high-quality prison life.

The prison has become a forgotten corner over the years. No one cares about what happens in the prison or how the prisoners are doing. Although reporters visit from time to time, only a few reporters will report something. Most reporters have already No more prison visits.

The two people who knew the situation had asked their friends to bring them more cigarettes a long time ago when they were detained at the Public Security Bureau. The cost for non-relatives to visit the prison was not low.

"Sir, can you let me go home and collect some things?"

At this time the thief couldn't help it anymore and asked with tears in his eyes.

"Sit tight, I'll take you to jail soon."

The thief wanted to continue talking, but several people from Section 11 came in immediately. He continued to talk about wanting to go home and get something.

"If you want to get something, just ask someone to bring it in for you."

But the thief was still arguing that he did not sincerely want to steal, but really did it because he was helpless.

"Besides, I only stole 2,000 yuan from that family, not at all."

"This is not a reason or excuse for you to steal. Just sit down and sit down."

A member of Section 11 held up the rubber roller in his hand, and the thief finally sat down.

Everyone was a little scared, especially those who were imprisoned for the first time.

Suddenly, the robber just stood up, attacked a Section 11 officer from the side, and strangled his neck.

There was a commotion at the scene. One by one, the officers from Section 11 took out their guns and pointed them at the robber. Although he was wearing a collar, the high-voltage current might kill this seemingly thin man. And the collar's built-in function of instantly cutting off the central nervous system will make this guy's life worse than death.

"I've had enough, you bloodthirsty monsters!"

As he spoke, the man strangled the neck of the Section 11 staff member hard, and a staff member next to him immediately activated the collar's function of cutting off the central nervous system.

The man's hands relaxed little by little, his eyes widened, and he fell to the ground foaming at the mouth. He had no consciousness in his whole body. He couldn't even make a sound, he could only stare wide.

At this time, in the Law Hall, a judge was reading out the crimes of the one-eyed young man below.

"Defendant! Fox, on suspicion of fraud"

Many people in the auditorium laughed out loud, because this was really the name of this one-eyed man. He used tricks to steal the leather shoe factory from a deceased shoe factory owner. In the last 7 When Coe was conducting asset seizure, Fox was exposed.

It was finally discovered that the fox had occupied the leather shoe factory for three years, and the wives and children of the original owner of the leather shoe factory were still crying, accusing the fox of being a murderer.

The owner of the leather shoe factory drowned in a large dyeing vat after drinking too much. This fact has been investigated by the administrative department for a long time.

After reading out the verdict, the judge asked, "Fox has the right to appeal. If he is dissatisfied with the verdict, he can appeal to the Intermediate Law Office."

The fox shook his head and was quickly taken out by the people from Section 8. At this time, there was a commotion on the street. The one-eyed fox looked quietly at the man beside the lift, who was conscious but could no longer move his limbs. Being pulled away by a Section 4 car.

The one-eyed fox didn't know what happened, but he was soon handed over to the people from Section 11. Some people from Section 5 were taking on-site records. Several people from Section 11 were also talking about the situation at that time, and the surveillance was also adjusted. Take it out.

At this time, a person from Section 11 was holding a collar and wanted to put it on the one-eyed fox. He became a little scared.

"Where will he be sent?"

The member of Section 11 sighed and said.

"For humanitarian reasons, we will send it to the nearest hospital in time for nerve repair surgery. It depends on the recovery after the operation. If the recovery is not good, you may lose flexibility in your hands and feet, or be directly paralyzed, or die. Okay. Sit down quickly, you are the last prisoner today."

After the one-eyed fox sat down, the door of the lift slowly closed, and the light that came through disappeared little by little. The lift began to take off, and the cabin fell into darkness.

This kind of lift used to escort prisoners has no windows and is like a sealed iron box in the air. In the past, some prisoners who were agitated smashed the windows and threw things below, causing accidents.

Someone began to cry in the darkness. In more than ten minutes, they would be sent to prison to begin their prison life.

The one-eyed fox didn't know what he had done wrong. The owner of the shoe factory was the leader of the gang that blinded him in one eye. The orphanage was later directly destroyed by them and became their industry. They relied on Using violence and threats, he made money and opened a factory.

The one-eyed fox only retaliated against him and took back the things in his hands. He argued in court, but was unable to provide any evidence. The shoe factory owner had already cleared his name in the previous generation of management. Assets can't be found at all.

The one-eyed fox was just angry and angry. He was not like the people who are crying now, fearful and went to jail. The one-eyed fox had already paid the money in advance, the shoe factory was taken back, and the money he earned on the surface was also taken into custody, but Behind the scenes, the one-eyed fox still has some black money.


The door at the front of the lift opened and light came in.

"Can you give me something to eat and drink? I've been standing in the Hall of Law for a long time."

