Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1669 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 65 (middle)


A section of Qinglong Street has been completely blocked. People from Section 5 have set up a cordon and the fire has been completely extinguished. A large number of people from Section 4 are carrying air cleaning devices to collect harmful particles everywhere. .

The General Affairs Division has issued a warning to nearby residents to close doors and windows and not to go to the site of the incident. There is a risk of poisoning if the harmful smoke after the combustion is inhaled.

The number of people on the streets has reduced a lot, and a large number of people from Section 5 are wearing gas masks and cleaning up the rubble.

Located in the 8th Public Security Management Station, the store operator Guan Wei wiped the sweat from his forehead and kept shaking his head. Several interrogators in front of him were still asking what grudge the man in the video had against Guan Wei. It means you don’t know at all.

After reviewing the store's information, it is legal and compliant, and there are no violations.

"I really don't know, gentlemen, I sold Duanpu to the Hillman family half a month ago. Everything now is actually taken care of by the Hillman family. The contract has been signed long ago, but There are also issues such as transfer procedures that have not been handled.”

Guan Wei looked at the man on the screen with a confused look on his face. He really didn't know this man. Although he had done a lot of things that caused people to complain in the past, he really didn't know this man himself, and Guan Wei didn't know him when he was traveling. He is extremely careful and will not wander around where his enemies are.

At this time, the people in Section 5 were also at a loss as to why this man wanted to attack Guan Wei's shop.

The fire prevention measures in the store were also in place, but this time the explosion caused the entire store to burn after the explosion.

This high-energy explosive has been found. During the last riot, the workers in the crowd threw it towards the administrative department who went to suppress it. The instantaneous temperature was very high, enough to evaporate the nearby water and continue to burn. Very strong.

In the past, this explosive substance was used to dispose of garbage, but the sale and production of this substance has now been banned and production has long been discontinued. It is certain that this dangerous substance is still circulating in the city.

The sudden explosion left many people scratching their heads. A large number of reporters were near the scene, conducting interviews and reports.

No one knew what exactly happened. Peter, who was awake and living in a hotel, quietly watched the news on the light and shadow screen.

Pete was a little panicked at this time. Melanda's body was still in the shop. At this time, he kept swallowing and beads of sweat came out. He didn't dare to call Guan Wei because Guan Wei had been killed. Arrested.

Pete kept switching channels, and finally saw it on the CBV news channel. People from Section 5 were comparing the NDAs of the victims. Pete stood up, carrying his bag anxiously, and planned to leave.

Once Melanda's body is discovered, Guan Wei will definitely confess. Then Peter will really be dead and will spend his whole life in prison. Guan Wei had an idea at this moment, and he opened the curtains Finally, looking towards the dark place in the distance, the only way was to escape to the barrier area.

Pete often attends such private trading banquets, and has also heard about some criminals escaping to the barrier area. There is a garbage transportation company that specializes in helping criminals escape.

But for a moment, Peter hesitated. If he ran out, he could indeed hide for a while, but what should he do in the future?

Anxiety began to rise widely in Peter's heart, and his breathing became rapid. At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Peter cautiously ran to the video camera next to the door and saw a woman standing at the door. Peter became a little confused.

"What's up?"


For a moment, Pete was so frightened that he almost came out of his body. He swallowed, and finally opened the door after hesitation.

"Who are you."

The woman was wrapped tightly and wore a pair of large black sunglasses. She came in and closed the door directly.

"I'm here to help you."

Peter swallowed, and the woman sat directly on the bed.


Peter did not continue speaking. He breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the woman took out an information storage disk and handed it over. There was a string of identification codes on it.

"Let's take a look first."

After a while, Pete broke out in a cold sweat. This was the scene from the dinner party, except that several people in the Hillman family had been replaced by others, and Pete was also photographed. The tragedy that happened that night, And Melanda's cry for help. At this moment, the nerves in Pete's brain were completely broken. He turned off the video and started crying.

"Want to live?"

The woman said, and Peter immediately nodded and moved from the ground to the woman's feet, and the woman giggled.

"We have temporarily moved Melanda's body, but it is only a matter of time before it is discovered. You have to decide whether you want to live, go to jail, or go to the barrier area."

"Help me, please help me."

The woman stroked Pete's head and said with a smile.

"Everyone involved in the incident was wiped out in the fire. Only you and Guan Wei are left. Guan Wei has now been arrested and his residence has been searched. Do you know what this means?"

Peter looked at the woman in horror.

"Then what should we do?"

"It's very simple, just kill Guan Wei."

Peter kept swallowing. This was obviously impossible. Guan Wei had been caught for 5 years. It was simply impossible to kill him.

"We have taken this video of Melanda from Guan Wei's home before the incident was exposed. As for the others, time is not allowed."

