Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1659 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 62 (Part 1)

April 1, 2219

When the light of morning dawned, Alpha had finished her morning exercise. As soon as she returned to the cafeteria of Section 5 headquarters, several governing officers came over.

Today is an important day for many people. All 120 district aspirants have been selected to become parliamentarians. Today is the day when the group of parliamentarians is officially established.

Members representing the eight major factions will give speeches on the streets in the areas where they were elected. Section 5 will send additional manpower to check all suspicious people before the speeches begin.

And it is indeed effective to check everything around one hour before the speech starts. It is now just 6:40 and 7 o'clock around the eight squares in the middle and upper floors of the city. Only those who pass the inspection can pass. One hour before the speech starts. , Division 2 will assist Division 5 in inspecting facilities within two kilometers of the lecture area.

Today, a large number of businessmen and family members will go to the speech site of the representatives of the eight major associations. Alpha needs to be responsible for the security work when the members are established today.

As early as three months ago, when the congressmen started, Section 2 had already deployed a large number of people to these eight locations to monitor everything so that there would never be such a large-scale bombing again.

Everything that can be done has been done, and the directors have begun to report on the security preparations at eight locations.

The current situation in the city is still not good. The construction of Angus has not started yet, and the current economic situation in the city is not very good.

There have been some protests and demonstrations on the streets. This situation has been alleviated to a certain extent after the parliamentary election. The large-scale riots in August last year are still causing harm.

The Angus family suffered heavy losses in the last impact. In order to alleviate social pressure, the tax revenue during this period can only be used for construction and subsidies in various regions.

In addition, an infectious disease is spreading in some areas in the southern part of the ground floor. Alpha has asked Section 4 many times, but the answers they gave are all okay. It's just a small matter, but Alpha still feels it. Suspicious.

In the past few months, Alpha has been focusing on the marriage law. On May 1st of next month, at the first city meeting, this matter will be officially put on the table. There are also many in the family. People are willing to obey the control of marriage laws and completely drag out family contract marriages from within the family.

Freya's mutual aid association has caused a huge stir in the city, with more than 100,000 women from the family speaking out. Now all this can no longer tolerate the family's continued reliance on immunity to circumvent the marriage law.

The continuous voices within the family and the public outside have had an effect. Many families have secretly signed an agreement with the business department. With the permission of the gods, such transactional marriages are not allowed to exist within the family. Once discovered, There will be very severe penalties.

Families that violate the rules will have all business licenses revoked. All of this was facilitated little by little with Freya's efforts.

The matter that was pressing on his mind was finally resolved. Alpha planned to go to the ground floor in a few days to see in person what the infectious disease was. According to the results given by Section 4, it was caused by a new type of intestinal bacteria, causing nausea and vomiting. , symptoms of dizziness and diarrhea, the symptoms seem to be intestinal problems, especially in the south.

This incident started a month ago, but the situation has been contained.

After Alpha ate quickly, he took a bunch of people to the conference room. Some council officers would go to the eight conference venues. Alpha sat at the headquarters of Section 5 to provide overall command.

At this time, the door of the conference room opened, and Jill yawned and walked in with several council officers.

"Section Chief, I remember that you met this guy before when you went to deal with the underground death arena, right?"

After Gil walked over, he brought up a light and shadow screen. On the screen was a guy named Quasimodo, with a big nose, a slanted and protruding mouth, scattered and messy teeth exposed, and the overall appearance of his cheeks. It looked a little crooked, with some places twisted into a ball, like mud, with a hunched back, and many burn marks on the neck, making it look extremely ugly.

Seeing Alpha's confused eyes, Jill immediately brought up another light and shadow screen. On it was a very tall man wearing a linen hood in the crowd, holding a physical promotional paper in his hand, and seemed to be asking what this was.

"It's this guy."

