Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1654 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 60 (medium)

11 o'clock in the morning

Charles carried his daughter to the dining table. A sumptuous lunch was ready. Charles put Michelle down. At this time, the servants brought Michelle's tableware. She carefully put the tableware away and started picking with a spoon. got up.

"Michelle, this is delicious and very fresh!"

Charles pointed at a red fish, but Michelle shook her head and swallowed a mouthful. She obviously wanted to eat it, but she skipped it and only got a piece of croquette, some vegetables and a bowl of corn soup. Then he returned to the children's dining chair, sat down and started eating.

Seeing that his daughter still only ate the prescribed food, Charles felt a little distressed for a moment and picked up some delicious food. At this time, the housekeeper came over.

"Master, if the madam knows, the eldest lady will be beaten."

Charles became angry. Michelle ate with a cold expression. She finished eating quickly and began to clean her tableware. Charles had talked to Freya many times about his daughter's problem, but Freya refused at all. Let go.

Michelle's daily routine was routine. After eating in just 15 minutes, she found a literacy book and consciously returned to the bedroom to read. She only knew that this was what her mother asked her to do. , she must do it.

Charles was very annoyed and wandered in front of Freya's bedroom, occasionally looking at his daughter who was sleeping independently next door. She was still reading a book, and Charles walked in.

"Michelle, can I take you out to play?"

Michelle shook her head.

"Mom said no."

Charles tried to persuade her in every possible way, but in the end Michelle couldn't resist the temptation and stood up with a happy smile. Charles picked up Michelle and asked the butler to prepare the lift.

Looking at his overjoyed daughter next to him, Charles felt relieved. He also gave up the idea of ​​marrying Michelle to someone in advance. Maybe it was because of Wilsie's matter, but Charles was not sure.

It's just that Charles is a little dissatisfied with Freya's current way of teaching Michelle, which is too strict.

Soon, Charles took Michelle on the lift and went directly to Angel Paradise, a newly built amusement park with very cheap tickets. It was a place that most children in the city longed for.

Michelle lay excitedly at the window, looking at the huge Ferris wheel spinning in the distance. That was the place she wanted to go the most.

Soon at 12:39 noon, the takeoff and landing landed at Angel Paradise. Charles took Michelle and took the initiative to go to a place where tickets were collected and paid the money.

"Michelle, where do you want to go?"

Michelle blushed and pointed at the huge Ferris wheel.

Charles smiled and took Michelle there. The park was crowded with people for the New Year, and many facilities had not been built yet. The Ferris wheel had to be queued. As soon as Charles passed by, he saw that there were still people queuing up, and they wanted to ride depending on the situation. Ferris wheel, it will take at least 2 hours.

Moreover, there are regulations in the park. If anyone is found to have jumped the queue, they will be banned from entering the park for three years. There are surveillance everywhere. And the owner of this park, Charles knows better than anyone else, the purple god Deguna.

"Michelle, how about we go play with the train first?"

Michelle nodded excitedly, and Charles picked her up and quickly came to the track train where children played. Fortunately, there were few people here now, and most children should eat with adults.

Seeing Michelle getting on the train excitedly, Charles stood aside and smiled and waved.

Charles looked at his daughter who looked happy quietly. He planned to have a good talk with Freya about Michelle's education when he went back.

Time passed minute by minute, 1:13 in the afternoon

Located in a closed construction area in Angel Paradise, a large amount of construction materials are placed on site. Jean is piecing together some materials, and Deguna next to him is using telekinesis to move the materials. This is an indoor entertainment facility. Guna plans to build this place into an escape room type facility.

The design of the secret room was created by Werther, and the difficulty will range from the most basic to the most advanced. However, the construction progress is very slow. Recently, other guys are enjoying it and cannot come here at all.

The only way is to capture Jean, the free labor force, and work together.

"Can you hurry up Gene."

"I've just had my fill."

The construction of Angel Paradise is currently less than one-fifth, and only some amusement facilities on the south side are open.