Peter looked at the woman in front of him and hesitated. He was not an idiot. Now he seemed to have figured out something. It was actually very simple to kill Guan Wei. He just needed to let Quasimodo know everything. That powerful mutant, If he knew the truth, he would probably take action. Peter knew the relationship between Melanda and him very well.

It's just that Pete didn't believe what the woman in front of him said. They could instigate Quasimodo to kill Guan Wei through Pete, but they could also use some means to kill themselves, especially since he was going to jail soon.

"Our family likes you very much. Do you want to become a member of the Hillman family?"

Peter opened his mouth in shock. The woman took off her hat and sunglasses, revealing a beautiful face. After taking off her coat, she revealed a beautiful and attractive figure under the black tights.

"We just need to get married. The conditions are good, right?"

Pete's head was a little confused for a moment, but he soon came to his senses.

"Why do you like me?"

The woman smiled and came to Peter's face, stretching out a slender finger to trace Peter's cheek.

"You're very familiar with the film and television area, aren't you? And you know a lot of things, don't you? The most important thing is that you rely on your own abilities and do a great job, right? If the problems within the family hadn't been exposed, I'm afraid you would have become a movie star by now Producer."

Peter swallowed, and the woman squatted in front of Peter.

"I should be pretty good-looking, right?"

Peter nodded hurriedly, grinning slightly. He hugged the woman excitedly, and she giggled.

"Our family only needs useful talents, and I like talents very much!"

Peter kept nodding his head, and the woman put her head to Peter's ear, biting his earlobe and said with a smile.

"If you're not worried, we can apply for a marriage license tomorrow. We can get married before you go to jail. You can officially join the Hillman family and become my husband. Of course. You can do whatever you want now. ! This is a privilege only for talents, if you don’t take advantage of it.”

Pete kissed the woman immediately. The woman smiled charmingly but there was a hint of ruthlessness on her face. This was Eddie's order. No one in the family could disobey Eddie's order, and this man named Pete did. Useful, the Hillman family is still unable to enter the film and television area because of the association.

The Hillman family has found many capable people in the film and television industry in the past, but all failed without exception. But this man from the bottom is different. He has his own network and knows a lot of things.

This is a chess piece for the Hillman family to enter the film and television area in the future. All this is for the future of the Hillman family. The woman's face showed an expression of excitement. At this moment, Pete's head seemed to be melted away. For a long time The things that had been suppressed in my heart seemed to disappear in an instant.

0 o'clock sharp

Quasimodo walked to a small pavilion behind a shop a little tired. The wind here was very light. Quasimodo planned to take a rest, but he was a little hungry and didn't have a dime in his pocket. Quasimodo Modo planned to work on a nearby construction site tomorrow to earn some food money.

Another day without any harvest. No one has seen Melanda. She seems to have disappeared from this world. Quasimodo doesn't know what's the point of continuing to search, but he knows that he can't stop. Once he stops,

Quasimodo looked at some garbage flying in the alley in the distance, feeling a little sad. This was the first time in his life that he felt so sad. Strong pain would hit Quasimodo every day when he opened his eyes.

Only by holding Melanda's photo every day and asking everyone involved in the trouble over and over again can Quasimodo's inner pain be relieved.

Happy Modo sat in the middle of the small pavilion, crossing his legs, still holding a somewhat wrinkled photo of Melanda in his hand. He stretched out his hand to touch it and made a heavy snorting sound.

Quasimodo didn't know what to do. He just wanted to see Melanda again. He should have stopped Melanda that day, but when he saw the bitterness and sadness on Melanda's face, he couldn't get rid of it. After having no choice but to do so, Quasimodo finally failed to stop Melanda.


Quasimodo's fist hit the ground. In an instant, a brick on the ground turned into powder and dented. The black particles were floating slightly. Quasimodo gasped and looked at his fingers. The black particles surrounded by clouds were beating restlessly.

There was a furious voice in his heart. He closed his eyes and shook his head. What lingered in his mind was the past and every day with Melanda. The anger continued in Quasimodo's mind. Hitting every nerve in him.

"Stop hating and being angry!"

In my mind, I recalled what my mother had often warned Quasimodo in the past. In the past, Quasimodo was a mutant since he was born. He had very powerful powers from birth. As he grew up, Quasimodo vented his anger countless times. He was too angry, but his mother would stop him every time.

Anger and hatred will indeed bring nothing. Quasimodo has seen too much anger and hatred along the way. This is the best nutrient for breeding evil.

Quasimodo was still trying to calm down, constantly adjusting his breathing, but the anger in his heart still couldn't be calmed down. Quasimodo stood up and walked slowly.

Now Quasimodo's only hope is to find Peter. He must know something, because Melanda left with Peter that night, and Peter was lying.

Quasimodo walked out of the alley. At this time, the streets were sparsely populated. Quasimodo looked around. He still remembered that Pete had been here this morning, and Quasimodo was running around.

