Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1673 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 66 (Part 2)

"Please don't panic and evacuate in an orderly manner."

A team leader from Section 5 stood on a car parked on Qinglong Street and kept shouting. People from Section 5 cleared the traffic on both sides of the street and asked some drivers to leave on foot.

The entire Qinglong Street is full of people. Because Qinglong Street is relatively wide, in order to prevent traffic jams in this place, the construction team built a 50-meter-wide lane at the beginning a long time ago. At this time, the speed of clearing is faster. .

People within two kilometers of Qinglong Street in District 8 were evacuated quickly under the emergency evacuation of Sections 3 and 5.

A director of the General Affairs Section hurried to the door of the Congress Hall. After passing the verification, he hurried in after the door opened.

7:54 am

Locke looked at the 12 section chiefs on both sides of the long table with a serious face. Everyone had just had breakfast and had already discussed the topics of this meeting. Everyone knew the topics at the beginning, but after that, There is a relatively big conflict with the parliamentarian faction.

The issues submitted by the councilors have been reported to the six gods. From a large number of complicated issues, 30 issues were mainly selected for discussion, and the other issues were placed at the city meeting later.

Many of the bills put forward by members of Congress look reasonable and beautiful, but in fact there are many problems. Only compromise methods can be adopted for these problems. The administrative department currently does not have that much time to deal with these bills.

Therefore, after screening, only two bills are currently capable of being implemented, while the other 28 bills can only be discussed within a reasonable range for the time being.

Alpha held a cigarette in her mouth and looked at the issues on the light and shadow panel. She glanced at Akimi next to her. This time, the business department also proposed a lot of things, but the most critical one was taxation. Use, after excluding the construction cost settlement of Angus' home, the use of tax revenue in the next few years will be used to build the problem.

"When are you going to get it? The cost of this thing is really too much."

Looking at the nano-medicine submitted by Archimi, although Fry was saved because of it, the manufacturing and consumption of nano-robots are much more expensive than normal medical treatment.

"Step by step, President, I think nanomedicine is the core of humankind's future."

Many council officers around him laughed helplessly. Everyone knew that Akimi was obsessed with nanotechnology when he was in school. He would often go to the dormitories of some classmates in Section 10 alone late at night to discuss nanotechnology. .

In general, the cost of nano-medical technology is too high and the price-performance ratio is too low. Compared with the current light and shadow material medical treatment, both in terms of cost and technical cost, it is much higher.

"Okay, if everyone has no problem, there are still two hours left, everyone can move around freely."

Locke said, and the moment he stood up, the door to the room was pushed open, and Locke frowned slightly.

"Xiao Sun, why don't you knock on the door?"

The director who came in swallowed and bowed hastily.

"My lords, something bad has happened. There has been an incident of mutants running amok in District 8. Lord Gill has already passed, Lady Zijuan and Ling Hong have already passed. The situation is still escalating. The Public Security Management Office of District 8 has already passed. damaged"

Alpha stood up, took a puff of cigarette, put out the cigarette butt, and picked up the uniform on the backrest.

"I'll come as soon as I go."

Osman followed immediately.

"It's better to leave this matter to us."

Clark laughed.

"Be careful. Since you can't even deal with the secretaries and Ling Hong after they get there, you two, be careful."

Locke swallowed and planned to follow him out to see the situation first. After all, such a big thing happened at such an important juncture today.

"What's wrong, Fat Brother, don't you trust us two?"

Several other section chiefs smiled one after another, and Duan Kong shook his head.

"I think if you two work together, you can even compete with the teachers in a short time."

Osman smiled and shook his head, and Heathcote followed with a smile.

"Let me go with you. At least there will be a backup."

Alpha clenched his fists.

"I alone am enough."

While speaking, Alpha took out a cigarette, lit it and walked quickly. Osman and Heathcote followed him, and Latis also stood up.

"You stay."

As soon as Locke finished speaking, Latis followed him out with a smile.

8:03 am

There was a loud bang, accompanied by a huge stone hitting some cars parked on the roadside. Several nearby members of Section 5 looked at the battlefield in the distance with dust still spreading in astonishment.