"Just leave all the work to Fatty Gene. I think we can let go completely. As long as that girl Alpha is here, the problem can be solved."

Gene hummed, but shook his head again. None of these six guys wanted to care about the city's affairs. Apart from regularly gathering inside Section 10 to help Noah and Noah conduct scientific and technical tests and joint research, they basically I am enjoying today's life every day.

"Remember how many years we've all been working Gene!"

"123 years!"

Deguna sighed helplessly and dissipated her telekinesis. A large amount of material slowly fell to the ground, and the purple particles dissipated.

"Yes, after the Heavenly Punishment incident, we traveled around the world and lived in exile for 20 years, and finally came here. What did those 20 years mean to us!"

Gene put down what he was doing and just nodded quietly.

"Don't mention the past, Deguna. We just need to own the present and control the future!"

Deguna smiled and walked to Jean's side, squatting in front of him.

"Don't have too many feelings for humans. It's good for both of us. We have been working here for 123 years. We should be tired of all this long ago."

"I know what you want to say Deguna, I can never let go of something like you."

Deguna got up and started walking.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the paradise. The only thing I can do for mankind is to let them survive in an environment that will only continue to deteriorate in the future. We only need to enter the age of mechanization and we can leave. Yes, the Avalon plan is necessary and necessary. This is the only plan that gives mankind a chance to continue into the future."

The door to the construction site opened, the noise came in, and the two walked into the light. There were parents bringing their children to play everywhere.

Deguna stared at everything in front of her in a daze, looking a little dazed.

"Do you remember? What your two children looked like."

Jean asked, and Deguna laughed, with a hint of pain in her smile, and she shook her head.

“I don’t remember their appearance anymore, but I still remember their smiles.”

Jean nodded.

"I'll come over and help you when I'm free in the evening. I have to check on Frye!"

Deguna hummed.

"The kid hasn't woken up yet, if it really doesn't work"

Jean had already started walking and waved back. Soon many women noticed Jean and some moved closer.

"This idiot is still the same as before. If Ellie is still alive, she will be so angry that she will walk over and give him two big slaps!"

Jean was walking all the way, and people came over from time to time. After all, no one knows what Section 13 does. They only know that Jean, the chief of Section 13, is really handsome and has a face that no woman can refuse no matter what. , and the breath like warm wind all over the body.

At this time, in the distance, Jean saw Charles smiling happily, and Jean walked over slowly.

"Lord Jean, how could you."

"Come to help that guy Deguna."

Charles nodded, and Michelle walked out from inside. She looked up at the handsome white-haired man who was talking to her father and was half a head taller than her father. Her eyes were completely fixed on this man.

"What's wrong, little girl!"

Jean noticed Michelle, and Charles waved. Michelle walked over with a smile and lowered her head, and stood quietly next to Charles.

"Lord Jean, can you do me a favor?"

"What do you think!"

Charles squatted next to Michelle.

"Michelle, you go over and line up first. I have something I want to talk to Master Jean."

Michelle raised her head, and just as she was about to turn around, a big hand reached out and gently brushed the top of Michelle's head, helping her to flick away a small strip of dead leaves from her hair.

"Excuse me, Miss!"

Gene brushed away the dead leaves in his hands and turned his head. Michelle, being held by the housekeeper, still looked back from time to time to look at Gene.

"Miss, that man is the most handsome man in the city, Jean!"


Charles said with a worried look on Freya's current education method. He didn't agree with it because Michelle was only a 3-year-old child.

"Can you please help me talk to Freya when you have time, Sir Jean? She should be able to listen to your opinion."

Gene scratched his head.

"I'll go over there when I have time, Charles. It might be more useful for you to tell some things yourself than for me to tell you!"

Gene said and walked away, and Charles bowed. The first time he met this man was at a family gathering. At that time, his parents told him that this was one of the seven gods of Brilliant City. At that time, Charles didn't quite understand what God was.