Alpha still has the impression that she can stand up to a mutant who can stand up to her head-on. She has never seen such a guy, but Jean mentioned to her later that the main members of the underground death arena incident were all killed. After being captured, Quasimodo did not commit any serious crimes, and he made a living doing manual labor at construction sites in peripheral areas. Gene also said that there was nothing wrong with him. Alpha remembered that this matter was later handed over to Jill.

"Didn't you arrest him? Even if he was just instigated"

"Okay, okay, President, he has been looking for people on the streets every day for the past few months, in one district after another."

Then Jill retrieved information about a missing woman, 38 years old, named Melanda. She was once a star in the adult film industry in the film and television area, but she disappeared in January last year.

This Quasimodo has been with a woman named Melanda for more than three years. He has consulted people from five subjects. He knows nothing, is illiterate, has speech impairments, and has cognitive problems. Little questions.

This woman named Melanda was kicked out of the film and television area by the Film and Television Entertainment Association because she had previously participated in an illegal body trading party between families. She had to pay a huge amount of liquidated damages. In addition, she had participated in illegal body trading. She was supposed to be due at the end of March this year. The court was held, but she could not be found for a long time, so she was logged in as a missing person.

The surveillance has been retrieved, and no one knows where she went, but this Quasimodo is still looking for her. Although there is a speech impediment, Quasimodo still said the name of Melanda's former agent, Pete. .

After investigation, Peter said that he had not seen Melanda that night and had not contacted her for a long time.

"I'll leave it to you to check it today."

"I just feel a little strange, President. Although most of the surveillance cameras in the south are damaged, some major arterial roads don't even have surveillance cameras to show that this woman left. She seemed to have disappeared from the world, and Melanda was taken away that night. The man is indeed Pete, Quasimodo made it clear.”

Alpha scratched his head.

"If you really can't help it, you can go find Mo Xiaolan to discuss it. I still have something to do here."

Gil looked at Quasimodo's appearance, a little helpless. The reason why he helped him was because he was lost when he was a child, or the mother in his vague memory took him to the downtown and left. Searching everywhere, the person he loved was still missing. This familiar experience made Gil notice Quasimodo. Fortunately, when Gil was very hungry, he was picked up by Tang Rao.

"Hey, forget about this little thing. I can just handle it myself."

Looking at Gil who was squatting in front of the light and shadow screen and talking to several council officers.


Alpha stopped him.

"Although that guy looks harmless, you have to remember that no matter how kind the guy is, he may become violent, so be careful."

Gil nodded and smiled and led the people out of the conference room. In the past few years, Gil has been dealing with the problem of mutants running amok. Over the years, Gil has witnessed hundreds of mutants meet their end. This is really not a good feeling. Feel good.

Gil knew what Alpha meant when he said this. Don't have any mercy and just talk about the situation. This is what he should do.

"It's a pity that I can never be like you, President!"

Gil smiled and quickened the pace on his feet.

7:13 am

"Dad, did you take the wrong medicine?"

Ran Qiu looked at his father in shock. He actually wanted to go back to the bottom of the south. Ran Zhi didn't say anything. Everything he could take away was moved to a big truck. Almost all his assets were sold off. It was given to the Hillman family, and the Hillman family accepted it all without asking why.

"Work hard, then find a suitable girl and get married."

Ran Zhi smiled and patted his son on the shoulder. In recent years, his son, apart from being unruly in his personal life, was very serious about his work and did a good job in the Hillman family's company. Ran Zhi was also very satisfied with this. .

Ding Manman looked full of joy, and she seemed a little eager to follow her husband Ran Zhi back to the place where they started.

"Mom, why don't you tell me about my dad? He is living well here."

Ding Manman smiled and shook her head.

"I also want to go back. Living in a place like this is quite tiring."

Ran Zhi is still instructing the people of the moving company on what to take. This house has been left to Ran Qiu, and he can decorate it according to his own taste.

Ran Qiu didn't know what happened to his father, but he still walked over.

"Dad, is there something wrong with your health?"