A person from Section 11 directly handed over a can of canned meat and a bottle of wine. After the one-eyed fox took it, he unscrewed it and took a big sip. The prisoners next to him swallowed. At this time, some people looked at them with pleading eyes. One-eyed fox.

The one-eyed fox was a little drunk. He had finished eating the can, and there was still half a bottle of wine left. The lift landed firmly on the wall of Prison No. 1. The one-eyed fox stood up and walked out of the lift with the wine. A man next to him who was sentenced to 5 years looked at the one-eyed fox.

"Sir, can you lend me 100 yuan?"

The one-eyed fox glanced back at the desperate man.

"what's your name!"


The man named Weiss trembled, and the one-eyed fox laughed. After talking to a member of Section 11 next to him for a while, the officer also brought Weiss out.

The thin blond man Weiss was trembling and swallowing. The one-eyed fox handed the wine to Weiss and he took a sip.

"Thank you, thank you."

"There are rooms for 4 people below, which cost 1,000 yuan a month. They are all non-factional prisoners with relatively minor crimes. How many years have you been sentenced?"

Weiss' tense nerves were now relaxed due to the alcohol.

"Mr. 5 years."

The one-eyed fox said with a smile.

"I will help him pay 50,000 yuan."

Weiss's eyes widened, and the other prisoners in the helicopter were also stunned.

Several members of Section 11 who brought them here nodded with joy. The one-eyed fox asked them to bring some food and drink to his cell. He happened to be bored and asked Weiss to accompany him, and was allowed.

"What a pity. If any of you asked me for help, I would help you. It's a pity that you don't even have the courage to ask a strong person for help!"

The prisoners in the aircraft stood up immediately, but soon the door of the aircraft was closed, and waves of aircraft came out of the cabin. Weiss followed, feeling strange.

The staff of Section 11 took One-Eyed Fox and Weiss to the floor of an independent room. There were many people on the floor moving freely in the corridor. Some people were chatting, and some were chatting and drinking. It looked like someone It was like a hallway in an apartment building. Except for everyone wearing collars around their necks, they were all wearing a variety of clothes. It didn't look like a prison at all.

In a small 30-square-meter room with a living room, bedroom, and bathroom that had been cleaned up and had ordinary bedding, the one-eyed fox sat comfortably on the sofa, took out a pack of cigarettes, and lit one comfortably.

"Thank you, sir, what is your name?"

"Just call me One-Eyed Fox. If you wonder why I helped you just now, it's because you understand the importance of opportunities. Many times, as long as you open your mouth, someone may help you. That's how I am. If I didn't talk to you at that time, If that guy opens his mouth, I might be like you now, Weiss."

The One-Eyed Fox will always remember the night after the orphanage was disbanded many years ago. The One-Eyed Fox, who was penniless, hungry and cold for several days, walked aimlessly on the streets. Most people avoided him. The One-Eyed Fox thought about it countless times. I want to speak, but I dare not do so because of cowardice.

The weather was very cold at that time, so cold that the one-eyed fox knew that he would freeze to death early the next morning if he didn't find a place to escape the cold.

The one-eyed fox, who could no longer walk, sat blankly on the street. He hated everything, but could not say anything. A car passed by. The car did not go away, but stopped on the street. , the man in the car was smoking, and the car was also a good and expensive car.

The one-eyed fox couldn't hold on any longer. After staying in such a cold night for more than an hour, the car still hadn't left. At first, the one-eyed fox thought that the rich man was waiting for someone. In the eyes of the one-eyed fox, such a rich man usually It was cold-blooded, but then the one-eyed fox realized that the man who smiled in the reflection of the rearview mirror from time to time seemed to be waiting for him.

Finally, the one-eyed fox leaned over and asked, "Sir, can you help me?"

Weiss felt a little surprised as he listened to the one-eyed fox recounting the past.

"What kind of person is he?"

Weiss couldn't help but asked in confusion. At this time, several members of Section 11 who were standing at the door to get things also walked in with interest.

"I only know that his name is Wise Man. He is an ordinary middle-aged man who looks very rich. But what surprised me the most is that he actually agreed to help me. From then on, as you all know, Wise Man Help me successfully get everything from my past enemy."

"Then you are really lucky, haha."

Several officers put down their food and drinks and left. Here, the officers would listen to some of the prisoners' stories about the past, often as a refreshment after dinner.

"It's not good luck!"

The one-eyed fox laughed, and Weiss looked at the things on the table.


"Thank you, Boss One-Eyed Fox."

The one-eyed fox smiled and took the wine in Weiss' hand, and took a sip.

"Sincerely asking others for help is equivalent to admitting that you are weak, but people are very strange things. You obviously want others to help you, but you naturally choose to protect yourself. What are you protecting? ?You feel."