However, after gradually understanding something later, Charles clearly felt that Jean was different from the other six gods. He was more like a human being.

Gene quickly found an alley, jumped directly to the high-rise building, and headed directly towards the headquarters of Section 4.

The afternoon sunshine gently poured into a white ward, and Marcus sat quietly next to a hospital bed. On the hospital bed, Frye's head was surrounded by tubes. His heart rate and blood pressure were normal, and his body was already healthy. They were all replaced with biological skin, which was genetically modified artificial skin cloned from Frye's skin cells.

It's just that Frye still hasn't woken up. Now in Frye's Mental Hospital, Hua Shen alone takes care of him every day, so as not to cause major problems to the patients there.

After consultation with all the students from God’s College in Department 4, it was found that the probability of Fry waking up was almost zero. His brain had been severely damaged. The beast gene technology in Marcus’ hands was not yet mature. Otherwise, he would have There is a way to wake up Fry.

During this year, all the students have come to see Frye, but the current situation is still not optimistic.

Frye is now in a vegetative state. If he does not rely on the breathing device and nanorobots, he will die, because the brain will no longer release breathing signals. These signals can only be produced by nanorobots to drive the normal operation of body functions.

But Marcus still has a way to implant the god's gene into Frye, but this is also extremely risky. The best thing is Tang Rao's gene. All this god's power can bring is that Marcus Si can't imagine.

This power, which is more like telepathy, is very miraculous and may help Fry wake up, but the risk is too high, and Fry himself is not a mutant. Marcus has also extracted Fry's cells and used them with him. Tang Rao's divine genes were fused, but all failed without exception.

Marcus blamed himself a little. He clearly should have stopped Frye, but failed to do so. He just left for a while.

"How's the situation?"

Gene's voice sounded from the window, and Marcus shook his head.

"It still doesn't work, principal. I can't find a way to revive Frye."

Gene jumped down from the window sill, walked to Marcus, and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's no one's fault Marcus, you've always liked to blame yourself!"

Marcus smiled wryly and nodded.

"Maybe Principal! What do you think I should do?"

Gene looked at Frye, who was still unconscious on the hospital bed. Gene would come here every now and then this year, but he was still in a coma.

"What the hell are you doing Fry!"


At the entrance of a shop called Hanaya on the middle floor, many men would look at the beautiful proprietress in the shop from time to time when they passed by. Some people would go to the shop for an excuse to buy flowers, but this proprietress should be For those who have owners, most people can only look at them like flowers, from a distance, but cannot touch them.

At this time, the men gathered at the door of the store dispersed in a hurry. Everyone looked at the street. A handsome man wearing the uniform of Section 5 with a green book and pink lace coat of arms walked over. The secretary of Section 5 Jill.

The customers who were still haggling with Tang Rao in the store also left wisely, and Jill walked into the store with a smile.

"Lord Tang Rao."

Tang Rao crossed his fingers with a smile, and Jill walked over quickly.

"Do not you have to work today?"

"The president will take care of it. I haven't been here for a long time."

Tang Rao smiled and pushed open the door of the lounge. Gil took off his hat and walked in. He looked at the noisy lounge and started to clean it up.

"It's a great time to spend time with an old woman like me. This is not what a handsome young man like you should do. Find a woman to get married to."

Jill smiled and shook her head.

"As long as I can follow Mr. Tang Rao for the rest of my life, that's all."

Tang Rao put his hand on his chin and smiled, leaning on the sofa, tilting his head and looking playfully at Jill who was cleaning up.

"If we can have a result, I wouldn't mind marrying you, a little puppy."

Jill laughed loudly and shook her head helplessly.

"You don't have to get married, Mr. Tang Rao. As long as I can look at you, I'll be satisfied."

Tang Rao stood up and got behind Gil, putting his hands on Gil's shoulders.

"I mean seriously Jill, I recently met a nice little girl, may I introduce her to you?"

Jill shook her head.