Ran Zhi shook his head with his hands in his pockets, turned around and looked at his son who was almost a head taller than him, and raised his hands to hold his son's shoulders.

"How old are you, Xiaoqiu?"

"Almost 30."

Ran Zhi hummed.

"I'm 30, Xiaoqiu. I'm just tired of this kind of life and want to go back to the bottom. If you have time, you and your sister can come down and visit us!"

Ran Zhi said, patting his son on the shoulder and then turned and walked into the courtyard. He slowly walked towards a wasteland in the backyard. Flowers had been planted here countless times, but they were never able to grow beautiful flowers. .

Looking at his son who was still following him, Ran Zhi smiled and raised his head. His eyes were bloodshot, but there was an uncontrollable excitement on his face.

Ran Zhi has had enough of everything, or he is dissatisfied with everything nowadays. The system has been completely solidified, and people at the bottom will have less and less opportunities. Ran Zhi is angry about all this, and he plans to Use your own methods to create a paradise for the people at the bottom.

Ran Zhi was slightly excited and trembling slightly. Especially today, the Congress has added strength to its solidified constitution. The so-called congressmen representing the people, in Ran Zhi's view, will allow a new round of corruption to erode the bottom.

"Dad, can you think about it?"

Ran Qiu was still talking, but at this moment Ran Zhi felt something strange. The moment he turned around, he saw a man walking into the courtyard of his mansion. Ran Zhi walked over quickly with a smile.

"Mr. Jean!"

Gene looked at Ran Zhi quietly. When running around the city these years, he would occasionally pay attention to this young man who had put down his pistol under his persuasion, but he had completely changed.

"Are you planning to move?"

"Well, we plan to go back to the bottom, Mr. Jean. We miss the life at the bottom."

Gene smiled and lit a cigarette, Ran Zhi made a gesture of invitation, and Gene followed Ran Zhi into the house that had been almost moved.

"You and the Hillman Family"

"We are just a cooperative and in-law relationship, Mr. Jean."

Jean hummed. Recently, Jean has been assisting Mo Xiaolan in investigating some matters. Ran Zhi has cooperated with the Hillman family many times, so Jean came over. But he didn't expect that this guy would actually be in a A few months ago, he sold all the property in his name to the Hillman family, and today he actually wants to move to the bottom floor.

Jean quietly looked at this guy with a cheerful face, feeling that this guy was a little dangerous.

"Is there something wrong with Mr. Jean?"

Gene shook his head.

"After going to the bottom, do you want to spend your remaining years in peace!"

Ran Zhi made an OK gesture.

"Of course, Mr. Jean, otherwise what do you think I would do if I went back to the bottom? Prices and consumption there are relatively low. I have had enough of the boring life of the middle and upper classes over the years."


Jean turned around and walked slowly as he spoke. He still felt something was wrong. A chill rose from his mind. At this time, Ran Zhi also felt the killing intent released from Jean. He smiled. Then he continued to move closer, and Gene turned his head.

"I don't want to arrest you with my own hands in the future."

Ran Zhi smiled and nodded.

"It's always just people who commit crimes, isn't it Mr. Jean!"


Gene waved his hand and walked slowly. The connection between Ran Zhi and the Hillman family is a very important link in Mo Xiaolan's investigation over the years. Mo Xiaolan has investigated more things. Ran Zhi When I was a garbage disposal company in the past, I helped the Hillman family company handle garbage many times, but it was always shipped outside the city.

Section 2 has conducted a three-month investigation into the barrier area and discovered some shocking facts. Some criminals in the barrier area possess a large number of weapons and food, the source of which has not yet been investigated.

Gene came here just for a drop-in. He now plans to solve the family's immunity issue. The time is ripe. Alpha has already opened a breakthrough. He just needs to take his time. The first is to investigate the Hillman family's problem.

Some problems have been buried for too long and must be solved. Now the city has stabilized. It took the Executive Branch three years to solve most of the city's problems. Next, we only need to solve the deeper problems. That’s it.