"It's self-esteem."

Weiss awkwardly held the food in his hand. The one-eyed fox motioned for him to continue eating, and Weiss began to eat.

"Admitting that you are weak, that you are poor, that you are incompetent is a fact that is difficult for most people to accept, but no matter how you hide it, how you escape it, how you conceal it, in the eyes of the strong you will have no escape. shape."

Wes seemed to understand why he was saved. Wes was imprisoned for a serious crime of violent assault. Before going to prison, Wes was just a waiter in a restaurant. The boss was a grumpy man who would always treat Wes. They were punched, kicked and verbally insulted.

One day, Wes couldn't stand it any longer, so he chased his boss with a knife in the kitchen and gave him a severe lesson. As a result, his boss was severely disabled and he was imprisoned.

This sentence was fairly fair for Weiss, because considering the boss's long-term violence and his lack of regard for Weiss as a human being, a reasonable penalty was given to Weiss for the crimes he committed.

Weiss was alone, with no relatives, and all the money in his hand had been paid to the boss for medical expenses. Weiss, who didn't have a penny, heard the thief say at noon that everything in the prison, Weiss... People who don't fight with others at all on weekdays and are poor and weak can quickly become food for others after entering.

At this time, Weiss felt the warmth in his stomach and the delicious food in his mouth. He looked at the one-eyed fox with tears in his eyes and kept saying thank you.

Weiss also understood that it was his similar experience with the one-eyed fox that saved him. When Weiss saw the one-eyed fox eating canned meat and drinking alcohol, he thought that this should be a privileged prisoner in the prison and still needs to work and punish him. But there is much freedom in prison than other prisoners.

Although Weiss had thought before, as long as he was judged as a non-hazardous prisoner, Weiss could be assigned to the dormitory in Section 12, work with those veteran writers who had been punished on the farm for less than a year, and still earn some money. , but after seeing the one-eyed fox and the attitude of the members of Section 11, Weiss gave up such an idea.

This was the first time that Weiss asked for help. Unexpectedly, he was saved when he asked for help for the first time in his life. In these five years, he only had to live in a four-person room and enjoy some better meals every day.

The one-eyed fox smiled and drank the wine in the bottle in one gulp, and then looked at the ceiling contentedly. He was very relaxed at this moment, which was completely different from the days when he was detained in the public security management station.

"Boss One-Eyed Fox, how long have you been sentenced?"

The one-eyed fox laughed.

"10 years, 1 million."

The sun's rays can no longer pass through the high walls of the prison. Most of the newly admitted prisoners today are on the No. 1 wind farm. Many of them are shivering in the cold wind. Many prisoners are talking and laughing around, watching these. New inmates entering prison.

Song Man smiled and led a group of jailers to stand in front of more than 300 prisoners who were newly imprisoned today.

"From today on, you will start living here. Please remember, don't cause trouble and obey the arrangements. If anyone causes trouble, I will let him know where the prison is."

At this time, someone whistled on the sidelines. As soon as Song Man looked over, several prisoners who were still laughing stopped smiling and stood up straight tremblingly.

Song Man walked over step by step. Although he was smiling, all the prisoners felt fear.

"I was talking just now, what were you doing?"

The moment a prisoner just raised his head, Song Man pulled his head and hit it hard on his raised knee. The prisoner whimpered in pain and fell to the ground, covering his face.

Song Man glanced at the prisoners who were whistling just now.

"Do you like blowing? All of you stand against the wall. Without my order, you don't have to go back to the dormitory."

Several prisoners ran over obediently and stood in a row facing the wall. Song Man glanced back at the prisoners who looked frightened. She walked over with a smile and continued.

"Remember, you are prisoners! Please remember this and think carefully about why you are standing here and take them to the cell."

Song Man looked at the prisoners passing by him with their heads lowered one by one, and scanned the surrounding prisoners with solemn expressions.

Song Man, who has experienced prison problems several times, knows very well that this is not a place for rehabilitation, but a place to detain criminals. Apart from that, there is no need to think about anything else, it is normal.

After Quasimodo's riot ended this morning, Song Man returned to the prison, which needs to be watched from time to time.

"It's a good day's earnings."

At this time, a female director came over and opened a light and shadow screen with a smile. Song Man took a look at the amount. There were 23 prisoners who were not here. They were all privileged prisoners, with a total income of 8.96 million.

Most of the money given to the prison by these prisoners is money from improper sources and is black gold. If Section 5 and Section 7 jointly investigate this part of the money, it will take a lot of manpower and material resources, but it can be easily collected in the prison. Black gold is in the bag.

This part of the money was secretly transferred to Angus Construction, but Song Man was a little unhappy. He glanced at the prisoners shivering with cold against the wall.

