Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1671 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 66 (Part 1)

The light of the morning sun began to warm the city. Starting from the east, the light began to advance towards other parts of the city. The light swept across the city little by little. It took more than ten minutes from the time you first saw the light to feeling the warmth.

In a long alley, the light continued to extend, and stopped when it approached a pair of dark and calloused soles of the feet.

Quasimodo opened his eyes and woke up from his dream again. He turned his head with solemn eyes. At the entrance of the alley, Pete walked over with a bitter look on his face.

"I know where Melanda is. I'm sorry Quasimodo, I lied to you."


Peter looked at Quasimodo in horror. His body was already floating in the air, as if it was about to be crushed. Quasimodo raised a hand, and black particles were flying in the air.

"First let me go, Quasimodo, and then calm down and listen to me."

Quasimodo stared at Peter blankly. As long as he exerted force, the man in front of him would turn into meat. The anger had completely eroded Quasimodo's heart. What he saw in his mind at this moment was Melanda's appearance was no longer beautiful, but full of holes, covered in pus, and rotting and dilapidated.

"Listen to me and tell you Quasimodo slowly!"

Peter looked at the man in front of him in horror, looked at him pleadingly, and kept shaking his head.

6:13 am

Located in District 1, a large number of businessmen and family members have gathered here. Many people are concerned about whether some of the things submitted to their district authority after the first city meeting have any clues.

A large number of reporters were interviewing on the streets, asking people from these business families what they had proposed to Congress.

Everyone is paying attention to this city meeting, because this meeting will determine the future of the city, and everyone hopes that the city will usher in a better future.

"Let's play a game, okay Michelle."

Yin Xianglin smiled and looked at Michelle, who was sitting on the sofa and had already started reading a book. Although it was some children's books, it was very simple, but for such a young child, this was not the time to have fun.

Yin Xianglin couldn't help laughing when she thought about her childhood when she played like crazy all day and night.

"Sister Michelle."

Yin Xianglin deliberately used a childish voice and squatted next to Michelle.

"Sorry, Sister Xianglin, I have to study!"

Yin Xianglin's heart thumped. She looked at Michelle helplessly. Today's work report will come up around 10 o'clock. Yin Xianglin still has a lot of time. As long as she can finish it within today, she looked at Michelle. With a serious attitude, Yin Xianglin felt that he could no longer be lax. Today, the general managers and section chiefs had entered the Congress Hall for a three-day meeting.

"Sister, let me start working too."

Yin Xianglin looked around, turned and sat at Locke's desk, turned on a light and shadow screen, and started working.

"Sister Xianglin, are you working very hard?"

Yin Xianglin said with a smile.

"Of course it's hard work."

"Then why do you have to do it?"

Yin Xianglin said after thinking for a few seconds.

"Because I'm pretty happy doing it now. If I'm unhappy one day or something happens, I won't do it."

Michelle looked at Yin Xianglin in confusion, and Yin Xianglin said with a smile.

"How about Michelle, how about you replace Sister Xianglin in the future? You are so serious, you will definitely be qualified for this job."


Yin Xianglin walked over with a smile, picked up Michelle, and placed her on the large chair on Locke's desk.

"Come on, you can study here today. The table is very big."

Michelle nodded and looked at the smooth burgundy wooden desk in surprise. Yin Xianglin looked at Michelle quietly, always feeling that this child was a bit incredible, as if he could see something.

"By the way, Michelle, what do you want to eat for lunch today?"

"Vegetables, a little bit of meat, and soup."

6:36 am

All kinds of aromas diffused in the air, which seemed incompatible with the fresh air in the forest.

In each of the sturdy little rooms with light and shadow, the people in the administrative department and the congressmen were all making breakfast.

This is the Central Park located above the Congress Hall. The start time of Congress remains unchanged, starting at 10 o'clock. Before then, everyone can move freely in the Central Park.

Most of the staff in the General Affairs Section were in charge of making breakfast. At this time, the councilors were sitting in several areas of the park according to their respective factions.

It's just that Wu Qun and the other eight found a room, and the eight of them gathered together and were eating breakfast.