"Why don't you take a look? I've already made an appointment with her to introduce her to a handsome guy."

Gil put down what he was holding, turned around, took a step back, and bowed.

"Spare me, Master Tang Rao, but if you ask me, I will go."

Tang Rao sighed helplessly.

"Why can't you listen to advice! An old woman like me is not worthy of you giving your life to Jill."

Gil shook his head and continued to pack up.

"I think it's worth it, Mr. Tang Rao! By the way, Mr. Witte, it seems that he and Mr. Lolita recently moved to a small farm on the family side. I want to go over and see Mr. Lolita in a few days. Do you want to Don’t come with me, Lord Tang Rao.”

Tang Rao shook his head.

"I won't go. I plan to stay with Rose for a few days and have a drink with her."

"Sir Tang Rao will be very busy this year. I'm afraid I won't have time to come over in a short time."

Tang Rao walked over and put his arms around Jill. This kid who could hold Jill with one hand when he was a child has now grown up.

"If you have time, please advise Alpha not to be so anxious. I'm a little worried about her."

"The president has made up his mind to solve the family's marriage problem. Mr. Tang Rao, you also know what kind of character the president is. She is the kind of person who doesn't listen to advice at all."

Tang Rao hummed.

"Recently I have been busy dealing with the mutant rampage, which happened in many places. The last days of those guys' lives were really..."

"Stop talking about it Gil, if you feel you can't bear it, just let Osman and the others handle it."

Jill hummed.

"I will consider it. By the way, Mr. Tang Rao, Zijuan has decided to have a baby."

Tang Rao was a little surprised.

"Thinking about that tall and thick child of Osman and Zijuan makes me shudder."

"I think so."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

3 o'clock in the afternoon

Over the eastern farms, the sun's rays made everything in the air hot and humid.

Lolita sat quietly in the electric wheelchair, and in the distance Werther was working in the fields, wearing suspenders twisted into trousers and bucket boots.

Lolita stretched out her hands with some difficulty, grabbed the water glass next to her, and took a sip. Her lower limbs were still unable to move. Although she had recovered, she still had no consciousness at all. But it was a miracle that she survived. .

"Mr. Witte, please take a rest."

Werther stood up, dusted himself off, walked to the table in front of the cabin, and sat next to Lolita. Lolita handed him a glass of water.

"If you want to go for a walk in the city, I'll push you there."

Lolita hummed.

"Just go to the nearest district 18."

Werther said as he stood up, intending to pack a package, take everything Lolita needed, and then walk over.

In his free time, Werther would take Lolita to many places, push her around the city, and also go to the homes of some students to gather. However, the students of the God's College now basically spend all year long. The two of them didn't bother them while they were working.

"Mr. Witte, is there nothing we can do about it? It's about Frye."

Werther hummed.

"It's really a pity that Frye, who doesn't talk much but is more willing to care about others than anyone else, will end up like this."

"It will be fine. After all, medical technology is constantly innovating. I believe those students are capable of solving it. That's why they entered the academy, isn't it?"

Werther pushed Lolita out of the small manor. At this time, some people on the street looked at the two of them strangely, because this place used to be Frye's home. Since the case happened, this place has been basically ignored. They found a wasteland, but more than a year ago, after these two people came here, they started to restore everything here alone.

"Mr. Witte, why don't we go to Section 2? We haven't seen the students in Section 2 for a long time."

Werther hummed.

"No matter where you go, my time is unlimited Lolita. In your limited time, I will take you wherever you want to go."

The temperature in the city is still high. During the two hours from 3 to 5 noon, it is impossible to work in such high temperatures. Most people can only escape the heat in their houses.


Mo Xiaolan watched the lunch box in his hand being kicked away by K. Mo Xiaolan's eyes widened in an instant, and tears flowed out for some reason.

"How many times have I told you not to follow me any further? Have you found anything after searching for so many years? You are like this."

"today is my birthday!"