Many people started to retreat quickly with solemn expressions. Evacuation within 1 kilometer nearby has been completed. Brilliant City has an evacuation mechanism for emergency evacuation. As long as the warning signal sounds, residents will know where to go nearby.

This is an early warning mechanism that Locke has promoted over the years. Every quarter, he will take the trouble to broadcast some disaster emergency videos. If a problem occurs, how to escape from a safe route. The light and shadow poles on the street will have eye-catching signs to guide them. When people are evacuated, the AI ​​system will quickly plan an escape route, and people only need to pay attention to how to deal with the toxic gases after combustion during the escape process, and how to avoid being hit by falling objects, including avoiding crowding and evacuating in an orderly manner.

In order to be able to evacuate more quickly, the biggest drill of Section 3 and Section 5 over the years is to become familiar with the situation of the 120 districts to the greatest extent, so that they can arrive as soon as a disaster occurs and assist people in emergency evacuation.

In order to prevent some people from bringing unnecessary burdens with valuables, Locke also launched a post-disaster national compensation budget so that most people can escape without any worries.

In the past, everyone was still laughing at Locke for doing these meaningless things, but during last year's riots, many people in the south were rescued. But what everyone is dissatisfied about is the compensation budget. Although it has been budgeted how much Congress can get. Subsidy, but this money is not available immediately, but slowly. Some people whose shops were burned down in the last riot may need ten years to receive this complete compensation. .


With a heavy gasp, Ling Hong dodged Quasimodo's fist. In an instant, the already dilapidated ground was split open, and the flying gravel turned into dust in the air. After Ling Hong rolled to her feet, her face Facing the monster-like man in front of him, Grin attacked him again.

Tang Rao sat quietly next to a damaged wall on the second floor of the front hall of the public security management office, which had been more than half destroyed. Zijuan and Jill next to him looked solemn.

Being able to fight Ling Hong like this already made both of them feel terrified.

"Take a good look, this guy's movements are different from before."

Tang Rao said, the damage is still expanding and it can no longer be stopped. Now the blockade within 5 kilometers of the surrounding area must be completed. The blockade is still continuing. Tang Rao does not intend to let anyone see the situation here.

People from Section 3 and Section 5 are still investigating, and the other secretaries and directors will come to the battlefield after completing their evacuation.

In a battle of this level, too many people would really get in the way.


After a loud noise, Ling Hong dodged Quasimodo's fist, and the ground sank. Quasimodo fell with the sunken ground, but the moment Ling Hong landed, she turned sideways and stepped back.

There was a loud buzzing sound, and black particles instantly crushed everything and spewed out from the ground. Along with a roar, Quasimodo's huge body appeared directly in Ling Hong's body as if water suddenly spurted from the ground. above.

"It seems that Mr. Li Chu's special training was not in vain. Ling Hong has gradually mastered the power of this red god."

Zijuan muttered, and Tang Rao took out a cigarette. Nearly half of the entire District 8 Public Security Office had been destroyed. Ling Hong relied on the electric nerve reflexes and electric current brought by the power of the red god. The speed created by stimulation is comparable to Quasimodo's, but it has completely fallen behind in terms of strength.

"The situation will escalate further. Take a good look at everything here. It will be helpful to you in the future. The strength of this man lies in his unparalleled learning ability."

Tang Rao pressed his hand on his chest, and blue particles were floating around his eyes.

"What a shame! Even if I try my best, I can't let this guy walk out alive under Capitol Hill!"

Jill looked at Tang Rao blankly, and Zijuan next to her curled her lips. Only Hawke and Locke had seen the power of the gods to liberate the third stage.

The battle has lasted for nearly 10 minutes, but Quasimodo's power has not yet exhausted. This is a very scary thing. The most important thing is that his movements have become more and more flexible. At first, he could not keep up with Ling Hong's Speed ​​has always been passive, but now both reaction and reflex nerves have become extremely developed.

At this time, a semicircular machine flew from the horizon in the distance. Noah stood on the machine and waved to everyone. Each round cylindrical robot flew over and began to spread out in the sky around the Public Security Management Office.