"I always feel that the child is quite pitiful, Freya."

Wu Qun put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked at Freya next to him. Beckinsale opposite looked at Wu Qun unhappily.

"Old Wu, this is a family matter. Besides, you have never even been married, let alone a child."

Wu Qun laughed and shook his head.

"If Michelle doesn't want to, I won't force her. Times are bound to change. We can't sit in this seat forever, and so do you. Think about the future and how to use this good present. continue into the future.”

Freya said while holding up the fork in her hand, and Lin Xiao took a sip of the wine.

"Just a word of advice, Freya, I'm afraid the situation today will be very intense."

Everyone nodded. Apart from the first issue, which is that family marriages are separated from family immunity and formally included in the control of the Marriage Law, there should be relatively big differences between the two sides on some subsequent issues, so everything today will be abnormal. fierce.

"No matter what, we should have thought clearly a long time ago that once we officially set foot on this stage, we will inevitably have a hostile relationship with them. This is inevitable."

Wang Ying said and picked up a glass of wine handed over by Lin Xiao. Several other people found that Wang Ying looked very happy today, and Lin Xiao did the same.

"Pullman, I heard that your daughter was hospitalized a while ago."

Chris asked and Pullman nodded.

"Hey! There have been a lot of things lately. My wife is a first-time mother and has little experience. She contracted enteritis due to improper feeding. It's not a big problem."

Baozhen smiled and nodded.

"It's almost time. We should return to our respective camps."

Everyone was holding wine glasses, and at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Wu Qun, who was close to the door, walked over. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Eddie standing at the door holding a glass of wine with a kind smile on his face.

"Old classmates! Can you chat for a few words?"

"What's there to talk about with this guy like you?"

Wang Ying looked over with her hand on her chin, and Freya immediately added.

"Eddie, if you want to talk business."

Eddie shook his head. He was in a good mood today. Looking at the eight people in front of him, he felt happy inside. He stepped into the room, closed the door and raised his wine glass high.

"Congratulations everyone! Here's to our eternal Star Student Union."

Everyone also raised their glasses and everyone took a sip.

"It's been 25 years!"

Eddie put down his glass and walked over, and Beckinsale chuckled.

"I didn't expect you to still remember. I thought you had forgotten it a long time ago."

Eddie shook his head. Starting from the previous years, every student union in their alma mater will have a name, and the name of their current class is Xingchen.

"I just came here to catch up with everyone, not to talk about business. Freya, you must be too hostile to me!"

Freya put away her joking expression and became serious, as did several other people. Everyone did not have a good impression of Eddie, and over the years, many crimes related to the Hillman family, This made everyone even more disgusted with Eddie.

"What's going on, everyone?"

Eddie glanced around the eight people. Wu Qun walked over with a smile, took the wine bottle, poured some wine into Eddie's glass, and put down the bottle.

"As a classmate, I have something to say, Eddie!"

"Of course Lao Wu."

Wu Qun sighed and said.

"Stop it, something's wrong!"

Eddie looked at everyone suspiciously.

"What exactly happened?"

Wang Ying laughed heartily.

"Don't think of us as fools Eddie, whatever you want to do, we are not fools!"

Eddie immediately looked surprised, but quickly shook his head.

"I don't know what you are referring to!"

"About the Angus family."

Freya said unceremoniously, and then stood up.

"Eddie, if you try to mess around, I won't be polite."

Eddie hummed and picked up the wine glass.

"Finally, I want to give you one more salute. After all, it may be time for us to say goodbye in the future. Our positions are completely different."

Wu Qun put away his smile. Everyone present knew what the Hillman family's intentional or unintentional actions meant. No one was a fool. The Hillman family had already planned to annex the Angus family. It's obvious.

Those seemingly accidental things are actually inevitable. From the beginning of construction, the Angus family had no choice but to accept investment from the Hillman family. Later, Eddie lobbied the Angus couple to go public, temporarily alleviating the gap in construction funds. and pressure. Now that the stock market has been delisted, the Angus family, which is heavily in debt, can only sell most of the family land.