"By the way, Mr. Jean, can I ask you a question?"

Gene stopped at the door.

"What do you think the bottom is! Or what does the bottom look like?"

Jean said with a serious expression.

"Nothing can be done!"

Gene only left four words. Ran Zhi looked a little surprised. He smiled and bowed. The moment he stood up, Ran Zhi laughed.

"That's because today's society is not suitable for people at the bottom to survive, Mr. Jean."

9:13 am

In a white and clean metal room, there is a table in the middle with a freezer on it. The time on the freezer is counting down little by little. Hathaway, who has fair skin, is lying quietly in the freezer.

At this time, accompanied by the sound of airflow, when the countdown on the table in front of the freezer reached 0, some thin mist began to appear in the freezer.

On the display, the temperature in the freezer was rising, and the temperature in the room was also starting to rise.

At this time, Hathaway, who was lying in the freezer, moved her fingers slightly, her eyes trembled, and Hathaway's body gradually began to tremble.


Accompanied by a violent coughing and wheezing sound, Hathaway kept swallowing. Her eyes widened in shock, looking at the surrounding rooms, and her whole body started to tremble.


Hathaway turned her head in horror, and the metal door opened. A woman who looked exactly like herself walked in, holding a blanket in her hand. Hathaway tried to get up in horror, but found that her body seemed to have no feeling.

"Please don't worry, Lord Hathaway, I am an AI body, your memory is still a little confused, please calm down."

Hathaway put on the blanket. She kept shivering. Pictures popped up in her mind. Suddenly Hathaway screamed loudly. She covered her head. In her mind, her husband Leng Shi was killed. The picture of death.

Her eyelids were a little sore, but tears could not flow out. Hathaway's eyes were red and she felt a touch of warmth. At this time, accompanied by bursts of white light, a light and shadow screen appeared in front of Hathaway.

"I'm sorry Hathaway, I wasn't able to save your husband Leng Shi, but I saved you. The memories in your head are all real. This is my underground laboratory. If you see this The video means that I have been imprisoned and you must rescue me. Your husband is not dead! It has just been transformed into a virtual signal. You should understand what I mean. This timing device is on April 1 every year. I need to come back and enter the password in person every day before I can continue to put you to sleep. But if I don't come, it means that I may be dead or controlled by someone! If you want to know everything, just find me. It will not die and will exist in the virtual network forever!"

It was X on the video. Hathaway struggled to recall something, but the last picture in her mind was that of her husband being shot. It was Eddie who killed her husband Leng Shi.

Hathaway was almost about to collapse, and her emotions were getting more and more agitated, but at this moment a hidden compartment opened on a metal wall opposite, and Hathaway looked over tremblingly.

"Those are the children of you and your husband Leng Shi, a boy and a girl, do you remember!"

For a moment, Hathaway's excitement seemed to be soothed. An AI robot that looked exactly like Hathaway walked over and brought up a light and shadow screen. On it were a series of codes rooted in the depths of his memory. , these codes are written using the NDA groups of these two children. If you want to continue these codes, two children must be born. As the children grow, some specific DNA groups in the DNA code have been selected by the couple. Only then will the coding be revealed, and only then can the Prometheus program be continued.

"What time is it now!"

Hathaway trembled, and the AI ​​body next to her immediately brought up a light and shadow screen, which displayed 9:38 in the morning on April 1, 2219.

The time in her memory was 2205, and the last scene was of her husband being killed. But what happened in the end? Hathaway couldn't remember. There was a feeling of muscle weakness all over her body, and it was extremely difficult to move her hands and feet. At this time, the AI A comfortable sofa was brought out. Hathaway was a little surprised because she had never seen such technology before.

The AI ​​body explained to Hathaway what light and shadow materialization technology was, and Hathaway, who was already very smart, understood it immediately.

"Mr. X has lost all contact with us last year."