"What an amazing value. Do you want me to be a foreign aid?"

Noah asked, and Tang Rao looked solemnly at Ling Hong, who was beginning to show signs of retreat.


After dodging Quasimodo's fist, Ling Hong lowered her body and rushed into Quasimodo's body.

A beam of red lightning struck Quasimodo's abdomen, but it was no longer the same as before. The black violent alienated particles seemed to have eyes, automatically forming scabs, which directly offset the attack of the red lightning. , with a sizzling sound and an irregular dent left on Quasimodo's black scab, Ling Hong knew that she had missed the perfect opportunity to attack and jumped away.

Quasimodo had completely lost consciousness, and he could no longer feel the pain. He was only angry, and there were only crazy thoughts in his head that wanted to destroy everything. He kept screaming wildly.

There was a loud bang, Ling Hong gritted her teeth and guarded her body with her hands. She wanted to escape behind the wall of the house to temporarily avoid Quasimodo's sharp edge. After adjusting the somewhat chaotic alienated particles, she continued to attack, but The moment Ling Hong ducked to the inside of the wall, Quasimodo, who was like a cannonball, had already hit him.

The huge fist swept directly over with an astonishing momentum. Ling Hong lowered his body and felt as if a very fast takeoff was passing by above his head. His messy hair was crushed in the airflow, and his scalp was also damaged. It seemed like it was about to be scraped off.


After Ling Hong rolled several times in the ruins, she just stood up and turned to the left again.


Quasimodo roared and stamped his foot down, and the ground instantly cracked again. The entire front hall behind him began to collapse. The moment Ling Hong stood up, she felt a strong and sad and angry breath coming towards her face. Facing the guy in front of her, With a roar, Ling Hong stood up straight, gritted her teeth and raised her fists. She was completely angry, and the red scabs all over her body began to cover the surface of her body like boiling water.



A streak of purple particles enveloped Ling Hong's body, dragging her backward instantly. Alpha turned his body sideways and punched out with his right fist.


There was an extremely violent friction sound in the air. The cigarette butt that Alpha was biting burned rapidly in Meng's violent and fast airflow. Sparks flew everywhere. A mixture of cyan and purple particles floated in her eyes. She held up Ka with her fist. Simodo's huge fist.

With a loud bang, everything around the two people collapsed instantly. The violent airflow tore the ground on both sides. A large number of stones were lifted up and crushed in the fierce airflow. The moment Alpha fell, his body had already He jumped high and punched Quasimodo with his left fist.


Quasimodo roared furiously, and his huge body instantly hit the front hall of the public security management office that was still collapsing.

Alpha looked at the black particles attached to his fist, and a tingling sensation spread throughout his body.


Ling Hong stood up after landing, panting violently, pressing her chest, blood dripping from her forehead. Alpha landed on the curved steel exposed in the sunken ground, took a puff of cigarette, and his eyes became angry.

With a loud bang, Quasimodo landed on the spacious Qinglong Street. After rolling several times on the ground, accompanied by torn and flying gravel, the moment he got up, he looked like a furious beast. He opened his arms and let out a loud roar, bent his legs, and leaned forward. At this moment, he seemed to be in pain. The black liquid all over his body was like hot liquid, constantly seeping out from under the skin, leaving behind and burning. It touched the skin, making a sizzling sound, and black smoke rose on the surface of Quasimodo's body.


Alpha had already rushed out and landed on the street. Looking at Quasimodo who was roaring at her, she threw away the cigarette butt in her hand and blew out a puff of smoke.

"Destroy Alpha quickly!"

Tang Rao's voice came from behind, and Alpha ran towards Quasimodo, with cyan particles floating on his fists.


There was a loud noise, and Quasimodo's huge figure rushed straight towards him. Alpha closed his eyes, stopped instantly, and easily measured his body, and an extremely violent air flow passed by.

"See clearly!"

The moment he opened his eyes, Alpha's fists had already struck Quasimodo's thick arms in front of him.

There was a banging sound, and in just a moment, Alpha had already punched countless times, and Quasimodo's huge body was directly dragged across the air by the powerful impact.