"You can go back. If there is another time, don't blame me for being rude."

The prisoners were grateful and walked away under the escort of some officers. At this time, the light of the sun was about to go out. Song Man and the female director next to him planned to return to the office to eat and then process the prisoners' documents.

The problem of black money is a major problem that has plagued the city for many years. In the decades since the city was first established and when it began to gradually gain order, countless black funds were flowing quietly.

The city's currency is also issued according to the specific population. Every additional person is issued according to the 50-year standard. A person is issued according to the lowest urban average salary income of 6,000 yuan a year. One issue is issued every year. According to statistics, excess currency is destroyed and insufficient currency is reissued.

If someone dies young or dies within 50 years, the amount will be reduced by the amount of time the person was alive.

It also needs to be considered based on many factors such as price, market economy, taxation, etc., before finally deciding the amount of currency issuance for the next year.

Calculated based on the current population of Brilliant City, the amount of money flowing throughout the city every year is more than 100 billion. However, in the past few decades, a large amount of black gold has appeared. This black gold is hidden deep and it is extremely difficult to dig it out. .

Song Man was not in a good mood. When he first took over the prison, he felt that he would be nicer to the prisoners. After they got out, they might be more peaceful and live a good life. But over the years, Song Man always saw familiar faces. Once A repeat offender in jail again.

And prisoners will cause troubles from time to time, especially after the urban riots last year, many situations occurred in the prison. These matters can only be handled within the prison itself.

The interior of the prison has long been unconsciously stratified. The boring prison positions in the past have now become popular. Most people who apply for the business department will definitely choose the 11th department, but now the people in the 11th department have already enough.

There were reports of some problems in the prison before in the city, but they soon calmed down because the prison needs money to operate, and the prisoner labor money paid by Section 12 is simply not enough to maintain the normal operation of the prison. Now the prison has been replaced. Most of the old facilities are thanks to black gold, so the prisoners in the prison can have a better environment.

Unit 11 is currently the only unit that is self-sufficient without the need for tax dollars from Congress, largely due to the stratification of prisoner treatment that began under Latis.

At the beginning, everyone was a little opposed and rejected. The tax on each prisoner was only 100 yuan a month. The salary of prison administrators was also relatively poor, and the nature of the work was boring.

Along the way, the officers greeted and saluted Song Man with smiles on their faces, and most of them began to treat prisoners better, at least better than in the past.

As long as the Angus family survives this crisis and the city construction is completed, a new, more modern prison will begin to be built.

When I returned to the office, dinner had been prepared, and the female director next to me was still talking about the list of people who could not pay for the time being and who needed to be moved to ordinary cells.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it after dinner."

As Song Man spoke, the female director next to her shut up and hugged Song Man awkwardly.

"What's wrong with you? Did you have a fight with your husband?"

Song Man smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"Sisi, I always feel that it's not good if things go on like this. The prison will gradually lose its ability."

"Why are we thinking so much? We are exhausted after reaching this point. Prison is this kind of place. After all, many people have no hope before entering prison."

Song Man hummed and lay down on the table tiredly. She wasn't physically tired, but she was already exhausted mentally.

"Everyone is selectively ignoring this place!"

Sisi laughed.

"After all, it is such a troublesome thing. Criminals are like cancers in society. We have to keep them alive, manage them, and reform them. Who is willing to do such a thankless task without some sweetness?"

Song Man hummed, and the two began to eat dinner.

The light of the artificial sun went out at exactly six o'clock.

In a long corridor, Hydra always kept a smile and greeted everyone passing by. In the past, Hydra was not very popular in the single cell on this floor because he was very gloomy. , even a little scary, but now it is different, there is a soft aura exuding from his body.

Hydra returned to the room and looked at the thick books on the bookshelf. After randomly selecting one, he started reading from the bookmark position. He took the booklet of Destroyer of Worlds from his arms. Come out and put it aside respectfully.

“It’s always the calm before the storm!”

Hydra smiled and opened the book, showing the composition and annotations of chemical equations. Hydra stretched his fingers and stroked the chemical symbols, starting from the most basic elements, from simple to complex, from complex and finally back to Simple.

Recently, Hydera discovered something very interesting. Someone was watching everything in this prison. In the past years when Hydera was autistic, he would always stare at the surveillance cameras because he could no longer see clearly. The human face is gone, only the scarlet red on the surveillance probe will rotate with some senior executives in the business department.

Reminiscent of the prison riot in the past, Hydera was also investigated later. This matter is still an unsolved mystery. It can only be speculated that the administrators at the time caused it to provide convenience for the prisoners in the prison. There is a problem with the program.

"Who are you!"

Hydera stared sideways at the surveillance probe in her room, showing a cold smile.

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