If the business department hadn't taken the pricing power into its hands, the Angus family would be doomed now.

"I probably didn't do anything to make everyone angry!"

Wu Qun frowned slightly.

"All I say is Eddie, be mature!"

Eddie hummed, put down his glass, bowed, turned around and walked away, with a sense of satisfaction on his face.

Eddie knew very well that as long as there was no evidence, they could not do anything to him, and with their characters, they would not drag ordinary citizens into the water. This was the double guarantee of Eddie's plan.

The collapse of an Angus family has already made the city worse. If something goes wrong with the Hillman family now, Eddie does not need to explain the consequences. They naturally know that no matter how much they complain about themselves, they will not do anything. of.

The poisoning caused by water pollution is enough to explain everything. Eddie originally thought that Freya would make the truth known to the world, but the subsequent actions of the Medical Association and the members of the medical faction surprised Eddie.

But Eddie's goal has been achieved. Although he did not let the matter be exposed, he forced the Angus family, which was still closely preparing for the next phase of construction, to start construction before they were ready. If the previous things were exposed, it would only be the icing on the cake. That’s all.

"By the way, everyone! Where are you standing now?"

At this time, Eddie stopped at the door and asked. Everyone behind him was silent and did not answer Eddie's question. He opened the door to the room with a smile and walked out.

Looking at Eddie leaving, Freya's serious expression turned angry.

"If there is evidence"

"Stop talking about Freya, that guy is still as sinister and vicious as before. The death of many people who developed new drugs in the city in the past is definitely related to their family, and it is also related to Eddie himself. It is not Pula A guy like Mu can do that."

Lin Xiao stood up, and the eight people started to put away the dishes, then walked out of the room and looked at the waiting staff opposite the fountain in the center of the park.

6:49 am

A sneeze

Mo Xiaolan sneezed and started to shiver. She glanced back at the bottomless ravine and the cold and chilling air. She started to shiver all over her body and her throat felt a little uncomfortable.

"I already told you, put it on."

Gene took out a dust mask from his pocket, and Mo Xiaolan put it on obediently.

"Can you come down yet?"

Gene said with a smile. Mo Xiaolan glanced at the city shrouded in light behind him, and then at the wild and endless barrier area in front of him.

"No, if I walk for a day, my feet will get blisters. Even if I ride a motorcycle or drive a car, I can't stand it. Besides, if I didn't agree, will you carry me there?"

Gene smiled helplessly.

"It's really willful."

Mo Xiaolan pouted.

"Who is so willful? How can anyone wake someone up from bed so early in the morning? Besides, how can you sneak into a lady's boudoir?"

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"Sorry, we have to leave. Sit tight, the car will go very fast."

Mo Xiaolan lay tightly on Gene's back. Gene had already bowed down. The moment the light blue particles floated, Gene had already ejected out with Mo Xiaolan on his back.

Based on the investigation reports on the barrier area from Section 2 and Section 3, Mo Xiaolan deduced that there should be some secret gathering place suitable for human habitation in the barrier area.

Some rough equipment that has been destroyed on the spot by Section 2 is impossible to complete in a place like the barrier area. Nowadays, although every garbage truck leaving the city is strictly inspected, it is impossible for criminals to leave the city from the garbage truck. But it can pass through the mini-lift.

This kind of thing that can be bought on the black market is quietly circulating. Mo Xiaolan just talked to Jean about this matter for a few days, and the result is that he is now carried to the barrier area by Jean. The two of them will Go deep into some parts of the Barrier Zone and investigate directly.

The escape of criminals is nothing new. Nowadays, under the high-pressure policy of Section 5, most criminals will run away as soon as they are exposed, because if they don't run, they will definitely be caught, and once they are caught, they will be caught. With the laws in cities today, many people may not be able to get out after entering.

"Go over there and have a look."

There was a shabby town in front of him. Gene stopped and walked slowly over with Mo Xiaolan on his back.

There are some people in the town, but they all look loose. After a casual glance, there are probably less than a hundred people. Many people are rummaging around in some ruins, and some are constantly collecting and floating over. Trash.