He was running blankly on the dark streets. At this time, Quasimodo thought that he could only go to Section 5 to find Peter.


Peter sat comfortably on the edge of the bed, all the unhappiness in her heart had disappeared. In a few days, she would be able to marry the woman named Mace next to her. All these changes were so fast, and she only needed to guide Quasimodo Just kill Guan Wei.

"Remember May 1st and hide before then."

Peter hummed, and Mace's phone rang. The smile on her face disappeared as soon as she answered the phone.

"We have to get out of here overnight. There's a lift on the roof, so hurry up."

Peter was startled and stood up hurriedly. After quickly putting on his clothes, he carried his things and followed Metz out of the room. Under Metz's guidance, Peter first went to pay the bill, then went to the bathroom, and then walked out of the bathroom. He climbed out of the vent, then entered through the hotel entrance and took the elevator directly up.

Peter didn't know why he did this, but when he came to the top of the building, there was really a very small lift, but Peter had never seen such a lift with only two seats. It was very mini.

"Hurry up honey."

After Peter got on the takeoff, he soon saw a special light begin to appear on the outside of the takeoff, and the takeoff took off.

Looking at the dark night sky below, and glancing at the sexy and enchanting Mace next to him, Peter smiled sinisterly. There was only one thing in his mind right now, he must let Quasimodo kill Guan Wei, and he would be the winner in life. .

On the dark street, a team leader from Section 5 led people into a hotel. Quasimodo stood numbly outside the hotel.

The team leader quickly found Pete's check-in information, but he had just checked out, and the waiter at the front desk had just changed his shift. The previous waiter would have two days off starting tonight, and he had already driven away.

After the surveillance was retrieved, there was only footage of Pete coming in to use the toilet, and then there was no trace of Pete.

Quasimodo stared blankly at everything in the hotel, seeing suspicion and helplessness on the faces of the people in Section 5. At this time, the team leader walked out.

"Not found. He must have left. We don't have the authority to check the phone number directly. We have to apply and there must be evidence. Come on, big man. You are hungry. I'll treat you to something to eat."

The captain said, pulling Quasimodo. At this time, Quasimodo was still thinking about where Peter went.

The squad leader had seen Quasimodo looking for people on the streets for many days in a row. He could see his helplessness and sadness in this guy's eyes, and he had also heard people talk about this Kasa who was looking for people everywhere. Simodo.

"Let's go."

Quasimodo nodded slightly, looked at the hotel again, turned around and left with the people from Section 5.

The surveillance cameras on the street adjusted their distance slightly, and the red dots on the surveillance cameras slowly expanded.

"How about it?"

Billy stared quietly at Quasimodo and Peter on the two light and shadow screens.

Eddie shook his head helplessly.

"This man originally killed this woman because of his own reasons, and he still had guilt and conscience in his heart. But in just a moment, this man completely denied the crime he had committed. This is how I used this method to What do you think of Mr. Billy who keeps creating some crimes?"

Billy thought quietly about how to get out of here. His eyes stared at Quasimodo. Although he didn't think this guy was powerful, Eddie planned to set the time on May 1st. On important days, if something like this happened in an upper-class neighborhood, the public would just point the finger at the administrative department.

"Mr. Billy, if you are still thinking about how to escape, I think you don't need to think about it anymore. There is still a lot of time, and we can play games slowly!"

Billy stared at Eddie in front of him, and his vision became a little blurry, but he still tried his best to stay awake. Once he encountered an unsolvable problem, he would leave the problem to others and choose to hide in his heart. in the safe house.

"Okay, now it's time for the question and answer session. You are very curious about how I controlled that man and made him do such a thing."

Billy still didn't answer. He knew very well that Eddie was trying to guide him somewhere. Billy smiled.

"This man, like you, suffers from severe schizophrenia. This poor man once had a wife whom he loved deeply. Because he was an employee of a chemical company, his work pressure was relatively high and he spent very little time with his wife. But in the end, his wife She ran away with the man and chose to divorce the man. The man loved his wife too much, so he didn’t choose to stop her! In the end, the man’s wife was ruthlessly pushed to the street. When the man saw his wife, her wife was already He is a dead body, and no one can understand what happened to him at that moment, no one can understand him!"

"what have you done!"


Eddie snapped his fingers.

"Are you finally willing to speak, Mr. Billy? I just sent someone over and told the man repeatedly every day that it was that shop that killed his wife. People are very susceptible creatures. As a result, the man's body was called The personality of revenge appears, because there is no channel in this society. For those with weak wills, they can only bear the pain alone. Isn't that the same for you, Mr. Billy!"

Eddie said with a smile as Billy's head began to feel drowsy.

"According to our latest research, personality can be implanted!"