K seemed a little embarrassed, because Mo Xiaolan was currently in a dangerous situation in Section 2, and even some of the new members did not want to be with her. Although the lowest level in Section 2 was level 3, But within Section 2, they are still the same as ordinary section members.


K squatted on the ground and carefully used telekinesis to pick up the food scattered on the floor.

"I will not stop. I will dig out the pursuit of the Hillman family no matter what. I have already spied some links in the past. Once..."

K shook his head.

"I don't want to stop you from investigating, but you have to work with your colleagues anyway. After all, you are more suitable for managing Section 2 than the three of us. I prefer going outside than directing such things. Investigation, that guy R has been working more and more heavily recently, and he hasn’t left the door of Section 2 for a long time.”

Mo Xiaolan hummed, took the spoon and continued to eat, feeling a wave of sadness in her heart. She just doubted the Hillman family. She doubted the Hillman family all the time. She didn't want to be a manager. , she just wants to know the source of those suspicious cases in the past.

Nowadays, the practices of Section 2 have begun to change. The illegal intrusion investigation has revealed too many holes. Locke has been here several times and hopes that the people of Section 2 will not continue to conduct such barbaric secret investigations.

"You are really more suitable than us, little lazy one. The work we can do is the same as before, there is still no change. Find the source of the danger and extinguish the flame before it starts burning."

Mo Xiaolan shook his head.

"Sorry, I'm not suitable!"

After saying that, Mo Xiaolan stood up and walked slowly. After a while, C appeared behind K.

"Maybe we shouldn't have such high demands on her. She can't stand it anymore. I think it's better to let her rest for a while."

K hummed.

"I think you're the one who should rest C, after all."

C smiled and slapped K on the back.

"I'm already planning to conduct an infiltration investigation, Hillman Pharmaceuticals."

"Once exposed, it will be very troublesome."

C shook his head.

"I'll fix everything before it's exposed."

At this time, in the office of the section chief of Section 2, on the second floor of a three-story building, R squinted and was looking at the list of the latest batch of administrative staff.

"It's really difficult! Teacher Gu Yi."

At this time, Gu Yi, who was standing by the window and wearing a white coat, smiled and shook his head.

"You just have to figure it out. I'm here to get the network data today."

R nodded.

"Teacher Gu Yi, I always feel that the barrier area is a big problem and must be cleaned up quickly. A large number of criminals have gathered there. It will be impossible if Section 3 does not act quickly. How about we let Section 2 do it for us? It only takes three months to completely clear out the criminals in the barrier area."

Gu Yi hummed.

"Go tell Principal Jean about this. We don't care about these things now."

R stood up, opened his eyes and walked to Gu Yi's side.

"I have already talked with the principal. The principal said that it should be handled by Section 3. After all, this is the next step in the construction of Section 3. But now we need to cut military spending to help with urban construction. Section 3 has been unable to take action. If things go on like this, It’s impossible to go down.”

R said, raising his hand and using telekinesis to grab a light and shadow phone.

"Preliminary estimates show that the number of criminals in the barrier area is now at least 30,000. I feel that we can no longer sit idly by and ignore them. Most of them will enter from the southwest. The situation there is not good. People from Section 5 have already joined forces with They exchanged fire."

Gu Yi glanced at the report of Section 2 and asked.

"So what do you think we should do?"

"Prisons are overcrowded, and we don't have that much time and energy to deal with these escapees. The best way is to find the location of these criminals. Direct use of small light nuclear weapons to clean up is the most effective."

Gu Yi nodded.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you. I need to know their exact location within a month."

After R bowed, he looked out the window. The only thing he could do now was to clear out the criminals who kept sneaking back into the city from the north and west before the danger in the barrier area emerged.

The strike range of small optical nuclear weapons is within 5 kilometers, which is enough to wipe out all life within 5 kilometers. This approach does not require a waste of manpower and material resources, and no one needs to think about the problems involved. After the light spreads, everything will disappear Nothing.

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