As soon as the two entered the town, someone ran over.

"Do you have anything to eat? Hand it over."

A skinny man held a sharp knife in his hand. He seemed to have no strength to hold the knife. His eyes showed desire rather than threat.

Just as Jean was about to take action, Mo Xiaolan grabbed Jean's ear and took out some military rations from his pocket.

“If you want to eat, you have to answer questions.”

After a while, everyone in the town gathered over. Everyone looked at the dry food in Mo Xiaolan's hand. There were more than ten people lying on the ground next to him.

"Is there somewhere you can get food here?"

Everyone rushed to answer. Gene sat aside, took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

People from the 2nd and 3rd departments who came to investigate before have asked, but there is no result at all.

"I heard that there is a place to get food in the larger gathering place over there, but it's no longer there."

Mo Xiaolan was still asking questions, but after asking around, most of the answers were irrelevant. After Mo Xiaolan gave them some food, he lay on Gene's back again.

"People from Division 2 have asked about these things."

Mo Xiaolan said with a smile.

"A simple logical question, how long do you think you can survive without food here?"

"A week at most!"

Jean bounced continuously on the cold and hard ground, and Mo Xiaolan laughed on his back.

"Not to mention a week, even three days is enough. According to my calculations, there are now garbage disposal outlets in the east and west. Some garbage disposal companies on both sides have closed down. In addition to the southern part under construction and the upper area, there are In addition to the garbage that can be disposed of, the number of times garbage trucks go out of the city now is reduced by 50 to 100 times compared with before the construction."

"In other words, it is true that the probability of carrying food in a garbage truck and passing through the guard station is very small."

Gene replied, and Mo Xiaolan snorted.

"I'm afraid many people are now unwilling to take such a risk and put private goods in garbage trucks out of the city. Although there are lifts available, how many gangs and organizations can afford the lifts, so I dare There must be a place here that can grow its own food.”

Gene stopped. A journey of dozens of kilometers was nothing to him. There was a ruin in front of him, which was a point that Section 2 had dealt with before. When the two walked in, they were already riddled with holes, and there were still a large number of bullet casings on the ground. town.

Congealed blood stains can also be seen on some walls.

"Is it really okay to handle it so roughly?"

Mo Xiaolan asked, Gene shook his head, but nodded again.

"Otherwise, what do you think we should do?"

Mo Xiaolan shook her head. She didn't know what to do. Most of the criminals who fled to the barrier area had committed serious crimes and were sentenced to at least ten years.

In order to escape sanctions, the best way for most people is to flee to the barrier area, and then sneak back to the city from the northwest after the storm subsides, and live in some fringe areas. Many businessmen's construction sites or factories, their favorite It's this kind of gangster. You only need to give them a little food and a meager salary to send them away, but they don't dare to say anything.

The saved labor costs, as long as the number of workers is large, the company also enjoys a tax reduction policy, and this money is a net profit.

This is a very large underground criminal industry chain, which is often difficult to control.

Many people obviously only need to bear the responsibility for the crimes they committed and there is still a chance to receive punishment, but most people voluntarily give up such opportunities and choose to flee. When Mo Xiaolan was investigating in the city, he saw such people. Many of them just wanted to run away when they committed the crime. After running away, they realized they regretted it and could only live in darkness for the rest of their lives.

"The scope is so large that it is unrealistic to rely on manpower to find it."

"It is unrealistic to rely on machinery. Since the other party has the ability to manufacture some simple machinery here, it can conduct large-scale investigation. And how much does the machinery cost? In a place like this where there is no network, if you want to use machinery for investigation , all that is wasted is the people’s tax dollars.”

Jean smiled, and the two continued to wander around the town, and soon came to the outside of a factory. Jean quietly looked at the dilapidated factory, which used to be a factory that produced clothes.

Before the sun's light completely disappeared, humans still had plenty of time to prepare to fight against the darkness that enveloped the earth after the sun disappeared, but the remaining humans began to fight.