Although the black scab on the surface of Quasimodo's skin was not broken, the outside of his arm was torn apart in an instant, exposing the bones and flesh, blood flying, and his entire arm was bent.

A brutal howl sounded, and the moment Alpha turned around, he suddenly took a step forward, and punched Quasimodo's chest unceremoniously.

The purple particles instantly dragged Quasimodo, his body was fixed in the air, and he was punched hard. The black scab exploded instantly, and Alpha's fist was embedded in Quasimodo's ribs. His whole body flew out horizontally.


Alpha bent her knees and ejected, and her right knee hit Quasimodo's chest unceremoniously. Purple particles emitted from her hands, and Quasimodo's figure instantly bent and fell.


Alpha gritted his teeth and put his knee on Quasimodo's chest, knocking him directly to the ground. There was a loud bang, and huge cracks appeared on the road surface that suffered the impact. Stones were lifted up, and both sides of the street were shaken. The house was so immobile that cracks appeared, and the broken window glass exploded one after another.

"So strong!"

Gil swallowed, and Zijuan next to him laughed.

"The president is the strongest force in our executive department. Although Osman is also very strong and ranks second, the gap between him and the president is huge."

Zijuan glanced at Osman, Heathcote and Latis who had just come from far away on the street. The perimeter had been sealed off.

Gil quietly looked at his trembling hands. The battle at the beginning was not too fierce, but he was exhausted. He had not practiced with Alpha for nearly two years, and Gil felt that Alpha was stronger.

At this time, Ling Hong stumbled over from the ruins behind. The blood on her cheeks had dried up. Zi Juan looked at her sideways.

"Let me bandage it for you."

Alpha took out a cigarette, lit it and took a comfortable puff. At this time, Quasimodo behind him was motionless. Alpha still remembered that he had fought with this guy before.

"It's really tragic. We're going to lose hundreds of millions right now."

Latis spoke as soon as he came over, Heathcote sighed, and Osman next to him smiled.

"You idiots! The enemy has not completely fallen yet."

Tang Rao shouted angrily. Alpha was so shocked that he was about to step back when Osman had already crossed her side.


Accompanied by a burst of furious roars, the moment Quasimodo stood up again, he had already flown over, clenching his right fist and smashing it.

The green hexagonal barrier was erected instantly, and Osman placed his hands 5 meters behind Alpha with his hands crossed.


After a crisp sound, Osman slid back with a grin on his face. His body bent forward, his feet shattered the ground, and a large number of cracks appeared on the green barrier.

"Step aside!"

Osman suddenly let go of his hands. The moment the green barrier shattered, Alpha had already charged over and punched Quasimodo hard on the face.

Quasimodo's huge body flew out again, and the linen hood on his cheek was torn directly. After he landed, he hit a dent in the ground. After sliding and rolling on the ground a few times, he stood up.

At this time, Quasimodo was like an injured beast in a desperate situation, constantly making low roars. He pressed his broken right hand with his left hand and kept breathing, as if there were tons of pressure on his body. Half squatting on the ground.

Everyone looked at this extremely ugly deformed man in silence. He really looked like a monster at this moment.

"Move quickly and finish him off."

Tang Rao spoke again. At this time, the secretaries of the 12 departments and some directors came over. Everyone was shocked by what they saw.

Alpha stared at Quasimodo, she clenched her fists and walked over step by step, the cigarette in her mouth burning rapidly in the wind.

"If you are conscious, lie on the ground with your head in your hands!"

Quasimodo stepped back. He felt fear, and fear also made him sober up. His dark mind became brighter, and the blackness in his eyes began to fade away little by little.

I don't want to die!

Quasimodo turned around, and just when he was about to step out, a pendant fell to the ground. Quasimodo stopped. He looked at the pendant with eager eyes, bent down and reached out to pick it up. When he got up, the pendant had cracked, and the corners of Quasimodo's already crooked mouth twitched.

A whimper came from Quasimodo's throat. He put the pendant against his cheek and kept whimpering.

"Why fight!"

Alpha came behind Quasimodo. At this time, Quasimodo was still moaning, and his whole body was trembling with grief. The street he saw in his eyes had not changed from the past to the present. He only I know that Melanda would come here from time to time.