Billy roared angrily, and Eddie laughed and shook his head.

"Let's play a little game first, Mr. Billy. You will slowly know everything about this woman named Melanda's past!"

At this time, screens of light and shadow appeared all around. Billy tried his best to restrain himself, but sounds and images still appeared. They were some fragments of Melanda from her youth to her death. The lights on the ceiling and floor began to go out. , only the place where Melanda's body sat in front of her was illuminated by a warm yellow light, and she looked like she was still alive.

Eddie looked at the extremely uncomfortable Billy in the dark. He turned around and started walking slowly. All of this was for the purpose of research into implanting consciousness. This is the direction of the next generation of brain-controlled chips, implanting the consciousness of others into a person. Thought and character.

The research team found many ways, but still couldn't do it. Finally, a researcher proposed the concept of virtual personality, which is somewhat similar to schizophrenia patients. After the brain suffers the collapse of its own emotional system, in order to prevent the main body from suffering When the person is hurt, a personality that the ontology has met or interacted with in the past will be created to help the ontology go through the time of mental trauma. However, once the brain forms a memory, this personality will be difficult to eliminate.

After long-term research, it can be determined that in people with multiple personalities, the opportunity for the emergence of a personality weaker than the main body is that after the main body suffers mental harm, these personalities that bear mental torture on behalf of the main body will automatically emerge.

After leaving the big room, Eddie walked towards a research room on the left, which was filled with hundreds of researchers. After seeing Eddie, everyone took the initiative to move aside.

"thanks everyone!"

Eddie picked up a glass of wine on the table, took a sip, and looked at some values ​​on the light and shadow screens. These constantly changing values ​​made Eddie feel at ease and happy. Although there were some problems in the plan, Mistake, but now the plan is back on track.

In the personality system held by Prometheus, various personalities are constantly being generated. By collecting the daily life of everyone in the city, these details are filled in to these personalities, and then a specific personality is formed.

This kind of brain-control chip implantation surgery has been perfected in countless human experiments. This surgery basically leaves no pain and only takes 15 minutes to complete.

Nowadays, the only thing that brain-controlled chips can do is to transform visual signals. They can see everything through the eyes of others and then transmit it.

The next step is personality implantation. 100 experiments have failed 100 times, but during the experiment Eddie discovered some amazing facts. People with this kind of split personality can naturally accept part of their personality.

This is a new discovery in the experiment. Unexpectedly, just after it started to improve, this guy named Billy came to the door automatically. His body had been tested, and he was just an ordinary person with a stronger body.

At this time, Billy's expression had changed. It was completely different from the one just now. The researchers around Eddie began to work, recording all of Billy's micro-expressions and then analyzing them. Finally, the conclusions drawn from the analysis were digitized. .

Once the experiment is successful, Eddie will implant such chips into most people in the city.

Eddie drank the wine in the glass in one gulp and let out a weird and terrifying laugh. The researchers in the room lowered their heads one after another. No one dared to disobey Eddie. As long as Eddie has a heart, he can kill him with just a thought. them.

Many people were reluctant at the beginning, then compromised, and now they have completely obeyed.

"It's all your hard work here. Please come up with results as soon as possible!"

Eddie put down his wine glass as he spoke, turned around and walked out of the room. In the dark and long passage, Eddie raised his head slightly with a smile on his face.

The next step is to study the mutant named Quasimodo on May 1st and find a way to obtain his violently mutated cells. Under year-round AI monitoring, among the data obtained, only this Quasimodo , after the appearance of violently mutated cells, it was not completely violent.

This is what Eddie wants to know very much. What is the reason why drugs that can make mutants go berserk are still in their early stages.

In Eddie's vision, his own kingdom in the future is a paradise, and he only needs to control everyone. Human beings have always been unpredictable, and it is best to control everything.

Scenes from the past kept reappearing in Eddie's mind. Among them, the eight classmates who impressed Eddie the most were those eight classmates who had obviously fallen to the bottom, but finally climbed up and took control of everything.

Eddie walked into an elevator located on the lowest floor underground. The elevator fell down soon after entering. In a room, Eddie saw X who could no longer move. He was still in a special cage with only The eyes are still shining slightly red.

"My patience is limited, Mr. X."

Eddie walked over slowly. He knew very well that I ran over to investigate.

The development of optical nuclear weapons has reached a bottleneck. What means should be used to increase the density of photons? This is a technology that must be mastered. When necessary, one can ensure that one's own plans are unimpeded.

"With the current Brilliant City! Or the material on the entire planet, it is impossible to tamper with the memory!"

Eddie looked at X in surprise, and ran to the side of the cage in a moment of excitement.

"You finally told me something!"

X stared at Eddie quietly. He knew very well that if he didn't reveal anything, he would be killed by Eddie. Once he was killed and dealt with here, he would really die.

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