Hathaway looked at the AI ​​body in front of him in confusion. At this time, with bunches of black and green digital symbols intertwined with light, Hathaway looked at the virtual AI body in front of him. There are numerical labels.

"What's your number?"

"AI12 Emotional Project, Mr. Hathaway, you must find a way to find Mr. X, and then work with Mr. X to assist us and help us evolve into new humans!"

Hathaway's eyes widened. She and her husband had noticed a long time ago that there were very powerful AIs in the city. They were developed by Congress, or rather by the gods. These AIs were extremely powerful and could manage the cities. There are many invisible things, but Hathaway and her husband Leng Shi have never tried to come into contact with these things because the danger is too high.

"Why should I help you?"

At this time AI2 laughed.

"Auntie, of course it's because we have to complete evolution, and you also want to see the true AI world built by you and Mr. Leng Shi."

Hathaway trembled, her hands could move a little, and she swallowed.

"If you want to see your husband, you must activate the plan prepared by Mr. X. Today, Prometheus has become Eddie Hillman's criminal planning tool. This is what you want to see. !"

Hathaway licked her chapped lips and hesitated. She wished she could die now, but when she saw the two embryos in the refrigeration unit on the wall, a glimmer of hope appeared in her heart for some reason.

"I understand, first let me know what exactly happened in these years?"

9:51 am


Accompanied by a burst of screams, a mutant covered his charred and severed hand in pain. Brown scabs scattered, and blood beads appeared on the cut surface of the mutant's left arm. .

"This is not what we promised."


A beam of white light passed through the mutant's head, leaving only a small black hole. Blood overflowed little by little, and soon dyed the ground red.

A man with a smile on his face raised his left hand, holding a shiny blade exuding slightly white particles.

"Yes, a mutant of this level can be easily killed instantly. What do you think, Mr. X?"

Eddie said, looking into a glass cabinet not far away. He couldn't move, except for the X whose eyes were still shining with a faint red light.

Some of it didn't sound like a human voice, with a little electric noise, as if the sound came from the abdominal cavity and came from X's body.

"What on earth did you do!"

Eddie burst out laughing, and X couldn't understand that the photokilling technology Eddie now mastered was different from what he had seen before. This high-energy photon technology was impossible to research and master in a short period of time.

X smiled and brought up a light and shadow screen, which was a photo in night vision mode. Suddenly, a fierce white light flashed across and began to spread in an instant. The video in front of him went black, but X clearly felt that this Unusually, X saw a diffuse light in front of the black screen.

"It's Section 10. It's already firing at the barrier area!"

X looked at Eddie in shock.

"after all."

"On the 2nd of last month, nearly 10,000 criminals gathered there, but guess what, just a simple white light flashed across, and there was nothing left in that place, only charred corpses. , I sent people to investigate, and Prometheus also recorded this scene. It saw the structure of high-energy photons during the light diffusion process, calculated the amount, and then came the experiment. Now we can’t create it. This kind of weapon of mass destruction can be used to create a light-killing knife made of high-energy photons and tailor-made for semi-mechanical biochemical modifications. You have also seen its effect and power."

"Are you serious?"

What X was most worried about happened. Eddie has completely fallen into his own world. His naivety and self-righteousness will ruin all plans. This is what X is most worried about.

"How long do you plan to prepare?"

"It will take three to four years at most. I'm not sure. Once such a highly effective destructive weapon is developed, the gods will soon be driven out of the city."

X didn't answer. There was still enough time. Now Hathaway should have woken up according to the plan. She would definitely find herself, and she only needed to be able to connect to the outside world, so this body was not needed.

Eddie's ambition finally burst through his chest and began to be exposed. Although X didn't know what exactly happened in the city, it was probably this incident that forced Eddie to take action in advance.

"Eddie, what happened in the city?"

Eddie smiled and shook his head.

"I just hope Mr.

As Eddie walked away, the lights went out little by little until the open door closed and the entire room fell into darkness.

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