Quasimodo shook his head. After letting go of his hand, the pendant turned into dust in the wind. He raised his head slightly and looked at the sun, as if praying for something. He had come with Melanda countless times in the past. The memories from here kept spinning in his mind, turning into dust.


A word appeared in Quasimodo's mind. His throat was constantly choking, and black tears kept falling from his eyes, ticking. After the tears fell on the ground, they were like hot lava, burning the ground. Make a sizzling sound.

Because this kind of street exists and has existed for a long time, Melanda never went back after coming here!

Destroy everything! Everything here.

Alpha threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and looked at the guy in front of him. The black particles emitting from his body were repairing his broken arm and sunken chest.

Tang Rao looked solemnly at the mutant in front of him who had controlled his violent transformation, and clenched his fists.

"If you still want to continue."

Alpha's voice was low. She took out a cigarette from her pocket, lit it again, threw away the empty cigarette case, tore off her coat and threw it to one side.

"I will show no mercy!"

Quasimodo's head was roaring, and a huge sound in his body was spreading and exploding. He could no longer hear anything. There was only darkness in his mind, and the light in his eyes was gradually disappearing. Little by little it turns black.


Some cracks began to appear on the surface of Quasimodo's body, like cracked stone, and black liquid seeped out from inside. He turned around and waved his fist towards Alpha in an instant.

8:19 am

Jean carried Mo Xiaolan and stepped steadily into the sunshine. Both of them looked at the Capitol Hill in the distance. In the distance, Jean saw a large amount of smoke and dust rising under the light. His first reaction was that the city Something went wrong.

So Jean immediately carried Mo Xiaolan on his back and ran towards the city. At this time, Jean carried Mo Xiaolan on his back and quickly jumped to a place where the signal could be received.

Mo Xiaolan got off Gene's back, Gene took out the phone and soon knew what happened.

"It's this guy!"

Jean looked at Quasimodo wearing a linen hood on the light and shadow screen.

There was a loud boom, and a large amount of dust was raised over District 8 under the Capitol Hill in the distance.

At this time, a large number of journalists rushed to the upper Qinglong Street, wanting to know what happened as soon as possible.

Everyone was very confused by this sudden and unknown harm.

Gene took Mo Xiaolan through some tall buildings. Mo Xiaolan looked at everything on the light and shadow screen, and then looked at the dust still rising in the distance.

"This is one of the most serious accidents in history, on the streets above, if it continues."

Jean smiled. Although Mo Xiaolan did not say the second half of the sentence, Jean knew very well that this was a city ruled by the gods. It was basically impossible to cause any commotion at the upper levels, but now this A riot actually occurred. It has been more than half an hour now and it still has not calmed down.


Jean grinned slightly. Before the construction of Qinglong Street and the upper area, Jean had discussed this problem with six other guys, but there was no answer. Even if he wanted to spread a large number of families to various places, in the end everyone would get People who have gained power and money will still go to the top.

As long as the city is functioning, various classes will still appear, and the theocratic power itself is superior and will never be challenged. This was true at the beginning of the establishment of Brilliant City, and this has been very clearly written in the city's constitution.

Resisting God is a very serious crime. This was negotiated with the various forces that built the city from the beginning. It was originally just to stabilize the rule of the city, but in the end God became an illusory thing. This is what Jean thinks. in this way.

"Why did Qinglong Street become that kind of place a long time ago?"

Gene smiled and shook his head.

“It’s there because there’s a need.”

Both of them already understood what happened. It was obviously just a simple matter, because the businessman named Guan Wei might have killed a woman named Melanda. Quasimodo wanted to kill Guan Wei, Finally, he was stopped by people from Section 5.

"Xiao Lazy, you shouldn't ask me what I want to do, but you should ask yourselves what you want to do! In the conflict between personal emotional justice and the city's institutional legal justice, what are you going to do?"

Mo Xiaolan shook his head.

"I have never felt that there is any substantial conflict between these two kinds of justice. The only thing that caused all these results was the tone of the city that was set from the beginning! Theocratic power."

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