As the sun's light became weaker and weaker, the battle became more and more uncontrollable. After half a century of darkness, although humans survived, some of the facilities and towns that initially appeared on this land eventually disappeared. It became like this.

"What are you thinking about Gene."

Mo Xiaolan was still looking at some damaged machinery, many of which were used to make items, most of which were used to make clothing and some shielding materials. The people here seemed to be living well.

It's just that some of the corpses that were burned together in the factory made Mo Xiaolan feel uncomfortable.

After learning where K went and what he did, Mo Xiaolan was shocked. Indeed, if these criminals really went back, it would increase the burden on the administrative department, as well as their subsequent treatment and food supply. , will put a certain burden on the city. The prison is already overcrowded. Coupled with Latis and his current actions, the result of these people entering the prison will be the same, they can only wait to die.

"This is not a game Gene!"

Mo Xiaolan said to Jean seriously, and Jean shook his head.

"Tell me these useless little lazy guys. If you really want to achieve something, the best thing is to take over the 2nd subject."

For a moment, Mo Xiaolan felt unsure. She was still checking everything in the factory with lights.

Suddenly, Mo Xiaolan discovered a charred metal box. After struggling to open it, he took some things inside. After looking at it for a long time, he took a look at the big pot in the factory.


Gene smiled and nodded.

"The amount of mineral deposits on this land is actually quite sufficient. It will be no problem to support the city's industry, but mining is very difficult."

"What about current technology?"

Gene nodded.

"completely fine."

"This is no small matter, Jean, can you stop looking so careless?"

Gene smiled and nodded, and the two walked out of the factory. Along the way, Mo Xiaolan saw some tire marks that had not disappeared. Each one looked quite deep, and it seemed that they were left when a large amount of things were transported here. Down.

"Have your excreta been checked?"

Gene was a little surprised, and Mo Xiaolan said immediately.

"If you want to know what they have eaten, checking their excrement is the best way. Why are you standing there, just go find it."

Jean was a little surprised. This is indeed a solution. As long as you know what the people here have eaten, you can probably determine some directions. In this barren land, matters such as excretion are solved on the spot.

The investigation of Section 2 was too rough, and the investigation of Section 3 was limited to the periphery of the city, and had not yet begun to go in-depth formally. This cold and hard land is vast and changeable, and it is too difficult to investigate.

"You have to ask Noah and the others to make a special machine."

After a while, Mo Xiaolan actually found excrement in a place, which had turned into a hard stone. She looked at it with disgust, looking around for a bag that could be put in it, and planned to take the things back first for detailed testing. Then we found out what they had eaten.

At this time, Mo Xiaolan looked towards the distance. Although there was only a vague black outline, it was a very huge mountain range.

"Where is that over there?"

"Alatan Ula Mountains means the majestic place."

Mo Xiaolan carried a bag of excrement and handed it to Gene with a disgusted expression.

"Could it be over there?"

Gene shook his head. He didn't know or be sure, because no one could imagine that someone could dig mountains and build a base in a place like the barrier area.

The time, materials and manpower required for this project are immeasurable. Mo Xiaolan looked at the mountain range suspiciously.

"Take me over there and have a look."

"It's very far away. It was probably hundreds of kilometers away from here."

Mo Xiaolan nodded, still determined to go over and take a look.

"As a woman, my sixth sense is very accurate. Put things down first and come back to pick them up later."

Jean looked back at the city behind him, bowed down with a smile, and Mo Xiaolan climbed up. Jean carried her on his back and started running around again.

Mo Xiaolan looked at the increasingly dark place in front of him, feeling that this land always exuded a dangerous atmosphere.

Such a simple and crude treatment method can only temporarily contain it, but if we want to contain it in the long term, we can only let the light shine on this land.

"Jean, what do you think about letting the light shine through and slowly reviving the land outside the ravine first?"

Gene smiled and nodded.

"It's a good idea, but it's a pity that the eastern grain base is enough to meet the needs of the entire city, and there is even a shortage of labor."

"Just use machinery."

Jean did not answer and chose silence. Once the mechanical breakthrough is opened, most people will have a harder time than they are now.

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